Sequential Art (webcomic)

Sequential Art is a webcomic drawn by Phillip M. Jackson about a group of unlikely anthropomorphic housemates.
Art is a chronically frustrated graphic designer (and the only human living in the house); Kat, a cat girl, is a fun loving photographer; Pip, a penguin, is a stereotypical geek who is obsessed with comics and computers, and Scarlet is a naïve and energetic squirrel girl whose spastic behavior and short attention span masks her true intellect.
After the arc covering Scarlet's Backstory, the other members of a Think Tank also live with the foursome.
It can be read here.
- A-Cup Angst: Surprisingly, Kat.
- She is not exactly an A-cup, but it does fit her.
- Adult Child:
- Scarlet and co.
- Pip.
- Aerosol Flamethrower: Pip's attempt to kill the shower spider.
- A.I. Is a Crapshoot: Oz
- The Aesthetics of Technology: Pip makes the mistake of stealing tech from the Denizens based on appearance.
- All Up to You: Twice. Art even lampshades it.
- All Men Are Perverts: Pip certainly is. Art nine times out of ten is more of an Accidental Pervert.
- And then there's that tenth time.
- Alpha Bitch: Hilary, Kat's rival since grade school.
- And There Was Much Rejoicing: The general reaction when Kat accidentally gives her old Sadist Teacher a fatal heart attack. Nearly everyone was singing Ding Dong The Witch Is Dead.
- Ass Shove: "Where's your sword?"
- Arch Enemy: Jack
- Art Evolution: Subtly Lampshaded.
- Attack! Attack! Retreat! Retreat!: Once the Eldak realize their weapons can't kill Art, the next logical step is to run away.
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Scarlet and her sisters fulfill this trope to a T.
- Aura Vision: Vanity Thorn can see auras as well as ghosts.
"Good call, Stoker." |
- Author Appeal: Busty anthro women with thin waists.
- And to some degree, large muscular women with disproportionally small heads.
- Author Avatar: Mr. Jackson appears as a hamster. Usually.
- Bare Your Midriff: Kat's wardrobe consists of a sleeveless belly shirt and short shorts. At least she wears sweaters and such during the winter months.
- Barefoot Cartoon Animals: The animal characters.
- Batman Gambit: The Think Tank pulls one on Pip in their "Realm of Lorecraft" board game.
- Battle in the Rain: Kat Vs. Hilary
- Beach Episode: Sadly no. The Trope is just referenced and lampshaded here.
- Beam-O-War: A tiny one, but the effect is there.
- Berserk Button: Pip really doesn't like quick-time events.
- Big Eater: Scarlet
- Big No: Pip, when the comic store is burning down.
- Big Ol' Eyebrows: Art
- Big Red Button: Admittedly, we can't tell what color it is, but it grabs Scarlet's attention in the same matter and thus Kat has to intervene to prevent potential disaster. Given it's an Emergency button, we can probably assume it's red.
- Bland-Name Product: Far Trek, EBuy, The Metrix, Temple Raider, Realm of Lorcraft, Nightlight, and the list goes on.
- Hello Pages deserves a mention.
- Strip 735 has four: Arkham Lockdown, Contemporary Warfare 3, Skyroam, and Saints Boulevard 3.
- Bleached Underpants:
- Referenced in-universe in a strip where Art draws such material for a commission.
- Averted in Real Life, since the artist is still drawing the naughty stuff - it's even advertised on his main site. The reason he's against his portfolios being shared is because they're the majority of his income, as he's ranted about several times.
- Braces of Orthodontic Overkill: Poor Kat
- Bread, Eggs, Milk, Squick: OZBASIC mnemonics.
- Break the Haughty: Hilary, Kat's arch-nemesis from grade school, downgraded from high-powered advertising executive to sitting in the unemployment office. Next to Pip, who wants to talk about her previous "career".
- Broken Record: Scarlet in this strip.
