Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Characters/Protagonists: Difference between revisions

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{{cleanup|This page is formatted horridly - character names are not headers, there are headers and hard lines in the middle of character descriptions, advisories are listed as headers, there are headers with no content, a large number of tropes are spoilered, spoiler tropes are listed in with non-spoiler tropes... all in all, this page needs a good copy-edit.}}
== This is a listing of the protagonistsmajor characters of ''[[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]''. YMMV items and subjectives go in the [[Katekyo Hitman Reborn/YMMV|YMMV page]] for the series. For the main character sheet see [[Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Characters|here]]. ==
{{Unmarked Spoilers}}
== This is a listing of the protagonists of [[Katekyo Hitman Reborn]]. YMMV items and subjectives go in the [[Katekyo Hitman Reborn/YMMV|YMMV page]] for the series. For the main character sheet see [[Katekyo Hitman Reborn/Characters|here]]. ==
== Contains unmarked spoilers. ==
::'''==Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada'''==
::'''Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada'''
Tsuna was a [[Butt Monkey|useless kid]] with a [[Extreme Doormat|wimpy attitude]], [[Book Dumb|poor grades]], [[This Loser Is You|subpar athleticism]], and [[The Chew Toy|even worse luck]] who ''literally'' [[Cannot Spit It Out|could not talk to a girl to save his life]]. Well, that was before he met a particular [[Enfant Terrible|infant]] [[Devil in Plain Sight|hitman]] named [[Sink or Swim Mentor|Reborn]], who turned his life around forever. It just so happens that "No Good Tsuna" is the [[Unexpected Successor|future boss]] of [[The Mafia|the Vongola Famiglia]], the greatest mafia family in Italy, and [[Trickster Mentor|Reborn]] has been sent to [[Training from Hell|train]] [[A Boy and His X|him]]. [[Cowardly Lion|He's]] [[Took a Level in Badass|far]] from [[Magikarp Power|no-good]] these days though, [[Beware the Nice Ones|beating down]] anyone who threatens [[Horrible Judge of Character|the people]] [[The Messiah|he]] [[True Companions|loves]] with the power of his [[Like You Were Dying|Dying Will]] [[Heroic Willpower|Flame]]. Though the villains always seem to be [[Expecting Someone Taller|cynical about his height]].
==== ''{{spoiler|His brow ever furrowed, he holds his fists up as in prayer ... That is the Vongola Decimo.}}'' ====
* [[Accidental Pervert]]: In the very first chapter.
** This lead to [[Death Equals Redemption]]. Literally. Reborn [[First-Episode Resurrection|killed him]], invoking [[Unstoppable Rage|Dying Will]]... [[Cool and Unusual Punishment|Pulling Mochida's hair out]]...
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* {{spoiler|[[Meaningful Funeral]]: Subverted. Only TYL Gokudera was there.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mind Rape|Mind Raped]] as part of the Vongola Trial.}}
* [[Mistaken for Gay]]: In an early chapter, poor [[Butt Monkey|Tsuna]] gets mistaken at school for [https://web.archive.org/web/20131106184512/http://www.mangahere.com/manga/katekyo_hitman_reborn/v01/c004/5.html "becoming Gokudera's bitch,"] since Gokudera suddenly became... ''very'' [[Ho Yay|affectionate]] towards Tsuna. Gokudera certainly didn't deny it...
* [[Mr. Fanservice]]
* [[Oedipus Complex]]: Dislikes his father, develops a ''huge'' crush on someone who looks exactly like his mother/[[Dude Looks Like a Lady|him]]? Yup.
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* [[The Promise]]
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: {{spoiler|Played straight till he actualy killed Byakuran, who had become pretty inhuman by that point.}}
** {{spoiler|Although now - Surprise, Surprise! Somehow Byakuran's still alive!}}
** {{spoiler|Dying in the future typically doesn't erase your entire existence (unless you're a time traveler, in which case, death in general gets complicated). Otherwise, no one would exist ever, since we all die at some point. It would be weirder if Byakuran ''weren't'' still alive in the past, really.}}
* [[Took a Level in Badass]]
