These are some of the major characters in the Guild Wars universe. Since it's filled with Loads and Loads of Characters, please handle this topic with care and avoid flooding it with minor characters. Also, seeing as there are Loads and Loads of Characters, this is a massive work in progress. Character descriptions are taken from the Guild Wars Manuscripts via the Guild Wars Wiki.

Here There Be Spoilers




Koss can find a way to get along with just about anyone. He gets along with heroes, doing whatever it takes to help the Sunspears protect Elona. He’s courageous enough to say what others are afraid to say, and he'll do what others are afraid to do. He also gets along with the less respectable representatives of Elonian society. For the good of the Order, he's used a combination of aggressive charisma, physical intimidation, and sympathetic morality to build up a network of informants. Of course, some of those contacts aren't entirely trustworthy, which means his information has a price.

Because of a few questionable deals with informers, Koss doesn't entirely get along with his commanding officers. He's managed to talk his way out of being discharged outright, but his extralegal activities have taken a toll on his career. He's skillful enough in combat that he should be an officer by now, but an officer with contacts in the underworld is a risk the Sunspears can't afford to take. Despite that, he knows their investigations need information, so as a loyal Elonian, he'll keep doing what it takes to save his country... no matter how much of a personal sacrifice that might be.

Tropes associated with Koss:



"You can't just run off without a plan. Let me help you. I've been with the Sunspears for years. I plan our strategies. Kormir executes them. Let me do the same for you."


A lifetime of experience has made Dunkoro the man he is today: an elder strategist who knows his way around Elona. He's a veteran of battles against corsairs, Centaurs, heket, desert raiders, and stranger enemies. Although he's faced countless dangers alone, he prefers to spend his time advising other soldiers, offering direction and insight to any soldier who will listen. Unfortunately, not everyone listens to his advice. Most recruits respect him professionally, but personally, he remains distant from everyone below him in rank. When life and death are on the line, he doesn't seem to care about other people's fears and concerns, only results: you win, or you die. With this determined and unemotional approach to warfare, Dunkoro's insights have meant the difference between victory and defeat throughout his career. For any hero who prefers rational strategy over chaos, Dunkoro is the man with a plan.

  • Cool Old Guy
  • Informed Ability: We don't see his backstory planning abilities very often. (Partly this is thanks to the story, which often has the characters reacting to events and having to make fast decisions.)
  • The Medic
  • My Greatest Failure: When the Tomb of the Primeval Kings was first discovered, Dunkoro sent his son and many other Sunspears to help with the exploration without any real plan. They were never heard from again. Dunkoro meets his son again at the Gate of Pain mission. Since then, Dunkoro has made extra certain to always think things through.
  • The Smart Guy
  • The Strategist



"Melandru blesses my steps, but my heart belongs to Kourna. I am a dervish of the Sunspears, and I know this land better than anyone. Those who threaten my country, like Varesh Ossa and her minions, shall regret doing so."


Melonni's an idealistic crusader from a small town in Kourna. She sees herself as a woman who fights for what she believes in... even when no one else around her agrees. When she was younger, no cause was too daunting, no sacrifice too great for the sake of her people. For better or for worse, the villagers of her homeland will never forget her. Now that she's older, she's learning to pick her fights a bit more carefully, largely through trial and error. Deep in her heart, she knows that her decisions will be proven right in the end. By the time she's ready to return home, she's hopeful that she'll be welcomed as a hero.

Acolyte Jin


"Actions, not words, define a Zaishen"


When Jin was a young girl growing up on the coast of Cantha, her family was slain by monstrous creatures in the dead of night. From that moment on, she trained as an archer, determined that the forces of darkness would never take her by surprise again. For hours, she silently practiced with her bow, taking some small measure of comfort in the sound of a bowstring releasing or the menace of an arrow in flight. Even before she joined the Zaishen Order, she was a determined and deadly adversary, and their instruction has made her even more dangerous.

Traveling with others makes her feel a little safer, but she considers the concept of "safety in numbers" a delusion. In the end, she knows it's her own skill that means the difference between life and death. She does not care about rank or status in the Zaishen Order. Each day she systematically eliminates another monster threatening Elona, she finds it a little easier to survive one more night of troubled sleep.

Acolyte Sosuke


"Well, good day! My name is Sousuke. You're lucky you've come upon me in a good mood. I've fried people for looking at me like that. Ha, ha. Just kidding! I'm usually very careful with my elemental magic. I wouldn't hurt a fly. Well, perhaps, if it was Kournan."


Acolyte Sosuke's relentless curiosity, amused outlook on life and quirky sense of humor are rare in a Zaishen. He's fond of offering advice, commentary, and wisecracks on every situation. But he can back up every word with a flamboyant, explosive fighting style.



"Uhm, hello. What's that? Yes, I'm from Vabbi. No, I'm no one important; just a simple priestess of Lyssa. I know how to heal wounds and protect you from danger. But I don't plan to stay in the temple. I'm going to be an adventurer! You'll see"


Some adventurers are a little too eager to be heroes. Many have tried to guess which village or city Tahlkora ran away from, but Vabbi's a pretty big place. No doubt her home is far away from the horrors of war and the nightmarish abominations that stalk scorched wastelands. She certainly seems well-educated in the myths and lore of the land, but her practical education needs a bit more work. As a young woman dreaming of heroic triumphs, Tahlkora has diligently studied tales of romance and high adventure. She's as fluent with the folk tales of Istani commoners as she is with the thrilling narratives of great literature. Now that she's seen what adventuring is like in the real world, however, the difference between dreams and reality is rapidly becoming more apparent.



"The hand of Grenth is a patient one, for he knows all will eventually come before him. Those people will be judged, but not now. And not by you. At this moment, Grenth has his eyes upon you."


