Aquarion Evol/Characters
Characters from Aquarion Evol include:
Amata Sora
Voiced by: Yuuki Kaji |
A boy with the power of levitation amplified by intense emotions. Once shunned as a child due to his powers, he has since started wearing boots inlaid with pockets with which he can place weights so as to keep him aground every time. A chance encounter with Mikono, however, ultimately forces him to start embracing his powers.
- Accidental Pervert
- Adorkable
- All of the Other Reindeer: Suffered a moderate one as a child when his levitation powers went off in the middle of a group of kids, hence the reason he wears pocketed boots with which he can place weights.
- Always Save the Girl
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Kagura's Veronica for Mikono, and the Archie to Mikono's Betty and Zessica's Veronica.
- Birds of a Feather: With Mikono.
- Butt Monkey: Got threatened by Cayenne with a beatdown twice, getting his ass sniped by Donar for floating around too much, and getting teased a lot by Zessica? The poor boy's got a tough life ahead. And that's not to mention frequent misunderstandings with Mikono.
- Chick Magnet/Mr. Fanservice: Many a female classmate squeed at the sight of him baring his chest by tearing off his Vector suit in Episode 8 to increase his sensitivity to Jin's missiles and thus learn how to evade them more efficiently.
- Cowardly Lion: He's rather timid and shy compared to the other male characters, but when push comes to shove, he can be just as Hot-Blooded as them.
- Cursed with Awesome
- Determinator
- Dogged Nice Guy: Towards Mikono.
- The Dulcinea Effect: Towards Mikono.
- Everyone Can See It: His UST with Mikono.
- Flight
- Heroic Bystander: Initially, he was just that guy working in a movie theatre before he gets thrown into the cockpit and saves everyone.
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Initially. After joining Neo DEAVA he starts accepting his powers, knowing there are other teens like him.
- Instant Expert: After one small lesson from Zessica, he pilots Aquarion rather well for the first time in his life.
- I Will Protect Her: To Mikono.
- Luminescent Blush
- Missing Mom/Parental Abandonment: His mother is none other than Alicia.
- Nice Guy
- Oblivious to Love: Towards Zessica.
- Power Gives You Wings
- Purple Eyes
- Psychoactive Powers: They're connected to his emotions.
- Redheaded Hero
- Red Oni, Blue Oni/Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The blue sensitive guy to Andy's red manly man.
- Running Gag: Take a shot every time his power activates.
- Screw Destiny: Does not believe that Kagura and Mikono are destined for each other because they are the reincarnations of Apollon and Sylvie, and that Mikono won't choose him because of this fact. It turns out that he's actually right: Kagura is his Enemy Without, created by Mykage when he abducted Alicia.
- Shot in the Ass: Courtesy of Donar. Poor boy.
- Tarot Motifs: Is associated with the Jack of Clubs.
- This Loser Is You: Initially. As of Episode 8, he has graduated into one of Neo DEAVA's Chick Magnets.
- Twice Shy: With Mikono.
- Unlucky Everydude
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Mikono.
Mikono Suzushiro
Voiced by: Ai Kayano |
A girl hailing from a well-respected family of Element Users who ironically is apparently born without any powers, causing her to become a withdrawn, shy girl who has to rely on her older brother Cayenne. After being saved by Amata, she ends up joining him at Neo DEAVA, whose higher-ups speculate that she may have the power to amplify the Aquarion. She also has a pet rabbit named Shu-Shu, who can hide in her hair like an accessory. Ultimately she is revealed to have the power to fortify the bonds between the Aquarion's pilots, indirectly increasing its power in the process.
- Abusive Parents: Her father anyway, after he finds out that she's been enrolled in Neo DEAVA ( 18 epsiodes later, mind you), his response is basically, " What they heck is she doing with Cayenne? She's useless after all.."
- All Girls Want Bad Boys/Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Has feelings for Amata, but is also attracted to Kagura.
- Always Someone Better: How she feels about her brother Cayenne, who according to her, has everything.
- Amata Isn't My Partner: She often denies her feelings for Amata when anyone asks or implies it. Everyone is not convinced.
- Betty and Veronica: The Betty to Zessica's Veronica for Amata, and the Archie to Amata's Betty and Kagura's Veronica.
- Big Brother Worship: Had this relationship with Cayenne when they were younger, but these feelings have grown distant when he went off to join Neo DEAVA, seemingly leaviing her behind.
- Birds of a Feather: With Amata.
- Blue-Green Eyes
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Not exactly clingy per se, but she usually gives Amata the cold shoulder whenever another girl makes him float.
