The Nostalgia Chick/Tropes S-Z

Revision as of 03:32, 7 May 2014 by Dai-Guard (talk | contribs) (update links)

 Nostalgia Chick: As we all know, there's no such thing as a woman who's comfortable enough to joke about her own appearance. ... I mean, it's not like we're playing characters in a web series or anything.

 Nostalgia Chick: Wow, I can't believe this was written by a man.

  • Say My Name: "NELLA!!!"
    • Nostalgia Critic wakes from being chloroformed, crash zoom to his face "CHICK!"
  • Scare Chord: One happens when The Little Mermaid pops up to answer her question about why Don Bluth failed so hard in the nineties.
  • Scenery Gorn: In The Disaster Movies Of Roland Emmerich when she's not being able to hide her worry about Critic, we get to discover a lovely shot of Chicago sickly green and completely destroyed.
  • Schedule Slip: She tries to put out one video a month but because of school and large amounts of traveling, can't always.
    • Now that her documentary is done, she's assured people that she's back to making regular weekly videos. She seems to have kept her word this time. She's even doing (usually) more than one episode a week now.
  • Science Is Bad: The Chick has learned this by the time of The Craft, complaining to the Makeover Fairy that it's got them nowhere. Of course magic proves unhelpful too...
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: She fights the Critic to do Fern Gully but, like him, tries very hard to escape when Robin Williams starts rapping.
    • She tries multiple times to get free from Bratz, but ultimately manages to get through it once the Critic explains why he wanted her to sit through such shit.
  • Self-Deprecation:
    • Even though the Chick is now definitely a totally separate character, Lindsay's made no secret that she thinks she's a horrible actress. (In the Jem review, the Chick even says so.) She doesn't even like being called an actress.
      • While she's not exactly going to win any awards soon, the general opinion is that she's much better at acting than she thinks she is. It takes talent to create a three-dimensional and funny persona who is totally different from yourself.
    • She also released a short film she did when she was fourteen and mocked the hell out of it in her newly added subtitles.
    • When she does her directing lessons in Xanadu, the image says "brought to you by the USC school of pretentious indoctrination".
    • Nella is the one who writes a lot of her character getting abused, including all the jokes about her makeover in the Grease review.
    • Elisa is a big Gargoyles fan and wrote the segment where the Chick took the piss out of it in the "Top Eleven Villainesses".
  • Serenade Your Lover: Over in the Critic's crossover review with Moulin Rouge, the Chick says she once got herself laid by singing Whitney Houston.
  • Sequelitis: Pointed out In-Universe.
    • She rants about how when it comes to Disney Direct to Video films they're "bad by design" in the Enchanted Christmas review.
    • Grease II is so awful that it actually makes her say a few good things about the first one. Also, there's this "pitch session":

 Chick: Yeah, Grease 2, it's gonna be big.

Nella: This time we're gonna switch the genders. What if it's the guy who gets made over into the sexy hoodlum?

Chick: And we already had an Australian... the British! They're all nerds, they're all prudes, let's make the foreigner a nerd!

Nella: Sandy was a prude, let's make him a nerd!

Chick: Nobody gets pregnant, we've already done that. Ooh, let's have a guy trick a girl into having sex.

Nella: Characters actually having sex, yeah! We already did that with the cop-out pregnancy sub-plot, too much of a downer, let's have them allude to it! A lot! And sing about it.

Chick: Prom! Ooh, we've already done that. How about a luau?

Nella: What about the guy? What makes him cool? What vehicle do we sing about? No, can't do the car, that was in the first movie. Boats!

Chick: No no no, not boats, motorcycles!

Nella: But they have a song about the car in the first movie...

Chick: Well they sing in this one too, but in this one the girl sings it. Man, motorcycles are hot!

 Chick: Do the right thing! Karma will get you laid!

 Chick: You see this a lot in screenplays that, maybe they have too much studio stink on them, or maybe they just weren't all that well thought-out in the first place.