Olias used to take his marching orders from the White Mantle, but he now walks his own path. An encounter at the Temple of Ages convinced Olias that he had been chosen for a special mission: he now serves as Grenth's personal "hand of judgment," enacting what he sees as the will of his god. He lives by a simple code. Those who perish and return to life are expected by Grenth to live their lives well. If they do not, Olias ensures they are returned to the cold embrace of the Lord of Death.

Mysterious events in Elona now compel him to act on Grenth's behalf. With strange disturbances in the land, Olias feels that the gods are threatened and the dead themselves are uneasy in their eternal sleep. He has sworn an oath to Grenth that he will find the source of the strange malady and correct it. And if it involves sending new minions to Grenth, so much the better! Death and killing delight him. He is willing to discuss other matters, but strangely enough, most discussions seem to lead back to death and killing.



"Listen to my daggers sing. The song is one of balance: pain and mercy, death and life. Dancing to the music of death is the purpose of the assassin. And it is the only joy I have to remind me of my homeland."


Zenmai learned the ways of silent assassination as a member of the Am Fah gang in Cantha. She broke with her criminal gang when that organization embraced the Canthan Plague as a "gift of the gods." Now she is mo zing - a traveling blade, a masterless assassin, selling her services to the highest bidder. She feels guilty for the disease that overtook her former brothers and sisters, but the one constant in her life has been change. In the growing darkness, she has the feeling that an old, familiar force is back, working from behind the scenes. She wants to confront whoever or whatever is ultimately responsible for the plague that stalked her land.

Zhed Shadowhoof


"Humans. They always think the world turns on their shoulders. The Centaur people know secrets that you cannot fathom. Our warriors blaze through battle like fire on a dry plain. Your kind can enslave us, but never shall you break our spirits. We fear nothing beneath the open sky."


Like many races in the world, the leonine centaurs of Elona are struggling to survive. They've overcome incredible hardships, including the need to survive without help from more populous races—including, it would seem, humanity. Zhed is a centaur who's keenly aware of this last fact. He's seen his people suffer and die while the masses of humanity continue to spread across the savannah. In fact, he claims to have seen atrocities the Kournans would not dare admit. Some centaurs insist that humans are responsible for the death of their race, and Zhed certainly agrees. At best, he sees the "two-legs" as a means to an end. In the worst of times, he sees them as rivals... or prey. His dealings with humans have not been good, but if he must work with adventurers to reach his goals — and adventurers need to work with him — he'll need to set aside his animosity. How long he can be trusted is another matter entirely.

Margrid the Sly


""The sealing incantations of Ahdashim only allow those of royal blood to enter freely. All others must face the sacred trials. Luckily, you brought someone along with the necessary knowledge, skill, and valor to gain entry...namely, me."


A native of Freeman's Cove, Margrid was born a sailor. She took her first steps on the rolling deck of a sailing ship, and she proudly claims to have sea water in her veins. She's not just a corsair—she's the descendant of generations of corsairs, a woman who knows no other way of life. Life on land seems strange, predictable, and dull by comparison. People on land have vastly different ideas about morality and business, but for her, the Code of the Corsair is as immutable as the laws of nature. Land-dwellers sometimes regard her as a little shady, overly cynical, and blatantly self-interested, but those qualities are essential to anyone who survives in a world troubled by pirates and thieves. She's learned to roll with the punches, coping with everything life throws at her. Anyone who travels with Margrid should be ready for an exciting, dangerous journey. If Margrid has anything to say about it, the venture will be eminently profitable as well.

Master of Whispers


"No need to introduce yourself. I know exactly who you are and what you're capable of. Half the people you've met in Istan work for me, whether they realize it or not. My name? That is unimportant. All you need know is that I am an ally, and that I know as much about our enemies as I do about you."


Dare not speak the name of the Master of Whispers – not unless you have a good reason for doing so. This cryptic figure is so mysterious that he's hidden his real name; instead, he's always addressed by his title. The Master of Whispers has unquestioned command of an efficient organization, although many debate what form his authority actually takes. One rumor holds that he's the province's spymaster, keeping a job where he serves as a central collector of information from spies across the nation (and perhaps beyond). Others believe he deals with supernatural threats, training his agents as ghost seekers and demon hunters. Whatever the truth may be, he often finds reason for traveling with adventurers exploring Elona (and perhaps beyond). His reasons for doing so are strictly on a need-to-know basis. You're just not ready to learn that yet.



"They attacked the temple of Lyssa? That's like eating a kitten... it's just plain wrong! No one should ever do that! Ever!"


Goren is big. Goren is strong. Goren is really, really good at sprinting into battle. Unfortunately, Goren isn't exactly the sharpest blade in the armory. He understands everyday conversation, and he can carry out simple commands – particularly sentences with the words "hit" and "smash" in them – but the finer philosophical passages of the Flameseeker Prophecies will remain eternally outside his comprehension. Eager for work, Goren has found employment working as the bodyguard of Prince Bokka the Magnificent. Money and influence don't mean much to him, though. Loyalty does.



"Hail and well met, my poorly accessorized friends! Of course, I always have a moment for a fan. I'm sure you loved my work in Rurik, Prince of Tyria! No? Then you saw me portray Havelgaar, Terror of the Tides! What? Haven't you seen any of my plays? Ye gods, that's the saddest thing I've ever heard!"


Norgu is a classically trained actor, a visionary unappreciated in his own time, and a large, dramatic, boisterous glad-hander. As the leader of the Lyssan Fools acting troupe, he is currently on an extended tour of the estates of Vabbian nobles. Everywhere he travels, he leaves a memorable impression. Few will forget his insightfully accurate and delightfully humorous parody of General Bayel in Gandara, a performance that should keep him on an extended tour for quite some time. Norgu claims to have traveled throughout Tyria and Cantha, returning with stories of a standing-room-only performance in the court of Emperor Kisu and a standing ovation at the Henge of Denravi. Moving quickly from one region to the next, he uses his sunny disposition and personal charisma to get last-minute invites to parties, audiences with the rich and powerful, and of course, free food. Norgu never met a buffet he didn't like.

