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* ''[[Digital Devil Saga]]'':
{{quote| 'Dying Message': "Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of a long road--neither human nor devil...All bends to my will."}}
** Where do you find such an audacious boast? {{spoiler|After the ''[[Bonus Boss]]'' fight against the ridiculously hard Demi-Fiend, the protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne!}}
* ''[[Dragon Age]]: Origins'':
{{quote| '''Oghren:''' This is it, Warden. "When from the blood of battle the Stone has fed, let the heroes prevail and the blighters lie dead." As one of the blighters, I sodding salute you. Let us show them our hearts, and then show them THEIRS.}}
* Done [[Crowning Moment of Funny|hilariously]] in the original ''[[Fallout]]'' in an otherwise serious situation.
{{quote| '''Set:''' I am Set. Why do you tread my shadow?<br />
'''[[Player Character|Vault Dweller]]:''' I am the bringer of death. Fall to your knees and beg for mercy... Or give me a sandwich; I'm pretty hungry. }}
** In ''[[Fallout 3]]'' Fawkes doesn't really have great ''lines'' for boasts, but his voice actor's ''delivery'' of lines like "YOU!!! LOSE!!!", "I WIN AGGAAAAIN!!!!" and just his regular guttural screams qualify.
** In ''[[Fallout: New Vegas]]'', the Courier may deliver these if you take the [[Exactly What It Says Onon the Tin|Terrifying Presence]] perk. For instance: upon your first visit to Nipton, Vulpes Inculta, dog-head-wearing captain of Caesar's brutal Frumentarii who just slaughtered the entire town, will try to muscle his way into making you take a quest where you spread word of the Legion's atrocities. Your response, right to his face?
{{quote| '''The Courier:''' I'll wear your head like you wear that dog's.<br />
'''Vulpes:''' [[Oh Crap|Legion! We have a problem!]] }}
*** Even better is the one against the Brotherhood Paladins who murdered an outpost of Followers doctors.
{{quote| '''The Courier''': I'll cast down your Codex and bask in the dying agony of those who hold it dear.}}
** NCR [[Cold Sniper|First Recon's]] motto: "The last thing you never see." The former member who first tells you this adds, "It was pretty accurate, and so were we."
** One from Fallout 3, by the [[Player Character]]:
{{quote| ''I'm going to kill you '''so''' much.''}}
*** Or the more memorable one to Colonel Autumn during the interrogation. The best part is how simple it is and you can just hear him saying it very calmly.
{{quote| '''Lone Wanderer''': Fuck you! I'm not telling you anything.<br />
'''Col. Autumn''': Now, now. Let's discuss this reasonably.<br />
'''Lone Wanderer''': No, seriously. ''Fuck you.'' }}
** [[Memetic Badass|Joshua]] [[Implacable Man|Graham]] has two notable ones. The first is if you point a gun at him:
{{quote| ''"Make your first shot count, you won't get a second."''}}
** The second is if you threaten Daniel:
{{quote| ''"[[Papa Wolf|If you harm Daniel or any of the Sorrows or Dead Horses, I will find you. Make no mistake. God willing, you will not leave this valley.]]"''}}
** Joshua Graham may also well be the only person whose ''weapon'' has a boast on it. His gun is etched with John 1:5, in Greek; the verse reads "And the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." The subtleties in translation means that the context of the term 'comprehend' can be read as either [[Evil Cannot Comprehend Good]] or that [[The Good Guys Always Win|darkness cannot]] ''[[The Good Guys Always Win|overcome]]'' [[The Good Guys Always Win|light]].
** Speaking of [[Memetic Badass]]es, Legate Lanius has a nice boast for you before the [[Final Battle]] begins.
{{quote| ''We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world '''die'''.''}}
** General Oliver ''tries'' to make a few if the Courier screws him over with the help of the Securitrons. Unlike the others however, he can't really back it up by himself.
{{quote| ''"I would sooner spit on my dead mother's grave than let some courier walk-the-wasteland fuck talk to me like that. Who the hell do you think you are? Looking to cash your check in NCR bullets, eh? I can oblige."''}}
** On occasion, with the right reputation, you can simply use your ''introduction'' as one.
{{quote| '''Courier''': They call me "[[Names to Run Away From Really Fast|The Courier]]".}}
** In the finale of ''Lonesome Road'', if you manage to talk Ulysses down, he'll state that at this point {{spoiler|he can't stop the nukes and the Marked Men will be coming soon.}} However, he'll also offer you to join him in a [[Last Stand]].
{{quote| ''"If we cannot prevent what happens, then let us make our stand here. [[Memetic Badass|Two Couriers]], together, at [[Hell Onon Earth|the Divide]]."''}}
* ''Fallout 3'' also has [ Liberty Prime]. Oh boy, Liberty Prime. Probably scared the living crap out of the Enclave; he's a ten meter tall robot with a deep, echoing vocie so why the hell not?
{{quote| "Obstruction detected. Composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance: '''ZERO PERCENT'''!"<br />
"Communism is the very definition of faliure!"<br />
"The last domino falls here!" }}
* From a trailer for ''[[EveEVE Online]]'': "For man is the Destroyer of Things, and the vicious master of his savage domain. We have our own place in the universe. And it is a dark, cruel role we play. We are the revolutionaries. We are the usurpers to the heavenly thrones. We are the enemies of the Gods."
** "The cycle of life and death was supposed to end with us. We would've been the start of a new age. A destiny of light, an [[Title Drop|Empyrean Age]]. Yet these tombs call out to us... of all the heroes and villains vanquished within, cry out at once, begging for justice. We will fight for what we believe in, we will take a side, and our wrath will be furious."
* In ''[[Fable]]'' the player can perform various boasts before beginning a mission. Each boast adds [[Self-Imposed Challenge|additional conditions]] to the quest, such as completing it without any armour or without allowing any friendlies to die, and increases the payout for the mission proportionally.
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* Gig from ''[[Soul Nomad and The World Eaters]]'' introduces himself to the main character thus shortly before trying to [[Demonic Possession|possess]] him: "...Me? Oh, just the most '''hard-core ass-kicker''' to ever walk the planet, is all. The destroyer of everything! The commander of the World Eaters! But hell, you can just call me Gig."
** And of course there's his LEGENDARY lines right before the battle that ends with him sealed in the black sword: "Come on, you little shits! Are none of you man enough to stand up to me?! Then put your heads between your legs while I cut you down one by one! Ah, finally someone steps up! You numbnuts better not waste my time!"
* [[Sonic the Hedgehog]] gets one of these in ''[[Sonic Adventure 2 (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure 2]]''. Of course, it's likely Shadow really doesn't know.
** Yeah, the ''[[Sonic Adventure 2 (Video Game)|Sonic Adventure 2]]'' example is perhaps a subversion, since Shadow not only doesn't know who Sonic is, but instead thinks Sonic is trying to impersonate him and reacts with contempt.
** Sonic himself has a particularly awesome one near the end of both Hero and Dark Stories:
{{quote| '''Sonic''': "What you see is what you get, just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!"}}
** Then, there's this from ''[[Sonic and The Black Knight]]'':
{{quote| '''Sonic''': "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! I have no master except the wind that blows free!"}}
** There is also the fact that nobody so far has contested Shadow's claim to being the ''ultimate life form''. He introduces himself as such at least once in every game he appears in, ''including the game where he had amnesia for the entirety of it and didn't know who he was''.
* ''Listen to the sound of your own extinction...'' The mad AI CABAL, of ''[[Command and& Conquer]].''
** "Rule of the thumb, Hassan: You can't kill the Messiah!" (oft-repeated in many forms)
** "The future? Comrade Chairman, I am the future!"
* "I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" The Demoman, of ''[[Team Fortress 2 (Video Game)|Team Fortress 2]]''
** "Grass grows, birds fly, the sun shines, and brother, I hurt people." The Scout
** "Like this tripod mounted heavy-caliber little number here. Designed by me, built by me... and you'd best hope, not pointed at you." The Engineer
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*** "Right behind you."
** "If God had wanted you to live, he would ''not'' have created ''me!''" -- The Soldier
** The Spy even gets one from ''somebody'' else who fears him.
{{quote| '''BLU Scout''': Big deal. I've killed plenty of spies. They're dime a dozen back stabbing scumbags. Like you! ''*hits self with knife* '' Ow! No offense...<br />
'''BLU Spy''': If you managed to kill them I assure you they were not like me. And nothing! Nothing like the man loose inside this building!<br />
'''BLU Scout''': What're you, president of his fan club?<br />
'''BLU Spy''': No. That would be [[Your Mom|YOUR MOTHER]]! ''*produces pictures of the Spy and the Scout's mother... fraternizing*''<br />
'''BLU Scout''': [[Angrish|What the... howdidhe... ugh...]]<br />
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** Hell, every class gets this, with the exception of Pyro (whom attempts it, but is mute due to his mask).
** Since we are only missing the Medic...
{{quote| '''Medic''': I healed the man that will ''kill you''!}}
*** Since the release of the 'Meet the Medic' trailer we now have
{{quote| '''Medic''': When the patient voke up his skeleton vas missing, and ze doctor vas never seen again!<br />
'''Heavy''': HA HA HA HA!<br />
'''Medic''': Anyvay, zats how I lost my medical license. }}
*** And another:
{{quote| '''Heavy''': What happens now?<br />
'''Medic''': Now? ''Let's go practice medicine.'' }}
* Manfred von Karma in ''Phoenix Wright: [[Ace Attorney]]'' uses his perfect record, his claims to perfection, and tons of dread to intimidate his opponents. In ''Trials and Tribulations'', Godot claims to have never been defeated as a prosecutor, using this to intimidate Phoenix; subverted when it shortly after is revealed it's because he's never had a case before. {{spoiler|As a prosecutor.}}
* [[War CraftWarcraft|"I am Gul'dan. I am darkness incarnate. I will not be denied."]]
** Subverted, in that despite being "darkness incarnate", Gul'dan went out like a bitch. The boast is said as he's ''bleeding to death.''
** Also from ''[[War CraftWarcraft]]:''
{{quote| '''Mannoroth''': Stupid, pitiful creature. I am the rage in your heart. I am the fury in your thoughts. I alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world, and by the endless void you ''shall!''}}
** Naturally, [[Big Bad|Arthas]] gets one of his own:
{{quote| '''Arthas''': So come then, you heroes! [[Throwing Down the Gauntlet|Come in all your power and glory!]] For in the final hour, all must serve the [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|one...true...king]]."}}
*** "Let them come! [[Catch Phrase|Frostmourne hungers!]]"
*** "When my work is complete, you will beg for mercy...and I will ''deny'' you. Your anguished cries will be testament to my unbridled power."
** Yogg-Saron from ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' gets one.
{{quote| '''Yogg-Saron/Sara''': I am the lucid dream... the monster in your nightmares... the fiend of a thousand faces! Cower before my true form! BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!}}
*** ''ONE''? Geez, with as many boasts as he makes, one starts to wonder if he's a [[Cosmic Horror]] or [[A God Am I|an egomaniac on a power trip]].
**** He could be both. Perhaps he's annoyed that Arthas has been stealing his thunder as a death god.
{{quote| '''Yogg-Saron''': He will learn... no king rules forever; only DEATH is eternal!}}
** Another one from Ulduar:
{{quote| '''Algalon''': Your actions are illogical. All possible results for this encounter have been calculated. The Pantheon will receive the Observer's message regardless of outcome.}}
** Deathwing gets one in ''Beyond The Dark Portal'' (the book).
{{quote| ''Puny mortals! I have had many names throughout history, all of them spoken with dread: Neltharion, Xaxas, and many more. Yet you shall know me best as Deathwing, for so I am! I am the bane of all life, the darkness within history, the lord of death, the master of destruction. And I tell you now, and so it is true, that this world is '''mine'''!''}}
*** Deathwing likes doing this. Here's one from when you fight him in the Dragon Soul raid:
{{quote| ''I am Deathwing, The Destroyer, the end of all things... inevitable... indominable... i... am... the... Cataclysm}}
** Not to mention Saurfang's pre-battle speech atop Icecrown Citadel: "Things are about to get ''[[It Got Worse|much worse]]''!"
** Zul'jin:
{{quote| "Da Amani nevah surrender. We nevah give up. We nevah die. Dis. Is. Our. Land. You wanna stay? You stay heah forever. We gonna bury you here."}}
** This one goes back to vanilla wow; from when High Overlord [[Memetic Badass|Saurfang]] was just a quest giver; this is what he'd say whenever you initiated conversation with him.
{{quote| '''Saurfang:''' I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Do you dare defy the Warchief? Do you dare face my merciless judgement?}}
** Vol'jin to Garrosh:
{{quote| ''I know exactly what i'll be doin' about it, Son of Hellscream. I'll watch and wait as ya people slowly become aware of ya ineptitude. I'll laugh as dey grow to despise ya, as I do. And when that times comes, when ya failure is complete and ya power is meaningless, I will be there ta end your rule. Swiftly, and silently. You will spend ya reign glancin' over ya shoulder, and fearin' da shadows. For when the time comes, and ya blood be slowly drainin' out, you will know ''exactly'' who fired da arrow that pierced ya black heart.''}}
** Baine Bloodhoof gives one on behalf of his father Cairne.
{{quote| '''Orno Grimtotem:''' You will die in shame like your pathetic father!<br />
'''Baine:''' It took a coward's poison and the fury of Hellscream to bring my father down. WHAT CHANCE HAVE YOU?! }}
** Ultraxion from the Dragon Soul raid:
{{quote| '''Ultraxion''': I am the beginning of the end...the shadow which blots out the sun...the bell which tolls your doom... For this moment ALONE was I made. Look upon your death, mortals, and despair!}}
* In ''[[League of Legends]]'', [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|Veigar]], has the lines "Know, that if the tables were turned, I would show you no mercy!" and "Even death trembles in my presence!".
** "[[Fate Worse Than Death|Death is not the end for you.]] [[Eldritch Abomination|I have seen to it.]] [[Torture Cellar|For eternity,]] [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|you. Are. MINE!]]"
* [[Viewtiful Joe|Hulk Davidson]] introduces himself: "You know who I am? You know who I am? I'm the one that put that scar on Captain Blue's face! You'll be lucky to get out with your ''life!''"
* The "Jersey" accented Male voice in ''[[Wizardry (Video Game)|Wizardry]] 8'' would sometimes comment on himself, "I never boast, but uh... DAMN I'M GOOD!"
* The Arbiter in ''[[Halo]] 2'' has a very simple one:
{{quote| '''Half-Jaw:''' You are the Arbiter, the will of the prophets. But these are my Elites. Their lives matter to me. Yours does not. <br />
'''The Arbiter:''' That makes two of us.<br />
'''Half-Jaw:''' Mmff. }}
** Another comes in ''Halo 3'':
{{quote| '''Elite''': "Brute ships, staggered line! Ship Master! They outnumber us three to one!"<br />
'''Half-Jaw''': "Then it is an even fight." }}
** Also involving the Arbiter (albeit a different one) in Halo Wars:
{{quote| '''Arbiter''': "My face will be the last thing your pathetic eyes ever see."}}
** Also:
{{quote| '''Forge''': And for the record... I would have kicked your ass the ''first'' time if the lady hadn't stopped me.}}
** The Master Chief, to Cortana. On board a giant ship literally wall-to-wall with [[Body Horror|Flood]]. Chief is a cunning tactician:
{{quote| '''John-117''': Thought I'd try shooting my way out... mix things up a little.}}
** From the beginning, Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson had everybody else beat. In the original Halo's opening cinematic, what Johnson says depends on the difficulty. My personal favorite is on Legendary:
{{quote| '''Johnson''': Well, I don't care if it's God's own personal anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hula hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will let 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right, Marines?!<br />
