Invader Zim/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Green-Skinned Space Babe]]: Not one in canon, [[Self Fanservice|but is portrayed as such in fanart]].
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: Zim ruining her chance to become an Irken-Elite.
* [[Large Ham]]: It leads to [[Ham -to -Ham Combat]] when she argues with Zim.
* [[Motive Rant]]
* [[Purple Is Powerful]]: Instead of the standard dark pink Irken uniform, she wears a purple one. Her eyes are purple too.

Revision as of 05:16, 7 May 2014

Main Characters


 Voiced by: Richard Steven Horvitz

 "I am Zim, and Zim shall rule!"

A pint-sized alien from the planet Irk, with an ego as big as he himself... isn't, Zim is a walking disaster area that somehow remains oblivious to his own shortcomings and the contempt his people hold him in. He thinks he was sent to Earth as an Invader to ready the planet for hostile takeover, but really his leaders were just trying to get rid of him by sending him as far away as possible (they didn't even know there'd be a planet there for him to try to conquer). On Earth, he aims to Take Over the World, but is of course continually thwarted, through Dib's interference, GIR's stupidity, or sheer bad luck, but often as not Zim's greatest obstacle to success is himself.

 Dib: You're just jealous!

Zim: This has nothing to do with jelly!

 "Well, me being mad will get us no closer to home..."

 "Who are you?"

"I AM-"

"Who are you?"

"I AM-"


    • Another is for him to randomly accuse people of lying for no apparent reason.

 Zim: Hey, these (waffles) aren't bad. What's in 'em?

GIR: There's waffle in 'em!



 Voiced by: Rosearik Rikki Simons

 "I like waffles!"

Zim's robot sidekick, on Earth disguised as a dog. Supposedly a "SIR" (Standard-Issue Information Retrieval) unit assigned to all invaders, but GIR is an "advanced" model the Tallest specially gave Zim. And by "advanced", we of course mean "moronic," thanks to having a head literally full of garbage.[1] While usually too flighty to be of any consistent help, GIR will now and again go into "Duty Mode," signified by a change of eye-and-panel color from green to red, and act like a real SIR.

 Zim: You now possess superior geographic guidance abilities, GIR.

GIR: Finally.

  • The Ditz
  • Dumb Is Good: This was not the intent, but the fandom picked it up and ran with it. GIR is often misconstrued as a harmless or even compassionate character rather than a merely stupid one. "GIR Goes Crazy and Stuff" was in part a measure dedicated to correcting that.
  • Easter Egg: The infamous "Bloody Gir" (an image of GIR in duty mode and covered in blood), hidden as a Take That against the network for not allowing the image into a scene.
  • Extreme Omnivore: To name a few... A live chicken, tacos, burritos, taquitos, cupcakes, waffles made outta peanuts and soap, a fish (or tried to), pizza, Acne Blast acne cream, puppies (maybe)...
  • Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Sanguine.
  • Genki Robot
  • Head Pet: He rides on Zim's head in a few episodes such as "Battle of the Planets" and "Attack of the Saucer Morons". In "Tak, the Hideous New Girl", he uses Dib's head instead.
  • Heh, Heh, You Said "X":

 Zim: I'm going to attempt to lock you into duty mode with this behavioral modulator.

(GIR giggles)

Zim: What?

GIR: Doody.

 Zim: GIR! Your waffles have sickened me! Fetch me the bucket!


 Voiced by: Andy Berman

 "My problem is that the human race seems to want to be destroyed!"

An eleven-year-old (or thereabouts) self-styled "paranormal investigator", and one of only two people on Earth (the other being his sister Gaz) to realize Zim's extraterrestrial origin. Dib's goal is to expose paranormal phenomena to the rest of the world, but is regarded as a loon by pretty much everyone, and essentially treated like crap by the very people whose lives he's trying to save. Nonetheless, while he means well, he's fairly ruthless (at times bordering on sadistic) when it comes to dealing with Zim, making him not very highly regarded by viewers who like to cheer Zim on, but the other half of the fanbase staunchly defends his status as The Woobie.

  • Adorkable: His little dance with GIR near the end of "The Frycook What Came From All That Space" comes to mind.
    • Also, this exchange.

 Zim: "Your loony "PARA-CHUTING" powers don't scare me, Dib. All it does is make you look stupid!"

Dib: "It's para-NORMAL, and you're wrong, it makes me look cool!"

 "My head's not big!"

 Zim: Despite his large head, the Dib-monkey is quite stupid.


  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Becomes more and more like this as the series continues.
  • The Klutz: He tends to trip over and bump into things a lot.
  • Leitmotif: A violin, which goes with Gaz's harpsichord.
  • Let's Get Dangerous: Briefly sheds his Butt Monkey status several times, one of the most noteworthy being Battle of the Planets.
  • Mr. Exposition: Dib. "Wow.....WOW! I'm boring! Do I always explain everything like that?"
  • The Necromancer: One of Professor Membrane's lines from "Backseat Drivers from Beyond the Stars" implies it.

 "SON! There had better not be any walking dead up there!"

  • Noodle Incident: A Running Gag is that someone will allude to some crazy-sounding paranormal event that Dib claims to have discovered before. Given how weird this show is, it's plausible that they really happened.

 Greg from the FBI:'re DIB...right? Heh-heh, you ever get that ninja ghost outta your toilet?

Dib: Yes, no thanks to you!

    • Whatever led to Dib bringing the dead back to life the first time.

 Professor Membrane: Son, there better not be any walking dead up there!