- Brown Note: An image that combines all known fetishes.
- Bullethole Door: Or at least a beamhole trapdoor.
- Call Back: The very first strip, this strip over five hundred strips later, and strip #1000.
- And for a more literal Call Back, there's Crazy Boris, who may or may not also be Crazy Sven. And possibly the guy on the box of crackers.
- The spider from all the way back in strip 7 makes a re-appearance during Scarlet's flashback, as well as somewhat justifying how Pip managed to blow up the bathroom with a deoderant flamethrower.
- Another recent call back is in strip #765 regarding the Denizen's technology that pip sold to the two nerds in strip #344 that teleported them to the middle of the Gobi desert in Mongolia.
- Can't Draw Perverted Pictures of a Not-Exactly Love Interest: Art refuses to put on paper what he imagined when Kat asked what sort of fantasy costume would look good on her (see All Men Are Perverts above).
- Cassandra Truth:
- The intruder's female, she's a five foot tall squirrel-thing...
- Once more when Kat gets kidnapped.
- Cat Fight: Usually involves Kat and Hilary. Latest example here.
- Catgirl: The appropriately named Kat (short for Kathleen).
- Cat Smile: Kat in this strip while vacuuming up the Denizens.
- Cats Are Mean: Generally averted. Sometimes invoked.
- Cerebus Syndrome: Twice the artist has taken a few months to do long arc stories involving the plucky characters combating dangerously powerful adversaries like the Denizens or Oz, only to have the conflict resolved and go right back to the "Gag-A-Day" Format.
- Cheek Copy: It's implied that Pip did this with Art's scanner
- Chekhov's Gun:
- The chip in the back of Art's neck, which he only thinks is there. Probably.
- Chekhov's Pez Dispenser Gun!!
- And then there's Chekhov's Ghoul. Thought it was just a throw-away Take That at Uwe Boll? Think again.
- Chew Bubblegum: Pip quotes the famous line before passing out weapons to rescue Kat.
- The Chew Toy: Poor Leonard. If anything non-lethal, but unpleasant can happen to him, it will. If it cannot, it happens anyway.
- Clap Your Hands If You Believe: The 'anti-tech energy' and the fake chip that counters it.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Scarlet
- Cluster F-Bomb: Who says gamers are immature?
- Colourful Theme Naming: The Squirrel Girls: Amber[1], Scarlet, Jade[2] and Violet[3].
- Which were derived from their Subject Numbers -- 4M83R, 5C4RL37, J4D3 and V10L37.
- Companion Cube: The Buddy Brick.
- Cool and Unusual Punishment
Jack: Dance, tubby! Dance or ISSUE ONE GETS CREASED! |
- Cool but Inefficient: Pip grabs a rather large gun because it looked dangerous. It actually is powerful as it was shown to blast off a door, but it's actually just a popcorn popper, and as such has a range measured in only a few centimeters.
- Cooldown Hug: Art gets one from Kat, when's he's understandably upset with Scarlet after she THREW HIM IN FRONT OF A DEATH RAY!
- Given her Big No when the spoilered incident happened, that may be Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other rather than meant as a Cooldown Hug.
- Cosmic Plaything: Art's skill of collecting troubles and dangerous adventures is only outmatched by the Universe's eagerness to provide them.
- Covers Always Lie: Mr. Jackson really gets on his soapbox about this one.
- Covert Pervert: Kat
- Crazy Prepared: Pip's ready for the Zombie Apocalypse.
- Crossover: Leonard gets zapped into sibling Dada Comics strip Spider and Scorpion during the OZBASIC arc.
- Curse Cut Short: "YOU UTTER B--" BING-BONG!
- The Cutie: Scarlet (and her sisters, by association).
- Dark Is Not Evil: The Denizens are pretty sinister looking things but they're pretty much harmless... except for Jack
- Dark Secret: Art and Pip may have killed someone. Or maybe buried a sword.
