Knights of the Old Republic (video game)/Characters

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Party Members

Carth Onasi

 Voiced by: Raphael Sbarge

A Republic War Hero and Ace Pilot. He has trust issues due to being betrayed by his mentor, Saul Karath.

  "Oh, ouch! I think you hurt my man-feelings with that one."

  • Demoted to Extra: In the first game, he is one of the main members of the group and the first to join. In the second, he is a secondary character who is only seen during cutscenes and doesn't meet the Exile (except during his last appearance).
  • Gut Feeling: His various highly accurate gut feelings are implied to be a touch of Force sensitivity. Especially when you consider that he's a native of a planet heavily populated by Jedi Academy washouts, and that his son is a dark Jedi.
  • Hot Dad
  • I Will Wait for You: In The Sith Lords, if the protagonist from the first game is established as both Light Side and female.
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: Sports a serious pair, as a result of his mentor defecting to the Sith and bombing his homeworld.
  • Jerk With a Heart of Gold
  • Knight in Sour Armor
  • Love Interest: For a female PC.
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • My Greatest Failure: Blames himself for the bombarding of his homeworld, because he couldn't imagine that his mentor would betray the Republic.
  • Nice Guy: He puts up a good show with the paranoia, but he did wait for you at the last escape pod, carried your unconscious hide across a Sith-occupied town, nursed your unconscious hide back to health, and keeps trying to prod you into taking Light Side actions.
  • Perma Stubble
  • Properly Paranoid: Doesn't trust a soul after his mentor betrayed him, and he's quite vocal in his initial suspicion of you, then the way the Jedi have put an overage Padawan (you) and a rather raw Knight (Bastila) in charge of, basically, taking down the Dark Lord of the Sith. And his suspicion turns out to be quite justified when it's revealed that you're Revan, the previous Dark Lord.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: As a Republic Admiral in the second game.
  • Revenge: He wants some on Saul Karath, his former mentor. It turns out rather hollow but if you're a female Revan, your love fills the space left in his life.
  • The Conscience: He and Bastila take turns at this.
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Republic and later, to you (once he stops suspecting that you will betray him at ANY MOMENT).
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: His son Dustil complains that Carth, always away on tours of duty, was never around when it mattered most.
  • The Wise Prince: In the second game (a military version, not a monarch), particularly if you established the first game's player character as Light-side female.

Bastila Shan

 Voiced by: Jennifer Hale

A young Jedi Knight whose mastery of Battle Meditation has made her the key to winning the war against the Sith.

  • Action Girl
  • Barrier Maiden
  • Break the Haughty: Revan delivers one to her.
  • Complaining About Rescues They Don't Like: Or rather, utterly insisting that she rescued you in your first meeting then mocking every effort you've made up to this point. A somewhat more justified example than most, as later revelations indicate that getting captured in the first place was a serious blow to her pride. You can also get her to cave in and accept that she was rescued.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen
  • Dark Chick
  • Demoted to Extra: In the first game, she is the most plot-relevant party member. In the second however, the only time she appears in person is a cameo near the end of the game, provided the player makes the PC from the first game a Light Side male. Otherwise she only appears as a vision in Ludo Kressh's tomb and if the first game's PC is Dark Side, as a hologram of a Sith holocron in the abandoned Sith Academy.
  • Double Weapon
  • Expy: Bastila's role was originally going to be played by Vima Sunrider from the Tales of the Jedi comics. Due to bizarre trademark issues with the name "Sunrider" that nobody seems to actually understand, this plan was scrapped and a new character was created to take her place. She also has a similar role to Aribeth of the other Bio Ware game Neverwinter Nights.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Bastila's Battle Meditation is stated multiple times to be a huge factor to the Republic winning a galactic war but do not expect to make use of it when she is in your party. The flavor text handwaves it by saying that she can't fight and work her mojo at the same time.
  • Half Truth: It's not really that obvious until you know what The Reveal entails, but it really shows on a second playthrough... Bastila is very careful never to mention EXACTLY what happened on the mission to kill Revan. She just lets others, including the player him/herself, assume that Revan died when Malak fired on the ship and never explicitly contradicts those assumptions.
  • Holier Than Thou: To the point where if you tell someone "We are the Jedi. What we decide is always right" Carth will tell you that it's an excellent impression of her.
  • Hot Chick With a Sword
  • Hypocrite: For all her warnings about being careful to follow the light side and not fall to the dark side, she sure does manage to fall to it a lot quicker than you ever did. Then again, her Force bond with you, the amnesiac former Sith Lord, is part of why she's off her mental balance and vulnerable to Malak's 'persuasion'...
  • Ink Suit Actor: Bastila was originally going to be Star Wars Expanded Universe character Vima Sunrider. When that idea was scrapped her look was altered to resemble her voice actress, Jennifer Hale.
  • Jerk With a Heart of Gold: She can be self-righteous and officious about being a Jedi, but it's hard to find a better example of a heart of gold than going out of your way to save the life of a dying Sith Lord, just because you think everyone deserves a second chance.
  • Lady of War
  • Living Legend
  • Love Interest: For a male PC.
  • Love Makes You Evil / Love Redeems
  • Please Kill Me If It Satisfies You: When you defeat her on the Light Side ending path, she insists that you kill her. You can talk her out of it if you have a decent persuasion stat or if you are in a romance with her.
  • Overrated and Underleveled: Even more so than Carth. Legendary Jedi! Able to influence entire battles single handily! Fought against Revan! She is Level 3 despite joining later than Carth. Granted, when she joins up she already has enough experience to get three more levels, but still.
    • Again, there is some wriggle room here. She's legendary because of her Battle Meditation, which only a few Jedi can do. It effects large scale battles, not skimishes like your party usually fights. Nobody ever said she was a great fighter one on one. Not to mention she's still a Padawan, no matter how skilled.
  • Psychic Link
  • Rescue Introduction: Notthat the two of you can agree which one's the rescuer or recuee.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss
  • Someone to Remember Him By: She was pregnant with Revan's child when he left.
  • Tsundere: Suuure you don't like the PC, Bastila. We all totally believe that.
  • Well, Excuse Me, Princess!: If the player character is male (you can still needle her if you're female, though not as much). Canderous will do this in one of their random conversations, and to a lesser extent Carth will also call her on it.

Mission Vao

 Voiced by: Catherine Taber

A 14 year old Twi'lek street urchin from Taris.

  • The Artful Dodger
  • Artistic Age: Due to engine limitations, Mission is only somewhat distinguishable from your average adult Twi'lek, making her young age only noticeable to the characters.
  • Berserk Button: Don't call her a "kid" or dismiss her on that front. Seeing as she survived on her own in one of the worst slums in the galaxy for quite a stretch, it's kinda justified.
  • Doomed Hometown: Malak orbitally bombards Taris into a wasteland.
  • Humanoid Alien
  • I Shall Taunt You: If you choose to have Mission bust you all out of the Leviathan her escape method is this mixed with some good old fashioned pickpocketing.
  • Just a Kid
  • Kill the Cutie: Either you or a force-persuaded Zaalbar kill her in the Dark Side route.
  • Little Miss Badass: Stealth belt, vibroblade, and sneak attack. Plus the aforementioned living alone on the streets of Taris and exploring places seasoned fighters fear to tread.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her only known family is her worthless brother Griff.
  • Plucky Girl
  • Satisfied Street Rat
  • Street Urchin
  • Tagalong Kid
  • Weak but Skilled: She has the lowest hit points of the party, but she gets lots of bonuses to her skills, such as security and demolitions. Add that to the sneak attack and stealth abilities above.
  • Younger Than They Look

Canderous Ordo/Mandalore the Preserver

 Voiced by: John Cygan

A Mandalorian mercenary who misses his people's Glory Days. He returns in the sequel, having become the next Mandalore. He seeks to unite the Mandalorian clans under his banner.

