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This page is for the Loads and Loads of Characters of the television series Lost. Beware, there WILL be SPOILERS BOTH MAJOR AND MINOR.

Main Characters

Original Flight 815 Main Cast

Dr. Jack Shephard


 "Everybody wants me to be a leader, until I make a decision they don't like."

Played By: Matthew Fox; John O'Hara (child)

Centric Episodes: "Pilot, Part 1", "White Rabbit", "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues", "Do No Harm", "Exodus, Part 1", "Man of Science, Man of Faith", "The Hunting Party", "A Tale of Two Cities", "Stranger in a Strange Land", "Through the Looking Glass", "Something Nice Back Home", "There's No Place Like Home", "316", "The Incident, Part 2", "LA X", "Lighthouse", "The Last Recruit", "The Candidate", "What They Died For", "The End"


Kate Austen


 "I'm coming with you!"

Played By: Evangeline Lilly, Emily Rae Argenti (child)

Centric Episodes: "Pilot, Part 2", "Tabula Rasa", "Whatever the Case May Be", "Born to Run", "Exodus, Part 1", "What Kate Did", "I Do", "Left Behind", "Eggtown", "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 1 & 3", "The Little Prince", "Whatever Happened, Happened", "The Incident, Part 1", "LA X", "What Kate Does", "The End"


James "Sawyer" Ford


 "Son of a bitch!"

Played By: Josh Holloway; Gordon Hardie/Keenan Boos (child)

Centric Episodes: "Confidence Man", "Outlaws", "Exodus, Part 1", "The Long Con", "Every Man for Himself", "La Fleur", "The Incident, Part 1", "LA X", "Recon", "The Last Recruit", "What They Died For", "The End"


John Locke


 "Don't tell me what I can't do!"

Played By: Terry O Quinn; Charles Henry Wyson (child); Caleb Steinmeyer (teenaged)

Centric Episodes: "Walkabout", "Deus Ex Machina", "Exodus, Part 2", "Orientation", "Lockdown", "Further Instructions", "The Man from Tallahassee", "The Brig", "Cabin Fever", "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham", "The Incident, Part 1", "LA X", "The Substitute", "The Last Recruit", "The Candidate", "The End"


Sayid Jarrah


 "My name is Sayid Jarrah, and I am a torturer."

Played By: Naveen Andrews; Anthony Keyvan (child)

Centric Episodes: "Solitary", "The Greater Good", "One of Them", "Enter 77", "The Economist", "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 1 & 3", "He's Our You", "The Incident, Part 1", "LA X", "Sundown", "The Last Recruit"


Hugo "Hurley" Reyes


 "Okay, that thing in the woods... maybe it's a monster, maybe it's a pissed-off giraffe. I don't know. The fact that no one is even looking for us, yeah, that's weird. But I just go along with it. 'Cause I'm along for the ride. Good old fun-time Hurley! Well, guess what? Now I want some freaking answers!"

Played By: Jorge Garcia; Caden Waidyatilleka (child)

Centric Episodes: "Numbers", "Exodus, Part 3", "Everybody Hates Hugo", "Dave", "Tricia Tanaka Is Dead", "The Beginning of the End", "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 1 & 2", "The Lie", "The Incident, Part 2", "LA X", "Everybody Loves Hugo", "The End"


  • Anti-Hero: Type I
  • Big Good: At the end of the series, he is promoted to protector of the Island after the deaths of Jacob and Jack.
  • Big Fun
  • Cosmic Plaything: At least, that's what he thinks he is. And he sort of is, the same way all the Losties are.
  • Fat and Skinny: No matter who he's teamed with. Charlie, Sawyer, Locke, Miles.
    • Even more so in the episode Everybody Hates Hugo where his fast food coworker buddy is played by D.J. Qualls.
  • I See Dead People
  • Genre Savvy: But since the rest of the cast are mostly Genre Blind, it doesn't always help him.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Despite all the "Dudes" he often turns out to be the one with the solution to a problem. In fact he's often the one who realizes there's a problem in the first place.
  • Only Known By Their Nickname: To most people though Locke and Ben call him Hugo exclusively.
  • Only Sane Man: Regularly shown to be the only person on the Island who realises that keeping secrets from each other is what keeps causing them major problems and that if the Losties don't find some way to relax, they'll go insane. Hence, he built them a golf course.
    • As of the finale, he's likely the first Protector of the Island who can actually be said to be competent.
  • Plucky Comic Relief
  • Sad Clown
  • Took a Level In Badass: In the Season 3 finale, where he pulls a Big Damn Heroes with the Dharmavan. Takes another one in the Season 6 premiere.

