The Non-Adventures of Wonderella

Revision as of 23:03, 9 April 2024 by Aaf7bb8 (talk | contribs) (Add some trope examples from April 2007)
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The Non-Adventures of Wonderella is a parody web comic of the DC Comics character Wonder Woman, and many superhero tropes in general. It focuses mainly on the mundane parts of the life of Wonderella, a somewhat air-headed and lazy Valley Girl-ish superheroine who demonstrates little interest in being a hero... or, in fact, doing anything much outside of partying, getting completely wasted, violence, and shopping. She is super-strong, super-durable, and she can't fly but she can "totally jump hella high", and when tied up she can hork up a giant octopus, tell plants to die, or curl up in a perfect ball when traumatized. She also has a rarely used invisible blimp.

"I started out Wonderella to make an off-the-clock superhero who was an average woman instead of some 24/7 warrior... though somewhere along the line, 'average woman' became a cross between Elaine Benes and Zelda Fitzgerald."

Justin Pierce

Better Than It Sounds, honest!

The Non-Adventures of Wonderella began on September 9th, 2006. It was formerly hosted on Webcomics Nation, and now has its own website. Wonderella seems to be on hiatus, with the most recent comic posted in August 2019.

Tropes used in The Non-Adventures of Wonderella include:

Like all good comic book scientists, Dr. Shark is willing to ignore massive swaths of his inexplicable universe.

"Just seems like there are risks in altering the past, ya know?"
"Risks like everything going exactly perfectly, maybe."

Wonderella: "...that's like the worst comeback ever uttered by the human mouth."

"Don't you hate when lazy sitcoms reuse old material in clip shows?"

Wonderella: "Apparently a lot of 'em are dead now."
Crowd: *GASP!*
Wonderella: Superhero dead, guys.
Crowd: "Ohhhhh."

"Generally speaking, most online comics get by with no editorial management, but in this case I made a couple of Greek jokes regarding Pompeii, a Roman city nowhere near Greece. I will leave the comic unchanged for the weekend as a shameful reminder to do better fact-checking, then replace it on Monday with a version that addresses my Carmen Sandiego dilemma."

Dr Shark: Once my mutagenic gas fills the streets, the entire city will be reduced to nothing more than ordinary SHARKS!
Wonderella: But why would you even do that? Sharks are horrible! Cable says they kill millions of Americans every day!

Given that Dr Shark immediately agrees with her, this is apparently even true in their world.

"Like all good comic book scientists, Doctor Shark is willing to ignore massive swaths of his own inexplicable universe."

"What does M.A.L.I.C.E. stand for?"
"It stands for evil, darling."

"You just pulled yourself a boner so big, you're all wet!"

Wonderella (to Hitlerella): You know who else did monologues all day? Hamlet.

Due to overwhelming reader response, I have added breasts to the space dinosaur cowboy.
This was not a statement I was expecting to make today (or ever), but your logic is irrefutable and I am not above admitting my own mistakes.

*POP* "Aw bitches!"

Wonderella: gotta learn part two of this.

Look, I just have this naming convention. If you wanna be my villain, you might as well have a name that rhymes.

Wonderella: Not gettin' paid by the word here