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* In ''[[Filmation's Ghostbusters]]'', [[Big Bad| Prime Evil]] has a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]] to begin with, but one thing that ''really'' makes him angry is when Haunter calls him "Old Boy" or "Old Chap".
* In ''[[Filmation's Ghostbusters]]'', [[Big Bad| Prime Evil]] has a [[Hair-Trigger Temper]] to begin with, but one thing that ''really'' makes him angry is when Haunter calls him "Old Boy" or "Old Chap".
* ''[[Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?]]'' (Netflix version); Zach is proud to be a native of Boston, but ''never'' refer to it as "Beantown" in front of him.
* ''[[Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?]]'' (Netflix version); Zach is proud to be a native of Boston, but ''never'' refer to it as "Beantown" in front of him.
* From ''[[Archer]]''; threaten or harm the protagonist's daughter A.J. and he will, as Farooq discovered the hard way, [[Papa Wolf| ''literally'' beat you to death]].

Revision as of 00:30, 27 August 2021

When a nice, normal character suddenly goes into a rage, you've hit his Berserk Button.

New Brian: Rupert seems to like my humping.
Stewie: What did you say?
New Brian: Rupert. Humped him for two hours last night. He just lay there and took it.
Stewie: Did he?
New Brian: Now every time you're sleeping with him, he's gonna be thinking of me.
Stewie: Hmmmmm.

  • Stewie chops up new Brian and throws him into the trash. So don't mess with Stewie's bear.
  • In the episode "Fat Guy Strangler," while Lois' mentally ill brother, Patrick, is visiting the Griffins, Peter dresses as Ralph Kramden (from The Honeymooners) and uses his catchphrase "Pow, right in the kisser." This triggers a flashback for Patrick, who as a child had walked in on his mother having sex in the kitchen with an obese man dressed as the famous Honeymooners protagonist -- this triggered a traumatic episode that eventually saw him sent to a mental institution -- and he goes on a rampage, killing or seriously injuring obese men in Quahog. Eventually, he targets Peter, who eventually escapes his predicament (only when Lois shows up to talk Patrick out of it, claiming that she is assaulting his "girlfriend," Marion).
  • Lois doesn't like it when you insult her children. Gloria Inronbox learned that the hard way.
  • Cleveland really hates the show Bewitched, so much that when Stewie turns it on, Cleveland knocks over the couch with Stewie on it. "Yeah, hey, so that's a pretty reasonable reaction, nuh?" says Stewie.
  • Peter Potamus in Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law will flip out if he finds out that you got that thing he sent you, and didn't tell him.
  • One possible reason that The Angry Beavers are so angry could be because people keep calling them weasels.
  • Futurama
    • Let's just say that Clamps doesn't take kindly to insults towards his title clamps. Or being referred to as Francis.
    • From the same episode, being a crustacean-humanoid, Dr. Zoidberg has the dubious honor of cutting anything the shop needs him to. Don't try to convince him otherwise.
    • The Giant Unattractive Monster can take ugly insults from the three Benders, but never talk about his mother, as Fry learned the hard way.
  • Pumbaa from The Lion King can take on any animal in Africa if they call him a pig; in the Latin American dub, Pumbaa also insists on being called a "decent warthog".
    • Also Scar hates it when someone mentions his brother Mufasa. "Don't ever mention that name in my kingdom! I am the king!" He hates it even more when someone compares him to Mufasa.

Sarabi: If you were even half the king Mufasa was--
Scar: (slaps Sarabi very hard) I'm TEN TIMES THE KING MUFASA WAS!!

    • Also:

Zazu (singing) Nobody know the trouble I've seen... Nobody knows my sorry...
Scar: Oh, Zazu, lighten up. Sing something with a little bump in it!
Zazu: It's a small world after all, it's a -
Scar: No, NO! Anything but that!

  • Codename: Kids Next Door
    • Nigel Uno has broken out of brainwashing when one of his buttons was triggered. Among the set-offs: being overcharged at a restaurant. Most importantly, don't threaten his True Companions.
    • Don't insult the Rainbow Monkeys in front of Kuki Sanban, a.k.a. Numbuh Three. And God help you if you mess with her plushies, her loved ones, or Bradley.
    • Do NOT turn down Kuki's thermostat. EVER. Or lower her father Kani's, for that matter.
    • As well as Numbuh 83, who, if you threaten to put her in a dark room, will beat up anyone around her.
    • Do not threaten to harm Kuki or Joey in front of Wallabee Beatles. Also, don't call him an idiot.
    • More subdued than the standard, but Numbuh 5 really hates Numbuh 2's awful puns. She also hates Numbuh 2 flirting with other girls.

Numbuh 5: *pulls Numbuh 2 by his shirt* Let's go, lover boy.