Jin-Soo Kwon


 "No. English."

Played By: Daniel Dae Kim

Centric Episodes: "...In Translation", "Exodus, Part 2", "...And Found", "The Glass Ballerina", "Ji Yeon", "This Place Is Death", "The Incident, Part 1", "LA X", "The Package", "The Last Recruit", "The End"


  • The Brute: For his father in law.
  • Estrogen Brigade Bait
  • Fan Nickname ("Jinglish" for the butchered English he speaks until mid-S5)
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Stays on the submarine to die with his trapped wife rather than escape with the others.
  • Honor Before Reason: C'mon, he was going to kill Michael over a watch.
  • Jerk With a Heart of Gold: Big time!
    • It is, however, worth noting that the "Heart of Gold" part is slow in coming. Early on, Jin was the oppressive, angry husband of Sun and fans were not supposed to like him. The writers were setting up for a love triangle between Jin, Sun, and Michael. However, they changed their minds and decided to have Jin become a better husband, and Jin and Sun became the most faithful and longlasting pair on the Island.
  • Missing Mom: And he himself becomes a Disappeared Dad, but not by his own choice.
  • Never Found the Body: after the explosion of the ship, and his subsequent return.
  • Son of a Whore: His mother was a prostitute who dumped him on his father. His father isn't even sure if Jin is really his, but he raised him as his own, nonetheless.
  • Together in Death: With Sun.

Sun-Hwa Kwon


 "Where is my husband?"

Played By: Yunjin Kim; Sophie Kim (child)

Centric Episodes: "House of the Rising Sun", "Exodus, Part 1", "...And Found", "The Whole Truth", "The Glass Ballerina", "D.O.C.", "Ji Yeon", "There's No Place Like Home, Parts 1 & 3", "This Place Is Death", "The Incident, Part 1", "LA X", "The Package", "The Last Recruit", "The End"



 "I lied."

  • Break the Cutie: You see it happen when she thinks Jin dies.
  • But I Can't Be Pregnant: The Island sort of kills pregnant women, but that's not what she's worried about: she fears that she's pregnant with the child of the man who taught her English and with whom she had an affair just prior to leaving the Island. It's not.
  • Mafia Princess
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Jin's mother threatened her that she would publicly dishonor Jin by leaking information that he is a Son of a Whore unless she received money. Sun asked her father for the money, but in exchange Jin would work directly under him. The audience knows that it was as Paik's enforcer, which caused the near deterioration of her marriage.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: For years she pretended that she had no idea about her status as a Mafia Princess and that her father was a Corrupt Corporate Executive. She only broke the facade so that her father would help Jin.
    • There's also season one when she pretended that she didn't speak English.
  • Together in Death: With Jin.
  • Took a Level In Badass: Once her flashforwards of being off the Island happened, it's clear losing Jin steeled her. So that she was no longer a downtrodden daughter she bought a controlling share in her father's company and told him now he will respect her.

Charlie Pace


 [singing] "You All Everybody!"

Played By: Dominic Monaghan, Jeremy Shada (child)

Centric Episodes: "Pilot, Part 2", "The Moth", "Homecoming", "Exodus, Part 2", "Fire + Water", "Greatest Hits"


Claire Littleton


 "I'm pregnant, single, and on an island in the middle of nowhere."

Played By: Emilie de Ravin

Centric Episodes: "Raised by Another", "Maternity Leave", "Par Avion", "The Last Recruit", "The End"


Michael Dawson


 "I just want you to know that no matter where you go, I...that your daddy...yeah, your daddy, he loves you very, very much. And I always will. Always."

Played By: Harold Perrineau

Centric Episodes: "Special", "Exodus, Part 2", "Adrift", "Three Minutes", "Meet Kevin Johnson"


Walt Lloyd


 "You're not looking!"