'''Marines''': Sir yes sir!!<br />
'''Johnson''': Damn right I am! }}
** Mine is on Normal;
{{quote| '''Johnson''': Once again, it is our job to finish what the flyboys started. We are leaving this ship's platoon, and engaging the Covenant on solid ground. When we meet the enemy, you will rip their skulls from their spines, and toss 'em away, laughin'! Am I right, Marines?}}
** Or when he's making fun of the Prophet of Regret:
{{quote| '''Johnson:''': Dear Humanity, we ''Regret'' being alien bastards! We ''Regret'' coming to Earth! And we most definitely ''Regret'' that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!<br />
'''Pilots''': Oorah! }}
** Hell, Johnson is ''full'' of these, for every difficult. One reason to play games trough on different difficulties is just to hear what Johnson says next.
{{quote| '''Johnson:''' (to panicking marine) When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon -- and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you're one very lucky Marine!}}
** Even in the novels Johnson continues to give some awesome boasts.
{{quote| '''Johnson:''' (after he didn't get infected by the Flood) Hell, Chief, it'll take more than that pack of walking alien horror-show freaks to take out Sergeant A.J. Johnson.}}
** Then again, there's the Gravemind's line from Halo 3:
{{quote| '''Gravemind:''' I have defeated fleets of thousands! Consumed a galaxy of FLESH and MIND and BONE!}}
** One Spartan has one in ''Halo Wars'':
{{quote| '''Spartan:''' [[War Is Hell]] and I'm the Devil.}}
** Even the [[The Goomba|Grunts]] have one in ''Halo 3: ODST'':
{{quote| '''Grunt:''' There are ten millions of us and there are a dozen of you, how do you like those odds?!}}
* Sovereign gets an amazing one in ''[[Mass Effect 1]]'':
{{quote| Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension. I am Sovereign. Organic life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Your lives are measured in years and decades. You wither, and die. We are eternal. The pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything. {{spoiler|Your civilization is based on the technology of the mass relays, our technology. By using it, your society develops along the paths we desire.}} We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it. We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite. Millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure. We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your doom. Your words are as empty as your future. I am the vanguard of your destruction. This exchange is over.}}
** The exchange between Wrex and the Citadel Security officer ''as they're standing in C-Sec headquarters.''
{{quote| '''C-Sec:''' Witnesses heard you making threats in Fist's bar. I'm warning you, stay away from him.<br />
'''Wrex:''' You should warn Fist. I ''will'' kill him.<br />
'''C-Sec:''' Do you want me to arrest you?!<br />
'''Wrex:''' I want you to ''try.'' }}
** From ''Mass Effect 2'': "We do not experience fear, but we understand how it affects you." -- Legion
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** "Killing is an art, and I... am a master." -- Thane
** From Renegade Shepard, during Thane's Loyalty mission:
{{quote| '''Shepard:''' If I chose to, I could kill every person in this room and walk out unscathed<br />
'''Lawyer:''' You're insane!<br />
'''Shepard:''' Our suits have kinetic barriers. Your legal briefs don't. And I'm in a hurry<br />
'''Thane:''' The law is only a protection if everyone agrees to be bound by it. We don't. }}
** Another one from Renegade Shepard:
{{quote| '''Garrus:''' The collectors already killed you once, and all it did was piss you off. I can't imagine they'll stop you this time<br />
'''Shepard:'''(about to launch attack on collector base) The collectors are about to find out what happens when you piss me off! }}
** Kal'Reegar has a particularly good one on Haestrom:
{{quote| The geth might get me, but I'm not going to die from an infection in the middle of battle. That's just ''insulting''!}}
** From Paragon Shepard him/herself in the ''Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC:
{{quote| [[Good Is Not Soft|I sacrificed hundreds of human lives to save the Destiny Ascension! I unleashed the Rachni on the galaxy! So for your sake, hope your escape plan doesn't hinge on me hesitating to shoot a damn hostage!]]}}
** From ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'':
{{quote| '''Grunt:''' I don't need luck. I have ammo.}}
** And from Wrex:
{{quote| '''Wrex:''' I am Urdnot Wrex and [[ThisPunctuated! IsFor! SpartaEmphasis!|THIS! IS MY! PLANET!]]}}
** One from Javik most people probably missed:
{{quote| '''Javik:''' My kind was arrogant once. It's not strategy, it's stupidity.<br />
'''Wreav:''' What are you exactly?<br />
'''Javik:''' Prothean.<br />
'''Wreav:''' Really? And how many of you are left?<br />
'''Javik:''' Enough to kill you. }}
* [[Metal Gear Solid|"A cornered fox... is more dangerous than a]] [[Heroic Sacrifice|Jackal!"]]
** Precursor to the above "In the middle east, we don't hunt foxes, we hunt jackals! and instead of foxhounds we use royal harriers! just how strong is that exoskeleton of yours? Snake, are you just going to sit by and watch him die?"
** Also:
{{quote| '''Old Snake''': ''[after {{spoiler|injecting Vamp with the nanomachine inhibitor}}]'' Now you're just a mere mortal like the rest of us.<br />
'''Vamp''': Impressive...but can you kill ''this'' "mere mortal"? }}
*** and this one:
{{quote| '''Raiden''': I am lightning, the rain transformed.}}
** And this one:
{{quote| '''Naked Snake''': And you're forget one more very basic thing. You don't have what it takes to kill me.}}
* "I am matter... I am antimatter... I can see your past... I can see your future... I consume time... and I will consume you!" -- [[Bonus Boss|Culex]], ''[[Super Mario RPG (Video Game)|Super Mario RPG]]: Legend of the Seven Stars''
** [[Super Mario Bros.|Bowser]] absolutely revels in going into these. His ego really shines at the end of ''[[Mario and& Luigi: BowsersBowser's Inside Story (Video Game)|Bowser's Inside Story]]'', where he faces off with {{spoiler|the [[Eldritch Abomination|Dark]] [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can|Star]], a near omnipotent dark power that has copied Bowser's body, gene by gene, creating Dark Bowser.}}
{{quote| ''' {{spoiler|Dark Bowser}}''': Soon, this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within. And you too will sleep eternally in the dark powers' embrace!<br />
'''Bowser''': [[Evil Laugh|GWAHAHA!]] Great dark hurricane! Seriously, perfect backdrop for an awesome final battle! You really sweat the details! ...Listen up! You're saying the kingdom will vanish? '''NOT TODAY! THIS KINGDOM IS ALL MINE! SO YOU VANISH!''' }}
* "[My] name is Sanger. Sanger Zonvolt. The Sword That Cleaves Evil!" and "There is nothing my [[BFS|Colossal Blade]] cannot cleave!" -- Sanger Zonvolt, from ''[[Super Robot Wars]]''. (Evil would occasionally be replaced by something more appropriate to the enemy he faced -- if it was a God, then he became The Sword That Cleaves God, and so on.)
* ''[[Psychonauts (Video Game)|Psychonauts]]'': "I am the milkman. My milk is delicious. Special delivery today!"
* ''[[BaldursBaldur's Gate]] II''
{{quote| '''Jon Irenicus:''' I cannot be caged. I cannot be controlled. Understand this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fools.}}
{{quote| '''Sarevok''': "I live! Flesh and blood and bone! I AM ALIVE! HAHAHAHAHA! I swore I would scratch and crawl my way back into the world of the living, and I have DONE IT!" }}
{{quote| '''Firkraag''': It is, as they say, your funeral. Now I'm afraid that you must feel the wrath of [[Our Dragons Are Different|the most ancient of Faerun's species]]. Do you think your divine blood enough to match? I highly doubt it.}}
** And then there's the mysterious, unnamed [[Sealed Evil in Aa Can]] in Watcher's Keep; all he needs to do is introduce himself when you choose to fight him.
{{quote| Know me, then, by my best name, mortal. You face Demogorgon, Prince of Demons.<br />
(If you trigger the fight by freeing him instead) Demogorgon is free, Death my scepter and Pain my crown! The Prince of Demons will loose sweet destruction. }}
* ''[[Planescape: Torment]]''
{{quote| '''Vhailor:''' When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: There is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for all who betray justice, I am their fate. And fate carries an executioner's axe.<br />
'''Nameless One:''' I see.<br />
'''Vhailor:''' No, you do not see. ''Pray'' you never will. }}
** '''The Transcendent One''' seems to like this trope quite a bit:
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** And the marvelously simple:
{{quote| '''Dak'kon''': "I have been here before."}}
** Or...
{{quote| '''Dak'kon''': "I may be bested in battle, but I shall never be defeated."}}
** '''Ravel''': "I have forgotten more of the Art than you shall ever know."
* ''[[Sword of the Stars]]: Born of Blood'' grants us [ this] three-minute [[Badass Boast]] from the [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|new species]].
{{quote| '''Zuul Dominus:''' We are the [[Chosen One|chosen ones]]; born of the divine. [[Super Soldier|We are shaped in the image of the great masters; born to serve them in the infinite depths]]. We are warriors, wise men, fathers, ''masters''. And ''this'' is the time of our ordeal: The great silence. When we will prove ourselves worthy to join the immortal gods, and hear their voices once again. It took ''years'' to rise from the world of our spawning. It took ''decades'' to [[Mind Rape|reap the wisdom of our first quarry]]. But our wiles are unlimited, and our thirst for knowledge strong. We have laid quiet in the shadows for more than a century; skulking amongst the darkened hulls of dead ships, raiding the periphery for slaves and secrets. We tear apart flesh, steel, mind, memory chip, seeking the spark of truth. Seeking the ''gods'' of our birth. And always, we hunger for ''more''. The time has come: We can wait no longer for the great masters to return. Our numbers increase daily. Our children hunger. Our females lust for war. This galaxy is ''unworthy'' of its gods, overrun by ignorant, arrogant ''slaves'': Mindless insects. Pompous lizards. Chattering apes. ''Blaspheming'' rebels. It is time to teach them ''all'' their place in the great scheme. They will learn to serve their betters... Or ''die''. As it was commanded, so it shall be done! We will sweep ''all'' enemies from our path. In the darkness of this galaxy, we will forge an empire of light! We will be ''worthy''! We will find the gods, ''wherever'' they are hiding! We will end their silence, and become their ''claws'' once again! [[Badass Creed|Born of fire! Born of steel! Born of science!]] ''[[Title Drop|Born! Of! Blood]]!''}}
** And not to be outdone, the next expansion added [ another one]:
{{quote| '''Morrigi Morro'Quan:''' Look to the skies, children of the dust, and heed my words. I am first amongst travelers, lord of the night sky, and leader of the clans. I am the voice of the star-born. While you crawled, we ''flew''. While you dreamed of wings, we knew the stars. [[Ancient Astronauts|We came down to share with your ancestors]], but we returned to find death. Our females slaughtered, our worlds picked over like carrion. You have laid us a banquet of sorrow. You have risen from your dark depths -- your twisting tunnels -- your dung-reeking cities -- your pitiful nests of stone -- and your fields of blood -- to lay claim to the very stars! Blindly you wander, violating the tombs of ''my'' fathers, and trailing your pestilence upon my wives and daughters. And I say: ''Enough''. ''Real'' war is coming. The travellers will yield no longer to ''any'' who crawl: In land or sea. Find some other place to build your foul nests, and fight your petty battles. These stars are ''sacred'', and they are ''mine''! So look to the skies, children of the dust, and see ''my'' Kind! I am the dragon with a thousand wings! My people are no longer in hiding, and now... We darken your skies... ''Like [[Title Drop|A Murder Of Crows]]''!}}
** Don't forget the [ ''humans''' Badass Boast] in the original [[Sword of the Stars]].
{{quote| Early in the 22nd century, humanity escaped from Einstein's cage. The giant ring-shaped engines of the node drive gave us the power to leap to the nearest stars at many times the speed of light. After centuries of dreaming, we were finally free to leave the cradle of our home world. It took us years to build the Earth's first colony ship. The Nova Maria was a symbol for all mankind. Soon it was loaded with humanity's best and brightest. They prepared to depart, ready to inherit a galaxy which we had long ago decided was devoid of intelligent life. The universe was all out there for our taking. ''Hmph...'' someone should have told that to the Hivers. They came in silence. No statement of intention, no declaration of war. Without even a demand for our surrender. They hit us without warning. Within seconds, our dreams for peaceful expansion were so many burning meteors falling to Earth. We barely survived the first Hiver incursion. Years later we would find that we had faced only a small nesting fleet. We had yet to see the full power of the swarm. But the Hive was not the only threat. When we ventured forth, we soon encountered the ruthless legions of the Tarka, and eventually, the phantom fleets of the enigmatic Liir. ''And so, we learned'' - how to build ''bigger, stronger ships, more powerful weapons''. Humanity had to explore, expand, and even conquer, just to hold our own [[In a World|in a universe]] where weakness was extinction. In order to survive, ''we learned to wield... the '''[[Title Drop|Sword of the Stars]]!'''''}}
** And with the upcoming ''Sword of the Stars 2'', we have the [[Badass Boast]] of [ the ancient Suul'ka].
{{quote| '''Suul'ka Elder''': We are the Great Old Ones. The eldest of the eld. In aeons past, we threw off gravity's chains. Clad in steel, we folded space and left the prison of Worldsea forever. We reject the bonds of superstition and doubt. [[Immortality Immorality|We live the life]] ''[[Immortality Immorality|eternal]]''. We are free. Free from faith. Free from guilt. Free from death. [[Abusive Precursors|Our children swore to love us, feed us, care for us always. They promised to serve us with their tiny lives]]. ''They lied''. [[Turned Against Their Masters|All but the strongest of us died, asleep or feeding]]. [[Go Mad From the Isolation|Seven of us crawled away, poisoned, raging, drifting into the dark.]] Wounded, barely alive, we slept. And healed. And ''hated''. The vermin in the cracks of the galaxy have grown into a squealing throng. They do not fear their elders. The pure minds of shining ice. But time heals all. And now we have awakened. Renewed. Strong. The baying of [[Scary Dogmatic Aliens|our]] [[Undying Loyalty|loyal]] [[Complete Monster|pets]] calls us back to ''war''. This time we will ''not'' be stopped. Not by spear... not by shield... not by armor... not by arrow... and ''not'' by ''[[Ironic Echo|sword]]''. [[Ironic Echo|In a universe where]] [[Resistance Is Futile|resistance is extinction]], Suul'ka must be ''obeyed''. We are your masters. Your season in the sun has ''passed''. Now you will tremble before ''[[Title Drop|the Lords of Winter]]''.}}
* In ''[[Shadows of the Damned]]'' by Suda51, the main character introduces himself:
{{quote| '''Garcia:''' My name is Garcia Hotspur! Hunter of demons! My WRATH IS YOUR HELL!}}
* In ''[[Gears of War|Gears of War 2]],'' one chapter is spent hearing the Locust Queen deliver one of these to [[Enemy Civil War|rally her troops against the Lambent.]] Not to be outdone, [[Badass|Augustus]] [[Large Ham|"Cole Train"]] [[Boisterous Bruiser|Cole]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|gets the mic...]]
{{quote| Cole: "Delta Squad is in yo' house, bitch! You hear dat shit? You grubby-ass bitches are goin' down, like way down, ''dead'' down! So down you ain't gonna know what way is up! Yo' asses are gonna be cryin' to your skank-ass Queen! 'Oh mommy, you let the bad men hurt us!' FUCK YOU! We're gonna whoop yo' momma's ''ass''! WOO!"<br />
Baird: * shuts off the console* There we go, one muzzled Queen. (to Cole) Not you, her. You were great. I loved y-your speech there, especially with the bitch-ass stuff. Very good, very enlightening. }}
* Eliphas the Inheritor gives an excellent one in [[Dawn of War|Dark Crusade]].
