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Princess Arete


(Avoid People Sit in Chairs and Stock Phrases.)

Review Ideas

Tropes for sorting

Trope List

Stuff to Format


  • Sequelitis: Psycho-Pass 2 turned a great sci-fi concept into a mockery of itself, with inappropriate shocking scenes for the sake of shock value, a total absence of logical sense in some important scenes and a plot that borders on Recycled Script. (Recap, Deja Vu, Unfortunate Implications, The Scrappy, Second Rate Villain, Headscratchers)
  • Author Existence Failure: Prince planned on writing his memoir a month before his death, according to TMZ. He finished around 50 pages.
  • The only problem I have with Post-Credits is the main character's reveal of being the author's self-insert. Not the fact that it happens, as it's a clever twist done right, but it's more that his contemplations as an author bog down the story, in a moment where the game's world is crumbling down. It's a nice insight into creative writing, but it detracted from my enjoyment of the story.


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Featured articles, links to add (Waiting list of a waiting list):





To improve:

Quotes I added (in descending order of first edit)

(On TV Tropes)



(To create)

  1. Medium Categories (Anime, Film, Web Original, etc.) are disqualified. Decades Categories and War Useful Notes are a given.