She's gorgeous, she's sexy, and she's got a 50,000-mile warranty. She's the Robot Girl, a staple character type in anime. Most commonly found in science fiction and Sentai shows, but not exclusively. Despite their artificial nature, Robot Girls are never—well, hardly ever—sexless; they are at the very least cute as hell, and more often drop-dead gorgeous, if not outright seductresses. (Robotic males, on the other hand...) Despite how cute or sexy she may be, though, the Robot Girl is often a dangerous opponent in a fight, even if they're only created to do common household chores.

Body of titanium, heart of gold.

Charley: You know, little girl, you freak me the hell out. On the outside, you're just pretty as a picture, but on the inside, you're a...
Cameron: Hyperalloy combat chassis.

Charley: that a complicated way of saying "scary robot"?

The robot girl is not necessarily a completely mechanical creation—the character type can encompass cyborgs, bioroids and even virtual beings.

While not unheard of in American shows (My Living Doll, Small Wonder, Mann and Machine) the robot girl on American TV tends to be a gimmick or MacGuffin on which to hang a series concept rather than a character type in its own right.

Of course, Japan being the worldwide leader in consumer electronics, androids are quite popular in that country. These androids could be male, but due to the fandom's preferences, most of them are sleek, sexy females. (Technically they would be gynoids, if you're the kind of person who cares.)

Sometimes the character is shown to be an android by some unusual accessory to cue the audience. Due to the popularity of To Heart's Multi, having antennae-like ears is almost universally understood (although, like the character in this picture, visible mechanical joints are another dead giveaway).

Very often an Innocent Fanservice Girl. After all, why in the world would a drop-dead gorgeous female facsimile have any conception of chastity, much less modesty, programming notwithstanding? If the Robot Girl is the lead female or at least an important one, this innocence and naivety can be a large part of their character or even the theme of the work.

Occasionally, even if the robot girl is initially depicted as totally emotionless and incapable of compassion, empathy, humor or love, often such traits - or the simulation of such traits - will begin to sneak in. Examples of this have included Cameron from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Eve Edison from Mann & Machine and Rhoda from My Living Doll. Unless, of course, the robots are programmed from the start to simulate—or even genuinely experience—emotion, such as the Cylons from the 2004 version of Battletar Galactica or the Replicants from Blade Runner.

Compare FemBot, Projected Man, Robosexual.

Contrast Uncanny Valley Girl and Spaceship Girl.

Examples of Robot Girl include:

Anime and Manga

  • Alita/Gally from Battle Angel Alita.
  • The entire Female Gender including Lime, Cherry, Bloodberry, Tiger, Panther and Luchs (among many others) from Saber Marionette J.
  • Sylvie, Anri and the other sexaroids from Bubblegum Crisis.
  • R. Dorothy Waynewright in The Big O.
  • The Gamia from Mazinger Z (and Minerva X in the Shin Mazinger Zero manga).
  • Ai in Video Girl Ai, though since she was created by a VCR, she's not technically a robot. The same goes for Len in the sequel manga, Video Girl Len.
  • Kurumi, Saki, Karinka and about 50 others from Steel Angel Kurumi.
  • Moe from Love Hina.
  • Nuku-Nuku and Eimi from All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku.
  • Most of the fembots in Ghost in the Shell, most notably including the cyborg lead character, The Major (Motoko Kusanagi).
  • Naomi Armitage and the other "Thirds" from Armitage III are a partial subversion since they easily can and do pass as fully human, to the point that they can even reproduce with humans. The "seconds" from which they descended were intentionally designed to fit this trope, however.
  • Canal from Lost Universe.
  • The Rozen Maiden are arguably a fantasy-based example, as opposed to straight(ish) science fiction.
    • Specifically, they're dolls. They do have a clockwork mechanism that requires them to be wound up to be able to live, walk, talk and the like, but they also need a roza mystica, which would roughly translate to a soul to the dolls, and there's a lot of things they can do that clockwork engineering can't accomplish alone.
  • Ropponmatsu #1 and Ropponmatsu #2 from Excel Saga. In the anime, they're two distinct entities, while in the manga, there is only one Ropponmatsu core switched between the two bodies.
    • Iwata becomes one for a time when he gets cancer and his brain is put in the Ropponmatsu 1 body as a stopgap measure to keep him not dead. He's quite pleased because he's always liked Ropponmatsu 1, seeing as she's a tall, well-built adult woman, but he gets into an argument with actual Ropponmatsu in body number 2, who's always gotten on his nerves. Iwata gets ready to throw down...and falls over as Ropponmatsu mocks him because she always found body 1 to be clunky and unreliable, and reveals that her personality was different (read: nonexistant) in this body because all her processing power was taken up staying upright.
  • Sayuri, Brooke, Vivian and the other "dolls" who serve Professor Machinegal in Moldiver.
  • Drossel from Fireball, interesting in that she doesn't look even remotely human beyond her basic body shape, but has an unusually human (and bitchy) personality.
  • "D" from Parallel Trouble Adventure Dual is effectively a Robot Girl for most of the story.
  • Kurika Kurinohana (a.k.a. Clicker) from Dokkoida.
  • Chachamaru in Mahou Sensei Negima. Evangeline also has a number of Robot Maids serving in her resort. And to fulfill the hotness part of the trope, part of her Mid-Season Upgrade was an improved synthetic skin that essentially makes her look like a normal girl with robot ears. Naturally, there was a scene of her taking a bath soon after said upgrade.
    • In an...interesting variation on the idea, Haruna uses her artifact to create a full size robot body for Sayo to use. Of course, Sayo can't actually possess it, but instead possesses a small doll that sits inside the robot body and pilots it like a Humongous Mecha. Being an Otaku Haruna naturally built so many guns into the thing that it's wonder that it's able to move.
  • The protagonists in Gunslinger Girl are brainwashed cyborgs.
  • One of the earliest (and youngest) robot girls is Arale from Akira Toriyama's Doctor Slump, who in physical appearance is only around 12 years old, despite being 18 by the end of the run. That few others realize this is the series' main Running Gag.
  • Chobits has the Persocoms, of which the main character is one. While male persocoms are actually quite common, since the main human cast is male, the majority of persocom characters in the series are female.
  • The Angels in Angelic Layer are similar, though they're about a foot tall and controlled by their users. The Angelic Layer manga is set in the same universe as Chobits and states that Angels were forerunners to persocoms.
  • Mahoro and Minawa from Mahoromatic. Partially subverted in the series by having Mahoro constantly on the lookout for "dirty thoughts" on the part of Suguru Not to mention confiscating his porn collection. Being innocent herself, this creates a paradox. This argument happens in the series' second season, where Mahoro and Suguru's grandfather arguing the point, with the grandfather winning. This convinces Mahoro that she is perverted.
  • Miyu from Mai-HiME and Mai-Otome. Definitely designed for combat and war.
  • The title character Maico from Android Announcer Maico 2010 (Image) is a Robot Girl.
    • But whenever referred to as a robot, she insists, "I'm not a robot." She prefers to think of herself as an android.
  • Alpha, Kokone, Maruko, and the other Alpha from Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou (manga and OVA).
    • Alpha also meets a robot boy. She asks him if there are others. He does not know, but he tells Alpha that male models are somehow weaker than female ones, which explains why the female-looking robots prevail.
  • Mecha-Rin-rin-chan, an android double of herself that Rin-rin from Sister Princess builds as a future companion for her brother Wataru when all his sisters have grown up and moved on to their own lives.
  • Aiko from Magical Pokaan.
  • Nei from Avenger thinks she's one, but she's actually the first human girl born on Mars - specifically outside of the colonies that have settled on the planet's surface. She's been acting like a Doll in order to avoid drawing attention to herself.
  • Titular character of Solty Rei.
  • The SISTERs in Coyote Ragtime Show.
  • Nano-Nano from Galaxy Angel Rune and Galaxy Angel II is a living Lost Technology.
  • In Da Capo, the robotic clone of one of the girls is distinguished by a keyhole (for winding) in the back and occasionally spewing smoke. Of course, only the male lead learns that it's not the real girl.
  • In Gunbuster 2, Nono is actually a Buster Machine. She is clearly stated to be gynoid (female android) even before that.