Played By: Malcolm David Kelley

Centric Episodes: "Special", "Exodus, Part 1"


Shannon Rutherford


 "I've just been through a trauma here, okay?"

Played By: Maggie Grace

Centric Episodes: "Exodus, Part 1", "Abandoned"


Boone Carlyle


 "You're not the only one who knows what to do around here, you know that? Who appointed you our saviour?"

Played By: Ian Somerhalder

Centric Episodes: "Hearts and Minds"


  • Blue Eyes
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome
  • Deadpan Snarker: Has his moments, mostly when with Shannon.
  • The Determinator: No matter how often people (i.e Shannon) tell him not to bother, he still does his best to be a hero.
  • The Everyman: In spite of the fact that he runs his own company while in his 20s.
  • Fallen Princess: Averted. He takes to island survival and teamwork a lot easier than most.
  • The Lancer: To Locke, but more like his acolyte than anything.
  • Genre Savvy: Tying red shirts to the tree.
  • Honor Before Reason: Nearly drowns trying to save someone in the fifth episode despite not being a strong swimmer.
  • Jumped At the Call: From minute one, he's trying to be the hero... except that he's really bad at it, and everyone is already looking to Jack.
  • Like a Son to Me: Boone is like the son Locke never had, even informally calling him "Son" at one point.
  • Nice Guy: Probably the most likeable character on the show as he seems to spend most of his time helping others, asking what He can do to assist and generally trying to pull his weight. He was also spared the Character Derailment the writers hit Charlie with.
  • Non-Idle Rich
  • Not Blood Siblings: With Shannon
  • Spoiled Sweet
  • What Beautiful Eyes: He's played by Ian Somerhalder. This is pretty much a given.

Nikki and Paulo


 Hurley: Nikki and Paulo. I guess we didn't really know you very well. And it appears, you killed each other for diamonds.

Played By: Kiele Sanchez & Rodrigo Santoro

Centric Episodes: "Exposé"


The Tailies

Ana-Lucia Cortez


 "If I were a savage I would have cut off his finger already. That's tomorrow."

Played By: Michelle Rodriguez

Centric Episodes: "Collision", "Two for the Road"


Mr. Eko


 "Don't mistake coincidence for fate."

Played By: Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje; Kolawolfe Obileye, Jr. (child)

Centric Episodes: "The 23rd Psalm", "?", "The Cost of Living"


Libby Smith


 "I buried a lot of people, Hurley. So don't tell me that that wasn't real. And don't tell me you made me up. It's insulting."

Played By: Cynthia Watros

Centric Episodes: None


  • The Shrink: Usually Type 3, but pulls into Type 2 at least once.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: The only main character to never get a centric episode, though she had a brief flashback at the end of the Hurley centric "Dave". It took 4 years for the creators to reveal her surname!

The Others

Benjamin Linus


 "How many times do I have to tell you, John? I always have a plan."

Played By: Michael Emerson, Sterling Beaumon (child)

Centric Episodes: "The Man Behind the Curtain", "The Shape of Things to Come", "Dead Is Dead", "Dr. Linus", "What They Died For", "The End"


