Code Total Drama Reality

Combining the intense action of Code Lyoko and the hilarity of Total Drama Lord Maximus brings you an intense fanfiction experience that could be one of the best stories ever written on the site, as well as one of the longest (Over 600k words, 70+ chapters and counting.)

Code Total Drama Reality is set two years after Code Lyoko XANA has returned after faking his death. When the original gang find out, they try to stop him, however Lyoko and the monsters aren't like they remember, they are soon overwhelmed XANA's new monsters the Terror Bird and Dragon Knight and Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, William, and Jeremy are captured my XANA leaving Aelita to fight by herself. At the same time Chris has brought all the past contestants of Total Drama back for a fourth season, one they do challenges in the real world and a virtual one by the company Realitech. During a challenge Gwen, Leshawna, DJ, Geoff, and Bridgette run into Aelita as she's attacked by a materialized monster, after they save Aelita she asks for their help and brings them to the factory when they become the new Lyoko warriors. So now they must juggle the show, it's challenges and Chris as well as fight XANA to save the world.

Now with a work-in-progress character sheet.

Lyoko Warriors:

Originally it was Aelita and the five mentioned above, in some situations they turned to other contestants for help and in one case they six new warriors at once.

XANA's Generals

Along with his monsters and his own avatar XANA created his own team of warriors based of of the DNA of the original Lyoko he captured, and at one point three of the new Lyoko warriors. While they have some similarities to the originals the the generals are opposites personality wise and are essentially The Psycho Rangers. They very powerful and dangerous from Aelita and the TD Lyoko warriors even if they have the numbers advantage.

  • Shadow of the Endless Night: He is actually the A.I. William Jeremy created, XANA freed him and upgraded his intellect and give him all of the powers William had while under his control plus more. Driven by revenge Shadow led Xana's armies. He also has a demonic Super Mode. After his continuing failures XANA demoted him and made Lilith the new head general. This caused Shadow to betray XANA and steal Noah's Multi-Agent and fuses to became as strong as XANA is.
  • Ryder of the Storm: Based off of Ulrich. Ryder wields a long katana and used red lightning attacks. Ryder is pretty cocky and is quick to lose his temper.
  • Yuki of the Blizzard: Based off of Yumi. Yuki is a graceful ice user who do many thing from ice blasts to ice weapons and making snowmen armies, making her a real threat in the ice sector. Matching her ice powers Yuki is quiet, withdrawn and cool-headed in battle
  • Lilith of the Mirage: Based off of Jeremy. (Bet you didn't see that coming!) Lilith wields a bow and special arrows and is a Master of Illusion as well as portals and creation. Lilith tends to have the personality of little girl and is pretty mischievous. After beating Shadow she is made the leader of the generals.
  • Cyrus of the Nightmare: Based off of Odd. Cyrus had a third eye that allowed him to read minds and predict his opponent's moves and is able to copy their weapons and abilities, with this he handled Geoff, Leshawna and Bridgette by himself. He lost however to Cody and his time-control powers making him the only general to be killed thus far.
  • Sora of the Maelstrom: A general created from Heather's DNA. He is armored warrior who wields an air blade.
  • Jinx of the Curse: Created from Gwen's DNA Jinx wields a spear and casts curses on her enemies.
  • Blade of the Quake: Despite being made from Noah's DNA Quake, he has a rather punk-like appearance, and is very big, gruff, and powerful, as he demonstrated by throwing a megatank in the air and ripping it in half.

Tropes used in Code Total Drama Reality include:

  • A God Am I: Nephilim
  • The Ace: Seraphim, a hyper-competant A.I. designed by Robby.
  • Action Girl: All of the female Lyoko warriors and generals. Also Lindsay in the virtual zombie challenge.
  • Affably Evil: Sora, which contrasts directly with his "mother" Heather.
  • And I Must Scream: Becoming trapped within Lyoko, never starving, aging, or dying unless by falling into the digital sea, wherein your body and mind will be scattered throughout the web. Aelita's mother took the last option after Lyon had imprisoned her in the digital realm. Then, in a magnificent twist of Death by Irony, Lyon also becomes trapped in a digital isle by XANA.
  • Badass Bookworm: Aelita; eventually Cody and Noah as well. There's also Lesley, as seen below.
  • Badass Bystander: What convinces Aelita to have the Total Drama cast help her fight against XANA is how they could curb-stomp a Tarantula in the real world with broken bench parts.
  • Badass Normal: The two main OCs of the story, co-producers Kurt and Carlos. Also Lesley, an attorney who is described as "a Carlos version of Courtney": really good at giving Chris a verbal beatdown at court, and also strong enough to hold up and throw a 284-pound man.
  • Badass Princess: Courtney and Aelita.
  • Barrier Warrior: DJ. Trent can also create barriers using his guitar.
  • Battle Couple: Geoff and Bridgette, of course.
  • Berserk Button: Duncan has gotten sick being called a punk. So much so that he gets rid of his mohawk and piercings.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Cody, even while still a rookie, battles against Cyrus, a general, and wins.
  • Bi the Way: Owen still has his moments and it turns out Lesley dated Carlos and Blaineley.
  • Big Badass Battle Sequence: Plenty, but so far the battle while they're at the forest (which introduces not only six new warriors, but Lilith as well) stands out particularly well.
  • Big Badass Bird of Prey: The Terror Bird, a new Lyoko monster.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Cody starts out as one; later applies to the arrival of Seraphim.
  • Bigger on the Inside: The central tower in the City Sector. The Trope Namer is even referenced!
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Early on, XANA possesses nearly all of the Total Drama gang with specters. Alejandro during the later parts of the "Deal With the Devil" arc.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Noah once, when a XANA attack seemed to carry some disturbing implications.
  • Breather Episode: Chapter 24, set after the rather emotionally heavy "Deal With the Devil" arc and before the action-filled "Field Trip" arc, deals with a wrestling match Total Drama style, followed by some extensive flashbacks of some unbelievable antics from Kurt and Carlos. Basically, most of the time the fic goes back to Total Drama segments, it'll be a Breather Episode.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Due to XANA's interference, DJ, Leshawna, Cody, and Geoff can't go into Lyoko after the "Field Trip" arc.
    • They get better in "Armageddon Part 2" only for Courtney and Duncan to fall prey to this.
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center: DJ
  • BST: Duncan and Courtney are at it again.
  • Calling Your Attacks: As per Code Lyoko tradition, Aelita, the original Lyoko gang, XANA's generals, and on occasion Gwen do this. Averted by the other Lyoko Warriors.
  • The Cameo: During one of the virtual challenges Team Victory encountered Predator and Shrek's Puss in Boots.
  • Can't Get Away with Nuthin': After the way World Tour ended Chris can't make challenges life-threatening anymore.
  • Cast from Hit Points: Some of Gwen's spells cost life points as does Courtney's healing powers.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: Mostly by Noah, and Lilith and Sora make a point on how cliche it is.
  • Cell Phone: Used as a plot point, as XANA utilizes the cell phones of non-Lyoko Warrior cast members to make them have visions of a violent Aelita murdering the Lyoko Warriors.
  • Character Development: Gwen and Trent have regained their personalities from season 1, Geoff and Bridgette do more than just make out, DJ has self-esteem, and Heather and Courtney break out of their Alpha Bitch status.
  • Chainsaw Good: Trent's guitar can also act as a chainsaw.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Robby, who showed up as a technical assistant at TDR, is revealed to be Waldo Schaeffer's former student and the creator of Seraphim.
  • Chekhov's Skill: In some major battles Gwen and Cody revealed some useful abilities they discovered while training on Lyoko. It can apply on a wider range to the rest of the Total Drama regulars in that the constant abuse they were put in the last three seasons has given them the strength and endurance to fight against whole armies of XANA's monsters.
  • Click. "Hello.": Cody attempts this on XANA. It doesn't work.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: Gwen's spells emit different colored auras.
    • Each Spell and it's color.
      • Fire-Red
      • White-Energy Strings
      • Green-Wind
      • Yellow-Earth
      • Light Blue-Stat boost
      • Black-Shadow Veil
      • Purple-Poison
  • Combo-Platter Powers: Gwen can fly, use her scythe as a barrier, get her weapon back if she loses it, uses fire, earth, wind, and poison attacks, and can increase one of her stats, and hide in her enemies shadow. However, several of these do cost her a good amount of life points.
  • Common Tongue/Translation Convention: It's justified both ways- Aelita is very intelligent and would be good at English and French is a second language in Canada. Aelita also notes in hearing the Total Drama cast for the first time on how their accents are "odd."
  • Compensating for Something: There are in-universe jokes thrown about on swords and such, but Sora and Noah's roast at chapter 46 cranks it up a notch.
