Category:Ho Yay/Live-Action TV

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"Abed... I love you." "I know." This trope is brought to you by Community... complete with geeky references, naturally.
"And yes, this is the story in which Romana is tied up by a leather-clad dominatrix."

Sawyer: screwin' Jack yet?

Juliet: No...are you?

Compare examples of Ho Yay in other media.

This page contains examples from


Tracy: (gets down on one knee) Kenneth, would you take this ring... and sell it so we can buy a Nintendo Wii?
Kenneth: Yes! Yes! 1,000 times yes!

    • Jack to Kenneth in season one: "I'm gonna be your bottom, Kenneth. I want you to ride me as hard as you can." I'd share the context, but what's the fun in that? Oh, and Jack's assistant Jonathan totally has a crush on him. That one may or may not be actual text...
    • In one episode Jack keeps talking about his attempts to get a promotion in ways that accidentally sound homoerotic "Tomorrow I'm going to be in a foursome with three other men and I'm going to give Geiss all of my attention!" (He was talking about a golf foursome, sure...)
    • And some Les Yay between Elisa and Liz.

Liz: Are you a man?
Elisa: Really?! That's your guess, a man? You want to see me naked?
Liz: Kinda.

    • In the most recent season finale, Jenna automatically assumes she and Liz will hook up when she suggests giving up on men.
      • Liz let Tracy produce a porno based on her life after using his behavior for book material without telling him. When the characters based on Liz and Jenna start making out, Liz is quick to leave, but Jenna... lingers. That same episode has plenty of Ho Yay / Foe Yay between Jack and Devon:

Jack: Sure, maybe you’ll ruin my career, maybe you’ll never see my again, but if you had forced me to take government bailout’d be my boss.
Devon: [gasp!] Oh my. You’d have to come back to Washington to report to me. Like a little school boy. Your hand sticky from candy. [..] You’d have to take it. I’d make you. I’d make you take it all.
Jack: I’d roll over and let you give it to me.
Devon: (not changing his tone) I’m honestly not trying to make this sound gay.
Jack: (ditto) No one is, it's just happening.

    • Upon seeing Liz in her new pair of jeans, Jenna remarks, "I'd hit that," as well as saying "I'd experiment with that girl" after seeing a picture of a college-aged Liz.
  • Ace of Cakes is brimming with dangerous amounts of Ho Yay between Duff and Geof. Yes, Ace of Cakes on the Food Network. A good part of the recent eighth season premiere centers around Duff begging Geof to play his guitar at a concert. Geof reluctantly relents and sings a gloriously sappy song he wrote while Duff sits, enraptured, in the audience and actually begins to lipsynch the song along with him.
  • Alias: Weiss and Vaughn shared many Ho Yay moments. These tended to be of the lighthearted variety, such as when Vaughn offered Weiss a drawer.
    • There was some pretty palpable same-sex Foe Yay between Sydney and Anna, and Vaughn and Sark. Sark even managed to get his yay on with Marshall at one point.
    • Dr. Brezzel's assistant, Kaya, looked at Sydney (and everybody else for that matter) like she wanted to tear her clothes off.
  • The 1980s TV version of Anne of Green Gables makes the les yay elements of Anne Shirley and Diana Barry's relationship a bit more obvious.
  • Asylum, a show made by a lot of the same people who made Spaced features a character who would later be the inspiration for Brian, (played by Julian Barrett.) who shares a strange attraction with one of his fellow patients.

Victor: Oh, Silent-Face! You mysterious, beautiful, bitch!

  • In the later seasons of The A-Team, there was quite a bit of Face/Murdock Ho Yay. For instance, in the Season 4 episode "Wheel of Fortune," Murdock wins a trip to Hawaii as a contestant on The Wheel of Fortune and then Face and Murdock high-five each other, hug, and hop around like a couple of Fan Boys who found out that they're going to meet either George Lucas or David Tennant. Then Murdock says he wants to take a girl to Hawaii, but Face basically tells him that they have to go together. Then, when Murdock disappears on the day they're supposed to leave, Face gets all worried and says, "He left without me!" When Face gets captured by the bad guys later on, he tells them that he should be in Hawaii "sucking on a mai-tai." Oh yeah, Face, we definitely know what you mean.
    • There's this gem from an episode in season one, where the Team rescues a reluctant Texas bride:

Face: (calling to Murdock, running behind their truck in a wedding dress) "Come to me, my precious!"

    • In the third-season episode "Timber", they share a room. With one bed. And it seems that Face is naked under the covers.
    • More like the whole series. Hell, the second episode has Face declaring that he loves Murdock, even if the pilot is as crazy as a Mexican rabbit. Murdock returns the sentiment with an "I love you, baby" in the penultimate episode of season three.
  • Being Human (UK): Mitchell and George in seasons 1-3 and Hal and Tom in 4.
    • Both pairs have the whole Fur Against Fang Star-Crossed Lovers thing going on.
    • Hal and Tom are adorable together. With Hal's former Heterosexual Life Partner Leo dead, Hal needs someone to keep him in check so he doesn't start, you know, eating people so he ask Tom to be that person for him. The whole scene reads like he's asking him out. Oh and the episodes title? Puppy Love - they both get female love interests in that episode, but still!
    • In one episode Hal and Tom pose as adoptive parents to explain the absence of a mother for baby Eve, leading to squeetastic moments like this.
    • They go on a double date and while walking behind them one girl remarks on how close Hal and Tom are

Alex: (to Allison) When they say housemates, they do have separate bedrooms don't they?

"So Howard, Raj, have you finally built up the courage to admit your latent homosexual feelings for one another?"

    • "The night the heat went out..." "It was a bonding experience!"
    • And then, this happened. Granted, it is more or less accidental, but there nonetheless. Can you hear the squees of a thousands of Yaoi Fangirls?
    • Also on the same show, Sheldon and Leonard. When Raj's mother calls from India in one episode she thinks they are "like Haroun and Tanmeer" who are "sweet young men that recently adopted the cutest little Punjab baby". Despite Leonard denying it initially, upon realising that they own the special edition of Fiddler On The Roof, Sheldon notes,"Maybe we are like Haroun and Tanmeer".
    • It's also a little suggestive that Leonard's mother is a less neurotic female Sheldon. Especially considering that there's quite a bit of discussion about the psychological complexes her unaffectionate parenting style gave Leonard.
    • As of season four, Howard and Raj have now kissed on the lips. Then we get this Innocent Innuendo from Leonard the next day:

Leonard: So Howard, did you have fun playing with Raj's big telescope last night?

  • If you can find a single episode of Big Wolf on Campus without at least one Ho Yay moment between Tommy and Merton, you
  • The Blackadder series has plenty of Ho Yay moments, usually involving one of Tim McInnerny's characters or someone in drag.
    • The Blackadder II episode "Bells" is practically made of Ho Yay thanks to crossdressing. The overall plot involves Lord Blackadder trying to cope with his strange feelings towards his new servant boy (who is actually a girl). In one scene, Percy walks in on Baldrick in his bridesmaid outfit, SOMEHOW mistakes him for a woman, and asks for a kiss. Baldrick complies. The kiss lasts a full seventeen seconds.
    • In "Chains", Prince Ludwig reveals that he's had sex with three other characters, two of whom are men. On all occasions, he was in disguise (as a waitress with Blackadder, a sheep with Melchett, and stable boy with Queenie).
      • Queenie wasn't actually one of his conquests - she was fondling her horse. (Besides, if you were Queenie, would you be sleeping with someone you know only as "Shorty-Greasy-Spot-Spot"?)
    • The whole character of Captain Kevin Darling in Blackadder Goes Forth was practically made for Ho Yay just because of his name (almost canon because the creators and actors say that the character was born from the name). Captain Blackadder and General Melchett usually refer to him as just "Darling", prompting many awkward moments. The Crowning Moment of Funny is the episode "Major Star" when Melchett is rehearsing for his date with "Georgina" and his repeated use of the word "darling" in his sweet-talk to the mirror starts to make Darling very uncomfortable...
    • A very Ho Yay-y moment from season 1, "The Queen of Spain's Beard." Edmund has been told to act gay to get out of marrying the Spanish Infanta by Baldrick, and is told to "practice" with Percy planning on helping him. Percy, in best camp voice, mentions some gossip about how "Prince Edmund's going to marry the Spanish Infanta" which enrages Edmund, who tackles Percy to the ground, and, uh, attacks him. Baldrick walks back in: "Yes, that's the sort of thing!"
  • Black Books: It's often implied that, for all his cruel bullying, Bernard has a bit of a crush on Manny, his assistant - he falls to pieces when Manny walks out to work in the shop next door, and it's played as if they're a couple getting divorced. Bernard mentions once that he used to think he was gay, but decided he couldn't handle the expected levels of personal hygiene ("...and all that dancing!"). There's also an episode where Bernard, Manny and Fran all have a crush on the same (male) writer and compete viciously for his attention. And the less said about Manny, the beard porn and the Japanese businessman, the better...
    • In the above-mentioned episode where Manny went to work in the shop next door, Evan -- the 'other man' (played by Simon Pegg) -- combined a bit of Ho Yay with a nineties Stepford Smiler work ethic and a slightly creepy obsession with Manny - specifically, moulding Manny into a mirror version of himself. The mere presence of 'a friend of Manny's' was enough to send Evan into a rant. Needless to say, this particular Ho Yay only went one way.
  • Avon/Vila was one of the more popular ships in Blakes Seven's heyday, although Avon/Blake remains the most popular. Avon/Tarrant gets a good look in too... What is it with Avon any way? Is it the leather?
  • Very long-running childrens' magazine show Blue Peter received the greatest mark of approval and respectability possible in 1972, when the then fourth-in-line-to-the-throne Princess Anne joined the presentation team. The Queen's only daughter joined the presenters, the golden team of Noakes, Purvis and Singleton, on a safari summer expedition to Africa, proving herself a natural and unaffected TV presenter and a possible talent in the making. However, she was seen to strip down to a bikini in the company of BP presenter Valerie Singleton, a woman around whom many rumours and legends have coalesced over the years. Singleton also shared a tent with the young princess when out on the veldt. While most authorities are of the view that nothing untoward or improper happened, it was let known on behalf of the Palace that a daughter of the royal house dallying with a woman suspected of being a lesbian was not exactly good PR, even if by no stretch of the imagination could a 1972 bikini be called "skimpy". Princess nne's contributions to BP were then scaled down to outside broadcasts and horse-related items, ending almost completely after her marriage in 1974.
  • Bomb Girls: Betty and Kate, mostly.
  • Bones - This troper got major Les Yay vibe between Brennan and Hannah, Booth's girlfriend, in that hospital scene in Season 6.
  • Boston Legal: Heterosexual Life Partners Alan Shore and Denny Crane. By now, they joke about it more than any of the other characters, going far beyond the boundaries of Lampshade Hanging.
    • It doesn't help that the series ended with the two of them getting married (so that Alan could have full access to Denny's money as Denny succumbs to Alzheimer's, but honestly...)
      • At least, that was Denny's excuse for proposing. He also cited spousal privileges, like medical, next of kin, etc. And then blatantly admitted, "'re the man I love." And let's not forget their wedding dance, on their balcony, to Louis Armstrong's "Fantastic, That's You." In short, Denny and Alan are dripping with more Ho Yay than every other example on this page. Combined. They're dripping with so much Ho Yay nobody mentions it because doing so would be tantamount to pointing at water and saying, "That's wet."
    • Let's not forget back in Season 2, when Alan helped Denny practice his Mambo (not innuendo, amazingly). Also Crowning Moment of Funny.

Alan: Anything Denny Crane can do, I can do backwards and wearing high heels.

  • Cory and Shawn from Boy Meets World did a non-stop torrent of jokes about this in later seasons. There was a break-up episode which revolved around this premise, Cory's fiancee admitted that she knew Cory loved Shawn more than her, Cory wished Shawn was there the night he lost his virginity ... it would be too much to list it all here.
    • And Jack and Eric:

Jack: (several times) What is this power you have over me?

  • Breaking Bad has some between various characters. Gale definitely seemed to have something of an admiring crush on Walt, and it's not like Walt wasn't overjoyed to be working with him. Walt and Jesse have their fair share as well, although Your Mileage May Vary on whether this counts as No Yay or not. They fight a lot, sure, but that doesn't change the fact that by the end of the first episode, they've both seen each other in their underwear.
  • Charles and Sebastian in Brideshead Revisited. Charles' first descriptions of Sebastian are close to how would describe their first love, they're very familiar with each other, and while Charles does have later relationships with females, Sebastian seems to prefer men. For one reason or another (maybe the impact of visual vs. writing) they seem much more overt in the mini-series than in the book.
    • The homoeroticism of their relationship is specifically pointed out to Charles by Lord Marchmain's Italian mistress, who tells Charles that a man whose first love is another man will always prove to be a better lover for the women in his life than will a man who has only loved women. It is unclear whether she is referring to the idea of straight lads who love their male best friends before they ever fall in love with any female or to the idea that men are naturally omnisexual even though most will conform eventually to the expected straight lifestyle of wife and offspring -- both notions fit the beliefs of the time period involved (and fit modern psychological theory as well).
  • An unusual moment from the Pilot Movie of Buck Rogers: When Dr. Theophilus tells Twiki to place him on a table so he can get a "good look" at Buck, upon which he (it?) exclaims, "Well, now. What an attractive man you are, Captain Buck Rogers." This is right after Theophilus says that he/it wishes they will be able to watch a sunset together. It still counts if it's an AI with a male voice and referred to as "him" by human characters, right?
    • And Theophilus' report to Colonel Deering following said interview? "You can take my word, he's a wonderful man. Believe me." Those were his exact words.
  • Burn Notice: Michael and Victor. Victor refers to Michael's "pretty head" on a couple of occasions. And they were going to run away to Cuba together. Started as Foe Yay.
    • Michael and Sam. Sam has broken dates with rich and beautiful women, gotten himself beaten up, sacrificed brilliant cars, and once attempted to get himself killed, all for Michael's sake and with only the barest twinges of regret. While less overtly demonstrative, Michael frequently trusts Sam with his life, going so far as to allow himself to back one of Sam's gambits completely blind and nearly be executed for it, as well as rescuing Sam despite the "trying to get himself killed" incident.
      • Lampshaded by Fiona in 3x04, "Fearless Leader", where Sam's holding Michael's hand because he's giving him a fake tattoo and Fiona walks in, quipping "I leave you boys alone for a minute . . .".
      • The reverse-interrogation scene in "Question and Answer", where Michael puts his life in Sam's hands, admitting via voiceover that he trusts Sam completely, and that's the only way it can work.
      • The Ho Yay is strong in "Breach of Faith", where Michael risks prison time to stay with Sam in a hostage scenario they accidentally walked into: "I leave when you leave, Sam".
      • And again in "Hard Time", where Michael actually goes to prison for Sam.