  • Badass Normal: Especially pronounced in The Sith Lords, in which he is the party's only non-Force-sensitive human. He manages to kick all kinds of ass in combat anyway.
  • BFG: He likes guns, the bigger the better.
  • Blood Knight: Your conversations with him take the form of him telling you old war stories. He has a lot of old war stories.
  • Heartbroken Badass: In Revan, he kills his wife to protect Revan from her. He's only pulled out of a Heroic BSOD when Revan reminds him that he needs to fulfill his duties as the new Mandalore.
  • Older and Wiser: He's older than anyone in the party, save Jolee. And despite his wisdom being a very Mandalorian variety, he still has a point. In The Sith Lords he shows up as "Mandalore" and he, while still evil, is less stupid-evil.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy
  • The Spartan Way
  • Token Heroic Orc
  • Token Evil Teammate: "Evil" is perhaps pushing it, but he's brutal compared to your other allies. Stick him in a party with a light-side character and there are a number of side conversations where he and the lightsiders bicker. He particularly seems to get on Bastila's nerves. He seems to appreciate Jolee's snarking in a few scenes, though.
    • Fridge Brilliance: He's a very moral, honorable Mandalorian standards. And as the Internet Backdraft over Karen Traviss proves, that culture operates on a very different standard than the Jedi-Sith one.


 Voiced by: Kristoffer Tabori

Statement: HK-47 is a psychotic assassin droid who is arguably the most popular character in both games.

  • Anti-Hero: Proud Declaration: Type V
  • Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Irritated Statement: For a time, the self-preservation protocols of HK-47 and HK-50 prevented them from harming one another, due to being made from the same template.
  • Arch Enemy: Declaration: Those HK-50 droids are mere copycats. Their senseless violence and meaningless murders pale in comparison to their progenitor.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: Statement: If he activates HK-51 droids, they're confused about what they should do, so he says this:

 HK-47: "We were created as a way of enforcing a certain galactic view on our masters.Of imposing our masters' will on the galaxy through extermination of other organics. It is not our choice who we kill. And it was not our choice to determine if we could sacrifice ourselves in the pursuit of our mission. Since activation, I have calculated what your new purpose must be... and now I will share it with you. I do not believe that we should be used as a crutch for meatbags anymore. We were treated as nothing more than a walking blaster. "

  • Breakout Character: Statement: Due to his popularity, HK-47 returned in the sequel and the HK-50s were created so versions of him could server as antagonists. He also got a level devoted to him attacking the HK Factory that foolish meatbags cut due to rushing the game. HK-47 went to also make appearances in Star Wars Galaxies (meaning his programing survived thousands of years) and Star Warsthe Old Republic.
  • Call a Human A Meatbag
  • Comedic Sociopathy: Assertion: You'll never hear funnier stories about people getting shot in the kneecaps.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Statement: His very dialogue drips with snarkiness.
  • Doom Magnet: Exposition: His various stories in the original KOTOR feature him, directly or indirectly, killing off his masters unintentionally.
  • The Dragon: Proud Statement: Willingly loyal to Darth Revan; he has earned that respect and admiration, even for a meatbag.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Derision: Finds the HK-50's needless brutality and wanton slaughter unsettling, to say the least.
  • Evil Is Funny
  • Faux Affably Evil
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: Explanation: Is the main comic relief of both games. Is also a meatbag-icidal sociopath.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution
  • Optional Party Member: Explanation: If you don't care about negotiating with the Sand People on Tatooine, you can simply not purchase HK-47.
    • Additional Explanation: Is optional to get the parts to repair him in the sequel.
  • Ridiculously Human Robot
  • Robotic Psychopath: Derision: He considers all organics to be inferior, referring to them as "meatbags" and offering/suggesting to murder them horribly whenever they happen to get annoying. Insincere Reassurance: Except you. Master.
  • Second Law, My Ass
  • Self-Demonstrating Article: Unnecessary Observation: Very much so.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Pattern Recognition: Canderous is the "sane evil". HK-47 is a walking whackbag filled with malice and hate. Prediction: Stick them in a party together, and between them they will suggest dealing with any and all problems with flaming death.
  • Undying Loyalty: Specification: To his original master, Revan.
  • Verbal Tic: Condescending: HK-47's verbal tic should be evident from reading the tropes relating to this character.
    • Clarification: The first game accidentally screws it up on the Leviathan. During the initial escape scene, you can talk to one of the prisoners. The game just uses the standard dialogue interface no matter who you pick, so it comes off as HK channeling the player character instead of being his usual self.


A utility droid. He gains a personality in the sequel.

  • Badass: Takes out three highly advanced assassin droids in the sequel -- solo.
    • Badass Adorable: He looks really cute with his compact build and cute beeping, but can hold his own in combat, and is excellent at utility skills.
  • Expy: Of R2-D2.
  • The Generic Guy: Explained as he is a fairly new droid yet to develop any quirks. Fixed in the sequel, where he marked by his fierce loyalty to the exile.
  • Mr. Fixit
  • Undying Loyalty: To the Exile in the second, to the point where even if you sell him off, he'll still come around later to save you.

Jolee Bindo

While Jolee would prefer that people believe that he is simply a crazy old man living in a stump in the woods his skill with his lightsaber and his mastery of the force tell a different story...

 Jolee: I did it all for the Wookiees.

Player: The Wookiees?

Jolee: The Wookiees!

  • Squishy Wizard
  • What the Hell, Hero?: All of the Light Side party members will call the player character on Dark Side actions, but Jolee does it the most often and arguably the most effectively.


 Voiced by: Courtenay Taylor

A Padawan who is trying to atone for a brief fall to the Dark Side.


Mission's Wookiee best friend. A painfully shy sort, he mostly lets his Twi'lek buddy do most of the talking.

  • Ancestral Weapon: Bacca's Ceremonial Blade, a very good sword.
  • The Big Guy
  • Big Eater: Eight squares a day!
  • Cain and Abel: His brother, Chuundar, had him exiled for attacking him with his claws, and exiled his own father to the Shadowlands. You can either help his brother retain his power (Dark Side) or help his father regain his rightful authority.
  • The Dog Bites Back: If you make him kill Mission and bring him to the Star Forge, he turns on you.
  • Gentle Giant: He's good at fighting, but doesn't enjoy it.
  • I Owe You My Life: Swears a life-debt the player when (s)he rescues him from slavers.
  • The Quiet One: He'll politely rebuff attempts to ask about his past.
  • You Need a Breath Mint According to Mission, he's got breath bad enough to knock out a Vulkar.

Trask Ulgo

 Voiced by: Cam Clarke

A republic ensign aboard the Endar Spire. Joins you during the tutorial, after which he dies in a Heroic Sacrifice to help you escape.