Dib: It's nothing to worry about, dad! And I said I was sorry about that!

    • Then there was this little gem in "The Nightmare Begins":

 The Letter M: Yeah, what's wrong with you? All you talk about is aliens and ghosts and seeing bigfoot in your garage!

Dib: He was using the belt sander...

    • From "Dibship Rising":

 Dib: (talking to a spaceship clone of himself) Remember our fifth birthday when we fought off that swarm of alien... ghost... bee babies?

    • Don't forget whatever gave the Mysterious Mysteries host his scar. Honestly, it's probably safe to say that Dib's entire life is one big Noodle Incident.
    • Oh, No, Not Again: Also from "Dibship Rising":

 Random kid: Hey, Dib's being all weird and giant again!

 Prof. Membrane: My poor, insane son.

Prof. Membrane: (to Gaz) You're my funny child!

    • Subverted in "Bloaty's Pizza Hog" when Professor Membrane refuses to leave Dib behind on Family Dinner Night.
  • Verbal Tic: "NYAH!!!"
  • Vocal Evolution: Andy Berman couldn't seem to make up his mind: in some episodes, Dib sounds like he did in the premiere (more nasal and fast-paced), and in others, Dib's voice is much rougher and thicker (slower and sounding more like a pre-teen boy).
  • Worthy Opponent: "You're one of the only people who can appreciate the amazingness of this plan, so I'm going to let you in on what "it" is..."


 Voiced by: Melissa Fahn

 "What you need is to give the Game Slave to me or I will plunge you into a nightmare world from which there is no waking!"

(after getting a negative response): "I hope ya like NIGHTMARE WORLDS!"

Dib's younger sister. Like Dib, she knows Zim's real origin, but unlike him, she doesn't much care, on the grounds that he really isn't very good at the whole world-conquering thing. That, plus she seems to be something of a misanthrope herself. (She did once have a very hard time deciding whether to destroy all life on Earth or not, when putting a can in a super-powered microwave.) Mostly Gaz sticks to her video games and snarks at the insanity around her.

 Gaz: Are there any video games around here?

Zim's Computer: No. Not really.

Gaz: I guess I' the earth then.

Secondary Characters

The Almighty Tallests

 Voiced by: Wally Wingert (Red), Kevin McDonald (Purple)

 "The universe will be ours for the taking! It's only a matter of time before all the races of the Universe serve the Irken Empire!"

"I'll have them serve me curly fries."

The leaders (or more accurately, figureheads) of Irken society. Their height being the only qualification for office, they're not necessarily well-equipped in the brain department, although Red does seem to have it together more than Purple. Pretty much they sit around snacking and acting like jerks. Their role can be likened to a pair of teenage bullies picking on and ordering around a bunch of smaller kids.

Red and Purple weren't the first Tallests. Some of the previous leaders were slated to appear in flashbacks if the show hadn't been canceled.

Professor Membrane

 Voiced by: Roger Bumpass

 Friend to the world, enemy of Santa Claus.

The father (at least allegedly) of Dib and Gaz, Membrane is a scientist who also hosts the Show Within a Show Probing the Membrane of Science. He keeps a very busy schedule, to the point he can only manage to eat dinner with his children once a year.

Miss Bitters

 Voiced by: Lucille Bliss

 "The universe is just doomed. Doomed! DOOOOOOOMED!"

Teaches Zim and Dib's class.

Invader Skoodge

 Voiced by: Ted Raimi

 "So that no Irken boot has to come in contact with any unsavory alien filth! HOO-HA!"

An incredibly short Invader, and something of Zim's only friend. Had the show continued, he would have become a reoccurring character, and lived in Zim's basement.


 Voiced by: Olivia d'Abo

 "I should have been an Invader! I should have been part of The Great Assigning! I shouldn't have to be stealing this planet from you!"

A female Irken out to seek Zim's mission and prove herself as a worthy Invader to the Tallests. Fifty years ago, Zim caused a blackout that caused her to miss her test to become an Irken-Elite. Not to be confused with the main character of another Nick franchise, Tak and the Power of Juju.

The Resisty

 "You haven't seen the last...of the RESISTY! (That's right, that's still our name!)"

Latecomers to the series, the Resisty are a Ragtag Bunch of Misfits from different planets who banded together to... well, resist the Evil Irken Empire. Led by Lard Nar, a Vortian.

The Nhar-Gh'ok

 "We will take your ship! And for the trouble you've caused, we're going to destroy your base, leaving you stranded here. Just like we were."

A race of aliens led by Gorkspace Sergeant Shnooky who were stranded on Earth posing as human babies after an incident in a maternity ward. They attempt to take Zim's ship and use it to fly back to their home planet. It doesn't end well for them.


 "Nobody escapes from Sizz-Lorr. I will find you, Zim. I will search all of space's dark corners to hunt you down. AND I WILL FIND YOOOOOUUUUU!!!"

Zim's boss during his exile on Foodcourtia, an Irken frycook who runs Foodcourtia's premier restaurant. After Zim escaped the planet, Sizz-Lorr swore to make him come back if it was the last thing he did.


"We think Dib's even crazier than normal today! Can we use one of our Crazy Cards to send him to the Crazy House for Boys?"

The other kids in the Skool which Zim and Dib attend, which includes Miss Bitters' class. They mostly act like normal kids and have absolutely no idea that Zim's an alien.

 Zootch: Argh! My organs!

  1. To be precise, Tallest Purple's pocket lint.