Dogs (manga)/Characters

Characters from Dogs (manga) include:

Heine Rammsteiner

The main protagonist. More or less. Not completely right in the head.

Badou Nails

A private investigator slash occasional hired gun who sometimes teams up with Heine. Loves his ciggies something good. Missing an eye.

Naoto Fuyumine

A swordswoman wandering the city trying to find information on her parents' killer. "Naoto Fuyumine" is not her birth name.

Mihai Mihaeroff

A retired assassin and occasional errand runner for the owner of Buono Viaggio. He gets lost. Often.


The priest of a local church. He serves as a guardian of sorts to Nill and mentor to Heine. Well, he lets Heine keep his guns there.


A winged fourteen year old mute girl who lives in Bishop's church. Just about everyone who sees her agrees that she is the cutest thing ever.


Heine's brother. REALLY loves messing with his head.

Angelika Einsturzen

A Mad Scientist working for an as of yet unnamed underground organization.Giovanni and Heine occasionally call her "Mother."

Campenella Fruhling

A hired gun swordswoman who appears to be working with Einsturzen. She leads a troupe of helmeted, black-clad Nigh Invulnerable minions. Nuki and Loki's apparent guardian.

Revealed to be the original Naoto & also the killer of Naoto Fuyumine's parents.

Luki and Noki

Two young twin girls who are always together and work as bounty hunters. They are under Fruhling's care and apparently part of Einsturzen's organization.


An info broker who sometimes works with Badou.

Granny Liza

A short elderly demi-human woman who's the head of a gang of more demi-humans.


A pig man in the underground.

Marcel Calcerino

Head of the Calcerino family.


Heine's younger sister.

Lott and Arthur

Heine's other brothers.

Magato Fuyumine

A young man who was trained and raised by Fuyumine alongside Naoto. Never get within arms' length of him.

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