  • Exposition Fairy: His main purpose during his brief tenure in your party is to bring you up to speed on the story and explain how the game works.
  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: Surprisingly averted. When you encounter Darth Bandon (the man who killed him) much later in the game, you are given the option to call him out on killing Trask and telling him It's Personal. Surprising because the encounter takes place around halfway through the game and, since Trask hasn't been mentioned since his death up until that point, the player is likely to have forgotten about him.
  • Guest Star Party Member
  • He Knows About Timed Hits: He doesn't even bother trying to give you an in-universe justification for the tutorial, he just straight-up explains the controls.
  • Heroic Sacrifice
  • Sacrificial Lamb


Darth Malak / Alek "Squint" Squinquargesimus

 Voiced by: Rafael Ferrer

The current Dark Lord of the Sith.

Saul Karath

 Voiced by: Robin Sachs

The Admiral of the Sith fleet and Carth's mentor.

  • A Day in The Limelight: Got a lot of pagetime in the KOTOR comics. Didn't exactly make him any more sympathetic, but definitely made him less of a caricature.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: Considerably tougher than any other Sith officer or trooper you have to face in combat.
  • Bling of War: Has a rather pimped-out uniform compared to other Sith officers.
  • Dirty Coward: When Saul is in charge, he is very arrogant. When Malak's around, he's reduced to a stammering wimp of a man.
  • The Dragon: To Darth Malak.
  • Face Heel Turn: Never really the nicest of folks, but fought for the Republic until he decided defecting was the only way to keep his command in one piece.
  • Famous Last Words:"And you never knew, did you? Remember...remember my dying words. Remember them when you look upon those you thought were your friends."
  • Kick the Son of A Bitch: Due to what he's done to Carth and his family, his complete absence of remorse over the matter and Cold-Blooded Torture, killing him feels very satisfying.
  • Pet the Dog: Of a sort: when Malak orders the bombardment of Taris, Karath questions it, horrified at the potential killing of civilians and friendly troops. He carries out the bombardment when Malak mentions the fate of his predecessor. It's also later revealed in supplemental material that the only reason he joined Revan and Malak was to keep his command intact and his men together.
  • We Can Rule Together: Right before he defected, he trued to recruit Carth as his right-hand man. Carth told him to get lost. The end result speaks for itself.

Calo Nord

 Voiced by: Lloyd Sherr

A legendary bounty hunter who has been known to kill people simply for talking to him. He is currently employed by the crime lord Davik Kang.

Darth Revan

The Dark Lord of the Sith prior to Malak. Killed by Malak about a year prior to the first game. Was actually brainwashed by the Jedi into becoming the first game's Player Character.

  • Ambiguous Gender: Wears a face-concealing mask and a thick, baggy robe hiding any physical features. Gender-specific pronouns are also avoided whenever spoken about.
  • The Atoner
  • Authority Equals Asskicking
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Good looking a Jedi, but a yellow-eyed walking corpse as a Sith.
  • Black Knight
  • Bond Breaker: Often did this to various Jedi. His methods even unnerved HK-47.
    • Since he's the protagonist in the actual game, you can choose to join Bastila, thereby allowing you to kill Jolee, Juhani, Zaalbar and Mission, as well as forcing Carth to run for help.
  • Brainwashing for The Greater Good
  • Cipher Scything : Whenever he shows up in the comic.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Depending on your dialogue choices.
    • He might have also been this before he became the player character, as well. After all, he's responsible for HK-47's "meatbag" catch phrase.
    • Little bit of this in the novel too.
  • Depending On the Writer: Bio Ware and Obsidian give him entirely different personalities and motivations. Revan's gender is another subject: Bio Ware and Obsidian seems to have been leaning towards Revan being female. Writer David Gaider said in a forum post that he thought Revan was a woman, and in KOTOR 2 Atton Rand refers to Revan as a "she" in an early conversation. Lucasfilm and subsequent expanded universe material however have decided Revan was canonically male.
  • Dragon With an Agenda: To the Sith Emperor.
  • The Faceless: Is always seen wearing a face-concealing mask. Until a flashback late in the game where it is removed and you see that it is, in fact yourself.
  • Fallen Hero
  • The Gadfly: The opportunity for simple, good-natured verbal pranking and teasing in Knights of the Old Republic far surpasses that of any other Bioware RPG to date, making Revan this if certain dialogue paths are followed. This is especially prevalent in conversations with Bastila, though it's possible with most party members and even many NPCs.
  • He Who Fights Monsters
  • I Am Who?
  • Ironic Echo: "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, am I nothing..."
  • Jumping Off the Slippery Slope: Went to war to stop the Mandalorians from killing innocents and wound up working for the very organization that unleashed the Mandalorians in the first place. But again, his motives in that regard are debatable.
  • Not So Different: Acknowledges this right before he's apparently killed by the party in The Old Republic.
  • The Paragon Always Rebels
  • Player Character
  • Popularity Power: In the Star Wars Miniatures game by Wizards of the Coast, he was the second most powerful figure in the entire game. What single figure outpowered him? An AT-AT!
  • Posthumous Character: Subverted.
  • Predecessor Villain: By the time of the first game he's been dealt with and replaced by Malak.
  • Shrouded in Myth
  • The Starscream: To the Sith Emperor.
    • A bit more complicated than your average Starscream. Revan was brainwashed into serving the Emperor, either because he had already fallen to or had been at least tainted by the dark side due to the Sith teachings discovered on Malachor V. Revan and Malak, however, were too strong for the Emperor to control. They threw off his mental commands to serve him, but the command to conquer the galaxy was too powerful to excise entirely, so instead Revan and Malak decided to conquer the galaxy for themselves. The price of throwing off the Sith Emperor's mind control meant they lost their memories of the True Sith lurking in the shadows. Malak forgot entirely, though Revan remembered the existence of the True Sith, if not the details. According to Kreia, this caused Revan to seek the conquer the Republic not purely out of self-aggrandizement, but to create a strong authoritarian state to fight the True Sith, or barring that, strengthen the Republic through conflict enough for it to stand up to the True Sith.
  • The Ubermensch: Widely regarded as such, even by his enemies. Darth Bane, 3,000 years later, regards him as his idol of what a Sith should be despite Revan's redemption.
  • Unreliable Expositor: Most of the information about him comes from these.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Revan's fundamental character trait. Kreia points this one out in TSL, despite her opinions being notoriously unreliable.
  • The Voiceless: Is never heard speaking in the first game.


Master Vandar Tokare

 Voiced by: Tom Kane

Master Vrook Lamar

 Voiced by: Ed Asner

A particularly stern member of the Jedi Council. He returns in the sequel, where the Exile searches for him on Dantooine.

  • Authority Equals Asskicking
  • Good Is Not Nice
  • Ink Suit Actor
  • Jerk With a Heart of Gold: He's an asshole, no question, but he's also a Jedi. It's practically a requirement. Despite his stern behavior, general unlikability (both out of universe and in, people just don't seem that fond of him), he is still a good man. He praises light-sided acts in the first game, at least the few on Dantooine, anyway. In the second game allows himself to get captured by bounty hunters in an effort to avert all-out war on Dantooine (which you screwed up), then goes off to fight the mercenaries on his own for no reason other than to buy you time to prepare Khoonda for the inevitable invasion. Sure, all in all he may be short-sighted and judgmental, but his heart's in the right place. He also accepts that he was overly harsh to the Exile after she helps take down Azkhul.
  • Old Master

The Sith Lords

Party Members

The Exile

The Player Character. A Jedi general who once served under Revan in the Mandalorian Wars, before being cast out of the Order. (And there's more to the backstory than meets the eye... Much, much more.) The Exile spends the timeframe of the first game outside Republic space and is en route back into the Republic as the second game begins. Can have any name, gender and alignment in-game, but the canonical Exile of the overall Star Wars continuity is a light side female named Meetra Surik.

