(The Customer is) Not Always Right

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Revision as of 21:31, 1 June 2022 by Jlaw (talk | contribs)

But they still think they have the right to whine.

What Is A Not Always Right Customer?
A Not Always Right customer is one that is 1. Trying to get something for nothing; 2. Abusing the employee for one reason or another (trying to get their own way, or for the fun of it); 3. Doesn’t realize they’re wrong.

(The Customer is) Not Always Right is a Web site dedicated to stories of the stupid, ignorant, egotistical, funny and just plain mad customers whom retail staff across the world (well, mostly in the Anglo-sphere—since it's an English-only site) encounter. It can be a good example of Tropes that appear in Real Life. That being said, it is best to take most of it with a grain of salt.

In 2011, the webmasters also launched two sister sites: Not Always Romantic and Not Always Related. In 2012, they added Not Always Working to the collective. Later they folded back as sections on NAR.

Tropes used in (The Customer is) Not Always Right include:

Not Always Right

And could you box up an order of mac’n’cheese please? Oh, and some really good smelling stuff? I figure they’ll have the munchies and I want to torture them.

"Karma’s a b**ch, ain’t it?"

Stephen: Suggested new category: NAWATLTPIC
Stephen: Aka Not Always Interesting

Customer: What manner o' thing is your peanut butter cookie?
Shop Clerk: 'Tis a cookie, sir, with peanut butter in it.

Not Always Romantic

Not Always Related

Not Always Learning

Not Always Hopeless

Note: this is now under the "Inspirational" tag

  • Heroic Bystander: Quite a few stories have this.
    • [The Patient Isn’t The Only One With Patience]. When a hospital patient asked for help, because her sister was leaving a verbal suicide note on the phone, the nursing team mobilized to notify 911 and gave advice to help stall and get relevant information until emergency services arrived in the other city where her sister lived. They got her help in time.
    • [You'd Be Demented Not to Help]: A cashier became concerned when an old lady said she was running away from home, from her "mother". She took action, using her workbreak to give the woman a bottle of water, and coaxed her daughter's phone number out of her. After a few phone calls she made sure the woman, suffering a bout of dementia, arrived safely to an assisted living facility in a cab.
    • In one, a creepy guy was stalking the OP while she was waiting for her train. She asked if she could sit with another guy her age, and they could pretend to be friends. He played along until the creepy guy went away and her train arrived.
  • Interrupted Suicide: At least one story has a guy that convinced another person to not jump off a bridge, and another who stayed with a depressed person while on door-to-door rounds.
  • Karmic Jackpot: A photographer stayed after hours to do a photoshoot of a terminally ill girl, even though her mother didn't have an appointment, because his waiting list was so long he was worried she wouldn't live long enough. He refused payment, because it was the right thing to do. She and her mother came back months later, revealing she had recovered, and the mother tried paying him again. Again, he refused, and she insisted on taking him out to dinner to thank him. They got married, and the photo of his stepdaughter on a unicorn is still in their living room, though now she groans at it with embarrassment every time he good-naturedly points it out to her friends.
  • Supreme Chef: At a pizza place, a mother whose daughter was in the hospital said that her kid wanted rainbow pizza as a birthday meal. She said she understood if they couldn't do it, but the chefs became excited at the challenge. The end result -- with peppers, purple cauliflower, and so forth-- apparently came out so well that they added it to the menu.
  1. Though this one may just have meant she was not trying either way. And take "still having her period" as evidence she wasn't pregnant at the time
  2. While some US states do allow alcohol purchases at age 18, and others have in the past, Nevada--where this incident takes place--is not and has never been one of them.