  • Abusive Father
  • Affably Evil: He's very charming, polite and softspoken even when manipulating You and planning Your demise.
  • Anti-Villain / Anti-Hero: Type V --> Type IV
  • The Atoner: From the end of season 4 onwards, but made more explicit in season 6.
  • Badass Bookworm
  • Blatant Lies: He's so good at it, he convinces people he's regularly betrayed to eat from his hand.
  • Breakout Character: Michael Emerson's debut performance was so good the writers changed the script, they wanted him so badly.
  • Breakout Villain: Originally scheduled for a three-episode run, the writers evolved him into the main antagonist for most of the series.
  • Butt Monkey: It seems Michael Emerson's contract required him to get beat up and/or tied up at least twice a season.
  • The Chessmaster
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
  • Consummate Liar
  • Crazy Prepared
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: In the season 5 finale.
  • Disc One Final Boss: In the early seasons he was portrayed as the Big Bad, but it became much more questionable with his enemy, Charles Widmore, entering the picture. Finally Ben wasrevealed to be a pawn of the REAL Big Bad, Man in Black/Smoke Monster the whole time. It's played pretty straight too, since Ben was defeated and captured in the season 3 finale, which was the halfway point of the series, in which it seemed everything was finally going to be okay for the Oceanic survivors, until the Your Princess Is in Another Castle twist ending, which lead to the second half of the series, which depicts Ben as slowly gearing toward a Heel Face Turn which he finally does in the final season.]]
  • The Dragon: He briefly pretends to be this to The Man in Black at the end of the series so he can avoid being killed by him as well as to get revenge on Charles Widmore. As soon as Man in Black went to the Heart of the Island without him, he immediately went back to siding with the survivors.
  • Enemy Mine: Pretty much this to the rest of the cast.
  • Freudian Excuse
  • From Nobody to Nightmare
  • Heel Face Turn: Done beautifully in a gradual build-up before finally being solidified in "Dr. Linus".
  • Karma Houdini: Some may see him as one of these. He survives the series and is forgiven by the characters despite the fact he committed several murders and put the survivors through hell. However he isn't a true example, as he constantly gets his ass kicked, loses everything he cared about, and he finally realizes what a monster he has been in his quest for power and decides to redeem himself of his actions, and in the afterlife he is shown to be a much better person and despite all of the forgiveness and redemption he still decides not to move on since he feels he hasn't earned it yet]] Lampshaded musically by the track "Karma Has No Price" that plays during his redemption scene.
  • Knight Templar Parent/Papa Wolf: Toward his adopted daughter, Alex, to the point of attempting to brainwash her boyfriend to prevent Alex from getting pregnant. His direct responsibility for her death is a major driver of his Atoner status in Season 4 and beyond.
  • The Lancer: Becomes Hurley's lieutenant on the Island at the end of the series.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: When he was the manipulative leader of the Others who killed and tormented people, he lost everything (his adopted daughter, his leadership, etc.). It worked both ways as well, since when Ben redeemed himself, things went a lot better for him and even safed his life.
  • Manipulative Bastard
  • Missing Mom
  • Morality Pet - He sucks as a father, and isn't exactly a saint in other aspects of his life, but his love for his adopted daughter is genuine.
  • More Than Mind Control - He's able to convince people who want him dead to do his bidding. Now THAT's skill.
  • The Napoleon: Even compared to Napoleon in the show on one occasion.
  • Non-Action Guy: He almost never uses a gun or engages in a fight which made his No Holds Barred Beatdown of Keamy all the more terrifying.
  • Number Two: To Hurley, post-finale.
  • Pet the Dog: The Season 6 episode "Dr. Linus" is one big, concentrated bottle of sympathetic moments.
    • Also seen in "The Man Behind The Curtain". Despite being responsible for The Purge, the only member of the Dharma Initiative Ben shows actual remorse for killing is Horace and respectfully closes his eyes.
  • Revenge By Proxy
  • Token Evil Teammate
  • Used to Be A Sweet Kid
  • Villain Protagonist: Late in the series.
  • Warrior Therapist: A villainous example; a master of More Than Mind Control and the Hannibal Lecture, but he has killed a Crazy Prepared ex-Marine with a telescoping baton and nearly choked a former cop to death in hand-to-hand combat.
  • Wouldn't Hurt A Child: How Alex became his adoptive daughter. He also decided not to kill Penny because he saw her with little Charlie.
  • Wicked Cultured
  • Yandere: For Juliet, in Seasons 3 and 4. He even orchestrates Goodwin's death because he's his romantic rival. Then he shows Juliet the body and tells her "You're mine".

Dr. Juliet Burke


 "It's very stressful being an Other, Jack. "

Played By: Elizabeth Mitchell; Rylee Fansler (child)

Centric Episodes: "A Tale of Two Cities", "Not in Portland", "One of Us", "The Other Woman", "The Incident, Part 2", "The End"


Richard Alpert


 "...what I can tell you is that, you'll see things there that you never imagined."

Played By: Nestor Carbonell

Centric Episodes: "Ab Aeterno"


The Freighter Science Team

Daniel Faraday


 "It doesn't matter what we do. Whatever happened, happened."