    • Numbuh 86 has a hair-trigger temper to begin with, but use sexist language in front of her and she goes Up to Eleven, as Numbuh 2 found out when he was channeling Phillip Marlowe:

Numbuh 86: TOOTS?!?!?!!!

  • The title character of the animated series Bounty Hamster, a battle-hardened Bounty Hunter who happens to also be a small fluffy critter, develops Unstoppable Rage whenever anybody mentions how cute he is.
  • South Park
    • English kid Pip can't abide being mistaken for French. In the episode "Conjoined Fetus Lady," the other kids on the dodgeball team actually make use of this fact, to take advantage of his Unstoppable Rage.
    • Eric Cartman apparently has at least four Berserk Buttons. One is any references to him being fat or overweight. Another is being compared to Family Guy. He also really hates being conned out of his money; it's in your best interests to give it back or he will do something really horrible to you. And then there's insulting his mother; when Grandpa Marsh does so, he flies into rage and starts to beat the crap out of him, although Stan and Kyle restrain him before he can do any real damage.
    • As for Kyle, don't call his mother a bitch. Justified, as his mom isn't exactly the type of person you'd want to piss off.
    • Don't speak any foul language within Sheila's earshot. Prepare for the worst.
  • Recess
    • Spinelli has gone berserk at people who have called her a girl in the past.
    • In the 2001 Homage episode, Gretchen snaps when the SAL-9000 calls her "dumb".
    • Gus doesn't play dodgeball. Unless you hit a little kid with a dodgeball. Then you really won't like what happens next.
  • Kim Possible
    • Ron Stoppable has a tendency to snap if his beloved fast food chain, Bueno Nacho, is destroyed or taken over by villains.
    • The other way to send him into frenetic rage is to harm Kim Possible. Lord help you if you hurt his girlfriend. Two of his foes learned the hard way that that is something you just don't do in the series finale. (Not just harm her, the Lorwardians were going to kill her, stuff her, and mount her on a wall as a trophy like some animal!)
    • And Ron himself is the subject of a berserk button. It's a... hmm... KimPossibly bad idea to bully him, as Drakken, Killigan, and Monkey Fist found out on a time-travel jaunt. Now think about that, three supervillains thrashed by a five-year-old girl.
  • Avatar: The Last Airbender
    • Aang is extremely attached to his pet Sky Bison, Appa. (Understandable, since Appa was trapped in ice 100 years with Aang, and is the only being besides Aang that survived the Air Temple raids.) During "The Chase," he remained calm and good natured in the face of Toph and Katara's bickering, continued assault by his enemies and sleeplessness, but he screamed at Toph when she dared blame Appa for the problem. This was some Foreshadowing of Aang's huge freakout when Appa is kidnapped, which lasts for two whole episodes, the first one which he spends consumed with uncharacteristic rage and pessimism, and actually goes into the Avatar State when facing the kidnappers, and the second one where he represses his emotions. He snaps out of it eventually, but does scream at the brainwashed Joo Dee when she tries to get in the way of their search for Appa, and shows unrelenting determination to find him. In short, don't mess with the Avatar's bison.
    • Also, NEVER put Katara in danger in front of Aang, or even just PRETEND to do so. It is THE BEST way to push him into the Avatar State and guarantee complete destruction for a hundred meter radius.
    • And, don't start a 100 year old war. It's not smart. Otherwise, you get THIS.
    • Katara herself has three such buttons. 1. Anything related to her mother's death. 2. Harming Aang. 3. Anyone who betrays her trust (see: Jet and Zuko).
    • The first time that Azula ever showed any explicit anger was when a recently Heel Face Turned Mai said that she "miscalculated." As she's a Magnificent Bastard obsessed with perfection, this is a far worse insult than it may seem. It had much further reaching consequences for Azula...
    • The above scene also shows that the Emotionless Girl Mai is content to quietly sit on the sidelines as her best friend and nation conquer the world, only entering battle because she's bored. But when her boyfriend's in danger, it's time to kick ass, take names, and throw knives.
    • Sokka is usually a pretty laid back guy and nothing usually bothers him, but whatever you do, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT harm his sister Katara or his girlfriend Suki. Even if you're the Avatar.
    • Also, Admiral Zhao's berserk button comes in the form of the most epic burn Aang has ever delivered:

Aang: I don't know why, but I thought you'd be better than Zuko!

    • Zuko's berserk button, particularly in the first season, seems to be any reference to his banishment, from anyone other than Iroh. He destroyed Zhao in an Agni Kai when Zhao mocked his scar and taunted him about not being able to go home. He also challenged Lieutenant Jee, who unknowingly hit a sore spot when he called Zuko out for his lack of respect... exactly what Ozai said before burning him.
  • In The Legend of Korra, Tenzin's Berserk Button is invoking his mom, Katara, in an argument. Or his father, for that matter.

