Star Wars: The Force Unleashed/Characters

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As the details for The Force Unleashed differ for each form of media it is presented in, this guide mostly uses the novel and the PS 3 versions. However, some characters exclusive to other consoles are considered canon, and will be described. A lot of this information is All There in the Manual or according to Word of God.

Main Characters

Starkiller / Galen Marek

"He is no Jedi. A Jedi controls his emotions and his powers. But Starkiller... he does not know restraint. He will bring down an entire Star Destroyer on your head, if that is what it takes to kill you."
Juno Eclipse, after being kidnapped by Boba Fett, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II comic

Born Galen Marek on the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk, he was found and adopted by Darth Vader as a small child, after Vader had murdered his father. All his life, he was trained as Vader's secret apprentice, Starkiller. He is Vader's personal assassin, his identity kept secret from all in The Empire. According to Vader, all his training and missions are to prepare him for his greatest task, to destroy Emperor Palpatine, so Vader and Starkiller can rule the galaxy as Master and Apprentice, the way the Rule of Two dictates.

  • The Ace/The Gift/Born Winner: His first sign of greatness? Stealing Darth Vader's lightsaber with The Force, as a small child. He also somehow learns how to use Force lightning, despite Vader being unable to demonstrate it due to his mechanical body.
  • Achilles Heel: In the sequel, Darth Vader considers Juno this for Starkiller.

  Vader: Rise above this. She means nothing!

 Juno: Why did you defy your Master to rescue me?

Starkiller: I needed someone to fly the ship!

Juno: We both know that's not true.

 Vader: Your feelings for her are not real.

 (kicking a dozing and hungover Kota, waking him up)

Starkiller: I was beginning to worry you died in your sleep.

Kota: I'm starting to wish that I had.

 Juno: They're fortifying all positions to try to keep you out.

Starkiller: Let them try...

    • And in the sequel...

 Darth Vader: This is your last chance.

Starkiller: I make my own chances.

  • Raised By Orcs: More like raised by Sith but close enough.
  • Reverse Grip: His standard stance. While he has studied all seven forms of lightsaber combat, he favors the Shien style.
  • Shock and Awe
  • Sphere of Destruction: Force Repulse.
  • Talking to Himself: Sam Witwer also voiced Emperor Palpatine.
  • That Man Is Dead: When he officially turns to the Light Side, he tells Juno his real name.
    • In the novel for the sequel this is his reaction to Kota calling him Galen.
  • There Is No Kill Like Overkill: Where to begin: electrocuting people, squashing them, holding them in the path of the Death Star's laser...
  • Too Many Belts: Some of his outfits in the first game.
    • The training gear he starts off with has no fewer than five belts.
  • Training From Hell: Being raised by Darth Vader, or any Sith, is not good for your childhood.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: The Saber Throw technique.
  • Tsundere: Can be considered something of a type A towards Juno, seeing how he attempts to act tough and aloof to her during their first conversation.
  • Tyke Bomb
  • Unwitting Pawn: Vader may have never planned to destroy the Emperor, and even if he did, he certainly would not have let Starkiller help. Starkiller's true purpose was to gather the rebels in one place, so they could all be arrested in one move.
  • Up to Eleven: The feats he can do with The Force are incredible even by Star Wars standards.
  • Villain Protagonist: Starts out as one.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In the first game, Juno gives him one for continuing to serve Vader after being betrayed the first time. In the second game, Kota gives him one for thinking that Juno is more important than the rest of the galaxy.
  • World of Cardboard Speech: In the sequel, Starkiller pretty much gives one of these to Vader.
  • Would Hit a Girl
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Starkiller blends Lightside and Darkside techniques in battle, like an unrefined version of Vaapad.
  • You Have Failed Me: In The Ultimate Sith Edition, he pulls this on the incompetent Captain Keenah, Force Choking him to death over the radio.
  • You Have Got to Be Kidding Me!: In the novel for the sequel, Vader tries to convince him to team up against Emperor Palpatine, and Starkiller gets exasperated that Vader would try that after betraying him so many times and hurting Juno.