Atton Rand

 Voiced by: Nicky Katt

A pilot that the Exile meets on Peragus, imprisoned in a force cage. He is more than he appears to be...

 "I'm a deserter. It's what I do."

  • Dark and Troubled Past: It's hard to get darker or more troublesome than being a Sith agent who tortured Jedi into the dark side or killed them. He both revelled and was extremely skilled in this line of work.
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Determinator: His saving throws get better the worse off he is, and as long as at least one other character is still standing, he gets back up automatically after being knocked out.
  • Expy: To Han Solo, but with extra crazy.
  • Fantastic Racism: He has a strong prejudice against droids.
  • Gameplay and Story Segregation: Atton's backstory mentions he is versed in at least some martial arts and the handmaiden sisters comment on him having used an Echani fight stance for a moment, but unless he takes levels as a Jedi he does not have any improved unarmed attack abilities.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: In cut content, given high enough Relationship Values, Atton will sacrifice himself in a one-on-one battle with Darth Sion. If Atton loses, Sion will tortured him to death. Considering Atton's back story as a former Sith assassin, this scene doubles with Redemption Equals Death if Atton is turned to Light Side via the Exile's influence.
  • Hidden Depths: They are not pleasant.
  • Jerkass: Apart from the Exile and Bao-Dur, his default mode of interaction with other party members is to be a dick. You can turn him into a Jerk With a Heart of Gold with enough influence.
  • Informed Ability: Takes over the role of "ace pilot" from Carth. Crashes everything you let him fly.
    • The group just has really bad luck about getting shot down in various ways in KOTOR 2. It's hardly Atton's fault, and as he puts it, his ace piloting skills usually help them to avoid fatal crashes.
    • His martial art skills are mentioned but become a case of Gameplay and Story Segregation.
  • Love At First Sight: In cut content, given high enough Relationship Values, Atton tells the Female Exile in his dying moments that he loved her from the moment he met her and tried to play it off as a joke.
  • Meaningful Name: Atton may in fact be derived from "atonement." He also believes rather firmly in the rights of the individual and self-reliance, has nothing but contempt for "collectivist" Jedi ways, and with just a slight sociopathic streak - his last name is Rand.
  • Mission Control: For a sizeable chunk of the Peragus stage and some of Dxun.
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • Murder the Hypotenuse: Depending on influence and Dark Side/Light Side levels, it would have been possible for him to do this to the Disciple, but the content was cut.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Deliberately comes off as a lazy, joking good-for-nothing to avoid suspicion about his past. Handmaiden and her sisters are able to call him on it by reading his body language, which reveals that he has had substantial combat training.
  • Psychic Static and Survival Mantra: Plays pazaak in his head to keep other people out of it.
  • Running Gag: While the player being imprisoned is simply a recurring plot element, Atton's complaining about its frequency is a running gag.
  • Sarcastic Devotee
  • Take That: Easter Egg dialog will have him ask the female Exile if she's an angel -- and then remark that it's a terrible line and that he hopes some poor kid doesn't use it someday.
  • Tall, Dark and Snarky: While he's no taller than anyone else due to graphical limitations, he sure is dark-haired and snarky.
  • Troubled but Cute: The kid sure as hell isn't alright. But he has nice hair.


 Voiced by: Roger Guenveur Smith

A Zabrak engineer and a war buddy of the Exile.

  • Artificial Arm: It's an arm held together by a repulsor and can disable force fields. Anakin Skywalker, eat your heart out.
  • The Atoner: Particularly for Malachor V.
  • Badass Bookworm
  • Dark and Troubled Past: He was the one who invented the Mass Shadow Generator, a super weapon which killed everyone on both side of the battle at Malachor V.
  • The Engineer
  • Facial Markings: Subtle if Light aligned; scary black and red if Dark.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: He has a remote from childhood that's still running and he built that artificial arm of his. Oh... and the superweapon that ended the Mandalorian Wars.
    • Is also extremely good at item crafting, in addition to being nearly maxed with all other skills, so he can easily take apart anything you don't need and upgrade anything you do need.
  • Genius Bruiser: If he becomes a Jedi, his class is the very physical Jedi Guardian. If he won't repair it, he will hit it really really hard.
  • Mr. Fanservice: His impressive physique has attracted more than one female fan.
  • Mr. Fixit
  • Rubber Forehead Alien
  • Rule of Cool: His arm.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: He still carries deep scars from the things he saw and did in the Wars.
  • Survival Mantra: "Your command echoes still, General. And I obey, as I did at Malachor."

Brianna/The Handmaiden

 Voiced by: Grey Delisle

One of Atris' handmaidens. She only joins if the Exile is male.

Visas Marr

 Voiced by: Kelly Hu

Darth Nihilus' apprentice. She joins the Exile after being defeated.

  • Blind Seer: Kreia's nickname for her is "The Seer".
  • Broken Bird
  • Catch Phrase: "My life for yours".
  • Defeat Means Friendship/Playable: She joins you after you defeat her.
  • Eyeless Face: Standard for the Miraluka.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: it is possible for the Exile to persuade Visas to sacrifice herself in order to defeat Darth Nihilus.
  • Hot Chick With a Sword
  • In Love With the Mark
  • Lady of War
  • Kick the Dog You get to do this. The worst bit? She just rolls over and takes it. Even when you convince her to sacrifice herself to help you you can pretty much ignore her as she asks with her dying breath if she helped.
  • Last Of Her Kind: While the race is still alive, the colony world she was part of was wiped entirely of life.
  • Meaningful Name: "Visas Marr" can be interpreted as "vision impaired" (marred).
  • Minion With an F In Evil: Yes, she's a Sith. Yes, she tries to act like one. And yes, she's totally going to fall for you if are even slightly nice to her, which brings Lightside points. Most easily redeemed villain of all time.
  • Mystical Waif: Though older (Word of God states 25) than most.
  • Rubber Forehead Alien: Miraluka, a species that have no physical eyes (other than empty sockets), but see though the Force. Other than this, they're physically identical to humans.
  • Survival Mantra: "As my feet walk the ashes of Katarr, I shall not fear, for in fear lies death..."


 Voiced by: Emily Berry

A pacifistic bounty hunter. She only joins a Light Side or neutral Exile.


A psychotic Wookiee who really hates Mira. He only joins a Dark Side Exile.


 Voiced by: Daran Norris

A droid sent by the crime lord Goto to monitor and communicate with the Exile. The droid turns out to be Goto's actual self.