- Deep-Immersion Gaming
- Department of Redundancy Department: "Prepare for deadly laser death time... with LASERS!"
- Detail-Hogging Cover: See Covers Always Lie
- Disembodied Eyebrows: Pretty much everyone who has eyebrows has had them floating off their head at one point or another.
- Double Edged Answer: A psychotic AI gasses all personnel in a government facility. As Art, Pip, and Scarlet are sneaking in, Pip uses a small mirror to see around a corner.
Art: Well? Any security guards? |
- Double Entendre: Kat claims that there's pee in her bag in this strip. Turns out to be the Wintendo Pee.
- Double Take: Art, when he hears that Kat killed her former teacher.
- Dream Sequence: 622 to 634
- Droste Image: Pip meets the Author Avatar hamster in the strip itself. He gives Pip a copy of his latest strip (which at the time was that very strip.) Pip looks at the strip, which is about Pip looking at the strip, looking at the strip, looking at the strip and so on.
- Dynamic Entry: Kat slams Hilary with a flying kick to the face for the above-mentioned lies she spread about Kat.
- Eldritch Abomination: Four live in the town's requisite Haunted House. Also: the Denizens, creatures that evolved from the shadow of a condemned criminal.
- Although the Denizens actually become rather cute after their leader was incapacitated, leaving them to mill around the house aimlessly, watching soap operas and assist with random chores.
- Epic Fail: The only way to describe this.
- Everyone Can See It: Say "yes, Ms. Thorn"... Valentines sequence -- pleasant surprise, blush, awkwardness, Face Palm.
- Everything's Better with Penguins: Pip.
- Everything's Better with Platypi: Leonard.
- Evil Is Hammy: Jack.
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Sequential Art refers to comics. Even more so, it's the story of a guy called Art.
- An artist named Art, no less.
- Explosive Overclocking: "For the love of God, man! Shut it down! SHUT IT DOW-
- Expy: Many, usually Bland-Name Product-type expys, but special mention should go to the Eldaks, who are fairly obviously inspired by Doctor Who's Daleks. They even use the same Catch Phrase: EXTERMINATE!
- Eye Scream:
- Faux Affably Evil: Jack and Oz are both extremely evil, but they're just so funny at the same time.
- Flashback Twist: Twice. Art asks Scarlet if the washing machine broke. Kat asks Scarlet if anyone messed with the Christmas lights.
- Fluffy the Terrible: Pickles the Dragon. Looks like a cute puppy/dragon hybrid right? It unleashes its "beast" side by TURNING ITSELF INSIDE OUT!
- Fridge Logic: Art is often unable to convince the authorities to help him with various situations, with the idea being that the situations are too weird for anyone to believe. Regular enough for humor value, but one of the weird things that no one believes (or he thinks no one will believe) is that his housemates are anthropomorphic animals. Yet no one bats an eye when Pip, Kat, or Scarlet go out in public. Kat and Hilary both apparently attended a public school, Kat has a job with a human boss and Hilary is a client for Art's company at one point and the head of a lingerie company. So if anthropomorphic animals are so accepted, why would the police not, say, believe a call that a squirrel girl broke into the house?
- Rule of Funny.
- I think I found the answer.
- Funetik Aksent: Part of the writer's signature style is spelling random things phonetically.
- Furry Comic: Oh, excuse me I mean "Anthropomorphic Animal Comic"
- He claims quite vehemently that he's not a furry, and that he only uses anthropomorphic characters in his comic because they make for easily-identified character archetypes. Yeah. Sure they do.
- He's also drawn smut with furry characters. He puts it on his sketchbook page. He puts it on his blog. He puts it on his blog next to the posts about how it's not furryism. He's either a master at doublethink, or he's trolling for all he's worth.
- Make of this what you will.
- There's actually a very good reasoning behind him doing Furry and Transformation Comic portfolios -- the market is there. There is no market for risque non furry art, outside of fanart of established series, and that market is extremely small in comparison.
