Anime/Awesome Music

Revision as of 14:30, 6 April 2023 by Robkelk (talk | contribs)

Examples of awesome music in anime. It should be noted that a lot of songs in anime are regular J-Pop songs that just appear in anime and are not exclusive to it. Still awesome, though.

This is your brain on the Cowboy Bebop soundtrack. Let's point out that's supposed to be John Williams. It's THAT GOOD.
Composers and musicians with their own Awesome Music pages

Series with their own Awesome Music pages
Other examples


Masaaki Endoh

Not to be confused with Masaki Andoh, this member of JAM Project is good enough to stand on his own two feet.

Kenji Kawai

English Fandubs

As with anything fan-produced, Sturgeon's Law applies to fandubs. However, on occasion you stumble upon that elusive 10% that's absolutely worth it. Here you may learn what your favorite anime songs sound like translated to English.

Individual Works

A - E

F - J

K - R

S - W


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