General Morgahn


"The princes were blinded to Varesh's threat by their greed and opulence. I was blinded by loyalty and honor. Lyssa has taught me to look past the illusions in which I encased myself. For the first time in my life I can see clear as day."


Three generals report directly to Warmarshal Varesh Ossa. General Morgahn has known her the longest, having served under her father for decades. When Varesh was born, Morgahn spent years assisting with her training and the shaping of her character. As a loyal patriot, he considers duty and honor to be the highest virtues a soldier can have. Although Varesh is curious about lofty philosophical concepts like Ascension, Morgahn keeps to a simple faith. He's a devout follower of the goddess Lyssa, holding great respect for artists and crafters. Like any good soldier, he chants his prayers to Balthazar when charging into battle, but in the dark of night, it's his faith in Lyssa that sustains him.



I have been alone for what seems like ages. I am Razah, created from the Mists. I have no memories of my creation, though; the past is shrouded in fog. Abaddon bound me to this plane. His minions blessed me with knowledge to fulfill a great purpose. However, I can sense that Abaddon is no more. Now I am without purpose, my existence without meaning. So tell me... are you here to give me my purpose?


The protomatter that makes up the Mists strains toward creation, often spawning demonic creations in nightmarish forms. Not all creatures from the Mists are demonic, however. When the Mists come into contact with a suitable human template, for example, it can copy that form, creating a sentient entity with humanoid appearance and an almost human mind.

Razah is one such creation. It has sprung into being a fully-formed adult. It has the knowledge and capabilities of a human, but lacks common sense. As a result, it asks odd questions about human emotions, contemplates human motivations, and attempts to duplicate human mannerisms. Razah is a contradiction: more than human in some ways, and less than human in others. It needs an identity, a personality, and a purpose. Hopefully, Razah will find its purpose by working with a hero. Otherwise, it could degenerate into an abomination as monstrous and inhuman as its demonic brethren.

Ogden Stonehealer


"The Destroyers are dangerously close to the surface, and we Dwarves are too few to keep them contained for long. We must rally together an army of allies to repel the threat and pound these beasts into submission. That warlike Norn who restrained herself from fighting us could prove a useful ally for recruiting an army."


Ogden's talent as a healer surfaced early in life, marking him as a chosen of the Great Dwarf from a very young age. As a child, he had the uncommon ability to cheer his fellow Dwarves with simple things: a helping hand to those in need, a kind word to ease suffering. He was a boon to his family and a blessing to his friends. Yet as he grew older, the very gift that set him apart became a burden to the young Dwarf. Empathy can be terrible, and it is a cruel thing on the battlefield. Ogden has retreated into himself, hiding within a shell of determination as strong as mountain rock.

Ogden is loyal to his Deldrimor king and is a true believer in the Great Dwarf. He knows the ancient prophecies of the Great Destroyer, having studied them from childhood, and there are few Dwarves alive who understand their implications quite as well. He realizes the enemy has come at last—fighting in the depths of the earth, boiling up in great numbers, freed by the recent earthquakes. His goal is to fight them, and he will—with any resources available ... until the last Dwarf falls on the battlefield.



"I will never understand why you bookahs insist on pounding your heads against the towering wall of my intellect."


Vekk is an eager young Asura. He and his people have been driven to the surface recently, and he is curious and interested about this new development. Of late, Vekk has been working with another underground race, the Dwarves, on maintaining a set of magical gateways through the Depths.

Although he may not seem daring or even outgoing, his clever mind and agile fingers can create amazing magical items and explosive assistance when his companions are in need. If you can overlook his grouchy and slightly condescending nature... he's actually a very good friend.

As with all Asura, Vekk believes in the Eternal Alchemy, the world's universal flow of energy and purpose. He is considered one of the finest minds among his people, and is always looking to perfect his craft. Of course, it’s not easy being perfect when you're surrounded by idiots...



Pyre Fierceshot:"So the little mouse comes to apologize."
Gwen: "One good act does not redeem your people, murderer."
Gwen: "I want you to know: I do not like you. I do not forgive you."
Gwen: "But most of all, I do not FEAR you. I hate you. There's a difference."


Born in Ascalon, Gwen has witnessed horrible things in her young life, seeing both her country and family destroyed by the Charr. After the Searing, she was captured and enslaved by the Charr, but escaped and fled north, where she found other human exiles.

Since then, Gwen has become an adventurer. She makes her home in the Eye of the North, the headquarters of the Ebon Vanguard, where she serves Captain Langmar. She is one of the fiercest defenders of Ascalon, determined to exact vengeance against those who destroyed her home. Gwen has survived on the edges of Charr territory for years, watching them tear apart her childhood dreams and her beautiful homeland. Now she has nothing but memories—and anger— to sustain her. She is not the girl she once was...



"Today is a fine day to live...but an even better one to send heroes to their graves. I am not afraid of either."


Jora is a younger Norn, beset by tragedy. Like most of her generation, she has been seeking to establish her name and reputation. Only the hunters of the greatest prey are considered worthy among her people, and as such, she and her brother Svanir trekked through the icy uplands and valleys seeking the most challenging prey.

On one of their hunts, Jora and her brother encountered a great, dark power, and were transformed by it. She lost her Nornish ability to shapeshift into bear form, while her brother suffered a darker fate. Now without a family or homestead, she hunts across the Norn lands of the Far Shiverpeaks seeking redemption of her name and forgiveness by the Bear Spirit. To achieve her goals, she will undergo any ritual, achieve any quest, and seek any treasure needed. She will even accept the help of humans.

Pyre Fierceshot


"Do not pray for mercy. Your gods are not listening, and I have none."