    • The girl in Hocus Pocus is the useless hot love interest.
  • Shallow Parody: Parodied with the Saturday Night Live Disney sketch. She doesn't like it for a variety of reasons, but she complains that Walt hated the Jews, not the blacks like the skit said.
  • She Knows Too Much: A ninja is sent from Disney to silence her when she theorizes that The Princess and the Frog was just made to expand the Disney Princess merchandising line.
  • Ship Sinking: Even though it should have been obvious from the nature of the 'relationship', Lindsay has confirmed that the Chick will never get together with Todd.
    • With regards to proper Real Person Fic, she said she views Doug and Noah as basically her asexual big brothers. But that's not going to stop the fangirls, especially not when they flirt for fun like the whole site does.
  • Ship Tease: Lots of it for Chick/Nella and Chick/Critic.
  • Shout-Out / Reference Overdosed: The team have their own page.
  • Show, Don't Tell: Being a film student, she gets really irritated by movies that don't listen to this advice. Xanadu was the most blatant example.
    • Elisa's Maven Of The Eventide review of Underworld praises the convoluted Backstory of drama, passion, betrayal and murder, but notes it only comes up in exposition.
  • Shown Their Work: Perhaps fittingly, she knows a lot about revolutions, slavery [1] , wars and just general disasters.
    • She's very knowledgeable about early animation (not just Disney), which she puts to great use in the NChick shorts.
    • Sister Jesus Mary Joseph of our Perpetual Guilt (aka Nella) is quick to point out the problems with the depiction of nuns in the two Sister Act films, namely the difference between nuns (cloistered prayer) and sisters (service to the needy, poor, in need of education etc).
  • Shrine to Self: "Michael Bay's" DVD shelf consists of only three films: Armageddon, Bad Boys II, and The Rock.
  • Sickly Green Glow: A destroyed Chicago gets this courtesy of Dark Nella.
  • Sincerity Mode: Done to tear-jerking effect (even she was visibly on the verge of tears) in her review of TLC. Lindsay comes out of her goofy, messed up, uncaring character and discusses how much Left Eye Lopez inspired her and how alcoholism is a disease like any other.
  • Single Girl Seeks Most Popular Guy: Calls out Teen Witch on a particularly obnoxious use of this trope.
  • Single Tear: Mocked in the She Ra review, where He Man and The Masters of The Universe cries with no facial muscles moving.
  • Sissy Villain: On Ratcliffe. "Nothing says sinister like little pink bows on your pigtails!"
  • Skyward Scream: Her Big No when Nella dies.
  • Slapstick Knows No Gender: She and the Critic beat and chloroform each other without any Double Standard.
  • Slut Shaming: Has it as a Berserk Button but also plays it straight, doing the same thing as Critic by freely flinging around insults like "slut" and "whore". The character has been established as a mass Hypocrite though, so it's safe to say it's part of the humor.
    • Lampshaded and Played for Laughs in Sister Act, where the Chick defeats Nella's catholic guilt by asking her how her sex life (which the Chick knows she has) is going.
  • Small Annoying Creature: She might love dogs, but Scamp from Lady and the Tramp II just fails at being a likeable character.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: A very tongue-in-cheek invoked example. Her comic persona opens two of the "Thanks For The Feedback" segments with the self-important introduction "Hi, I'm Lindsay, star of such internet phenomena as 'The Nostalgia Chick'". The real Lindsay is nothing like this and actually seems to feel undeserving of the "small" fame she has.
  • Small Reference Pools: According to one fool in the comment section for the Jem review, Hannah Montana isn't mainstream so the Chick shouldn't use it a reference. Oh, if only that person was connected to the web, then they could look it up. Wait a minute...
  • The Smurfette Principle: A whole episode is devoted to it.
    • In the VLog for Super 8, Nella mentions that it's a boy movie with the token one chick.
    • In contrast, she's praised Batman: The Animated Series for being a Superhero show and having at least three interesting and complex female characters.
  • So Bad It's Good: In-Universe. Showgirls is a "perfect storm of shit".
    • Jem only manages five minutes of being this before going into just bad.
    • The Spider-Man musical Turn Off The Dark, especially the Green Goblin's Camp Gay "Freak Like Me" Villain Song.
    • Although she hates Love Never Dies like a typical phangirl, "Beneath A Moonless Sky" is the funniest shit ever.
    • She admits that Showgirls, Battlefield Earth and Crossroads are badly done but enjoyable, while From Justin To Kelly is "the cinematic equivalent of watching someone slooowly scrape the burnt part off the toast. And failing."
  • So Beautiful It's a Curse: Her opinion on bishie-style Leonardo DiCaprio.

 Chick: Why did he have to be so damn cute?