Played By: Jeremy Davies; Spencer Allyn (child)

Centric Episodes: "Confirmed Dead", "The Variable"


Miles Straume


 She just strolled in here couple hours ago, acting all weird...still hot, though."

Played By: Ken Leung; Lance Ho (child)

Centric Episodes: "Confirmed Dead", "Some Like It Hoth", "The End"


Charlotte Lewis


 "Would it make any sense if I told you I was still looking for where I was born?"

Played By: Rebecca Mader; Maya Henssens (child)

Centric Episodes: "Confirmed Dead"


Frank Lapidus


 "We're not going to Guam, are we?"

Played By: Jeff Fahey

Centric Episodes: "Confirmed Dead"


The Ones That Don't Belong Anywhere

Desmond Hume


 "See you in another life, brotha."

Played By: Henry Ian Cusick

Centric Episodes: "Live Together, Die Alone", "Flashes Before Your Eyes", "Catch-22", "The Constant", "Jughead", "Happily Ever After", "What They Died For", "The End"


Ilana Verdansky


 "What lies in the shadow of the statue?"

Played By: Zuleikha Robinson

Centric Episodes: "The Incident, Part 1"


  • Aborted Arc: Her entire storyline - Zuleikha Robinson says that Jacob was meant to be her character's actual father, but the only hint at this that wasn't cut is in "Dr Linus" (also the only episode of the season in which she plays a major role)
  • Action Girl
  • Badass Israeli
  • Bounty Hunter: Initially; recent events cast doubt on her fully telling the truth here.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: But it never gets to truly happen.
  • Determinator
  • Dropped A Bridge On Her: Probably the most abrupt and unexpected one in the whole series- she literally blew up mid sentence, without any foreshadowing. According to Carlton Cuse, this was a quick way to remove her from the story once they decided to cut her arc.
  • Hello Attorney: In the flash-sideways.
  • Honey Trap
  • Killed Mid-Sentence
  • Mysterious Past
  • Promotion to Opening Titles: Though after promoting her, the writers decided they didn't have enough time to develop her - hence her minor role, lack of a centric episode, and abrupt death.
  • You Killed My Father: To Ben, after she learns he killed Jacob. Even though Jacob wasn't her actual father, he was the closest thing she had.

The Man In Black/The Smoke Monster


 "What I am is trapped. And I've been trapped for so long that I don't even remember what it feels like to be free."

Played By: Titus Welliver, Terry O Quinn, John Terry, Tania Raymonde, Adetokumboh McCormack, Mirelly Taylor, Ryan Bradford (child)

Centric Episodes: "Across the Sea"


Recurring Characters

Other 815 Survivors

Rose Nadler (nee Henderson)


 "If you say "live together, die alone" to me, Jack, I'm gonna punch you in your face."

Played By: L. Scott Caldwell

Centric Episodes: "S.O.S."


Bernard Nadler


 "I am a dentist. I am not Rambo."

Played By: Sam Anderson

Centric Episodes: "S.O.S."





Played By: Madison & Pono (dogs)

Centric Episodes: None


Cindy Chandler


 Played By: Kimberly Joseph


Leslie Arzt


 "There were forty other survivors of this plane crash and we are all people, too."

Played By: Daniel Roebuck


Edward Mars


 "Listen to me. No matter what she does, no matter how she makes you feel, just don't... trust a word that she says. She will do anything to get away."

Played By: Fredric Lehne


Neil 'Frogurt'


 Played By: Sean Whalen


Some Other Others

Tom Friendly


Alexandra Rousseau


 "Look, I don't like taking orders from my dad any more than you do. But I know he doesn't want me to get hurt."

Played By: Tania Raymonde; Lehualani Silva (child)


Karl Martin


 "If I get caught, your father's gonna kill me this time."

Played By: Blake Bashoff


Ethan Rom


 "If you do not stop following me, I will kill one of them."

Played By:' William Mapother


Mikhail Bakunin


 "Why are we continuing to play this little game when we all know it has moved to the next stage?"

Played By: Andrew Divoff


Danny Pickett


 "See you in the funny pages."

Played By: Michael Bowen


Colleen Pickett


 "We are not the enemy. But if you shoot me, that's exactly what we'll become."

