When a game feels the need to drive you even more insane...


Other Examples


You are dead! Dead! Dead!


DIG through the ditches,
And BURN through the witches,
And SLAM in the back of mah,


"You hear an irritatingly catchy song...."


You cannot run away! /(Hell naw no man can run away)/For me I stay in your head as one big threat!


"God or demon, what am I? It's time for me to choose my path..."


"Beauty is a SIN! EN GARDE!"

  • The four-line song, which accompanies the game "You Have To Fertilize The Egg". It will not leave you.

'Swimmin' around in a vagina,
I'm swimmin' around in a vagina,
I'm swimmin' around in a vagina,
I try to make a princess!'


Welcome, welcome, generous friends/days and weeks and tokens to spend/ we're just regular businessmen/just you and me and Ted. E. Bear!


Oh war, what is it good for (what is it good for?) It strengthens the ee-con-uh-meeeeeee...

    • More Than Jerks, from Season 1, Episode 1. Especially if you got stuck on the Chasing Specs segment for 10-15 minutes, not knowing what exactly you're supposed to do.

Little Peepers, Specs, and Whizzer,/Toiling at the soda works,/Guzzling with tiny gizzards,/Soda fountain special perks...


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