Juno Eclipse

PROXY: Captain Juno Eclipse. Born on Corulag, where she became the youngest student ever accepted into the Imperial Academy. Decorated combat pilot with over one hundred combat missions and commanding officer during the Bombing of Callos. Handpicked by Lord Vader to lead his Black Eight Squadron, but later reassigned to a top-secret project--

Juno: Is there a psychological profile in there, too?

PROXY: Actually, yes, but it's restricted.
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

Born on Corulag, Juno was raised to believe The Empire's propaganda of Palpatine's rule being benevolent and of the Jedi being evil traitors. She is one of the youngest cadets in The Empire's history, being accepted at age 14. After graduating, she rose through the ranks in the Imperial fleet, until joining the Black Eight Squadron, Darth Vader's personal elite unit of TIE fighters. Recently she was reassigned to a top-secret mission: to be Starkiller's personal pilot for his ship, The Rogue Shadow.

  • Ace Pilot
  • Action Girl: Juno gets to do some covert ops work for the Alliance and knock Boba Fett on his ass in the novel of the sequel.
    • She pulls a Shut UP, Hannibal on Darth Vader by attacking him with Starkiller's lightsaber.

 (to Boba Fett) "He is no Jedi. A Jedi controls his emotions and his powers. But Starkiller... he knows no restraint. He will bring an entire Star Destroyer on your head, if that's what it takes to kill you."

(to Boba Fett) "Your contract with Vader will last only as long as it serves The Empire. Eventually, you will be an outlaw too. And then, Vader will be hunting you."

    • Will attempt to kill the Dark Lord of the Sith with a famously unwieldy (For non-force users) weapon after being force choked seconds beforehand. Also survives fifty meter falls with nary a scratch to be able to pilot a ship scant hours later. Looks good in uniform, Rebel or Imperial.
  • Anti-Villain: Type I at first.
  • Blue Eyes: Starkiller remarks how beautiful two lightsaber crystals are by comparing them to Juno's eyes.
  • The Captain: Though she holds the rank in the first game, she actually has a crew who listens to her as the boss in the second.
  • Child Soldier
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: She gets jealous when Starkiller's battle against Maris Brood is described to her by Bail Organa, just because Maris is a girl and really hot.
  • Cool Ship: She is the principal pilot for The Rogue Shadow and by the end of the game she pretty much owns it.
    • The frigate Salvation in the sequel.
  • Dark Chick: Starts out as an Imperial fighter pilot loyal to the Empire and willing to help Starkiller in his goals to exterminate Jedi.
  • Dying Declaration of Love: Close to it when she kisses him after he tells her she probably won't see him again.
  • Distressed Damsel: Starkiller rescues her from imprisonment on the Empirical.
    • In the sequel, Boba Fett is hired to kidnap her and lure Starkiller into a trap.
  • The Gump: In the second novel, the more Juno is involved with the Rebellion the more she becomes this.
  • Heel Face Turn: Can't really blame her given that in exchange for her life long service of unwavering loyalty, the Empire brands her a traitor only because she followed orders.
  • Hollywood Hacking
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: In the novel of the sequel, she is pretty much the only non Force-sensitive character to kill Terror Troopers. Terror Troopers are invisible.
  • Ink Suit Actor: Modeled after her voice actress, Nathalie Cox.
  • Living MacGuffin: The whole second games seems to be one big race to find Juno.
  • Love Interest: For Starkiller. She was most likely the first woman he met who wasn't an assassination target.
  • Minion With an F In Evil: Rare dramatic example at first.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Her shirt is a little too low cut for an Imperial uniform.
  • Mythology Gag: Juno Eclipse was originally meant to be Asajj Ventress' name.
    • Also she gets the quintessential Star Wars line "I have a really bad feeling about this."
  • Now or Never Kiss: Gives one to Starkiller before his final mission, to rescue the Rebel Alliance from the Death Star.
  • Shallow Love Interest: Let's just say that the majority of her characterization comes from the two novels while in the actual games she's not much more than a Voice With an Internet Connection, the Living MacGuffin, and a Distressed Damsel.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: While in the Black Eight Squadron, she bombed Callos under Vader's orders, and ended up wiping out all life on the planet.
  • Took a Level In Badass
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: See Action Girl.
  • Voice With an Internet Connection: Shares the task of guiding Starkiller with PROXY.
  • Well Done Daughter Girl: Her years of service to the Empire were all to get her Jerkass father (an Empire and Palpatine Fan Boy) to be proud of her. It didn't work, and he never even showed up to her graduation ceremony.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl: Better picture here.
  • Wrench Wench