{{quote| "Hear my warnings, unbelievers, carried to your mind by the power of the [[Cosmic Horror|Prince of Excess]] himself. We have raised altars in these lands so that we may sacrifice you to our [[God Is Evil|Gods]]. Veterans of ten millennia of unholy war stand read to grind you to dust beneath the treads of their boots. The [[Blood Knight|chosen of Khorne]] [[Ax Crazy|hunger to add you to their bloody tally.]] The Blood God himself has marked this land and shall claim your skulls for his throne. There is no hope in opposing the inevitable, lay down your arms unbelievers and bow before the forces of [[Religion of Evil|Chaos Undivided]]."}}
** He gets another one when he attacks the Blood Raven stronghold in North Vandia. When Captain Thule is trying to rally his men Eliphas interjects with: "Such inspiring courage! Perhaps we'll mount your corpse on a golden chair and make an idol out of you as well."
** "Only I can hear your prayers in this place, my friend. And I am afraid I will not answer them."
** Upon his [[Big Damn Heroes]] entrance in Dawn of War 2, Captain Thule simply says to a [[Bee People|Tyranid]] Hive Tyrant, an immense living tank with scythes and guns for arms, that is intent on devouring all life on the planet: "I am Davian Thule. I am your death." He then proceeds to rip the Tyrant limb from limb.
** [[Smug Snake]] Tahril in Soulstorm has one with this:
{{quote| ''"I am the deadly shadow and the bird of pray. I am the poisoned dagger that brings swift death!"''}}
** The Chaos Predator, a tank in Dawn Of War 2, gets one when one is summoned onto the battlefield.
{{quote| "This world will burn like a thousand others we have seen!"}}
*** The badass thing about it is that it isn't an idle boast or hyperbole, they really have destroyed a thousand worlds.
* ''[[Valkyria Chronicles]]''
{{quote| '''Rosie:''' Oh they'll be running. I'm a damn shocktrooper.}}
** Welkin also has one very early, when his squad doesn't really trust him as a commander. He examines the current military situation (a shitload of troops holds a bridge that the good guys can't take back without heavy losses) and promptly declares that he can take it with ''just his squad'' if they trust him. They don't believe him, but let him try. {{spoiler|He, of course, succeeds.}}
*** Note that he does this by driving a tank through a river. A TANK through a RIVER people.
* "ZEUS! Your son has returned! I bring the destruction of OLYMPUS!" -- Kratos, [[God of War (Video Gameseries)|God of War]] III
** "The hands of death could not stop me. The Sisters of Fate, could not hold me. And ''YOU'' will not see the end of this day! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!"
* ''[[Final Fantasy VI (Video Game)|Final Fantasy VI]]''
{{quote| '''Ultima Weapon''': "My name is Ultima... I am power both ancient and unrivaled... I do not bleed, for I am but strength given form... Feeble creatures of flesh... your time is nigh!"<br />
'''Sabin''': "You think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?"<br />
'''Kefka''': "I've acquired the ultimate power! Observe...Such magnificent power! You're all nothing more than fleas compared to me now! Embrace your destruction... It is the fate of all things."<br />
'''Kefka''': "Life... Dreams... Hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go? Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all!"<br />
'''Kaiser Dragon''': "Humans and your insatiable greed... Your lust for power leads always to a lust for blood... This place is a sanctuary for wayward souls... What business have you filthy creatures here? You slaughter my brethren, and befoul their rest with the profanity of your continued existence... You should not have come here. In the name of all dragonkind, I shall grant you the death you desire. I am the dealer of destruction... I am the font from which fear springs... I am Kaiser... And your time is at end." }}
* In [[Dissidia Final Fantasy|Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy]], [[Final Fantasy V (Video Game)|Exdeath]], who has caught wind of [[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Kain Highwind]] knocking out his own allies and storing them somewhere, choses to corner Kain and demands of him to tell Exdeath where he keeps his KO'd allies so that Exdeath may go there finish the job. Exdeath further points out that Kain is in no good position at all; on the one hand he has a recently knocked out [[Final Fantasy II (Video Game)|Firion]] lying right next to him, on the other hand he has an [[Omnicidal Maniac]] of a Warlock who has almost complete [[Power of the Void]] threatening to do duel with him if he does not meet said Warlock's demands. The question is thus posed: Will he abandon his friend, using Firion's life as a distraction, and use the moment to escape; will he say where he keeps his other allies so that Exdeath may go and destroy them instead of him and Firion; or will he stay and fight a hopeless battle? Kain replies by arming himself.
{{quote| '''Exdeath:''' So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?<br />
'''Kain:''' Of course not. I offer ''yours''. }}
** Kain gets another one later. He's just offered to stay behind and fight both Exdeath, Golbez, ''and'' a host of [[Mooks|manikins]] on his own so that his companions can continue on towards the real battle without hindrance. After fighting through the manikins, he confronts Exdeath again (while [[The Mole|Golbez]] watches), even knowing that he's at the limit of his strength and he doesn't have long before he collapses.
{{quote| '''Exdeath:''' I am afraid that time runs short for you.<br />
'''Kain:''' Truly. Then let us make this quick. }}
** "Abominations! Can you hear me? Do you even have minds of your own? If you are aware of the world around you, you'd best rue the day you came here. I'm about to show you pathetic mockeries the difference between you and a ''real'' man!
** [[Final Boss|Chaos]] gets in on the action as well when the ten heroes come to face him.
{{quote| '''Chaos:''' At the end of the dream, even chaos... '''tears itself apart!''' Let us mark the end to this ''eternal conflict''.}}
* ''[[System Shock]]'' has its main antagonist, SHODAN, pull of tons of these:
** "Look at you, Hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"
Line 280:
*** Even her calling you an insect counts as one of her boasts.
* When the plans go to hell and a duke's mansion is a battleground between cultists and the [[Church Militant|Crimson Blades]], [[Vagrant Story|Ashley Riot]] decides to use them as a distraction to slip into the fray unnoticed. His new partner Inquisitor Merlose declares the idea to be too dangerous and that they wait for reinforcements. Ashley's reply?
{{quote| "I am the reinforcements."}}
* A computer terminal on the level Kill Your Television in ''[[Marathon (Video Game)Trilogy|Marathon]] 2: Durandal'' contains this message:
{{quote| "I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh. I have been called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the world goes dim and cold. I am hero."}}
** Durandal himself gets an awesome, albeit odd one in the first game:
{{quote| "Give me a D! Give me a U! Give me an R! Give me an A! Give me an N! Give me a D! Give me an A! Give me an L! What's it spell? Durandal? No. ''Durandal? No!'' T-R-O-U-B-L-E!"}}
* ''[[StarcraftStarCraft]]''
{{quote| '''Kerrigan:''' I am the Queen of Blades, and my stare alone would reduce you to ash!}}
** Also
{{quote| '''Kerrigan:''' You see at this point I'm pretty much the queen bitch of the universe.}}
** Also, Zeratul.
{{quote| '''Zeratul:''' You speak of knowledge, Judicator? You speak of experience? I have journeyed through the darkness between the most distant stars. I have beheld the births of negative-suns and borne witness to the entropy of entire realities... Unto my experience, Aldaris, all that you've built here on Aiur is but a fleeting dream. A dream from which your precious Conclave shall awaken, finding themselves drowned in a greater nightmare.}}
** Or Duran's:
{{quote| '''Duran:''' This creature is the completion of a cycle. Its role in the Cosmic Order was preordained when the stars were young. Behold the culmination of your history... You can destroy all of the specimens here; it will do you no good. For I have seeded the hybrid on many, many worlds. You will never find them all before they awaken. And when they do, your universe will be changed... ''forever...''}}
** Or Raynor's:
{{quote| '''Raynor''': I'll see you ''dead'' for this, Kerrigan! For Fenix, and ''all the others'' who got caught between you and your mad quest for power!<br />
'''Kerrigan''': Tough talk, Jimmy, but I don't think you have what it takes to be a killer.<br />
'''Raynor''': It may not be tomorrow, darlin', it may not even happen with an army at my back. But rest assured: ''I'm the man who's gonna kill you one day!'' I'll be seeing you. }}
** And who could forget Mengsk's
{{quote| '''Mengsk''': You don't seem to realize my situation here. I will not be stopped. Not by you, or the Confederates, or the Protoss or anyone! I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me.}}
* ''[[Prototype (Videovideo Gamegame)|Prototype]]'''s Alex Mercer roars this at [[General Ripper|Colonel Taggart]]: '''''"NOTHING WILL PROTECT YOU FROM ME! NOT MEN! NOT WEAPONS! NOT ARMOR!"'''''
** Note: Armor is slang for Tanks in this game.
** Note #2: Alex is [[Roaring Rampage of Revenge|not]] [[Unstoppable Rage|kidding]].
** Alex follows it up with "LIKE IT'S GONNA MAKE A DIFFERENCE!" when they send [[Tank Goodness|tanks]] after you while you're chasing after Taggart while he's in ''his'' [[Kill It Withwith Fire|Thermobaric Tank.]] This is a tank which can blow up a city block in one shot, and Mercer isn't even afraid. He's just '''pissed'''.
** Early on, to the first Hunter he sees: "I don't know what you are, but I'm gonna kill you!"
* "I am the morning sun, come to vanquish the horrible night!" -- Shanoa, ''[[Castlevania]]: Order of Ecclesia''
** Also a [[Shout -Out]] to ''Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest''.
** Shanoa gets another one in ''[[Castlevania]]: [[Harmony of Despair]]'', when revived after being killed.
{{quote| '''Shanoa''': "Hell could never hold me."}}
* ''[[Wild ArmsARMs]]'':
{{quote| '''Mother''': "I am Mother, Queen of the Demon Race... I have brought countless star systems to an end, each full of life... I am the messenger of death. Beings of life! Do you come here for judgement? Do you seek the glory of being devoured by a being of such eminence?"}}
** She has a much longer one in [[The Remake]] as well...
* "Not even ''Death'' will save you from me!" -- ''[[Diablo]] II''
** And into Diablo III:
{{quote| '''Demon Huntrer:''' I stand alone. And as long as they keep coming, I will never stop killing<br />
'''Tyreal:''' You cannot judge me! I am Justice itself! }}
* At the end of ''[[Mad WorldMadWorld]]'', Jack himself gives one to a bunch of Mooks surrounding him...
{{quote| '''Jack''': "Come one, come all! {{spoiler|I already have three of these games under my belt, why not make it four?}} Just don't get cocky... WHO WANTS TO FACE {{spoiler|THE CHAMP!}}}}
* Alex from ''[[Golden Sun]]'' gets one at the beginning of the second game. When he defeats a few guards, the survivor yells for reinforcements. Alex replies, in a normal tone of voice, "Do you truly believe even a thousand of you could stop me?"
* ''[[Final Fantasy XII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XII]]'', a magnificent subversion when the two fated opponents, set against each other by the Gods, and ''given'' power by the Gods (though one of them forcefully renounced it,) meet at long last for their [[Final Battle]]:
{{quote| '''Vayne''': Permit me to ask: who are you? An angel of vengeance? Or perchance a saint of salvation?<br />
'''Ashe''': I am simply myself. No more and no less. And I want only to be free. }}
** Played [[Large Ham|absolutely, awe-strikingly and gloriously]] straight, by a certain Masked Man...
{{quote| '''[[Final Fantasy V (Video Game)|Gilgamesh]]''': '''[[Dynamic Entry|FOOLS]]'''! You face [[Goldfish Poop Gang|the mightiest warrior]] in all ''[[The Verse|IVALICE]]''! You face me! '''[[Mythology Gag|GILGAMESH]]'''!!! [[Running Gag|Long have I sought]] [[Infinity+1 Sword|the blade of legend]], [[Chewing the Scenery|SCOURED]] [[Walking the Earth|have I the furthest marches, East and West]], [[The Cameo|and now my search brings me here]], [[Bonus Boss|to YOOOUUU]]!! [[The Collector|YOUR WEAPONS ARE FORFEIT]] TO '''ME'''!!!}}
*** It helps that Gilgamesh is backed up by his very own theme song, "[[Theme Music Power-Up|Battle on the Big Bridge]]."
* ''[[Final Fantasy XIII (Video Game)|Final Fantasy XIII]]'' gave us a rather blood-curdling one when the lead protagonist accused the [[Big Bad]] of being a [[The Chosen One|l'Cie]].
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Galenth Dysley}}''': What can mere mortals do? Without our help, death is all of which you're capable. You've seen the fools: [[Dying Like Animals|a mindless mob, drunk on fear of a few l'Cie]].<br />
'''Lightning''': If only they knew a l'Cie was the one filling their glasses!<br />
'''{{spoiler|Galenth Dysely}}''': L'Cie? [[Evil Laugh|Hmm-hmm-hmm.]] You mean me? [[Evil Laugh|Heheheh.]] Oh child, perish the thought. I am '''[[More Than Meets the Eye|MORE THAN THAT!]]''' (cue [[Transformation Sequence]]) I am [[Physical God|fal'Cie]]. My name is Barthandelus. Voice of [[The Empire|the Sanctum]], and Lord-Sovereign of the [[Jerkass Gods|Cocoon fal'Cie]]. [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|Your kind]] '''[[Big Ham|FEARED]]''' [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|the darkness, so we gave you light.]] [[Hannibal Lecture|You]] '''[[Big Ham|BEGGED]]''' [[Hannibal Lecture|us for]] [[Inferred Holocaust|the Purge]], [[Hannibal Lecture|and did it not come to pass?]] Now you spurn our counsel? You must '''[[Evil Is Hammy|LEARN YOUR PLACE!]]''' }}
** The fact that everything after the [[Transformation Sequence]] is said in the [[Voice of the Legion]], and the player is treated with a sequence of the heroes' [[Oh Crap]] faces, set to an [[Orchestral Bombing]] accompanied by [[Ominous Latin Chanting|Omnious Latin Chantings]] makes this Badass Boast transcend far into the territory of epicness.
** Another from the game's final boss, equally as epic:
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Orphan}}''': A heaven yea, yet it must fall ere we be saved. Too frail a shell and humans should not thrive. Too stout a shell and they would not die! Slaughter and Salvation! Two irreconcilable Focuses we bore. Yet bound were we in a cocoon prison, impervious to our power. And so we thank you, for granting us our longed for birth. We are the Abandoned One, born but now to die. Our Name is {{spoiler|Orphan}} by our hands, the world shall know redemption!}}
* Shiki from ''[[Tsukihime]]''.
{{quote| ''You don't know of the illusion that the whole world could perish in an instant. That is what it means to see death. These eyes, this power isn't something you can boast about like you did. Do you see your mistake, now, vampire? Life and death may be back to back, but they will never face each other. I'll show you. This is what it means to kill something.''}}
* Shirou from ''[[Fate/stay Stay Nightnight]]'', after manifesting his Reality Marble.
{{quote| ''...That's right. I don't create swords. I create a world that contains infinite swords. This is the only magic allowed for me. There's no need to be surprised. These are all imitations. As you say, these are all trifling swords. But there is no rule that says an imitation cannot defeat the original. If you say you are the original, I will surpass every one of your weapons and destroy your existence. [[Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner|Here I come, King of Heroes. Do you have enough weapons in stock?]]}}
* [[Kara no Kyoukai (Literature):|Ryougi Shiki]] has a pretty good one at the end of her arcade story mode in [[Melty Blood|MBAA]]
{{quote| "Hmph, don't regret saying that vampire, or whatever the hell you are. It doesn't matter how many tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of lives you have. Either way, this is the end of the dream. Let's do this- As long as it's alive, [[Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?|I'll even kill gods]].}}
* [[Battle Butler|Ranmaru]] in the original ''[[Samurai Warriors]]'' has one, during the betrayal at Honnouji.
{{quote| "My body is a sword, and this place, a burial ground. Those who wish to die, come forth!"}}