  • Dolores from Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i is very much a Robot Girl. Innocent, kind of ditzy, and occasionally clumsy. A scary combination in a 100-feet-tall almost-godlike Humongous Mecha.
  • More examples of robot girls who are also Humongous Mecha: KouRyu and AnRyu from GaoGaiGar FINAL.
  • Android/Artificial Human#18 of Dragonball Z is a more destructive take on the trope, as she (and her siblings, most notably her twin brother #17) was built specifically to cause destruction. In an alternate timeline, she manages to eradicate the most powerful fighters in the world with her brother until they are both destroyed by Future Badass Trunks, who came back from the main timeline after helping the main cast destroy another android, the Big Bad of the saga Cell (it's not as confusing as it sounds). In the main timeline however, they are able to be subdued (mostly through the appearance of the Trunks from the future altering the timelines and Cell's interference) and she survives to marry one of the main cast. She does actually have biological parts (so she's more of a cyborg then an android), so is capable of producing a daughter and becomes a mother... An extremely powerful mother, but a mother nonetheless.
  • In Suzumiya Haruhi, Yuki and the other Humanoid Interfaces arguably count, although Yuki has the good fortune of not getting picked for the maid job.
  • The Combat Cyborgs of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. There's also the female Wolkenritter and the Unison Devices, who are basically programs with physical forms.
  • Cutey Honey in all of her incarnations except Flash, the magical girls version. Though she wasn't actually human there either.
  • In Mobile Suit Gundam 00, we have two examples—and surprisingly, neither is female (well, as far as can be proven). It is heavily suggested, if not stated outright that Tieria is not entirely, perhaps not at all, human. Then, during the series finale, Lichty of all people turns out to be at least part cybernetic. This still can't save him, sadly.
    • The first season epilogue introduces Tieria's evil twin Regene, and the second season goes on to imply that they, Big Bad Ribbons Almark, and the rest of the "Innovators" are asexual artificial constructs.
    • It's also possible that they are cyborgs; while at least two of them are quite clearly part of mass cloning projects (Bring being the pilot of a very large number of kamikaze MS at one point, and Ribbons himself walking into the room and killing Regene while his own corpse bleeds on the floor) they are clearly capable of inducing Innovator traits in ordinary humans like Louise (who also has a cybernetic left hand).
  • El-Hazard: The Magnificent World features Ifurita, a wind-up weapon of mass destruction in the form of a curvaceous cutie. Her appearance and attitude vary wildly between the OVA and TV universes; in the former she evolves from an emotionless killer to a borderline Artificial Human, while in the latter she wavers between brainless and outright loony.
  • No. 30/Thirty Nanba from AI Love You is a computer program brought to life.
  • In Totsugeki Pappara-tai Totsugeki! Pappara-tai, there was originally one, then three, then five, then eight, then was about to become seventeen in total through out the entire manga... (Also, Dr. Shooba. N. Einstain answered the excellent question of "Why do we make robot girl... and not robot guy?" in vol. 9.)
  • Sigel in Ah! My Goddess started out as a mannequin advertising an antique shop. Skuld then added some features, including artificial intelligence and the signature Rocket Punch.
  • Odette from Karakuri Odette, though I think she further qualifies for Ridiculously-Human Robots instead. A more straight Robot Girl would be Asia from the same.
  • Mea from Popotan, a robot maid who also guards the other girls (Ai, Mai, & Mii) on their journey through Time.
  • Minatsu Amakase from Da Capo II.
  • Marie from My Dear Marie.
  • Mechanical humans abounded in Galaxy Express 999 and its sequels thanks to various plots about humans abandoning their old flesh bodies for mechanical bodies as well as android characters. Some of the main female robot girls would be be Claire, Yuki, and Promethium.
  • Angela from Kurogane Communication, later accompanied by the even more human-like Lilith and Alice.
  • Arguably subverted in Real Drive, where android Holon clarifies that she ain't a woman in no real sense, and ain't got no sexual identity beyond superfical programming meant to make her appealing for male users, and that she could change to a male body any time without losing no sense of her real identity as a sentient machine.
  • June from Kokoro Library.
  • Azusa from Azusa, Otetsudai Shimasu!.
  • Tima from Osamu Tezukas Metropolis.
  • Korone the Liladan from Ichiban Ushiro no Dai Maou
  • Pick a Vocaloid. Any VOCALOID. They're a robot girl (or boy.) But especially Rin, in Kokoro.
  • Night, of Absolute Boyfriend and Zettai Kareshi (the live action drama of the anime/manga) is the Spear Counterpart of this trope, it being more obvious he's robotic in the Drama.
  • Nano from Nichijou appears to be perfectly normal—aside from that huge wind-up key sticking out of her back. The eight-year-old girl who created her also likes to modify her body with useless additions, just for the heck of it. This doesn't always make Nano too happy, since she so much wants to come across as an ordinary girl.
  • Annapuna and Unipuma - the Puma Twins from the Dominion Tank Police manga and anime series - were revealed, close to the end of the original manga, as androids - Ostensibly 'love dolls', although they take offense at this designation. In the second manga series, their android nature was on the table all the time, even becoming a plot point on at least two occasions. Interestingly, in the anime the issue was ignored completely, even as an implication.
  • There are many androids of both genders in Eve no Jikan. On the female side, there are cafe regulars Sammy, Akiko, and Rina.
  • Flandre, Francesca, and Francette from Princess Resurrection
  • Princess Ixquic and Leina in Cyborg 009.
  • Key of Key the Metal Idol. Nonetheless, she is eventually shown to be a subversion and deconstruction of the trope, as she is actually a human who is convinced and, ergo, convinces others that she is a robot to conceal her potent and terrible extra-physical abilities, which become gradually exhumed and deconstructed as the series progresses.