Pyre Fierceshot is an outcast, persecuted by the Charr Shamans for daring to speak out against their ways. After his warband killed a Shaman and destroyed a temple, Pyre and his companions fled the ruling shaman caste. Pyre hates them with a fury that only one raised to worship false gods can understand; he has been betrayed, tricked, and deceived, and he has sworn never to fall under the spell of the Shamans again.

Pyre celebrated the demise of the Titans, those whom the Shamans called gods, and now watches with rising anger as the priests continue to deceive his people. At every step, the Shamans seek to tighten their grasp, bringing the Charr once again under their false rule—enslaving them to powers who do not deserve respect, much less worship. The cycle of dominance and slavery must be broken—and the Charr must be freed ...


"I will not lead you, but I charge all of you to spread the lesson of this day:"
"Revolutions eat their heroes. I may return, but for the moment, I am content to fight at your side."


Pyre Fierceshot: "I know the valley he speaks of. Have you heard enough?"
<Party leader>: "More than enough."

Torg Bloodspine: "Then release me. I'll head north, away from here. I want no part of your petty vengeance."

Pyre Fierceshot: "You forget."

->Pyre Fierceshot kills Torg Bloodspine with a single arrow through the throat.

Pyre Fierceshot: "YOU are part of my petty vengeance."




"I may work for the Shining Blade, but I'm not like Evennia. I'm not pure and I'm not kind. I used to be shining... but I got tarnished."


While the war between the White Mantle and the Shining Blade tears apart her Krytan homeland, Livia risks everything to keep her people safe. She joined the Shining Blade to protect them; she killed to defend them. Now freed from the control of the deadly Mursaat, Kryta struggles to survive, its leaders destroyed and its population beset by civil disorder.

Tasked by her superiors with finding a way to end the civil war, Livia has traveled into the Depths. She seeks a weapon of power—anything that will keep Kryta safe. And she is willing to give her life for it... as well as the lives of those around her.



"I still can't return home, so I might as well see what trouble I can get into. Care to come?"


Xandra is the daughter of Juno, leader of the Turtle Clan, from the lands of the Luxon people. Trouble in her homeland forced Xandra to leave the area at her mother's behest, traveling to the far lands of Ascalon on what was called an ambassadorial tenure—but which Canthans know to be exile.

Xandra thinks well of her mother despite the unexpected travel, realizing that an intricate web of politics is what keeps her so far from home. Juno, suspected of killing the previous captain of the Turtle Clan, has sent her daughter into exile to keep her safe—or, some say, to prevent a repeat of the same scenario. Either way, Xandra is determined to make the best of the situation, and to honor her clan with brave actions in these strange, wild lands.



"I am on the path to enlightenment. You are on the path to pain!"


Kahmu is an Elonian Dervish, a native of Vabbi, who seeks wisdom through combat. Over the years, he has drifted farther and farther north, matching his skills against all manner of challenges, considering no fight too small—or too large.

Once Kahmu arrived in Norn territory, he challenged—and bested—some of the Norn's greatest warriors, and his name became legend around the campfires. Some claim he is a spirit, others that he has been blessed by the spirits of his homeland, and still others that he is a Norn born in the wrong body. Kahmu only laughs to hear these whispers. When the hunting here grows stale, he will simply move on.



"Each blade I carry as a reminder of what you took away from me. My family. My village. My honor. I want them back!"


Anton has come far since his days as a prisoner in Surmia awaiting execution. While others curse the Charr, Anton privately blesses their invasion—without it, he would never have escaped Surmia and fled north. He survived for many years by raiding the Charr, eventually leading to his capture. Freed by Captain Langmar, he joined the Ebon Vanguard and now serves them as a scout, utilizing his Assassin skills—for once—for the betterment of more people than just himself.

Although he does not consider himself a brave individual, Anton does feel a certain amount of loyalty to the Ebon Vanguard, and has no plans to betray them. Should Captain Langmar die, of course, that situation could change quickly—and the last they will see of Anton is a sheathed blade vanishing into the darkness.



"I finally have a chance at glory! Everyone will remember me if I am not only a great warrior, but a great arbiter of peace! Livia should be green with jealousy! We shouldn't tarry a moment longer."


Hayda is a young, vain, and impulsive Paragon who travels simply for the fun of it. Supremely confident in her abilities, she believes her position as a Paragon sets her apart from others. There is no situation so perilous where her innate charm, skill, and natural abilities will not carry the day.

Hayda joined the Shining Blade after the Mursaat were revealed as the "unseen gods" of the White Mantle, and she now dreams of becoming a legendary hero. She bridles against restrictions, particularly those set by Livia or Bartholos. Following their orders was necessary to gain permission to travel with them to the Tarnished Coast—and there's so much to be learned here. She will not let this opportunity pass no matter what her orders.





Meet M.O.X. the golem, the brainchild of a maverick Asuran inventor named Zinn. As an Asura with an entrepreneurial spirit, Zinn manufactured many golems for all sorts of clients, with little regard for their intended use—until one day when three of his golem creations turned on him. While being forced to augment these sinister creations against his will, Zinn also managed to develop his assistant M.O.X. to aid in his escape from their underground prison. M.O.X. now wanders the land in search of heroes that can help put an end to the three renegade creations and free his creator Zinn.



"Hello, friend. What can I do for you? I feel like I owe you one... or about twenty at this point!"


Lieutenant Keiran Thackeray is an officer of the Ebon Vanguard and leader of the Ebon Falcons. He made his first appearance during the Wintersday 1078 AE celebrations, when he was left in charge of the Eye of the North, and went to great lengths (or more accurately, enlisted the help of hapless players to go to great lengths for him) to cheer up a lonely Gwen.

In the time since then, a romance has developed between the two of them, though Gwen's refusal to celebrate her own birthday led to a falling-out between the pair. He was then dispatched, along with Captain Langmar and the rest of his unit, to Kryta to help the Shining Blade in their civil war in exchange for Krytan aid against the Charr, and was listed as missing in action after the Battle for Lion's Arch.