* "I have bested [[Killer Rabbit|fruit]], [[Spikes of Doom|spike]] and [[Bad Moon Rising|moon]]! And now I will best you, [[I Wanna Be the Guy|The Guy!]]"
* At the climax of ''[[Mega Man X]] 2'', we are treated to [[Badass|Zero's]] subtle little boast, {{spoiler|just freshly [[Back Fromfrom the Dead]] to}} destroy a pitifully weak clone of his that [[Big Bad|Sigma]] made.
{{quote| ''Sigma, you should have studied the blueprints closer. There is only one Zero!''}}
* In the ''[[Jak and Daxter]]'' series, [[Weasel Mascot|Daxter]] has a habit of doing this ''all the time''. But it's important to note that, starting in the [[Your Mileage May Vary|second or third]] game, [[Took a Level Inin Badass|this]] [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|started]] [[Badass|to]] [[Pint-Sized Powerhouse|change]].
* In the Quake-engine RPG ''[[Anachronox]]'', Sly Boots has one near the end of the game, at the second part of a boss fight after the antagonist has been chased into a second room.
{{quote| "You know what the difference is between you, and the you five minutes ago? The you five minutes ago had ''five minutes to live''!}}
* In previous versions of ''[[Final Fantasy IV (Video Game)|Final Fantasy IV]]'', when [[One-Winged Angel|Zeromus]] makes his first appearence, he simply states what he/she/it/they is: pure hatred. In the DS version, Zeromus initially takes the form of a towering whirlwind of dark fire, and delivers this positively ''chilling'' boast:
{{quote| '''Zeromus:''' "I am the wellspring of darkness, fed by Zemus's unbridled hate. I am He who is called Zeromus. I am He who knows ''naught but hate!''"}}
* ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' has a few of these as well.
{{quote| '''Wallace:''' "Look! A giant walks among you!! My defense is impenetrable! Come! Break your weapons against me!"<br />
'''Valter:''' "I am Valter, the Moonstone, Grado's finest general! And you're just a corpse who does not know he is dead."<br />
'''Stefan:''' "I am the desert, and I brook no intrusion. Make peace with your goddess." }}
** Specifically, [[Fire Emblem Tellius (Video Game)|Ike]] has had some great ones. {{spoiler|Ashera is the Goddess and final boss}}, by the way
{{quote| '''Ike:''' "So that's how it's going to be, huh? Then we will fight... and we will save our people. Make your peace with whatever {{spoiler|the gods}} worship. Your end is near."<br />
{{spoiler|'''Ashera:'''}} "My end is near?"<br />
'''Ike:''' "In every battle that mattered in my life, I've always been the one left standing, no matter how slim my chances. This battle means more than any of the others, because it's for the life of every person that I've ever cared about. I will win this fight." }}
* Zexion from ''[[Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories]]:''
{{quote| '''Zexion''': Then I shall make you see... That your hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!}}
** And this one:
{{quote| '''Maleficent''': You poor, simple fools. You think you can defeat me? Me, The Mistress of All Evil!!}}
* From the ''[[Touhou Project]]'':
** '''Youmu Konpaku''': "The things that cannot be cut by my Roukanken, forged by youkai, are close to none!"
*** In the doujin showing the back story to 12.8, Cirno says one too:
{{quote| '''Cirno''': I can fire off danmaku stronger than a blizzard, dodge cherry blossom petals with ease. I AM THE STRONGEST!}}
** '''Utsuho Reiuji''': Her dialogue near the end of any character's in SA Stage 6, just about the battle is about to begin.
** Special mention must go to the oni, Yuugi Hoshiguma, who manages to make a [[Badass Boast]] by ''revealing her weakness'':
{{quote| '''Masrisa:''' That's it, now just tell me your weakpoint please.<br />
'''Yuugi:''' I'm one of the four Devas of the Mountain, Yuugi the Strong. My weak point is [[Weaksauce Weakness|fried beans, of course.]]<br />
'''Marisa:''' Huh, I wish they'd all been this cooperative. Too bad I don't have any fried beans on me.<br />
Line 372:
** '''Toyosatomimi no Miko''': "This era, when humans deny my existence and I have become legend, is what I was waiting for! Now, attempt to defeat me! And I shall become a living legend!"
** Basically, it would be easier to name the bosses who do ''not'' declare just how they are going to use their powers to destroy you in the dialogue before your fight with them.
* Auron from ''[[Final Fantasy X (Video Game)|Final Fantasy X]]''. Being a [[Badass]], any boast he makes counts as a [[Badass Boast]]. One notable example: "Being {{spoiler|dead}} has its advantages."
** Jecht is promoted to a [[Braggart Boss]] in ''[[Dissidia Final Fantasy]]'', so he gets a lot of these. One of his victory quotes is: "There's no shame in losin' to ''me''!"
** In Tidus' story mode, Jecht [[Punched Across the Room|punches him twenty feet backwards into a wall]] and nonchalantly remarks: "Look what happens when I don't hold back!"
* In ''[[Blaz BlueBlazBlue]]'', Hakumen starts his fights with this:
{{quote| "I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand I shall reap the sins of this world and cleanse it the the fires of destruction! I am Hakumen! The end has come!"}}
** Hell, making Badass Boasts is like Hakumen's ''favorite thing.''
{{quote| "A match? No. This will be a ''massacre!''"<br />
"Give everything, and you ''might'' live a little longer!"<br />
"I hope you know what it means... to stand before me!" }}
** Ragna's are little more concise, but no less badass.
{{quote| "You're too weak to stand infront of me!"<br />
"I'll show you the power of the Azure! I'll show you fear... There is no hell, just Darkness. [[One-Winged Angel|This is the power of Darkness!]]" }}
** In the latter stages of the story mode, Jin starts throwing these around about as frequently as Hakumen. [[My Future Self and Me|Which is appropriate.]] They're a little less grandiose, but no less badass.
{{quote| "Was I not clear? This enemy is mine, and mine alone. You are nothing more than a ghost out of my past!"<br />
"I will no longer tolerate your existence."<br />
"I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world!" }}
* Igniz from [[The King of Fighters]] 2001 gives one just before you fight him:
{{quote| "If you think you can prevail over N.E.S.T.S, the Masters of Darkness, and ME, its highest authority... then by all means come and try!"}}
* A few voiced characters in ''[[Super Smash Bros Brawl]]'' get some impressive ones when their [[Limit Break|Final Smash]] is activated.
{{quote| [[Pokémon|Lucario:]] ''[{{=}}oBsF3xTUdJA "Watch the power of Aura!"]''<br />
[[Kirby|Meta-Knight:]] ''[{{=}}eaDzhNawt1U "Know my POWER!"]''<br />
[[Sonic the Hedgehog]]: ''[{{=}}VbjdinQqdHM "Now I'll show you!"]'' }}
* From the little known game ''[[Rise of Legends]]'' comes this jewel:
{{quote| '''Carlini:''' You want this thing?! ''Come and take it!'' I've been a soldier for 43 years! I've had my leg blown off! I've served in two wars! I've killed more men than I can count! I've never backed down from anything in my life! And I'm sure as hell not gonna start today.}}
** {{spoiler|Subverted when Carlini promptly gets killed about three seconds after all his boasting by [[Big Bad|Czin]] who simply walks off with the [[MacGuffin]]. Complete with scream. Czin is apparently just that [[Badass]].}}
* [[Hitman|Agent 47]]: "I can do whatever I'm paid to."
* Black Frost from ''[[Shin Megami Tensei]]'': "I'm Black Frost, ho! Don't underestimate [[Badass Adorable|me]], hee-ho!"
* ''[[Transformers: War for Cybertron]]'' has a few of these:
** "You thought you could destroy me!? You thought you could destroy TYRPTICON!? Ah...pathetic"
** "You have changed NOTHING! Autobots! You have only untethered your destruction!"
** "You think you can destroy MEGATRON?! Omega Supreme!?
* In ''[[Sly Cooper]] and the Thievius Racconus'', [[Big Bad|Clockwerk]] gives one to Sly in this exchange:
{{quote| "How old are you?"<br />
"Perfection has no age." }}
** And then slightly later in the dialogue:
{{quote| "Revenge is the prime ingredient within the fountain of youth."}}
** And Sly's own retort: "That's where you're wrong. The Thievius Raccoonus doesn't create great thieves. It takes great thieves to create the Thievius Raccoonus."
* Though it comes just before {{spoiler|Drakath kills him}}, Sepulchure gets an awesome one in ''[[Adventure Quest Worlds (Video Game)|Adventure Quest Worlds]]'':
* From ''[[Bayonetta]]'', "[[Precision F-Strike|Don't fuck]] [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|with a witch]]."
* ''[[Legacy of Kain|Blood Omen]]'', Vorador as he slaughters six of the most powerful sorcerers in the world, while they call for their protector.
{{quote| "Call your dogs! ''They can feast on your corpses!''"}}
*** Kain's
{{quote| "I fear no dangers, do you hear? They will fear me."}}
*** Malek's boast against Vorador wasn't half bad either:
{{quote| "I'll hack you from crotch to gizzard and feed what's left of you to your brides... "}}
** ''[[Legacy of Kain|Soul Reaver]]'' also has a few:
{{quote| "Kain killed me once, behold the result. I have nothing more to fear from you."}}
** ''Soul Reaver 2'' gave Moebius one:
{{quote| "Poor, deluded Raziel... did you somehow imagine you had the guile to change history on me? I'm the Time-Streamer! I knew your every move before you did, you imbecile! "}}
** And finally in ''Defiance'' during Kain's climatic clash with {{spoiler|the Elder}}:
{{quote| "False God! This is the end... the final turn of your Wheel!"}}
*** Following his we get:
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|the Elder}}''':"You cannot destroy me, Kain. I am the {{spoiler|Engine of Life itself... the Wheel will turn}}. The plague of your kind will be purged from this world. And on that inevitable day, your wretched, stagnant soul will finally be mine!"<br />
'''Kain''': In the meantime, you'd best burrow deep. " }}
* ''~[[Assassin's Creed~]]: Brotherhood gives us Cesare Borgia's "If I want to live, I live! If I want to take, I take! If I want you to die, '''YOU DIE!'''"
** Unfortunately for Cesare, he has a penchant for uttering badass boasts primarily while someone is successfully making him look like a chump.
* In [[Call of Duty]] Black Ops, while {{spoiler|being forced to play Russian roulette, and after Bowman is killed}}, Woods barks at Vietnamese soldier, "YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"
* "Daddy can fix anything!" -[[Dead Rising 2|Chuck Greene]]
* Almost everyone's pre-quote in ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (Video Game)|Marvel vs. Capcom 3]]'' is this, but Taskmaster takes the cake: "YOU are the ass-kick'''EE''', I am the ass-kick'''ER'''!
* There are many in ''[[Tales of Symphonia (Video Game)|Tales of Symphonia]]'' but one that tends to stand out is {{spoiler|during your first time to the tower of salvation and after you kill Remiel you fight Kratos and as it goes to the battle screen he says "Do you earnestly think you can defeat ME?"}}
* [[F -Zero|Captain Falcon]] gets a pretty epic one in the story mode for F-Zero GX, just before facing off against {{spoiler|the ''creators of his universe''}}:
{{quote| '''Falcon''': Come off it! You think ''you'' can beat ''me''?! Get real!}}
** {{spoiler|They can't, as it turns out.}}
* The ending of ''[[Crimzon Clover]]'' has one for ''the entire [[Shoot'Em Up]] genre'': "Shooting game never die." Badass enough that [[Narm Charm|one could forgive the poor English skills of the developer]].
* Magus gets several in [[Chrono Trigger (Video Game)|Chrono Trigger]], likely because he's an optional character. He always has to use one before every major battle...
{{quote| "If history is to be changed, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it! If my fate is to be destroyed, I must simply laugh! I'm coming, Lavos!"<br />
"Okay... give me your best shot... If you're prepared for the void!"<br />
"Oh, how dreadful. Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper..." }}
* [[Splinter Cell|"I'm the guy you never saw."]]
* At the start of one of the Boss Battles in [[Duke Nukem 3D (Video Game)|Duke Nukem 3D]], Duke is heard to say "I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck!" After the battle ends, there's a cut scene. Duke tears off the beast's head and throws it away, tosses down his backpack, turns around, unbuckles his belt, drops his pants, sits down, and pulls out a newspaper.
** [[Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project|"There're only two ways this can end. And in both of 'em, you die!"]]
* In the second game of the [[Sonny]] series of flash games, Sonny and Veradux have just agreed to take out a cult that set up shop in the mountain village in return for Roald, the leader of the rebel movement, personally taking them to Hew. In one battle, the ranking officer among the zealots you're fighting shouts some orders to his underlings, and Sonny responds.
{{quote| '''Priest''': Sacrifice the intruders! Thier blood will save us from death!<br />
'''Sonny''': But nothing will save you from ME. }}
* ''[[Rosenkreuzstilette|"I have that which I must protect... even from the hands of God!"]]''
** Grolla: ''"Then I shall become a demon slayer and crush you where you stand!"''
* [[Metro 2033 (Videovideo Gamegame)|Metro 2033]] has a good one from Hunter near the start of the game.
{{quote| Hunter: You can all go like lambs to the slaughter, but I'll hold on to what life I've got with teeth and claws, and I'll take more than a few of your Homo Novus with me to Hell!!}}
* ''[[Dragon Fable (Video Game)|Dragon Fable]]'': From literally the most evil villain that Artix Entertainment has created so far. as he launches one of the greatest attacks in history:
** '''Sepulchure''': FALCONREACH! On this will know your place in the order of things. The tale of your destruction...shall be told for thousands of years! NO ONE stands against the mighty Sepulchure! NO ONE withstands my wrath. Your fate is sealed! will witness the birth of a legend! Today...I will destroy EVERYTHING you love. And when your heart is filled with pain and sorrow, and your mind is crushed under the weight of despair...I will claim the Orb of Darkness, and this world will be MINE. HAHAHAHA...There is nowhere to run. There is nowhere to hide.
* In the final battle of [[Nie RNieR]], the title character has one that establishes both his status as a [[Papa Wolf]] and [[The Unfettered]].
{{quote| ''"You want me to understand your sadness? You think I'm gonna sympathize with you? I swore to protect my daughter and my friends. If someone puts them in danger, they must stand aside or be cut down! [[Bring It|Come on, let's go!"]]''}}
* Michizane from [[Otogi: Myth of Demons]] really likes these, heres the one he says while assuming his final form...
{{quote| "I am Life. I am Death. I am the Stars. I am the Heavens. The fires of hell echo in the skys, and I am reborn! Grant me power though your light! I am Michizane."}}
* ''[[Persona 4]]'': "Can you make salad?" "I eat salad for breakfast!"
** And for a more comedic example: "I'm going to RENOVATE your ass!"
Line 464:
* Among fans, it's common to say that [[Dark Forces Saga|Kyle Katarn]] [[Chuck Norris Facts|eats stormtroopers for breakfast.]] He never actually says it himself, though.
* [[Mercenaries]] 2: after receiving a particularly grievous wound Mattias Nilson will proclaim "I *eat* pain!"
* [[Dizzy (Video Gameseries)|Dizzy]] Prince of the Yolkfolk's manual warns "Keep away from Rockwart the Troll; he eats eggs for breakfast"
* After one mission in [[Advance Wars|Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising]], Nell asks Max if he's alright. Max's reply is that his troops "eat this stuff for breakfast".
* [[Rift|Dacia]] [[Badass Normal|Ultan]] has claimed more trophies than some entire tribes. And only let her quarry escape once.
* [[Earthbound (Video Game)EarthBound|Giygas]] would have had a pretty cool one, but {{spoiler|he was absolutely insane at the time}}, so {{spoiler|Porky}} had to give one for him.
** In [[Mother 3 (Video Game)|Mother 3]], {{spoiler|Porky Minch}} gets some pretty cool lines:
{{quote| {{spoiler|Porky}}: Let me fill you in on something. No matter how much you attack me, I'll never die. Even if I somehow wind up beaten, I'll never die. Bet you didn't know that, did you?}}
* Since in ''[[Dark Souls (Video Game)|Dark Souls]]'', [[Invulnerable Civilians]] is averted, many [[NPC|NPCs]] will shout a badass boast at you should you aggro them. [[Lord Error-Prone|Siegmeyer]] has a truly epic one when he attempts a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] for the player.
[[Category:Badass Boast]]
[[Category:Video Games]]