Michael: Listen, I'll do it.
Sam: You'd do that for my friend?
Michael: I'd do that for you, Sam.
Jesse: (watching them having a nonverbal exchange of "seriously?" "seriously") Uh, I hate to break up this beautiful moment you guys are having . . .

    • Seymour clearly has a massive (and massively one-sided) man-crush on Michael.
    • Most of the rival spies do it, but Gilroy seems to be actively hitting on Mike. The first thing he does when they meet is to talk about his hands. Not to mention their "date" in a hot-tub.
    • Even less expected than Gilroy hitting on Michael was that Michael seemed to be flirting back.
  • Castle Ryan and Esposito, the supporting detectives, who are seldom seen apart. Barely worth mentioning, except that every other character on the show likes to tease them for being a blatant couple.
  • Ryan calls his girlfriend.*

Castle: (To Esposito) "Don't be jealous, he still loves you."

    • Also...

Beckett: "When I'm not here, do you guys braid each other's hair and debate who's the coolest Jonas brother?"
Esposito: "No. But it's totally Nick."
Ryan: "Absolutely Nick."
Esposito: "Nick's the cute one."

    • In Season 2, in the episode titled "The Mistress Always Spanks Twice" - the name already saying SO much about the episode, has a moment where Esposita rests his chin on Ryan's shoulder ... while they are watching a video on Ryan's computer monitor. It's a video of bondage and S&M. It's so intimate that Ryan even says its a little creepy watching the video together that close.
    • The most recent episode includes Esposito enthusiastically greeting one of his old friends, while Ryan looks on jealously.
    • "Knockout". Upon realizing that Captain Montgomery is the third man in a group of dirty cops, Ryan and Esposito have a extremely emotional fight that leads to Esposito shoving Ryan up against a wall. Unf.
    • In "A Dance with Death", recently married Ryan basically all but forces Esposito to wear his wedding ring. It Makes Sense in Context. Kinda.
      • It's worth noting that several completely unfazed detectives pass them by as Ryan waves his ring around and begs Espo to wear it.
  • The Charmed episode "The Fourth Sister" has some pretty blatant Les Yay between Phoebe and Aviva, to the point where Leo (being told by Piper that Phoebe is a lesbian) assumes they are together.
    • All three sisters get some with Eva in "All Halliwell's Eve" especially with Eva's whole "you felt the power" line.
  • I find it hard to believe nobody's mentioned Chuck here. Every male character seems to have this with every other male character.
    • You mention Chuck, but you don't mention S 2 E 6 where Chuck french kisses Casey thinking that it can cure the virus.
    • Chuck has a couple of examples on the main page, but the episode Chuck vs the Alma Mater had one moment in particular which had a ton of Bryce/Chuck Ho Yay when it's revealed that Bryce got Chuck kicked out of Stamford because he wanted to save him from working for the military. Why was he so adamant about it? Because Chuck's a good guy.
    • Morgan and Chuck have moments in pretty much every episode. The way they talk about moving in together is just... wow. I think they give Morgan a female love interest just to prove he's not gay.
    • Chuck also has some subtext with MI6 agent Cole. He starts by praising the man's courage, his ability to take a bullet, which then dissolves into the awesome tank tops he wears. At one point, he even tells Cole to stop him if it's getting weird.
    • Also, no one's mentioned the episode (whichever one it was with Casey and his sensei - forgot the name) where Chuck accuses Casey of being in love with him. However, this is completely justified a half-second later, as Casey gets so pissed off he is able to fight off the bad guy who had been kicking his ass for the last five minutes - which was what Chuck had intended.
      • I believe that episode was titled "Chuck Versus the Sensei."
    • While not necessarily Ho Yay, Adam Baldwin has a habit of staring at Zachary Levi's mouth during their scenes. Slash fans particularly enjoy those screencaps of those moments.
  • The Closer has surprised a lot of its fans with the frankly blatant Belligerent Sexual Tension between Brenda Johnson and Sharon Raydor.
  • Parodied in The Comic Strip Presents "The Bullshitters" (a send up of The Professionals), when Bonehead and Foyle resolve their burning sexual tension before the final shootout by getting shirtless and snogging each other while rolling around in a pile of gravel.
  • In CSI, the original Las Vegas, the character of Hodges shows a great deal of affection and worship toward Grissom, his superior. This demonstration often seems to go beyond just hero worship.

Hodges: So, I scored two tickets to this Alec Knight lecture. He's of course you know, challenging that the Russian claim that the Romanov remains done in Petersburg are authentic. Open bar.
Grissom: Are you asking me out?
Hodges: Is that a yes?

    • Greg and Nick have quite a fan following as well. In early seasons, Nick playfully says "Leggo my Greggo," Greg says "I thought we had a relationship" and Nick accidentally replies to Greg's "rock on" hand gesture with the sign language gesture for "I love you".
  • Eric and Horatio in CSI: Miami. It isn't so strong as it was in the early seasons. Or at least it wasn't until the seventh season premiere. {{[spoiler|What else can one make of Horatio's "it might have failed. I didn't want to put you in the way!" explanation as to why he didn't include Eric in his fake death scheme? Eric was all but shouting "Call me, okay?" after Horatio as he walked away at the end, too.}}
  • The Daily Show. Name any male correspondent and they'll have been shipped with Jon Stewart - in the case of Stephen Colbert, it's almost canon (to the extent that people have started shipping the actors.)
    • Almost canon??? "I love you."
    • "C'mon, just a quickie. C'mon!"
    • Stephen once did a rather long joke (starts at 4:03), telling the story of how he once seduced and was in a relationship with a gay man (named Jonathan) for years, only to dump him, as part of a plot to rid the world of gays who were willing to get married. He ended the tale in tears, saying "What have I done?" Saved marriage, that's what.
    • Then there is whatever is going on between Jon Stewart and Brian Williams whenever the latter is a guest. Same with whenever Denis Leary is on.
    • "Stephen Colbert" (the character)/Bill O'Reilly is, unfortunately, canon. To the point where the first version of TCR's website had a fanfiction section with slash between them.
    • "Stephen"/Tom Hanks is also canon. They kissed and declared their love for each other.
    • In A Colbert Christmas, Stephen Colbert had almost all the guests (which of course included Toby Keith, Jon Stewart, and a guy in a bear suit) under the mistletoe at the ends of their respective songs. "Well, this is awkward..."
      • Notably, after Stewart left they both looked at each other and pressed their hands together yearningly through the glass of the door for a long moment. It's more than likely that they are fully aware of the subtext.
        • Fully aware? At this point, they're actively encouraging it.
    • Is this Ho Yay enough for you?
    • Recently in an interview with Jon Hamm, Jon (Stewart) told Hamm that if his wife gave him a free pass to have sex with anyone, he would choose Hamm. Later in the same interview he told Hamm he hoped the man was an alien, because "that kind of handsome, it's just not right."
    • Or the bit in the introduction to the 2006 Oscars ceremony where Jon wakes up in bed next to George Clooney, and then does a happy dance when George tells him it's not a dream?
    • "The White House Beer Simulation" sequence had Jon and Wyatt Cenac dancing and groping each other.
    • In the old 'Even Stevphen' segments that Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert used to do when both were correspondents on the show, they had a Slap Slap Kiss variation on this; in one segment, a vicious on-air fight saw Carell suggest that they 'commentate with other people for a while', to which Colbert reacted as if Carell had suggested they get a divorce:

Stephen Colbert: You've been commentating with Robert Novak, haven't you?!
Steve Carell: Bob respects me.
Stephen Colbert: I can smell him on you.

  • Damages: if Patty and Ellen were guys the slash would break the internet. Especially in the third season: "you're trying to seduce me with bourbon", indeed.
  • Degrassi Junior High and Degrassi High have their share. Among others, everyone who sees the first season at least entertains the though of Voula's girlcrush on Steph.
    • "Caitlin's gay, you know. She's a lesbian."
    • Arthur and Yick's bromance is truly legendary. LEGENDARY.
    • There's also a lot of subtext for Snake and Wheels, too. Someone (who may or may not have had way too much time on their hands) actually went through the episodes and wrote down every even the least bit slashy moment. Every. Single. One.
    • Why stop there? Look at the spinoff. We can start with JT and Toby looking at porn together and dueling, ahem, "lightsabers". And of course there's the entire JT/Craig plot, which has hints of JT/Toby/Webster and JT/Craig. Then we have Marco. Just...Marco, with some Het Yay between him and Ellie or him and Manny in addition to Ho Yay with Spinner, staring at Sean's torso and licking his lips, and kissing Craig. Move on to Craig/Sean: Craig plans to run away with Sean, and Sean actually says "Are you gonna kiss us now?", lets Craig move in with him, and spits on the ground upon seeing Craig's abusive father. Tracker also shares what looks like a porno mag with Sean. Jay of course gets extremely jealous whenever one of his male friends has a girlfriend. Then we get into season 8 and we have Peter/Riley, heavily lampshaded. In cast terms, there's a pic of Shane Kippel and Daniel Clark hugging, so there's even Spinner/Sean slash out there. In Les Yay terms, just put Paige, Ellie, and Alex in any combination. (Palex is canon!) You can replace Alex with Ashley for a lot of it. Or you can just pair Paige and Hazel, which Jay lampshades. Then there's Emma's interest in Manny's sex life.
    • It's not really Ho Yay for Marco. He actually IS gay. The Ellie stuff was him trying to make himself straight.
    • Darcy and Manny!
    • Eli and Adam seem to be headed in this direction. Since Adam is transgender and played by a girl, the writers have set up Adam as a Shipper on Deck for Eli/Clare so that if the Real Life UST between the actors get out of hand people can point out that Adam is practically the captain of the HMCS EClare.
  • Dexter Season 3 has plenty of Ho Yay between the titular character of Dexter and the character of Miguel Prado.
    • Even Dexter's sister notices, at one point asking him what was up with all the "sexual tension" between them.
    • Also a small amount of Ho Yay between Quinn and his CI, Anton.
    • Season 3? What about Season 1? Dexter was infatuated with the Ice Truck Killer before he ever met the guy. Definite schoolboy crush there. And then there's the flashback to his teenage years where he tells his father he doesn't like girls. Sure, he then expounds on it, saying he likes to be alone. But you can totally tell by Harry's expression that he's getting the wrong idea.
  • Dick and Dom have always been prone to casually hugging. And casually asking each other "How many points shall we give the winner of this, darling?". And casually holding hands as they stroll along a riverbank (to set up the "Duck!" "What?" "No, a duck." joke).
  • Sometimes shows up on Dirty Jobs.

Mike: "Why am I lying on another man lying on a crocodile?"

  • Dollhouse: Echo and Sierra.
    • Victor and Ballard have their moments, too, though this doubles as Foe Yay. Ballard seems to have a thing for pushing Victor up against walls...
    • Same for Topher and Boyd.

Topher: Anything for you. Because I love you. Deep, deep man-love.

    • There's also a brief moment in "Vows" which features Sierra's imprint coming on to Ivy.

If you did wish to tie me down and spank me, I suppose I would be helpless to resist?

    • Also in "Vows", Echo and Whiskey pawing all over each other in flashback.
    • And in "The Left Hand" there's some vicious implications of Caroline/Bennett.
      • Not to mention "Getting Closer", which features several flashback scenes that show the two were very...close.
    • Mag and Kilo, in "Epitaph 2". Though to be fair, that's canon (Mag is canonically a lesbian and that look they gave each other at the end...)

Mag: Oh I dunno, the Asian one is kinda cute.
Zone: She's a tech head Mag. Beat She's a girl Mag.

  • Don't Trust the B In Apartment 23 has some between Chloë, the eponymous bitch, and June, her roommate. In the third episode, Chloë takes in a foster child, having told Children's Protective Services that she and June are cohabiting lesbian lovers, since CPS would not place a foster child with a jobless single woman.

Chloë: Come on, June, you moved in the first day we met. I bagged me quite the trophy. (Slaps June on rear.)

  • The titular characters of Drake and Josh constantly find excuses to hug each other, had full on the lips kissing, and managed to have an episode where they break up, followed by a tearful public confession about how one needs the other.
  • Constable Benton Fraser, RCMP and Detective First Class Ray Vecchio, or his replacement, Detective First Class S. Raymond Kowalski, in Due South. Paul Gross, who played Benton Fraser and was deeply involved in many aspects of the series' production and writing, has stated in interviews that being broadcast solely in Canada for the third and fourth seasons gave him considerable freedom to consciously increase the Ho Yay content in Due South.
      • The series actually ends with Fraser and Kowalski sledding off into the sunset, while it's strongly implied they'll be spending the rest of their lives together.
  • Carter and Grant in Eureka. For example, the midseason finale, "I'll Be Seeing You", drops the title twice. The first time, it's the song playing while Carter and Allison share a romantic slow dance (ending in a kiss that lasts 63 years). The second time, it's the last thing Grant says to Carter before he leaves to travel the world with his newly acquired wealth.
    • If you're going to mention Eureka, you can't overlook the glorious, glorious Foe Yay that was Carter and Stark during the first few seasons.