- A possible explanation could be that it's not that he doesn't like furries; he just thinks the word "furry" sounds stupid. Its really a rose by any other name. Plus, most furries distinguish the term "anthro" as the word for the characters themselves, and "furry" for the fans of said characters.
- Fans which he draws like this. The man knows the Internets.
- Of course, the whole argument centers around the rather Fridge Logic idea that someone has to be a furry to draw anthropomorphic characters as opposed to any number of other valid reasons.
- It should be noted that he doesn't like to do naughty work with the strip's main characters. Fact he created a naughty skunkette character so he wouldn't have to. And she doesn't appear in the comic. As of now, only two characters in the series have had full nude pinups, and they are both very minor characters (Helga is not a part of the cast), and neither of them are furry.
- Furry Confusion: Leonard
- Gadgeteer Genius: Scarlet. Managed to use household tools to build a working Wave Motion Gun. Also her sisters managed to make a lawnmower escape the earth's atmosphere.
- Its been argued that Scarlet might be a Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass.
- And now they've turned a
SlinkySlanky into perpetual motion engine.
- Genius Ditz: Scarlet and her sisters.
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Oldman! You are needed!
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Pip certainly seems to think so.
- G.I.R.L.: Invoked and averted here.
- Glasgow Grin: A variation. It's stated in Jack's official bio that his "mouth" is actually a crack in his face, meaning he's broken. This pretty much explains why he was the only Denizen who turned out to be evil.
- Hard-Drinking Party Girl: Kat stays sober all year...until New Year's Eve, when she gets totally smashed. Her "New Year's Resolution" for several years now has been to "stop drinking so much alcohol during the holiday season".
- Hive Mind: Again, Scarlet and her sisters. The reason they're such ditzes most of the time is that each is one part out of a 4-part superintelligence. As seen when everyone plays the board version of Land of Lorecraft: everyone against Pip, the squirrel sisters manage to pull off a spectacular plan on Pip to allow Kat and Art to beat him unhindered.
- Which just goes to show, never challenge a bio-supercomputer to a strategy game
- The Denizens also seem to need a truly evil member of their species - such as Jack - to behave in any way malevolent.
Scarlet & her sisters: ...we are legion! |
- Hoist by His Own Petard: Jack.
- Homage: The "Quinten R&D" arc.
- I dare you to not read all of OZBASIC's lines in GLaDOS's voice.
- Hot Amazon: Helga, the in-universe assistant to PMJ's Author Avatar. This image reveals that she's actually a Valkyrie kicked out of Asgard for undisclosed property damage.
- Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Pip and Fern in this "Victory Pose"
- Hypocritical Humor: Art of all people cannot take characters with crazy eyebrows seriously.
- I Didn't Mean to Turn You On: here.
- Improbable Weapon User: Scarlet threatens Jack with Grievous Harm with a Body using Leonard
- Incendiary Exponent: Ezekiel Pretz doesn't stop trying to stab Kat and Vanity after he gets set on fire. At least until his arm falls off.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Scarlet and her sisters again. Even after the artist bleaches the comic's underpants, the most they ever wear are t-shirts, and they have no qualms about removing them.
- Innocent Innuendo:
- Ironic Echo Cut: seen here
- Kill Sat: Jack's favorite toy.
- Karma Houdini: Scarlet directly causes the death of an unknown, but presumably very large, number of people through her inattentive actions when she activates the above mentioned Kill Sat. Beyond Pip calmly stating "I'll kill her", this is never brought up again. You might think that letting the villain destroy a skyscraper and turn people on the ground into dust, solely because of her stupidity, might cause some sort of repercussions. Presumably the reason she's never called on this is because she's cute.
- It could be, but this troper would bet it on the fact that she's essentially socially and developmentally retarded, and it's not like the protagonists are going to turn on her for something she didn't mean to do.