Tenzin: (Face going red) Don't bring my mother into this!

  • Rocky and Bullwinkle; Bullwinkle J. Moose is one of the nicest guys in cartoon history, but if you hurt Rocky - like Boris did in the "Picayune Pot" storyline - he'll be after you like a man - er, moose - possessed.
  • Darkwing Duck
    • Megavolt really hates it when anyone calls him "Sparky".
    • Threaten Darkwing's daughter, Gosalyn, and prepare to get dangerous.
  • Darkwing's bumbling neighbor Herb Muddlefoot is a pretty nice guy. Insult him? He'll let it slide. Humiliate him? He'll laugh it off. Disguise yourself as him and ruin his reputation? No big deal. But if you ever mock, libel, or disparage Quackerware, the line of products he has endorsed and sold for a living all his life, then he gets vicious.
  • Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers
    • Winnifred, a wannabe witch, gets violent when someone calls her "Freddie."
    • Chip and Dale hates being called squirrels.
  • The Simpsons features many characters with a Berserk Button.
    • Though few would argue that golden boy Homer Simpson is the greatest example. In fact, Homer's Berserk Button has arguably been a staple of the character since day one, through all the characters' many changes. Homer's primary Berserk Button is his son Bart Simpson. However, many times Homer's thinly subdued insecurity has led to some of his many explosions of anger. Homer may also fall in line with having a Hair-Trigger Temper. One of the show's most time-honored traditions is Homer strangling his son Bart (never in a lethal fashion, most of the time) due to aforementioned boy doing something to either specifically anger Homer, or more often than not being the cause of a vexing situation for Homer. It's iconically complemented with the Catch Phrase "WHY YOU LITTLE--!!!" As Homer's explosive temper is almost as iconic a trait as his childish behavior or appetite, there are countless examples of Homer's Berserk Button being pushed throughout the series. Some examples include:
      • Homer doesn't mind if a food will kill him or have other adverse side effects (he even ate old baking soda in one episode), but HATES if something is "low-fat".
      • Homer's temper was the subject of a few episodes, particularly the episode "I am Furious Yellow," where Bart makes a successful webcomic called Angry Dad. The comic recreated daily fits of rage Bart observed from his dad. Ironically at the end of the episode however, it's said that it's healthier for Homer to act out on his anger rather than try to subdue it... which when tried had harmful side effects.
      • Homer was one of the prime suspects in the famous 2-parter "Who Shot Mr. Burns?" episode, where Mr. Burns is... shot at the end of the first part, albeit with very good reason as Burns entered Complete Monster territory much further than usual. In Homer's case, the old running gag of Burns never remembering Homer's name comes full circle as Homer tries vigorously to get Burns to remember his name in order to put himself on Burns' good side. It's all in vain however, Burns even going as far as to remember every other member of the Simpson household except for Homer. This finally drives an unappreciated-feeling Homer to the brink of murderous rage, nearly beating Burns before being dragged out by security shouting "Oh you're dead, Burns! You're dead!!" Although Homer wasn't the culprit, and he seemed to have one of the simpler, less urgent reasons to kill Burns compared to the rest of Springfield, suspicion of him came ironically from Burns finally remembering Homer's name (albeit in a comatose state) which nearly sealed Homer's supposed guilt. Later Homer visits him and yells at him to take back his accusation, while strangling him as he keeps saying "Homer Simpson". But then Mr. Burns comes out of it and forgotten Homer's name again, which in turn pushed his Berserk Button once more. Strangely, Burns continues to forget his name for a few seasons, but Homer doesn't seem to care.
      • Despite often putting out an attitude of indifference, Homer is actually quite sensitive. He even punched Lenny for no directly personal reason, due to a realization that many of his co-workers laugh at him earlier when at home. This form of mindless anger has often taken Homer into the territory of the Jerkass, most notably in later seasons.
      • Bart's position as Homer's Berserk Button actually got him institutionalized in an early episode. When taking a Rorschach test, he flew into an angry rage when one of the blots oddly resembled "The Boy".

Marge: I'm sure you'll see my husband is perfectly sane if you just talk to him without mentioning our son Bart.
Nurse: There actually is a Bart?! My God!

    • Principal Skinner usually gets annoyed by Bart Simpson's antics, but the episode "Brother's Little Helper" shows just what happens when Bart presses Skinner's berserk button one time too many when he ended up flooding the entire schoolgrounds with a firehose and a gymnasium during a fire safety skit gone awry: He screamed Bart's name while witnessing Bart laughing during the aftermath, and approached him in a menacing manner. In fact, he ended up having to punch a clown-based punching bean in front of Bart's parents in order to calm himself down before addressing them for the parent teacher conference.
    • Otto:

Otto: Your dad was right, I am a bum.
Bart: He didn’t call you a bum. He called you a sponge.
Otto: SPONGE?! (punches wall) Does this look like something a sponge would do?!