  • So Okay It's Average: In-Universe.
    • The Liam Neeson version of Les Misérables was more like "Les Meh".
    • The Craft is nothing great, nothing awful.
    • Brother Bear was on the "meh" side of okay. And Todd and Lindsay say this is the best that most Disney sequels can hope for, Todd falling asleep through half of them.
    • Song of the South's main flaw isn't racism as much being so deathly dull that the Chick falls asleep twice while she's trying to make fun of it.
    • Much like Song of the South and racism, the animal cruelty scenes in Milo and Otis are really the only things worth talking about because the rest of the film is so dull.
    • Unlike the no-effort-given sequel which ends up So Bad It's Good, Sister Act is frustrating because it tries, fails and just ends up being harmless.
  • Soft Water: She points how Pocahontas (and her raccoon and hummingbird) jumping from a cliff into a lake and still surviving isn't really possible.
  • Something About a Rose: Maven holds a red rose in the Underworld review to make herself look all mysterious and cool.
  • Something Completely Different: The NChick shorts. They're still in-character and funny, but they're less cynical comedy and more bringing attention to some really influential early animation.
    • "Thanks For The Feedback", where there's no review and it's looking at the characters "behind the scenes".
    • City of Angels and You've Got Mail were both a bit like her version of the Critic's "Old vs New", with her comparing the movies to the ones they were based off.
    • Apparently this can be a bad thing. Elisa explained the "TLC review taken down" controversy as Lindsay feeling like it was too different from her show's usual tone.
  • Soprano and Gravel: Parodied with the Nostalgia Duo's gender war song. Doug gets raspier to try and be all manly and Lindsay makes her voice thinner to sound stereotypically girly. Just adds to the hammy fun.
  • Sound Effect Bleep: She swears plenty, but "fuck" gets bleeped out because Lindsay thinks it's funnier.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: She plays "Yakety Sax" to bypass a couple of pointless scenes in Labyrinth.
    • She plays "Love Game" by Lady Gaga at the start of her My Little Pony review. Because "I wanna take a ride on your disco stick" is really what you think of when you see cute, girly ponies.
    • In The Fifth Element.

 Chick: You really want to have Seinfeld music to denote victory?

 Nostalgia Chick: She's little more than a spoiled brat who channels all her spoiled brat energy into being an annoying antagonist.

    • She has this viewpoint on Cinderella in Cinderella II, mercilessly making fun of her whining about princess life.

 Chick: And why do we have to eat these fine royal delicacies? I wanna eat Oreos!

  • Spoof Aesop:
    • "Remember, you can't spell 'rape' without 'rap'."
    • "This Halloween, if you're still a virgin, STOP IT. You never know when your virginity might somehow unleash an undead Bette Midler from beyond the grave."
    • The third "Thanks For The Feedback". Aung Lang Syne plays as Nella gives a speech on not judging others on appearances and treating friends with respect... and then Chick tells her to do the dishes.
  • Squee: Mocked with high-pitched proclamations of "PUPPIES!"
    • When Dr Tease injects her with Truth Serum in the X-Men The Animated Series review, the result is a combination of Squee and Motor Mouth.
    • Lord MacGuffin even tells The Chick that the key to turning Dark Nella good again is to "find her squee." That is right, they used squee as a plot device.
  • Stalking Is Funny If It Is Female After Male: Even though they're both played for creepy comedy and you're not supposed to root for either of them, can you imagine Todd taping Lupa to a chair and still being told by fans he'd get her in the end?
  • Stating the Simple Solution: In Showgirls, when a guy complains about his girlfriend being pregnant, she bluntly says he could push her down the stairs and hope for the best.
  • Stepford Smiler: Apparently her life-without-Critic husband is this. When the girls go, he bursts into tears and when the baby starts crying again, he yells at it to shut up.
  • Stock Scream: She uses the Goofy scream when the prince in Dragonheart falls off a building with a silly look on his face.
  • Story Arc: Three. Her decision not to just do "girly" stuff anymore (which ended up being more about the power dynamics between her and the Critic), the Nella abuse getting worse which lead to the Dark Nella Saga, and now her Sanity Slippage obsession over Todd.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: In-universe. While you're meant to sympathize with Rob Lowe's mother and wife, she wants to strangle them for being jobless leeches while he's being a messiah lawyer.
  • Strictly Formula: The Transformers series, even though she has it as a serious Guilty Pleasure.
  • Student Teacher Romance: She's disgusted when a student sing-asks a teacher for sex in Grease 2.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: On the train explosion scene in Anastasia:

 "Michael Bay would be proud."