Comic Books


"Any retired cop turned mandroid wrangler is aces in my book."

  • Marvel Comics has a few examples:
    • Jocasta from The Avengers, created by the evil male robot Ultron to be his bride; and later, Alkhema, who had a similar origin. Neither of these relationships worked out. Later on, Ultron showed up in female form himself.
    • Detective-Inspector Karima Shapandar (aka Omega Sentinel) from the X-Men. She was an unwilling victim of the Sentinel program's brief foray into converting normal humans, but her love for her mutant boyfriend Neal Shaara (Thunderbird III) allowed her to overcome her programming. She even joined the X-Men and became a more dedicated member than he was.
  • Jomi Sohodo from Geisha, an android bodyguard who wants to be a painter.
  • Platinum, Copper, and Nameless from the Metal Men.
  • Lyla Lay from Paperinik New Adventures. Lots of characters drool over her in the series' run, and probably a fair amount of readers too. Did we mention she's also a duck?
  • Indigo from the relaunch of the Outsiders then it's revealed she's a Brainiac from the future.
  • Aphrodite IX
  • Bonnie of Last Man Standing is one.
  • During Lex Luthor's run as the star of Action Comics, he had a robotic Lois Lane for a sidekick.
  • Sky Doll is named after wind-up gynoids designed and used mostly for men's convenience and pleasure. Sky Dolls are happy with being slaves and sex objects, actual women are oppressed and seem to have the rights of house furniture, and men as well as the religious government prefer things just the way they are.

Fan Fiction

Films -- Live-Action

  • Annalee Call from Alien: Resurrection. It is interesting how fast other characters forget that they used to think about her as a human when they find out.

Johner: "Can't believe I nearly fucked that thing."

Vries: "Yeah, like you've never fucked a robot!"

  • The iconic Robot Maria from Metropolis. In the novel Rotwang, the scientist who creates her, says that it's far more likely for a man to create a woman than another man.
  • Any of the female replicants from Blade Runner fit this trope, mainly Rachael.
  • In Toys, Alsatia (Joan Cusack) is revealed to be a robot at the end of the movie.
  • The Fembots (though these were not of the FemBot variety) from the Austin Powers series, usually equipped with machine-gun jumblies.
  • Galatea in Bicentennial Man. She's also so annoying it's actually cute.
  • Kay-Em 14 from Friday the 13th (film). Actually dons a Stripperific outfit near the end of the film.
  • Since there's no separate male version of this trope (for now), the titular D.A.R.Y.L. (short for Data Analysing Robot Youth Lifeform) technically qualifies.
  • Virtuosity. Sheila 3.2, Virtual reality sex doll, Sole function is to deduce your psychosexual needs, and fulfill them. "Sheila 3.2 is collecting information from 136 aspects of your physiology. Your heart rate, pupil dilation, vocal intonation, syntax..." She was scheduled for download to nigh indestructible regeneration type, possibly shape shifting body, subverted.
  • Robo Geisha. It's all there in the title.
  • The Thief of Bagdad (1940 version) featured an automaton dancing girl, given by an Evil Chancellor to a sultan who liked mechanical toys. When he went to embrace the dancing girl robot, it stabbed him.
  • The T-X from the third Terminator film.
  • In the original film (and its remake) and the book version of The Stepford Wives, all of the women in Stepford have been replaced with obedient androids. This was kept in the 2004 remake. Some of the sequels to the original film changed this process to simply the women getting brainwashed.
  • Roberta from Not Quite Human II.
  • Almost all of the women in Westworld (and Roman World and Medieval World too).
  • Kristy Swanson's character becomes a "sort of" one of these in Deadly Friend.
  • The Doll-on-a-Music Box from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.
  • Megagirl, from the Starkid musical Starship.


  • Sheen of the Apprentice Adept series: A sentient robot designed to appeal to protagonist Stile's personal tastes without being blatant enough to make him suspicious that she was a robot. (He figures it out anyway.)
  • Galatea from the backstory of Soon I Will Be Invincible. A sentient robot who became a member of the Champions.
  • Olimpia from Hoffmann's The Sandman. Perfectly human in appearance, although a bit too precise in music and singing, and behavior somewhere in the Uncanny Valley.
  • The robot Adam Link eventually gets a robot wife, of course named Eve.
  • The protagonist in Saturn's Children, a novel by Charles Stross. A Robot Girl Sex Slave no less in a universe where humans no longer exist.
  • Deirdre in C.L. Moore's "No Woman Born" is technically a Cyborg, although only her brain is organic. At the end, it's implied that she may be slipping into A God Am I or at least Emotionless Girl territory, because Cybernetics Eat Your Soul.
  • Maggie, the protagonist of Virtual Girl.