    • And don't ever harrass or harm Bart in any way around Marge. She won't even care if its 99% of Springfield's population, do NOT fuck with Marge.
    • And if you lose a simple sport like Bart infamously did, RUN! RUN FAST. RUN FAR.
  • Beavis and Butthead
    • Beavis barely notices the massive volume of insults Butt-head threw his way, but don't call him a "butt-knocker". Or he'll kick you in the nads! Also don't insult Metallica in front of him.
    • The fact he might never "score" led him to a screaming fit. Which itself is a Berserk Button on two people: the bus driver in The Movie (after telling him to sit down, but Beavis says "shut up") and a stage manager (who warns the other kids not to piss him off).
  • Danny Phantom
    • Calm, debonair Vlad Masters turns angry if you call him a "fruitloop". Or mention how he lost the woman of his dreams to an idiot and still can't use his vast fortune to buy the Green Bay Packers. Or suggest he get a cat.
    • Don't call Danny a loser, either.
    • Jack and Maddie Fenton may not be the most efficient ghost hunters around, and they're kind of oblivious in general. But if you ever try to hurt their kids, they WILL take you down.
  • The air conditioner in The Brave Little Toaster actually explodes when another character pointed out that it was "stuck in the wall."
  • The Fairly OddParents
    • Don't try to harm, capture, take or threaten Timmy Turner's fairy godparents. Timmy has magic on his side, and he uses it to beat your ass to Pluto and bounce off to the other side of the Universe to show he doesn't fuck around.
    • Do not bring up March 15th in front of Crocker. Bad things have happened to him on that day...
    • Wanda and Cosmo are extremely protective of Timmy and each other, though Wanda is more likely to show it. When Jorgan, the toughest fairy in the universe, threatened Timmy on one occasion, Wanda's hair burst into flames and she scared him! And as for Cosmo, when the Destructinator threatened his family, he turned into Godzilla to pummel him into the ground.
  • Hercules
  • Tale Spin: Never, ever, try to harm Kit, Rebecca or Molly, or else Baloo will make you sorry. The only thing that's an even worse idea is doing anything to the Sea Duck or insulting Baloo's piloting abilities.
  • The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron Boy Genius: Insult Ultra Lord in any way, shape or form in front of Sheen Estevez. Go on.
  • Animaniacs
    • Don't ever call Wakko stupid or else you're in for a world of hurt. Ms. Flamiel learned this the hard way.
    • And don't ever call Dot "Dottie" or else you'll die, although she is never seen doing this.

Dot: (to Gerth Plotz) Call me "Dottie" and you'll be taking your Tang intravenously.

    • Two words: Katie Kaboom
    • Pesto. "DAT'S IT!"
    • His sister too.
  • Phineas and Ferb
    • Perry the Platypus doesn't usually turn Dr. Doofenshmirtz over to the authorities because he enjoys foiling his plans. But in "Journey to the Center of Candace", when Doofenshmirtz builds a device that "will destroy anyone who can't make up their mind," Perry realizes that this will put Phineas and Ferb (who were earlier having difficulty deciding what to do today) in danger. He immediately attacks the doctor, handcuffs him to a pipe, and calls his boss to send reinforcements to arrest him. He may just be the family platypus, but don't mess with his kids, even indirectly.
    • Doofenschmirtz has what may be his own Berserk Button in the form of his daughter Vanessa, as evidenced by the fate which befell a biker who attempted to pick her up.

Doofenschmirtz: She's sixteen! (zaps with ray gun)

