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[[File:MyersBriggsTypes.png|thumb|400px|The types, displayed in grid format.]]
[[File:MyersBriggsTypes.png|thumb|400px|The types, displayed in grid format.]]
The '''Myers–Briggs Type Indicator''' is claimed to measure and typify how people perceive the world and make decisions. [[The Other Wiki]] points out that, since most of the studies that support this conclusion have been funded by an organization run by the Myers-Briggs Foundation, it is widely seen as pseudoscience.
The '''Myers–Briggs Type Indicator''' is claimed to measure and typify how people perceive the world and make decisions. [[The Other Wiki]] points out that, since most of the studies that support this conclusion have been funded by an organization run by the Myers-Briggs Foundation, it is widely seen as pseudoscience.
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Latest revision as of 22:34, 22 June 2024

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    The types, displayed in grid format.

    The Myers–Briggs Type Indicator is claimed to measure and typify how people perceive the world and make decisions. The Other Wiki points out that, since most of the studies that support this conclusion have been funded by an organization run by the Myers-Briggs Foundation, it is widely seen as pseudoscience.

    But that's never kept a good trope down in the past.

    The categories originated from Carl Jung's theory about two pairs of cognitive functions:

    • The rational, judging functions: Thinking and Feeling
    • The irrational, perceiving functions: Sensing and Intuition

    Mother and daughter team Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers expanded Jung's typing into the personality indicators used today. Corporations have used it to figure out what their employees are best suited for. Whether or not that is a good idea doesn't matter to us. What it is and how it is used in storytelling goes like this:

    People are scored on four different scales:

    • Introverted vs. Extraverted: Extraverted people focus mostly on the external world around them. Introverted people find more interest in dealing with mental constructs; ideas and imagination.
    • Sensing vs iNtuition: This scale measures how someone bases their learning from. Sensing people go for concrete facts. Intuitives focus more on abstraction. Sensing people look at the immediate picture and Intuitives see the forest for the trees.
    • Thinking vs Feeling: Thinkers prefer to make decisions on the basis of impersonal inputs and effects, and Feelers make decisions based on how events affect people personally.
    • Judging vs Perceiving: MBTI classifies Thinking and Feeling as judging attitudes, while Sensing and Intuition as perceiving attitudes. Whether you get a J or a P depends on whether you use a judging or perceiving attribute to interact with the world around you. When your judging is extroverted, you show left-brain dominant characteristics: you prefer more order in your worldly dealings. When you have an extroverted perceiving attribute, you show right-brain dominant characteristics; you don't make as many plans and prefer to leave your external dealings more spontaneous where possible.

    Notice that the S/N scale and the T/F scale are linked: S/N determines how you get information, and T/F determines how you process it.

    Now, the complicated part is where we combine all four scales together into one of sixteen types. Since a person can score anywhere on all four scales, all of the results have to be combinatorial, and they are. The following are short descriptions of all 16 types.

    David M. Keirsey took Myers's work, and, inspired by one of her observations, made his own adaptation, in which the 16 types are organized into four main groups. Guardians are "social people" who hunger after stability; these desire to be buttresses of society. Their top skill set is in organization or "logistics" as the writer calls it. Typical Guardians, might be The Patriarch, Apron Matron, etc. Many Badass Bureaucrat s are Guardians though it is also a profession fit for Artisans especially when they combine it with being The Scrounger. Artisans are "physical people" who hunger after freedom, exuberance and wildness. Artisan characters might be a Blood Knight, Glory Seeker, or Passionate Sports Girl, and express themselves with their prowess. Or they might express themselves with their looks or sexuality and be The Fashionista or a Chivalrous Pervert or a Manic Pixie Dream Girl. Their top skill is "tactics" or handling themselves for the moment. They think "quickly" while rationals think "deeply". Rationals are "mental people" and hunger after knowledge and for skills as something to possess rather then as something to play with as in the artisans case. A rational is likely to be a Badass Bookworm, a Guile Hero, or a Gadgeteer Genius. Their top skill is "strategy" or planning. A artisan knows how to do things and doesn't need to ask why. A rational knows what to do and why to do it. Idealists are "spirtitual people" who hunger after "something higher"; they may not even know themselves what their "something higher" is. Idealist characters might be a Knight in Shining Armor, a Good Shepherd, The Heart or The Messiah. If an idealist is not The Chosen One, he or she will act like it anyway. Idealist skill set is "diplomatic"; they are good at inspiring people.


    Many evil things there are that your strong walls and bright swords do not stay. You know little of the lands beyond your bounds. Peace and freedom, do you say? The North would have known them little but for us.
    The Lord of the Rings

    • ESTJs (Supervisors) are very practical and make good administrators, with a good eye for detail and a flair for setting up logical systems. They sometimes overlook feelings and mood, though. Tend to resemble Tsundere in fiction.
    • ISTJs (Inspectors) are orderly, dependable, practical and dutiful above all. They prefer working with facts and can be conservative in their loyalty to traditions. Tend to resemble The Stoic in fiction, and can become Knight Templar at their worst.
    • ESFJs (Providers) value security and enjoy making others feel well-cared-for. They are loyal to the belief system of their environment (as opposed to an internal one) and can be outspoken when others fall out of line. Tend to fall somewhere between Manic Pixie Dream Girl and The Caretaker in their portrayals.
    • ISFJs (Protectors) are loyal, orderly and sensitive. They can be very shy around people they don't know, but are the sort of person who will always remember your birthday, and are never accidentally offensive. Tend to closer from The Caretaker and The Stoic when in Fictionland.