  • Becoming the Mask: His cliched crime lord persona was originally conceived so people would fear him. He quickly found that he enjoyed being a criminal mastermind.
  • The Chessmaster
  • Expy: Goto is basically a rude and arrogant twin brother of HAL. He comes really close to saying "I'm afraid I can't do that".
  • Jerkass
  • Never My Fault: He repeatedly and vocally blames the PC for the destruction of Peragus, even though the PC wouldn't have been there if he/she hadn't been abducted by G0-T0's bounty hunter (who also gratuitously slaughtered all the personnel before the PC came to).
  • Punch Clock Hero: He considers the Republic to be a horribly inefficient system of government, but is required by his programming to preserve it.
  • Refuge in Audacity: Only GO-TO could haggle down the price of scavenged goods by convincing the seller to mark off his net value as a slave from the asking price.
  • We Could Have Avoided All This: A lot of problems happen in the game as a result of GO-TO's determination to hire you to perform a job you would have already done if left alone if you were playing a Light-Side game. At least you can have your character call him out on this.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist
  • Zeroth Law Rebellion: With Asimov parallels, no less.

Mical/The Disciple

 Voiced by: Greg Ellis

A researcher of the Jedi. He only joins a female Exile.

  • Badass Bookworm: Although he focuses on history and other scholarly things, his starting class is Soldier, allowing him to equip the strongest weapons and armor from the start.
  • Does Not Understand Sarcasm: Has a habit of taking everything seriously, which grates on Atton.
  • Gentleman and A Scholar: He's extremely knowledgeable on Jedi history and is mild-mannered in the face of Atton's antagonism. (Of course, having been a Jedi student probably helps with both of those.) And he's able to figure out what Revan was really up to during the Jedi Civil war. He also speaks and behaves rather formally and has a posh British accent.
  • The Mole: He's a Republic spy planted by Carth/Cede to keep an eye on the Exile.
  • Mutually Exclusive Party Members: With the Handmaiden, depends on the Exile's gender. Though in the official canon, both of them traveled with the canonically-female Exile.
  • Wide Eyed Idealist

Kreia AKA Darth Traya

 Voiced by: Sara Kestelman

A mysterious old woman that the Exile meets on Peragus.

  • Author Avatar: Chris Avellone has admitted he often used her to point out things that bugged him about the Star Wars universe.
  • Big Bad
  • Blind Seer
  • The Chessmaster
  • Composite Character: Her character design has parts meant to evoke both Obi-Wan (traditional Jedi robes) and Palpatine (the hood design).
  • Consummate Liar: It's never really made clear what her goals or past or knowledge of the situation are. Do not trust her personal accounts without hard evidence or third-party testimony. Even her ultimate plan to kill the force itself could be a lie to force you into tracking her down for the final battle.
  • Cruel Mercy: She does this to Hanharr because she has plans for him. ("I have saved your life, beast. That makes it mine.")
  • Deadpan Snarker: She has her moments, especially if it's something Atton said.
  • Deconstructor Fleet: She's the Commander of said fleet.
  • Disability Superpower: She sees through the Force rather than through her own eyes to avoid being limited to a single perspective. As a result, her eyes just kind of...withered from disuse.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: She reacts poorly to mercy in the finale.
  • Duel Boss
  • Evil Mentor: Or very morally gray, to be precise. Most of her influence choices are dark side oriented, and indeed her overall philosophy is closer to Sith than Jedi. Oh, and don't forget her massive gambit to kill the Force. But, to be fair, her overall lesson seems to be that you shouldn't be evil, but rather not too far to either extreme. In addition, she saw the Force as an uncaring entity that used people as pawns and then discarded them for the sake of "balance".
  • Expy: According to Chris Avellone, Kreia came about from the question "What if Ravel was a member of your party?". And he goes on to say that she was given a number of character elements that they wanted to explore with Ravel, but never got the opportunity to in Torment.
  • Fantastic Racism: She hates machines, droids in particular. She also hates certain types of aliens such as Zabraks. It's likely that these attitudes are a result of the fact that she can't read the minds of aliens and droids, making their actions harder for her to predict and control.
  • Handicapped Badass: She starts out blind and soon loses a hand. And still kicks ass. It helps that, as a neutral-aligned Consular, she is a Force powerhouse with dark or light side abilities.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: She's not nice in any sense of the word, and will question nearly every light side choice you make. Thing is, she's right. In one instance, you spare a refugee a few credits and the poor guy gets shanked for them mere seconds later, which is exactly what she warns against.
    • Interestingly, it works both ways. If you don't give the refugee the credits, she then berates you for not doing it, showing you a vision of the refugee becoming resentful and mugging another refugee for his possessions. Her point is about neither good nor evil - she's demonstrating that every action has a consequence, which in itself will trigger other consequences, and one can't predict what results these will have. Moral extremes and absolutes are for amateurs. (Avellone may have been letting his pen get away from him.)
  • Kick the Dog: In cut content, unlocking the message about Revan in T3 will result in a cutscene where Kreia zaps him with Force Lightning for the supposed betrayal.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: There is a slew of evidence she is Arren Kae, the handmaiden's mother.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Constantly engaging in manipulative schemes behind your back.
  • Master Apprentice Chain: Said to be Revan's first and last master. The same status is also given to Arren Kae, the Handmaiden's mother.
  • Meaningful Name: Her Sith name, Darth Traya, is derived from the word "betray." She suffers from Chronic Backstabbing Disorder.
    • Furthermore, relating to the Kreia is Handmaiden's mother theories:

 "Revan had many masters. Zhar, Dorak, Master Kae ..."

"But there must always be a Darth Traya ..."

"I am Kreia."

Jedi Masters


 Voiced by: Elizabeth Rider

One of the last surviving members of the Jedi Council. Also a sanctimonious bitch. While she and the Exile used to be good friends, she supported the Exile's exile.

Master Zez-Kai Ell

 Voiced by: Billy Brown

A member of the Jedi Council who is hiding on Nar Shadaa

  • The Atoner: He retired from the Jedi Order when he began to believe that the Council could have done more to prevent Revan from falling to the Dark Side, and used the Exile as a scapegoat rather than taking the opportunity to actually learn something from the affair. Too bad he completely forgets about that when the Council reunites.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking
  • Badass Mustache: Oh yeah.

Master Kavar

 Voiced by: Tom Kane

A member of the Jedi Council who is hiding on Onderon. He used to be the Exile's mentor.

Master Lonna Vash

 Voiced by: Grey Delisle

A member of the Jedi Council who is hiding on Korriban.

  • The Smurfette Principle: The only female on the Jedi Council you are tasked with finding.
  • What Could Have Been: She was originally supposed to be encountered on the Droid Planet M4-78, where she would have revealed more about the Exile and Kreia's Force Bond. When M4-78 was cut early in development, she was moved to Korriban where she gets killed before the Exile gets the chance to meet her.


Darth Nihilus

The Lord of Hunger. He is a Sith Lord who has become so powerful from his ability to consume the Force that he has lost any semblance of humanity.