* [[Tranquil Fury]]: Hyper Dying Will Mode. {{spoiler|Rue the day you provoked his [[Unstoppable Rage]] while he was in this state, [[This Is Unforgivable!|Byakuran]].}}
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* [[Unstoppable Rage]]: Normal Dying Will Mode.
::'''==Hayato Gokudera '''==
::'''Hayato Gokudera '''
At first, it seemed as if Gokudera was just your average, [[But Not Too Foreign|foreign]] [[Delinquents|delinquent]]. He even came equipped with your standard-issue [[Smoking Is Cool|cigarettes]] and the crowd of admiring classmates. But then he was beat by Tsuna, and of course, [[Defeat Means Friendship]], so he started his pursuit of being "the Tenth's" [[Stalker with a Crush|right hand man]]. This didn't mean that [[Tsundere|he would be nice]] to ''other'' people, though. But when it really comes down to it, his aggressive tendencies have been somewhat pacified due to his interactions with those ''other'' people.
* {{spoiler|[[Action Bomb]]: His Vongola Gear turns Uri into this, who shrinks afterwards.}}
* [[Ambiguously Bi]]: He has considerable [[Ho Yay]] towards Tsuna, (though it's not clear if it's really love or just [[Undying Loyalty]]). He also blushed and had a nosebleed upon seeing Lal Mirch (a beautiful woman) naked.
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* [[Defeat Means Friendship]]
* [[Devoted to You|Devoted to Tsuna]]
* [[Face Palm]]: When he realized that he was once again in that familiar circle, yelling, "[https://web.archive.org/web/20100531050037/http://www.onemanga.com/Katekyo_Hitman_Reborn/243/07/ VONGOLA... FIGHT!!!]"
* [[Fan of Underdog]]: Which is actually an understatement.
* [[Green Eyes]]
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* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have to Be Aneki?]]
::'''==Takeshi Yamamoto '''==
::'''Takeshi Yamamoto '''
You're a baseball star. The jock. Everyone loves and admires you. How could your life get any better? [[Everything's Better with Samurai|Give the kid a sword]], and [[Katanas Are Just Better|make that sword a katana]], then [[My Kung Fu Is Stronger Than Yours|teach him an awesome way to use it]]! And with that, you get the Badass known as Yamamoto. You wouldn't tell how badass he is [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass|by looking]], because it's always sunny in Yamamotoville. The kid's been a constant, and [[Double Standard|welcome]] presence in Tsuna's [[Unwanted Harem|family]]. And with a little help, [[Took a Level in Badass|he's taken more levels in badass]] than anyone else. [[Foe Yay|Gokudera hates him.]]
* [[Badass Normal]]
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: When this guy gives even the smallest of frowns, ''get the fuck out''.
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* [[Took a Level in Badass|Took Many, Many Levels In Badass]]
::'''Lambo '''
Lambo is a [[Enfante Terrible|Five -Year -Old Assassin]] that came from Italy. He has a habit of [[Hammerspace Hair|pulling weapons out of his]] [[Funny Afro|hair]], most notably when he's either trying to blow himself, or someone else up. He was really out to get Reborn, but every conflict ends up in a [[Nonchalant Dodge]] and [[Non-Fatal Explosions]]. In spite of the constant defeat, it doesn't equal friendship. Just a visit from [[Future Badass|Mr. Future Self]].
* [[A Load of Bull]]: His [[Animal Motif]]. {{spoiler|Also his box weapon.}}
* [[Bishonen]]: His TYL form. Doubly so for his 20YL form.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Lambo loves Tsuna's mom, and anything that threatens her is met with lethal force.
** Ryohei used Lambo's feelings for Tsuna's mom to force him to unleash his [https://web.archive.org/web/20100730043031/http://www.onemanga.com/Katekyo_Hitman_Reborn/268/013/ Vongola Box Weapon]
* [[Bratty Half-Pint]]: He's the kind of kid that makes babysitting a living hell to anyone with less patience than Kyoko and Haru.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: In the present he is 100% [[Butt Monkey]]. 10 years in the future, it's a 50-50 case. [[Took a Level in Badass|But in 20 years...]]