  The Chick: Ah, Hugh Jackman. All the women want him, and at least twenty-five percent of the men. And the other seventy-five percent want him, at least a little.

  • Stylistic Suck: The Chick and Elisa's scene with bad blocking in the Film/Xanadu review.

 Elisa: I think I'm going to stand up now...because I like it!

Nostalgia Chick: You know, it's my dream that you would stay in one place when you say your lines.

Elisa: Dreams die.

Nostalgia Chick: What does that even mean?

Elisa: Exactly.

  • Subliminal Seduction: A Sight Gag in Anastasia of Freud slipping on a banana. Durr hurr, get it? PENIS
  • Subverted Kids Show: She tries to convince Nella that Rapunzel and Flynn are so obviously doing it in that 90% hair poster.
  • Suckiness Is Painful: The interquel to her one of her favorite movies ever causes her great and intense pain.
    • Only a few minutes of Shark Tale gets her crying and Transformers II sends her into a three month long bad movie coma.
    • The only way she knows how to cope with The Lorax is to drink cheap booze until she vomits up her insides.
    • This extends to real life as well. In the commentary, Lindsay said the "Top Ten Worst Disney Sequels" was her first "worst list" and therefore probably the most demoralizing episode she's done.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial:

 Nostalgia Chick: Dr. Tease! Where's Dr. Block?

Dr. Tease: She's...not in space!


Nostalgia Chick: Where's Dr. Block?

Dr. Tease: ...Not orbiting a distant star!

    • In Grease II, the Chick does this a lot. No, she's not horny. No, she doesn't like a guy whose face she has never seen!
    • The same thing comes up in "Top Ten Songs About Sex (From Musicals)", which she did because it's about nostalgic music, and nostalgia is what she does. Nothing whatsoever to do with a musician who hides his face and rejects her advances, the ungrateful bastard.
  • Surprise Incest: The original plot of the first "Thanks For The Feedback" was apparently going to be a Shout-Out to Luke and Leia from Star Wars, with Chick and Critic going all the way and then finding out they were related.
  • Surprisingly Improved Sequel: In-universe. She readily admits to disliking the original Cinderella because the characters are so boring, so enjoys Cinderella III for retconning personality traits into the leads, the animation actually pretty decent and showing off self-aware humor.
    • Like Critic, she thinks The Rescuers is deathly dull and its sequel awesome. So much so that it shouldn't even be given the indignity of going on a "least worst" list.
  • Sweet on Polly Oliver: In Mulan, she subscribes to the theory that Shang had the hots for boy!Mulan.
  • Take That: She enjoys her (mostly affectionate) potshots at Disney. The Song of the South review has her thanking them for making themselves such an easy target.
  • Take That Us: "Oh, Genie, you and your pop culture references. Anti-reference joke brigade, prepare to feel a wrath far greater than any Internet reviewer could come up with."
  • Teens Are Monsters: Like the Critic, she had a bad time at high school. Unlike the Critic, however, whenever there's a flashback her teenage self will act like an utter brat too.
  • Tempting Fate: In the Spice World review:

 Nostalgia Chick: This movie's so girly that next thing you know they'll be having a pillow fight.

*Spice Girls have a pillow fight*

Nostalgia Chick: Guys, I wasn't being serious!

    • A slightly more Genre Blind version happened in the Top Ten Evil Nostalgic Characters. Chick, saying Dark Nella hadn't actually done anything "evil" so she doesn't really count is not a good plan.
    • In the Mulan review:

 Nostalgia Chick: Let's just try to do it in a tasteful way, shall we?

*everyone orders chinese food from the assistant*

Nostalgia Chick: Hmm.

    • In the Thumbelina review, she scoffs at Barry Manilow being the best the movie could do before hearing him sing (something good, not the songs in the film) and going off into a daze.
    • Reluctantly digging up Beauty & The Beast II for one more kick in the teeth. But, "hopefully at least this one will be washed away by the sands of ti-- [cue Blu-Ray edition]!
  • That's What She Said: In Dragonheart.

 "I never chewed in self-defence, I only swallowed."