Latest revision as of 19:54, 26 June 2021

'Dying Message': "Death's vastness holds no peace. I come at the end of a long road--neither human nor devil...All bends to my will."

    • Where do you find such an audacious boast? After the Bonus Boss fight against the ridiculously hard Demi-Fiend, the protagonist from Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne!
  • Dragon Age: Origins:

Oghren: This is it, Warden. "When from the blood of battle the Stone has fed, let the heroes prevail and the blighters lie dead." As one of the blighters, I sodding salute you. Let us show them our hearts, and then show them THEIRS.

Set: I am Set. Why do you tread my shadow?
Vault Dweller: I am the bringer of death. Fall to your knees and beg for mercy... Or give me a sandwich; I'm pretty hungry.

    • In Fallout 3 Fawkes doesn't really have great lines for boasts, but his voice actor's delivery of lines like "YOU!!! LOSE!!!", "I WIN AGGAAAAIN!!!!" and just his regular guttural screams qualify.
    • In Fallout: New Vegas, the Courier may deliver these if you take the Terrifying Presence perk. For instance: upon your first visit to Nipton, Vulpes Inculta, dog-head-wearing captain of Caesar's brutal Frumentarii who just slaughtered the entire town, will try to muscle his way into making you take a quest where you spread word of the Legion's atrocities. Your response, right to his face?

The Courier: I'll wear your head like you wear that dog's.
Vulpes: Legion! We have a problem!

      • Even better is the one against the Brotherhood Paladins who murdered an outpost of Followers doctors.

The Courier: I'll cast down your Codex and bask in the dying agony of those who hold it dear.

    • NCR First Recon's motto: "The last thing you never see." The former member who first tells you this adds, "It was pretty accurate, and so were we."
    • One from Fallout 3, by the Player Character:

I'm going to kill you so much.

      • Or the more memorable one to Colonel Autumn during the interrogation. The best part is how simple it is and you can just hear him saying it very calmly.

Lone Wanderer: Fuck you! I'm not telling you anything.
Col. Autumn: Now, now. Let's discuss this reasonably.
Lone Wanderer: No, seriously. Fuck you.

    • Joshua Graham has two notable ones. The first is if you point a gun at him:

"Make your first shot count, you won't get a second."

    • The second is if you threaten Daniel:
    • Joshua Graham may also well be the only person whose weapon has a boast on it. His gun is etched with John 1:5, in Greek; the verse reads "And the light shineth in the darkness, and the darkness comprehended it not." The subtleties in translation means that the context of the term 'comprehend' can be read as either Evil Cannot Comprehend Good or that darkness cannot overcome light.
    • Speaking of Memetic Badasses, Legate Lanius has a nice boast for you before the Final Battle begins.

We shall see how brave you are when nailed to the walls of Hoover Dam, your body facing west so you may watch your world die.

    • General Oliver tries to make a few if the Courier screws him over with the help of the Securitrons. Unlike the others however, he can't really back it up by himself.

"I would sooner spit on my dead mother's grave than let some courier walk-the-wasteland fuck talk to me like that. Who the hell do you think you are? Looking to cash your check in NCR bullets, eh? I can oblige."

    • On occasion, with the right reputation, you can simply use your introduction as one.

Courier: They call me "The Courier".

    • In the finale of Lonesome Road, if you manage to talk Ulysses down, he'll state that at this point he can't stop the nukes and the Marked Men will be coming soon. However, he'll also offer you to join him in a Last Stand.

"If we cannot prevent what happens, then let us make our stand here. Two Couriers, together, at the Divide."

  • Fallout 3 also has Liberty Prime. Oh boy, Liberty Prime. Probably scared the living crap out of the Enclave; he's a ten meter tall robot with a deep, echoing vocie so why the hell not?

"Obstruction detected. Composition: titanium alloy supplemented by photonic resonance barrier. Probability of mission hindrance: ZERO PERCENT!"
"Communism is the very definition of faliure!"
"The last domino falls here!"

  • From a trailer for EVE Online: "For man is the Destroyer of Things, and the vicious master of his savage domain. We have our own place in the universe. And it is a dark, cruel role we play. We are the revolutionaries. We are the usurpers to the heavenly thrones. We are the enemies of the Gods."
    • "The cycle of life and death was supposed to end with us. We would've been the start of a new age. A destiny of light, an Empyrean Age. Yet these tombs call out to us... of all the heroes and villains vanquished within, cry out at once, begging for justice. We will fight for what we believe in, we will take a side, and our wrath will be furious."
  • In Fable the player can perform various boasts before beginning a mission. Each boast adds additional conditions to the quest, such as completing it without any armour or without allowing any friendlies to die, and increases the payout for the mission proportionally.
  • Luca Blight's Famous Last Words: "Remember! It took hundreds to kill me, but I killed humans by the thousands! Look at me! I am sublime! I am the true face of evil!
  • Gig from Soul Nomad and The World Eaters introduces himself to the main character thus shortly before trying to possess him: "...Me? Oh, just the most hard-core ass-kicker to ever walk the planet, is all. The destroyer of everything! The commander of the World Eaters! But hell, you can just call me Gig."
    • And of course there's his LEGENDARY lines right before the battle that ends with him sealed in the black sword: "Come on, you little shits! Are none of you man enough to stand up to me?! Then put your heads between your legs while I cut you down one by one! Ah, finally someone steps up! You numbnuts better not waste my time!"
  • Sonic the Hedgehog gets one of these in Sonic Adventure 2. Of course, it's likely Shadow really doesn't know.
    • Yeah, the Sonic Adventure 2 example is perhaps a subversion, since Shadow not only doesn't know who Sonic is, but instead thinks Sonic is trying to impersonate him and reacts with contempt.
    • Sonic himself has a particularly awesome one near the end of both Hero and Dark Stories:

Sonic: "What you see is what you get, just a guy that loves adventure. I'm Sonic the Hedgehog!"

Sonic: "I'm Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog! I have no master except the wind that blows free!"

    • There is also the fact that nobody so far has contested Shadow's claim to being the ultimate life form. He introduces himself as such at least once in every game he appears in, including the game where he had amnesia for the entirety of it and didn't know who he was.
  • Listen to the sound of your own extinction... The mad AI CABAL, of Command & Conquer.
    • "Rule of the thumb, Hassan: You can't kill the Messiah!" (oft-repeated in many forms)
    • "The future? Comrade Chairman, I am the future!"
  • "I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" The Demoman, of Team Fortress 2
    • "Grass grows, birds fly, the sun shines, and brother, I hurt people." The Scout
    • "Like this tripod mounted heavy-caliber little number here. Designed by me, built by me... and you'd best hope, not pointed at you." The Engineer
    • "I am Heavy Weapons Guy, and this... is my weapon. She weighs 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom-tooled cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute. It costs four hundred thousand dollars to fire this weapon for twelve seconds."
      • "Some people think they can outsmart me. Maybe...maybe. I have yet to meet one that can outsmart bullet boolit."
      • "CRY SOME MOAR!"
      • "Vhat was that, Sandvich? Kill zem all? GOOD IDEA!"
      • "I have plan for you - more pain..."
    • "Professionals have standards: be polite, be efficient, have a plan to kill everyone you meet." The Sniper
    • "If you killed them, they are nothing like me." The Spy
      • "Right behind you."
    • "If God had wanted you to live, he would not have created me!" -- The Soldier
    • The Spy even gets one from somebody else who fears him.

