The Main Six

T.J. Detweiler


Voiced by: Ross Malinger (Season one and first two episodes of season two), Andrew Lawrence (Season two to the end of the series), Myles Jeffrey (Direct-to-video movies), Axel Alba (Lilo & Stitch crossover), Randy Crenshaw (Singing (Credits of movie only))


Vince LaSalle


Voiced by: Ricky D'Shon Colins


Ashley Spinelli


Voiced by: Pamela Segall-Aldon

  • Action Girl: She's very strong.
  • Ambiguously Brown: Spinelli's ethnic background has been called into question. Since she has almond-shaped eyes found on Asian girls in cartoons and light brown skin, many viewers have assumed that Spinelli was originally from somewhere in South Asia and was adopted by Caucasian parents. On the other hand, Spinelli's skin tone is also found on Southern Italians (Silicians, specifically) and That Other Wiki has established that Spinelli's family (possibly her father's side, as he has really dark hair and almost the same skin tone as his daughter, and her mother looks like she could be white European) is Italian (right down to Spinelli's penchant for fighting, which comes from the stereotype of the hot-blooded Italian) so either Spinelli's mom isn't really her mom, Spinelli's mom being a redhead is an Actor Allusion to Katey Sagal [who played Peggy Bundy -- a redheaded housewife who wore tacky 1960s housewife clothes and has a big bouffant, like Spinelli's mom does -- on Married... with Children], Spinelli's mom dyes her hair, or Spinelli takes after her father more than her mother (which further reinforces Spinelli's aversion to all things she thinks are for girly-girls).
  • Badass Adorable: She may look cute...but she shouldn't be underestimated because of that.
  • Badass Normal
  • Berserk Button: Don't EVER refer to her by her first name.
    • Don’t do what Prickly did and MESS WITH HER HAT, even if you was temporary hypnotizes into the mind of a child. Prickly got lucky because he’s the principal and Gretchen happened to be there.
  • The Big Chick : Not in terms of size, but in terms of character, yes.
  • Brown Eyes: According to Word of God
  • Bruiser with a Soft Center
  • Brutal Honesty: This is why she wins at a beauty pageant...while she follows what Vince tells at her at first (and actually agrees with what the things he says), she eventually reveals what a tomboy she is.
  • Cute Bruiser: She may be cute, but she's far from weak.
  • The Cutie: Rather redundant to point out, but it's true!
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Do Not Call Me Ashley: She refers to herself by her last name, as her first name is the mean girls at school.
  • Dub Name Change: "Patricia" in the Portuguese dub.
  • Hair Decorations: She wears two red bands (sometimes bows for special occasions) in her hair to keep her pigtails up.
  • Gasshole: At times.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Subverted, as when it comes to "girlish", she's anything but.
  • Grumpy Bear
  • Hollywood Tone Deaf: According to the other kids.
  • Intergenerational Friendship: With Miss Grotke
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Despite being quick tempered and violent, she's always rooting for the underdog and protecting her friends
  • Last-Name Basis: Justified in that her first name carries a stigma on the playground.
  • Little Miss Badass: The toughest kid at her school.
  • Little Miss Snarker
  • Masculine Girl Feminine Boy: Definitely more masculine than Mikey. She's also manlier than TJ, though TTJ himself isn't terribly girly.
  • Older Than They Look: In the pilot, as she looked like she never left kindergarten.
  • One of the Boys: One of her friends IS a girl though.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Gretchen's blue.
  • She Cleans Up Nicely: As seen in "The Beauty Contest".
  • Star-Making Role: Along with Bobby Hill, Spinelli was this for Pamela Segall-Aldon (in terms of voice acting).
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Tomboy to Gretchen's Girly Girl.
  • Tsundere
  • Tsurime Eyes
  • Waif Fu

Gretchen Grundler


Voiced by: Ashley Johnson, Anndi McAffee (Singing (Credits of movie only))


Mikey Blumberg


Voiced by: Jason Davis (Speaking), Robert Goulet (Singing), Zach Shada (Lilo & Stitch crossover)


Gus Griswald


Voiced by: Ryan O'Donohue (First episode), Courtland Mead, Zach Ewing (Lilo & Stitch crossover), Blake Ewing (Singing (Credits of movie only))


Other Students

Randall Weems


Voiced by: Ryan O'Donohue




Voiced by: Blake Ewing


King Bob


Voiced by: Toran Caudell


Erwin Lawson


Voiced by: Erik von Detten


The Kindergarteners


Voiced by: E.G. Daily (Captain Sticky, Spencer, and Hector (In "Dodgeball City" and "Call Me Guy")), Kath Soucie (Hector ("Wild Child" and direct-to-video movies, Cindy, and Gilbert), Jason Davis (Tubby), Francesca Smith (Emma), Pamela Segall-Aldon, and Christine Cavanaugh