- A number of the more dangerous situations that the protagonists find themselves in can be traced back to Scarlet in one way or another, really. She created the ray gun that provided the technological basis for the Kill Sat, her connection to Quinten indirectly leads to a potential link between Oz and the aforementioned Kill Sat through Kat's kidnapping, and her (and her sisters') latest lawnmower design causes Art to be considered a threat worth of EXTERMINATION by a group of robotic aliens.
- Kids Are Cruel: To Art at least. Timmy talks to Kat nicely and normally while, at the same time, barraging the poor sod with snowballs.
- Killer Rabbit: Leonard the platypus, of all characters. What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome??
- Large Ham: Jack.
- Les Yay: Of the dream sequence kind.
- Also Kat/Scarlet and Kat/Vanity. Kat gets this a lot.
- Let's Get Dangerous: When the Villains come out to play: You got to get dangerous. PIP DANGEROUS!
- Limited Wardrobe: Pip is by far the guiltiest, wearing his trademark sweater on the hottest day of the summer.
- At first, Scarlet is naked. When she finally gets a (singular) shirt, she never changes it. Lampshaded in one comic when Art suggests she wash it, so she does -- without taking it off.
- Living Crashpad: Art "landed on something soft"
- Living Shadow: The Denizens
- Lock and Load Montage
- Logic Bomb: Destroys WALL-E in the Director's Cut
- Look Behind You!: It doesn't work.
- MacGyvering: Scarlet and her "sisters" worked in R&D. Thus, they used to build all sorts of crazy stuff they invent as Think Tank. One request stated too vaguely, one souvenir blaster, a handful of scavenged random parts -- and Hilarity Ensues.
- Mad Scientist: Think Tank.
Scarlet: Me and the girls can fix eet! |
- Magic Skirt: Averted, HARD.
- Marshmallow Hell:
- Why the Author Avatar is a hamster.
- Also, look at that smug bastard Leonard here.
- Here, as well, although he's much less pleased with the situation.
- Mini-Mecha: 4mb3r pilots one starting here.
- Mission Control Is Off Its Meds: OZBASIC, as stated above, is an homage to GlaDOS and is to Kat what GlaDOS is to Chell.
- Ms. Fanservice: "Quickly, Helga! To the web-cam!"
- Mundane Made Awesome: Salad.
- Mundane Utility: Pip uses a TIE Interceptor to go grocery shopping.
- Nerd Glasses: Pip wears a pair of goggles.
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: Demon-summoning zombie pirate Ezekiel Pretz.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Mr. Funk Cho, Jimmy Dapp, Sean Connolly.
- Noodle Incident: "Do you think anyone will find her out here?"
- Not-So-Harmless Villain: In his initial appearances, Jack was a complete joke of a villain. Then he almost nukes the world. Yikes.
- Not-So-Innocent Whistle: Scarlet after she accidentally gives Jack the technology for a powerful ray gun.
- Number of the Beast: Lampshaded, or something, by the Author Avatar himself in the 666th strip. Bonus Points for the Zalgo reference.
- Nutty Squirrel: Scarlet.
- Oddly-Visible Eyebrows: Art's eyebrows can be seen through his mage bandanna in these strips. Yet he feels Narm when he sees Sylar on TV...
- Lampshaded by the artist.
- Only Sane Man: Art
- Or Are You Just Happy to See Me?: Art and Kat trapped in a closet. BROOM HANDLE!
- And in the next comic: "Well, then stop rubbing your arse against me!"
- Panty Shot: It doesn't matter what the author says
- Here too. That's what you get when you try a Dynamic Entry in a rather short dress.
- Perky Goth: Vanity Thorn, an old friend of Kat's.
- Porn Stash:
Art: Have you been using my laptop again? |
- Powered Armor: Scarlett and her sisters make a suit in this strip to fight a giant bug. Or rather were intending to make a Humongous Mecha, made a scaling error, then liked it and made more "Soopa Soots".
