Rule of Sean Connery (Sugar Wiki)

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"Sean Connery elevates everything he's in... Except like, you know, that one movie we don't talk about. And Zardoz, I guess."
The Spoony One, The Spoony Experiment (said movie is Highlander II the Quickening)[1]

A subtrope of the "Rule of Cool".

Sean Connery:
A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Sean Connery
B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Sean Connery = 100
C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor
If Sean Connery is in the movie then C = BA = 100A, otherwise A=C.

Keanu Reeves:
A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Keanu Reeves
B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Keanu Reeves = -5
C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor
If Keanu Reeves is in the movie then C = BA = -5A, otherwise A=C.

Nicolas Cage aka The Great Variable:
A = Movie's Awesomeness Factor without Nicolas Cage
B = Awesomeness Multiplier of Nicolas Cage = + /-5
C = Movie's Actual Awesomeness Factor
If Nicolas Cage is in the movie then C = BA = + /-5A, otherwise A=C

Examples of the Rule of Sean Connery include:

Connery Factors (YMMV, but only 1% of the time)

Captain Ramius: We will pass through the American patrols, past their sonar nets, and lay off their largest city, and listen to their rock and roll... while we conduct missile drills.
Captain Ramius: You're afraid of our fleet. Well, you should be. Personally, I'd give us one chance in three. More tea anyone?

Reeves Factors (Your Mileage May Vary on the following)

Cage Factors (Your Mileage May Vary)

... and let's not forget he who works in any work he's in, namely Chuck Norris.

  1. He SAID we don't talk about it!
  2. who Adam West loathed