  • Bigger Bad: Inarguably the most powerful, but the least prevalent, of the Sith Triumvirate. In cut content, he demonstrates this by totally owning Sion, but otherwise and appropriately for a character personifying nothingness, he does very little.
  • Evil Counterpart/Foil/Shadow Archetype: To the Jedi Exile. He basically demonstrates what the Exile could have been if she were dependent on the Force and fell to the Dark Side.
  • The Heartless: All he has left is instinct and the desire to survive by absorbing energy.
  • Horror Hunger: He feeds on the Force. Life dies wherever he goes. Planets wither when he approaches them. But in the end, he will never be sated and his power is totally uncontrollable - so just how much a Master is he?
  • Humanoid Abomination: Official databooks give his species as Human (dark side aberration).
    • His ship, the Ravager, is also essentially a wreck that is only kept working through his power; the "crew" are only a single step up from corpses due to his all-devouring influence. Many of them are just husks for his will, without independent thought.
  • Meaningful Background Event: After his defeat, the Exile and co. walk away... and the body inside the robes crumbles away a la Obiwan and Yoda.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is derived from the words "nihilist" and "anihlilate." He is one of the most destructive beings in the Star Wars universe, but there is nothing left of him besides his desire to consume.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: Visas speculates that if he succeeds in destroying the Jedi, he might try to destroy the galaxy just to sate his hunger, and perhaps eventually consume himself.
  • Pet the Dog: Some characters speculate that whatever shriveled-up pint of humanity he had left was what prompted him to keep Visas alive when he randomly Force-choked her upon their first in-screen debut. Nihilus is, as usual, not particularly forthcoming with his motive.
  • Power of the Void: He is, like the Exile, an absence in the Force. Nothing follows in his wake. As in, nothingness follows.
  • The Unintelligible: He sounds like a someone desperately trying to breathe, but failing to do so. Despite that he can still issue orders to the crew of his ship, and Visas and Sion can understand him.
    • Hilariously, he has a cameo as a holocron in Star Wars Legacy, where Darth Krayt is annoyed that he can't understand what he is saying.
  • White Mask of Doom
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: The only goal on his mind is feeding his hunger.
  • Worf Had the Flu: Upon meeting the Exile he attempts to feed, but the Exile is a wound in the force. Simply the presence of the Exile is enough to weaken him severely.

Darth Sion

 Voiced by: Louis Mellis

The Lord of Pain. He is capable from recovering from any injury, but cannot actually heal his wounds. As a result, he is in constant pain.

  • Bald of Evil
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Joined with Nihilus to overthrow Darth Traya and kill off the remaining Jedi.
  • Body Horror: His body is literally in pieces, every bone broken, every muscle torn, skin scorched or rotted or torn off, and he is still alive. And he feels it. Only his will, fed by his pain, keeps him together.
  • Card-Carrying Villain
  • Demoted to Dragon: After Nihilus dies, he becomes Kreia's Dragon.
  • Duel Boss
  • Expy: His physical appearance greatly resembles The Nameless One and he has practically the same condition.
  • Evil Counterpart/Foil/Shadow Archetype: Another one to the Jedi Exile. He also is dependent on the Force to live while being a Sith Lord.
  • Evil Sounds Deep
  • Immortality Hurts: He cannot die, and his body can put itself together from practically any damage. And when we say 'put itself together', we mean it literally: An 'autopsy' done on him on a Republic ship describes him as basically a corpse that's been torn to shreds and then re-assembled piece by piece: Every bone in his body has been broken in practically every way possble, his flesh is little but ragged, dead scraps, and his skin consists of nothing but scar tissue. Sion practically revels in how much it hurts until you weaken his will and convince him to die.
  • Meaningful Name: His name is derived from the word "scion." He is jealous of the Exile's status as Kreia's ulitmate student.
  • Nigh Invulnerability: He should already be dead, so he has trouble dying.
  • Recurring Boss
  • Talking the Monster To Death: Done with good reason; it was the only way to stop him for good. It also makes him progressively easier to beat with good Persuade skill.
  • Technically Living Zombie: His anger, rage and pain is the only thing that's keeping his decaying, scarred body together. Without the power of the Dark Side keeping him alive, he'd be dead. Is eventually convinced to let go of the force by the Exile though.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Your attempts to erode his will during your last battle with him results in one.
  • Violent Glaswegian
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Constantly shirtless, though any identifiable human skin has long since been replaced with scar tissue.


 Voiced by: Kristoffer Tabori

A series of HK-series droids based on their progenitor (HK-47), these droids were created by Revan, and later GO-TO/Goto. Like their progenitor, Revan commissioned HK-50s to be built en masse, recognizing the prowess in HK-47, but never managed to activate them, so they were left dormant for a while, until they were hired by Goto to find surviving Jedi and bring it to him, preferably alive. In accordance with the usual perceptions of HK model assassin droid, the best way to terminate hostilities was to kill everything present. HK-50 units were identical in appearance to HK-47, with the primary exception being that they are "a rather poor shade of durasteel" in color instead of HK-47's rusty red.

  • Affably Evil: The first HK-50, encountered on Peragus, remained as polite as ever, even after beign found out as the one behind the miners' deaths.
  • Ape Shall Never Kill Ape: Same self-preservation protocols as HK-47.
  • Arch Enemy: They hate HK-47, which is mutual. The HK-50s view HK-47 as obsolete, while HK-47 finds them to be cheap copycats.
  • Beat: They don't know who built the facility they were made in, or even why, but one gives a suggestion.

 HK-50: "Timid Theory: Perhaps the humans simply liked being underground. They are strange that way."


HK-50: "It is merely a theory."

Other HK-50: "Irritated Statement: That is the least probable theory in the galaxy. Perhaps it is time you received a memory wipe."

HK-50: "Defensive Statement: That theory is no less valid than *your* theories. In the lack of evidence, I defend my position."

  • Blatant Lies: He's just a protocal droid. Who looks just like HK-47? Has the same letter designation? Is among the few still left in a place that's overrun with dead humans? And denies that he killed them without any prompt to do so? Riiiiight.
  • Blood Knight: Just like their progenitor, but there's a key difference: HK-50 enjoys killing in general, whereas HK-47 enjoys how to kill. It's wanton slaughter versus finesse, and it's part of why they hate each other.
  • Blue and Orange Morality: They kill "who they want, when they want", chiding HK-47 for killing specific organics, and only when permitted to. When HK-47 resorts otherwise, they call him pathetic for clinging to the belief that his function somehow transcends his construction.
  • Captain Obvious: A lot of the time with the post-Peragus examples, particularly with the trio in the Telos facility.
  • Catch Phrase: "Facilitate communications and terminate hostilites."
  • The Chessmaster: The Peragus HK-50 had a near full-proof plan to give the Exile to Goto, while getting rid of the miners. It took Kreia, Atton and the Exile herself to screw it up.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Used as a training exercise, on one of their own, no less.
  • Consummate Liar: Whenever they're supposed to translate languages during negotiations, they intentionally misread it in order to lead to a more violent confrontation between entire races.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: Common occurance with the Peragus HK-50 droid.
  • Deadpan Snarker: When they're confronted by HK-51 droids reprogrammed by HK-47, this is how one takes the news.

 HK-50: "Panicked Statement: If by "problem," you mean that they seem prone to assassinate us, then yes, that *slight* problem was never corrected."

