Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers/Characters
Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. Please provide at least a few words telling how these characters differ from other characters with the same tropelists. |
Your guide to the Loads and Loads of Characters featured in Adventures of the Galaxy Rangers.
The Galaxy Rangers
Zachary Foxx
The Hero and the team Leader, a family man whose by-the-book personality contrasts with his more freewheeling teammates. A space battle left Zach a Cyborg with an implant-triggered Arm Cannon. It also led to a tragic Fate Worse Than Death for his beloved wife Eliza; she's trapped in a "psychic coma", with her mind in a "psychocrystal", a fiendish device the Queen uses to power Empire technology with Life Energy. Zach is obsessed with rescuing Eliza, which he never accomplishes during the series (although Fanfic authors have Set Right What Once Went Wrong). Zach's teenage children, Zach Jr. and Jessica, are recurring characters who star in a few Day in The Limelight episodes.
- Arm Cannon: Zach's energy-blasting "Thunderbolt".
- Berserk Button: Threaten his Rangers, his kids, or his wife. Good luck outrunning the Arm Cannon.
- By-The-Book Cop: Compared to the other Rangers. Usually.
- The Captain
- The Chains of Commanding: Though to a lesser extent than Walsh, he still has the heavy responsibilities of leading the team.
- Cyborg: The entire left side of Zach's body had to be replaced.
- Emergency Transformation/We Can Rebuild Him: How Zach became a Cyborg.
- A Father to His Men
- Happily Married: To Eliza, in the Backstory.
- Hot Dad
- Love Makes You Crazy: When it looked like Eliza would die in "Psychocrypt," he does some really irrational things like holding a technician at gunpoint and trying to resign his commission to make a suicidal attempt to get her crystal. The Queen's Mind Rape wasn't helping matters...
- Perpetual Frowner: And no wonder—he has the unenviable task of keeping his crew alive, raising his kids alone, and adjusting to experimental cyberware.
- Rousing Speech: He provides an epic example in "Heartbeat":
"Commander, there's a man on that planet by the name of Hartford, trying to save the Tarkonians, and you, and me, and everyone who doesn't want to be a slave, pilgrim." |
- Sean Connery Is About to Shoot You: During the intro sequence, as shown in the pic above.
- Spell My Name with an "S": Depending on the country and the source material used, his name's listed as "Zachary," "Zachery," or "Zacharias."
- The Stoic
- Making those moments when he actually does smile all the more golden.
- Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: Zach falls prey to this in "Psychocrypt," "Ariel," and "Stargate."
- Team Dad (in lighter moments)/PapaWolf (if you're dumb enough to push your luck): If you harm his kids or his Rangers, you're target practice.
Shane Gooseman, aka "Goose"
The Lancer, a Clint Eastwood look- and soundalike, and a Cowboy Cop in every sense of the term, Shane may be the most popular Ranger. Shane is an Artificial Human who was "born" as one of the X-Men-like Supertroopers, an experimental, genetically engineered army of SuperSoldiers. He is the youngest of the Supertroopers engineered and considered the runt. Unfortunately, Jerkass politician Senator Whiner exposed most of them to "Batch 22", a flawed DNA accelerator that killed several Supertroopers and caused all the survivors except (arguably) Darkstar to become evil; Goose was out of the barracks at the time, and thus, not exposed. Shane often acts as a Bounty Hunter to capture his former comrades. His implant allows him to adapt to any attack or hostile environment through defensive Involuntary Shapeshifting, which can cause him to transform into strange (but always humanoid) creatures. Goose is also a Chick Magnet; several of the show's female characters are attracted to him, including his teammate Niko.
- Adaptive Ability: The principle behind Shane's Involuntary Shapeshifting.
- Artificial Human
- Badass
- Being Good Sucks: He was already questioning his purpose as a living weapon and unwilling to accept unnecessary casualties during training. Because he decided to stay loyal to his creators during the riot, he is considered a traitor by his brethren and was forced to accept a deal where he became a Hunter of His Own Kind.
- Bounty Hunter
- Cannot Spit It Out: Shane lost his Love Interest Darkstar to his romantic rival Stingray because he couldn't tell Darkstar that he loved her.
- Captain Crash: He crashed least three interceptors and a Ranger cruiser...and the show only ran one season. His driving is just as bad.
- Chained Heat: With McCross in "Chained".
- Chick Magnet
- Cowboy Cop
- Defense Mechanism Superpower: How his Involuntary Shapeshifting works.
- Drives Like Crazy: As seen in "Smuggler's Gauntlet."