    At that sound the bent shape of the king sprang suddenly erect. Tall and proud he seemed again; and rising in his stirrups he cried in a loud voice, more clear than any there had ever heard a mortal man achieve before.
    The Lord of the Rings

    • ESTPs (Promoters) are very good at convincing others to do things their way. Having said that, they developed this skill because they are the best at improvising towards a desired result, and enjoy sharing the finer experiences in life with friends.
    • ISTPs (Crafters) are structurally oriented and very good at understanding how things work. Quiet, analytical and private, they nonetheless gravitate towards Xtreme Sportz and other high-speed, high-risk hobbies. Typical ISTP characters might be Blood Knight, or Glory Seeker.
    • ESFPs (Performers) live in the moment, learn by doing, and enjoy promoting harmony and fun. This is a team player of the highest degree, but only if they aren't bored. They also enjoy their creature comforts. They can be anywhere between The Casanova and Good Bad Girl in current portrayals.
    • ISFPs (Composers) live in the moment and are easy-going, preferring a "live and let live" approach. They don't like confrontations and sometimes keep their mouths shut for that reason. They can be anything in portrayals, though mostly a Dandere and a Tsundere type B.


    "Speak no evil of the Lady Galadriel!" said Aragorn sternly. "You know not what you say. There is in her and in this land no evil, unless a man bring it hither himself."
    The Lord of the Rings

    • ENFJs (Teachers) are good at making a lot of friends and facilitate community-building without even thinking about it; they act as a counter-balance to almost all social situations. See The Ace, and rarely the broken one in fiction.
    • INFJs (Counselors) are private, preferring one-on-one friendships to crowds, and often quiet about their own feelings. They are often creative and artistic, and prefer to operate behind the scenes. Often Waif Prophet, Psychologist Teacher, Spirited Young Lady.
    • ENFPs (Champions) like to change things for the better, and have contagious enthusiasm, but no patience for crossing I's and dotting T's. They are good at anticipating others' needs, but crave attention and recognition. Usually a Keet or Genki Girl.
    • INFPs (Healers) are idealists: they have values inside them which they really, really want to live by. This makes them good at encouraging other people's growth, but also raging perfectionists. See Jeanne D'Archetype. The Messiah is quite frequently an INFP taken Up to Eleven.


    Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger.
    The Lord of the Rings

    Examples of Myers-Briggs character types include:



    ESTPs are very good at convincing others to do things their way. Having said that, they developed this skill because they are the best at improvising towards a desired result, and enjoy sharing the finer experiences in life with friends.


    ISTPs are structurally oriented and very good at understanding how things work. Quiet, analytical and private, they nonetheless gravitate towards Xtreme Sportz and other high-speed, high-risk hobbies.


    ESFPs live in the moment, learn by doing, and enjoy promoting harmony and fun. This is a team player of the highest degree, but only if they aren't bored. They also enjoy their creature comforts.


    ISFPs live in the moment and are easy-going, preferring a "live and let live" approach. They don't like confrontations and sometimes keep their mouths shut for that reason. Tend to be artistic and nature-loving.



    ESTJs are very practical and make good administrators, with a good eye for detail and a flair for setting up logical systems. They sometimes overlook feelings and mood, though.

    Anime and Manga



    Live-Action YV

    Video Games

    Web Comics

    Web Original

    Western Animation


    ISTJs are orderly, dependable, practical and dutiful above all. They prefer working with facts and can be conservative in their loyalty to traditions.

    Anime and Manga

    Comic Books



    Live-Action TV

    Video Games

    Web Comics

    Western Animation


    ESFJs value security and enjoy making others feel well-cared-for. They are loyal to the belief system of their environment (as opposed to an internal one) and can be outspoken when others fall out of line.

    Anime and Manga



    Live-Action TV

    Video Games

    Western Animation


    ISFJs are loyal, orderly and sensitive. They can be very shy around people they don't know, but are the sort of person who will always remember your birthday, and are never accidentally offensive.

    Anime and Manga

    Comic Books



    Live-Action TV

    Video Games

    Web Comics

    Western Animation



    ENFJs are good at making a lot of friends and facilitate community-building without even thinking about it; they act as a counter-balance to almost all social situations.


    INFJs are private, preferring one-on-one friendships to crowds, and often quiet about their own feelings. They are often thoughtful, artistic, and wise, and prefer to operate behind the scenes.


    ENFPs like to change things for the better, and have contagious enthusiasm, but no patience for crossing I's and dotting T's. They are good at anticipating others' needs, but crave attention and recognition.


    INFPs are idealists: they have values inside them which they really want to live by. This makes them good at encouraging other people's growth, but can cause them to be too hard on themselves.



    ENTJs, like most NJs, enjoy making plans and carrying them out. They make really good leaders, but have trouble not being objective and accounting for emotions. They are fact-driven and good at highlighting inefficiencies.


    INTJs are analytical, pragmatic and logical, and are not scared to tell someone (or themselves) when they're being stupid. They emphasize efficiency, making them simultaneously loners and excellent leaders.


    ENTPs are clever and analytical, often with quick wits and a quicker tongue. They are very good at thinking outside the box, but (like ENFPs) are easily bored.


    INTPs are loners with a love of information and a knack for logic. This can lead to Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness, but also the opposite, as INTPs are best at describing complex ideas simply.

    Anime and Manga

    Comic Books

    • Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen
    • Peter Parker (Spider Man) from the Spider-Man comics and films.



    Live-Action TV

    Western Animation