- Cowardly Lion/Dirty Coward: Showed shades of this in the first episode where she tries to persuade Amata into running away even though they were in the midst of a battle with lives on the line. Luckily this side of her disappears when she joins Neo DEAVA because she starts to gain more confidence in herself.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt
- Distress Ball/Damsel in Distress: Catches it whenever Kagura is around.
- Everyone Can See It: Her UST with Amata.
- Fish Out of Water
- Fragile Flower
- Freudian Excuse: Her low self-esteem and cowardice stems from her father.
- Green-Eyed Monster: She's jealous of Zessica for being able to make Amata float. But she'll probably get over it since he floats for just about everyone, including Yunoha, who's apparently but a little girl.
- Head Pet: Shu-Shu. It doubles as a "ribbon."
- The Heart: Serves mostly as the emotional bond that keeps the Element Users, highly disparate personalities and all, together. In Episode 9, she finally convinces MIX to perform a cross-gender Union with Andy (and later Amata).
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Turns out her own power is to amplify emotional connections between the Elements. As the Aquarion draws its energy from bonds, she can indirectly increase its power, making her a valuable asset to Neo DEAVA.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Be it Amata or Kagura.
- Hikikomori: Initially, mostly out of fear of abduction and issues concerning her apparent lack of powers in contrast to the rest of her family. Until she finally decided that she wanted to reinvent herself.
- I Just Want to Be Special: Initially, she comes off as rather antisocial and withdrawn out of envy of other girls, all of which are Element User. Even bringing up Cayenne became a bit of a Berserk Button for her. This changes after reuniting with Amata where she becomes more cheerful and even becomes friends with some of her classmates. When she finally discovers her powers she fully breaks out of her shell.
- In-Series Nickname: Kagura calls her his "wench" or his "smelly wench." From Episode 11 onward, this changes to "Sylvie."
- Lonely Rich Kid
- Magic Skirt
- Meet Cute
- Muggle Born of Mages: Or so it seemed.
- Naive Newcomer: Unlike Amata who instantly knows what to do when piloting Aquarion, it takes her a few tries before she's actually comfortable with it.
- Nice Girl: Subverted, amusingly enough, by Mari Okada, who calls her a "bad girl."
- Oblivious to Love: In her past life from 24,000 years ago she was oblivious to Pollon's love for her which is why she wants to apologize to Kagura in the present.
- Odango
- The Ojou: She hails from the well-respected Suzushiro family. Which is a bit of an Informed Attribute since she doesn't act like one nor does anyone ever treat her like one. Which is weird since she hails from a family of famous element-users yet none of her element-user classmates acknowledge that fact. The only thing she's been acknowledged for is being the younger sister of Cayenne.
- Protectorate: To Amata and Cayenne.
- Reincarnation: Of Celiane/Silvia.
- She's Got Legs
- Shrinking Violet: According to Cayenne, being powerless amidst a family of Element Users had turned her into this.
- Shy Purple-Haired Girl
- Silk Hiding Steel: Shows signs of becoming this.
- Stranger in a Strange School: Always feels out-of-place in Neo DEAVA, whereas Amata can at least fit in with his equally psychic classmates.
- Super Empowering: Neo DEAVA's higher-ups speculate that her true power may be enhancing the Aquarion's combat abilities. Episode 9 reveals that she does so in an indirect way through amplifying her teammates' emotional bonds.
- Sympathy for the Devil: For Kagura. She compares him to a stray dog and believes that he's just really lonely. These feelings are replaced with fear as he continues to grow more and more Yandere for her. But after Kagura kidnaps her in Episode 15,and she figures out that he actually means the opposite of what he says, she regains her sympathy for him.
- Talking in Your Sleep: While unconscious in Episode 6, she mumbles about apologizing to Kagura; when she comes to her senses, she claims she can't remember and doesn't know why.
- Tarot Motifs: Is associated with the Ace of Hearts.
- Tender Tears
- Tsundere:
- Twice Shy: With Amata.
- The Unfavorite: In episode 18, Mikono recieves a letter from her father. As she reads the letter, she figures out that it wasn't for her. It was for her brother, Cayenne...Ouch.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Amata.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki
Zessica Wong
Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa |
A girl with the power to release energy blasts from her hand. Showing no inhibition about cross-gender Unions (earning her MIX and Suomi's scolding), she also started taking interest in Amata, going so far as to tease him just to see him float around, much to Mikono's jealousy.
- All Love Is Unrequited
- Not quite anymore, for she confessed in episode 16
- It's still pretty unrequited since she was rejected.