"I had hoped using an older training module would catch you offguard and allow me to finally kill you. I'm sorry I failed you again, Master."
PROXY, on being defeated by Starkiller after using his Obi-Wan module

A droid Vader gave to Starkiller as a training aid/assistant. Helping Starkiller is only his secondary directive; as Vader is the master of giving Training From Hell, his objective is to kill Starkiller. Every once in a while, he ambushes Starkiller, only stopping if Starkiller lands a death blow. It is explained in the novel that his usual reasons for ambushing the Apprentice are to help Galen blow off steam when he's upset since There Are No Therapists. It is also briefly mentioned that PROXY is the one who raised Galen after the boy had been kidnapped from his home by Vader.

PROXY can use holographic technology to imitate nearly any being, and uses this to impersonate Sith Lords and Jedi Knights while dueling Starkiller, give information on assassination targets, or relay messages from people.

  • Adorkable
  • All Your Powers Combined: The fighting styles of many Sith Lords and Jedi Knights are at his disposal. He can also imitate telekinesis with clever tractor beam and repulsor technology.
  • Anti-Villain: Type III, to hilarious results. He's a combination of C-3PO and HK-47.
  • Badass Adorable: Effectively an innocent child who treats battle like a game and is too naive to understand what "death" means.
  • Battle Butler: To Starkiller on occasions.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: In the novel, as well as some versions of the game, PROXY patches into The Core, a computer intelligence that runs the junkyard planet they were on. The Core retaliates and takes over PROXY making him attack Juno.
  • Freudian Slips: PROXY's holograph malfunctions in the novel of the sequel could be considered this.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: After his primary programing was fried, PROXY took it upon himself to distract Darth Vader long enough for Galen to get away with his life after being betrayed by the Sith Lord. He is eventually rebuilt in the sequel.
  • I Am Not Left-Handed: Saves one fighting module for last: Darth Maul.

 "I have one module you've never seen. An enemy I've stored for years."

  • Laser Blade: A lot of them.
  • Master Swordsman
  • Nice Guy: Being not programmed to understand the consequences or even the concept of death, he is a truly sweet fellow who loves his friends dearly even when following his primary directive to kill them.
  • Obliviously Evil: Though it's hinted many times in the novel that PROXY has a genuine fondness for Starkiller (and later Juno too), he still falls under this category because he really is trying to kill Galen every time they fight.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: PROXY is the principal source of humor in the game.
  • Robot Buddy: As sad as it is, he is Starkiller's best friend.
  • Shapeshifter Guilt Trip: He gets the upper hand on Boba Fett by turning into Jango Fett, his beloved father.
    • Though unintentional, he does it to Vader too in the first game by attacking him as Obi-Wan Kenobi so Starkiller can escape. It doesn't do much in the game but in the book it catches Vader off guard.
  • Voice With an Internet Connection

General Rahm Kota

"Vader thinks he's turned you. But I can sense your future--And Vader isn't a part of it! I sense-- I sense only... Me?
Kota, before being stabbed in the eyes by the apprentice and then sucked out of a spaceship

Born on an unnamed war-torn planet, General Kota had fought in the trenches since he was 10-years-old. A Jedi commander in the Clone Wars, Kota distrusted the competence of clone soldiers and preferred to rely on his own men as his troop. Because of this, he escaped execution from the infamous Order 66. After years of hiding where he still kept in contact with surviving Jedi, Kota finally surfaces to wrack havoc on the Empire and try to draw out Darth Vader.

  • A Father to His Men: His militia are loyal to the end for him, and he specifically chose natural soldiers recruited from even the Separatists because he felt that clones were untrustworthy, which ended up being well founded due to Order 66.
  • The Alcoholic: Descended into alcoholism when his sight was taken from him.
  • Badass Grandpa: Stealing the Emperor's own lightsaber out of his sleeve with the Force and attacking him with it takes guts.
    • Survives endlessly fighting in a gladiator's arena for seven days.