  • Jo and Blair from The Facts of Life are notorious for Les Yay and Foe Yay. If the Unresolved Sexual Tension isn't obvious from their fight sequences, then their moments of maybe more-than-friendship cement the Yay. Only a few episodes after Jo's first appearance, they even go so far as to essentially cross-dress as one another, exchanging the butch/femme dynamic.
  • Good God, no mention of Farscape yet? Most glaring was the relationship between Magnificent Bastard Scorpius and his Smithers, Braca. Braca shows almost puppy-like devotion to Scorpius, who in turn treats him like a faithful pet. However, the roles are reversed in one episode where Braca has apparently defected to another Big Bad, and has Scorpius drugged and on a leash - at one point, he's compelled to beat Scorpius, hissing "This is for every time I had to say yes," and no, we never find out what he had to say yes to. In a later episode, we find out that the "defection" was another Plan by Scorpius a plan which relied entirely on his faith in Braca); specifically, we find out when they run into each other again onboard Moya, without anyone else's knowledge. Braca warmly gushes, "It's good to see you, Sir." Scorpius just grins his horrible, skeletal grin and licks Braca's face. Farscape knew kinky. Biblically.
    • Also John/D'Argo, which was magnificently played with in "Won't Get Fooled Again" and "Out Of Their Minds".
    • Chiana, thanks to some Imported Alien Phlebotinum, went on a lust bender which had her about to jump the alien-of-the-week, and put the moves on Aeryn. Hell, Chiana hits on just about everyone at some point or another.
    • Delvians share "unity" regardless of gender, however despite its clearly sexual side-effects, is primarily a spiritual bonding.
  • The Ted and Ralph sketches from The Fast Show feature a posh landowner forever trying to pluck up the courage to ask out his farm worker.
  • Adam Baldwin speculated in the Firefly Official Companion Vol. 2 that Joss was trying to create Ho Yay subtext between Simon and Jayne, and it probably would have been more thoroughly explored if the show hadn't been abruptly cancelled.
    • Jayne has, on more than one occasion, referred to Simon (or various body parts of his) as "pretty."
      • Mal's prone to making comments like that as well. Simon must just be a gay magnet. In "Jaynestown", while mocking Simon, Mal goes on about how pretty he is...and then glances at his butt. So Yeah...
      • To say nothing of the fight in the Big Damn Movie. Mal shoves Simon onto a table at one point.
      • Simon in general feels like a Transparent Closet most of the time anyways. His reaction to the male whores in "Heart Of Gold", or his vehement denial that he and Kaylee are anything to Mal..Yeah.
    • There were vibes of this from River and Kaylee in "Objects In Space", and in the pilot when Kaylee looks over at a sleeping River.
      • River spying on Kaylee and Simon making love in the BDM. She could have just been curious as to what was going on, but...
    • Kaylee and Inara have too many moments to count. Even their first on screen interaction was slashy. This Troper cannot be the only one who initially thought they were a couple with their sweet smiles and greeting each other with "Hey you<3".
    • Saffron tries to kiss Inara in "Our Mrs. Reynolds" (yes, it was intended as a ploy, but YoSaffBridge makes it clear the manipulations are their own reward). Made more interesting when considering Inara is revealed as openly bisexual in "War Stories".
    • The unit Malcolm Reynolds led during the pre-series war for Independence was the "57th Overlanders." One of the more Ho Yay filled Shakespearean sonnets is his 57th.
  • Pops up a lot in Flight of the Conchords, most obviously in Jemaine's "Bret, You've Got it Going On" song: "Why can't a heterosexual guy tell a heterosexual guy that he thinks his booty is fly?" Not to mention the business about Jemaine putting a wig on Bret and spooning him...
  • Franklin and Bash. Evidence? The whole pilot.
  • Will Smith from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air had strong elements of Ho Yay with both Carlton and his best friend Jazz. This is not to say that Will (the character) was comfortable with such undertones, as he once had a role on a Show Within a Show soap opera, but quit because he was uncomfortable with acting a very close between his character and his character's brother.
  • On Fringe, Walter Bishop and William Bell are the living embodiment of this trope, with Walter affectionately referring to him as "Bellie". Makes you wonder what else went on in that lab...
    • In the "Brown Betty" episode, Olivia and Astrid.
  • Uncle Jesse and Joey on Full House. Seriously.
    • Between all three of them actually. Bob Saget often jokes about it.
    • Well, they do live in San Francisco (don't hit me)
    • We all know that Joey killed Danny's wife.
  • In The Gates, which focuses on a human cop and his family moving into a gated community that's secretly inhabited by supernatural creatures, there's a fair bit of obvious Ho Yay involving main werewolf jock Brett and his friend Lukas, though one-sided: Lukas keeps trying to break up Brett and his girlfriend, yet when another guy moves in on her Lukas actually attacks said other guy because it's bumming Brett out. Then Lukas convinces Brett to go running with their werewolf buddies, which involves more human nudity than one might guess.
    • There's also some Ho Yay between Human Cop Dad Nick Monahan and English Vampire Dad Dylan Radcliffe; possibly Lampshaded/played with when they wind up carpooling to a father/daughter dance (with their daughters, of course) and Nick comments "Do you get the feeling our wives are trying to set us up?"
  • General Hospital has its moments. Sonny and Jason were pretty attached to each other for a while, possibly justified in that Sonny hired Jason and helped him get back on his feet after a car crash that left him with total amnesia.
    • And now we've got Spinelli and Jason. Before Spinelli was flanderized and became unable to say words with fewer than three syllables, he informed Jason that he was "cute, but rough around the edges." Spinelli also called him "Master" for a while. He didn't mean it in that sense, but it's still a bit jarring.
      • Jason (and Sam) ran into a burning hospital to save Spinelli.
        • More recently, Johnny Zacchara took several bullets while saving him from an ambush. I think Maxie has competition.
    • Now we've got the artist Franco being absolutely obsessed with Jason.
  • Nate Fick and Brad Colbert in Generation Kill are undressing each other with their eyes every time they're in a scene together. Colbert and Person are often described as an old married couple, and/or the Mom and Dad of the Humvee.
    • It gets even worse if you watch the DVDs with the commentary on. Stark Sands, the actor who plays Fick, and the real Evan Wright talk about the eye-language, but they suddenly start speaking awkwardly for a moment as if they want to lampshade this trope. Worse still, the commentary for episode four includes, among other things, PJ Ransome and Alex Skarsgard (Person and Colbert) having a truly bizarre conversation about a scene that starts with Ransone saying, in a squeaky, girly voice, "This is the day I saw the Iceman's penis!" It ends with Ransone declaring that Skarsgard "has a huge cock" that he shouldn't be ashamed about.
    • And, of course, "Fruity" Rudy Reyes.
  • The Skipper and his "little buddy" on Gilligan's Island:

Skipper: If you were a girl, I'd kiss ya'!

Both: It worked! (move to hug, then pull away) Get off!

    • Also, in "The End", it's revealed Tim (dead-drunk, but still) has at least three nicknames for Graeme -- "Grayhound", "Graybags", and "Fuzzychops". Squee.
  • I can't be the only one who sees epic quantities of Les Yay in Gossip Girl, especially the first season which has as a major plot the makings-up/breakings-up/betrayals/heart-to-hearts of Serena and Blair. Also Blair's 'training' of Little J, the passive-agressive jealousy between Vanessa and Serena, Serena and Georgina, Serena and Poppy...
    • The Blair/Serena Les Yay is to the point that they both dumped their respective dates at prom, and spent the rest of the night together remembering old days.
      • Let's not forget their Cat Fight in 2.06 "New Haven Can Wait."
    • In the first season, Nate sleeps at Chuck's an awful lot. It doesn't help that, in the novels, Chuck was bi.
      • Chuck and Nate live together as of 3.09, so those sleepovers live on.
      • Then there are comments like these...

Chuck: A week ago you couldn't get Bloomberg to give you a quote to the Spectator, now you're canceling on him? It's a bold move, Nathaniel. I'm almost aroused.

    • And in a more recent episode, where Blair tricks Chuck into kissing a guy as part of their "game." His response: "You think that's the first time?"
    • Nate and Dan. Nuff said.
  • Mark Sloan & Derek Shepherd on Grey's Anatomy.

Mark: I came to Seattle to get you back.

    • Also George O'Malley and Alex Karev.

Alex: I'm down with the rainbow.

    • Derek and Burke during the latter's surgery, when Derek has to wake him up half-way through and calm him down.
    • Mark and Jackson, lampshaded heavily.
      • You know they were about to kiss at the end.
  • Nick and Monroe in Grimm -- middle of the night phonecalls, quasi-romantic dinners for two (cooked by Monroe, specifically for Nick, complete with soft music playing in the background), and conversations that make them sound Like an Old Married Couple.
  • Have I Got News for You has had a few things over the years. In one episode, Paul Merton looked up dreamily, and we got a clip of him and Ian Hislop skipping together through a field. Another time he claimed that a paper aeroplane Ian had thrown across the studio contained love letters to him...


  • The new Hawaii Five-O is rife with Ho Yay between Danny and Steve. Several characters have asked them how long they've been married. They fight like an old married couple. And then we have this line from Danny to Steve while they're on a case:

Danny: They have a cleaning crew for that, babe.

    • We now have three counts of "babe", two from Danny to Steve and one from Steve to Danny.
    • Not to mention the end of the holiday episode.
    • In the very first episode, Steve and Danny have a moment where they sit on the beach, watch the sunset, have a couple of beers and connect. The setting is impossibly romantic, and the fact that Steve was shirtless when the scene began, didn't hurt.
    • In episode 9 when an old Navy buddy of Steve's shows up, Danny immediately dislikes him and begins acting like he's jealous. Steve even asks him if his behaviour is due to jealousy.
    • In the latest episode, Danny signs 'I love you' at Steve.
    • The HUG.
    • The 'carguments' can be be interpreted as such.
  • Hellcats has had its fair share of incredibly Les Yay moments over its first season between main characters Marti and Savannah. Among the highlights:
    • Marti, a law major, ditches a law rally across the state to help the Hellcats in a flag football game after faking being sick, something only Savannah knows. When Marti shows up unexpectedly in the fourth quarter, Savannah goes up to her and happily exclaims, "You chose us over lawyering." Marti responds to Savannah, "I didn't. I chose you over lawyering."
    • After Savannah's boyfriend Dan cheats on her with Marti, the best friends suffer through a rift. When Marti goes to check on the supposedly-injured Savannah before a meet, Savannah rejects Marti's apology and hits her with a pillow to take out her frustrations. Marti can only laugh, and Savannah tells her to stop because it's not funny and continues hitting her with the pillow. Marti continues to be amused and begins hitting Savannah with a pillow as well. This escalates into a full-on pillow fight that ends with the two laughing, laying down on the bed and Savannah finally accepting Marti's apology. However, when Marti goes for a hug, Savannah rejects her and says, "Hugs come later." "Hugs come later" obviously means before the next commercial break.
  • Hercules: The Legendary Journeys: The friendship between Hercules and his best friend Iolaus can be seen as Ho Yay. (This actually being quite toned down from the actual classical Greek stories, in which the two were lovers.)
  • Highlander the Series. Duncan/Methos was so blatant it was practically canon and arguably the reason Methos was kept on the show. The episode "Chivalry" is a particular standout, complete with sexy Freudian sparring, cute domestic moments, and Methos killing one of Duncan's creep ex-girlfriends. And if that's not your thing, there's Duncan/Ritchie for the mentor/student shippers, and Joe's epic Bromance with Duncan AND Methos. There was even Les Yay, a remarkable feat for a show with comparatively few regular female characters. Word of Gay says Amanda was in a relationship with her mentor, Rebecca. Sadly, the producers were worried about Moral Guardians, and hid their bisexuals. The Les Yay between them is still off the charts.
  • Hogan and Klink of Hogan's Heroes. A number of the scenes with Hogan trying to convince Klink of something are about halfway to seductive flirting, as are a number of his witty comments ("Don't you love me anymore?"). Klink, canonically desperate for Hogan's approval, has a habit of standing very close to him when they're talking.
    • Given that nearly every exchange between Hogan and Klink involves Hogan lying or manipulating him, it's possible he's just leading him on.
  • Homicide, which occasionally crossed over with Law and Order, had Munch and Briscoe, who I believe canonically share an ex-wife. ("You'd think they were married in a previous life.")
    • Also Bayliss and Pembleton. To elaborate, even though Pembleton was a conservative Catholic, he urged Bayliss to get to know his "dark side" sexually speaking, and be less squicked out by cases involving gays. Once Bayliss took his advice big time, he also showed subtle hints of being attracted to Pembleton, who didn't quite know what to do with this.
    • In Season Six Pembleton even says (albeit jokingly) that he and Bayliss are "joined at the hip".
  • In the first six episodes of the Horatio Hornblower mini-series, Horatio and Archie are inseparable during the time that they serve together. Archie at least has taken great risks for his friend (example: running across an exploding bridge for Horatio in the fourth episode, or returning to the prison where he'd spent the last several months just for the sake of honouring a promise Horatio made) and is clearly very fond of him. Horatio, in his less-emotional way, returns the sentiment: Archie is just about the only person who can make him smile, and while he's usually quite outwardly calm under pressure, Horatio just about falls apart when Archie tries to starve himself to death in "The Duchess and the Devil." Those two have far more chemistry together than Horatio and either of his subsequent love interests (his French girlfriend Mariette and his eventual wife Maria) and the way they exchange long, lingering looks is very suspect. Not to mention the way Archie all-but-ogles Horatio in his new lieutenant's uniform ... their relationship culminates in Archie sacrificing his good name to save Horatio from hanging, then dying heroically.
  • The How I Met Your Mother episode "Three Days Rule" was packed to the brim with Ho Yay. How packed? At one point there's a fantasy sequence of Barney and Marshall cuddled up together in cheerleader's outfits. Barney and Marshall then compete over who Ted would prefer to sleep with. Not to mention the walking, talking Ho Yay generator that is Stan.
    • Why stop with "Three Days Rule", Ted and Marshall have the bromantic thing down. Hell, the very first episode opens with Marshall (fake)proposing to Ted.
      • "You just get me."
      • "I will not have sex with Marshall."
      • Hell, the very first episode had Barney kissing Marshall (though he did not give the signal!)
    • Oh, all the guys have subtext together, all the time.
    • Not just the guys. It's canon that Lily has sexual dreams about Robin. And they've kissed.
    • We haven't got to 'World's Greatest Couple' yet? Or does it not count because it's intentional?
      • Most of the ho-yay on this show seems to be intentional.
    • Barney has quite a lot of Ho Yay with Ted, particularly in the episode 'Rebound Bro', in which it's treated as though they've broken up as a couple.
      • And the season 6 episode 'Unfinished', in which Barney tries to seduce Ted into taking an architect job at Goliath by using his techniques to pick up women. Which is filled to the brim with Ho Yay as one might expect, and also leads to this gem (expressed again later in the episode by Lily):

Ted: Barney wants me to take the job so bad he's putting the moves on me?
Marshall: I hope that's his end game— actually, I don't. I like you two together!