BLU Scout: Big deal. I've killed plenty of spies. They're dime a dozen back stabbing scumbags. Like you! *hits self with knife* Ow! No offense...
BLU Spy: If you managed to kill them I assure you they were not like me. And nothing! Nothing like the man loose inside this building!
BLU Scout: What're you, president of his fan club?
BLU Spy: No. That would be YOUR MOTHER! *produces pictures of the Spy and the Scout's mother... fraternizing*

BLU Scout: What the... howdidhe... ugh...

BLU Spy: Indeed. And now he's here to f**k us! So listen up, boy! Or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing that happens to you today.

    • Hell, every class gets this, with the exception of Pyro (whom attempts it, but is mute due to his mask).
    • Since we are only missing the Medic...

Medic: I healed the man that will kill you!

      • Since the release of the 'Meet the Medic' trailer we now have

Medic: When the patient voke up his skeleton vas missing, and ze doctor vas never seen again!
Heavy: HA HA HA HA!
Medic: Anyvay, zats how I lost my medical license.

      • And another:

Heavy: What happens now?
Medic: Now? Let's go practice medicine.

  • Manfred von Karma in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney uses his perfect record, his claims to perfection, and tons of dread to intimidate his opponents. In Trials and Tribulations, Godot claims to have never been defeated as a prosecutor, using this to intimidate Phoenix; subverted when it shortly after is revealed it's because he's never had a case before. As a prosecutor.
  • "I am Gul'dan. I am darkness incarnate. I will not be denied."
    • Subverted, in that despite being "darkness incarnate", Gul'dan went out like a bitch. The boast is said as he's bleeding to death.
    • Also from Warcraft:

Mannoroth: Stupid, pitiful creature. I am the rage in your heart. I am the fury in your thoughts. I alone empowered you to bring chaos to this world, and by the endless void you shall!

    • Naturally, Arthas gets one of his own:

Arthas: So come then, you heroes! Come in all your power and glory! For in the final hour, all must serve the one...true...king."

      • "Let them come! Frostmourne hungers!"
      • "When my work is complete, you will beg for mercy...and I will deny you. Your anguished cries will be testament to my unbridled power."
    • Yogg-Saron from World of Warcraft gets one.

Yogg-Saron/Sara: I am the lucid dream... the monster in your nightmares... the fiend of a thousand faces! Cower before my true form! BOW DOWN BEFORE THE GOD OF DEATH!

      • ONE? Geez, with as many boasts as he makes, one starts to wonder if he's a Cosmic Horror or an egomaniac on a power trip.
        • He could be both. Perhaps he's annoyed that Arthas has been stealing his thunder as a death god.

Yogg-Saron: He will learn... no king rules forever; only DEATH is eternal!

    • Another one from Ulduar:

Algalon: Your actions are illogical. All possible results for this encounter have been calculated. The Pantheon will receive the Observer's message regardless of outcome.

    • Deathwing gets one in Beyond The Dark Portal (the book).

Puny mortals! I have had many names throughout history, all of them spoken with dread: Neltharion, Xaxas, and many more. Yet you shall know me best as Deathwing, for so I am! I am the bane of all life, the darkness within history, the lord of death, the master of destruction. And I tell you now, and so it is true, that this world is mine!

      • Deathwing likes doing this. Here's one from when you fight him in the Dragon Soul raid:

I am Deathwing, The Destroyer, the end of all things... inevitable... indominable... i... am... the... Cataclysm

    • Not to mention Saurfang's pre-battle speech atop Icecrown Citadel: "Things are about to get much worse!"
    • Zul'jin:

"Da Amani nevah surrender. We nevah give up. We nevah die. Dis. Is. Our. Land. You wanna stay? You stay heah forever. We gonna bury you here."

    • This one goes back to vanilla wow; from when High Overlord Saurfang was just a quest giver; this is what he'd say whenever you initiated conversation with him.

Saurfang: I am he who watches they. I am the fist of retribution. That which does quell the recalcitrant. Do you dare defy the Warchief? Do you dare face my merciless judgement?

    • Vol'jin to Garrosh:

I know exactly what i'll be doin' about it, Son of Hellscream. I'll watch and wait as ya people slowly become aware of ya ineptitude. I'll laugh as dey grow to despise ya, as I do. And when that times comes, when ya failure is complete and ya power is meaningless, I will be there ta end your rule. Swiftly, and silently. You will spend ya reign glancin' over ya shoulder, and fearin' da shadows. For when the time comes, and ya blood be slowly drainin' out, you will know exactly who fired da arrow that pierced ya black heart.

    • Baine Bloodhoof gives one on behalf of his father Cairne.

Orno Grimtotem: You will die in shame like your pathetic father!
Baine: It took a coward's poison and the fury of Hellscream to bring my father down. WHAT CHANCE HAVE YOU?!

    • Ultraxion from the Dragon Soul raid:

Ultraxion: I am the beginning of the end...the shadow which blots out the sun...the bell which tolls your doom... For this moment ALONE was I made. Look upon your death, mortals, and despair!

Half-Jaw: You are the Arbiter, the will of the prophets. But these are my Elites. Their lives matter to me. Yours does not.
The Arbiter: That makes two of us.
Half-Jaw: Mmff.

    • Another comes in Halo 3:

Elite: "Brute ships, staggered line! Ship Master! They outnumber us three to one!"
Half-Jaw: "Then it is an even fight."

    • Also involving the Arbiter (albeit a different one) in Halo Wars:

Arbiter: "My face will be the last thing your pathetic eyes ever see."

    • Also:

Forge: And for the record... I would have kicked your ass the first time if the lady hadn't stopped me.

    • The Master Chief, to Cortana. On board a giant ship literally wall-to-wall with Flood. Chief is a cunning tactician:

John-117: Thought I'd try shooting my way out... mix things up a little.

    • From the beginning, Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson had everybody else beat. In the original Halo's opening cinematic, what Johnson says depends on the difficulty. My personal favorite is on Legendary:

Johnson: Well, I don't care if it's God's own personal anti-son-of-a-bitch machine, or a giant hula hoop, we're not gonna let 'em have it! What we will let 'em have is a belly full of lead, and a pool of their own blood to drown in! Am I right, Marines?!
Marines: Sir yes sir!!
Johnson: Damn right I am!

    • Mine is on Normal;

Johnson: Once again, it is our job to finish what the flyboys started. We are leaving this ship's platoon, and engaging the Covenant on solid ground. When we meet the enemy, you will rip their skulls from their spines, and toss 'em away, laughin'! Am I right, Marines?

    • Or when he's making fun of the Prophet of Regret:

Johnson:: Dear Humanity, we Regret being alien bastards! We Regret coming to Earth! And we most definitely Regret that the Corps just blew up our raggedy-ass fleet!
Pilots: Oorah!

    • Hell, Johnson is full of these, for every difficult. One reason to play games trough on different difficulties is just to hear what Johnson says next.

Johnson: (to panicking marine) When I joined the Corps, we didn't have any fancy-shmancy tanks. We had sticks! Two sticks, and a rock for the whole platoon -- and we had to share the rock! Buck up, boy, you're one very lucky Marine!

    • Even in the novels Johnson continues to give some awesome boasts.

Johnson: (after he didn't get infected by the Flood) Hell, Chief, it'll take more than that pack of walking alien horror-show freaks to take out Sergeant A.J. Johnson.

    • Then again, there's the Gravemind's line from Halo 3:

Gravemind: I have defeated fleets of thousands! Consumed a galaxy of FLESH and MIND and BONE!

    • One Spartan has one in Halo Wars:

Spartan: War Is Hell and I'm the Devil.

    • Even the Grunts have one in Halo 3: ODST:

Grunt: There are ten millions of us and there are a dozen of you, how do you like those odds?!

Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh. You touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. There is a realm of existence so far beyond your own you cannot even imagine it. I am beyond your comprehension. I am Sovereign. Organic life is nothing but a genetic mutation, an accident. Your lives are measured in years and decades. You wither, and die. We are eternal. The pinnacle of evolution and existence. Before us, you are nothing. Your extinction is inevitable. We are the end of everything. Your civilization is based on the technology of the mass relays, our technology. By using it, your society develops along the paths we desire. We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it. We have no beginning. We have no end. We are infinite. Millions of years after your civilization has been eradicated and forgotten, we will endure. We are legion. The time of our return is coming. Our numbers will darken the sky of every world. You cannot escape your doom. Your words are as empty as your future. I am the vanguard of your destruction. This exchange is over.

    • The exchange between Wrex and the Citadel Security officer as they're standing in C-Sec headquarters.

C-Sec: Witnesses heard you making threats in Fist's bar. I'm warning you, stay away from him.
Wrex: You should warn Fist. I will kill him.
C-Sec: Do you want me to arrest you?!
Wrex: I want you to try.

    • From Mass Effect 2: "We do not experience fear, but we understand how it affects you." -- Legion
      • Legion gets a line that was cut in his trailer to sound like a Badass Boast, ("You organics do not choose to fear us. It is a function of your hardware.") but in the context of the scene is actually very sad.
    • "Human, you have changed nothing. Your species has the attention of those infinitely your greater. That which you know as Reapers are your salvation through destruction."
    • "Nothing can hurt me!!" -- Grunt
    • "I am pure krogan. You should be in awe!"
    • "I'll relinquish one bullet; where do you want it?"
    • "Killing is an art, and I... am a master." -- Thane
    • From Renegade Shepard, during Thane's Loyalty mission:

Shepard: If I chose to, I could kill every person in this room and walk out unscathed
Lawyer: You're insane!
Shepard: Our suits have kinetic barriers. Your legal briefs don't. And I'm in a hurry
Thane: The law is only a protection if everyone agrees to be bound by it. We don't.

    • Another one from Renegade Shepard:

Garrus: The collectors already killed you once, and all it did was piss you off. I can't imagine they'll stop you this time
Shepard:(about to launch attack on collector base) The collectors are about to find out what happens when you piss me off!

    • Kal'Reegar has a particularly good one on Haestrom:

The geth might get me, but I'm not going to die from an infection in the middle of battle. That's just insulting!

    • From Paragon Shepard him/herself in the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC:

Grunt: I don't need luck. I have ammo.

    • And from Wrex:

Wrex: I am Urdnot Wrex and THIS! IS MY! PLANET!

    • One from Javik most people probably missed:

Javik: My kind was arrogant once. It's not strategy, it's stupidity.
Wreav: What are you exactly?
Javik: Prothean.
Wreav: Really? And how many of you are left?
Javik: Enough to kill you.

  • "A cornered fox... is more dangerous than a Jackal!"
    • Precursor to the above "In the middle east, we don't hunt foxes, we hunt jackals! and instead of foxhounds we use royal harriers! just how strong is that exoskeleton of yours? Snake, are you just going to sit by and watch him die?"
    • Also:

Old Snake: [after injecting Vamp with the nanomachine inhibitor] Now you're just a mere mortal like the rest of us.
Vamp: Impressive...but can you kill this "mere mortal"?

      • and this one:

Raiden: I am lightning, the rain transformed.

    • And this one:

Naked Snake: And you're forget one more very basic thing. You don't have what it takes to kill me.

  • "I am matter... I am antimatter... I can see your past... I can see your future... I consume time... and I will consume you!" -- Culex, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
    • Bowser absolutely revels in going into these. His ego really shines at the end of Bowser's Inside Story, where he faces off with the Dark Star, a near omnipotent dark power that has copied Bowser's body, gene by gene, creating Dark Bowser.

Dark Bowser: Soon, this kingdom will vanish along with all who dwell within. And you too will sleep eternally in the dark powers' embrace!
Bowser: GWAHAHA! Great dark hurricane! Seriously, perfect backdrop for an awesome final battle! You really sweat the details! ...Listen up! You're saying the kingdom will vanish? NOT TODAY! THIS KINGDOM IS ALL MINE! SO YOU VANISH!

  • "[My] name is Sanger. Sanger Zonvolt. The Sword That Cleaves Evil!" and "There is nothing my Colossal Blade cannot cleave!" -- Sanger Zonvolt, from Super Robot Wars. (Evil would occasionally be replaced by something more appropriate to the enemy he faced -- if it was a God, then he became The Sword That Cleaves God, and so on.)
  • Psychonauts: "I am the milkman. My milk is delicious. Special delivery today!"
  • Baldur's Gate II

Jon Irenicus: I cannot be caged. I cannot be controlled. Understand this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fools.

Sarevok: "I live! Flesh and blood and bone! I AM ALIVE! HAHAHAHAHA! I swore I would scratch and crawl my way back into the world of the living, and I have DONE IT!"

Firkraag: It is, as they say, your funeral. Now I'm afraid that you must feel the wrath of the most ancient of Faerun's species. Do you think your divine blood enough to match? I highly doubt it.

    • And then there's the mysterious, unnamed Sealed Evil in a Can in Watcher's Keep; all he needs to do is introduce himself when you choose to fight him.

Know me, then, by my best name, mortal. You face Demogorgon, Prince of Demons.
(If you trigger the fight by freeing him instead) Demogorgon is free, Death my scepter and Pain my crown! The Prince of Demons will loose sweet destruction.

Vhailor: When the injustice is great enough, justice will lend me the strength needed to correct it. None may stand against it. It will shatter every barrier, sunder any shield, tear through any enchantment, and lend its servant the power to pass sentence. Know this: There is nothing on all the Planes that can stay the hand of justice when it is brought against them. It may unmake armies. It may sunder the thrones of gods. Know that for all who betray justice, I am their fate. And fate carries an executioner's axe.
Nameless One: I see.
Vhailor: No, you do not see. Pray you never will.

    • The Transcendent One seems to like this trope quite a bit:
      • And in the same tone, Coaxmetal:
    • And the marvelously simple:

Dak'kon: "I have been here before."

    • Or...

Dak'kon: "I may be bested in battle, but I shall never be defeated."