- Empathic Shapeshifter
- Expy: The character is a sci-fi Shout-Out to Clint Eastwood. In the DVD Commentary, Robert Mandell not only admits that the resemblance is intentional, but lists three of Eastwood's Westerns from The Seventies and The Eighties (High Plains Drifter, The Outlaw Josey Wales and Pale Rider) as among the show's primary influences. Mandell has also compared Goose to Dirty Harry.
- Green Lantern Ring: Shane's implant, which unpredictably mutates him into whatever form he needs to take to survive a given attack or hostile environment.
- Hunter of His Own Kind: Goose was only allowed to join the Rangers On One Condition—that he hunt down the Supertroopers who weren't captured after the riot.
- Improbable Aiming Skills: "Renegade Rangers" takes this to a near-laughable extreme
- Involuntary Shapeshifting
- My Suit Is Also Super: Played with. Goose's uniform usually transforms with him, but sometimes he Hulks right out of it.
- New Powers as the Plot Demands: In Goose's case, new mutations. The most memorable being with the Po Mutant Sensation Doll in "One Million Emotions", which protected him from the overload of emotions.
- Or "Changeling" where he uses the last of his strength to send a telepathic shout to Niko?
- Power Incontinence: Due to a Phlebotinum Breakdown, Shane loses control of his bio-defenses in "Edge of Darkness".
- Shirtless Scene: In "Mindnet".
- White Sheep: The rest of his Supertrooper "family" (with the sole exception of Darkstar) appear to be everything you'd expect a living weapon to be - amoral, cruel, and bloodthirsty.
- Younger Than He Looks: He was established in the second to last episode as 19 years old, making him 17 or 18 when the series began.
A redheaded Action Girl whose implant enhances—and sometimes weaponizes—her inborn Psychic Powers. Born on an ill-fated colony planet, Niko was raised on the mystical world of Xanadu by a mysterious mentor named Ariel. Niko is also an Adventurer Archaeologist whose knowledge of alien cultures proves invaluable to the team.
- Action Girl
- Adventurer Archaeologist
- All There in the Manual: The series never mentions that she was from a destroyed colony. This detail is only present in supplementary material Mandell released later.
- BFG: Her Weapon of Choice is a double-barreled shotgun.
- Doomed Hometown: The fate of the colony world where Niko was born.
- Fainting Seer: Mostly averted, but she sometimes can get a Poke in the Third Eye by someone more powerful like Scarecrow or the Queen.
- Fan Nickname: A "surname" of sorts, "Dal'Ariel," sometimes shows up on fan sites and Fanfic. It is pure Fanon
- Fiery Redhead: Normally, a subversion as she is patient and slow to lose her cool. If she does get to the boiling point? Clear the sector.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed - Her name and appearance were Mandell's homage to the the singer Nico from the Velvet Underground.
- Only One Name
- Psychic Powers
- Redheaded Hero
Walter "Doc" Hartford
A graduate of Mrs. Abercrombie's Charm and Finishing School, Doc is a combination of The Smart Guy (although all the Rangers are pretty intelligent) and Plucky Comic Relief. This Billy Dee Williams lookalike is a wisecracking Techno Wizard whose implant gives him control over any computer by using the "Tweakers", a group of talking, sprite-like "programs" he created. Doc's sense of humor has made him a fan favorite.
- Badass Bookworm: The dude is a Ph.D., a skilled hacker even without the implant, attended charm school...and can still brawl his way through a pile of Mooks with the best of them.
- Badass Mustache
- Badass Normal: While Doc has a Series 5 implant, it is practically useless in a fight (And the biggest hint the series gave that the Crown Agents weren't robots). He makes do with his fists, a blaster, his copious wit, and a sword...and still manages to keep up with the other three.
- Catch Phrase: "The doctor will operate."
- Chained to a Railway: In "Fire and Iron".
- The Charmer
- The Dandy
- Deadpan Snarker
- Let's Get Dangerous: He's normally the Plucky Comic Relief and grossly underpowered compared to his teammates. However, he proved in "Heartbeat" to be capable of taking down the Scarecrow single-handedly if pushed.
- Minored in Asskicking: "Miss Abercrombie's Charm School" apparently taught acrobatics, diplomacy, and how to sword-fight.
- Mysterious Past: Mandell and company explored the Backstory of the other three Rangers with "Phoenix," "Ariel," and the Supertrooper duology. By comparison, Doc's background went unexplored.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: His resemblance to Billy Dee Williams.