 Kota: You're a Jedi, boy! Size means nothing to you!

  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Even after being blinded and binge-drinking, he's actually as wise and as powerful as he ever was. At the end of the game, he admits to Juno that he sensed who Starkiller was the whole time, and just pretended to not recognize him.
  • The Obi-Wan: Guides Galen to the light side of the Force.
  • Old Soldier
  • One-Man Army: He may not be as powerful as Starkiller, but his performance in Tarko's gladiator arena speaks volumes.
  • Properly Paranoid: Not trusting the clone troops saved his life.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: He was pretty arrogant until Starkiller beat the tar out of him.
  • Sticks to The Back: His lightsaber.

Darth Vader

As The Emperor's Apprentice, his mission is to hunt down any Jedi who escaped Order 66, as well as any rebels. Finding a powerful, Force-sensitive child named Galen Marek, Vader violated the Rule of Two by taking him as his secret apprentice, Starkiller. He is preparing Starkiller for the day he destroys his own Master, and takes over as Emperor of the galaxy.

 "I've trained you well, but you still have much to learn."

"Your journey ends here!"

"I will show you true mastery of the Dark Side!"

"Now you will surrender to me or die where you were created!"

"I made you and now I will destroy you!"

"I will destroy you a thousand times!"

"I will replace you again and again!"

"You are mine to command!"

"Your live is mine!"

"I will always be your Master, and you will always be a slave!"

"Starkiller couldn't kill me. What makes you think you can?"

"As long as she lives, I will always control you."

 Imperial Commander: Lord Vader? We were ambushed upon arrival, but I have the situation well in- (is Force Choked)

    • Also subverted in the same quote, as he actually spares the commander in question (although the Wii version makes it a bit more ambiguous as it cuts to right behind Vader after releasing his grip), although only because he arrived at Kashyyyk for a very different reason.
  • Because Destiny Says So: Tries to impress this on Starkiller every chance he gets.
  • Big Bad
  • Boss Banter: See Badass Boast above.
  • Casting Gag: Is voiced by Matt Sloan, aka Chad Vader.
    • This is even Lampshaded in an achievement/trophy unlocked by killing 12 stormtroppers called "Worst Day-Shift Manager Ever."
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
  • The Corrupter: He wants Starkiller on the dark side and will allow nothing to get in the way of that goal.
  • Determinator/The Ubermensch/The Unfettered: Nothing can stop him from having his own apprentice, not even death itself. Also, credits, starships, and Imperial lives are all meaningless to him, he will expend any resources he has to complete a goal.
  • Evil Sounds Deep
  • Flunky Boss: In the sequel, has reinforcements in the form of Starkiller's own clones.
  • Get Back Here Boss: In the sequel, the first stage of his battle has him jumping from platform to platform.
  • Hannibal Lecture: Gives these non-stop in the sequel.

 "You are only as strong as I allowed you to be, my Apprentice."

"You were created to do my bidding!"

"Look around you. You are expendable!"

"You are not a man. You are a thing, an experiment."

"And yet you fail to defeat me. If you wish to play at being a Jedi, so be it."

"She loved a dead man. She would have never loved you!"

  • Hoist By His Own Petard: In the Wii version of the sequel, he throws one of his cloned mooks at Starkiller, only for him to miss and blow up a power pylon. He then attempts to kill Starkiller by throwing him right into the pylon's energy spike, only Starkiller to evade it and shove him into the pylon. Surprisingly, he survives this.
  • Idiot Ball: Vader, given that you'd just finished that speech below under I've Got Your Girl, why in the name of the Force did you then blast Juno through the wall instead of simply disarming her? Hostages can't be used to blackmail the hero if you've just apparently killed them right in front of him!
    • According the the sequel's novel, Starkiller deduces that Vader was planning to kill Juno the whole time, to get Starkiller to turn to the dark side via his anger and despair. Vader still grabbed the Idiot Ball for thinking he could control Starkiller.
  • I Lied: After betraying Starkiller, Starkiller asks about their plan to defeat The Emperor. He replies with this.
    • Technically it was a half-truth. He did plan on betraying the Emperor, that much was true, but he wasn't planning on having Starkiller do so.
    • The bios and some statements by those involved in Lucas Arts imply that Vader did genuinely intend to betray the Emperor with Starkiller on his side, but he apparently chickened out at the last moment.
    • In the sequel, he lied about the cloning process not being perfected.
  • I've Got Your Girl: Tries to lure Starkiller back to him in the second game by kidnapping Juno.