    • Phineas once got angry at Candace for calling one of his and Ferb's plans "stupid". It only lasted about five seconds, but for Phineas that's pretty extreme.
    • Isabella seems displeased whenever someone uses her Catch Phrase, especially on Phineas. Obviously, she's perfectly fine when it's Phineas using it on her.
  • The Penguins of Madagascar
    • Never, EVER touch King Julien's feet. And if you ever decide to skate over them... well, say hello to Julienderung.
    • NEVER forget or ignore King Julien Day, for that matter... "Which forgetter is next for the whooping?! Come on, I want you to hurt LIKE I DO! UAHAHAHAHAA!"
    • Rico's berserk buttons are messing with his dolly or hurting his friends, especially Skipper.
  • Happy Tree Friends
    • Anything that reminds Flippy of war can cause him to act out on his PTSD and murder his friends.
    • In the spinoff series Ka-Pow, Buddhist Monkey really, really hates vandalism. But then again, the Red Shirt ninjas are asking for it by using martial arts moves to break the necks of flowers and backs of books.
    • The normally sweet Giggles totally loses her temper when someone harms the environment.
  • The Secret Show villain Robert Baron is normally Affably Evil, but he HATES being deceived. If he finds out somebody is trying to fool him, he turns bright red and starts charging through walls.
  • Yin Yang Yo: Don't you dare break Yin's Two-nicorn toy. She will rain fire down upon your pitiful head from the sky if you do so.
  • Tom and Jerry
    • Spike has two main ones, among others. Number 1: don't wake him up while he's napping; and Number 2: don't ever touch his son.
    • Ironic to say, in an episode called The Milky Waif, Jerry has one. Tom found that out much TOO LATE: Tom was smacking Nibbles with a fly-swatter and when Jerry saw the red welt on poor Nibbles' behind, Jerry ROARED before giving Tom a quality ass-beating.
  • Serge the Seal Pup, of Aaagh!! It's the Mr. Hell Show!, can be sent into psychotic fits by anything that reminds him of his parents' deaths. These are usually punctuated by his Catch Phrase:


  • Cody in the Street Fighter cartoon Crossover episode, "Final Fight" doesn't seem to like it when "his" Jessica gets hurt. "You! Hurt! MAH! JESSICAAAAAAAA!!!!!
  • Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker (and thus extending to the entire DCAU):
    • Batman listens to Joker's story about how he tortured Tim Drake patiently, but when Joker says, "You're just a little boy in a playsuit crying for Mummy and Daddy. It would be funny if it weren't so pathetic... oh what the heck, I'll laugh anyway." and laughs at Batman, he flips his shit, to use a technical term, and instantly charges Joker and pummels him, delivering one of the most furious beatings Joker's taken from Batman.
      That scene was really one giant Berserk Button for Batman; it just took all of his self control to keep from losing his shit any sooner than he did. But seriously, when he did, it was SCARY. Kevin Conroy had voiced Batman for the better part of a decade up to that point, but NEVER had his gravelly voice sounded as beyond-the-grave chilling as it did when he ground out through gritten teeth, "I'll break you in two." Ironically, Batman soon after LOSES the fight and is at The Joker's mercy, possibly because he was overcome with rage and thus could not fight logically and sensibly.
    • In the same animated movie, Terry also managed to push the Joker's berserk button by laughing at him.
  • Batman the Animated Series
    • The Riddler does not take it well when his henchman questions his sanity in "Riddler's Reform".

Henchman: Gee, boss, you're starting to scare me. You're talkin' kind of crazy.

  • In Superman the Animated Series and Justice League, hurting his friends is an obvious one for Superman, but Darkseid just by existing is a Berserk Button for Superman. Darkseid is the only villain that Superman is fully prepared to kill (well there's Mongul too, but a lot passion was involved with that). Given how monstrous many villains in the DCAU are, the fact that Darkseid in general is a Berserk Button for Superman, and the only villain he wants to kill, is quite impressive on his part. In the Justice League episode "Twilight (of the Gods)," Superman goes into a blind range and beats up Darkseid just for showing his face.
  • Teen Titans
    • If you hurt Raven's friends, you're screwed.
    • Robin does not like being compared to Slade. At all. (Most noticeable in the Apprentice episodes, he manages to get over it but it's still a sensitive issue for him.) However, this is partially true, since he's as obsessive as Slade. Deep down Robin does realize this, but doesn't want it to be point out. This may be why he's so obsessive with Slade, as he made him something he doesn't want to be and always many steps ahead of Robin.
    • Get between Starfire and Robin at your own risk.
    • There's also one episode that's all about Beast Boy's Berserk Button taking physical form (it's a long story) and hunting down a jerk that put Raven in a coma. Surprisingly, the romantic overtones were completely unintentional.
    • Beast Boy is also extremely protective of his friends in general. Slade once pushed this button and ended up getting the living crap beat out of him. Beast Boy may be the team clown, but once he's set off, even the series Big Bad is little match for him.
  • In The Venture Brothers, don't ever insult Triana in front of Dean.
  • Metalocalypse
    • Charles Foster Ofdensen is a normal-looking businessman, a savvy manager, and a very clever lawyer in charge of metal sensation Dethklok. DO NOT threaten his "Bread and Butter". Just don't. He will END you.
    • Pickles' Berserk Button seems to be his family. Specifically, his brother, Seth. At some point in each of the episodes Seth is in Pickles tries to kill him.
    • And if you're at a concert with Toki, do not stand in his personal space and cheer in his ear. Especially if he's sober. Good lord.
  • Scooby Doo
    • Though non-violent, Shaggy has a variant: if your criminal scheme threatens to cancel one of his beloved mini-golf tournaments, he will instantly morph into a Sherlock-Holmes-caliber detecting genius and solve the case so fast even Velma's left wondering how he did it.
    • On Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated, Velma gets angry enough to kick down two tombstones when she thinks Shaggy is trying to weasel out of going to the prom with her. In a later episode, Shaggy chooses being friends with Scooby over being Velma's boyfriend, causing Velma's Berserk Button to be pressed before she collapses into tears.
  • Ed, Edd n Eddy
    • Rolf does not take kindly to those who ridicule the customs of his homeland. "Son of a gun, you insult Rolf by denying the eels?!". Also, the mere mention or sight of wolves is enough to send him into a rampage.
    • Ed is normally a happy-go-lucky Kindhearted Simpleton, but in the episode "Little Ed Blue", his rage was such Sarah steered clear of him. The cause? A pebble in his shoe.
      • A much more serious one is harming his friends and little sister in front of him. He was willing to pummel Double D thinking he was attacking Sarah, and the movie has him defeating Eddy's Brother by a steel door for beating up Edd and Eddy.
    • Edd also has a list. Don't break his ant farm, don't touch his hat, don't mess with his Neat Freak attitude and, above all else, don't play mean pranks on him.
    • Do not steal the Kanker Sister's ship in a bottle, the resulting rampage was treated like a natural disaster. They also do not take kindly to someone (other than them) trying to beat up the Eds.
    • Never bully Jimmy in front of Sarah.
    • Whatever you do, don't steal Plank from Johnny.
  • Liberty's Kids
    • Do not insult the British Empire within hearing range of Sarah Phillips. Just don't.
    • Don't mock France or call Henri little.
  • SpongeBob SquarePants
    • Whatever you do, do not ever insult the state of Texas within Sandy's hearing range. SpongeBob and Patrick had to learn this the hard way.