Live-Action TV

  • Cyborg Shibolena from Denji Sentai Megaranger was close or far from this. Beauty check, Busty Check, Panty Check.
  • Colon (pron. "Cologne") from Choujuu Sentai Liveman was an early example, although she was unambiguously mechanical at a glance. She was specifically built to serve as a base operator, but jumped into battle far too often for her own good.
  • Lal, Data's "daughter" from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
    • Arguably, Data himself, who seemed to attract more romantic interest than the majority of the organic cast.
    • Seven of Nine from Star Trek: Voyager is an interesting case. As a former member of the Borg, she was born human and and was assimilated at a young age. Even though her connection to the Borg was severed and her human appearance and organs reasserted themselves after most of her Borg parts were removed, she still had to relearn human emotion and retained a few cybernetic implants.
  • Star Trek: The Original Series episodes "What Are Little Girls Made Of?" (Andrea), "Requiem for Methuselah" (Rayna Kapec) and "I, Mudd" (various female androids).
  • Rommie, from Andromeda. Not to be confused with her hologram and AI duplicates.
  • Cameron from Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Counts also as Emotionless Girl. It is strongly hinted that Cameron was made to be attractive deliberately. Her appearance was based on a resistance fighter named Allison Young, who was implied to know future John Connor personally.
  • The female human model Cylons from the reimagined Battlestar Galactica. In Six's case, they're even specifically designed to be sexy. Needless to say they succeed in this aim. As with most Robot Girls, they're also capable fighters. It's likely not a coincidence that Boomer is drop-dead beautiful either. And it works, given the lengths their lovers go to protect them. By the end of the series, it becomes clear that there is really nothing robotic about the biological Cylons at all, other than that they can talk to computers by sticking their hands in the sink.
  • The Prequel series Caprica has this as well in the form of the first Cylon, Zoe Graystone. However, she's also a major subversion, as she doesn't look like the human-model "skinjobs" but rather is the faux-consciousness of a 16-year-old school girl downloaded into the ultra-robotic-looking proto-"Centurion" Cylon. She does have an avatar version of herself, which looks completely human.
  • April and the Buffybot made short appearances in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • Stargate SG-1 features female human-form Replicators, including RepliCarter, one designed specificially to look like Dr. Lieutenant-Colonel Samantha Carter.
    • Harlan also replicated SG-1 as robots to help him maintain his underground facility. Harlan is also a robot, and a barmy one at that.
    • Also, the gynoid who created the replicators in the first place. As toys.
  • The short-lived science fiction cop show Mann And Machine featured Eve, a highly intelligent but emotionally childlike android.
  • Tenaya 7 in Power Rangers RPM' is a rare villainous example.
    • Much earlier than that there was Archerina of Power Rangers Zeo, although she was much more metallic than most other examples, lacking in synthetic skin or coloration.
  • Vicki from Small Wonder.
  • Twilight Zone: "The Lonely".
  • The Outer Limits loves its robots, and occasionally combines it with Tomato in the Mirror. It being an anthology, some episodes have it turn out better than others for robots and/or any humans who love them than others.
  • E.R.I.C.A. from the Sliders episode "State of the A.R.T."
  • Rachel from the Weird Science episode "The Copper Top Girl".
  • Invoked on Target Women in response to a creepy skincare commercial that showed the same "clone woman" over and over as a lab subject.

New Olay Professional Pro X! A specialized team of dermatologists and Olay have designed Pro X to resignal your skin so it looks more like it did when you were younger.

"But can a robot lady learn... to love?"



  • All of the EA robots from Metal Heart.
  • Chevrolet from 3 Level Combination.


  • Robot Girl is the title of a song by Was (Not Was). Guess what it's about.
  • R&B singer Janelle Monae portrays an alien Robot Girl named Cindi Mayweather in Metropolis, a quadrilogy of Concept Albums about Cindi's struggles after she falls in love with a human.
  • "Yours Truly, 2095" by Electric Light Orchestra: "I met someone who looks a lot like you, she does the things you do, but she is an IBM"
  • The music video for "All Is Full of Love" by Bjork, probably the inspiration for SVEDKA_GRL (see below under Real Life).
  • Robot Noodle from Gorillaz is an example, premiering in Phase Three. Probably a deconstruction, too—it's completely unlike the real Noodle and it turns out Noodle is not, in fact, dead. On top of that, this robot girl is vapid, incredibly violent, subservient to her creator, and generally not at ALL like Noodle. When the real Noodle finds our about this eerie creation, I doubt she'll react well...
  • "FTWWW" and "Mastas of Ravencroft" by Mad Gear & The Missile Kid imply sex with android girls.
  • Abney Park's Herr Drosselmeyer's Doll described a steampunk version of the Robot Girl.
  • The focus of Kokoro (from either perspective) is on a Robot Girl seeking a heart.
  • The title character of the Voltaire song "The Mechanical Girl," created by a tinker who made her as a second daughter. When a king whose wife ran off on his steed seeks to take her for his new queen and take her away from her father, things go quite badly for his royal highness.


  • In The Iliad, Hephaestus is served by maidens of living gold, making this one Older Than Feudalism. Apparently their "important parts" were made of actual living flesh...
  • The Golden Bride of Ilmarinen, from The Kalevala.

Tabletop Games

  • The Wafans, three entire races of Wave Form Androids, come in both male and female flavors across the board.
  • Debatably, female-identifying Warforged in the Eberron setting of Dungeons and Dragons are a Magitek version of this trope, though they don't have any physical female characteristics unless they deliberately adopt them.

