Fallout Equestria: Project Horizons/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: Develops a [[Glowing Eyes|relatively minor mutation]] early on.
* [[Made of Iron]]: Blackjack can soak up a ridiculous amount of punishment, and she knows it.
{{quote| '''Blackjack:''' I’ve had cyberponies blast me with artillery! I’ve been {{spoiler|shot in the back by zebra snipers}} and {{spoiler|taken an armor piercing round through my skull}}! I’ve had my face attacked by almost every single pony I call a close and personal friend! I’ve had boats dropped on me! [[Badass Boast|Don’t you tell me what will and won’t kill me!]]}}
* [[Martyr Without a Cause]]
* [[Mighty Glacier]]
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* [[Hates Being Touched]]: [[Rape as Backstory|Justified.]]
* [[Sociopathic Hero]]: At times. Occasionally lapses into [[Comedic Sociopathy]], such as when Rampage complains that she's getting caught in his grenade blasts.
{{quote| P-21 laughed as he popped open Persuasion and loaded a new grenade. [[Immortal Life Is Cheap|“Oh, this is very therapeutic.”]]}}
* [[The Lancer]]
* [[Master of Unlocking]]: P-21 is the only member of the party with significant lockpicking or computer skills.
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* {{spoiler|[[Enemy Within]]: [[Complete Monster|The Angel of Death]].}}
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: {{spoiler|The Angel of Death refuses to kill Blackjack in Chapter 33, asserting that she gives her victims the peace of death to end their suffering, not to assist in suicide.}}
{{quote| {{spoiler|“I give a gift to end suffering. You spurned that gift,” she purred in my ear. “Take your own damned life.”}}}}
* [[Feel No Pain]]: [[Averted]], leaning her [[Healing Factor]] towards [[Blessed with Suck]] territory. Of course, that didn't stop her from jumping into a wood chipper on a bet.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
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=== Lacunae ===
* [[Elephant in the Living Room]]: As with Fawkes in [[Fallout 3]], nopony seems to pay much attention to the enormous, minigun-wielding alicorn following Blackjack around. Somewhat justified in that Lacunae makes an effort to conceal her wings.
{{quote| '''Lacunae:''' One advantage to being a giant unicorn is that few bother you with ''why'' you are a giant unicorn.}}
* [[Foregone Conclusion]]: {{spoiler|The Goddess is going to die. How this will affect Lacunae remains to be seen.}}
* [[Gatling Good]]: Spends several chapters carrying a [[More Dakka|minigun]], but is eventually forced to leave it behind.
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* [[I Love Nuclear Power]]: Lacunae is healed and strengthened by radiation exposure.
** [[Does This Remind You of Anything?]]: Lacunae apparently finds radiation exposure [[Fantastic Arousal|pleasurable]], and responds accordingly.
{{quote| There was something fundamentally disturbing about the way she splashed it all over herself. Nopony should have that much fun in magical waste.}}
** Later on, when Blackjack accidentally triggers a powerful flash of radiation,
{{quote| I stared at the rad readout as I watched the needle visibly rise! Lacunae groaned, her eyes closed with an expression of bliss and a blush on her cheeks.}}
* [[Lady of Black Magic]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: [[Discussed Trope|Discussed]] and [[Invoked Trope|Invoked]]. 'Lacunae' typically refers to something that is missing or omitted. {{spoiler|Lacunae herself is a living repository for all the regretful memories that the rest of the [[Hive Mind]] would rather not dwell on.}}
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* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: While Lacunae herself isn't evil, per se, she's [[Hive Mind|part of something]] that [[You Will Be Assimilated|most certainly is.]]
* [[Villain Override]]: Occasionally, though it's often [[Played for Laughs]].
{{quote| '''Lacunae:''' But perhaps you possess a means to obtain {{[spoiler|a copy of the [[Artifact of Doom|Black Book]]}}] from the O.I.A. Hub, yes?<br />
'''Blackjack:''' [[Armor-Piercing Question|Funny. What kind of Goddess wouldn’t know?]]<br />
'''Lacunae:''' [[Large Ham|WE DO NOT NEED TO DIVULGE EVERY–]]<br />
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* {{spoiler|[[Enemy Mine]]: He rescues Blackjack and Glory from Chapter 29's [[Literal Cliff Hanger]] and establishes a mutually beneficial arrangement to preserve Thunderhead against the Enclave proper.}}
* [[Motive Rant]]: Lampshaded in Chapter 30.
{{quote| May I rant a little? I think that, since you’ve seen fit to give me the role of a villain, I’m entitled to give a little explanation?}}
* [[Playing with Syringes]]: {{spoiler|Afraid that the Enclave military at large is planning to attack Thunderhead, his goal is to adapt the raider virus to infect pegasi, presenting a more direct threat for them to focus their attention on. Chapter 42 reveals that he has succeeded, and that his agents used Neighvarro pegasi as test subjects.}}
* [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]: In Chapter 30, he explains in his [[Motive Rant]] that {{spoiler|everything he's done has been to protect Thunderhead in hopes of sustainable surface contact in the future. Granted, the details include a fair amount of genocide, but still, it's enough to convince [[Hot-Blooded|Blackjack]] to call a truce.}}
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* [[General Ripper]]
* [[Gun Porn]]: Goes into exquisite detail explaining the capabilities of his [[BFG|BFGs]].
{{quote| '''Steel Rain:''' Do you really think a gun like this should be left in a weapons locker to collect dust?}}
* [[Hero-Killer]]: From his first appearance, Blackjack is noticeably intimidated by him. After cornering her on the ''HMS Celestia'', {{spoiler|he cripples her with a single shot and comes very close to killing her outright.}}
* [[Power Armor]]