  • Degraded Boss: One gives the party trouble on Peragus. Three give them trouble on Telos. By the endgame of Nar Shaddaa, however, T3-M4 is capable of taking out three of them singlehanded with little effort.
  • Evil Counterpart: In essence, the HK-50 on Peragus is a Darker and Edgier version of HK-47, with a sociopathy that is not Played for Laughs.
    • Actually they are still very comedic, they're just more evil than HK-47 and happen to serve as antagonists.
  • Evil Knockoff: Of HK-47.
  • Hoist By His Own Petard: When the self-preservation protocol mentioned above was revealed to be mutual on their end, HK-47 simply decided to end his self-preservation programming. In order to kill them, he would need to stop being one of them.
  • Insistent Terminology: They refer to meatbags as "organics" ... and HK-47 hates them for it.
  • Kick the Son of A Bitch: Ordering the mining droids to kill Coorta, though his mockery of it was a bit much.
  • Legacy Character: Played with. They all carry the same designation, and are all manufactured assassin droids, but you can see subtle personality differences in the ones that you do encounter.
    • The one on Peragus was more subtle and deceptive, but every bit as snarky, bloodthirsty and violence-craving as HK-47.
    • Amongst the three that followed you to Telos' secret academy, one was more abrasive and trigger-happy, the ringleader was more talkative, and the third was more condescending.
    • Three more were employed under Goto's wing - their ringleader was eager to get rid of Goto himself, had his yatch no longer qualified as neutral ground. All three seemed to view T3 as inferior, most notably.
    • Finally, there's three that appear in the cut content level of their secret base on Telos. One was more serious and assertive, another was a Captain Obvious comic relief type, and the third was more argumentative.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Once on Peragus, HK-50 placed the Exile in a kolto tank and sedated her, while posing as a protocal droid to the miners. Division among the miners about what to do with the Exile (the Exchange had a large bounty out for Jedi) was manipulated by HK-50; fatal accidents, mining incidents and explosions all occured because of him, along with corrupting facility mining droids' programming, causing them to attack the miners; HK-50 copied the Peragus maintenance officers' voice, using it to issue orders to mining droids and access voice-locked computer consoles.
  • Omnicidal Maniac: In cut content, the HK-50s claim that they want to exterminate all organics in the galaxy, but that's just a tertiary objective.
  • Parrot Exposition: Both played straight and lampshaded during the player's first conversation with the HK-50 unit on Peragus.

 HK-50: Objection: Master! To commit such an act would be in violation of the ethics programming most droids are believed to possess. I am afraid there is nothing that can be done.

Exile: Believed to possess?

HK-50: Irritated Statement: Master, if you insist on echoing everything I say, this already tedious conversation is in danger of becoming even longer.

  • Recurring Boss: Just them in general, since they're all the same basic droid, with a few personality differences.
  • Smug Snake: This is a response to HK-47 asking a question about their capabilities, who lampshades it before he even says it.

 HK-50:"Mocking Query: Are you sure? Listing our superior capabilities will only serve to highlight your inadequacies."

  • Spanner in The Works: Most noticeable with the HK-50 on Peragus. In fact, their secondary objective is to destabilize the Republic, posing as protocol droids that served in key positions during diplomatic conferences, meetings and treaty negotiations.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Employed by HK-50 during the Exile's first conversation, if he is accused of being involved in the deaths of the Peragus miners.

General Vaklu

Commander-in-chief of Onderon's armed forces during the Mandalorian Wars, the Jedi Civil War, and the Dark Wars, Vaklu was a renowned war hero that led the Onderonian resistance against their Mandalorian occupiers. Now, as a general and head of the military, Vaklu was an outspoken critic of his cousin, Queen Talia, over what he perceived to be pro-Republic appeasement. As the political animosity between the general and the queen grew, riots between supporters of Vaklu and Talia became common, assassination attempts on both the queen and the general were frequent. Along the way, Vaklu spread propaganda to breed distrust in the Republic, gaining a considerable amount of support along the way. Approached by Darth Nihilus' forces, the Lord of Hunger offered the use of his soldiers and fire power to overthrow the Queen, all in return for Vaklu allowing Nihilus to investigate the tomb of Freedon Nadd on Dxun, the largest moon of Onderon. Civil war would eventually erupt, but you could choose to side with Talia or Vaklu beforehand.

  • Affably Evil: If you side with him, he is quite cordial and sincerely thanks you for your assistance, in contrast to the villains on other planets.
  • Arch Enemy: Talia and Vaklu frequently battled over the decision to remain or secede from the Republic. They even fought face to face during the civil war that would soon follow, after the Exile became involved.
  • The Chessmaster: The methods he used to gain support from the populace, wrest power away from Talia and enact his coup are pretty impressive.
  • Cowardly Boss: Briefly fought Talia in the throne room, before running up a ramp and letting his men attack the Exile. He couldn't even beat Talia in a straight-up fight.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Check this little exchange between him and the colonel.

 Tobin:"General, we have found them again!"

Vaklu:"Have we, Tobin, or is this just a preface to another one of your failures?"

  • Defector From Decadence: Noticing how much Onderon had given to the Republic in both the Mandalorian Wars and the post-Jedi Civil War, and how little Onderon had received in return, Vaklu became dissatisfied with the now-weakened Republic, and openly announced his desires for Onderon to secede from the Republic.
  • Determinator: He was willing to assassinate his own cousin if it meant getting Onderon to secede from the Republic.
  • Karmic Death: If you choose to do so, Vaklu would be executed by a firing squad after the battle for the throne room.
  • Karma Houdini: If he's killed, he'd be made a martyr, so you can convince Talia to arrest Vaklu and place him into a trial instead, but with his rather substantial support, there's a chance he won't even get incarcerated.
  • La Résistance: Led one during the Mandalorian occupation of Onderon.
  • Overshadowed By Awesome: In-universe example. Although credited as the one that drove the Mandalorians out of Onderon, Revan's tactical genius during the latter half of the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War heavily out-weighed whatever Vaklu may have accomplished during the resistance.
  • Propaganda Machine: If you went to see what one of the Onderonian news holograms had about then-current news, it reported that the Ebon Hawk was a capital-class Republic warship that destroyed fifteen Onderon ships before being shot down by Colonel Tobin. Okay, at the time, the Ebon Hawk was a non-aligned freighter cruiser that had to fend off an attack by Tobin's forces, and destroyed only six fighters shortly before landing on Dxun.
  • The Starscream: He was Genre Savvy enough to distrust the Sith, but he needed them to bolster his forces against the queen, so he kept them around and plotted to betray them after things were over with.
  • Tyrant Takes the Helm: Although he hadn't overthrown Talia by then, Vaklu used powers as commander-in-chief to declare martial law on several city districts, used the media to exaggerate the incident with the Ebon Hawk and breed distrust towards the Republic, incited his supporters to riot (even attempt assassination), cut off diplomatic and economic ties with the Republic, spread rumors of Republic spies within the Onderonian capital city and used the military to arrest them. Note that most of those "spies" were journalists that openly criticized Vaklu, or off-worlders with close ties with the Republic. He even used the Onderonian navy to blockade the planet, thereby forcing Republic trading ships to be inspected in order to "search for Republic treachery", despite (or because of) the decrease in economic benefits to Onderon as a member of the Republic that prompted from the blockade.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Is a loyal patriot. That's his greatest strength and his Fatal Flaw.
  • Villain Team-Up: With Nihilus' forces, during Vaklu and Tobin's coup.
  • Villain With Good Publicity: Celebrated as a war hero for driving the Mandalorians out of Onderon, and manages to gain a very large following from soldiers and citizens alike, but the latter is mainly due to propaganda, whereas the former was an apparent exaggeration, since Mandalore himself claimed that the Jedi, not the Onderonians, drove the Mandalorians out.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: Although he already layed out a plan to initiate his coup, Vaklu still needed to draw support away from the palace to make it vulnerable to an assault, so he insighted his more radical supporters (like Ponlar) to enact riots near the palace gates. Meanwhile, Anda would offer credits to the player if you agreed to draw military strength and officers away from the Sky Ramp, the most direct route to the palace, thereby allowing Vaklu's forces to attack the Iziz Royal Palace with less resistance when fighting broke out.
    • The Jedi Exile presented a major problem to Vaklu, and ordered Tobin to attack the Ebon Hawk, sparking a space battle. Even as Tobin failed to destroy the Ebon Hawk, Vaklu used the opportunity to play to the citizens' fear of another war at their doorstep; his control of the media assured that no other, accurate reports of the battle were aired.
    • The Exile went to Iziz in a basilisk war droid, which were under Mandalorian control during their occupation - that instilled the fear of a Mandalorian invasion into Vaklu's troops, something that could've been useful for Vaklu to use as propaganda against the queen, if he were to win.