- Because Destiny Says So: Believes that Kagura and Mikono are destined for each other because they are the reincarnations of Apollon and Sylvie, and that Mikono won't choose Amata in the end.
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Mikono's Betty for Amata.
- Can't Act Perverted Toward a Love Interest: Ever since she started developing genuine feelings for Amata, she's actually stopped teasing him.
- Chekhov's Gun: Her preference for Stripperiffic clothing becomes a key to defeating Jin's Radius Gnis for the third time. While being hit with missiles that destroy her, Amata's, and Mikono's Vector suits, Zessica realizes that the less clothing she has, the more sensitive she becomes to the missiles, allowing her to dodge them effortlessly. She starts tearing off more of her suit and encourages Amata and Mikono to do the same while she tears down Radius Gnis with Aquarion Spada.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Deal with the Devil: A forced one by the Mykage in episode 19.
- Demonic Possession / Grand Theft Me: Courtesy of Mykage, natch.
- Dude Magnet
- Genki Girl: Most of the time.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Gets depressed and jealous whenever she sees Amata and Mikono together, although she mostly keeps it to herself. As of Episode 12, these repressed feelings are starting to seep out, such as accidentally crushing a pole with her powers after she sees Amata fly for Mikono.
- Hand Blast: One of her abilities
- Heroes Want Redheads: As of Episode 8.
- Hopeless Suitor: For Amata.
- The Gadfly
- Gainaxing
- Hair Decorations: The orange ribbon on top of her head.
- Heroic Sacrifice: Attempts this in episode 18, but Mix is taken away instead. Tries again in episode 21 and survives again.
- Hot-Blooded/Leeroy Jenkins: Deconstructed. In episode 18, her hot-headed and rushed decisions gets Mix kidnapped.
- Love Hurts: It just so happens that every time Amata and Mikono have a moment together, she's always there to witness it.
- Mind Over Matter: Her telekinetic Impact-power (twists a light pole behind her in anger).
- Ms. Fanservice
- Psychoactive Powers: Apparently, they are connected to her frustration.
- Purple Eyes
- Shameless Fanservice Girl
- Shower of Angst: She goes to go through this in episode 18.
- Stepford Smiler: Shows signs of this in Episode 13 to hide her depression/jealousy over Amata and Mikono.
- Stripperiffic/Vapor Wear: Who else would wear a tank-top that barely tries to hide her breasts and ridiculously short shorts with a side opening bound together by laces which show that she doesn't wear underwear at all?
- Bare Your Midriff
- Cleavage Window
- Sexy Backless Outfit
- Who Wears Short Shorts?
- And the bikini she wears during the Beach Episode? The top is basically a black version of that from her regular clothes.
- Then she zig-zags this with the dress she wears at the end of the episode, which shows off a lot more of her chest.
- Tarot Motifs: Is associated with the Ace of Diamonds.
- Thanks for the Mammary:Is at the receiving end of this from an Altair local in episode 19. Strangely it wasn't done out of perversion, but curiosity - the locals of Altair have not seen a living female in ages and thus don't know what breasts are.
- The Tease
- What Is This Feeling?: Started feeling embarrassment at the end of Episode 8 over seeing Amata half-naked after all three stripped off their Vector suits to allow them to defeat Radius Gnis.
- Why Did It Have to be Ghosts?
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki: After changing her clothes in episode 17
Cayenne Suzushiro
Voiced by: Kenichi Suzumura |
Mikono's older brother and a Chick Magnet (though to a lesser extent than Shrade). His power is psychic vision through a red point of light emanating from his forehead (like a Third Eye of sorts), which allows him to become an excellent sniper. However, he is also haunted by visions of Mikono perishing through a chain of events apparently linked to the Aquarion, and thus he tries his best to keep Mikono safe, even if he has to demoralize her.
- The Ace
- Aloof Big Brother
- Big Brother Instinct
- Chick Magnet
- Cold Sniper
- Combat Clairvoyance: Gains this after the special training of the grave.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy/Wrong Genre Savvy: He's an odd mix between these. Due to his visions of Mikono's death related to the Aquarion, he tries his best to keep her away from anything related to it--by having to lower her self-esteem a few notches. Then after having visions of a one-eyed monster, he quickly identifies Jin as a spy, except he almost got Yunoha caught in a crossfire because he tried to confront him about it.
- The Empath
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Shrade.
- Hot-Blooded
- Improbable Aiming Skills: In the first episode alone he even performs target practice blindfolded.
- I Will Protect Her: To Mikono.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Can be downright mean at times to his own sister, but only because he doesn't want her, a Muggle Born of Mages, to risk her life fighting Abductors, at least not until she tells him that she's willing to get hurt alongside him.