Traveling through Kryta, the bedraggeled Thackeray discovered a White Mantle plot to massacre the people of Beetletun and discredit the Shining Blade. He returned to the town and, with the help of the assassin Mika, used his newfound leadership skills to rally townspeople to fight the Mantle, and together they successfully repelled the attack. Eventually, Thackeray made his way to the Shiverpeaks, and at Anvil Rock he was reunited with Gwen. After returning to the Eye of the North to recover, he married Gwen in Olafstead.

  • Ascended Extra: Originally introduced as the unlucky guy stuck actually working during Wintersday, and ends up marrying Gwen and becoming a full-fledged Hero helping to command the Vanguard.
  • Babies Ever After / They Do: With Gwen
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome
  • Deadpan Snarker: During his scavenger hunt quest, certain (incorrect) items being brought to him bring this aspect of him to the forefront.
    • "You think gin is romantic? You must be from Lion’s Arch. Pass!"
    • "Moss? Not even lettuce, but moss? It's like you're not even trying. Seriously, what did you think I would do with this? NOTHING is what I'm going to do with this"
    • "A keg. Seriously? That's a bit much, don't you think? What do you expect me to do? Roll it up the mountain sneakily and hope Gwen doesn't notice? No. I think not."
    • "I've heard these are poisonous. What are you trying to say here? PASS!"
  • Dogged Nice Guy: To Gwen.
  • Fetch Quest: So very many, all in hope of wooing Gwen.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Hmm... One of the main protagonists in Guild Wars 2 is named Logan Thackeray. It's probably nothing.
  • Lovable Rogue
  • The Archer: Before his promotion to Hero.
  • Shout-Out: Some of his battle quotes resembled Kamina's




"I have done so much in my life cycle yet I have not reached enlightenment. Perhaps the gods have higher things in store for me."


Born in Serenity Temple to a priest of Dwayna and priestess of Balthazar, Mhenlo has been steeped in the teachings of healing and smiting magic. A devoted servant of both Dwayna and Balthazar, he has studied hard his entire life, and has been rewarded by both the gods of his provenance. But paying allegiance to two gods has not been without its consequences; having no clear path to follow, Mhenlo has a tendency to overanalyze situations and possible consequences, not sure whether to take the path of aggressive strength or that of defensive grace.

Mhenlo spent much of his life inside Serenity Temple, paying homage to the old gods and studying the Path, which will lead him to enlightenment. He also spent a long stretch of his youth studying under Master Togo of Shing Jea Monastery, where he was exposed to even more religious and philosophical teachings that made it no easier for the young monk to find a focus in life. But the teachings of Togo and the Ritualist’s wisdom made a deep impact on Mhenlo. When Master Togo sends a request for Mhenlo’s aid, the monk wastes no time gathering his friends and setting out for Cantha.



"I've traveled far and wide. I've seen wonders and horrors. But in all that time I've found there are very few problems that can't be fixed by a good hammer to the face."


Devona is quite serious and direct in her dealings with others. She aspires to be a great Warrior, just like her father. At times this aspiration turns into a tremendous internal pressure to succeed. Devona's father was one of the leaders of Ascalon's Chosen, a prestigious and well-respected guild. He died defending the city walls against a raid by an Orrian guild during the last Guild War. Devona was only a little girl at the time, but since that day, she has dedicated her life to mastering the martial arts of sword and hammer.

Devona is the level-headed leader of the party. She always assesses a situation before rushing in, which sometimes puts her at odds with the brash Cynn. Despite her restraint and control, Devona has a temper, and it can get the best of her. She would sacrifice her own life to save the life of a friend, and she frequently puts herself in harm's way to protect those who travel with her. Devona has a deep sense of loyalty and duty. To her, there would be no greater honor than to follow in the footsteps of her father and give her life defending that which is most dear to her.



"These Elonian Elementalists drive me crazy with their babble of peace. I learned better in Surmia, when the Charr came. Magic isn't something you hide and save like a secret. It's something to share... one fireball at a time."


A former child prodigy, Cynn always had people catering to her every whim. Her family was among the nobility in the city of Surmia—until the Charr invasion and the Searing. When Ascalon was destroyed, Cynn got caught outside the Wall (Surmia was one of the first places to fall during the initial assault). A magical projectile fell directly upon her palatial home, killing her parents and trapping her under a broken table for several days. A Charr warband discovered her while looting the city. They dug her out, thinking to make a meal of her, but Cynn had other ideas. She single-handedly wiped out the entire warband, turning them and the remains of her home into little more than a smoldering pile of ash.

Cynn is a bit of a princess but with a decidedly dark streak. She's often cynical and flippant when dealing with authorities or situations that seem hopeless. She's highly intelligent, and magic comes easy to her. Because of her experiences during the Searing, Cynn has developed a rather cavalier attitude toward her own death. Consequently, she tends to bite off more than she can chew, and often gets herself and her friends into trouble.



"I carry nothing that I cannot live without, leave behind nothing that can be tracked, take nothing that I do not need, and make no promises I cannot keep. If you have seen me it is because I want you to, if you have not, then I have already seen you."


The son of a huntsman, Aidan grew up with a quiver of arrows on his back. His mother died giving birth to him while his family was on a wagon train from Kryta to Ascalon. As soon as the boy was old enough to hold a bow in one hand, Aidan’s father packed up just the good steel heads of their tools and the two men headed off into the wild. They found a spot in the middle of a forest clearing, refitted their tools with hand-carved handles, and built their own home from scratch.

Aidan is a survivor. Nothing is out of the question if it means he and his companions will live for another day. He thinks fast and acts even faster. His inner calm—a sort of simple confidence—has a way of infecting everyone around him. Being the oldest member of the party, he has the wisdom of years his younger counterparts lack, though he never feels the need to lord it over them. He does feel a certain amount of responsibility to keep the group informed and out of trouble if at all possible. From time to time, he takes on the role of group patriarch, but only if there is a meltdown and he sees the need for his cooler head to prevail.