  • Cool Helmet: Sora's eagle helmet, with the added benefit that it can shoot lasers.
  • Costume Porn: Not all of them are particularly detailed, but each Lyoko team member and XANA general has his or her own unique battle costume. The outfits in the virtual zombie challenge are all also described extensively and each have a Van Helsing flavor to them.
  • Crossover: Kinda the point.
  • Dark Action Girl: Yuki, Lilith, and Jinx.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: As it turns out, Alejandro was more than justified in hating his siblings.
  • Dark Is Evil: Shadow, all the way.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Gwen and her shadow veil spell. Geoff's Lyoko outfit also has a surprising amount of black and dark colors.
  • Darker and Edgier: Moreso compared to the original two shows.
    • Lighter and Softer: On the other hand, Total Drama Reality (the show in-universe) is considerably less dangerous than World Tour, sticking to the more conventional reality show challenges from Island.
  • Dead Man Writing: The video message that Seraphim sends to the Lyoko gang, informing them on Lyoko's Carbon Copy, where XANA's lair is located.
  • Deal with the Devil: XANA using a human guise restored Alejandro's body in exchange for sabotaging the VR pods. Ironically that was the name of the chapter.
  • Defrosting the Ice Queen: Heather and Courtney after they becoming Lyoko warriors and Sissi has been mentioned to become a better person after Code Lyoko ended.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: A common problem with the author's writing style; it gives a good picture on the fighting choreography, but can be pretty distracting.
  • Distress Ball: The original Lyoko team has now spent about 50 chapters in XANA's Lyoko copy, though the latest author's note hints that Aelita and her team are at least getting close.
  • Dual-Wielding: Bridgette's swords, Geoff's chakrams, Cody's pistols, Yuki's ice swords, and Seraphim's daggers.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: XANA's avatar.
  • Elemental Powers: And a lot of them.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Duncan as "Three Days Grace Reject" and "Punk," Trent as "Elvis," and Alejandro as "Spaz" and "Darth Alejandro".
  • Energy Absorption: How Nephilim is defeated.
  • "Everybody Laughs" Ending: Chapter 35.
  • Evil Brit: XANA's avatar has a slight British accent.
  • Executive Meddling: A rare good in-universe example; this Total Drama season is far less life-threatening and the setting is much more accomodating due to some real interference from Carlos and the rest of the executive board on Chris.
  • Expy: Trent and his guitar attacks are an expy of Eddie Riggs and Duncan's berserker mode is green version of Ghost Rider.
    • Roberto is also very similar to Chef, though in a rare case they both exist in the same work together.
  • Fandom Nod: Of the Total Drama fandom.
    • Ezekiel chose Bridgette as his favorite to win (though through complete chance).
    • Sierra does dress up like Gwen, claiming it to be her cheerleading outfit for Cody.
  • Femme Fatale: Lilith, to the point where it's lampshaded.
  • Fiery Redhead: Izzy as usual, and Lilith. Kurt also edges into this if he's angry enough.
  • Fire-Forged Friends
  • Five-Bad Band:
  • Five-Man Band-->Thirteen-Man Band: Played with in that unlike the Five-Bad Band mentioned above, the members of Lyoko team often rotate their roles in the group.
  • Foil: Often the case with Lyoko Warriors and the AI generals created with their DNA, and it's shown that they can even be of opposite genders; Jeremy and Lilith and Noah and Blade are probably the most jarring cases.
  • Freaky Friday Flip: It happens to Gwen and Izzy in ch.62 but not in the usual way. Their skin, eyes, and hair swap colors and parts of their personality go the other. None the less Hilarity Ensues.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Noah in the robot building challege, and surprisingly enough, Lindsay.
  • Gay Paree: For the most part averted, since it's still set in the same suburb from Code Lyoko. But it is still Total Drama, so some aspects are used for comedic effect, particularly in the first challenge.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Gwen does this often to Heather and Courtney when they first come to Lyoko.
  • Graceful Loser: Even when Noah is struggling in a project for the first time in creating his multi-agent program to counter XANA and when said program backfires and accidentally gives Shadow a major power upgrade, he takes it in stride with a healthy amount of Heroic Self-Deprecation.
  • Grand Theft Me: Heather and Gwen have had their bodies taken over by Shadow and XANA respectively.
  • Halfway Plot Switch: There are two other recurring plot lines; one which involves FBI agent Ray Parker investigating the disappearance of the Kadic kids (and subsqeuently becoming further involved in researching Aelita's past) and the other involving one of the scientists of Project Carthage creating an all-powerful AI himself.
  • He Who Must Not Be Seen: XANA averts it this time around; he now has an avatar that's an older, Gender Flipped, and Palette Swapped version of Aelita.
  • He's Back: The whole kick-off for the story.
  • Here We Go Again: After Nephilim set the Reset Button on their relationship, Courtney and Duncan are back to where they were before chapter 29.
  • Hero Secret Service: Now with over thirteen members!
  • Heroic BSOD: Gwen has one in chapter 61 but Trent manages to help her overcome it.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Subverted twice with Aelita, later pulled by Seraphim.
  • Hit Points
  • Humiliation Conga: Chris
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: Though more in a Fire-Forged Friends manner than with any romantic implication. The kicker? It's Trent to Duncan.