- Knight Templar Big Brother
- My Sister Is Off-Limits
- Perpetual Frowner
- Properly Paranoid: Regarding Jin.
- Psychic Powers: Precognition of bad events.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Shrade's blue.
- Say My Name: Mikono!!!
- Tsundere: A male Type A--frequently abrasive towards everybody (especially Amata), but occasionally shows a softer, protective side towards Mikono, and as a few episodes show, is also starting to defrost to Shrade.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Andy W. Hall
Voiced by: Kosuke Toriumi |
Andy can find any weak point in any structure and has control over the power of the earth. Out of all the boys of Neo DEAVA, he is the most eager to make contact with girls.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With MIX throughout Episode 9.
- Beta Couple: With MIX starting Episode 9.
- Big Damn Heroes: Saves Amata and Mikono from Kagura in Episode 13 by creating a hole beneath the latter's feet.
- Bromantic Foil: To Amata, until he gets paired up with MIX.
- Butt Monkey
- Curtains Match the Window
- Dishing Out Dirt
- Large Ham
- Lovable Sex Maniac
- Nice Hat
- Opposites Attract: With MIX.
- Superpower Meltdown: After his rejection by Mix in the beach episode, he became unstable getting depressed thinking of her would cause him to tunnel immediately beneath himself whenever he thought about it. This went From Bad to Worse when he discovers Mix's fate due to the Curse of Eve.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni/Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The red manly man to Amata's blue sensitive guy.
- Running Gag: Frequently being denied a chance to make cross-gender Unions. He even lampshades on his misfortune when he had to be swapped for Amata in making a union with Zessica and Shrade.
- Serious Business: Tunneling
- Shipper on Deck: Supports Amata in his pursuit to dig a hole Mikono's heart.
- Tunnel King
- Unusual Euphemism: "Big bangs" to Mix's large breasts.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: In Episode 9, just when he finally has a chance to form a cross-gender Union (with MIX and Mikono), he ended up having to cover MIX from Dangerously Genre Savvy mook fire, knocking him unconscious and being forced to switch out of the Vector-X for Amata. But hey, at least he felt the orgasmic ecstasy of a Union twice (in "spirit" for the second one, at least).
Voiced by: Ayumi Fujimura |
A strict, serious girl with absolutely no interest (and, in fact, outright disgust) for males, believing them inferior to females in terms of combat potential. She is especially disdainful of Andy and his womanizing habits; in fact, her power is the diametrical opposite of Andy's: creating enclosures and covering up any weak spots.
- Badass in Distress: Gets kidnapped in episode 18.
- Barrier Warrior: Uses her powers to clog three enemy Abductors' weapons and propulsion systems.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Andy throughout Episode 9.
- Beta Couple: With Andy starting Episode 9.
- Big Breasts, Big Deal: Type 3--indifferent concerning her large breasts. Andy thinks otherwise.
- Blank White Eyes: Sported these on Episode 16 after hearing Zessica confess to Amata and again in Episode 17 after Andy's rather suggestive confession to her.
- Blue Eyes
- Brainwashed and Crazy: as of episode 19, though it's not explained that this happened until episode 20
- Defrosting Ice Queen: Starting Episode 9, her focus episode.
- Does Not Like Men: Which makes her relationship with Andy all the more awkward for her.
- Fiery Redhead
- Freudian Excuse: Her disdain for men and holes stems from her father, a sightseeing magazine writer, abandoning her and her mother in favor of a woman he met at a hole-in-the-wall bathhouse.
- Gag Boobs: There's a reason Andy calls her well-endowed pair "big bangs."
- Gainaxing
- Gender Bender: as with Brainwashed and Crazy above, this has happened since episode 19, but isn't explained until 20. Mix is affected by the disease that "wiped out" Altair's women... by turning their bodies and minds into those of men. After being so afflicted, they brainwashed her and sent her out as an enemy pilot against Aquarion, calling herself Mixy now (As in a combo of Mix and XY)
- Meganekko
- Midair Repair: Uses her powers to close the bullet holes in the Vector-Z.
- Opposites Attract: With Andy.
- Proper Tights with a Skirt
- Rapunzel Hair
- Skunk Stripe: Her left bang is purple.
- Specs of Awesome
- Straw Feminist: Originally
- Tarot Motifs: Is associated with the Queen of Diamonds.
- Tsundere: Shows shades of a mild Type A towards Andy starting Episode 9.
Shrade Elan
Voiced by: Daisuke Namikawa |
Neo DEAVA's smartest and most popular student, whose poor health prevents him from going to active service. His power is using sound to manipulate brainwaves.