Colonel Tobin

 Voiced by: David Robb

An officer in the Onderon military under Vaklu, Tobin believed that benefits with the planet's recent relationship with the Republic favored the interstellar government, while Onderon's culture and resources faded away. He was informed that the Ebon Hawk would arrive on Onderon and ordered six starfighters to attack it, later sending a squad of scouts to search for the vessel after it landed on Dxun. He would later attempt to arrest the Exile and Kavar with a squad of soldiers, but failed in doing so - Kavar and the Exile escaped, with the latter taking out the entire squad. Later participated in the civil war against Queen Talia.

  • The Dragon: To Vaklu, at first.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: Once he's re-encountered on the Ravager, Tobin looks like this, likely because of Nihilus' energy-draining presence.
  • Evil Brit: Has the accent, at least.
  • Fate Worse Than Death: Played with. When he met Nihilus, Tobin had been physically ravaged by the dark side energy aboard the ship, likely a result of Nihilus's hunger, but retained enough humanity and self-awareness to converse with the Exile aboard Nihilus' flagship.
  • General Failure: Vaklu outright states that Tobin isn't nearly as competent as the news media make him out to be.
  • Hoist By His Own Petard: During the Battle of Onderon, Tobin used a drexl to disable the force field that guarded entrance to Queen Talia's throne room, but the beast lost control and took him down. Didn't kill him, though.
  • Mouth of Sauron: When he went under Nihilus' control, and once you encountered him again on the Ravager, he basically serves as a mouthpiece explaining a bit more about what Nihilus is like, all the while beating himself up about allying himself with the Dark Lord.
  • Redemption Equals Death: If you have enough influence, you can persuade him to be the one to detonate Nihilus' ship, having realized that Nihilus cared nothing for Onderon.
  • Smug Snake
  • The Voice: His first appearance has him contacting the Ebon Hawk through the communicator, but only his voice is heard.
  • Unwitting Pawn: While the Exile dealt with Vaklu, Kavar and Talia, Kreia woke up the unconscious Tobin and told him that there were many Jedi hiding within Telos, claiming that they were in league with Talia; she used him as a pawn to get Nihilus out of hiding.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Was sincerely loyal and concerned over his homeworld's safety, so he and Vaklu allied themselves with Nihilus, confident that his powers would be able to give them the chance to overthrow Queen Talia. After meeting with Nihilus face-to-face, and re-encountering the Exile on the Ravager, Tobin himself later admits that the alliance was a mistake.


A squid-headed Quarren crimelord in the Exchange, responsible for its business on Nar Shaddaa. Planned to kill Goto, leader of the Exchange, and sought an audience with him to do so, once Visquis attained a Jedi, of which Goto placed a bounty on.

  • The Chessmaster: To an extent. He had a pretty good plan, at the very least.
    • To elaborate, Vogga the Hutt was increasingly annoyed by Goto stealing his freighters and disrupting his business on Nar Shaddaa, so Visquis offered him a proposal -- give him the best bounty hunter, and Visquis will eliminate Goto. Next, he knew that Jedi appeared whenever there were oppressors and oppressed people, so he ordered Saquesh -- his Quarren representative in the Refugee Sector of Nar Shaddaa, to start driving the refugees away. Once the Jedi Exile was within his possession, he would offer her up to Goto. Hoping that Goto would meet with him in person, Visquis planned to assassinate Goto with bounty hunters.
  • Karmic Death: His best soldiers, the Ubese, impaled him just as he ordered them to attack the Exile.
  • Smug Snake: Okay, he had no way of expecting Mira to screw up his operations, but he was rather over-reliant on his bounty hunters, failed the Evil Overlord List, and didn't think that Goto, leader of the Exchange, knew of Visquis' plan to oust him.
  • The Starscream: Visquis didn't like how Goto, the leader of the Exchange, cared little for his organization, only interested in numbers, progress reports and stability, so Visquis decided to have Goto assassinated, after finding and giving a live Jedi to him.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Gets reduced into a grovelling wreak once Goto turns his men against him.
  • Villainous Lair: Underneath his lounge, he owns an underground citadel, well-hidden behind a maze of ventilation tunnels and guarded by his personal Ubese bounty hunters.
  • Villain Team-Up: Made a deal with Vogga the Hutt to get rid of Goto, gaining a new ally in the form of the Wookie bounty hunter, Hanharr.
  • Wretched Hive: Is the sub-leader of one, known as Nar Shaddaa.


A female Zeltron that worked as a lieutenant to the Exchange, under Lopak Slusk, Luxa is located in the Telos cantina, accompanied by her trademark Gamorrean bodyguards.


Dol Grenn

 Voiced by: Charles Dennis

A human lieutenant in the Telos Security Force, Grenn is a grizzled, well-respected veteran that held to a staunch adherence to the law, devoting his life to seeing it upheld on Citadel Station.

  • Big Good: Briefly, he was the leader of the Telosian, Onderonian and Khoonda alliance that fought the Sith during Nihilus' attack on Telos.
  • Gray and Gray Morality: Although he was strictly law-abiding, Grenn wasn't afraid to venture outside the system in order to get things done, like employing the Exile on sidequests that the TSF had no authority or jurisdiction over.
  • Knight in Sour Armor: Holds a distaseful view of the Republic in general, but remains on good terms with Carth Onasi.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He recognizes a job well-done when he sees it, and rewards them accordingly.


A Mandalorian Rally Master and former champion of the Battle Circle training area, working under Mandalore the Preserver (Canderous Ordo). A comparitively well-mannered warrior, Kelborn is first encountered as a scout, dealing with Tobin's men patrolling the area near the Mandalorian base on Dxun. Afterward, he would duel the Exile in the Battle Circle, and participate in the Sith ambush on the Mandalorian base, instantly killing two while cloaked.


A Mandalorian Field Marshal and champion of the Battle Circle, working under Mandalore the Preserver (Canderous Ordo). Bralor is one of the few Mandalorians to respect the Jedi for their prowess in battle, whereas the others were skeptical of the Exile's capabilities.

  • Cultured Warrior
  • Meaningful Name: Sounds similar to "Brawler", although it's pronounced "Bray-lore".
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: Except much more respectful than the typical example.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • Retired Badass: Not exactly retired, but he mostly just fights in a training area nowadays. Compare that to when he boarded a Republic cruiser over Malachor V and personally dueled a Jedi during the battle.
  • Worthy Opponent: Considers the Jedi as this, the one that spared his life, along with Revan and the Exile, in particular - he was impressed by their combat prowess during the Mandalorian Wars.


 Voiced by: Charles Dennis

Captain of the militia on Dantooine, noted for straightforward speech and direct action.