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* [[Unknown Rival]]: To Reborn at the beginning of the story. Currently, though, he seems to have forgotten.
::'''==Ryohei Sasagawa '''==
::'''Ryohei Sasagawa '''
[[Catch Phrase|Ryohei is Extreme]]. His (empty) club is extreme. His mentor is extreme. Everything he does is extreme. The guy is always training, extremely hard, and he gets even more extreme when he ''doesn'''''t'' train. He may seem like something of an extreme virtual airhead sometimes, but there seems to be [[Mook Chivalry|some kind of extreme logic to his madness]]. He seems to always be trying to recruit [[Mistaken for Badass|Tsuna]] into his extreme boxing club. [[Impossible Task|He's just not taking no for an answer]].
* [[Bare-Fisted Monk]]
* [[Big Brother Complex]]
Line 256 ⟶ 253:
* [[Talk to the Fist]]
::'''==Kyouya Hibari '''==
::'''Kyouya Hibari '''
Congratulations. You're the [[Student Council President]] of the [[Absurdly Powerful Student Council]]. [[Devil in Plain Sight|You can get away with anything]]. You even have that [[Red Armband of Leadership|Red Armband Of]] [[Delinquents|Leadership]]. [[Hey, Wait!]] That's not ''you''. That's Hibari. The [[Curb Stomp Battle]] personified. He ''will'' be [[In Love with Your Carnage]], so don't fight anywhere near him and his [[Insane Equals Violent|Automatically Violent]] self. Violent to anything and everything other than his [[Loyal Animal Companion|Cute Critters]], whom he won't attack even if they [[Major Injury Underreaction|pierce his hand]]. Remember, don't piss him off or he ''will'' "[[Catch Phrase|bite you to death]]."
* [[Aloof Ally]]
* [[Animal Theme Naming]]: Hibari can mean skylark. Explains why he's so fond of animals, particularly birds.
Line 318 ⟶ 315:
* [[Wild Card]]: It's part of being the Cloud Guardian.
::'''==Mukuro Rokudo '''==
::'''Mukuro Rokudo '''
He's the spear wielding guy with a [[Dark and Troubled Past|Dark Past]] that you don't want to know about. In some completely lucky way, Mukuro has been reborn in all stages of hell, and remembering all of it. Due to that, he's gained [[Evil Eye]] powers and has been dead set on [[Grand Theft Me|taking over]] [[Cute Shotaro Boy|Tsuna]]'s body. But after [[Faking the Dead|the]] [[Flaw Exploitation|dirty]] [[In the Back|tactics]] [[Combat Pragmatist|failed]], [[Defeat Means Friendship|he ended up being employed in the job of being the guardian of the person who beat him]]. Nowadays, he spends his time in the head of a girl who looks just like him, occasionally [[Grand Theft Me|dropping by]] to save the day... Or something.
* [[A Handful for an Eye]]
* [[Anime Hair]]: His "pineapple" hairstyle. ''How'' do those spikes stay in place all the time?
Line 392 ⟶ 389:
* [[Younger Than They Look]]: He looks, sounds and acts as if he were in his early twenties. He's '''15'''.
::'''==Chrome Dokuro '''==
::'''Chrome Dokuro '''
She's [[The Smurfette Principle|the only girl in the group]], equipped with an [[Prongs of Poseidon|infamous]] [[Blade on a Stick|polearm]] and [[Eyepatch of Power|an ambiguous eyepatch]]. She reminds you of someone, right? Oh yeah, that guy with the [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|blue hair]] who tried to [[Grand Theft Me|possess]] [[Cute Shotaro Boy|Tsuna]]. Well, Chrome and Mukuro ''are'' pretty much one in the same; a packaged deal. [[Clingy Jealous Girl|Gokudera]] mistrusts her, especially after she stole away [[Virginity Makes You Stupid|Tsuna]]'s [[First Kiss]]. She gets the sympathy for having [[Nightmare Fuel|imaginary organs]]. Though she hasn't been given much of a chance, she's managed to prove herself competent in battle (her first appearence and her fight with Glo Xinia) and seems to be gaining confidence as the series progresses.
* [[Battle Couple]]: With Mukuro.
* [[Bare Your Midriff]]: You can ''[[Nightmare Fuel|see]]'' her organs disappearing!
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* {{spoiler|[[Zettai Ryouiki]]: While wearing the Shimon school uniform, and what looks to be a Grade A too.}}