  • Multishot
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: He mentions that he went on one in his youth, to avenge his father's death. He's settled down considerably since then.
  • Ship Tease: With Zho in Eye of the North. Unlike previous campaigns, where henchmen stood around outposts in a big line, the Eye of the North henchmen are arranged as though they were actually doing stuff around town. Several are often grouped together, for example, Mhenlo dancing for all of the female henchmen (with Cynn looking rather unhappy about the situation off to the side). Usually, Aidan and Zho are paired off together, leading some to speculate about their relationship.
  • Team Dad
  • The Archer
  • The Heart
  • The Smart Guy



"Don't look at me like that. I know what you're thinking, but you don't know me. Nobody knows me. Whatever you've heard, it's probably not true. I don't get any pleasure out of causing trouble. Well, maybe I do."


Eve hasn’t a clue where she was born—she was found as a young child stealing food from a sleeping vagrant in the back alleys of Ascalon City. Fortunately for Eve, she was not found by a city guard but by a kindly matron, who brought her to the Holy Dwayna Academy for Wayward & Incorrigible Girls (Ascalon City branch). Wherever Eve had come from, she had already learned to read at an advanced level before she ended up at the school students called the “Wayward Academy,” and voraciously devoured every text in the library. It wasn’t long before Eve’s curiosity (and her ability to both manipulate and avoid Matron Irma) led her to a secret library in the bowels of the Academy. There, forbidden texts opened up an entirely new world to young Eve. By the time she was 15, she had raised her first bone minion.

Eve had never gotten along with the other girls—she much preferred the company of her tomes and scrolls. When, one day, a few of her fellow students pulled an especially vicious and humiliating prank on her, Eve literally pounced upon the leader of her tormentors, bit the girl’s ear off, and swallowed it whole. That was the end of Eve’s studies at the Holy Dwayna Academy for Wayward & Incorrigible Girls, and not even Matron Irma mourned her departure.

Eve met Mhenlo, Cynn, Devona, and Aidan during the Charr invasion. She was in the graveyard, experimenting with new methods of undead resurrection, when the Charr flooded into the cemetery on the heels of Mhenlo and the others. More out of curiosity than any noble intentions, Eve ordered the Charr to stop. When the beastly creatures turned on her instead, thinking her easy prey, she simply raised her hands and called forth a small army of the dead to meet them. The Charr never stood a chance. Eve was amused when Devona asked the Necromancer to join them, but has since become a good friend of Devona, Aidan, and Mhenlo. She is often in conflict with Cynn, but the two respect each other’s power enough to get along when the going gets rough.

Of all Mhenlo’s friends, Eve is probably the most independent, and it would not take much for the Necromancer to leave them behind and strike out on her own. But she is smart enough to know that loyal allies—even the living—are valuable to one with her powers. She has joined the expedition to Cantha to learn new ways to manipulate the powers of necromancy, and, she freely admits, to see what kinds of horrors might be created from Cantha’s unique species. Eve’s one constant companion is a human skull she found in the hidden library. She insists that the skull—which she calls “Adam”—speaks to her and dispenses wise advice at critical junctures. No one else has ever heard the skull say a word.

Talon Silverwing


"Humans believe they are the only intelligent race. They are wrong. I wish I could teach them to open their eyes, but as the saying goes, "There are those who can awaken, and those who are doomed to sleep."


Talon Silverwing is an Angchu Tengu from the Aerie. During the Tengu Wars he was defeated by General Zhan and has since sworn to protect and serve him. He is the initial trainer for warriors (either as a primary or secondary profession) at the Shing Jea Monastery.



"I may lack an eye, but my aim is true and my bow is stout. I know forests and plains like the back of my hand. Just let me know if there's anything I can do to help repair the damage the plague has done here. What did you need?"


Zho is available as a henchman in the Factions campaign from Zen Daijun onwards, and in all outposts in the Eye of the North expansion. Zho's eye was pecked out by the Black Moa in the Echovald Forest, when she was trying to save Nehdukah.



"The only thing worse than standing next to a resurrection shrine all day has got to be dragging myself through snow, swamps, and deserts chasing after you. When I promised Priestess Rashenna that I'd come protect you, I didn't think I'd be making a lifelong commitment!"


Lina can be hired as a Protection henchman in the later parts of Prophecies. She is also available in Eye of the North, albeit with a completely revamped skillset.

Lo Sha


"I'm the greatest mentalist the world has ever known! Come here. Let me read your palm and I'll tell you the future. Let's see, you're traveling through great dangers into unknown realms. So easy!"


"Look at these pants! I mean LOOK AT THESE PANTS. All this time, still sparkly as ever. Just fabulous!"


Lo Sha is one of the most brilliant teachers at Shing Jea Monastery, but like many true geniuses, he is somewhat addled when it comes to small details. And like many Mesmers, he is justifiably vain and proud. Headmaster Kaa likes to say that if Lo Sha would focus on his skills as much as he focuses on his fellow Mesmer instructor, Mei Ling, he could be one of the greatest Mesmers in Canthan history. So far, Lo Sha’s obsession with Mei Ling has kept him just shy of true greatness, but even so, few can equal his talent with illusion, inspiration, and domination magic.

Lo Sha joins Mhenlo’s group at Master Togo’s insistence—Togo is one of the few beings Lo Sha truly respects, and the Mesmer would follow the master of Shing Jea Monastery into the underworld if asked. He prefers, however, to remain at the monastery whenever possible, studying new and spectacular ways to manipulate the perceptions of others—especially Mei Ling’s.



"I joined the Sunspears instead of the city guard. What did I know? I figured easy days, nights of uninterrupted sleep...the Sunspears had it all. I thought Istan more likely to face criminals than invasions. Guess I was wrong."