  • Spencer on iCarly has had a dream where he was in a dress dancing with the cute guys (parallel to Carly's dream) and claiming "I think I like it." In another episode, he is putting up personal videos on the internet to get a date. One gets a result to which he responds, "Hey she's kinda cute," only to have Carly say, "That's a dude".
    • And there also seems to be a lot of evidence for Sam/Carly.
      • In the most recent episode, iThink They Kissed, Sam went as far as to call Carly a "pretty girl" and play with her hair while on laughing gas.
  • Two of the gents on I Love New York had, at the least, throbbing mancrushes on one another. Mind you, this is a Bachelor-styled show where all the men were ostensibly vying for Tiffany "New York" Patterson's affections. Interestingly, one is, in fact, One Head Taller than the other.
  • Inspector Morse and Sergeant Lewis.
    • And Inspector Lewis and Sergeant Hathaway in the spin-off.
  • Of all shows, Iron Chef America had an example. Jeffery Steingarten was bemoaning the fact that among the snails that were today's theme ingredient, none of them were African snails, which he preferred. Alton Brown then suggested he take the other male judge out so they could have some. Cue looks between the two judges and appropriate music.
  • Both Jackass and Wild Boyz are filled with intentional Ho Yay. In one episode of Wild Boyz, Steve-O even lays an almost-naked Chris Pontius across his lap and spanks him with the thorny leaf of a Mexican cactus!
    • Pontius, according to interviews, really likes to start masturbating around his male friends. And try to get them wet.
  • Jeeves and Wooster has less of this in the show than in the original books, thanks to the absence of Bertie's narration, but makes up for it by having double-act Stephen Fry and Hugh Laurie playing the titular characters. If you've seen some of the stuff they do in A Bit of Fry and Laurie, and factor in the supposed Heterosexual Life Partners thing...yeah. These guys slash themselves.
    • And then there was "The Delayed Arrival" with Jeeves in drag. And I quote: "Why are you two holding hands like that? Is that some...English custom?"
    • Since most of the script is based off novels written/set in a Genteel Interbellum Setting, a lot of the dialogue can sound a little odd, but seriously Jeeves..."Miss Stoker will be here at any moment, sir, and I'm sure we wouldn't wish to be discovered in a state of undress."


  • Kamen Rider Double features a side character called Kamen Rider Accel, who has the unusual ability to shift into a bike. There are several scenes in the series in which the titular Kamen Rider Double literally rides Accel. Because the Double transformation consists of two people inhabiting one suit of armor, Double riding Accel is often called "the threesome" by fans.
    • Shotaro and Phillip definitely have an air of this, referring to each other as "partner" among other things. There is even an episode where they break up and get back together in a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming. However there are fans who get annoyed at people who suggest this about the two, arguing that it is a shame that in these days of increasing acceptance men still can't be seen as having a same-sex friend with whom they deeply connect, without being seen as homosexual.
  • Keen Eddie frequently insinuated and confirmed that partners Eddie Arlette and Monty Pippin were deeply attracted to each other.
  • The titular Kenan and Kel.
  • In episode 7 of the mostly-forgettable Kindred: The Embraced, Prince Julian and the Nosferatu Primogen Daedalus have a meaningful chat, and Daedalus spikes Julian's wine (...) with his own blood. For the power-boost, one assumes, but given the scene it's not surprising that one reviewer's comment was along the lines of 'I suddenly understand why the Prince has such unwavering support from the Nosferatu Primogen-- Clearly Daedalus is gay for his Prince.' Well, that explains it as well as anything else in the show.
  • Spence and Danny from The King of Queens. There's an episode where Spence is jealous of all the time Danny is spending with Doug, Deacon, and Richie and while they are out playing paintball, tackles him to the ground. And later on in the series they share an apartment together and often when they argue, they act as though they're in a lover's quarrel instead of a fight between friends. Hell, one episode had them pretend to be a gay couple to get a free plasma screen TV that only couples qualify for and even get married when they find out that the couples have to be married to get said TV.
  • The original Knight Rider series has some uncomfortable subtext between Michael and KITT. Don't try and tell me you didn't see it.
    • Could that be called "Auto-eroticism"?
    • Tons in "Knightmares"-- KITT: "The old Michael Knight was also someone I was very fond of."
  • The Larry Sanders Show has an example in which David Duchovny, a real person, possesses an intense and slightly discomforting heterosexual man-crush on Larry Sanders, the titular (and very fictional) talk show host.
  • Wilder and Noah in The Latest Buzz, they even have more than one 'break up' episode.
    • Noah and Rebecca's dad also have this in one episode, complete with over the top break up.
  • On Law and Order proper, Serena Southerlyn. Despite the Suddenly Sexuality nature of her departure from the show, there were hints toward her gaiety. Any case that touched on gay rights got her up in arms. Episode 13x10, "Mother's Day," features a Hello, Attorney! corporate attorney working defense pro bono for her aunt. The first thing she does is ask Serena if she can buy her some coffee. Then she finds Serena out jogging to ask her a favor. When the favor turns out to have been a ploy to help her win, and the Hello, Attorney! has shades of Amoral Attorney using her aunt's case to get ahead at work, the angry conversation has shades of I Thought It Meant and for the rest of the episode, Serena's more than happy to get back at her. At the end, she's asked Serena out for drinks, "probably wants to talk sentence recommendation".
  • Law and Order Special Victims Unit: Detectives Munch, Fin, and Lake form a nice Ho Yay triangle (which Munch appears aware of), building on the strong Ho Yay vibe that's been going since Fin replaced Monique Jeffries. As for Mr. Fanservice Elliot Stabler, well, as Captain Cragen told him, "I'm not your type."
    • The Alex/Olivia ship has just as many fans and just as many Ho Yay-licious moments. Notable episode examples include "Fallacy," "Guilt" and the all-time classic, "Loss." This essay says it all. Heartbreaking.
      • Though, Olivia definitively claims that she's "not that way" to Babs Duffy (Kathy Griffin) in the episode entitled "P.C." (season 11 episode 13).
    • Munch isn't the only one aware of it. When Fin and Munch are having an argument, Elliot asks if they're having a lover's quarrel. Fin responds that it's about to become a domestic disturbance.
    • Elliot and George. This does sometimes seem to cross into Foe Yay category. as they fight on an almost once an episode basis. But that "Strangle me?" scene was just Ho Yay-licious.
  • LazyTown - There is so much Sportacus/Robbie slash out there that it seems to outnumber any other kind. And it doesn't come from nowhere either: one episode had Robbie falling asleep and happily murmur "Hello, Sportacus."
    • Then there's the ridiculous amount of times Robbie touches Sportacus or jumps into his arms. They have the latter down to a fine art.
    • Not to mention the fact that Sportacus rescues Robbie almost as much as he rescues the kids.
  • Believe it or not, Wally and Eddie on Leave it to Beaver. In one episode Wally plans on going to a dance with Eddie and has to be convinced that going with a pretty girl is perfectly acceptable. Talk about those repressive 50s!
  • Kahlan and Cara of Legend of the Seeker have quite a following. They border on Foe Yay sometimes.
    • There's a reason the majority of the fandom is 'Gay For Kahlan'.
  • Lie to Me: Lightman has a few definite Ho Yay moments with Jeff Buchanan. Shame about the spectacular self-detonation of the relationship in the seventh episode.
    • Cal gets very confrontational when trying to provoke honesty from his subjects. He's emotionally violent with women, but with men he gets more physical. In "Secret Santa," his pinning a soldier to a wall and menacing him from three inches away got very... intense.
    • Certainly not limited to this example; Cal usually turns relationships around to get whoever it is to trust him, which can come off as manipulating the subjects into being attracted to him.
  • Life On Mars. When you have at least one reviewer acknowledging that the real romance of the series is between Sam and Gene...
    • There's a John Simm interview where this was actually put to him as a question. John Simm is both amused beyond belief and not entirely dismissive of the idea that the entire point was Sam coming to terms with being gay.
    • You'd think Ashes to Ashes would have less of this, being the Distaff Counterpart sequel, but you'd be reckoning without Shaz's pretty well canonical girl-crush on Alex ("I'd pay!") and whatever the hell is going on in Ray's head as regards Chris.
      • And then there's the graffiti Alex imagines on the tunnel wall in season 3, episode 4. "Gene <3 Sam," indeed. She later notes this down as "Gene/Sam," which either makes this the most blatant subtext ever or an outright shout-out on the writers' part.
      • Not to mention whatever the hell is going on between Gene and Jim Keats.
  • Had The Lonely Island sitcom been picked up by Comedy Central, Jorma and Akiva were definitely headed in this direction. In the two episodes produced, Jorma climbs into Akiva's bed when he's lonely, almost kiss before Andy interrupts, and most likely kiss (off-screen, unfortunately) after deciding not to kill someone for their pinky just yet.
  • Look Around You even has Ho Yay. At the end of the "Music 2000" episode, everyone is watching presenter Jack Morgan's musical performance, oblivious to the fact that the two male competitors in the titular competition are making out right next to them.
  • Lost gives us eight examples: Jack and Sawyer, Jack and Locke, Jack and Sayid, Sawyer and Sayid, Saywer and Jin, Charlie and Hurley, Charlie and Desmond, and Hurley and Sayid.
    • And now Season 4 gives us Sawyer and Hurley.
    • Season one had more than a little subtext between Locke and Boone. Shannon teased him about it more than once...
    • No mention of Locke and Ben? Lampshaded in season 5.

Locke: Can I ask you a question, Ben?
Ben: I'm a Pisces.

      • This had been apparent as early as season 3, as seen in this bit of Harlequin Romance prose.

Ben: And then you come striding out of the jungle, to make my dream come true.

    • And the season five finale even gives us hints of Ben/Jacob, which is disturbing on so many levels.
    • Let's not forget when Kate and Juliet fell in the mud while handcuffed together...
    • The alt!verse gives us Kate/Claire and Sawyer/Miles
    • Season 6 gives us lots of fun with Jacob/His Enemy, and Jacob/Richard
      • The whole thing with Jacob and his enemy becomes a lot more interesting with the revelation that they're twins.
    • Kate/Claire seems even more clear after the series finale, when they remembered their past on the island by looking at each other and the baby they both consider to be their child, rather than a love interest like most of the other characters
      • Also, Kate tells Claire that she will help her figure out how to be a mother again when they get off the island, which brings to mind a rather adorable image of the two of them raising their son together.
      • Not to mention the hugging and hand holding in another episode. And Kate spends a good amount of her time worrying about Claire, like if she's okay, where she is, and what not.
    • Jack and Hurley.
    • In the DVD Commentary for "The Moth", Dominic Monaghan says (probably joking) Charlie and Jack have a lot of Ship Tease in that episode.
    • Although it may only be one-sided, the scene between Jin and Keamy in the flash-sideways universe makes no attempt to be subtle with the homoeroticism.
  • Malcolm in the Middle, strangely Malcolm and Reese get some of this. Reese gives Malcolm a hickey in one episode and wishes to be with Malcolm forever in another. In another episode Malcolm, after finding gay porn that had his, Reese's and Dewey's faces edited onto the stars' bodies says he's not homophobic and wouldn't mind if they were in a gay relationship, it's just that they're not. Reese's only problem with the porn, meanwhile, is that he has better abs than the guy his head was superimposed onto. Even though he suggests not enacting revenge over it, Dewey's the only one not to say anything tolerant about the situation.
    • The show's working title? Fighting In Underpants.
    • There's also Dabney and Lloyd, Malcolm's two effeminate classmates who like to talk about his eyes and think he is "handsome".
  • MASH with Hawkeye/Trapper, Hawkeye/Henry, Hawkeye/Sidney, Hawkeye/Mulcahy, Hawkeye/ANY MALE CHARACTER YOU CAN POSSIBLY IMAGINE.
    • Hawkeye and Trapper especially liked to joke around about this trope, with Hawkeye once saying prior to leaving for the front "Don't mess around with any other doctors while I'm gone." For a show that started in the early seventies, they pulled a lot of joking Ho Yay, although a lot of that may have been to upset the extremely homophobic Frank Burns.
      • Although Frank was prone to Ho Yay himself when drunk: in one episode he cajoled Hawkeye into calling him "beautiful", then complained that "you only love me for my body."
    • There's an archive of all the slashy quotes in MASH.
    • Anyone recall how Hawkeye uncharacteristically became anything but laid-back when BJ rebuffed all attempts to determine what the initials B and J stood for? There was an anticlimatic non-resolution if memory serves.
    • Special mention should be made of Radar. He's bad at adult relationships but very earnest, so when he admires his co-workers (Henry, Hawkeye) he shows it through a puppyish devotion and gratefulness when they pay attention to him. This can be interpreted as a father-son vibe or a fanboyish crush.
    • In one episode, Hawkeye is suffering from severe sleep deprivation. Henry tells him "I'm taking you to bed" - half out of it, Hawkeye mumbles "you're the second person to make me that offer today. Guess it must be obvious or something."
  • Tony and Gary in Men Behaving Badly, as confirmed by Word of God: "Nobody ever picked up on it, but Men Behaving Badly was about a same-sex relationship. Everyone latched on to the lad thing, but to me there was always a significant homoerotic content in the relationship between Gary and Tony. You always got the impression that they'd rather be left alone together, but that was something that they could never admit to themselves."
  • Miami Vice saw Crockett and Tubbs frequently jump between HoYay and Heterosexual Life Partners. The most flagrant HoYay sequence comes in the episode 'Evan', which involves many references to a gay cop who died several years earlier in the line of duty. Don Johnson's portrayal of Crockett in this episode can easily come across as Crockett being romantically involved with the gay cop before his death, and at several points in the episode, Tubbs seems willing to take comforting Crockett over his loss to a decidedly more physical level.
  • Mike and Molly: Mike and Carl, big time.

Mike: Why is it that at least three times per week someone thinks we're gay?

  • On an episode of Mock the Week, Frankie Boyle made note of the fact that he'd discovered slash fiction--of himself and fellow "perfect-attendance" comedian Hugh Dennis. When Hugh raised his arms as if in victory, Frankie asked him why he was celebrating, as he was the receiver. True to form, Frankie noted that he was most offended by the fact that the writer claimed his pubes were ginger.
  • Adrian Monk and Captain Stottlemeyer: In one episode, Stottlemeyer moves in and the two go through typical "lovers' quarrel" situations while reminiscing about Stottlemeyer helping Monk through his "rough patch" of over three years after Trudy's death, when he was unable so much as to leave home. In the episode when Monk has to fake his own death, Natalie says "He loved you! He really loved you!" as she's flipping out at Stottlemeyer for "killing" him. And Monk all but comes onto him in the episode when he gets drunk.
  • Monty Python's Flying Circus, anyone? The fact that Graham Chapman was gay in real life made it more interesting.
    • What was interesting was that Chapman routinely played the 'straight man' on the Circus. And, routinely, the only straight man.
    • Graham did, however--apparently without effort--portray a marvelously bitchy Oscar Wilde.