- The Ace
- Bishonen
- Blessed with Suck
- Blue Eyes
- Cast From Lifespan: Crea theorizes that the Aquarion's tendency to evenly distribute the Elements' powers among each other could be too much for Shrade's weak body (despite his high energy pool) to handle, and could be possibly lethal. He actually survives his first active sortie, but has to be hospitalized and was given a warning by Crea that the next sortie could become his last.
- Chick Magnet
- Cultured Badass: Not only is he a competent Element User, he also likes adding musical references to his speeches, especially whenever he is the narrator on the ""On the Next..."" segments.
- Dark and Troubled Past
- Dissonant Serenity: Andy lampshades on how calm he can be while mentally torturing Cayenne into stopping his attempted beatdown on Amata over the bizarre conclusion to their simulation battle.
- The Empath
- Hair of Gold
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Cayenne.
- Ill Guy
- Killed Off for Real
- Magic Music: He has the ability to use music to manipulate brainwaves, with which he can stun people or drive them into a genocidal frenzy.
- Megane
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Cayenne's red.
- Self-Made Orphan: Unintentionally. His power suddenly manifested while playing the piano, making his parents kill each other.
- Specs of Awesome
- Tarot Motifs: Is associated with the Ace of Spades.
Yunoha Surool
Voiced by: Yui Ogura |
A terminally shy little girl with the power to turn herself invisible. Until Amata encouraged her to come out of her shell, all that is seen of her is a green frog-like doll she always carries around.
- Birds of a Feather: With Jin.
- Cry Cute/Tender Tears: The sight of her in tears is enough to make Jin start wavering over his original goal of personally capturing a "Rare Iguna" worthy of becoming Altair's "Eve." Come Episode 13, she breaks down crying as Jin dies in front of her.
- Cute All Along
- Cute Ghost Girl: Amata initially thought of her as this at the end of Episode 7 until she reveals she's a live human girl all along.
- The Cutie
- Despair Event Horizon: Jin's death nearly drives her into not wanting to live anymore. She recovers once Jin's spirit and Mikono encourage her to live.
- Do-It-Yourself Theme Tune: Sings the second ending Yunoha no Mori
- Fragile Flower/Shrinking Violet: To an even greater degree than Mikono.
- Girls Love Stuffed Animals: Always carries around a green frog-like plushie which is, until Episode 7, her only sign of presence.
- Go Through Me: Places herself between Jin and Cayenne, who was then armed with a stun gun, in order to protect the former when the latter confronted him about being a spy. The latter's gun fires at that precise moment, only for Jin to place himself in front of Yunoha and, by pure accident, block it with an energy shield.
- Heroes Want Redheads: Had a crush on Amata, well before Jin came along.
- Invisibility: Her power.
- Multicolored Hair: Lilac turning to golden brown at the lower half, which bears a striking resemblance to Byakuren Hijiri.
- Older Than They Look: As a matter of fact, she's actually fifteen.
- Personality Powers: Her power of perfect camouflage seems well-suited to her innate shyness.
- Secret Secret Keeper: In Episode 12, she discovers that Jin is The Mole thanks to Mykage's interference. Conflicted by his deceit and her growing friendship/relationship with him, she keeps this knowledge from Jin until the next episode.
- Shy Lilac-Haired Girl
- Token Loli
- Twice Shy: With Jin.
- What Kind of Lame Power Is Heart, Anyway?: The poor kid has great misgivings about her powers, which make many think she's a ghost...
- Heart Is an Awesome Power: Though it turns out to be pretty useful in their second fight against Jin's Radius Gnis, where she can turn the Aquarion invisible and thus impervious to damage, allowing Amata to finish it off with the "Subliminal Punch."
Sazanka Bianca
Voiced by: Megumi Nakajima |
A dark-skinned girl who apparently is a fan of homoerotic subtexts.
- Actor Allusion/Casting Gag: She's a dark-skinned, black-haired version of Ranka Lee (complete with the same voice actress).
- Ambiguously Brown
- Ascended Extra
- Poisonous Person: Her Element is Corrosion.
- Stealth Pun: She's a "rotten girl", of course she can make things rot.
- Shutter Bug: Implied, since she always shows up selling pictures of her classmates, including while fighting.
- Yaoi Fangirl: Ships Cayenne and Shrade, and as of Episode 8, entertains the idea of a pairing between Amata and Andy after the former buys a picture of Andy from her, unaware that he only bought it because said picture managed to capture Kagura walking behind Andy.