    • Three uses in quick succession in Dune, followed later by a "do I really need to say it"?
  • There Are No Therapists
  • Thing-O-Meter: In the Spice World review she has a "Random Shit-O-Lever" that looks like a girly high heel; pulling it (supposedly) causes a totally random occurence to happen in the movie.
  • This Is Gonna Suck:
    • When she's made to do Bratz: "This is gonna hurt me a lot more than it does you."
    • When she reviews Spice World, after a particularly vapid scene: "We're only six minutes into the movie."
    • Seeing as how she immediately said how grotesque and offensive Beauty and The Beast The Enchanted Christmas was to her, you knew it was gonna be a good one for suffering.
    • Right after seeing the annoying bird in Thumbelina: "'re gonna be in the whole movie aren't you?"
    • Just before the "I LIKE BOYS!" song in Teen Witch, she looks like she's about to cry.

 Chick: Oh, Christ.

 "Movie, that's not relatable. That's creepy."

 Chick: Why only five? 'Cos I- I can't.

 Chick: Yaay, Russia was awesome! For the obscenely wealthy!

 Chick: Be yourself, be your Grotesque Cute, fat-assed, over five foot tall, large-headed self that isn't a teenager and doesn't end the story a beautiful princess and married to your perfect mate.

 Chick: Oh and the Mom sings an entire song about how disappointed she is for her daughters being inadequate. ...not that I know how that feels or anything...

 "I think everyone remembers their first boner--Bowie."

  • Visual Pun:
    • During her Showgirls review, she asks why anyone would want to watch the film for any reason other than seeing some boobies. She also uses the birds in place of a Censor Box when the women show their... tracts of land.
    • During her Labyrinth review, whenever anyone mispronounces Hoggle's name (a Running Gag in the movie), the word "Gag" runs across the screen to the first measure of horns from "Spanish Flea" as Lindsay points at it.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: She wonders why Wolverine even hung around with the other X-Men, seeing as how he also disagreed with them. Angrily so.
  • Vocal Dissonance: She points out the disconnect between voices and character design in her She Ra review.
  • Vocal Minority: In-Universe. She says that the annoying voices on both extreme sides of the political spectrum are just loud enough to keep Disney on edge.
  • Volleying Insults:
    • The "Wii Fit" game turns from a way to get exercise into a chance for Nostalgia Chick, Nella and Tammy to be increasingly bitchy towards each other.
    • She also gets into a fight with Douchey McNitpick in her review of The Fifth Element. It involves him telling her he's going to masturbate to her picture later.

 Lindsay: Why don't you bathe and get a job? You skin's starting to turn transparent.

Douchey: Yeah well, go back to reviewing girly stuff! You still do that, right?

Lindsey: Basement-dwelling manchild.

Douchey: Joke's on you! I'm still gonna masturbate to your picture tonight!

Lindsay: Virgin.


 Nostalgia Chick: Hi, I'm your Nostalgia Chick and I, like most of the world, am an American.

  • Wish Fulfillment: Kate and Leopold is blatant stereotypical girl-porn and she knowingly and completely falls for it.
  • Wham! Episode: In the special "Kirk vs. Picard", they actually had the ovaries to kill off BFF Nella! This sets up the Dark Nella Story Arc.
    • "Sleepless In Seattle vs. When Harry Met Sally" for two reasons. 1) Establishing that the Chick is batshit crazy. (Todd might be prone to ambitiously misfiring Grand Romantic Gestures, but he doesn't kidnap Lupa to make her love him.) 2) Her love for Todd is like Meg Ryan's plot in Sleepless In Seattle, something she's made up and a symptom of some kind of depression in her life.
  • What Did I Do Last Night?: The Chick and Nella ended up doing something involving bunnies after they passed out from the Drinking Game they played while watching Disney's Hercules. Also, they're wearing lipstick that they weren't before, and there's a strange guy in the kitchen.
    • Nothing really happened, it was just The Makeover Fairy fucking with them.
    • [Note: The strange guy is the same guy playing Lord MacGuffin, and is one of the "actors" in the Showgirls review]
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: This was how they had their cake and ate it too with the Dark Nella Saga. Make the Chick's flaws and issues blatantly obvious, but it wasn't really Nella herself talking (Dark Nella was a clone who blew herself up) so nobody had to become a nice/better person.
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: Like Doug, there are some weird accents she does that you can't place. They're also hilarious.
  • Who Dares?:
  • Win Back the Crowd: In Lindsay's and Nella's in-universe view, X-Men First Class did this for the X-Men franchise after the abomination that was the third movie.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Awesome?: For the big climax, she directs everyone in Pocahontas to make it the epicest of epics.
  • What Do You Mean It's Not Heinous?: Virginity in Hocus Pocus. Even the thunder gets in on it.
    • In Pocahontas, when talking about Meeko vs. Percy personifying the two sides of the fighting: "...right down to when they stole our bowl of cherries! Those red-skin bastards!"
    • When The Makeover Fairy's make-up gets scraped off, she hides her face with a paper bag and cries that she wants to hide her flaws. We see her in the next episode and she doesn't look any different.
    • The Chick gets rather upset when called a nerd.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: She says Gene Kelly's and Olivia Newton John's romance "gets dropped like a ball of roller-skates".
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: A big running theme of discussion in Maven's reviews. Justifiable, seeing as how she's vampire obsessed.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: As to be expected with an Ensemble Cast with a Villain Protagonist as the star, the Chick gets a few of these. The most satisfying was probably Nun!Nella passive-aggressively damning her to hell for her all-consuming stalking of Todd.
  • Who Names Their Kid "Dude"?: In, well, Thumbelina: "I hate you enough to call you Thumbelina."
    • From Hocus Pocus: "Thackary is a weird name."
    • From Jem: "What the hell kind of name is Jerrica? Is it like the feminine city that the Israelites brought down? Is it like Erica was too boring, let's throw a J on it? Like Jem, so they match?"
    • From X-Men: "Jubilee must have born to Chinese-American hippies."
  • Wine Is Classy:
    • Holds a glass of dark-looking wine in the second part of her "Dreamworks Vs. Disney" review.
    • Again, she's drinking wine (as well as wearing a elegant dress and reading an intellectual book) when goofy bad-movie fan Obscurus Lupa picks her as "someone classier" to review the B-movie Honor And Glory with.
  • A Wizard Did It: "Magic, damn you!"
    • In the credits of her review of The Craft, she blames cosmic forces for the fact that her hair kept changing throughout the video.
    • Elisa's answer for how Critic and Spoony could come back to life after Dark Nella destroyed them both:

 Science!! Or maybe magic... We'll be more sure when the test results come back.

  • World of Ham: Nella's "pony melodrama".
    • And the main world. It's telling when a sociopathic, hammy Broken Bird who needs a fuckload of therapy is the "normal" one compared to the people around her.
  • Worlds Smallest Violin: Dr. Tease plays one while the Chick is angsting about Nella.
  • The Worm Guy: She screeches "HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" when the lead in Godzilla does his Hand Wave-y explanation of how reptiles are born pregnant.
  • The Woobie: Pointed out In-Universe.
  • Written in Infirmity: Nella got sick from the horror that was Transformers III, so they wrote the Little Mermaid review with her as The Voiceless. She'd sold it for a Doctor Who scarf.
  • Xenafication: Discussed in the Ever After review with how every Cinderella type movie tries to make the main character more active. Mentioned in a good way when she discusses how Cinderella III had to retcanon traits in her that weren't there in the original and does it pretty well.
  • X Meets Y: She calls Jem a Hannah Montana/Barbie hybrid.
  • Yawn and Reach: Chick tries to do it to a taped up Todd, but he has a The One That Got Away breakdown before she can touch him.
  • You Bastard: "These landmarks don't have anything to do with the characters or the story, they're just a cheap marketing ploy to get your ass into the theater because you want to see buildings you know get destroyed, you sadistic fuck."
    • At the end of "The Top Ten Worst Disney Sequels", she holds a special place of contempt for parents who sit their kids down in front of the movies and act like it's no problem, because it's sending the message to Disney that this shit gets liked.
  • You Keep Using That Word: "Second degree murder" doesn't mean what the Chick thinks it means.
    • She uses The Princess Bride clip "I don't think it means what you think it means" as a response to the "truly outrageous" Jem theme song.
    • She keeps stressing to Thumbelina that "impossible" isn't the same thing as mildly inconvenient.
  • You Look Familiar: Nella's Mad Scientist character appears in the same room as Nella herself, while Elisa plays The Makeover Fairy and Dr. Tease.
    • In Ask That Guy 61, Ask That Guy mentions that he's been living with "that woman who looks suspiciously like the Makeover Fairy" as a Shout-Out to Suburban Knights. He of course goes off with a hammer to make sure she's dead.
  • Your Head Asplode: Happened to the Chick after part one of her Armageddon review, thanks to 'Michael Bay' and his iron testicles.
  • Your Mom: When revealing the voice actress for Madeleine in the Hunchback Of Notre Dome II, she cycles through a quick list of actresses—except one, which reads simply "Your Mom."
  1. as she probably should, considering Nella