Video Games

  • Pictured above: Aegis (Aigis in the international versions) from Persona 3. FES added Metis in "The Answer", though strictly speaking, Metis ain't actually a robot but a personification of Aigis' internal conflict.
  • KOS-MOS from the Xenosaga series is the canonical robot girl, with a surprising twist at the end.
    • Momo from the same series, as a Realian, also qualifies, though Realians are organic rather than mechanical.
  • In Phantasy Star Online, the raCaseal character class were Robot Girls, and most of their costumes were maid like, including a large bow on the back and a skirt. One of their hairstyles even had a little hat appropriate for a nurse or maid. They were joined in PSO: Episode 2 by huCaseals. Their costumes were more ninja-like in design.
    • The sequel Phantasy Star Universe has 'casts' as a playable robot race. They can be male or female, and are hugely customizable in looks, from barely human looking to your classic Robot Girl Maid With Antenna. Kinda unique in that if you wanted to, you could have a sexy male robot running around. Furthermore, there are multiple supporting NPCs that are casts. One of the more plot relevant is the pink haired Lou, who features significantly into episodes 1 and 2 of the game. Also, an early trailer for the game indicates that one of the main heroines was a 'cast,' but was eventually replaced by the newman Karen Erra.
      • Introduced in "Phantasy Star Portable" and later appearing in the main version of the game, Vivienne is a model of a new type of cast. Running repeated missions with her gives the player a unique opportunity to sculpt her personality as she asks you questions about her enviroment. You can, in fact, have her call you "master."
  • Continuing from the above, Phantasy Star III and IV both had them. In III, there is an entire "race" of sentient mechanical humans (called cyborgs, though they have no organic components; later in the series, they're called androids to reflect this), represented mostly by black-and-silver Wren-types (male) and Mieu-types: lithe, leotard-clad, claw-wielding, red-haired and overall more human-looking Robot Girls. In IV, the Robot Girl who joins your party is Demi, a unique model that some fans speculate is a custom design of Wren, a thousand-year-old Wren type.
  • Tabatha from Tales of Symphonia.
  • The E-series of Gadget Trial are at least partly biological versions of this, made from biometal. Each is supposed to be the equivalent of a full military unit in power, and they create more of themselves by a sort of mitosis.
  • Curly Brace is one of these in Cave Story.
  • Lamia Loveless in Super Robot Wars Advance is also a biological version. Though not seen in-game, in the OVA, she bleeds and has mechanical parts for body.
  • A.D.A. and Pharshti in the Zone of the Enders series are both similar in concept to Dolores (see the anime section), although A.D.A. ain't quite as self-sufficient (She can't move her frame by herself like Dolores and Pharshti can).
  • Yumemi (Reverie in the Fan Translation) from Planetarian.
  • Tesse from Waku Waku 7. She's also a Robot Maid.
  • Mei Fang from Arcana Heart
  • Emeralda from Xenogears. Despite being a nanomachine colony that can freely morph into nearly any shape, she usually takes the form of a cute young girl, an appearance which came from her "parents" (previous incarnations of the main characters). Or, if an optional (but quite easy) Sidequest is completed, a hot green-haired woman. Who quickly becomes the most powerful character in the game.
  • Tio from Grandia II.
  • Roll and Splash Woman from Mega Man, plus Alia and Iris (among others) from the X series, Alouette and others from Zero, and, by the time of Mega Man ZX and Mega Man Legends, the entire population (thanks to the advancements of cybernetics).

"A cute robot girl that's also a maid? You know, there is such a thing as overkill."