Malloy Direzza
Voiced by:Kensuke Sato |
A handsome dark-skinned student with the power to destabilize objects.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Ascended Extra
- Attack Its Weak Point: His Element give him the ability to severely weaken objects.
- Curse: It's literally called Malloy's curse.
- Chick Magnet
- Megane
- Nice Hat
- Power Glows: His Element makes his hand glow.
- Specs of Awesome
Donar Dantes
Voiced by: Junichi Suwabe |
A veteran soldier and instructor of the male side of Neo DEAVA, Donar has a pair of prosthetic arms to replace those he lost on the day of the Aquarion Disaster. He also used to be sharpshooter.
- Alliterative Name
- Artificial Limbs: Both arms, with which he can store weapons (such as tasers and bowguns).
- Badass Baritone
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Suomi.
- Dark and Troubled Past: He was the main pilot of the Aquarion on the day it went berserk and he lost both his lover and his arms.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- My Significance Sense Is Tingling: His Artificial Limbs ache every time something bad is about to happen, such as Kagura's surprise attack.
- Nice Beret
- Psychic Dreams for Everyone: Dreamed of Mykage attacking him. The next day he shows up in Neo DEAVA's bridge during Kagura's rampage...
Suomi Conebi
Voiced by: Sanae Kobayashi |
Instructor of the female side of Neo DEAVA. Like MIX, she has hints of misandry and can be sometimes seen in mild arguments with her male counterpart, Donar.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: With Donar.
- Covert Pervert/Nun-Too-Holy: On Episode 8, while watching Mikono's spirit levels rapidly rising due to embarrassment over Amata seeing her half-naked, she describes to Donar the excitement of being stared at while half-naked.
- Hidden Buxom
- Hot Teacher
- Meganekko
- Nice Coif
Voiced by: Tetsu Inada |
Current instructor of Neo DEAVA.
- Put on a Bus: Disappeared for a while after Zen and Crea reappeared, then makes occasional reappearances on Episodes 9 and 12.
Zen Fudo
Voiced by: Keiji Fujiwara |
High Commander of Neo DEAVA who offers guidance to the students in his own unusual way.
- Badass Baritone
- Badass Long Hair
- Eccentric Mentor
- Eyepatch of Power
- Large Ham
- OOC Is Serious Business: At the end of Episode 13, his constant smirk of all-knowing is replaced with a look of horror, followed by that of seething anger, over Mykage killing Jin.
- Oh Crap: His reaction to Mykage killing off Jin for daring to defy him.
- Perma-Stubble
- Perpetual Smiler: Rarely seen without a smirk of all-knowing. Thus when he frowns it means something went horrifyingly wrong.
- Really 24,000+ Years Old: Yes, this is the same Gen Fudo from 12,000 years ago. And he's apparently took a level in handsomeness.
- Scars Are Forever
Crea Drosera
Voiced by: Sakura Tange |
A childlike girl with an improbably high IQ of 300 and Chairwoman of Neo DEAVA. She is also responsible for giving approval for Unions.
- The Comically Serious
- Elegant Gothic Lolita
- Improbable Age
- Improbably High IQ
- Nice Hat
- Pimped-Out Dress
- Sugar and Ice Girl
- Technicolor Eyes
- Trademark Favorite Food: Donuts.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: With shades of purple on the lower half.
Kagura Demuri
Voiced by: Kouki Uchiyama |
One of Izumo's two main subordinates and a hot-blooded warrior who loves charging into battle headlong with Mithra Gnis, a machine suited for melee combat and Kagura's tendency to move around like a quadrupedal beast. He gains the ability of "Reversal."
- Abusive Parents: Mykage who has raised him as a child has mentally, physically, and emotionally abused him from the moment Mykage split him from his other half Amata.
- Attack Reflector: Has gained the power to reverse, which allowed him to reflect Amata's Mugen Punch.
- Beast Man
- Berserk Button: He does not react well towards anyone that stands between him and getting his "wench."
- Betty and Veronica: The Veronica to Amata's Betty for Mikono.
- Blood Knight
- Determinator: Say what you want about the guy, but he is pretty determined when it comes to getting his "wench".
- Enemy Without
- Evil Redhead
- Expy: Bears a strong resemblance to Apollo, down to their heightened sense of smell. Episode 11 reveals that he is the reincarnation of Apollo/Apollon. But this is subverted come episode 22.
- Eyes of Gold
- Fake Memories: as revealed in episode 18, Kagura's "memories" of his past life with "Sylvie" as "Apollon" were implanted by Mykage, based on an in series movie.