  Vader: (releases the force choke on Juno ) Find and kill General Kota. If you refuse, the woman dies. You will return to me and give yourself to The Dark Side. If you resist, she dies. And when your training is complete, you will hunt down and execute the rebel leaders. If you FAIL, SHE DIES!

 Starkiller: The Force gives me all I need.

Vader: The Force?

Starkiller: The Dark Side, my Master.

  • Jerkass
  • Kamehame Hadoken
  • Kick the Dog: Revealing to Starkiller that he doesn't give a crap about him and trying to kill him after completing his life's work.
    • Everything he does to Starkiller and Juno in the sequel.
  • Kneel Before Zod: Orders Starkiller to do this in the sequel by threatening to kill Juno.

 Vader: (force-chokes Juno ) Bow before me, or she dies.

 Starkiller: Wait! Wait! (drops his lightsabers and kneels ) I will do your bidding. Just let her go.

 (while giving Starkiller his next mission) "My spies have located another Jedi. Kazdan Paratus is far more powerful than you. I do not expect you to survive. But if you destroy him, you will be one step closer to your destiny."

Major Characters

Emperor Palpatine

The dark Sith Lord who founded the Galactic Empire and nearly exterminated the Jedi. Also goes by Darth Sidious. Considered by many to be the most powerful Sith Lord that ever lived. He turned the young Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker to the dark side and named him, as his apprentice, Darth Vader.

 "The Rebellion ends here!"

"You will scream like your father!"

"You're just a worthless Jedi now!"

"Hope makes you weak!"

"You will never escape The Dark Side!"

"I have always been your true master!"

 "Yes! Kill him! He was weak!"

  (Casually blocks a lightsaber strike from Starkiller) "You have betrayed your masters and your allies both. I knew that you would betray me as well. And now you have doomed yourself and your friends." (Knocks him through a wall and drops the Rogue Shadow on him. Starkiller wakes up turned half-machine like Darth Vader) "You had such promise. You could have been my successor, my equal. But now... But, I may still have some small use for you. I still have enemies to find and destroy. You will do my bidding until I find a new apprentice. And then, like Vader, you will be cast aside. (To the surgical robots) Finish him."

    • He gives another awesome one in the non-canon Endor DLC.

  "A Great Day, Lord Vader. Today marks the death of the Rebellion and the birth of a new era of peace for the Empire. There is but one last detail to take care of. Do you take me for a fool? Your feeble schemes to overthrow me using that pathetic clone of your former apprentice were pitifully obvious from their inception. Now Skywalker… you will die." (Fries Vader with Force Lightning)

  • Shock and Awe
  • Shout-Out: You know the badass boast above, "You will scream like your father!"? Well, that's almost a direct paraphrase of what Andross said to Fox before fighting him in the easy path of Star Fox 64.
  • Talking to Himself: Voiced by Sam Witwer (Starkiller), who does a shockingly good impression of Palpatine from the movies.
  • To the Pain:

 "You are all traitors to The Empire. You will be interrogated. Tortured. You will give me the names of your friends and allies. And then you will die."

"Your very public and painful executions will serve as an example to the rest of the galaxy."

Shaak Ti

A Togruta Jedi Knight who survived Order 66 by taking refuge on the jungle world of Felucia. Noting the natural Force-sensitivity of the natives, she struggles to train them, along with her padawan, Maris Brood, in order to resist The Empire.

Maris Brood

The Zabrak (that's Darth Maul's race) padawan of Shaak Ti. She spent many years in hiding with her Jedi Master on the planet Felucia. After her master's death, she turns to the Dark Side of the Force, along with the rest of the planet.