- Playful Hacker
- Plucky Comic Relief
- The Smart Guy
- Technopath
- Techno Wizard
- Token Minority: Doc seems to be the only non-white human in the galaxy (except for Jackhammer of the Supertroopers and one shot villain Dr. Ograbgo).
- Upper Class Wit
BETA Personnel
Commander Joseph Walsh
Head of BETA and the Rangers' commanding officer. Serves as Da Chief. Before the Galaxy Rangers were started, he headed up the Supertrooper project that created Goose with Commander Negata. He appears to have a personal rivalry with Senator Whiner dating back to the project.
- Badass Mustache: Doc and Commander Walsh both have them, but since Walsh's mustache is a handlebar, he wins.
- Benevolent Boss: Walsh does his best to protect the Rangers from political pressure, even if it means bending the rules once in a while.
- The Chains of Commanding: He has to field the massive amount of political heat that's put on the Series 5 project, and was in charge of the ill-fated Supertrooper project.
- Da Chief
- Four-Star Badass
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Played with in "Supertroopers." Whiner attempts to blackmail Walsh by revealing he knows Shane's parentage. Turns out Walsh is Shane's genetic father. Shane never finds this out.
- McCloud Speech: Given to the other three Rangers in "Psychocrypt" after they sneak Zachary out of BETA.
- Parental Substitute: Walsh considers Shane the son he never had...of course, there are reasons for it.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- "I'm giving you twenty-four hours..."
A bumbling android who helps the Rangers and their friends in a few episodes. He was created by Q-Ball as a helper around Longshot but wanted to become a Galaxy Ranger in full. At the end of "Tune Up," he earned the title (at least an honorary one).
- Captain Ersatz: He's almost certainly based on C3PO of Star Wars fame.
- Heroic Sacrifice: At the climax of "Tune Up", Buzzwang self-destructs so that Lazarus Slade can't use him to steal BETA's secrets. It works out better than usual, though: Not only is Buzzwang totally rebuilt, but his heroism earns him a place among the Galaxy Rangers.
- Kid Appeal Character: And a substantial portion of the fanbase will never forgive him for it.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Robot Buddy
- Sixth Ranger: He was designed as a "fifth Ranger" to assist the Series 5 team, and his debut episode showed that he wished to be considered a Ranger in his own right.
- Totally Radical: Buzzwang likes to breakdance. Really.
A brilliant inventor who works out of the Longshot lab in the Grand Canyon, Q-Ball creates the Rangers' equipment. He also built Buzzwang.
- Bald of Awesome
- Dr. Jerk: His people skills need work.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: He resembled Paul Schaffer, David Letterman's bandleader.
Dr. Owen Negata
Co-creator of the Supertroopers. Fatally injured when the Supertroopers revolted, his brain was able to be preserved and placed in a robotic shell. He serves as BETA's tactical commander and chief strategist.
- Brain In a Jar: All that's left of Dr. Negata when Gravestone attacks him after the Batch 22 incident.
- Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate: Becoming involved with a Super Soldier program pretty much lands him here, especially when he casually talks about using Goose as a control for an experiment.
Icarus and Winter
Two talking dolphins who live in a tank of water at Longshot. Goose has a special affinity with them.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: In "Mindnet", Icarus and Winter are the first to Spot the Imposter when Ryker Kilbane impersonates Goose.
- Sapient Cetaceans: Intelligent ones outfitted with cyberware!
- Talking Animal
Zach's Family
Eliza Foxx
Zachary's beloved wife, and mother to Zach Jr. and Jessica Foxx. In the pilot episode, the family was headed to Kirwin when they were ambushed by Kidd and his space pirates. She was able to get her children onto an escape pod, but sacrificed herself to let them get away. Things only became worse after Kidd sold her to the Queen of the Crown. The Queen was able to place her in the Psychocrypt, proving that humans were ideal specimens for the nightmarish device. Zachary was able to get her body away from the Queen, but the crystal containing her mind and spirit is being held by the Queen.
- And I Must Scream: "Psychocrypt" demonstrates that she is aware of what is going on around her under the imprisonment of the Queen, including the Queen's delight in using her against her husband...but cannot stop any of it.
- Damsel in Distress: A high tech variation.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Being forced to serve your husband's Arch Enemy against your entire species? Being said archenemy's eyes and ears with everything you know about your spouse turned into a weapon, including nightly Mind Rape of both of you? All the while completely aware and helpless to stop any of it?
- Fighting From the Inside: "Psychocrypt" ("Zachary! Can't you see it's a trap?!")
- Ghost in the Machine: Eliza's mind and body are stored separately.