Sandy: Y'all best apologize, or I'm gonna be on you like ugly on an ape!

    • Also,
    • Nobody, and I mean noBODY, pogo-dances with Patrick, but SpongeBob!
    • And for the love of God, do not touch Mr. Krabs' thermostat! (Or play in his yard.)
    • And for that love of God, do not hug and crush Gary's shell
    • And for the love of Neptune DO NOT put Puffy Fluffy in a house with another pet![1]
  • The Powerpuff Girls
    • Do NOT mess with Bubbles' hair. And whatever you do, DON'T taunt her and call her the weakest. To say the results won't be pretty would be an understatement.
    • DON'T call Buttercup cute or otherwise try demeaning her. The Rowdy Ruff boys learned this the hard way in their first appearance.
    • Speaking of the Powerpuff Girls, don't ever touch Fuzzy Lumpkins' property, or you're going to be in for a massive beatdown!
    • Also, don't put on the mayor's hat.
    • The girls DO NOT mess around when it comes to their sisters or the Professor. You've been warned. Similarly, hurt the Powerpuff Girls around the professor and he'll fight you to a standstill.
  • You know Ding-A-Ling Wolf from those Hanna-Barbera cartoons starring Hokey Wolf? Sweet, innocent, a little naive, big soft Puppy Dog Eyes? Well, whatever you do, DON'T choke, jump on, or try to hurt Hokey in a major way unless you want to be beaten with a tree branch by this little guy.
  • Dukey from Johnny Test. Whatever you do, don't try to mortally endanger Johnny in front of him. He will bite or worse yet, poop!
  • In the Droopy cartoons, if you dare do something petty and cruel to something Droopy dearly values, he will walk up to you and dispassionately say, "You know what? That makes me mad," and then demolish you.
    • And just for the record, even his son in Homesteader Droopy kicked a corrupt sheriff's ass for taking his baby bottle.
    • Also in the same episode, we learn it is unwise to give a stuffed moose a mohawk.
  • The Spectacular Spider-Man: "Don't call me Max! [The name is Electro! ELECTRO, I TELL YOU!"
  • Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers: Do not threaten Zachary Foxx's Galaxy Rangers. He will kick your ass. Threaten his kids or bring up his lost wife? You'll be lucky if he stops at just kicking your ass.
  • Beast Wars
    • As has been stated elsewhere, Tigatron is a hippie. A hippie who will blow a hole through you if you threaten nature.
    • And he found out that destroying "the colony" was a very bad idea when an enraged Inferno almost turned him into soup cans.
    • Silverbolt is very protective of his lady. Bring any harm to her and enjoy the next five minutes. That's all the time you'll have before getting utterly curb stomped.
  • Ben 10
    • In the debatably canonical episode "Ben 10,000", Ben has grown up and had a son. Kevin picks up the Villain Ball and messes with said son. Cue vicious pounding by Ben-as-Waybig.
    • Zombozo found out the hard way, regardless of series, do not hurt or threaten to hurt any member of the Tennyson family around Ben or Gwen (particularly Gwen around Ben and vice-versa) and you'll be lucky if they let you live.
    • It's equally as bad to threaten or hurt Kevin around Gwen in Ben 10 Alien Force or Ben 10 Ultimate Alien.
  • It's a really bad idea to mess with, endanger, or -- possibly worst of all -- flirt with Lydia Deetz. Beetlejuice may be a lazy good-for-nothing, but you don't put a hand on the mortal he adores without paying a price.
  • Invader Zim
    • Gaz is generally willing to leave people alone as long as they leave her to her video games and pizza. Otherwise she will stop at nothing to destroy you. Notably, she won't scream and yell like most of these examples -- she's far too scary for that.
    • Do NOT mention Santa Claus around Professor Membrane.
  • Tony Stark from Iron Man: Armored Adventures has no mother, has lost his father, and as such is extremely protective of his friends, who he considers his adoptive family. Trying to hurt them has resulted in the normally calm genius outright trying to KILL the people responsible, and you'd better believe he can do it.
  • One that can only be described as Rule of Funny: In Mickey, Donald, Goofy: The Three Musketeers, French words make one of the Beagle Boys angry... you know, in a story that takes place in France.
  • Dave the Barbarian may be a wimp, and he may be a lousy barbarian, BUT NOBODY MESSES WITH HIS SISTER!
  • Dungeons and Dragons
    • This is also the berserk button of Bobby. You so much as look at Sheila crosswise and he'll clobber you.
    • Ditto with Uni. Whenever she's threatened (which happens about once a show), Bobby goes into charging mode regardless of who/what the party is up against.
  • Tiny Toon Adventures
    • Never call Babs by her real name.