Trent: Only I get to make fun of that Three Days Grace reject.

  • I Sense a Disturbance In The Force: Xana when he discovers Nephilim was coming to Lyoko.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: One of XANA's polymorphs (disguised as Aelita) drove a knife into Gwen once, nearly killing her.
  • Insistent Terminology: Not by the characters... but the author, who keeps correcting any use of "Carlos and Kurt" as "Kurt and Carlos" in-story in parentheses.
  • It's Personal: Kurt and Carlos hate Chris, let's just leave it at that.
  • Kick the Dog: Arguably, Sierra's elimination, even after giving some helpful advice to her team.
  • Kill It with Ice: XANA's scheme in chapters 45-46.
  • Kill It with Water: His next plot.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Chris suffers for this big time.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: And just when Courtney and Duncan got over their BST...
  • Last Request: A unique variation; Duncan, while not dying, has been dealt a devirtualizing blow. By the time he goes back to the real world, he (like Courtney shortly before him) will remember nothing of his experiences as a Lyoko warrior. As he's fading away he asks the gang to help in reconciling him and Courtney again.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Characters have commented on how they look 3D in Lyoko.
  • Life Drain: Courtney can drain monsters of their life points to restore all of hers.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Gwen averts this Chapter 42 now wearing a black tank top and a dark blue mini skirt with a black swirls to go with her new hair.
  • Loads and Loads of Characters: The already-gigantic Total Drama cast, plus the Code Lyoko cast, new monsters and enemies, along with several significant OCs.
  • Mad Scientist: Dr. Lyon.
  • Manipulative Bastard: XANA and Shadow
  • Mega Manning: One of Noah's abilities is to changes his hands into weapons based on the ones XANA's monsters use such as Tarantula's lasers and Krab's blades.
  • Memetic Badass: Kurt and Carlos are in-universe examples, with their status lampshaded by the characters. Even the author agrees.
  • Mind Rape: Lillith does this to Aelita to weaken her mind to be controled by making illusions of hr mother and friends to berate her.
  • Misfit Mobilization Moment: Twice!
  • Mission Control: Unlike in Code Lyoko (where the role was almost always Jeremy's), several group members take the role. However, the position seems mostly relegated to Cody now.
  • Murphy's Law: It's a Running Gag, really.
  • Noodle Incident: Subverted; Kurt and Carlos' crazy exploits in the past (which have included slippery (American-brand) pants, several falling victims, and brushes with the mafia) are explained to the audience, but never to the actual characters.
  • Nothing Is the Same Anymore: Lyoko's reformatted so that now people have all their senses and there are actually temperatures in each sector, along with four new sectors.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: More like Obfuscating Insanity; Izzy does get her situation as a Lyoko Warrior a lot better than she lets on.
  • Of Corsets Sexy: Jinx, before Lord Maximus changed her outfit to a Mini-Dress of Power; Gwen also eventually changes out of her regular outfit.
  • Oh, No, Not Again: In chapter 55 Nephilim activates the dormant XANA coding inside Gwen to make her red and Brainwashed and Crazy again
  • "On the Next...": The author's note (chapter 53) has an extensive one.
  • One Name Only: Averted for several Total Drama characters using non-canon surnames.
  • Only a Flesh Wound: Aelita manages to pull through going to Lyoko even after getting a cauterized laser wound; in the same battle Leshawna is also shot at by XANA's monsters in the real world, but she sure doesn't stop beating them up. This is averted however, in later cases.
  • Papa Wolf: Kurt and Carlos both qualify big-time; Carlos especially since he actually is a father to triplets.
  • Peek-a-Bangs: Heather's Lyoko form, Ryder, and Lilith.
  • Pointy Ears: Izzy's Lyoko form has them.
  • Power Tattoo: Bridgette has wave-shaped ones that can glow when she activates her powers. Lesley also has one on her neck.
  • Punch Clock Villain: Lilith and Yuki, though the latter's more debatable.
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: XANA's generals.
  • Rapunzel Hair: Jinx has brown hair that goes down to her knees.
  • Real Men Hate Sugar: Averted; Roberto loves all of the good sweets while judging in the confectionary challenge.