- Happily Married: To Zach, in the Backstory.
- Heroic Sacrifice: In "Phoenix" she orders GV to launch the shuttle, saving her children, and condemning herself to the aforementioned Fate Worse Than Death.
- Spell My Name with an "S" : She's sometimes listed in "Aliza," especially in European releases of the series.
- Team Mom: In "post rescue" Fanfic, she usually picks up the role, despite her husband adding three more "kids" to the roster.
- You Are Worth Hell: Why Zach makes his suicidal run in "Psychocrypt."
Zachary Foxx Jr.
Zachary's teenaged son. Outgoing and works as Q-Ball's lab assistant on occasion. He plans on following in his father's footsteps when he's old enough to enlist.
- A Day in the Limelight: Several episodes, including "Tune Up" and "Mothmoose"
- Kid Appeal Character
- Kid Hero
- Like Father, Like Son: Zach Jr looks forward to enlisting in the Rangers himself when he's old enough.
Jessica Foxx
Zachary and Eliza's younger child. Unlike her brother, her inclination are more for the sciences and research.
- Child Prodigy: She is a student at the exclusive Albert Einstein School for the Gifted.
- A Day in the Limelight: "Invasion"
- Gadgeteer Genius: Her science project in "Invasion" was so effective, it summoned a Q-like alien child to send his toys over and try to get the dish for himself.
- I Miss Mom: In "Invasion," she is the only child there whose parents are unable to come to the science fair, and visibly cringes when a classmate asks about her mom.
- Kid Appeal Character
- Kid Hero
The Rangers' Alien Friends
Waldo Zeptic
One of the "two peaceful aliens" who warn Earth about the Crown Empire and go on to befriend the Rangers. He is an Andorian, a species whose hat is scientific development, logic, and math. He designed Kirwin's defense shield and the super-fast hyperdrive traded to Earth in exchange for an alliance.
- Ambadassador: While Waldo considered fighting to be "uncivilized," it did not prevent him from self-defense in the slightest.
- Berserk Button: His species doesn't take to being locked up too well.
- Deadpan Snarker: When told that the Mindnet device could theoretically control intelligent life, he quips "how fortunate Senator Whiner is safe."
- Humanoid Aliens
- Outgrown Such Silly Superstitions: Waldo's attitude toward the "haunted" Kill Sat in "Ghost Station".
- The Spock
- Those Two Guys: With Zozo.
The other "peaceful alien." His species, the Kiwi, are shorter than most humans, good-natured, and have the hat of growing Fantastic Fruits and Vegetables. Kiwi, however, are much tougher than they look and Zozo is the finest example of it. Despite being an Ambassador, Zozo frequently accompanies the Rangers on missions and is always up for a party, a good joke...or a fight.
- Ambadassador: Even more so than his counterpart, Waldo, Zozo does not shy away from fighting. In several episodes, he is also addressed as Ranger Zozo, indicating he is at least an honorary, if not full, Galaxy Ranger in his own right.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's a cheerful, fun-loving, laid-back guy... but don't piss him off.
- Hobbits: His race, the Kiwis, are Badass Hobbits.
- Humanoid Aliens
- Only One Name - appears to be a Kiwi thing; none of his species appear to have surnames.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: For being a meter high, non-powered, and looking harmless, he does a surprising amount of ass-kicking. Had a Awesome Moment where he shoved the Scarecrow into a fire.
- Perpetual Smiler - most of the time. The exception came at Eliza's Meaningful Funeral where he was weeping openly while Zachary was trying to keep a strong facade.
- Pointy Ears
- Sixth Ranger: Fifth Ranger, technically. Zozo is in a fair amount of episodes, even more so than Waldo is. He's a bit over a meter high, and completely non-powered, but he's a tough and clever little guy.
- Those Two Guys: With Waldo.
The Kiwi Kids
A description of these characters goes here.
- Hey, It's That Voice!: You can really hear Corrine Orr's Spritle and "Snuggle, the fabric softener bear" voices.
- Hobbits: Kiwi are, generally speaking, cheerful Badass Hobbits.
- Humanoid Aliens
- Pointy Ears
Geezi the Pendulont
The Rangers' primary informant on the outlaw planet of Tortuna. Most of the time, he is very content to stay away from wherever the shooting is. Unfortunately, the Rangers show up and he's usually caught in the crossfire.
- Humanity Is Insane: A frequent rant of his.
- Implausible Deniability: "I do not exist!"