Played By: Paula Malcomson


Goodwin Stanhope


 "The children are fine. They're better off now."

Played By: Brett Cullen


Beatrice Klugh


 Played By: April Grace


Ryan Pryce


 "It was an order, Tom, we had to follow it."

Played By: Brian Goodman




 "...I trust Jacob. And the minute I start questioning orders, this whole thing, everything that we're doing here falls apart."

Played By: Tracy Middendorf




 Played By: Lana Parilla




 "It only ends once. Everything before that is just progress."

Played By: Mark Pellegrino; Kenton Duty (child)




 "For every man there is a scale. On one side of the scale there is good. On the other side, evil."

Played By: Hiroyuki Sanada




 "We didn't torture him. We were diagnosing him."

Played By: John Hawkes


The Freighter People

Martin Keamy


 "What kind of guy do you think I am?"

Played By: Kevin Durand


Naomi Dorrit


 "This is a high risk covert op in unstable territory. It's dodgy enough without having to babysit a headcase, ghost buster, anthropologist and a drunk."

Played By: Marsha Thomason


Captain Gault


 "Nobody leaves this ship without my say-so!"

Played By: Grant Bowler


George Minkowski


 "...someone sabotaged all the equipment. We lost all communication with the mainland. I probably could have fixed it, but then...then I went nuts."

Played By: Fisher Stevens




 Played By: Anthony Azizi


Dr Ray


 Played By: Marc Vann


The DHARMA Initiative

Horace Goodspeed


 "We made a truce with these people."

Played By: Doug Hutchison


Amy Goodspeed


 "I can't sleep with one eye open. We have a baby now. We have to think about Ethan."

Played By: Reiko Aylesworth


Dr. Pierre Chang


 "Namaste. And... good luck."

Played By: François Chau


Stuart Radzinsky


 "If Edison had been afraid of the consequences we'd still be sitting in the dark."

Played By: Eric Lange


Kelvin Inman


 "Just savin' the world."

Played By: Clancy Brown


Roger Linus


 "Kinda hard to celebrate on the day you killed your mom. She was just seven months pregnant. We went for a hike, but you had to come early. Now, she's gone. And I'm stuck here on this island...with you."

Played By: Jon Gries




 "I'm gone ten minutes, and you're having a hootenanny?"

Played By: Patrick Fischler




 "You see, whether you struggle or not, one thing's for sure, friend. You will tell us the truth."

Played By: William Sanderson


Ajira Flight 316 Surviors



 "You're playing for the wrong team!"

Played By: Brad William Henke




 "I'm sorry, but I'm calling the shots here."

Played By: Saïd Taghmaoui


Other Characters

Danielle Rousseau


 "Are you on the same island as I am?"

Played By: Mira Furlan; Melissa Farman as a young woman


Charles Widmore


 "That island's mine, Benjamin. It always was. It will be again."

Played By: Alan Dale; Tom Connolly (teenaged); David S. Lee (middle aged)


Penelope 'Penny' Widmore


 "All we really need to survive is one person who truly loves us. And you have her. I will wait for you always. I love you."

Played By: Sonya Walger


Dr. Christian Shephard


 "Don't choose, Jack, don't decide. You don't want to be a hero. You don't want to try and save everyone because when you fail... you just don't have what it takes."

Played By: John Terry


Eloise Hawking


 "All right. I apologize if this is confusing, but...let's pay attention, yes?"

Played By: Fionnula Flannagan; Alexandra Krosney (teenaged); Alice Evans (middle aged)




 "I love you both differently."

Played By: Allison Janney


Anthony Cooper


 "If this isn't Hell, friend, then where are we?"

Played By: Kevin Tighe


Matthew Abaddon


 "I'm much more than just an orderly, Mr Locke."

Played By: Lance Reddick


Woo-Jung Paik


 "Your job is what I say it is!"

Played By: Byron Chung


Noor 'Nadia' Abed Jaseem


 "Am I so different from the little girl in the school yard who used to push you in the mud?"

Played By: Andrea Gabriel


Sarah Wagner


 Played By: Julie Bowen


Cassidy Phillips


 Played By: Kim Dickens