- Fangs Are Evil
- Fiery Redhead
- Handsome In Mink
- Hot-Blooded
- Leeroy Jenkins: As time passed he's increasingly becoming a liability to Izumo's plans, not to mention all the collateral damage he does whenever he's near his "smelly wench." So much so he has to be reined in by Mykage (and is literally caged) after losing to Aquarion for the second time. Fortunately for Mykage, he found a way to use Kagura's unpredictability in his favor.
- Love Makes You Crazy
- Luminescent Blush: Around Mikono.
- Moment Killer: Is a constant offender of this towards Amata/Mikono moments, specifically in Episode 5 and Episode 12.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Murder the Hypotenuse: He attempts this in Episode 13 by threatening Amata after the latter rescues Mikono from him, but he is thwarted by Andy.
- No Sense of Personal Space
- Not in This For Your Revolution: He'd rather chase after his "smelly wench" Mikono than join the hunt for the "New Eve."
- One-Man Army: He was already powerful in Episode 1 where he thrashed two Aquarias like they were nothing. This is turned Up to Eleven in Episode 11, where he took down several of Altair's machines, wreaking havoc across Ianthe (capital of Altair) unless Izumo reopens the gate to Vega. Altair had to fire their Wave Motion Gun thrice and pepper him with a Beam Spam until he goes down... only for him to rise back and, with Mykage's aid, manage to teleport to Vega, where he defeats Amata's Aquarion Evol, and has to be defeated by a double-Aquarion teamup (Gepard of Jin/Yunoha, Cayenne and Zessica, and Spada of Shrade, Amata and Mikono).
- Personality Powers: Inverted. His new found Reversal abilities changes his own personality. Shown in his encounter with Mikono in Episode 13, he now says the opposite of what he really feels.
- Primal Stance
- The Nose Knows
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Jin's blue.
- Scarily Competent Tracker
- Stalker with a Crush
- Superpower Lottery: In a world where powers range from flying to filling holes, he can reverse ANYTHING. Think of the possibilities here.
- Tarot Motifs: Is associated with the Black Joker.
- Unwitting Pawn: His murderous obsession for Mikono makes him Mykage's perfect lapdog.
- Villainous Crush: On Mikono.
- Wild Card
- Wild Child
- Yandere: For Mikono/Sylvie.
It stinks. I want to kill that wench. I want to kill her, then take her in my arms... and crush her! My... Sylvie! |
- However it seems he says and hears the reverse of things in regards to her, as episode 15 showed. When Mikono asks him why he doesn't kill her right there on the scaffolds he blushes and looks over her body and asks basically "Right here?!" Its very possible he actually was meaning to say "I want to love her, take her in my arms and hold her softly."
- You Can't Fight Fate: Like Zessica, he believes that he and Mikono will end up together because they are the reincarnations of Apollon and Sylvie.
Jin Muso
Voiced by: Jun Fukushima |
Izumo's other subordinate and a cunning strategist. Unlike the hot-headed Kagura, Jin prefers manipulating Abductor Mooks from high up in space or puppet-controlling Radius Gnis, a machine suited for long-range combat which complements his natural ability to generate energy shields.
- Accidental Pervert: In Episode 10, he finally does what Andy has yet to -- infiltrate the girls' changing room (although unintentionally on his part).
- Adorkable
- Birds of a Feather: With Yunoha.
- Blinding Bangs/Peek-a-Bangs
- Blond Guys Are Evil: With a greenish tint.
- The Chessmaster
- Deflector Shields: His Element power, discovered purely by accident when he tried to shield Yunoha from Cayenne's stun gun accidentally firing on her (which was intended for him).
- Disney Death: Seemingly Killed Off for Real at the end of Episode 8, but Episode 9 reveals that he survived and has infiltrated Neo DEAVA in Episode 10. Averted in Episode 13.
- Evil Genius: Besides being a pilot, he also serves as mechanic for Mithra and Radius Gnis.
- Fan Boy: Of Alicia/Sylvie.
- Fish Out of Water: Even as he infiltrated Neo DEAVA in Episode 10, his unfamiliarity with females (besides a hologram of Alicia) really shows in his awkward interaction with the girls.
- Genre Savvy: When it comes to piloting. Not so much when it comes to school life or interacting with girls.
- Go Out with a Smile
- Heel Face Turn: In Episode 13. Unfortunately Mykage saw to it that he will have to pay for his defection with his life.
- Killed Off for Real
- Last of His Kind: He is so far the last person born in Altair.
- Loners Are Freaks: This is how the female population of Neo DEAVA initially reacted to him because of his awkward, antisocial ways.
- Love Redeems
- Magic Tool: His device, which contains a hologram of Alicia.