- The Informant/Information Broker
- Lovable Coward: Most of the time. But a couple episodes like "Tortuna," "Sundancer" and "Shoot-Out" have him risking his over-sized trunk despite his better judgement.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: Mandell admits he was based on some of Peter Lorre's characters.
- Only One Name
The Rangers' Other Allies
Princess Maya
Princess Maya hails from Tarkon, a planet of Human Aliens. An aggressive Action Girl, she was captured from her homeworld and forced into a sadistic Blood Sport. This showed her the wonders and dangers of the wider galaxy, and she became determined to protect her people by importing and learning to use technology, despite their ancient ban on such things. This has caused her to revolt against her father and be snubbed by most members of the nobility... until she helps the Rangers prevent Scarecrow from destroying the Heart of Tarkon.
- Action Girl: in spades, almost to the point of being Proud Warrior Race Guy.
- Badass Princess: We first see her (in "Games") as a captive in a sadistic tournament one of the villains forced captives to play to the death. After she and the Rangers fought their way free, she was determined to use the technology she saw to save her people from interstellar threats - even if it meant open rebellion against her father.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: The Scarecrow briefly scrambled her mind in "Scarecrow's Revenge".
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Empathic Weapon: Her staff.
- Give Geeks a Chance: She initially seemed to think Doc was a useless goof...until he turned on the charm, took her for a spin on the dance floor, then singlehandedly beat a Crown spy in a swordfight.
- Hair of Gold
- Human Alien
- Rebellious Princess
Annie O
A Determined Homesteader on the planet of Ozark. She was instrumental in helping her isolationist colony join with the League of Planets.
- Action Girl: She carries a shotgun, has excellent beast handling skills, and is perfectly willing to call What the Hell, Townspeople? on her own community to defend Shane.
- Beast and Beauty: In "Edge of Darkness".
- Determined Homesteader
- Ship Tease: She and Shane were definitely attracted to one another...
- Star-Crossed Lovers:...but her place was on Ozark and his was in space.
- Women Are Wiser: When McCross claimed Shane's horse was actually his, Annie's response: "Oh really? Ride him! Horses don't lie!"
Tribal shaman on the Death World of Bistee-Fenokee.
- Cool Old Lady
- Hulk Speak: Justified somewhat, as she hasn't been exposed to much of the language.
- Nature Hero
- Never Mess with Granny: Audra thinks of her as a "little old grandmother" and village shaman...until she uses her knowledge of the Death World she lives on to really make the Black Hole Gang sorry.
- Witch Doctor: One of the nicer varieties.
- You Never Asked: When she reveals that she's learned to speak Audra's language.
Audra Miles
A BETA scientist who studies sentient life on remote worlds. Unfortunately, her work with the natives sometimes causes her to face dangers from the "civilized" parts of the galaxy.
- Action Girl: "Mistwalker" had her in the thick of the fighting against the Black Hole Gang. Granted, Mistwalker and the Death World did the bulk of the heavy lifting. However, when the sentient wolf-like Lycans were threatened during "In Sheep's Clothing," she breaks into a heavily-guarded corporate facility looking for answers.
- Adventurer Archaeologist: Technically, an adventure xeno-anthropologist.
- Green Aesop: Usually trying to deliver one.
- Hot Scientist
Sheriff Bob Ladd
A widower who moved to the planet of Nebraska to police the town of Frontier and raise his little girl.
- Determined Homesteader
- Determined Widower
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He politely tells Shane to hand over the pistols, and later gives them back before the Showdown At High Noon.
Amy Ladd
Bob Ladd's small daughter.
- Be Careful What You Wish For: She opens "Galaxy Stranger" lamenting that her little frontier town is boring...then two Supertroopers have a brawl in the main street.
- Cheerful Child
- Determined Homesteader's Children
Amy Ladd's dragon-like pet.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Our Dragons Are Different
- Ridiculously Cute Critter
- Shoulder-Sized Dragon
- Talking Animal
Aidan Subtract
A harmless Cloudcuckoolander with a talent for inventing fantastic machines. He comes across as a Bungling Inventor because they sometimes need a bit more adjustment...but he's a Gadgeteer Genius on the second try. Unfortunately, his soft spot for Evil Twin Jackie gets him in trouble.
- Bungling Inventor: He seems to be this...until he hammers out that last bug.
- Cloudcuckoolander: His invention ideas are so strange one wonders if he's all there...
- Evil Twin: Aidan is a peaceful, law-abiding, and somewhat eccentric inventor. His brother Jackie is running an organized crime syndicate.
- Gadgeteer Genius: When his stuff works.