Latest revision as of 18:18, 5 March 2024

This is a listing of the major characters of Katekyo Hitman Reborn. YMMV items and subjectives go in the YMMV page for the series. For the main character sheet see here.

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Tsunayoshi "Tsuna" Sawada


Tsuna was a useless kid with a wimpy attitude, poor grades, subpar athleticism, and even worse luck who literally could not talk to a girl to save his life. Well, that was before he met a particular infant hitman named Reborn, who turned his life around forever. It just so happens that "No Good Tsuna" is the future boss of the Vongola Famiglia, the greatest mafia family in Italy, and Reborn has been sent to train him. He's far from no-good these days though, beating down anyone who threatens the people he loves with the power of his Dying Will Flame. Though the villains always seem to be cynical about his height.

His brow ever furrowed, he holds his fists up as in prayer ... That is the Vongola Decimo.

Hayato Gokudera


At first, it seemed as if Gokudera was just your average, foreign delinquent. He even came equipped with your standard-issue cigarettes and the crowd of admiring classmates. But then he was beat by Tsuna, and of course, Defeat Means Friendship, so he started his pursuit of being "the Tenth's" right hand man. This didn't mean that he would be nice to other people, though. But when it really comes down to it, his aggressive tendencies have been somewhat pacified due to his interactions with those other people.

Takeshi Yamamoto


You're a baseball star. The jock. Everyone loves and admires you. How could your life get any better? Give the kid a sword, and make that sword a katana, then teach him an awesome way to use it! And with that, you get the Badass known as Yamamoto. You wouldn't tell how badass he is by looking, because it's always sunny in Yamamotoville. The kid's been a constant, and welcome presence in Tsuna's family. And with a little help, he's taken more levels in badass than anyone else. Gokudera hates him.



Lambo is a Five-Year-Old Assassin that came from Italy. He has a habit of pulling weapons out of his hair, most notably when he's either trying to blow himself, or someone else up. He was really out to get Reborn, but every conflict ends up in a Nonchalant Dodge and Non-Fatal Explosions. In spite of the constant defeat, it doesn't equal friendship. Just a visit from Mr. Future Self.

Ryohei Sasagawa


Ryohei is Extreme. His (empty) club is extreme. His mentor is extreme. Everything he does is extreme. The guy is always training, extremely hard, and he gets even more extreme when he doesn't train. He may seem like something of an extreme virtual airhead sometimes, but there seems to be some kind of extreme logic to his madness. He seems to always be trying to recruit Tsuna into his extreme boxing club. He's just not taking no for an answer.

Kyouya Hibari


Congratulations. You're the Student Council President of the Absurdly Powerful Student Council. You can get away with anything. You even have that Red Armband Of Leadership. Hey, Wait! That's not you. That's Hibari. The Curb Stomp Battle personified. He will be In Love with Your Carnage, so don't fight anywhere near him and his Automatically Violent self. Violent to anything and everything other than his Cute Critters, whom he won't attack even if they pierce his hand. Remember, don't piss him off or he will "bite you to death."

Mukuro Rokudo


He's the spear wielding guy with a Dark Past that you don't want to know about. In some completely lucky way, Mukuro has been reborn in all stages of hell, and remembering all of it. Due to that, he's gained Evil Eye powers and has been dead set on taking over Tsuna's body. But after the dirty tactics failed, he ended up being employed in the job of being the guardian of the person who beat him. Nowadays, he spends his time in the head of a girl who looks just like him, occasionally dropping by to save the day... Or something.

Chrome Dokuro


She's the only girl in the group, equipped with an infamous polearm and an ambiguous eyepatch. She reminds you of someone, right? Oh yeah, that guy with the blue hair who tried to possess Tsuna. Well, Chrome and Mukuro are pretty much one in the same; a packaged deal. Gokudera mistrusts her, especially after she stole away Tsuna's First Kiss. She gets the sympathy for having imaginary organs. Though she hasn't been given much of a chance, she's managed to prove herself competent in battle (her first appearence and her fight with Glo Xinia) and seems to be gaining confidence as the series progresses.