- ...but later built one Mini-Mecha anyway -- as a carrier for them. Aerospace carrier.
- Power Glows: "Why do these mystical tomes have to be so bright?!"
- Pre-Explosion Glow: BOOM!
- The above link is also an example of Explosive Instrumentation.
- Percussive Maintenance: Done to Scarlet in one of the Christmas lead up pages Jingle Bells indeed
- Puppy Dog Eyes: Despite being a cat girl, Kat does this pretty well.
- Sadist Teacher: Ms. Strinpit - possibly only towards Kat and the kids in her last school, judging by how she gave Hilary the easiest questions and assigned Kat with ones that couldn't be answered without research (research she would never allow). More like Evil Teacher, really.
- Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: Yoink!
- Say It with Hearts: Think Tank finally notices the Flying Trashcans:
(squirrel girls): ♥ ♥ Field test! ♥ ♥ |
- Screams Like a Little Girl: Art, as Kat finds out while watching a slasher with him and Pip.
- Scenery Censor: Scarlet originally ran around the house naked. Kat eventually got her a jumper. Her sisters wear shirts from their old science lab. They're still 1 awkward pose away from falling out of them.
- Scooby Stack: The squirrel girls express their fear of open spaces by hugging a doorway in a Stack.
- Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness:
- Employed by Pip at one point to trick Scarlet into going through with one of his crazy schemes.
- He does it again, this time to sell "an exquisite example of early-nineties cult decoration" -- which is a singing electric sunflower.
- Sequential Artist: Considering the title, it's not a surprise that this is Art's occupation.
- She Is Not My Girlfriend: Vanity mistakes Art and Kat for couple. Kat says Art is just a friend. Sure...
- Newer material reinforces that they might be more than friends.
- Shout-Out: References turn up from time to time. Usually ranging from Charlie Brown and Dilbert and Wally watching an orbital cannon vaporize Gabe.
- And note the village sign in this strip.
- Can we get the reference made there please?
- Unless I'm mistaken, it's a reference to the village of Royston Vasey from The League of Gentlemen.
- Can we get the reference made there please?
- The lab the squirrels are originally from, along with the AI that controls the whole thing, bear an uncanny resemblance to Portal.
- At a comics convention, Art Squees over cartoonist "Funk Cho" ... who, like the Author Avatar of Liberty Meadows' Frank Cho, looks quite monkey-ish.
- During a photo shoot, Kat and Vanity stay at the Overlook Hotel.
- Combination Star Trek: The Next Generation and 1984 in this strip.
- "Tomb"?
- The storyline about DeCerto manor and immortal pirate. And the males investigating seemed quite like Ghostbusters, including a reference to "proton packs."
- And then there was Minecraft.
- The Martian Invasion story arc has one to Doctor Who. The Eldak are basically expies of the Daleks, their very name is an anagram of the infamous pepper-pots and they use the Dalek's Catch Phrase, "Exterminate!". Then another to Star Wars when Pip finds some TIE Interceptors to play with.
- Pip the penguin apparently has an Uncle Feathers who was a career criminal. Sure enough, his last name turns out to be McGraw.
- The Squirrel Girls' perpetual-motion device involved manipulating gravity by a process they termed "Cavoration."
- Scarlet has an adventure which combines elements of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Wizard of Oz. With herself as an airhead mix of Lucy (who frees the anthro lion king) and Dorothy, who didn't realize the water in that bucket was frozen solid....
- It turns out the housemates' next-door neighbors are Roger and Jessica Lapin. Bizarrely, Jessica Lapin looks nothing like either of the Rabbits ... but Roger Lapin does. Look (and when first seen, dress) exactly like Jessica Rabbit, that is.
- And note the village sign in this strip.
- Side-Story Bonus Art: The gallery on Deviant ART -- enjoy Fan Service, trolling, trollservice...