Herta is a henchman available in the Nightfall campaign and the Eye of the North expansion. She is a member of the Order of the Sunspears.

Danika zu Heltzer


"I am no longer content to remain in the protective confines of my society. My people think to keep evil at bay by reading signs and portents, performing rituals, and blindly following the words of the Redemptors...but we are no safer from evil than our neighbors, and we are doing nothing to help. I simply can't sit still any longer."


Danika zu Heltzer dwells with the rest of her family in the fortress-like Cathedral zu Heltzer, a monument to Saint Viktor (one of the two champions who slew Shiro Tagachi on the day of the Jade Wind). Like her father Count Petrov zu Heltzer, leader of the great Kurzick House that bears their last name, Danika is proud to name the venerable Viktor as an ancestor. Unlike her father, Danika is much more open-minded toward non-Kurzicks and the other Kurzick Houses. This is probably attributable to her avid reading habits. To overcome the extreme boredom of what she considers her “imprisonment” in the cathedral, she has voraciously devoured the contents of countless tomes in the zu Heltzer family library, especially those that speak of other lands and other peoples.

Danika has never been more frustrated with the Kurzicks’ isolationist policies, which she believes can only lead to the further decline of her people, and indeed her world. She is eager to venture into the world outside Echovald Forest, and find new allies for all the Kurzicks. Like Argo, her sense of justice is strong, and she would be among the first of the Kurzicks to set aside factional differences should a greater threat arise. She has even had some contact, against her father’s strict orders, with House Vasburg, the longtime rivals of House zu Heltzer.



"I am Champion of the Turtle. I will win this day, do not doubt it. We of the Turtle take the time to study our opponents. Because I have studied my enemies carefully, they cannot stand against me. And neither can you, outsider."


The Turtle Champion is respected and honored throughout the Luxon territories for his courage, his profound sense of justice, and his awe-inspiring power on the battlefield. He was the first Luxon Champion to earn his title in mortal combat that ended without the death of either combatant. Argo’s opponent, Tullus, had fought bravely, and continued to keep his guard defiantly up even after the bloody loss of a foot and many other injuries. Rather than strike Tullus down as the crowd demanded, Argo simply declared himself the victor and handed Tullus his sword. The gesture allowed his foe to leave the arena alive and with honor intact, but was a clear indication of Argo’s victory—to hand over his weapon showed that the future champion had nothing to fear. Justice was served, the bloodlust of the crowd was relatively satisfied, and this noble act earned Argo the admiration of all the clans. Even the Kurzicks honor Argo’s bravery and skill, as a foe against whom they themselves can hope to prove worthy.

Even more than the Luxons’ traditional enemies, Argo carries generations of hatred in his heart for the Canthan Empire, which he, and many Luxons, believe has kept his people cornered in the most desolated section of the continent, the Jade Sea. Yet as much as he despises the Canthan Empire, the continent is still his home. And when threats arise that no one faction can face alone, Argo might be convinced to join forces with the Kurzicks—and perhaps even with the Canthan oppressors—to fight for the survival of all.

NPC Allies

Prince Rurik of Ascalon


"I understand the dangers, but Balthazar be damned if I allow those soldiers to remain slaves to the Charr."


"As a boy I spent much time in these lands. Look at them now."


Firstborn son of King Adelbern and heir to the throne of Ascalon, Prince Rurik is a brave, bold man who often takes action on the spur of the moment. He leads by example, never cowering or shirking a challenge. Some say he has no fear. Others claim his brash bravery is merely reckless. Regardless, the prince is liked by almost everyone in Ascalon, and he spends much of his time among the citizens, preferring the company of commoners to that of Ascalon’s rich upper crust.

As a boy, Prince Rurik trained at the Ascalon Academy and did a stint as an officer in the army. Today, he maintains a fighting force of his own, known as the Ascalon Vanguard. These soldiers are completely independent of the king’s financing and influence. Rurik's father, King Adelbern, takes a certain amount of offense to this, though he keeps it to himself and his closest advisors. Though the prince is loyal to his father, he doesn’t always agree with the man’s methods or ideology.

King Adelbern of Ascalon


"As long as I have breath in my body, Ascalon will prevail!"


Descended from the great King Doric, King Adelbern is well-liked by the citizens of Ascalon. His easy demeanor and battlefield heroics secured his spot as one of the most popular kings in the history of the walled nation.

In his younger days, Adelbern was the champion of his guild, Ascalon’s Chosen. Tales of his feats during the Guild Wars are told and retold today—the enemies he fought growing larger and fiercer as the stories are passed from one mouth to the next.

He’s older now, and though he’s a well-liked king, his insistence that the army can hold back the beasts from the north has started the people whispering to each other in the streets. Not everyone agrees with the king on this matter. Making matters worse, Prince Rurik, the king’s eldest son and heir to the throne, is among those who criticize Adelbern’s policies. And though he is close to his son, the king and the prince often do not see eye to eye.

King Jalis Ironhammer of Deldrimor


"It is not the size of the army that matters, but the strength in their hearts."


Patient, thoughtful, and wise—all are attributes commonly ascribed to King Jalis Ironhammer, except by the rebellious Stone Summit Dwarves, of course. When Ascalonian refugees sought passage through the Shiverpeaks, King Jalis recognized the advantages of helping potential allies during their time of despair. This wise decision was more than repaid when the adventurers he had aided returned and helped defeat the leaders of the Stone Summit Dwarves, restoring order to the Shiverpeaks.

Once the immediate threat of civil war was gone, King Jalis turned to rebuilding Deldrimor society. But the discovery of the Tome of Rubicon has pointed the Dwarves toward a new destiny—one that will test the mettle of this great king as he attempts to lead his people through the greatest trial the Dwarves have ever faced.