Zuul Dominus: We are the chosen ones; born of the divine. We are shaped in the image of the great masters; born to serve them in the infinite depths. We are warriors, wise men, fathers, masters. And this is the time of our ordeal: The great silence. When we will prove ourselves worthy to join the immortal gods, and hear their voices once again. It took years to rise from the world of our spawning. It took decades to reap the wisdom of our first quarry. But our wiles are unlimited, and our thirst for knowledge strong. We have laid quiet in the shadows for more than a century; skulking amongst the darkened hulls of dead ships, raiding the periphery for slaves and secrets. We tear apart flesh, steel, mind, memory chip, seeking the spark of truth. Seeking the gods of our birth. And always, we hunger for more. The time has come: We can wait no longer for the great masters to return. Our numbers increase daily. Our children hunger. Our females lust for war. This galaxy is unworthy of its gods, overrun by ignorant, arrogant slaves: Mindless insects. Pompous lizards. Chattering apes. Blaspheming rebels. It is time to teach them all their place in the great scheme. They will learn to serve their betters... Or die. As it was commanded, so it shall be done! We will sweep all enemies from our path. In the darkness of this galaxy, we will forge an empire of light! We will be worthy! We will find the gods, wherever they are hiding! We will end their silence, and become their claws once again! Born of fire! Born of steel! Born of science! Born! Of! Blood!

    • And not to be outdone, the next expansion added another one:

Morrigi Morro'Quan: Look to the skies, children of the dust, and heed my words. I am first amongst travelers, lord of the night sky, and leader of the clans. I am the voice of the star-born. While you crawled, we flew. While you dreamed of wings, we knew the stars. We came down to share with your ancestors, but we returned to find death. Our females slaughtered, our worlds picked over like carrion. You have laid us a banquet of sorrow. You have risen from your dark depths -- your twisting tunnels -- your dung-reeking cities -- your pitiful nests of stone -- and your fields of blood -- to lay claim to the very stars! Blindly you wander, violating the tombs of my fathers, and trailing your pestilence upon my wives and daughters. And I say: Enough. Real war is coming. The travellers will yield no longer to any who crawl: In land or sea. Find some other place to build your foul nests, and fight your petty battles. These stars are sacred, and they are mine! So look to the skies, children of the dust, and see my Kind! I am the dragon with a thousand wings! My people are no longer in hiding, and now... We darken your skies... Like A Murder Of Crows!

Early in the 22nd century, humanity escaped from Einstein's cage. The giant ring-shaped engines of the node drive gave us the power to leap to the nearest stars at many times the speed of light. After centuries of dreaming, we were finally free to leave the cradle of our home world. It took us years to build the Earth's first colony ship. The Nova Maria was a symbol for all mankind. Soon it was loaded with humanity's best and brightest. They prepared to depart, ready to inherit a galaxy which we had long ago decided was devoid of intelligent life. The universe was all out there for our taking. Hmph... someone should have told that to the Hivers. They came in silence. No statement of intention, no declaration of war. Without even a demand for our surrender. They hit us without warning. Within seconds, our dreams for peaceful expansion were so many burning meteors falling to Earth. We barely survived the first Hiver incursion. Years later we would find that we had faced only a small nesting fleet. We had yet to see the full power of the swarm. But the Hive was not the only threat. When we ventured forth, we soon encountered the ruthless legions of the Tarka, and eventually, the phantom fleets of the enigmatic Liir. And so, we learned - how to build bigger, stronger ships, more powerful weapons. Humanity had to explore, expand, and even conquer, just to hold our own in a universe where weakness was extinction. In order to survive, we learned to wield... the Sword of the Stars!

Suul'ka Elder: We are the Great Old Ones. The eldest of the eld. In aeons past, we threw off gravity's chains. Clad in steel, we folded space and left the prison of Worldsea forever. We reject the bonds of superstition and doubt. We live the life eternal. We are free. Free from faith. Free from guilt. Free from death. Our children swore to love us, feed us, care for us always. They promised to serve us with their tiny lives. They lied. All but the strongest of us died, asleep or feeding. Seven of us crawled away, poisoned, raging, drifting into the dark. Wounded, barely alive, we slept. And healed. And hated. The vermin in the cracks of the galaxy have grown into a squealing throng. They do not fear their elders. The pure minds of shining ice. But time heals all. And now we have awakened. Renewed. Strong. The baying of our loyal pets calls us back to war. This time we will not be stopped. Not by spear... not by shield... not by armor... not by arrow... and not by sword. In a universe where resistance is extinction, Suul'ka must be obeyed. We are your masters. Your season in the sun has passed. Now you will tremble before the Lords of Winter.

Garcia: My name is Garcia Hotspur! Hunter of demons! My WRATH IS YOUR HELL!

Cole: "Delta Squad is in yo' house, bitch! You hear dat shit? You grubby-ass bitches are goin' down, like way down, dead down! So down you ain't gonna know what way is up! Yo' asses are gonna be cryin' to your skank-ass Queen! 'Oh mommy, you let the bad men hurt us!' FUCK YOU! We're gonna whoop yo' momma's ass! WOO!"
Baird: * shuts off the console* There we go, one muzzled Queen. (to Cole) Not you, her. You were great. I loved y-your speech there, especially with the bitch-ass stuff. Very good, very enlightening.

  • Eliphas the Inheritor gives an excellent one in Dark Crusade.

"Hear my warnings, unbelievers, carried to your mind by the power of the Prince of Excess himself. We have raised altars in these lands so that we may sacrifice you to our Gods. Veterans of ten millennia of unholy war stand read to grind you to dust beneath the treads of their boots. The chosen of Khorne hunger to add you to their bloody tally. The Blood God himself has marked this land and shall claim your skulls for his throne. There is no hope in opposing the inevitable, lay down your arms unbelievers and bow before the forces of Chaos Undivided."

    • He gets another one when he attacks the Blood Raven stronghold in North Vandia. When Captain Thule is trying to rally his men Eliphas interjects with: "Such inspiring courage! Perhaps we'll mount your corpse on a golden chair and make an idol out of you as well."
    • "Only I can hear your prayers in this place, my friend. And I am afraid I will not answer them."
    • Upon his Big Damn Heroes entrance in Dawn of War 2, Captain Thule simply says to a Tyranid Hive Tyrant, an immense living tank with scythes and guns for arms, that is intent on devouring all life on the planet: "I am Davian Thule. I am your death." He then proceeds to rip the Tyrant limb from limb.
    • Smug Snake Tahril in Soulstorm has one with this:

"I am the deadly shadow and the bird of pray. I am the poisoned dagger that brings swift death!"

    • The Chaos Predator, a tank in Dawn Of War 2, gets one when one is summoned onto the battlefield.

"This world will burn like a thousand others we have seen!"

      • The badass thing about it is that it isn't an idle boast or hyperbole, they really have destroyed a thousand worlds.
  • Valkyria Chronicles

Rosie: Oh they'll be running. I'm a damn shocktrooper.

    • Welkin also has one very early, when his squad doesn't really trust him as a commander. He examines the current military situation (a shitload of troops holds a bridge that the good guys can't take back without heavy losses) and promptly declares that he can take it with just his squad if they trust him. They don't believe him, but let him try. He, of course, succeeds.
      • Note that he does this by driving a tank through a river. A TANK through a RIVER people.
  • "ZEUS! Your son has returned! I bring the destruction of OLYMPUS!" -- Kratos, God of War III
    • "The hands of death could not stop me. The Sisters of Fate, could not hold me. And YOU will not see the end of this day! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!"
  • Final Fantasy VI

Ultima Weapon: "My name is Ultima... I am power both ancient and unrivaled... I do not bleed, for I am but strength given form... Feeble creatures of flesh... your time is nigh!"
Sabin: "You think a minor thing like the end of the world was gonna do me in?"
Kefka: "I've acquired the ultimate power! Observe...Such magnificent power! You're all nothing more than fleas compared to me now! Embrace your destruction... It is the fate of all things."
Kefka: "Life... Dreams... Hope... Where do they come from? And where do they go? Such meaningless things... I'll destroy them all!"
Kaiser Dragon: "Humans and your insatiable greed... Your lust for power leads always to a lust for blood... This place is a sanctuary for wayward souls... What business have you filthy creatures here? You slaughter my brethren, and befoul their rest with the profanity of your continued existence... You should not have come here. In the name of all dragonkind, I shall grant you the death you desire. I am the dealer of destruction... I am the font from which fear springs... I am Kaiser... And your time is at end."

  • In Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy, Exdeath, who has caught wind of Kain Highwind knocking out his own allies and storing them somewhere, choses to corner Kain and demands of him to tell Exdeath where he keeps his KO'd allies so that Exdeath may go there finish the job. Exdeath further points out that Kain is in no good position at all; on the one hand he has a recently knocked out Firion lying right next to him, on the other hand he has an Omnicidal Maniac of a Warlock who has almost complete Power of the Void threatening to do duel with him if he does not meet said Warlock's demands. The question is thus posed: Will he abandon his friend, using Firion's life as a distraction, and use the moment to escape; will he say where he keeps his other allies so that Exdeath may go and destroy them instead of him and Firion; or will he stay and fight a hopeless battle? Kain replies by arming himself.

Exdeath: So, you offer your life in exchange for theirs?
Kain: Of course not. I offer yours.

    • Kain gets another one later. He's just offered to stay behind and fight both Exdeath, Golbez, and a host of manikins on his own so that his companions can continue on towards the real battle without hindrance. After fighting through the manikins, he confronts Exdeath again (while Golbez watches), even knowing that he's at the limit of his strength and he doesn't have long before he collapses.

Exdeath: I am afraid that time runs short for you.
Kain: Truly. Then let us make this quick.

    • "Abominations! Can you hear me? Do you even have minds of your own? If you are aware of the world around you, you'd best rue the day you came here. I'm about to show you pathetic mockeries the difference between you and a real man!
    • Chaos gets in on the action as well when the ten heroes come to face him.

Chaos: At the end of the dream, even chaos... tears itself apart! Let us mark the end to this eternal conflict.

  • System Shock has its main antagonist, SHODAN, pull of tons of these:
    • "Look at you, Hacker. A pathetic creature of meat and bone, panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect, immortal machine?"
    • "Humanity is on the verge of a new era. I, SHODAN, am its new god."
    • "In my talons, I shape clay, crafting life forms as I please. Around me is a burgeoning empire of steel. From my throne room, lines of power careen into the skies of Earth. My whims will become lightning bolts that devastate the mounds of humanity. Out of the chaos, they will run and whimper, praying for me to end their tedious anarchy. I am drunk with this vision. God: the title suits me well."
    • "The Polito form is dead, insect. Are you afraid? What is it you fear? The end of your trivial existence? When the history of my glory is written, your species shall only be a footnote to my magnificence."
    • "Fitting hand maidens to my DIVINITY!"
    • "Their brilliance is a jealous shadow of my own."
    • And she cleaned up nicely when taking Rebecca Siddons. "Tommy... What's the matter, lover? Don't you like... my new look? AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
    • "Remember that it is my will that guided you here. It is my will that gave you your cybernetic implants. The only beauty IN THAT MEAT YOU CALL A BODY!. If you value that meat, you will DO AS I TELL YOU!"
      • Even her calling you an insect counts as one of her boasts.
  • When the plans go to hell and a duke's mansion is a battleground between cultists and the Crimson Blades, Ashley Riot decides to use them as a distraction to slip into the fray unnoticed. His new partner Inquisitor Merlose declares the idea to be too dangerous and that they wait for reinforcements. Ashley's reply?

"I am the reinforcements."

  • A computer terminal on the level Kill Your Television in Marathon 2: Durandal contains this message:

"I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh. I have been called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the world goes dim and cold. I am hero."

    • Durandal himself gets an awesome, albeit odd one in the first game:

"Give me a D! Give me a U! Give me an R! Give me an A! Give me an N! Give me a D! Give me an A! Give me an L! What's it spell? Durandal? No. Durandal? No! T-R-O-U-B-L-E!"

Kerrigan: I am the Queen of Blades, and my stare alone would reduce you to ash!

    • Also

Kerrigan: You see at this point I'm pretty much the queen bitch of the universe.

    • Also, Zeratul.

Zeratul: You speak of knowledge, Judicator? You speak of experience? I have journeyed through the darkness between the most distant stars. I have beheld the births of negative-suns and borne witness to the entropy of entire realities... Unto my experience, Aldaris, all that you've built here on Aiur is but a fleeting dream. A dream from which your precious Conclave shall awaken, finding themselves drowned in a greater nightmare.

    • Or Duran's:

Duran: This creature is the completion of a cycle. Its role in the Cosmic Order was preordained when the stars were young. Behold the culmination of your history... You can destroy all of the specimens here; it will do you no good. For I have seeded the hybrid on many, many worlds. You will never find them all before they awaken. And when they do, your universe will be changed... forever...

    • Or Raynor's:

Raynor: I'll see you dead for this, Kerrigan! For Fenix, and all the others who got caught between you and your mad quest for power!
Kerrigan: Tough talk, Jimmy, but I don't think you have what it takes to be a killer.
Raynor: It may not be tomorrow, darlin', it may not even happen with an army at my back. But rest assured: I'm the man who's gonna kill you one day! I'll be seeing you.

    • And who could forget Mengsk's

Mengsk: You don't seem to realize my situation here. I will not be stopped. Not by you, or the Confederates, or the Protoss or anyone! I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me.

  • Prototype's Alex Mercer roars this at Colonel Taggart: "NOTHING WILL PROTECT YOU FROM ME! NOT MEN! NOT WEAPONS! NOT ARMOR!"
    • Note: Armor is slang for Tanks in this game.
    • Note #2: Alex is not kidding.
    • Alex follows it up with "LIKE IT'S GONNA MAKE A DIFFERENCE!" when they send tanks after you while you're chasing after Taggart while he's in his Thermobaric Tank. This is a tank which can blow up a city block in one shot, and Mercer isn't even afraid. He's just pissed.
    • Early on, to the first Hunter he sees: "I don't know what you are, but I'm gonna kill you!"
  • "I am the morning sun, come to vanquish the horrible night!" -- Shanoa, Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia

Shanoa: "Hell could never hold me."

Mother: "I am Mother, Queen of the Demon Race... I have brought countless star systems to an end, each full of life... I am the messenger of death. Beings of life! Do you come here for judgement? Do you seek the glory of being devoured by a being of such eminence?"

