Land of Oz/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Tagalong Kid]]: Inverted; she's the leader, and the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion are the tagalongs.
* [[Trapped in Another World]]: In the first book.
* [[Upgrade Artifact]]: The Magic Belt, at least in ''Ozma of Oz'', when she knows how to use its transformation powers as soon as she puts it on. When she finally uses it again in ''The Lost Princess of Oz'', she has to practice a bit.
=== Scarecrow ===
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* [[Demoted to Extra]]: Despite being one of the iconic Oz characters and a major character in Baum's books, he's delegated to very minor roles (and often doesn't appear at all) once Ruth Plumly Thompson takes over the series.
* [[Determinator]]: As much of his character as being a sweetheart. He was so determined to earn enough money to support his fiancee that he didn't stop working, even after losing his limbs to the cursed axe. If there's a situation where the axe has to come out, he does not stop unless all the threats are missing their heads or he is literally too damaged to move.
* [[Everything but the Girl]]: He becomes a hero of Oz, ruler of Winkie Country, and close friends with the Princesses, but it turns out his girlfriend left him while he was rusted.
* [[Family-Unfriendly Violence]]
* [[The Heart]]: In spite of his insistence that he doesn't have one.
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* [[Gender Bender]]
* [[The Hero|The Heroine]]
* [[The High Queen]]: Despite being the supreme ruler of Oz, she very seldom uses the title "Queen." ''[[The Marvelous Land Of Oz]]'' is probably the book where the "Queen" title is used the most; Ozma is referred to as a Princess before her crowning and a Queen afterwards -- but in later books she is most often called a Princess.
* [[Iconic Characters]]: Princess Ozma appears to be the model for [[A New Hope|Princess Leia]] and [[The Phantom Menace|Queen Amidala]].
* [[Kid Hero|Kid Heroine]]
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Like Jack Pumpkinhead, the Sawhorse was given life by Mombi's Powder of Life, though in the case of the Sawhorse Tip called him to life to serve as a riding animal on his and Jack's trip to the Emerald City. Being made entirely of wood (and "shod" with gold, to keep his wooden hooves from wearing out), he's both faster and more durable than any normal horse and in subsequent books is generally seen pulling Ozma's carriage.
* [[Automaton Horse]]: Justified and often [[Lampshaded]] in-verse, as he is specifically mentioned to be not only faster than a normal horse but also [[Perpetual Motion Monster|completely tireless, utterly fearless, very compliant, and of course needing no extra care or even food.]] He even has no problem crossing large bodies of water, since he's made of wood and floats quite well. Might count as a [[Mechanical Horse]], but only if you use the term loosely. Definitely a [[Horse of a Different Color]], though.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Occasionally, especially towards Jack Pumpkinhead.
* [[The Stoic]]: Insult him, threaten him, leave him standing by the road for days, send him into mortal peril -- he never minds and is never fazed.
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* [[Clockwork Creature]]
* [[Iconic Characters]]
* [[Literal -Minded]]: "How shall we go to the Nome King's cavern, Tik-Tok?" "We might crawl, or jump, or roll o-ver and o-ver un-til we get there; but the best way is to walk."
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]
* [[Robo Speak]]: The oldest version of this trope.
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* [[Pet the Dog]]: In ''Tik-Tok'', he rescues Betsy from being thrown into the Slimy Cave. (While being in the Slimy Cave would probably have not been too bad on its own, Ruggedo was in the process of throwing a huge tantrum, [[Baleful Polymorph|turning people into musical instruments]] and calling for torturers. Since Betsy was a [[Tagalong Kid]], Kaliko presumably thought that she was safer waiting out the situation in his house.) This functions to set him up as a good replacement King later in the book, since his role before that point consisted of following his boss's orders and advising him against foolishness.
* [[Servile Snarker]]
* [[Ultimate Job Security]]: Gets away with calling his extremely short-tempered monarch an idiot, more than once, because the Nome King can't find a competent replacement. For comparision, the Nome King "throws away" his generals at the drop of a hat- but he while threatens Kaliko periodically, he keeps him as his steward for as long as he remains the king.
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* [[I Just Want to Be Special]]: Invoked after he loses the race with the Sawhorse and realizes that in a fairy world a normal horse like him [[Can't Catch Up]], so he wants to go back to California, where he ''is'' special.
* [[Put on a Bus]]: Along with Zeb, he returns to California and is never seen in the series again.
* [[Talking Animal]]: Like all animals, he gains the ability to talk when entering a fairy land.
== Road to Oz ==
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The ruler of the Flatheads. Although supposedly an elected ruler, he always counts the votes himself and therefore is always "reelected".
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]: Turns Coo-ee-oh into the Diamond Swan.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Su-dic is his title (or a shortened form of it), not his name.
* [[Unholy Matrimony]]: Until Coo-ee-oh turned his wife into a golden pig.
=== Coo-ee-oh ===
The Queen of the Skeezers and a powerful Krumbic Witch.
* [[Baleful Polymorph]]: Turned the Three Adepts into fishes and the Su-dic's wife into a Golden Pig; eventually, the Su-dic turns her into a Diamond Swan.
* [[Big Brother Is Watching]]: Can hear any conversation on her island.
* [[God Save Us From the Queen]]
* Magitek: Some of her spells fall into this- particularly, she uses magic to operate her submarines and the retractable bridge between her island and the shore.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: The three syllables of her name are the spoken parts of three of her important spells.
* [[Vain Sorceress]]: She's very vain when first introduced, and even more so after her transformation, although at that point she's no longer a sorceress.
=== Red Reera ===
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A Yookoohoo- a magical being with great powers of transformation- Red Reera is characterized by her fondness for things other people dislike (such as [[Reptiles Are Abhorrent|lizards]], huge spiders, and wolves) and her disdain for human company.
* [[Bowdlerise]] / [[What Could Have Been]]: In the first draft, she initially appeared as a wired-together [[Dem Bones|skeleton]] with flaming eyes. This was changed to an ape in a lace apron to avoid scaring any kids.
* [[Voluntary Shapeshifting]]: Can transform herself and her pets into any form she desires. She can do it to others as well, but does not do so without their permission.