- Medicine Show: How he demonstrates his inventions, including his rainmaker.
- Mobile Kiosk: Aiden works out of one of these, hawking his inventions in "Rainmaker".
- One-Scene Wonder
Niko's mentor and mother figure. Because she was such a standout character, she's a common guest-star in Fanfic.
Roy McIntyre
A prospector aided by his faithful robot burro, he wanders planets looking for Green Rocks, and sometimes winds up with more than he bargained for.
- Coincidence Magnet: He stumbles on a cache of starstones, only to have been followed by the Black Hole Gang. Another attempt uncovered an ancient citadel. A third attempt uncovered a planet loaded with starstones, and he ended up mayor of a boomtown.
- Prospector
- Robot Buddy: His companion is a robotic burro.
Cody "Wildfire" Carson
Technically a criminal, but more often an ally of the Rangers.
- Loveable Rogue
- Mysterious Past: The only thing we really know is that he's a smuggler, has a ridiculously long rap sheet (mostly customs and docking violations), and seems to know Zach a little too well.
- Nice Hat: His faithful fedora.
- Noodle Incident: He seemed to be awfully familiar with Zachary and had obviously been keeping tabs on him. We never learn the specifics of why.
- We also do not know why he happened to have a frilly dance-hall girl outfit in the back of his ship, either.
The Queen of the Crown and Her Forces
The Queen of the Crown
Ruler of a vast and crumbling Empire, the sorceress-Queen fuses magic and technology in a nightmarish combination in order to stabilize and keep hold of her territory. the culmination of this is the Psychocrypt, which mashes sentient beings down for Life Energy and uses the resulting Soul Jar to power Slaverlord constructs through which she can see, hear, and speak. She carpet-bombed the planet Tortuna, rendering it uninhabitable aside from a few domed cities. After bringing the Girkin race to near-extinction in her thirst for Slaverlords, she has turned her eyes to humans, who have the unfortunate distinction of being the best known candidate for Slaverlord manufacture.
- Arch Enemy: Is this to Zachary Foxx.
- Big Bad: The Queen is the most powerful member of the series' extensive Rogues Gallery, and many of the other major villains end up working for her at least once.
- Bring Him to Me: She wants the Rangers to come to her, or to be brought to her—alive and undamaged. After all, you can't make Slaverlords out of them dead.
- The Empire: She runs it.
- Evil Gloating
- Foe Yay: One-sided on her part, towards Zachary. Even Word of God commented there was some S&M vibes in how she was gloating.
- God Save Us From the Queen
- High Collar of Doom
- I Have Your Wife: The Queen dangles Eliza's crystal rather casually in front of Zach, leading to horrific episodes like "Psychocrypt".
- Also, in "Queen's Lair" she holds Mayor Birba's family hostage to force him to betray La Résistance. We're never informed if they're rescued or not.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: Her attitude toward Zach in "Psychocrypt".
- I Lied: "Mindnet"
- Mind Rape: One of her favorite tactics.
- No Celebrities Were Harmed: She bears a passing resemblance, in both appearance and behavior, to the Evil Queen from Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs.
- Rubber Forehead Aliens
Crown Agents
The foot soldiers of The Empire. They're everywhere the Crown has influence, and often commanded by a Slaverlord.
- Bad Cop, Incompetent Cop: They indulge in "routine torture," regularly accept bribes, and seem unable to tie their shoes without a Slaverlord giving orders.
- The Faceless
- Mecha-Mooks: Debatable. The closest we get to learning what they are is Zach's rather evasive line in "Lord of the Sands": "As far as we know they're some kind of robot..." There was plenty of evidence that they weren't. Doc never used his tweaker programs against them. One of them screams as he crashes into a guard tower in "Phoenix." The ones in "Tortuna" regularly accept bribes, and in "Mindnet," they're influenced by the machine while Buzzwang isn't. The mechanical voices were likely a way of Getting Crap Past the Radar - and disguising the fact that Henry Mandell was pulling yet another voice.
Slaver Lords
Slaver Lords are psychic projections controlled by the Queen, powered by the life force trapped in a psycho crystal. A psycho crystal is a crystal full of life force stolen from a living being. The Slaver Lords act as the eyes, ears, and mouth for the Queen.
- And I Must Scream: Maybe it's unique to Eliza, but "Psychocrypt" made it clear that she was conscious and able to know what was going on.
- The Faceless: Except when the Queen is using one of them.