Wilde: Your Majesty is like a dose of clap.
Cleese, fumbling a bit, as Whistler: Before you arrive is pleasure, and after is a pain in the dong.

  • Mick and Josef from Moonlight are a prime example. Throughout almost every episode, Mick and Josef are ALWAYS in each other’s personal space, being excessively touchy-feely, undressing/molesting/mentally raping each other with their eyes, giving each other sultry looks, licking their lips, and/or arguing Like an Old Married Couple. Then there's this scene.
  • Watch this clip from the Mork and Mindy pilot and try and tell me there's no Ho Yay between Mork and The Fonz (mostly on Mork's part).

Mork: Now, remember, "I love you".
Exidor: That's really nice, but what are we going to do about Ambrosia?

      • And it becomes extremely Squicky after Exidor adopts Mork so he can become an American citizen.
        • Not really. In the days before marriage, it has happened that one member of a gay couple would adopt the other, to form a legal bond that would allow things like hospital visitation rights.
  • While we're talking about muppets, how about Statler and Waldorf? Not only do they argue Like an Old Married Couple at times, during the ballroom sequences they're sometimes seen dancing with each other.
    • Statler also dated Lionel Barrymore. Admittedly, it was because Ethel was busy.
    • This is Waldorf's wife. If that doesn't convince you, nothing will.
    • Or, from that logic, Gonzo and Rizzo certainly qualify as well. They live together, and are probably the Muppets No. 1 Crack Pairing.
    • Gonzo? But what about all those chickens?
  • Dr. Forrester and TV's Frank of Mystery Science Theater 3000.

Dr. Forrester: Frank, I'll give you three seconds to stop licking my face.
TV's Frank: Count slow.

    • That's nothing. Crow and Servo once got married.
    • Mike would sometimes say some pretty ambiguous stuff, like how he may have had a boyfriend named Steve who died and how he got Grizzled Old Prospectors syndrome from kissing a surly truck driver.
    • And if the writers saw Ho Yay in the movie being riffed, they usually didn't hesitate to lampshade it.

[Guy slams his friend onto a car and straddles him to give a Get a Hold of Yourself, Man! speech]
Crow: Oh, would you just kiss him instead of holding him to death!

  • My Two Dads: Michael and Joey.
  • On The Nanny, overlapping with Foe Yay, there's been some sexual tension between Fran Fine and C.C. Babcock. C.C. views Fran as a threat to winning Maxwell Sheffield's affections, even though Maxwell never regards C.C. as anything more than a business partner. Though it seems their romantic troubles somehow bring them toward each other. There's been several episodes in which Fran is shown smooching C.C., sometimes on the lips! One episode had Fran asking C.C. for help, and in response, C.C. pretends to have an orgasm, yelling things like "OH, YES! OH, GOD! THIS IS GOOD!".
    • There was also some Les Yay between Val and C.C. Also, Niles and Maxwell.
  • Ziva's first appearances in NCIS aren't strictly speaking ho yay - at least not with another character. It might just be to give Tony nosebleeds, but... I've never seen someone actively attempt to imply that they're bisexual, if not an outright lesbian, who actually isn't. It never develops into much later on, but... really. Naturally, these traits carry over to her sadistic, villainous siblings as well, though that's vaguely fanonical.
    • Ziva didn't have tension with another character when she first appeared? They spend an awful lot of time on her close relationship with Director Shepard, after having her first onscreen conversation mention lesbians. More recently, in the season 6 episode "Caged", Tony starts the episode discussing his plans to ask out an attractive female coworker, only to have Ziva inform him that "Hannah" has asked her out to lunch. Twice. When Tony asks if she accepted, she smiles and doesn't reply.
    • In one episode, Ziva told a suspect flirting with her that he wasn't her type. The guy was, for lack of a better word, a smuck and was obviously not someone a straight Ziva would go out with. However, if someone was looking for clues Ziva was gay, that wouldn't be bad evidence if used with subtext.
    • There was also some flirting between Abby and Kate in the early episodes.

Abby: Admit it. You just like strappin' on a gun.
Kate: More than one.
Abby: Really? You packin' more heat than meets the eye?
Kate: Those your only tattoos?
Abby: You show me yours and I'll show you mine.

      • Also in "Doppelganger" when Kate is annoyed that she's been left to handle the phones.

Kate: Hey, what is this... boys night out?
Abby: Which means Girls Night In. Transfer your phones to my lab. (Kate smiles and does so, then the two walk off hand in hand)

    • There are plenty of Youtube videos that hint at a relationship between Abby and Ziva. Some of the clips in these videos are pretty convincing.
    • Tony's desperate need for Gibbs' admiration and approval can be a bit Ho Yay-tastic as well. It's the way he feels the need to know every tiny detail about Gibbs' life.
      • Or it could be that Tony is mature, reasonable, and intensely loyal to Gibbs - as Gibbs makes perfectly clear when he suggests to Director Shepard, without any prompting whatsoever, that it's time for Tony to have his own team. And he sounds truly regretful about it. Of course, Tony has absolutely no intention of leaving Team Gibbs. Under any circumstances. Not, of course, that this lessens the Ho Yay-tastic-ness of it any less... just puts a different spin on said Ho Yay.
      • Fair point. I'd argue it's gone from the first to the second scenario as the series progresses.
      • They have what is essentially a dinner date at the end of 7x12.
      • What is, by all appearances, a standing dinner date, no less - it looked and played out like something they had done a thousand times before.
      • Many have speculated that, considering the fact that Tony's own father was completely useless, he is desperate for a "Well Done, Son" Guy father figure.
    • The writers seem to be playing up the HoYay between Tony and McGee more and more as the seasons progress. Their subplot of 7x19 is basically Tony trying to make Tim jealous by bromancing the Detective of the Week.
      • Also played for laughs in one episode, when Tony and McGee had to guard a dead body outdoors overnight.

Tony: McGee and I watched the sunrise together. It was very Brokeback Mountain.

    • In the episode Engaged (part 1), we catch a glimpse of Tony's bucket list. Number 12: "Experience a Wonder of the World (besides Gibbs)."
      • Interesting that this is Number 12 on his list, considering Gibbs's Rule 12. Coincidence? Or a very subtle hint at something?
  • G Callen and Sam Hanna of NCIS: Los Angeles. Really, the Ho Yay subtext has pretty much become text at this point.

Hanna: I really look forward to having Dom as a partner.
Callen: You'd miss me. I complete you.

    • This immediately after Callen asking Hanna if he had a history with their suspect, and Hanna responding with "We weren't dating, if that's what you're asking."
    • Kensi once asked Hanna how long he and Callen had been married.
    • And then there's the credit sequence, fully half of which is taken up by Sam and Callen exchanging meaningful looks.
  • Sean McNamera and Christian Troy on Nip Tuck. Played absolutely seriously and intentionally; as if the infamous threesome scene from Season 2 weren't enough, later seasons have featured many, many explicitly homoerotic scenes, and at least one on-screen suggestion that Christian's compulsive womanizing may be an attempt to overcompensate for his questionable sexual identity.
    • Also, when Christian gets therapy, his therapist seems to really support the idea that Christian's womanizing is because he is in love with Sean.
    • Not to mention the episode where Sean attacks Christian for screwing his wife and says "I loved you most of all".
  • Being a gay drama, Noah's Arc runs on this, sometimes even involving characters who arent explicitly gay.
  • Nobuta wo Produce, a Japanese drama, is filled not only with Ho Yay, but also Les Yay. The majority of these moments are between Shuji and Akira. Akira seems to have little to no understanding of personal space when it comes to Shuji; he latches onto the guy at every opportunity, rests his head on his protesting shoulder, makes kissy faces at him, makes suggestive comments about how "their bodies can never be separated" and at one point, climbs into bed with him. A bed made for one person. Although Shuji only reciprocates a couple times, the Ho Yay really piles up in the end, when they frolic in slow-motion on a beach in winter, complete with ass-grabbing, and splishy-splashy, and soaking wet school uniforms.
    • As for the Les Yay, in the love confession day episode, Nobuta stops Shuji right before he is forced to decide between showering her with flowers (for love) and water (rejection) and asks that her bully, Bando come to choose instead. Nobuta is doing it to ask her to stop bullying her, but because it is in front of the whole school, people are a little confused when flowers rain down on Nobuta. Later, she is seen spreading the flowers in the wind with a wistful expression on her face.
    • This video sums it up nicely.
    • And with only a little tweaking for plot accuracy, so does this one.
  • No Reservations host Anthony Bourdain and Russian fixer Zamir have a little of this going on, although it descends into outright Foe Yay when Bourdain spends an episode contemplating the revenge he will take on Zamir for Anthony's experience in the Turkish bath.
  • The Odd Couple: Felix and Oscar.
  • Michael of The Office has a way of getting into these situations. Also, Kevin and Oscar in "Niagara." Yes, we know that Oscar is actually gay.
    • Also interesting is the Dwight-Ryan conspiracy in "Manager and Salesman."
    • Dwight & Jim. In the episode where Dwight is fired (he was re-hired in the next episode) he doesn't say goodbye to anyone, but does stop to give Jim a big hug. Also, in the episode where Jim (with Karen & Pam's help) tricks Dwight into thinking that he's turning into a vampire, Dwight has tears in his eyes when he "realizes" that he must be the one to put Jim out of his "suffering".
      • In 'Pam's Replacement' (aptly named, much?) Dwight shoves his face into Jim's crotch. Multiple times. Without explaination. Later Jim admits that he "hasn't felt that way about someone in a long time". Why, yes, he is talking about Dwight.
      • At one point, Dwight says to Jim through a closed door, "Let me in, I want to watch you get dressed." before Jim gets changed into a costume. That's it.
    • In "Michael Scott Paper Company," Dwight and Andy are competing to impress Erin as they play a song together. However, they eventually forget about her as they are singing and she leaves the room while they continue their duet.
    • Michael has been enamored of Ryan for a long time.
      • Michael repeatedly writes about Ryan in his diary; when read a Jan's deposition, anyone who didn't know Ryan believed he was a woman Michael was in love with, based on some entries.
      • In "Night Out" Michael says Ryan is good looking and defends him against the other people in the office.
    • A weird version of this is begining to blossom between Andy and Darryl. They started a band to try and impress Erin, with Darryl acting as Andy's support system/shoulder to cry on.
    • Dwight towards Michael, arguably. Dwight is always trying to please Michael, takes care of him when he's hurt, and in the episode "Koi Pond" calls him handsome when trying to cheer him up.
  • There's definite Les Yay between Brooke and Peyton on One Tree Hill. Another character, Rachel, even joked about it in an episode of season three.
    • Rachel once suggests that she might be into girls. Cue Bevin kissing her. Too bad Rachel didn't like it.
    • Also how can we forget Peyton's bisexual friend Anna who had a crush on her.
    • Another episode features Brooke trying to ambush Lucas by straddling him. Instead she ends up straddling his new girlfriend.
  • HBO's Oz was famous for that rarest of rare beasts, canon slash, especially Beecher/Keller, but there was plenty of Ho Yay to be had. O'Reilly/Stanislofski, O'Reilly/Adebisi, Adebisi/Said, Schillinger/Scott Ross, Schillinger/Keller, Torquemada/Alvarez which became canon in the last season.


  • The Pacific: Sledge and his best friend Sid. The homoerotic subtext between these two "best friends" is just too obvious to ignore. Their reunion in Part 5 makes it more blatant.
      • Sledge/Snafu seems to be popular in fandom as well. The fact that Snafu seems to have no concept of personal space when it comes to Eugene just adds fuel to the fire.
    • The Band Of Brothers: Winters and Nixon are practically the canon ship in the fandom. Also, many a fan has speculated that the writers of the show made the relationship between Webster and Liebgott be more than just friends. Spiers/Lipton is also popular, based mostly around the conversation they have at the end of "The Breaking Point" and how Spiers treats Lipton when the latter is ill.
  • Katherine and Mundi in Parallax. Katherine is generally disinterested in boys, as evidenced by her conversations with the boycrazy Melinda, and when Veronica sends Katherine to Mundi's world to "learn something about herself", Katherine spends almost the entire time dancing with Mundi and thoroughly enjoying herself. Mundi seems quite keen to get Katherine to open up to new experiences and fends off the only boy to show an interest in her.
  • On Parks and Recreation, Leslie calls Ann "beautiful" with astonishing frequency, even at times where it makes little sense to mention it. Then there was them holding hands as the pit got filled in, the whole "practice date", and of course Ann's evening as Leslie's trophy wife.
  • Jez and Mark on Peep Show. We have the episode where Mark threatens to leave Jezz for 'Johnson' and Jezz claiming (to himself) that he is 'the one' for Mark.
    • There's also the episode where Jez begins a relationship with Mark's sister, at least partially to spite Mark; the two are later having sex when Jez realizes that Mark's sister is very similar in many ways to Mark himself, which prompts a note of panic on Jez's part...
    • When they go away for the weekend on Mark's stag do, Jez speculates "maybe the pressure will build to the point where we actually try to fuck each other".
  • Perfect Strangers: They're only cousins because of Executive Meddling to appease the Moral Guardians.
  • It looks like we might get a hint of this on Person of Interest between Reese and Finch. Those two are already pretty dependent on each other...and when Reese was shot and believed he was dying, he called Finch to share his last words with him. The two switched to using their first names, and the desperation on Finch's face as he drives to get to Reese in time is evident.
  • Power Rangers Dino Thunder: Tommy and Mesogog have a couple of scenes that positively gush Subtext. In his Dr. Mercer identity, he told his son that he and Tommy had had their time and moved on, as if they'd been in a romantic relationship, and when Tommy's held captive and strapped to a table in Mesogog's lab (!) in one episode, Mezzie leans to within an inch of him several times while threatening him. Any closer and he'd be nuzzling Tommy's neck. When Mesogog orders his Mooks to attack once the Rangers show up, Tommy sighs, "I hate when he gets like this."
    • The Rangers universe also gives us Morgana's bodily pinning Z against a tree and Necrolai's stroking of the face of a Brainwashed and Crazy Vida. The writers do love us after all!
      • The oldest Les Yay pairing in the series, Kelsey and an one episode character, Nancy, the Space Shuttle pilot.
    • Merrick and Zen-Aku, post-separation. ZA sounded very much like a jilted lover. Max and Danny would also count, except the latter has a clear love interest. Of course, that hasn't stopped people seeing subtext between Eric and Wes.
      • Wes/Eric is just as much Foe Yay, though. As it says on the Time Force page: "At first glance, Eric could be interpreted as an angry ex of Wes's and it wouldn't require a word of dialogue to be replaced."
    • How about Jason and Tommy? Helped along by the fact that their Kyoryu Sentai Zyuranger counterparts were brothers...
    • Power Rangers RPM gave us Dillon's friendly/flirty rivalry with Scott, not to mention Dillon and Ziggy's partnership.
    • Power Rangers Samurai Antonio. Just... Antonio. Jayden's childhood friend returns to become the Sixth Ranger in "Unexpected Arrival", where after a rather, um, flamboyant showing in battle, he announces "I'm ready for some action" and struts toward Jayden (to give him a hearty handshake), set to a musical cue that could easily pass for romantic. In the following episode, "Room for One More", he arrives at Shiba House in a tuxedo, and petitions the Rangers' mentor to join the team in a scene that feels very much like he's asking Mentor Ji's permission to date Jayden. That Jayden coyly waits outside rather than sitting in on the interview with the other rangers adds to the feel. Given the fairly weak acting of the season to this point, it's a bit striking how much more genuine their affection seems than any other emotion any character has conveyed all season.
  • Primeval: If it's a dude, Nick Cutter has had a Ho Yay moment (or several) with it.
    • And he's not the only one. Helen, for example, gets a creepy moment with Jenny in the season 2 finale. (Given Helen's role, that also qualifies as Foe Yay. Like most of Helen's interactions with other people.)
  • Prison Break has Michael/Lincoln for the incest in the first season. At least in the beginning, one-sided T-Bag/Michael was canon. Then Mahone came around with his obsession with Michael's body tattoos. Then we get to the cage match...
  • Shawn and Gus. Insinuations of them dating are almost as common as pineapples. Shawn is always quick to deny these insinuations, though; he insists that Gus is way out of his league.
    • Shawn certainly does seem to enjoy making Gus squirm about it, though.
    • Also Shawn and Lassiter. Lassiter certainly slams him against walls a lot, and there's a scene where Shawn sits on his lap (the most extreme of Shawn's numerous intrusions into Lassiter's personal space). Given that Shawn is also very fond of women, it really makes a great deal of sense to read the character as bisexual.
      • This is practically confirmed in the pilot episode:

Shawn: This is a great plan. Cameron McAllister deserves to be commended.
Gus: Maybe you should date him too.
Shawn: [Confidently] Maybe I will.

    • In one recent episode where Shawn and Lassie switch partners for half the episode (Shawn teaming up with Juliet and Gus with Lassiter), Gus comments to Shawn that he thought of going to the hot dog stand with Lassiter, but then rejected the idea because "it sorta felt like cheating." Of course, this leads to an insight about the case, but it's worth noting that the entire set-up for the episode felt like a really bad four-way break-up and subsequent hook-up.
    • Recent promos show Juliet and Vick getting a little too friendly.
    • And then there's "The Head, The Tail, The Whole Damn Episode." Lassiter attempts to "out-Spencer Spencer" when he declares his wild theory about a murder to the press. Even though he becomes a general laughingstock ("Detective Dipstick," as a newspaper labels him), Shawn believes him and goes as far as to say that by working together on this, they will become like one. He even explicitly names the fandom nickname for their pairing, Shassie.
    • And then, there's this.
  • Just look at the motivations of Buddy, the murderer in the Pushing Daisies episode "Frescorts". Holy crap. Depraved Homosexual anyone?
    • Chuck and Olive have quite a bit of Les Yay themselves, which is ironic since they're in love with the same man.
  • QI has an element too, between Stephen Fry and Alan Davies. Stephen has accidentally referred to Alan as 'darling' before, although he has also called him a 'doe-eyed sack of shit', so read into that what you will ...
    • There's also the fact that Stephen tends to use terms of endearment with everyone, including most of the female contestants. The fact that he's only called Alan "dear" sometimes could actually be a deliberate effort to censor himself.
    • To quote Alan Davies himself: "I think people watch it because they think there is a chance we might shag."
      • One episode of QI had Alan asking Stephen if he could join 'the Gay Community'.
      • "Some people say it's the most homoerotic double-act on television. And that's probably true." - Alan Davies, 50 Not Out.
    • That episode where guests Rob Brydon and Ben Miller kissed. And expressed their enjoyment of it afterwards.
    • While this didn't happen so much in the early seasons, as the show has gone on, many of QI's other panelists also flirt quite openly with Stephen, once they found out that he doesn't object and will often play along with it. Some of the most obvious moments have been from Phill Jupitus and Jimmy Carr. The general rule here is that the later in the show's run a particular episode is, the more Ho Yay it will have.
  • The Ho Yay between Sam and Al in Quantum Leap is practically canon. The second season episode What Price Gloria? features the first instance of Sam leaping into a woman. Al is incredibly attracted to Sam in female form, to the point where he seeks help from the project's staff psychologist. Of course, the audience sees Sam as a man throughout most of the episode.
  • Name me any two guys in Reaper. The devil's unhealthy obsession with Sam? Sock and Ben dancing together? Sock "inadvertently" grabbing Sam's ass?
    • It just stepped up a level with Sock's whole dialogue to Ben about how beautiful he is, inside and out, how his eyes draw people in, right after they both temporarily lost their girlfriends.
  • On Red Dwarf, the subtext pretty much became canon by the end of the show; between Lister's dream of making out with Rimmer, and Rimmer's 'low' self threatening to 'have' Lister. Oh, and Rimmer taking on Lister's ex-girlfriend's form: 'It's Kochanski's body, it's Kochanski's voice. I mean, what's the difference? Come on!'
    • One word: Blue.
      • Although Lister did wake up screaming. (No, not that kind of screaming, you perverts.)
  • Amanda Clarke (who is really Emily Thorne) and Emily Thorne (who is really Amanda Clarke) in Revenge seem to have an intensely homoerotic friendship, although the sexual attraction seems like it might be a little one-sided, since it seems as though Amanda (really Emily) is head-over-heels in love with Emily (really Amanda), but it's not clear that Emily reciprocates. Of course, it's not clear that Emily is capable of love or even genuine friendship.
    • In one episode, Amanda (really Emily) open-mouth kisses another woman, although it's at least mostly just to provoke her boyfriend. Nevertheless, one does not get the impression that she had never done such a thing before.
  • The new Robin Hood features quite a bit of homosexual subtext between the Sheriff and Guy of Gisbourne.
    • Actually, the allegations of Robin Hood and his Merry Men being a little too "merry" for the Church's liking was what introduced Maid Marian into the legend.
    • And Robin and Much in the new series are a bickering married couple, most notably when Robin cradles a sobbing Anti-Villain, after he realizes his personal reasons to want Robin dead are based on a lie, and Much complains, "You've never held me like that!"
    • Then there's Allan/Will, who were extremely close during Season One and almost eloped ran away together in the season finale. Technically, both of them had crushes on Djaq, but the fact that she spent the entire season disguised as a boy certainly muddied the water a little bit...
    • Not to mention Guy/Allan. After a bout of torture (in which Guy throws a bucket of water over a shirtless Allan), Allan agrees to provide inside information on Robin and the outlaws. Guy then proceeds to change his clothing in front of Allan, dress him up in matching black leather, and have an erotic dream about him. Even the Sheriff catches on, referring to Allan as "Gisborne's boy" and remarking "Kissing in the moonlight?" when he walks in on them together in the dark.
    • In Season Three, Allan (who by this stage is well and truly the fandom's Little Black Dress) is often paired with Much. Again, there was something of a Love Triangle between the two of them and Kate, but the two of them seemed far more interested in each other, and half the fandom speculated that if it didn't work out with Kate, they were more than likely to start making out with each other instead.
    • Finally, there's Robin/Guy, mixed with a hefty dose of Foe Yay. They're all the other ever talks about, Robin ditches his new girlfriend Kate in order to go on a field-trip with Guy, and eventually Guy dies in Robin's arms. For a second there, it honestly looks like Robin is going to kiss him goodbye.
  • Brutus and Cassius on Rome.
    • And more overtly, Marc Antony and Vorenus.
    • And more bromantically, Vorenus and Pullo. "There, there, lamb," indeed.
      • Bromantically? It's so overt that Pullo's wife gets jealous of Vorenus. In fairness, most pre-modern cultures did not make the assumption that a man's closest relationship would be with his wife. Bromance, with or without actual sex, was a societal norm, not an exception. The jealousy kicks in when the wife realizes that she may not be able to compete with her male rival for her husband's affections.
      • Without actual sex, for ancient Roman society. Essentially, the farthest a relationship could go between two men was Ho Yay, unless they wanted to risk their citizenship (which was everything). But that doesn't stop the subtext, especially when you get into the arbitrary divorce and remarrying to cement "political" relationships, which means marrying a woman with the feminized name of ally (Julius Ceasar's ally Pompey marrying his daughter Julia, for instance).
  • Why would Doctor Who spinoff and Torchwood sister show The Sarah Jane Adventures be exempt just because it's (usually) Lighter and Fluffier than the other two? In the first episode, new neighbor Maria finds Sarah Jane happily - almost tearfully - bidding farewell to an ethereal butterfly-woman of the same species as the one Tosh was involved with in an episode of Torchwood. The alien leaves Sarah Jane with a heart-shaped communicator and promises to write her poetry. Some viewers tend to read quite a bit into Maria and Sarah Jane's relationship as well.
    • No commentary on the Ho Yay present in this show is complete without a mention of Luke and Clyde. During a webchat from university in series three, Luke decides to mess with him by claiming to have really 'clicked' with one of his new mates from school. Clyde's reaction is pure jealousy.
  • The Sarah Connor Chronicles has more than a bit of this between Jesse and Riley--their first meeting has Jesse calling Riley a "pretty girl"--which gets disturbing when you consider Jesse is probably in her thirties while Riley is a teenager, and gets even more disturbing when its revealed that Jesse was trying to make Riley provoke Cameron into killing her.
    • In "Allision from Palmdale," there is some minor Screw Yourself subtext between Allison and Cameron, which is also quite disturbing when Cameron casually kills Allison for lying to her. Talk about a relationship gone sour...
    • In another episode, there was more than a little chemistry between John and Charlie. The writers were probably trying to make the relationship into one of surrogate-father and son, but John's doey eyes and the enthusiastic way he greeted Charlie made it look far more like he had a crush on the other man.
    • Cameron and Chola (the Latina lookout). The crew even joked about this in the episode commentaries.
    • Forgotten about the biggest Les Yay in the show? Cameron shows Sarah much more obedience than she shows John, despite the fact she's prgrammed to obey John. They have several very romantic/sexual moments. There's a reason why they got the name 'Camerah' after one episode.
      • Probably the biggest example of this is in the first episode, after Cameron gets shot repeatedly and is shown extracting bullets from her torso. Sarah is sitting there across from topless Cameron, watching at her while she's prying bullets out of her skin, and casually tells Cameron once she gets finished to "put those back in the holster."
    • In Revenge of the Slitheen there is a lot of Ho Yay between Glune, the headmaster Slitheen and Kist, the science teacher Slitheen. Although Kist has a son, Korst, his wife is never mentioned.
  • Who else, but the Ambiguously Gay Duo from Saturday Night Live?
    • And speaking of Ho Yay on SNL, it should be noted that a lot of live-action sketches have a lot of sketches where Ho Yay is featured. Whether this is because of SNL hiring more men than women or the fact that the writers find these kind of sketches easier to pen is not known.
  • Seinfeld: Jerry and George, which was lampshaded in "The Outing." Between Jerry and Mets first baseman Keith Hernandez in "The Boyfriend."
    • Pfft, those are nothing compared to Kramer/Jerry. Case in point: "The Kiss Hello." After a rant about how Jerry hates kissing, Kramer passionately kissed him.
    • Susan's father is revealed to have had a passionate affair with gay author John Cheever in his first appearance, though it's never mentioned again.
    • In "The Pick" Kramer gets a few positive comments from men about his physique and George agrees at the end "Your buttocks are spectacular".
    • Susan became a lesbian after breaking up with George and is shown really hitting it off with another woman.
  • Since this page lacks it (which kind of shocks me), it looks like it's up to me to bring it up, but: Bert and Ernie on Sesame Street.
    • Unless there's some incest going on, this is ignoring the fact that Bert and Ernie were created to be brothers.
      • Despite this, in one early episode Bert invites over his identical brother Bart, who Ernie has apparently never met before (Bart, however, has obviously been told of Ernie...).
      • While they were originally intended to be brothers that idea was scrapped and they went for an odd couple angle.
    • Case in point: One episode has a What If scenario where Ernie is a poor-but-honest farmboy who wants to marry a princess and live in the castle. To do this, he must pick the magic apple from a tree, as directed by his Fairy Godmother. He tries, but fails, because it's too high up. Ultimately, Ernie gives up, but then the apple falls from the tree and lands in his mouth. A king comes along and requests that Ernie marry his daughter who ends up being... Bert. In drag. It is a hilarious sketch.
    • Then there's this adorable little gem. D'aww.
  • Lucy and Roxanne had a few Les Yay moments in the 7th season of 7th Heaven. The most notable of these was in the episode 'I Love Lucy' where, after getting into an argument earlier after Lucy accused Roxanne of trying to steal her boyfriend (and later fiancé in the same episode and husband later on in the same season) Kevin, Lucy apologizes and Roxanne mentions she loves the song that's playing in the background of the fancy restaurant they're in. Lucy agrees she loves the song too and Roxanne asks Lucy to dance, leading to them holding hands and twirling around together. This only lasts for a few seconds because Kevin and Roxanne's boyfriend Chandler enter the room and see them dancing, prompting them to voice their discomfort of Lucy and Roxanne dancing together to each other. Needless to say, they cut in to dance with their respective girlfriend/fiance.
  • There was a fair amount of this between Heterosexual Life Partners Sharpe and Harper in Sharpe, even after they both married women.
  • Sherlock: Naturally, with Holmes/Watson being one of the oldest slash pairings out there, Sherlock/John is plentiful in the latest Holmes adaptation. Seen in their fast friendship, John's constant compliments to Sherlock's deductions, Sherlock's concern for John (despite being a "high-functioning sociopath"), and the constant Mistaken for Gay.
    • The series is definitely aware that no matter what they did, Ho Yay was going to happen anyway, and so it gave up and enthusiastically milks it for all it's worth, especially the scene with Moriarty:

John: I'm glad no one saw that.
Sherlock: Mm?
John: You ... ripping my clothes off in a darkened swimming pool ... people might talk.
Sherlock: People do little else.
[both grin at each other]

    • This troper loves how this little article manages to exist while there is clearly an entire Sherlock-based Ho Yay page linked above. Also, the main Sherlock Holmes Ho Yay page (all the way from original canon to most modern adaptation) has only the terse phrase "Has its own page now." under the tab for the BBC show because those discussions got too big. Let's keep this blurb here; it's amusing.
  • Skins: Tony and Sid. Not only are they intensely emotionally involved with each other (to the extent that Sid's crush on Tony's girlfriend can definitely seem like he's in love with her and Tony as a couple), but they've woken up in bed together more than once. It doesn't hurt that Tony is canonically open to the possibilities of a little walk on the m/m side every now and again.
    • Tony kisses Sid once on the lips and once on the forehead, they sleep naked or mostly naked in the same bed, and Tony cries when he's sending Sid off to New York to find Cassie.