Kento Marek

A Jedi Knight who quietly resigned from the Order after falling in love and marrying a fellow Knight named Mallie (the Jedi Order forbids romantic relationships), thus escaping Order 66 by sheer coincidence. Settling on the Wookie homeworld of Kashyyyk, he had to raise his son Galen alone after Mallie died, but became a respected comrade to the Wookies. Sadly, when Darth Vader arrived, Kento was defeated and killed. Vader abducted Galen, making him his apprentice. Eventually, his Force Ghost appears before Starkiller to apologize for his failure to protect his son, and to face him in battle for Galen's Trial Of Flesh.

Senator Bail Organa

Served in the Galactic Senate as the Senator of the Alderaan and now serving in the Imperial Senate after the founding of the Galactic Empire. He has earned a reputation for speaking out against the Emperor and his policies. He is Princess Leia Organa's adoptive father and a friend of Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, and Rahm Kota.

 "It is settled then. My wealth will fund the Rebellion, while Garm provides our fleet, and Mon Mothma our soldiers. And with you leading us, we have the power of the Force on our side. Therefore let this be an official declaration of rebellion! Today, we all vow to change the galaxy, and one day the galaxy will indeed be free!"

Princess Leia Organa

Daughter of Senator Bail Organa and a princess of Alderaan. She has a forceful personality and bright intellect, sharing her father's attitude in defying the Empire. Leia is no stranger to danger is willing to risk her life in what she believes in, doing all she can to help her father.

  "There is much you fail to see, Sith. After my brother fell on Hoth, I fulfilled the destiny that he could not. Now, I am a Jedi."

Boba Fett

A Mandalorian warrior and bounty hunter who is a clone of the famed Jango Fett but was raised by Jango as his son. When Jango was killed by the Jedi Mace Windu in battle, Boba took up his father's mantel despite his youth. Years later, he is regularly employed by Darth Vader and the Empire to track down particularly tricky targets and bring them in alive.

 (to Juno) "The Starkiller you knew? The one who could pull starships out of the sky? He's dead. Vader had him cloned. That's who is searching for you... a half-mad copy who only thinks he loves you."

 "I want to be as far away from here as possible when Starkiller shows up. I've seen what he can do."

Minor Characters In All Versions

Senator Mon Mothma

One of the founders and the face of the Rebel Alliance. She often frustrates her associates with her insistence of caution and the desire to never take risks.

Senator Garm Bel Iblis

One of the founders of the Rebel Alliance who favors an aggressive approach.

Kazdan Paratus

A disgraced Aleena Jedi Knight who only survived Order 66 because he fled in fear, abandoning his comrades to be slaughtered. Settling on the junk planet Raxus Prime, his guilt and isolation has caused him to descend into madness, building a replica of the Jedi Temple and speaking to statues of the Jedi Council as if they were alive.

Ozzik Sturn

A sleazy Imperial officer who was put in charge of an Imperial-controlled Kashyyyk.

Baron Merillion Tarko

The commander of the Imperial outpost on Cato Neimoidia. He uses his influence and power to run a successful slave-trade business, which helps create the bulk of the Empire's laboring workforce used to build outposts on subjugated planets. To further increase his wealth, Tarko established gambling casinos on Cato Neimoidia. He used the money generated from that venture to fund and build a massive arena, which features gladiator combat for both sport and profit.

 "Troopers' lives are cheap, but that Neimoidian architecture is expensive."

 "You can have all the wine, women, and blood you want!"


One of the most renowned and powerful Jedi Masters in galactic history, who is known for his legendary wisdom, mastery of the Force and skills in lightsaber combat. When the Republic collapsed and was replaced with the Galactic Empire, Yoda went into hiding on the remote swamp world of Dagobah. He was a past teacher for Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Rahm Kota.

Minor Characters In Some Versions

The Core

An intelligent scrap gathering computer that runs the junk planet, Raxus Prime.

  • AI Is a Crapshoot: What other explanation can there be for a salvage AI deciding it wants to take over the universe?
  • Brainwashing: Does this to droids (including PROXY) and uses them as his minions.
  • Genius Loci
  • Hacker Cave: This is essentially what The Core is, just without a person running it.
  • Hollywood Hacking: It's plans for galaxy domination pretty much boiled down to this.