Buster: Over here, Barbara Ann Bunny!
Babs: Don't call me that!

    • Never give Fifi's photograph to someone else. Never mistake her for a cat, either.
  • It is discovered in The Boondocks that throwing a chair amidst a crowd of people will, whether or not the chair connects with anyone, instigate a full-scale brawl.
  • Donald Duck, who's famous for his short fuse. Even Don Rosa's "Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck" series showed his parents were both short-tempered, as well.
    • Do not tell Hortense McDuck something is "men's work". She laid Teddy Roosevelt flat with one punch. Yes, that Teddy Roosevelt.
  • Freakazoid!
    • Gutierrez does not like being called a weenie.


  • Jimmy Two Shoes: Never, ever, insist that Heloise is "not so tough". You will pay.
  • My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic
  • CatDog
    • Dog turns from a happy-go-lucky scatterbrain to a flesh-hungry hellhound if you make the mistake of messing with his bones.
    • Rancid Rabbit in the episode "Let The Games Begin".
  • Adventure Time
    • Make sure you never slap Jake out of Marceline's hands. It would be the WORST mistake you could ever make with her, because she angrily transforms into her One-Winged Angel form and tries to kill you.
    • Also, it's best not to take her bass guitar.
    • Jake seems to be Finn's berserk button. He flies into a rage whenever anything terrible seems to happen to Jake.
    • Lemongrab is a LIVING berserk button. It's nearly impossible to say anything to him or do anything near him that won't result in one of his signature freak-outs.
  • Owen from Total Drama Island has three of them.
    • As Heather learned, don't insult his girlfriend.
    • As a metal door learned, do not make him hungry.
    • And as JACK THE FREAKING RIPPER learned, do NOT threaten his best friend.
    • And while we're at it, DO NOT mention Jose to Alejandro. Oh, and don't call him "Al", even though Cody tried to use it against him once and Owen calls him that because he can't say "Alejandro" right.
      • Owen is Alejandro's Berserk Button. Even worse is telling him that Heather isn't attractive. Jose learned this the hard way.
    • Zoey, the usually calm and nice girl tried to kill Scott after he eliminated Mike, but her true berserk button was shown when the medallion Mike gave her broke, even Cameron was shocked at Zoey's transformation
  • My Life as a Teenage Robot. Three words: "IT'S A TOGA!!!!!"
  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Cowardly Antoine will not let you get away with mangling French cooking. Especially if you try to make escargot... with margarine.
  • James the Red Engine does not like to be reminded of his particularly outstanding screwups. Especially the time his crew had to borrow a passenger's bootlace to repair a leak he'd caused in a brake pipe.
    • Also never call Toby electric.
    • I also dare you to force Gordon to pull trucks.
    • Please, do what Emily tells you.
    • Never, Ever bump the Troublesome Trucks
  • The Great Mouse Detective. Please, call Professor Ratigan a rat just once. Go ahead, try it.
  • Jackie Chan Adventures has an episode in the first series dealing with this. (Don't call Jade a shrimp, and don't put any of Jackie's friends in hospital. They will hurt you).
  • The zombie slayer from Regular Show is always mad at zombies.
  • Alfe in The Problem Solverz episode "Hide and Seek Ninjaz".
  • The titled character from Dan Vs goes berserk at the start of each episode, causing him to seek vengeance on what started it.
  • The second episode of The Looney Tunes Show showed Lola's usually happy father going berserk after Daffy called his club number.
  • Disney's animated short Lambert the Sheepish Lion stars Lambert, a lion raised by sheep (spot of bother with the storks, don't'y'know). Lambert is retiring, and generally the butt of the herd's jokes, even when he's a full-grown lion. When a wolf threatens his mother, though -- let's just say the wolf's reaction to Lambert's suddenly becoming "a raging lion" warrants a Trope page on "Classic 'Oh-Shit' Expressions Of All Time".