- Fate Worse Than Death: They are either political enemies, or just the "right" species. They process involves getting their souls forcibly extracted. The process is hideously painful, and then while conscious and aware of what's been done, they are forced to be the eyes, ears, and enforcers of the tyrant that inflicted the fate.
- Life Energy: What the crystals are.
- Powered by a Forsaken Child: The crystals powering them are made from forcibly-extracted souls.
- Soul Jar: The crystals themselves.
Ryker Kilbane
A brutal, bloodthirsty product of the Supertrooper program, he and Goose were bitter rivals even before the riot. When Corrupt Bureaucrat Whiner pumped Psycho Serum into the barracks, Killbane accused Whiner, Walsh, and Negata of trying to kill them and started the revolt. After escaping, he became a notorious mercenary willing to take the nastiest jobs for a good price.
- Arch Enemy: Is this to Shane Gooseman.
- Cain and Abel: Goose adn Ryker were opposites in style and approach at Wolf Den, but they were nominally on the same side then. When the riot happened, Killbane led the Supertrooper revolt against their creators, while Shane was the only one to stay loyal.
- Glory Hound
- Evil Counterpart: Again, to Goose.
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- Psycho for Hire: After Wolf Den, he becomes a mercenary and occasionally takes jobs for The Queen.
- Rival Turned Evil/It's Personal: Ryker is motivated by his resentment of former comrade Shane Gooseman.
- Shirtless Scene: "Mindnet"
- Shout-Out: His name likely comes from the criminal gang in the book Shane.
- Sociopathic Soldier: He is an unapologetic, trigger-happy killing machine.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: Ryker has more control over his power than Shane does--not that it helps him much.
A quiet and supportive type, despite her brutal origin as a Supertrooper, Darkstar has the ability to temporarily blind people. Goose had fallen for Darkstar back at the academy and tried to convince her to stay, but his inability to admit those feelings led her to leaving with Stingray.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: Her devotion to Stingray.
- Love Martyr: She and Shane appear to be the only sane Supertroopers, but she chooses to stay with and try to help Stingray.
- No Accounting for Taste: Possibly justified, as it's implied the Supertroopers are pretty messed up psychologically, even before the Psycho Serum.
- Phlebotinum Rebel: Though she and Stingray strike out on their own instead of trying to get revenge against their creators.
- Skunk Stripe
- White Sheep: To the rest of the Supertroopers, along with Shane.
Not as aggressive as Killbane or actively looking for revenge against BETA, Stingray took his girlfriend, Darkstar, and headed off for parts unknown. He has the ability to shoot Eye Beams when he lifts his sunglasses.
Short and surly, Brainchild was designed as a tactician. A complete sociopath who sees everything and everyone as part of a strategy.
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- Smoking Is Cool: Although since he's a villain, this may be an Averted Trope.
- Shorter Means Smarter
- The Neidermeyer: In "Supertroopers," Goose points out a way to end the war-game scenario with no casualties. Brainchild tells him to shut up about "casualties," as it's throwing off his attack plan.
A very large Supertrooper, but none-too-bright. Has the ability to turn his body into rock temporarily.
- Dumb Muscle: He's clearly the strongest of the Supertroopers, but he's dumb as a brick.
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- Taken for Granite
One of the renegade Supertroopers who joined with Killbane. His abilities are unknown.
A vicious sociopath, Chimera is Killbane's right hand woman when the renegades capture Senator Whiner and the Batch 22 Superweapon. Has the ability to Mind Trick others into doing her bidding.
- I Lied: In response to handing over a biological weapon: "Only weaklings keep bargains! And Supertroopers are the strongest of all!"
- Mind Rape: Against Senator Whiner, to get him to steal the biological weapon.
- Phlebotinum Rebel
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Other Assorted Villains
Captain Kidd
A Plitsky space pirate. Looks like an oversized chicken, and is really a coward when he isn't sitting on the bridge of his flagship, the Iron Falcon. He was the one who attacked Zachary and his family in the pilot episode, but cut a deal with BETA in "New Frontier" (the second episode) after being double-crossed. This begins both his Heel Face Revolving Door and his Villain Decay.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: At various points in the series, Kidd works with the Queen and the Rangers.
- Humanoid Aliens
- Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: In "Phoenix," the Queen deprives him of his "booty," (the captured ship) and stiffs him on payment. The ticked-off captain decides he's had enough and starts firing on the Crown Destroyer.
- Space Pirates
Lazarus Slade
A description of the character goes here.
- Badass Longcoat
- Badass Mustache
- Evil Laugh
- Evil Plan: In "Tune Up", The Reveal is that Slade engineered the "Buzzwang babies" incident as part of a plan to steal BETA technology.