Tony: "I always loved you the best, Sid."

    • Cook practically makes out with Freddie in Series 3. Heck, they've told each other 'I love you' more times than they've said it to Effy.
    • Aren't we forgetting about the infamous blowjob between Tony and Maxxie in Season 1?
    • In Generation three, we have Franky and Mini. Between the constant staring at each other, Mini stroking Franky's hair and commenting on her "fuck-me eyes", the almost flirtatious banter between each other, lines like "See you on the field, stud." and the two having a general obsession with each other, the pair have become a goldmine of subtext. Hell, people were shipping them a long time before the first episode even aired.
      • And not to forget Mini and Liv - "I still love you."
  • Sonny With a Chance: When Sonny's best friend from Wisconsin comes to Hollywood for a visit, Sonny starts acting like a Clingy Jealous Girl as soon as Tawny gets close to her.
  • Long simmering on So You Think You Can Dance, the Ho Yay reached full-boil as the producers finally opened up to expressive choreography for male-male pairs. It went through the roof when Season 7's Kent Boyd & Neil Haskell(all-star) danced a work choreographed by former dance-testant Travis Wall (walking ball of Ho Yay all by himself) about betrayal by a friend. Just friends? Yeah, right.
  • Harlan and Radu occasionally on Space Cases, i.e. the fencing scene where they're arguing over who the Canon Sue would like looks more like they're flirting with each other.
    • Theoretically, Commander Goddard's former friend turned enemy (and space pirate) Reaver have tension in their scenes that drips with history and subtext. Possible ex-boyfriend drama.
  • Encouraged / parodied by Tim and Mike in Spaced ("Hi babe."). Although Tim had a couple of girlfriends over the course of the series, he never really objected to the fact that Mike had a painfully obvious crush on him, and the two were often seen holding hands.
    • In fact, almost anything where Simon Pegg and Nick Frost star together seems to have a little Ho Yay in it, since the two actors consider each other 'Heterosexual Life Partners', and have gotten over the usual male phobias about physically expressing affection for another man. See also the entry on Hot Fuzz in Ho Yay Films.
  • Lucretia and Ilythia in Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Oh my, Lucretia and Ilythia. Not really even subtextual, since they repeatedly kiss each other on the mouth, and at various points fondle one another.
  • Dan and Casey in Sports Night.
    • The most notable example probably being the episode "Thespis", where Dan spends the episode being upset that Casey doesn't remember the date of their first broadcast together, and it is eventually revealed that Casey turned down an offer to have his own late-night network show--which was the beginning of the end of his marriage--to work with Dan on a local sports show.
  • The episode "Duet" of Stargate Atlantis has a same-sex kiss and one that just looks like it from the outside. In this case it was Lt. Cadman kissing Dr. Brown (both women) while in Rodney's body. At the end of the episode she kisses Dr. Beckett, making it look like Rodney kissed Beckett.
    • You can't talk about the Ho Yay in SGA without bringing up Sheppard and McKay's Slap Slap Kiss relationship. It is so touching when Rodney is running to John and calling his name in "The Shrine" during one of his periods of early-Alzheimer's-related distress.
      • Also, this scene in "Tracker". Poor John.
    • What about McKay/Zelenka? Sheppard once told them "Oh, just make out already!", following the immortal line from McKay.

McKay(To Zelenka): Well, you do do your best work under me...

    • And how on Earth has Shepard's, unique relationship, such as it is, with the male Wraith he Christened Todd after a guy he knew in college, not on here already.
      • Well, statistically most people do experiment in college.
      • Is it worth noting Todd is basically his faction's 'Queen'.
    • Lets be honest, if Stargate's target audience was just that little bit different the sheer amount of potential examples here would probably launch up so quickly we'd need a Stargate page
  • Stargate SG-1 is teeming Jack/Daniel Ho Yay. The actors' chemistry, combined with things like the "Spacemonkey" hug, Daniel's Blood of Sokar hallucination, Jack pushing up Daniel's glasses, the scene in "Threads" in which after descending naked into Jack's office, Daniel emerges with the SGC flag wrapped around his waist and explains his descension to the team while Jack looks away awkwardly, strokes the flagpole beside him, and tugs his shirt down, and every Jack/Daniel moment of "Abyss". Michael Shanks (Daniel's actor), once confused by the idea of Jack/Daniel, has since likened the Jack/Daniel relationship to that of a bitchy gay couple, and the two are sometimes referred to by fans as "The Old Married Couple in Space".
    • Like everything, the episode "200" mentions this, featuring a wedding scene that has Jack and Daniel standing at the altar together. Daniel points out that if Sam(antha) doesn't appear it'll look like the two of them... and trails off at an angry stare from Jack.
    • Sam and Janet, even beyond raising Cassandra together, were very close despite Janet not being a part of the SG-1 Nakama. It is incredibly telling that Sam completely breaks down after Janet is killed, and until the reveal it is easy to assume Jack was the one killed instead (with whom Sam was explicitly in love).
    • Sam has some pretty epic Foe Yay with RepliCarter, spending most of their time together having no regard for the other's personal space and staring intensely into each other's eyes.
    • By the end of the series, Sam and Vala have gotten quite close too, spending quite a bit of time together. Their female bonding can be easily confused for, well, female bonding.
        • There are also some people who would ship Daniel with (different, very male looking) members of the Unas race.
  • In the TV Series Starsky and Hutch, the title characters would hug each other or cry during some sad moment. They were often wearing leather jackets at the time.
    • There's a shot of them dancing with each other in the credits.
      • In fact, David Soul (the aforementioned "Hutch") has been quoted as saying, "What the show really is, is a love story between two men who happen to be cops." Not quite Word of God, but certainly telling.
    • This was played up tremendously in The Movie.
  • Surprisingly, Disney's The Suite Life of Zack and Cody contains plenty of Les Yay for London and Maddie's love/hate relationship. When their their lives were made into a Show Within a Show, London was changed to a male character called "Madrid" to create a romance between the two of them.
    • Also, Estaban the bellhop sometimes seems to have Smithers' reasons for working for Mr. Moseby, such as saying, while smiling, "He never yells for me. He yells at me... but only when I deserve it, which is often. He's a great man..."
    • Referring to the bed London just slept in, Maddie commands London to "strip (,) and make the bed". London is obedient.
    • Maddie is London's friend "for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health..."
    • London tries to buy Maddie jewelry after she comforts her.
    • Hello? The episode with the baby doll?
    • Not to mention Maddie's friend Corrie seems to have an obvious crush on London.
  • Suits gives us Mike & Harvey.
  • In Super Junior Mini Drama, there is a whole episode dedicated to Ho Yay. The assignment of the episode is to write a script about "forbidden love between two (male) members." Some of the acting can be seen here (especially notable stuff starts 3:58)
  • Kurt and Brian in Teachers. In one episode they were accidentally sent a Christmas card by their bank which believed they were a married couple (Kurt and Briony). Cue much worrying from Brian that, if they were married, he'd be the wife, and an attempt to be seen as two separate people. Another episode involved them discovering that your pupils widen when you look into the eyes of someone you love. Naturally, they realise that their eyes widen only for each other...
  • It's official! In the Twilight-esque television remake of the 80's movie Teen Wolf, Ho Yay is present. Not only do we have two hot young male werewolves, one which made the other pack and will now be teaching him, but we have many elements of Ho Yay already! Shirtless wrestling? Check. Steamy glances from across the room (that cause one of the boys to completely forget about his girlfriend for a moment)? Check. The other boy subtlety trying to separate the first from his female love interest? Check. Shirtless wrestling? Check, check, and more check.
  • This is parodied in the show Testees when the two main characters lose their memory because of one of the products they are testing and their friend tells them they are gay lovers then tries to get them to have sex in front of their entire apartment building.
    • The trope is also lampshaded at the beginning of the episode when the two main characters say that they look like they're really "close" and begin to think they may be gay. Probably because they share an apartment, go everywhere together, work together and appear in most pictures together.
  • Fez from That 70's Show tends to have feelings for all of his friends. This exchange from when Kelso went to police training takes the cake, though:

Hyde: Kelso, I love you!
Kelso: Shut, up.
Eric: I love you too!
Hyde: (beat) Dude, we were just kidding.
Fez: Oh.

    • With Jackie and Donna:

Jackie: Oh, I just love kissing, don't you Donna?.
Donna: I'm gonna go find Eric.

    • The guys were hoping this was what would happen when Annette spent the night at Donna's place with Donna and Jackie. It didn't.
    • From the finale

Kelso: Did you just stick your tongue my ear?
Fez: Maybe.
Kelso: (chuckles) I liked it.

  • Jamie and Malcolm of The Thick of It and In the Loop. There, I said it.
    • Number 10's press tyrants aren't the only ones. There seems to be Ho Yay or Foe Yay between Malcolm and everyone he encounters, and this is largely due to his tactic of unnerving people by flirting with them. He saves most of the Ho Yay for Jamie though.
    • Hell, Malcolm has shoved Ollie up against a bathroom wall and groped him, overrides Steve Fleming by saying "never mind what Mummy says, listen to Daddy" and signs off his phone call to Jamie with "I love you" (in response to Jamie's unnervingly cute "missing you loads!") The man is a ho-yay machine.
  • Tin Man included several conversations between Cain and Glitch that could easily be interpreted as flirtation. (It doesn't help that Alan Cumming is openly bisexual and Neal McDonough played a Star Trek character who was gay in the Expanded Universe.)

"Want to dance?" "I'll lead, you follow."

    • Not to mention the fact that after a brief memory short-circuit, the line that makes Glitch remember Cain is, "Good morning, sweetheart."
    • No mention of the scene in the truck? Let's see? they spent the series up until that point in constant bicker, and after it have mellowed out significantly. There's also the fact that Glitch would have had to get Cain out of those sopping wet clothes, and that one of the first aid measures for hypothermia would be bundling up together. Granted, Cain would have been WAY out of it, and Glitch couldn't hold a thought in his zippered head for more than a minute at a stretch, making anything past getting comfortable a tough go.
    • Then again, folks, remember this IS Oz, a universe that is loaded with Ho Yay and Les Yay to start with. You could make a good case for Glitch and Cain's predecessors (Scarecrow and Nick Chopper), while Ozma and Dorothy is more text than subtext. Add in Maguire and Laumer's Oz, and things get even heavier in those regards.
    • There's a pit of squicky subtext between Azkadellia and DG.
  • Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger has three: Ban and his "aibo," Hoji, Ban and Sixth Ranger Tetsu, and, well, any of the male Rangers and Doggie Kruger. Of course, there's also the subtle subtext of Jasmine and Umeko during their team-up episodes, but that's less obvious than the others. Then again, one of the male Rangers did say they act like lovers, and there's the wedding dresses scene in their special end title...
  • Top Gear likes to lay on the subtext, but this took the cake.

Hammond: When we left the action, Jeremy was in the lead just approaching Doncaster, I was in second place and as you would expect Captain Slow was bringing up the rear...
May: Steady.
Hammond: ...Hoping to take me from behind.
May: Yeah alright.
Hammond: And then press home his advantage and take Jeremy in the tunnel...
May: Stop saying things like that!

  • Almost every episode of Torchwood. Even when it's in the text, there's usually another one being subtexted. The most likely pairing that isn't in the text is probably Gwen and Tosh.
    • In a deleted scene for the episode From Out of the Rain, the Ghostmaker lovingly strokes the hair of one of the clowns in his circus, who smiles, shyly at him.
  • This trope is the reason Randy and Mr. Lahey have been known to dress up as Tonto and The Lone Ranger on Trailer Park Boys.
  • True Blood, Season 3. Bill shows up in Sam's motel room, shirtless. He makes Sam remove his shirt, all the while flirting like crazy. He goes in for the kiss... And Sam wakes up, having dreamt the whole thing.
    • Also, Season 2's interludes between Eric and Lafayette, which was confirmed to be intentional on the actors' part.
    • Eric and Godric have a very deep relationship, built on "centuries of faith and love". This, combined with Eric's insane protectiveness and submissiveness towards Godric, kind of makes them look like lovers.
    • Seriously, Eric and everyone in Season 3. He's manipulating people every which way he can, which involves a shameless amount of flirting, especially with Russell and Talbot.
      • I'm not sure it counts as flirting once it turns into, you know, actual sex. Which it does.
    • In season two, Eric and Bill are mistaken for a couple by a shop assistant. There's also this:

Sophie Anne: All this alpha-male posturing. Why don't the two of you just f**k each other and get it over with? I could watch.

      • Sophie Anne is bisexual also, and seems to much prefer the blood of a woman.
    • The show is so full of Ho Yay that it's starting to spill into real life.
    • Claudine seems incapable of keeping her hands off Sookie...
    • And Tara has always seemed rabidly protective of Sookie, especially in the first season.
  • The new TNT drama Trust Me is made of this trope. The main characters are at the very least Heterosexual Life Partners. At the end of the first episode, Connor is talking to BFF Mason about how he still wants to work with him as his "partner." He says he always does better work if he knows Mason will be reading it, prompting Mason to ask if Connor's planning on kissing him. It doesn't help that Mason is played by Eric McCormack.
    • Connor also gets a few good lines. At one point he says of Mason, "It's getting harder to pin him down these days." Slightly less slashy in context... but only just.
    • And now there's some Connor/Tony Ho Yay when the two decide to partner up together.