  • Reconstruction: Of the infamous D/C/G love triangle, or as much as a fanfic can pull off. Gwen, realizing that she and Duncan didn't have much in common on a deeper level, reconsiders her relationship with him. She ultimately decides that a Better as Friends dynamic would be better when she sees Duncan and Trent fighting over her [1]. Duncan meanwhile never actually gave up on Courtney, but her controlling personality and her reliance on her parents' opinions became too much for him to deal with, prompting him to start his relationship with Gwen to make Courtney jealous. After seeing Courtney in danger in Lyoko however, Duncan properly apologizes for his behavior and the two slowly rebuild a bond over the course of 25 chapters. Courtney doesn't come away clean either, as she also comes to accept that while her intentions with Duncan were good, her treatment of him was insensitive. At this point she also sees Gwen in a new light as they become allies in Lyoko.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Respectively, Carlos and Kurt; Ryder and Yuki.
  • Retired Badass: Carlos was a former SAS member as was Kurt.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Courtesy of, of course, Return to the Past.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: Cody and Trent in their Lyoko forms.
  • Ship Tease: Recent chapters are showing some favor for Trent/Gwen.
  • Shockwave Punch: One of Eva's attacks.
  • Shout-Out: Fullmetal Alchemist, Three Days Grace, Mass Effect, The Emperors New Groove, The Matrix, Ghost Rider, and Kingdom Hearts to name a few.
  • Sweet Tooth: Lillith when she's in the real world.
  • "Take That!" Kiss: So random it needs to be spoilered: Lilith to Noah!
  • Temporary Blindness: One of XANA's attacks included light bulbs going off and blinding people.
  • Those Two Guys: Kurt and Carlos.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Everyone who becomes a Lyoko warrior in this story and XANA's monsters.
  • Trigger Happy: Carlos, and he doesn't do a very good job in trying to hide it from others.
  • Troperiffic: Each episode is written like a TV episode (mixing in memorable elements from both shows), the author obliges in using pop culture references and lampshading the cliches, and just look at the size of this page!
  • The Voiceless: XANA also averts this part of his old self and hoo boy, does he have a lot of things to say.
  • Twitchy Eye: Heather does this when Sora says he was made from her DNA and called her mom.
  • Uncanny Valley Girl: Invoked by the XANA polymorph that disguises itself as Aelita.
  • Unexplained Recovery: Blaineley, Heather, and Sierra. Alejandro however, is completely fixed up by XANA at the start of the "Deal With the Devil" arc and as such earns the suspicion of the Lyoko team. After a Return to the Past, he then goes back to the robot suit.
  • Volleying Insults: Noah and Sora engage in a pretty harsh round of this in their first battle.
  • Wake Up, Do The Show, Save The World
  • The Watson: The new Lyoko warriors; comes with the territory of being initiated into a years-long struggle against a psycho computer program.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: XANA claims to be one.
  • Wham! Episode: Chapter 29; Armageddon Parts 2 and 3.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: The A Is created by the Lyoko Warriors' DNA often go into the issue, especially Cyrus, before his death.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Yuki, fittingly enough.
  • White Mask of Doom: Seraphim. Subverted in that he's actually one of the good guys.
  • The Worf Effect: The original Code Lyoko gang gets hid with this hard due to XANA's upgrade in the beginning.
  • Xanatos Gambit: Pulled off by XANA in multiple occasions and even Waldo Schaeffer, when it turned out that even the newly-upgraded XANA couldn't penetrate Aelita to steal the Keys to Lyoko due to Schaeffer's pre-planning on Aelita's safety.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Aelita at the beginning; applies later to Courtney and Duncan.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: Trent's talk to Gwen in chapter 61.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Aelita's pink hair is frequently mentioned and Gwen's hair becomes all-blue after the infection of XANA's virus.
  • Zombie Apocalypse: One of the show challenges as well as a following XANA attack.

If anyone wants to help me with this page, I'd be a big help.

  1. and earlier, when Duncan revealed his true feelings in chapter 19