- Marionette Master: Prefers controlling Abductor Mooks from high up in space. When he has to send out Radius Gnis, he either controls it from the comfort of his room (in Episode 7) or pilots it by himself (Episodes 4 and 8).
- New Transfer Student: As of Episode 10, he poses as one to Neo DEAVA (stealing the identity of one "Akbarjin Batbayar") in his own quest to find a Reaigler worthy of becoming Altair's "Eve."
- No Social Skills
- Not in This For Your Revolution: Like Kagura, he'd rather spend time listening to holographic recordings of Alicia than join Altair's abductions. But since he's the Last of His Kind, Altair has huge expectations of him.
- Redemption Equals Death
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Kagura's red.
- Sacrificial Lion: He fits this to a tee. Word of God says that he was slated to die before the series even started. His death showed everyone that Mykage is not as harmless as he seems. People begin to leave the school fearing for their lives. His death also causes a massive Heroic BSOD to come upon all of the major characters.
- This Cannot Be!: Ends his third loss to Aquarion baffled at how the latter managed to come back from a serious disadvantage, dodge all his remaining ammo, and knock his Radius Gnis out with an energized punch.
- Twice Shy: With Yunoha.
- Younger Than They Look: He's actually only fourteen.
Izumo Kamurogi
Voiced by: Hiroki Yasumoto |
Commander of Altair's reconnaissance mission to Vega.
- Anti-Villain
- Authority Equals Asskicking
- Badass Beard
- Badass Long Hair
- Berserk Button: Just try to endanger Alicia, just try it.
- Catch and Return
- Dark Is Not Evil: Wears darker clothing, sports the traditional evil goatee, and intimidating-looking, but otherwise Izumo is a reasonable enemy commander with noble intentions. This stands in stark contrast to Mykage, whose angelic appearance masks his selfish desires.
- Light Is Not Evil: His Ahura Gnis has a light themed design and part of its named comes from the God of Good in Zoroastrianism.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Chews out Mykage thrice -- on Episode 8, for manipulating three of Jin's most loyal henchmen into becoming his pawns; on Episode 11, over allowing the crazed Kagura to go to Vega to get his "smelly wench"; and on Episode 14, over killing Jin and then holding a eulogy for him before the rest of Altair.
- Evil Counterpart: An Anti-Villainous variant, to Zen.
- Luke, I Am Your Father: Heavily implied to be Amata's dad.
- My Greatest Failure: Allowing Mykage to manipulate Altair and kill Jin for refusing to go along with his schemes.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Tells Jin that their mission wasn't to invade Vega, but to find suitable females to repopulate their race whose female population largely died out due to a mysterious disease, rendering Altair virtually sterile.
Mykage Towano
Voiced by: Yuuichi Nakamura |
A Priest of Altair who has recently awoken from stasis in a glass-like encasing.
- Anthropomorphic Personification: Of Toma's hatred after he found out Apollo was not Apollonius.
- Ambiguously Evil: Unlike the rest of Altair, he cares not one bit for their scramble for survival and has his own agenda -- the awakening of the original Aquarion. He has also shown the ability to manipulate others, something even Izumo disapproves of.
- Alien Blood: His blood is blue.
- Alien Hair: He has feathers instead of hair.
- Wing Hair: He sprouts wings on occassions.
- Astral Projection: One of his abilities.
- Big Bad: The most dangerous and villainous character.
- Dude Looks Like a Lady
- Evil Mentor: To Kagura.
- Expy: Of Touma from the previous series. Episode 13 implies that he in fact is Touma.
- Faux Affably Evil
- Hero-Killer
- Knight of Cerebus: His manipulation of Kagura's emotions and murder of Jin causes the series to take on a substantially darker tone.
- Lack of Empathy
- Light Is Not Good: Bears an angelic appearance, has white plume-like hair, speaks in a mellow tone... and has the heart of the Devil himself.
- Dark Is Evil: He is Toma's hatred.
- Manipulative Bastard
- Mind Rape: Pulls one off to Kagura, turning him into a brainwashed, Mikono-obsessed maniac completely at his control.
- Purple Eyes
- Reality Warper
- Refuge in Audacity: Killing Jin in Episode 13 and then holding a eulogy for him come next Episode, although this could be seen as his way to further sway the rest of Altair into becoming his Unwitting Pawns.
- Reincarnation: Of Toma's dark half.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: Remained in a crystalline stasis until he wakes up at the end of Episode 4.
- Sissy Villain
- White-Haired Pretty Boy
- You Have Failed Me...: Kills Jin in Episode 13 for daring to defy him and Kagura.
- Back to Aquarion Evol