Darth Desolous

A long dead Pau'an Sith Lord from ages past. He was once a Jedi, but turned to The Dark Side, his true name forgotten. He gathered an army, savagely waging war until he was finally overwhelmed and killed. He lives on as a Force projection in the abandoned Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Darth Vader eventually sends Starkiller to face him in battle for his Trial Of Skill.

 "A thousand Jedi died cursing Darth Desolous. Now, you too shall scream my name!"

"It took the entire Council to kill me, boy. You have no hope!"

"I am more powerful in death than I was in life!"

"Your hatred cannot defeat me."

"The dark side is truly your ally, but I am its master."

Darth Phobos

A long dead Theelin Sith Lord from ages past. She nearly conquered the galaxy, and was so dangerous that the Jedi and Sith were forced into an Enemy Mine in order to take her down. She lives on as a Force projection in the abandoned Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Darth Vader eventually sends Starkiller to face her in battle for his Trial Of Insight.

 "When Sith have nightmares, I am the face they see."

"I will crush you, and your terror will sustain me for another millenium!'

 "I know your kind. Confused. Alone. And I will learn what you fear most!"

"Look inside yourself. You do know fear!"

"You stupid boy. Your ENTIRE life has been a lie!"

 "You have a lot to learn, boy."

Drexl Roosh

A leader of the scavengers on Raxus Prime.

Captain Ackbar

A Mon Calamari from the water world of Dac, Ackbar was the leader of the resistance against the Empire there long before the Rebel Alliance formed. He was captured when his people were betrayed by an insider and he was force to serve as a slave to the high ranking Imperial officer, Wilhuff Tarkin. In a raid by the Rebel Alliance, Ackbar was eventually freed and is now serving under their crest to try and free his planet and the galaxy from the Galactic Empire.

Berkelium Shyre

A member of the Rebel Alliance who works at a repair shop on Malastare, passing on intelligence and repairing ships and droids.

  • Artificial Limbs: Has mechanical legs.
  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": Known as "The Repairman".
  • Heavyworlder: Malastare's gravity is extremely high, so he's become very strong from living there for over a decade.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Starkiller is trying to avoid news of his resurrection getting out but Shyre figures out who he is causing Galen to panic and use the Jedi Mind Trick on him to force him to forget.
  • Love Hurts: Tried to convince Juno Eclipse to stay with him, and was heartbroken when she refused.

Wedge Antilles

A Rebel Corellian pilot with a daredevil attitude and the skills to match.

  • Ace Pilot
  • Badass Normal: He's not Force-sensitive but he can pilot like the best of them.
  • Badass Bystander: He meets Starkiller during a battle when the rogue apprentice randomly jumps on his Y-Wing for a ride. Any other pilot would have gotten themselves killed doing the stuff Galen asked of him.
  • Improbable Piloting Skills


Boba Fett's lover and occasional partner in bounty hunting.

Characters Who Appear in Dark Side Expansion Packs Only

Jabba The Hutt

Obi-Wan Kenobi

  • Badass Grandpa
  • Deader Than Dead: As if killing him by throwing him into the Millennium Falcon's thrusters wasn't enough, Lord Starkiller then destroys his Force Ghost with Force Lightning.
    • And he's still "alive" enough to not only encourage Luke to run, but also teach him a bit about being a Jedi!
  • Determinator
  • Last Stand/You Shall Not Pass: He faces Starkiller to buy time for the Millennium Falcon to take off and escape. And it does.

Captain Keenah

 Lord Starkiller: You've failed me for the last time, Captain Keenah.

Captain Keenah: (over the radio) If that is the case, I assure you I take full- (choking sounds)

Lieutenant Marsen

Luke Skywalker

 "I won't run from my destiny... or from you."

  • Fallen Hero: Once Lord Starkiller defeats him, instead of killing him, Luke turns to the Dark Side and becomes his apprentice.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: He finds out, from Starkiller, that Darth Vader was his father. Of course, in the DLC timeline, Luke never met Vader, so he is far less distraught by the revelation.
  • Unskilled but Strong: He is absolutely no match for Starkiller in terms of saber skills, but that doesn't mean he can't put up one good fight for his troubles when relying on the Force.

Han Solo