- Significant Anagram: Eldak --> Dalek
- Slap Slap Kiss: After around 600 comics of basically hating each other... Turns out to be All Just a Dream. Dream? Try Katapult Nightmare.
- Smooch of Victory: Art saves Kat from the Denizens. She rewards him, but the conditions weren't quite ideal.
- Snowball Fight
- Speech Bubbles Interruption
- Spooky Silent Library: Under the House.
- Squirrelly Ears Lawyer: Scarlet and her sisters.
- Squee: Kat's reaction to her first Royalty Check.
- Starfish Language: Unsurprisingly, the four Eldritch Abominations speak in Black Scribbles.
- Stripperiffic: Lampshaded by Kat.
- Art also has an Imagine Spot of such outfit that pretty much consists of The Thong of Shielding in this strip.
- Kat ends up doing the exact same thing, unfortunately for her it doesn't quite translate when she tries to put it down on paper.
- Stealth Insult: Brilliantly inverted when Art gives Kat a Stealth Compliment.
- "Stop Having Fun!" Guys: In-universe -- Art gets very annoyed Kat's having fun with her new Wintendo system. He gets over it. We think.
- Stuff Blowing Up: Most of the Think Tank's inventions lead to this.
- Subliminal Seduction: Played with here. Technically, this isn't subliminal.
- Super-Deformed: In Scarlet's imagination, anyway.
- Supervillain Lair: Again, Under the House in the form of an Elaborate Underground Base.
- Take That: Uwe Boll is ragged on in at least two comics; see below.
- Nightlight gets one as well, when Pip is disgusted with how the movie got Scarlet and her sisters to think that all vampires are hot, sparkly, and nonthreatening. He promptly treats them to Oldman's version of Dracula.
- Team Pet: Leonard
- Tears of Remorse
- Tender Tears
- There Are No Girls on the Internet: Art convinced Pip the girl he meets on "Realm of Lorecraft" is really a guy. Turns out she is a girl -- and for extra fun, is every bit as bimbo-tastic as her character's design.
- This Is Unforgivable!
Pip: They made Scarlet cry. They. Must. Pay. |
- Throwing Your Gun Always Works: Well, it was a fake gun to begin with.
- Transplant: Kat and Vanity were characters from a superhero comic Jackson had done years prior.
- Unpleasable Fanbase: In-Universe example, Poor poor Art.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: Whenever Art and Kat are together they're either Like an Old Married Couple or Ship Tease happens. Everyone Can See It.
- Lampshaded painfully here.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: In the aforementioned Dream Sequence, Hillary convinces a guy that Kat is really a post-op named Kevin. The guy, who was interested in Kat, squicks hard. Hillary is doing that just to ruin Kat's evening.
- Unsound Effect: 'Violate Violate', from Spider and Scorpion 83.
- Uwe Boll: Pip experiences it.[context?]
- And, apparently, Uwe'Boll is one of 4 demons: he is that "whose touch turns all to poo" (which turns out to be a plot point.)
- Victoria's Secret Compartment: Helga
- In case you were wondering exactly why PMJ's Author Avatar is a hamster...
- Villainous Breakdown: When the Eldak's best attack simply reverts Art back to his normal, slim self, they instantly believe that he's invincible and panic.
- Walking Techbane: Art, and any other artists. At least until getting the chip.
- Weaksauce Weakness: Scarlet's sisters were brainwashed into having a crippling phobia of the outdoors to prevent them from ever running away like Scarlet did.
- Of course, this being Think Tank, the limitation was eventually circumvented by tinkering up opaque visors that show everything without depth perception.
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?[context?]
- Wetware CPU: Amber, Jade, Violet, and Scarlet formed a four-part organic supercomputer at Quinten R&D.
- You Have Outlived Your Usefulness:
- Your Head Asplode: Here.
- Your Vampires Suck: "I will NOT have one of cinema's greatest monsters belittled by hair-product-obsessed pretty boys.
- Zalgo: took over the Author Avatar during strip 666.[context?]