      • Considering she's got the body of an eight year old, that's either Weird, or disturbing
  • Multi from To Heart is probably the earliest example of this trope in a Dating Sim context.
  • Soul Calibur IV has Ashlotte, a robotic Elegant Gothic Lolita sent to capture Astaroth. Her profile describes her as being "something that would eventually be called a machine", which makes sense when you remember the series takes place in the 16th century.
  • In Dokapon Kingdom, female characters who use the Robo-Knight character class turn into robot girls with floating ponytails that turn into wings.
  • Castlevania: Arma Machina.
  • Marina Lightyears, the protagonist of Mischief Makers.
  • Triggerheart Exelica: Triggerhearts Exelica, Crueltear and Faintear.
  • Tales of Graces has the Humanoids, robotic children which are varied between boys and girls. Most notably, though, is Protos Heis/Sophie, as well as the adult Emeraude, though in her case, this isn't revealed until her "death", as she was a robotic clone of the real Emeraude from centuries ago.
  • Incarose from Tales of Hearts basically defines all the dangerous things in this trope. Also Corundum. Since these are That One Boss and The Scrappy, you may think Hearts just hates gynoids. In fact, almost every robot in the game, regardless of gender, is pretty much crazy. Except Kunzite.
  • Lunar Knights, the robotic attendants at the Solar Bank and the store and also the seemingly more human robotic female aide to the the resident Mad Scientist.
  • Raki Saionji, from Piece Of Wonder.
  • Alisa Boskonovitch from Tekken 6.
  • The Elemental Dolls from Do Don Pachi DaiOuJou and the Elemental Daughters from Do Don Pachi DaiFukkatsu.
  • Miss Marshmallow from Mother 3.
  • In Infinite Space, Mad Scientist Gavriil Minas takes a broken HELP Android (The In Game Encyclopedia) and makes in to one of these. She has 5,000 kelvin Degree cutting claws, her eyes shoot laser beams and she has the best combat stat in the entire game.
  • Luminous Arc: Despite having a pronounced evil edge to her Iris, the Steel Witch is very cute. She also talks like a Dalek.
  • One of the stranger examples in video-gaming was the adjutants from Starcraft and Star Craft 2. Though a robot, in Starcraft, it was initially seen as a bald, bio-mechanical woman's head that had a robot voice. They were redesigned in Starcraft 2, that appeared to be cuter, less explicitly human, and not like a borg. Being initially a face and a voice, the adjutant had some of the least potential to be sexualized. Cue Starcraft 2, which produced the cuter, more feminine adjutant, cue the fanart. In the later missions, there's also another adjutant that played a bigger role in the plot, and you could tell just by looking at her.
  • In the tradition of the series, Xenoblade has a Robot Girl as a party member. Fiorun is a unique case compared to KOS-MOS and Emeralda as she's The main heroine who undergoes Unwilling Roboticization early on in the game. She does learn some of KOS-MOs' techniques
  • Robogirl, the appropriately-named ally from Billy vs. SNAKEMAN. Subverted; her 'robot body' is actually a shell she wears due to a weakly-defined anxiety about 'real' people. You help her get over it in the Pizza Witch storyline, and she takes off her shell, revealing a real flesh-and-blood person.
  • There's lots of them in the Japanese MMO Cosmic Break, such as Crimrose and Lily Rain.
  • In the DLC of BioShock (series) 2 Minerva's Den gives us the failed Robotic Little Sisters.
  • Unreal Tournament 2004 2 has a bit of a send-up of the character type with Devastation, Liandri's latest domestic gynoid entered in the tournament as a marketing stunt. Her status as Super Powered Robot Meter Maid is handwaved with the explanation she's in the tournament to demonstrate the model's agility and AI adaptability (her armored shell and combat abilities don't come standard) and her womanly figure is described as being based on a "popular adult holoactress" in another bid to boost sales.
  • Dominique in The Bouncer.
  • In Mass Effect 3, when Shepard travels to the Mars base, s/he encounters a Dr. Eva, who is actually a robotic infiltrator sent by Cerberus. Eva's body is disabled and taken back to the Normandy to recover data. Eva reactivates, but EDI, the ship's AI, is there to stop her. In the subsequent AI combat, EDI seizes control of Eva's body and subsequently uses it as a physical avatar.
  • KARA from Quantic Dreams' latest tech demo.
  • Miss Bloody Rachel from Viewtiful Joe 2 is a good example. She was built specifically to take down Joe and Silvia but instead is befriended by them. And then she gets zapped, frying her circuits, but it's not permanent.

Visual Novels

  • Moran in Shikkoku no Sharnoth used to be a biological human, but her body appears to have been almost entirely replaced by Engine Machines.


  • Eve from Applegeeks
  • Ping from Megatokyo (remember that both, especially Megatokyo, are largely influenced by manga); notice, however, that Ping does have a modesty programming, and seeing Largo in his boxers can make her panic.
  • Oasis of Sluggy Freelance was originally revealed to be a robot, though later plotlines revealed this to be false.
  • The Muses (and Princess Anevka) from the webcomic Girl Genius. Otilia, the Muse of Protection, easily the most badass-looking Robot Girl of all time.
  • Comedity has Alice, a robot girl which (due to the comic's Life Embellished nature) is the stand-in for the author's computer.
  • Bigger Than Cheese has two robot girls: The Ditz Lei and sex fiend Cleo (which often crushes her chosen beau Thanatos with her comic-robot-level strength)
  • Questionable Content has Hannelore's Mad Scientist father create a robot "training boyfriend" to help his obsessive-compulsive daughter get over her fear of intimacy. She is somewhat freaked by this.
    • There's also Momo, Marigold's Moe Anthro-PC. She's little, but she counts.
      • As of strip 2000, she's no longer even little, and so definitely counts.
  • Cass Toons has Lovecass, a robotic duplicate of the main character created by Tony Stark when Cass wouldn't make out with him.
  • Last Res0rt has two types (debatably): CG-86 is referred to as a "Defective Stepford". Gangrel and the Cybees, on the other hand, are a little too small and plush to be "typical" robot lasses, and we've already seen male versions as well.
  • YOSH! counts many robot girls as characters: Miyo, Nami, Toyoko, Lien and Rieko, a robot fox girl with the soul of a human. It is stated that their creator, Shiden, made thousands of them (all female) and occasionally uses them to attempt to conquer the world.
  • Ask Dr Eldritch has Helen, the Doctor's Robot Maid. He really hates it when people call her a Sex Bot, though, so don't.
  • Kotone of Experimental Comic Kotone, although she's so realistic-looking that none of the characters that weren't explicitly told so (that is, everyone except for the nameless protagonist) don't realize that she's a robot. She also fits the Token Mini-Moe and Not Blood Siblings requirements (ExCoKo is a parody of a Dating Sim).
  • Jayden and Crusader has two, Computer and Computer Version 2. The first one was temporarily almost a main character, but the second one showed up twice and was never seen again.
  • Dresden Codak: Fitting the cyborg part of this trope is Kimiko Ross, whose legs, an arm, a eye, some of her spine are all cybernetic post-Hob, and she even has an input jack in her upper back.
  • Orphaned Series Rumble Fall over at Wirepop had Demeneos the mechdoll, an Expy of KOS-MOS.
  • Aradia in Homestuck becomes one, although in this case it's a ghost of a girl that's posessing a robot body.
  • Prism from Flaky Pastry turns out to be one.
  • Magic and Physics has one in the form of Morgan Lillup. Which could constitute as some form of accomplishment as it is a Stick Figure Comic.
  • In El Goonish Shive, Susan initially mistakes Grace for one of these thinking Tedd couldn't have possibly have a real girlfriend and must have made one instead.
  • 42 of Kiwiblitz is this, imported from a friend of Mr. Frohlich who lives in Japan.
  • Aversion in Gunnerkrigg Court: Jones is not a robot.