- Large Ham
- Mad Scientist
- Skunk Stripe
- Southern Gentleman: He tries to act like one sometimes.
- Too Dumb to Live: He's great at his mad science, but proposing marriage to the Queen would certainly hint at a broad lack of common sense.
- Villain Team-Up : He's marginally competent on his own, but has a tendency to ally himself with other rogues. Cue the Ranger's "Oh Crap" reaction when they trail him in "Aces and Apes", only to find he's teamed up with the Scarecrow.
A description of the character goes here.
- Evil Laugh: Often. Particularly memorable example: he does one directly into the camera at the end of his first episode. Also see Man On Fire below.
- Forgotten Superweapon: Before he was accidentally revived.
- Humanoid Aliens
- Man On Fire: Scarecrow briefly becomes one in his debut episode. It barely even slows him down; he runs from the scene doing one of his trademark evil laughs, then shows up (in disguise) as the episode ends.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Scarecrow's origin.
- Skull for a Head
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
A description of the character goes here.
- Bald of Evil
- Chained Heat: With Shane Gooseman in "Chained".
- Goatee of Evil
- Pointy Ears
- Rubber Forehead Aliens
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Evidently, he doesn't even own a shirt.
Daisy O'Mega
A description of the character goes here.
- Dark Action Girl
- Evil Redhead: She is leader of the nastiest criminal gang in the galaxy. However, she turns out to be one of the most sympathetic members of the Rogues Gallery.
- Femme Fatale: She is not at all subtle about hitting on Shane, much to Niko's discomfort.
- Fiery Redhead
- Mating Dance: Shane uses this to "distract" Daisy, and it's ambiguous about whether it stopped at dancing.
- We Can Rule Together: "Come with me, Shane. Together we could have endless worlds to explore."
Mogul, a four-armed alien, is the last survivor of a race of evil sorcerers who once controlled the Sorcerer system. He's first seen enslaving the Ewok-like Basooti because the starstones, which grow only on Basoot, enhance his powers.
- Bald of Evil
- Functional Magic
- Humanoid Aliens
- Large Ham
- Last of His Kind
- Multi-Armed and Dangerous
- Pointy Ears
- Summon Magic
Mogul's long-suffering henchcreature.
- Beleaguered Assistant: To Mogul.
- Cloudcuckoolander: But no more so than his boss.
- The Igor: To Mogul
The General
A description of the character goes here.
- Arm Cannon: Of the second type (laser gun mounted on his hand).
- Cyclops
- Humanoid Aliens
- Mecha-Mooks/Send in the Clones: His army of robot Replicants.
A description of the character goes here.
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Egomaniac Hunter: Nimrod may be eccentric, but he's still dangerous—at least in "The Power Within".
- Rhymes on a Dime
A description of the character goes here.
- Death Course: The grounds of his estate are guarded by a very expensive, and rather lethal, art collection.
- Rubber Forehead Aliens
- Wicked Cultured: His ill-gotten gains are mostly re-invested in his expensive-but-lethal art collection.
- Yes-Man: His butler, Peters...though Peters indulges in as much sarcasm as he can manage doing so.
Mr. Rancid
A description of the character goes here.
Jackie Subtract
A description of the character goes here.
- Evil Twin: To Aidan, as noted above. Played with in that Jackie is introduced earlier, and appears much more often, than his kindly brother.
- The Fixer: He doesn't appear to steal much himself, but he arranges thefts for those willing to pay.
- Right-Hand-Cat: Though, in his case, it's a right-hand giant roach.
- You Have Failed Me...: Subtract is pissed off that Miller attracted too much attention during the Sensation Doll's theft, so he forces the poor bastard to touch the doll. Instant Mind Rape.
Wild Bill Krebb
A description of the character goes here.
- All Part of the Show: He tries this in "Showtime" only for the "talent" to riot.
- Beard of Evil
- Blond Guys Are Evil
Senator Whiner
A description of the character goes here.
- Fan Nickname: His first name is never revealed on the series, but Fanfic writers usually give his first name as "Eric."
- Jerkass
- Meaningful Name: It's no accident that his name is "Whiner".
- Obstructive Bureaucrat at best, Corrupt Bureaucrat arguably, judging from his conduct in "Supertroopers," which included blackmailing Walsh by threatening to reveal that Walsh is Shane's genetic father.
- Spell My Name with an "S": According to Word of God (in the form of the official site), Whiner is the actual spelling, but Weiner, Wheiner and Wyner have also been used by fans.
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