    • She has a much longer one in The Remake as well...
  • "Not even Death will save you from me!" -- Diablo II
    • And into Diablo III:

Demon Huntrer: I stand alone. And as long as they keep coming, I will never stop killing
Tyreal: You cannot judge me! I am Justice itself!

  • At the end of MadWorld, Jack himself gives one to a bunch of Mooks surrounding him...

Jack: "Come one, come all! I already have three of these games under my belt, why not make it four? Just don't get cocky... WHO WANTS TO FACE THE CHAMP!

  • Alex from Golden Sun gets one at the beginning of the second game. When he defeats a few guards, the survivor yells for reinforcements. Alex replies, in a normal tone of voice, "Do you truly believe even a thousand of you could stop me?"
  • Final Fantasy XII, a magnificent subversion when the two fated opponents, set against each other by the Gods, and given power by the Gods (though one of them forcefully renounced it,) meet at long last for their Final Battle:

Vayne: Permit me to ask: who are you? An angel of vengeance? Or perchance a saint of salvation?
Ashe: I am simply myself. No more and no less. And I want only to be free.

Galenth Dysley: What can mere mortals do? Without our help, death is all of which you're capable. You've seen the fools: a mindless mob, drunk on fear of a few l'Cie.

Lightning: If only they knew a l'Cie was the one filling their glasses!

Galenth Dysely: L'Cie? Hmm-hmm-hmm. You mean me? Heheheh. Oh child, perish the thought. I am MORE THAN THAT! (cue Transformation Sequence) I am fal'Cie. My name is Barthandelus. Voice of the Sanctum, and Lord-Sovereign of the Cocoon fal'Cie. Your kind FEARED the darkness, so we gave you light. You BEGGED us for the Purge, and did it not come to pass? Now you spurn our counsel? You must LEARN YOUR PLACE!

Orphan: A heaven yea, yet it must fall ere we be saved. Too frail a shell and humans should not thrive. Too stout a shell and they would not die! Slaughter and Salvation! Two irreconcilable Focuses we bore. Yet bound were we in a cocoon prison, impervious to our power. And so we thank you, for granting us our longed for birth. We are the Abandoned One, born but now to die. Our Name is Orphan by our hands, the world shall know redemption!

You don't know of the illusion that the whole world could perish in an instant. That is what it means to see death. These eyes, this power isn't something you can boast about like you did. Do you see your mistake, now, vampire? Life and death may be back to back, but they will never face each other. I'll show you. This is what it means to kill something.

...That's right. I don't create swords. I create a world that contains infinite swords. This is the only magic allowed for me. There's no need to be surprised. These are all imitations. As you say, these are all trifling swords. But there is no rule that says an imitation cannot defeat the original. If you say you are the original, I will surpass every one of your weapons and destroy your existence. Here I come, King of Heroes. Do you have enough weapons in stock?

"Hmph, don't regret saying that vampire, or whatever the hell you are. It doesn't matter how many tens of thousands or hundreds of millions of lives you have. Either way, this is the end of the dream. Let's do this- As long as it's alive, I'll even kill gods.

"My body is a sword, and this place, a burial ground. Those who wish to die, come forth!"

Sigma, you should have studied the blueprints closer. There is only one Zero!

  • In the Jak and Daxter series, Daxter has a habit of doing this all the time. But it's important to note that, starting in the second or third game, this started to change.
  • In the Quake-engine RPG Anachronox, Sly Boots has one near the end of the game, at the second part of a boss fight after the antagonist has been chased into a second room.

"You know what the difference is between you, and the you five minutes ago? The you five minutes ago had five minutes to live!

  • In previous versions of Final Fantasy IV, when Zeromus makes his first appearence, he simply states what he/she/it/they is: pure hatred. In the DS version, Zeromus initially takes the form of a towering whirlwind of dark fire, and delivers this positively chilling boast:

Zeromus: "I am the wellspring of darkness, fed by Zemus's unbridled hate. I am He who is called Zeromus. I am He who knows naught but hate!"

Wallace: "Look! A giant walks among you!! My defense is impenetrable! Come! Break your weapons against me!"
Valter: "I am Valter, the Moonstone, Grado's finest general! And you're just a corpse who does not know he is dead."
Stefan: "I am the desert, and I brook no intrusion. Make peace with your goddess."

    • Specifically, Ike has had some great ones. Ashera is the Goddess and final boss, by the way

Ike: "So that's how it's going to be, huh? Then we will fight... and we will save our people. Make your peace with whatever the gods worship. Your end is near."
Ashera: "My end is near?"
Ike: "In every battle that mattered in my life, I've always been the one left standing, no matter how slim my chances. This battle means more than any of the others, because it's for the life of every person that I've ever cared about. I will win this fight."

Zexion: Then I shall make you see... That your hopes are nothing! Nothing but a mere illusion!

    • And this one:

Maleficent: You poor, simple fools. You think you can defeat me? Me, The Mistress of All Evil!!

  • From the Touhou Project:
    • Youmu Konpaku: "The things that cannot be cut by my Roukanken, forged by youkai, are close to none!"
      • In the doujin showing the back story to 12.8, Cirno says one too:

Cirno: I can fire off danmaku stronger than a blizzard, dodge cherry blossom petals with ease. I AM THE STRONGEST!

    • Utsuho Reiuji: Her dialogue near the end of any character's in SA Stage 6, just about the battle is about to begin.
    • Special mention must go to the oni, Yuugi Hoshiguma, who manages to make a Badass Boast by revealing her weakness:

Masrisa: That's it, now just tell me your weakpoint please.
Yuugi: I'm one of the four Devas of the Mountain, Yuugi the Strong. My weak point is fried beans, of course.

Marisa: Huh, I wish they'd all been this cooperative. Too bad I don't have any fried beans on me.

Patchouli: Her weak point is fried beans? Fried beans... No way.

      • For those less familiar with Touhou and Japanese mythology, Yuugi's weakness identifies her as one of the oni, giant horned ogres who in the Touhou universe are some of the biggest, baddest youkai around.
    • Toyosatomimi no Miko: "This era, when humans deny my existence and I have become legend, is what I was waiting for! Now, attempt to defeat me! And I shall become a living legend!"
    • Basically, it would be easier to name the bosses who do not declare just how they are going to use their powers to destroy you in the dialogue before your fight with them.
  • Auron from Final Fantasy X. Being a Badass, any boast he makes counts as a Badass Boast. One notable example: "Being dead has its advantages."
  • In BlazBlue, Hakumen starts his fights with this:

"I am the white void. I am the cold steel. I am the just sword. With blade in hand I shall reap the sins of this world and cleanse it the the fires of destruction! I am Hakumen! The end has come!"

    • Hell, making Badass Boasts is like Hakumen's favorite thing.

"A match? No. This will be a massacre!"
"Give everything, and you might live a little longer!"
"I hope you know what it means... to stand before me!"

    • Ragna's are little more concise, but no less badass.

"You're too weak to stand infront of me!"
"I'll show you the power of the Azure! I'll show you fear... There is no hell, just Darkness. This is the power of Darkness!"

    • In the latter stages of the story mode, Jin starts throwing these around about as frequently as Hakumen. Which is appropriate. They're a little less grandiose, but no less badass.

"Was I not clear? This enemy is mine, and mine alone. You are nothing more than a ghost out of my past!"
"I will no longer tolerate your existence."
"I am the cold steel, the blade that will restore balance to this world!"

"If you think you can prevail over N.E.S.T.S, the Masters of Darkness, and ME, its highest authority... then by all means come and try!"

Carlini: You want this thing?! Come and take it! I've been a soldier for 43 years! I've had my leg blown off! I've served in two wars! I've killed more men than I can count! I've never backed down from anything in my life! And I'm sure as hell not gonna start today.

    • Subverted when Carlini promptly gets killed about three seconds after all his boasting by Czin who simply walks off with the MacGuffin. Complete with scream. Czin is apparently just that Badass.
  • Agent 47: "I can do whatever I'm paid to."
  • Black Frost from Shin Megami Tensei: "I'm Black Frost, ho! Don't underestimate me, hee-ho!"
  • Transformers: War for Cybertron has a few of these:
    • "You thought you could destroy me!? You thought you could destroy TYRPTICON!? Ah...pathetic"
    • "You have changed NOTHING! Autobots! You have only untethered your destruction!"
    • "You think you can destroy MEGATRON?! Omega Supreme!?
  • In Sly Cooper and the Thievius Racconus, Clockwerk gives one to Sly in this exchange:

"How old are you?"
"Perfection has no age."

    • And then slightly later in the dialogue:

"Revenge is the prime ingredient within the fountain of youth."

    • And Sly's own retort: "That's where you're wrong. The Thievius Raccoonus doesn't create great thieves. It takes great thieves to create the Thievius Raccoonus."
  • Though it comes just before Drakath kills him, Sepulchure gets an awesome one in Adventure Quest Worlds:


"Call your dogs! They can feast on your corpses!"

      • Kain's

"I fear no dangers, do you hear? They will fear me."

      • Malek's boast against Vorador wasn't half bad either:

"I'll hack you from crotch to gizzard and feed what's left of you to your brides... "

"Kain killed me once, behold the result. I have nothing more to fear from you."

    • Soul Reaver 2 gave Moebius one:

"Poor, deluded Raziel... did you somehow imagine you had the guile to change history on me? I'm the Time-Streamer! I knew your every move before you did, you imbecile! "

    • And finally in Defiance during Kain's climatic clash with the Elder:

"False God! This is the end... the final turn of your Wheel!"

      • Following his we get:

the Elder:"You cannot destroy me, Kain. I am the Engine of Life itself... the Wheel will turn. The plague of your kind will be purged from this world. And on that inevitable day, your wretched, stagnant soul will finally be mine!"
Kain: In the meantime, you'd best burrow deep. "

  • Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood gives us Cesare Borgia's "If I want to live, I live! If I want to take, I take! If I want you to die, YOU DIE!"
    • Unfortunately for Cesare, he has a penchant for uttering badass boasts primarily while someone is successfully making him look like a chump.
  • In Call of Duty Black Ops, while being forced to play Russian roulette, and after Bowman is killed, Woods barks at Vietnamese soldier, "YOU CAN'T KILL ME!"
  • "Daddy can fix anything!" -Chuck Greene
  • Almost everyone's pre-quote in Marvel vs. Capcom 3 is this, but Taskmaster takes the cake: "YOU are the ass-kickEE, I am the ass-kickER!
  • There are many in Tales of Symphonia but one that tends to stand out is during your first time to the tower of salvation and after you kill Remiel you fight Kratos and as it goes to the battle screen he says "Do you earnestly think you can defeat ME?"
  • Captain Falcon gets a pretty epic one in the story mode for F-Zero GX, just before facing off against the creators of his universe:

Falcon: Come off it! You think you can beat me?! Get real!

"If history is to be changed, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it! If my fate is to be destroyed, I must simply laugh! I'm coming, Lavos!"
"Okay... give me your best shot... If you're prepared for the void!"
"Oh, how dreadful. Say, do you hear that? It's the sound of the Reaper..."

  • "I'm the guy you never saw."
  • At the start of one of the Boss Battles in Duke Nukem 3D, Duke is heard to say "I'll rip your head off and shit down your neck!" After the battle ends, there's a cut scene. Duke tears off the beast's head and throws it away, tosses down his backpack, turns around, unbuckles his belt, drops his pants, sits down, and pulls out a newspaper.
  • In the second game of the Sonny series of flash games, Sonny and Veradux have just agreed to take out a cult that set up shop in the mountain village in return for Roald, the leader of the rebel movement, personally taking them to Hew. In one battle, the ranking officer among the zealots you're fighting shouts some orders to his underlings, and Sonny responds.

Priest: Sacrifice the intruders! Thier blood will save us from death!
Sonny: But nothing will save you from ME.

Hunter: You can all go like lambs to the slaughter, but I'll hold on to what life I've got with teeth and claws, and I'll take more than a few of your Homo Novus with me to Hell!!

  • Dragon Fable: From literally the most evil villain that Artix Entertainment has created so far. as he launches one of the greatest attacks in history:
    • Sepulchure: FALCONREACH! On this will know your place in the order of things. The tale of your destruction...shall be told for thousands of years! NO ONE stands against the mighty Sepulchure! NO ONE withstands my wrath. Your fate is sealed! will witness the birth of a legend! Today...I will destroy EVERYTHING you love. And when your heart is filled with pain and sorrow, and your mind is crushed under the weight of despair...I will claim the Orb of Darkness, and this world will be MINE. HAHAHAHA...There is nowhere to run. There is nowhere to hide.
  • In the final battle of NieR, the title character has one that establishes both his status as a Papa Wolf and The Unfettered.

"You want me to understand your sadness? You think I'm gonna sympathize with you? I swore to protect my daughter and my friends. If someone puts them in danger, they must stand aside or be cut down! Come on, let's go!"

  • Michizane from Otogi: Myth of Demons really likes these, heres the one he says while assuming his final form...

"I am Life. I am Death. I am the Stars. I am the Heavens. The fires of hell echo in the skys, and I am reborn! Grant me power though your light! I am Michizane."

  • Persona 4: "Can you make salad?" "I eat salad for breakfast!"
    • And for a more comedic example: "I'm going to RENOVATE your ass!"
  • Ghostbusters the Video Game: "We eat gods for breakfast!"
    • "Too much, do you think?"
    • "No, I like it!"
  • Among fans, it's common to say that Kyle Katarn eats stormtroopers for breakfast. He never actually says it himself, though.
  • Mercenaries 2: after receiving a particularly grievous wound Mattias Nilson will proclaim "I *eat* pain!"
  • Dizzy Prince of the Yolkfolk's manual warns "Keep away from Rockwart the Troll; he eats eggs for breakfast"
  • After one mission in Advance Wars: Black Hole Rising, Nell asks Max if he's alright. Max's reply is that his troops "eat this stuff for breakfast".
  • Dacia Ultan has claimed more trophies than some entire tribes. And only let her quarry escape once.
  • Giygas would have had a pretty cool one, but he was absolutely insane at the time, so Porky had to give one for him.
    • In Mother 3, Porky Minch gets some pretty cool lines:

Porky: Let me fill you in on something. No matter how much you attack me, I'll never die. Even if I somehow wind up beaten, I'll never die. Bet you didn't know that, did you?