Web Original

Western Animation

  • An American twist on the trope: Jenny in My Life as a Teenage Robot is less interested in saving the world than hanging out with high school kids, even though she can certainly hold her own in a fight.
  • Another, very early American twist: a 1943 continuity arc in the Mickey Mouse comic strip introduced Mimi, a sexy robot girl who wooed Mickey in a sci-fi scenario. In the story's climactic battle, Mimi was actually blown apart during a Heroic Sacrifice; interestingly, she was treated as dead and never reassembled, making this decidedly not a Robot Disney Death.
  • Honorable mention goes to Sari from Transformers Animated, a Half-Human Hybrid of Transformer and human. Her heritage gives her circuitry under the skin and hands that unfold into blasters, combined with a human digestive system, possibly nervous system and skin, among others. In the beginning of season three she receives a self-induced upgrade, going to being more machine than man, fitting the trope more accurately.
  • The American Mega Man cartoon made Roll not only older and more attractive looking, but also a serious Action Girl, which Mega fails to recognize. In the first episode, she one-shots Metal Man with a vacuum!
  • The title characters from Challenge of the Go Bots also have gender (Crasher, Small Foot, and Pathfinder being the most prominent female castmembers), but with the significant difference that they are cyborgs (in the Brain In a Jar sense) rather than true robots, and so they probably do have biological gender, at least on a neurological level.
  • The Batman Beyond episode "Terry's Friend Dates A Robot" is about the school's biggest nerd suddenly getting a very attractive girlfriend. As the episode title already spoiled for you, she turns out to be a robot that he commissioned from the same company that makes Batman's robotic training dummies. Eventually he gets her reprogrammed to act more like a real girlfriend, which results in her becoming lethally jealous of the new female friends that the nerd gains through his new-found popularity.
  • In Kim Possible, the heroes were tasked with tracking down a woman who had allegedly stolen robotics technology from her older male former partner, a self-proclaimed robotics genius. She and her boyfriend are completely unhelpful when they reveal they talked with her partner. In the end, it turns out no, no, she's human, it's not that. Rather, she was the genius roboticist, the former partner was a fraud trying to steal her glory, and her boyfriend was a robot.
    • Also, Drakken's Bebes.
  • Yakkity Yak has Penelope
  • Jinmay of Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!
  • Green Lantern the Animated Series has Aya, an artificial intelligence that builds herself a robot boby (in 2.1 seconds!) when Kilowog tells he she needs a body to be a Green Lantern. Also counts as Spaceship Girl.

Real Life

  • NERV errm.. I mean JSK Robotics is currently building a robot that looks a bit like a cross between Shinji and Rei
  • Yes, there is a real life example of this, or rather, true to their description in the main article, Japan (being the worldwide leader of consumer electronics after all) is working on a real-life robot girl (you have to admit, it was inevitable). This and this are some examples. Admittedly rather crude by what viewers have been accustomed to seeing on TV, it just goes to show that sometimes life imitating art is inevitable.
  • ELIZA, the parser program designed to fool a Turing Test by rephrasing anything that is said to it as a question, was presented to testers as being a live woman. Its designer was later appalled when some people started hailing this bit of transparent stage trickery as true artificial intelligence.
  • An inventor in Canada has been building Aiko, a robot in the design stages that is intended to be capable of everything from household chores to security duties to, yes, "companionship."
    • With a Japanese name. Of course.
  • SVEDKA_GRL, the mascot of a brand of Swedish vodka, has Hartman Hips, the Most Common Superpower, and is in general hot enough to float over the Uncanny Valley in a peculiarly alluring manner. However, she is mostly frame with plastic covers, which makes you wonder exactly how her... mechanism... is designed to work without, uh, pinching.