  • Megas XLR
    • Coop has a a few, and there is likely one on the dashboard somewhere.
    • If you're his alternate dimension clone, never make him skinny.
  • The Grinch isn't exactly a nice person to begin with, but as shown in The Grinch Grinches the Cat in the Hat, he definitely doesn't like being called Mr. Greenface.
  • Raphael of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, as shown in the 2003 cartoon episode "April's Artifact", hates bugs. PERIOD. He even gets pushed too far when, not long after one of the hornets has slashed and paralyzed him for a while and he recovers from the paralysis not long afterwards, and says "Bugs... must... PAY!"
  • While not true of the original series, in Voltron Force the fastest way to get Keith and Lance SERIOUSLY angry is to threaten Allura or put her in danger.
  • Young Justice
    • Superboy will flip out when anyone mocks his lack of acceptance from Superman.
    • And do not, under any circumstances, hurt/insult M'gann. She might be able to prevent him from ripping you limb from limb, so don't risk it.
      • Don't even tell M'gann she's lying to her everyone (and to herself) or her fear of rejection if they see her true form. Or you'll end up catatonic. Psimon learned that the hard way.
  • King of the Hill
    • Do not speak ill of propane in Hank Hill's presence. Amusingly, in the episode "Hank Gets Dusted", a Reality Show producer suggests doing this to get a rise out of him, but Hank's cousin Dusty Hill says "There are some lines a man just doesn't cross!"
    • And don't criticize Peggy's intelligence or Spanish skills, no matter how true they are.
    • But above all else, if you do anything to endanger his son Bobby, he WILL kick your ass.
  • The 3 main protagonists of Biker Mice From Mars will react very badly if you hurt their friends or damage their bikes. And it's not a very good idea to call Modo a rat
  • The Little Mermaid: Don't say anything about humans around King Triton. He lost his wife to them. An even bigger one is harming his daughters. Just try to do so and you'll be in a world of hurt.
  • American Dad: Hayley Smith does NOT like being dumped. Every incident was treated like a natural disaster.
  • Never try to harm Nick Tatapolous. Not unless you want his adoptive son to tear you limb from limb. Did we mention his son is Godzilla?
  • The Incredibles: Bob Parr, a.k.a. Mr. Incredible, has two: preventing him from saving someone in trouble, and messing with his family. The last person who pressed Button #1 was thrown through six office walls and had nearly every bone in his body broken, and the last person who pressed Button #2 was killed.
  • Wakfu
    • Don't mention Armand's bad breath to his face.
    • Rubilax threatening to turn Evangelyne into a ghoul is what provokes Sadlygrove's Unstoppable Rage in episode 22. In fact, almost every time Grovy's Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass comes out, it's in response to Eva being in danger (or being hit on).
    • Don't call The Mmmmmmmmmporpg by his birth name. No, seriously, don't. Unless, well, you want the whole town razed.
    • Qilby does not appreciate being called a traitor. It's true, but he has such a huge It's All About Me complex that doesn't see it that way.
  • After accidentally shooting and nearly killing Eliza, Broadway of Gargoyles considers guns his berserk button.
  • In Filmation's Ghostbusters, Prime Evil has a Hair-Trigger Temper to begin with, but one thing that really makes him angry is when Haunter calls him "Old Boy" or "Old Chap".
  • Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego? (Netflix version); Zach is proud to be a native of Boston, but never refer to it as "Beantown" in front of him.
  • From Archer; threaten or harm the protagonist's daughter A.J. and he will, as Farooq discovered the hard way, literally beat you to death.
  1. Spongebob could've realized it the hard way, but being the expert on Comically Missing the Point he thinks Gary is roughhousing with said pet and blames him for the damages.