  • Acrofatic: Tubby
  • Blinding Bangs: Zedd
  • Bratty Half-Pint: Almost all of them, though Tubby and Hector aren't as much
  • Competence Zone: They usually act like wild savages.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy: Hector
  • Expy: In-universe, Captain Sticky is the kindergartener's expy of King Bob
  • Fan of Underdog: Hector looks up to Gus like a big brother, even calling him "Safety Man"
  • Friendly Enemy: Captain Sticky, Spencer, Emma, Zedd, Jake, Tubby, Hector, and Cindy are all on good terms with the other kids (for a good 75% of the time)
  • Hair of Gold: Brittany A. and Cindy
  • Kath Soucie: The voice of Cindy, Hector, and Gilbert, among others.
  • Kawaiiko: Cindy
  • Keet: Spencer and Hector
  • Motor Mouth: Gilbert
  • The Other Darrin: A few cases:
    • Captain Sticky was voiced by Ryan O`Donahue in "To Finster with Love" (his first speaking appearance), and then E.G. Daily for the rest of the series.
    • Emma was voiced by E.G. Daily in "Wild Child" and then by Franchesca Smith in Recess: All Growed Down
    • Hector was voiced by Kath Soucie in "Wild Child", then he was played by E.G. Daily after that, until Recess: All Growed Down, when he was played by Kath Soucie again.
  • Talking to Himself: Tubby with Mikey in "Kindergarten Derby", as both were voiced by Jason Davis.
    • All of the other kindergarteners are voiced by E.G. Daily, Pamela Segal, Ashley Johnson (sometimes), Francesca Smith (sometimes), and Kath Soucie, which leads to this trope.
  • Tribal Face Paint
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Gilbert has blue hair while Zedd has pink hair.
  • You No Take Candle: Often speak like this

The Diggers (Sam and Dave)


Voiced by: Klee Bragger (Sam) and Ryan O'Donohue (Dave)


The Ashleys


Voiced by: Anndi McAffee (Ashley A.), Francesca Smith (Ashley B.), Rachel Crane (Ashley Q. and Ashley T. (First few episodes)), and Ashley Johnson (Ashley T.)


Hustler Kid


Voiced by: Michael Shulman


Cornchip Girl


Voiced by: Francesca Smith (First few appearances), Ashley Johnson ("Weekend at Muriel's"), Aria Noel Curzon




Voiced by: Kath Soucie




Voiced by: Justin Shenkarow


Kristen Kurst (Kurst The Worst)


Voiced by: Mayim Bialik


The Pale Kids


Voiced by: Eddie Deezen (Knarf), Pamela Hayden (Rodney), Kenny Blank (Steve), and Kath Soucie (Carl)


Swinger Girl


Voiced by: Francesca Smith


Upside-Down Girl


Voiced by: Francesca Smith


Guru Kid


Voiced by: Klee Bragger, Ryan O'Donohue (Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade)




Voiced by: Malachi Pearson ("The New Kid"), Erik von Detten ("I Will Kick No More Forever"), Klee Bragger ("Bad Hair Day"), Sam Gifaldi (Most episodes)




Voiced by: Klee Bragger


Facuilty members

Miss Finster


Voiced by: April Winchell


Principal Prickly


Voiced by: Dabney Coleman


Miss Grotke


Voiced by: Allyce Beasley


Miss Lemon


Voiced By: Tress MacNeille


Other Characters

Aaron Kelso


Voiced by: Sam MacMurray


Becky Detweiler


Voiced by: Melissa Joan Hart (Recess: School's Out), Tara Strong (Recess: Taking the Fifth Grade)


Chad LaSalle


Voiced by: Kenny Blank


Dr. Slicer

  • Knight of Cerebus: His episode is one of the darkest episodes of the series and every scene he appears in takes a darker turn. Not to mention, that unlike all other antagonists, his actions are played seriously and he is downright cruel (calling TJ sappy boy, just because he showed emotion and humilliated him in front of the school) and every other characters fear him, even TJ, who normally stands up to evils of adults.
  • A Nazi by Any Other Name
  • One-Scene Wonder: Despite appearing in one episode, he is the cruelest character in the entire series and is one of few antagonists of the series that can be called truly evil.
  • Sadist Teacher: Put emphasis on sadist part.

Dr. Phillium Benedict

The Big Bad of the movie.

  • Arch-Enemy: To Principal Prickly.
  • Bad Boss: When he finds that his head scientist keeps failing to move the moon out of orbit, he decides to give him detention...which is implied to be solitary confinement.
  • Big Bad: He's the main villain of Recess: School's Out.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: He mentions that he dislikes violence, though he seems to get a kick out of humiliating Principal Prickly and hires the violent Kojak to do his dirty work.
  • Evil Teacher: He gives his lackeys detention when they make him angry, as one particular scientist does.
  • From Bad to Worse: He attempted to abolish recess and was fired for it. He then became secretary of education and attempted to abolish it nation-wide, but the president found out what he was up to and put a stop to it - you guessed it, by firing him. Then he decided that instead of just getting rid of recess, he would get rid of summer vacation instead, because it's basically the biggest recess there is.
  • The Fundamentalist: His motivation for destroying summer vacation is to prove Principal Prickly wrong.
  • Non-Action Big Bad: He's not a fighter, that would be his lackey Kojak. He manipulates others to do his dirty work instead. He DOES arm himself with a gun that sedates his victims, however.
  • Never My Fault: The plot of the movie (which was started by his animosity towards Principal Prickly) could be avoided if Dr. Phillium Benedict would face responsibility for his own actions.
  • Talking The Monster To Death: Gretchen attempts to do this, but he's too far gone to be reasoned with.
  • Vile Villain, Saccharine Show: It's jarring that there's a villain in this recess that wants to put Earth in perpetual winter.
  • We Used to be Friends: He used to be friends with Principal Prickly. This all changed when Prickly discovered that he planned to get rid of Recess.

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