Tony: I felt like we had a connection. It's been a long time since I had that feeling.

    • And in the same episode we're right back to Connor/Mason Yay when Mason wants to fly Connor out to L.A. for a hockey game since he feels bad about missing the one they were going to attend together (in Chicago, where they both live and work). The whole conversations comes across like a couple who's recently broken up. Mason wants to get back together, but Connor rubs his new BF/partner, Tony, in Mason's face instead.
  • Charles Brandon on The Tudors is an interesting example. A fun-loving womaniser turned devoted family man, he's canonically heterosexual. However, when Henry exiles him, one of Anne's relatives gives a speech about how Charles is living comfortably but that being out of the King's presence is like being without the sun. Charles seems to agree and helps destroy the man who once showed him kindness because Anne's family promised they'd get Henry to invite him back if he did so. After literally begging on his knees and being welcomed back, Charles, then, gets himself temporarily banished, again. He, then, shortly turns on Anne and Cromwell (he was banished the second time for insulting Anne's honour, and Cromwell, at the time, was the one to inform him of the banishment). After that, Charles has shown occasional glimmers of fear that he'll lose Henry's favour, again. Now, granted, it could be that Henry is somewhat mentally unstable‚ and losing favour could mean losing his life, but still, some of Henry and Charles's scenes together come across as the latter having something of a case of Mad Love.
    • There was also an odd bit of editing where Thomas Wyatt was reading a love poem about Anne via voice-over while Suffolk was cementing his alliance with Thomas Boleyn and Norfolk. One line (paraphrased) was: 'they put themselves in danger to take my hand.' The editing was probably due to time constraints or some such thing, but the line does fit. An alliance to those two could've easily turn dangerous, but he, for whatever reason, agreed to it so that his exile would be lifted.
    • And then, there was Henry and Thomas More. Henry tried fairly hard to make More happy and have his approval. When things became very bad between the two, he confessed, privately, to a crucifix More gave him that he loved More as much as he hated him. After More was dead (by Henry's order), he let out a Big No type scream.
  • Two and A Half Men: Charlie and Alan. They're only brothers because of Executive Meddling to appease the Moral Guardians.
    • Indeed. In one episode Charlie actually gets in the shower with Alan.
    • Alan and Walden keep ending up together, with one of them naked. And Alan had a "problem" in the morning.
  • About a third of the jokes in Two Broke Girls riff on the homoeroticism of Max and Caroline's friendship. The other two-thirds are ethnic humor and rich-are-different jokes.
    • Caroline asks Max to come out and see something she bought:

Max: If I'm coming out for anyone, it'd be that hot dragon tattoo chick.


  • Betty and Amanda on Ugly Betty. Amanda has often made jokingly bisexual remarks to Betty as part of her sex-obsessed personally, but now that they've moved in together the Les Yay is getting harder to shrug off as a joke. Their heartwarming Golden Moments show a lot more chemistry than Betty has had with most of her Standard Betty Boyfriends. In the online Webisode, Amanda even told Marc that she had a sex dream about Betty.
  • Unnatural History set off slash fic between cousins Henry and Jasper after only three episodes were aired.
  • In The Vampire Diaries Jeremy and Tyler had Foe Yay that eventually turned into straight-up Ho Yay. This probably reached its zenith when Tyler is hanging out with two cute teen girls when Jeremy shows up. Apparently to be polite he invites Jeremy to join them. They then go to his house, at which point Tyler invites Jeremy to "see his sketches" if you know what I mean (it means see his sketches, but it sure sounds like a euphemism), ditching the other two until one of them comes looking for them, and when she finds them apologizes for interrupting them if they were having a "moment". Yeah, their sexual tension is strong enough that tertiary characters notice.
    • Note that when you apply a bit of Fridge Logic to the situation, Jeremy's sketches seem to be solely of Tyler. Hell, that's barely a step away from drawing little hearts around your crush's name in a notebook.
  • Veronica Mars:
    • In season one, Meg Manning referred to Veronica as her "knight in shining armor", gave her a corsage, and took her as her date to a school dance. Before the dance, though, she made Veronica dress in an extremely provocative outfit; Veronica referred to the costume as "Manila Whore Barbie" (the look was meant to emulate Madonna's early career; it was an '80s dance). Once they got to the dance, though, Meg refused to dance with Veronica, telling her "Forgive me, gal-pal; I'm weak," even before her secret date shows up. Aftewards, Veronica goes out to her car, borderline crying, VOing that all love does is get you alone at the spring dance strapped into uncomfortable underwear. Yeah, that's not even Subtext anymore.
  • Warehouse 13 has Myka and a female HG Wells in a extremely tense Foe Yay relationship. The two actresses discussed their characters and storyline and how to spice it up a little, and decided to fall in love a little bit.
    • Fall in love a little bit? whenever the two are in the same room after 2x01 they constantly look like they want to jump each other.
    • Before that, James MacPherson and Artie. When James died, Artie spent alot of time mourning him, acting like a widower more than someone who'd lost their friend.
  • In "Wrath of Con", Lilly open-mouth kissed Veronica, albeit partly to tweak Logan; Lilly was also trying to get Veronica to dress more provocatively: "You are not a yellow cotton dress! You are--strapless red satin!" Lilly, apparently, was a budding Anything That Moves, as in an Alternate Future dreamed up by Veronica where she wasn't killed, her boyfriend in college broke up with her for fooling around with his ex-girlfriend.
    • In "An Echolls Family Christmas," Duncan and Logan were wearing identical boxers at the beginning of the episode, after being forcibly stripped by Weevil when he suspected them of cheating. Another character asks if they coordinated beforehand. Later on, after they had a fight, Logan asked "So are we breaking up then?"
    • Logan and Weevil also had a Foe Yay vibe going on, which wasn't helped by Logan's actor lending some gestures to the character that could be described as "flaming".
    • Logan and Lamb have their fair share too.

Lamb (to Logan): Hey good-looking, we'll be back to pick you up later!

    • There's also the rather Yandere-ish description of the killer's motives in the conclusion of Dean O'Dell's murder.

You murdered Dean O'Dell to destroy Professor Landry, because he used you, then betrayed you ... Bet he'll change his mind about you not being that smart.

  • Ed and Larry in The West Wing, who are always seen together at work. Lampshaded in one episode.
    • What about Josh and Sam?!
    • Hell, what about Josh and Leo?
    • Hell, Bartlett and Leo! The President even gave him a kiss before going into surgery right after the assassination attempt, though that was a Crowning Moment of Heartwarming in context.
      • They even make cracks about it ("Uh, they thought I having dinner with Abbey, so just pretend there's no candlelight." / "Yeah, and that we're not paranoid homophobes."), blatantly tease and flirt (jokingly...or not?) and repeatedly get into husband/wife-like Accidental Innuendo. And Stockard Channing and John Spencer once joked that while Abbey was Bartlet's wife, Leo was his mistress.
  • The American version of Whose Line Is It Anyway?? sometimes has homoerotic joking around among its usually all-male cast; one skit featured Colin Mochrie kissing all the other actors, and Wayne Brady routinely sang love songs to male audience members. Host Drew Carey has called the series "the gayest show on TV."
    • Honestly now, Colin Mochrie and Ryan Stiles have been Ho Yaying it up since those magical times they spent in Merry Ol' England.
    • The letter H, anyone?
      • Speaking of the English version, there's plenty of Ho Yay overseas. From John Sessions mounting Stephen Fry during a game of props to Mike McShane planting two unscripted kisses on two men (Tony Slattery and Brad Sherwood) to anytime Paul Merton and Tony Slattery were on the same episode. The third pairing leading to one of the most infamous Party Quirk moments of the Britline series - Four words: Tony Slattery the Chippendale. Just watch Paul when Tony enters at 1:28 and don't tell me that Paul is not checking him out!
    • And somehow the Richard Simmons episode went unnoticed...
    • There was also an episode where Greg was offended by something Drew said, and when they made up with a hug, the audience went "awwww." Then they went from the hug to something a little more provocative. After they went back to their respective chairs, Greg delivered the following line:

Greg: I've had Drew's ass, and now I want more.

    • Greg and Clive, anyone?
    • And the Party Quirks where Colin was groping everyone.
      • The fact that Wayne gets back up so Colin could grab him, even though he was already out, adds to the subtext.
    • This segment of Hollywood Director ends with Wayne straddling Greg and Greg's legs wrapped around Wayne.
    • After the infamous "Maltese Burger" kiss, Ryan says to Colin "I think that's the first time I've ever kissed you on here." Those two have had the most kisses between them, with Ryan usually initiating them. Colin would sometimes lead, which would lead to an infamous kiss during Whose Line where Colin kissed him after Ryan tries to kiss him, including the line "We’ve worked together 20 years, you can’t kiss me?!" said by Ryan.
      • By last tally, Colin has kissed every regular male contestant at least once, as well as the host. The man gets around.
      • Colin said once in a interview with Wayne, that he has kissed every male player at least three times. I've never seen a female player kissed.
      • There was that time they had Kathy Giffin on the show, and Ryan planted a big wet one on her, and Drew gave her points for kissing Ryan. When Colin protested, saying he and Ryan kiss each other all the time, Ryan pointed out "He (Drew) means on the show."
      • Also, when Whoopi Goldberg was on she kissed Colin.
    • After Drew made the comment about Whose Line being "the gayest show on TV" Wayne, Colin and Ryan all point to their wedding rings, and then throw accusing looks at Jeff Davis, who then kisses Colin.
    • The worst two at this is Ryan and Colin. They are almost nortious at this, prompting letters from fans. Then again, with inccidents like the 'letter H', their eight full mouth kisses on the show, and the very suggestive banter, in and out of games.
      • It hard not to think it was possible the writers of the cards were trying for this. In one LMAD, Ryan was a Ravenous Boa Consrictor and Colin was turned on by danger. This leads to Ryan tongue being flickered about an inch from Colin's face.. and Colin's face during the whole things was just too convincing.
  • The Wild Wild West features the adventures of "partners" Jim West and Artemus Gordon who spend most of their time together on board a private train. They are constantly acting like a married couple whenever they're on the train, with Jim leaning on Artie's shoulder, Artie patting Jim lovingly (even on the tummy in some episodes), and both of them changing in front of each other. In several episodes, they remark on how "good-looking" the other is, including an episode where Jim wants to disguise himself as another man, and Artie says that Jim is "much better looking" than the other guy.
    • Neither seems terribly interested in relationships with women. Artie has an intense distrust of women, and though Jim is always seducing women for information, he never ends up with them past the end of an episode. Often episodes end with Artie glaring at Jim jealously as the latter goes off to what can be assumed is their shared sleeping quarters with the Girl of the Week.
      • In the episode "The Night of the Big Blast", Jim even meddles in Artie's relationship with a woman (an old friend of Artie's who seems to be his mental match), going so far as to interrupt Artie's kiss at the end of the episode with a jarring sound meant to imitate an explosion. Jealousy, indeed.
  • In The Wire, McNulty and Bunk have a lot of this going on, particularly in this interesting conversation:

McNulty: You know why I respect you so much, Bunk?
Bunk: Mmm.
McNulty: It's not 'cause you're good police, 'cause y'know, fuck that, right?
Bunk: Fuck that, yeah.
McNulty: It's not 'cause when I came to homicide, you taught me all kinds of cool shit about...well I dunno. Whatever.
Bunk: Whatever.
McNulty: It's 'cause when it came time for you to fuck were very gentle.
Bunk: You damn right.
McNulty: See, 'cause you could'a hauled me outta the garage and just bend me over the hood of a radio car...but no, you were very gentle.
Bunk: I knew it was your first time. I wanted to make that shit special.
McNulty: It was, man. It fucking was.

Juliet (while hugging Justin): Justin, your hand's a little low.
Alex: No, that was me.

  • The episode of Would I Lie To You in which Rob Brydon appears has him engage in Ho Yay with both David Mitchell and Robert Webb. He lavishes the pair with compliments, but insists that he personally finds David Mitchell the more attractive of the duo. Not in a gay way, of course.

David Mitchell: I'm not quite sure how to take this, but thanks.

    • The last episode of David Mitchell's The Bubble had Robert Webb as a guest and the show starts off with the two of them going off on a tangent together, while the two female guests coo over how much the two seemed to have missed each other in the three days the guests had been trapped in the bubble. One female guest then spilled the fact that Robert referred to David as "my David". David Mitchell reacts in stunned horror while a very embarrassed Robert protests that they were talking about 2 Davids and was just clarifying which David. Later in the same episode we see the guests trapped in the house together playing jenga, apparently drunk when one female guest, Maranda Hart, tries to psyche Rob out by saying to the camera

Miranda Hart: [Robert] keeps talking about this Abby he's married to but we all know he's talking about David.

    • At the end of the episode, David Mitchell reads out headlines and the guests have to buzz in and guess if they are true of false, as the guests have been cut off from the outside world for three days. David reads out this one:

David: Comedian David Mitchell has announced he is splitting from long-term comedy partner Robert Webb in order to concentrate on his solo career. [awkward silence]
Robert: [looking as though he is about to cry] Fake!
David: It is fake, yes. [[[Beat]]] Hell of a way to break it.

  • The homoerotic relationship between Xena and Gabrielle in Xena: Warrior Princess constantly walked the line between Subtext and text.
    • Xena and Callisto. Although, that was more Foe Yay.
    • Gabrielle was canonically lusted after by a Valkyrie in a later season, and it was implied that Najara was in love with Gabrielle as well.

Xena: (about Najara) "She's a tough girl, but she's got a weakness. It's the same one I've got."

    • In "The Play's the Thing", Gabrielle's play convinces two girls to become "thespians".
  • The X-Files had Mulder/Krycek (in one episode, Krycek even kissed him on the cheek) and Skinner/Doggett (which the Television Without Pity recapper noticed and commented on a lot).
    • Additionally, Reyes seems to be hitting on Scully in the episode Existence...

Reyes: I have to say, with everything I know you must be feeling, you look amazingly beautiful, Dana.
Scully: And what about what you're feeling? Any vibrations, Agent Reyes?


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