Brechnar Ironhammer


"Any enemy of the Stone Summit is a friend of Deldrimor. Open the gate!"


Brechnar Ironhammer is the brother of King Jalis Ironhammer of the Deldrimor Dwarves.



"Marching Shining Blade troops into these villages would be a grave mistake. The Mantle would simply point to our presence as proof of the villagers' treason and burn their homes to the ground once we left!"


The chief advisor and aide to Princess Salma, Evennia is one of the most influential women in Kryta. The former leader of the Shining Blade, Evennia stepped down from her post after the destruction of the White Mantle high council to focus on politics. The widely beloved Evennia has been crucial in gathering public support for Princess Salma and has acted as an ambassador for the royal government in exile.



"Let's go. Even the Mantle are smart enough to find their way across that river."


Saidra is one of the leaders of the Shining Blade. She is first seen in mission cutscenes before appearing as allies in several missions.



"I don't trust them, Evennia. They're Mantle plain and simple."


Markis is a member of the Shining Blade who first meets the players at the end of The Wilds mission.

  • Commander Contrarian: He's first to protest to Evennia about allowing the Player Characters to live at the end of The Wilds mission. Of course, The Complainer Is Always Wrong. He has his reasons, he's trying to set the Player Characters up as a Red Herring Mole to Evennia.
  • Multishot
  • The Archer
  • The Mole: Markis is actually a member of the White Mantle who has infiltrated the Shining Blade's Inner Council. He betrays the location of the Henge of Denravi and the meeting place with Vizier Khilbron, leading to the capture of most, if not all of the Shining Blade's Inner Council.
  • Traitor Shot: One where he's not even onscreen. At the end of the Riverside Province mission, Saidra asks the Player Characters where Markis is. He apparently told her that he would meet up with them outside the temple. There was no such plan. Not that it really has time to make an impact. Vizier Khilbron reveals the truth during the next mission.

Vizier Khilbron


This is just as it was written in the Flameseeker Prophecies. An opening will be given to the disciples of the Unseen. The peaks and valleys of the Shiverpeaks will be painted in blood. At this time, the Ascendants will rise, and the way to the Door will be clear. The time of our judgment is near. We must prepare. Today's was a great victory, but now your true challenge begins. You must go to the Ring of Fire island chain. In the caldera of the largest volcano you will find the power you need."


Vizier Khilbron is the last known survivor of Orr following The Cataclysm, and the ex-advisor to King Reza of Orr. He is responsible for the Cataclysm after reading a dark incantation from the Lost Scrolls, defeating the Charr army at the gates of Arah, but, in turn, destroying the entire kingdom.

Evennia of the Shining Blade makes a deal with him that, in return for the Scepter of Orr (which they had acquired earlier in Riverside Province), he will lend his aid to the conflict between them and the White Mantle. He makes various appearances throughout the storyline, aiding players by giving them advice, casting enchantments on the party, and various other things.

Ghostly Hero / Turai Ossa


"For many centuries have I lingered here in this desert, waiting for the Prophecy to come to pass. The Chosen ones will come and help me gain access to the Mists and pass into the Hall of Heroes. It has all been foreseen."


Turai and his followers then began a great pilgrimage, marching north into the Crystal Desert, where the gods once walked among men. His loyal entourage erected temples, raising pillars toward the heavens... but Ascension eluded him. Instead of everlasting life, he found the torment of eternal living death. In ghostly form, he still walks the earth. Many of his followers died as well, and their ghosts have remained in the Crystal Desert.

Some Elonians remember Turai for his heroism; others remember him as a madman whose false pride led him on a doomed pilgrimage. Since that bygone age, no one ruler has reigned over all Elona—the three provinces have remained separate, but equal. Yet to this day, Turai Ossa’s descendents still rule over Kourna. Warmarshal Varesh Ossa represents the latest generation; and she shares her ancestor’s fascination with the role of the gods in the lives of mere men and women.

As for Turai, he maintains his vigil over Elona, guiding others who follow the path of heroes. Scholars of lore know of him as the savior of Kourna, the man who single-handedly defeated the Scourge of Vabbi—but for many, he is simply the Ghostly Hero, a champion who stalks the troubled wastelands north of Elona, eternally ready to stand beside its heroes.

Princess Salma


"I shall return to Kryta, and lead it into a new age of peace and prosperity. I was frightened at first, but with your help I now realize this is both my birthright and my duty. For that I am in your debt."


The Pretender, known as “Princess” Salma among traitors and heathens, persists in her illegitimate claim to the throne of Kryta. The daughter of a disgraced priestess, Salma now leads nothing more than a pack of outlaws and rebels lurking in the woods.

The White Mantle and True Government of Kryta advise all citizens that Salma and her cohorts are heavily armed and should be considered dangerous. Speaking with or aiding her in any way is an act of High Sedition.


--White Mantle Propaganda


Princess Salma is the rightful heir to the Krytan throne. The daughter of King Jadon and Priestess Berea of the Temple of Ages, Salma has both royal blood and the blessing of the gods. Salma set aside her holy duties as a priestess and answered the call of destiny, hoping to restore justice and peace to her people. Salma has rallied the Shining Blade in a secret camp in the wilderness, and has reached out beyond Krytan borders for help. The fate of Kryta now rests in her steady young hands.


--Shining Blade Propaganda


Master Togo


"This is your first day, is it not? I remember my first day at the monastery.... I was as intimidated as I could be! The master of the monastery then, Master Khan, was a very fierce man. He would beat students with a reed cane if they did poorly at their studies. Of course, many things have changed since then."


Son of the previous Canthan emperor and his beloved concubine, Yuki, Togo grew up in the palace and helped raise his young half-brother, Kisu. Though Kisu was next in line for the imperial throne, he and Togo were always close, and the elder half-brother helped oversee the future emperor's education alongside the palace tutors. When Kisu left his studies behind to take on the imperial role, Togo left for Shing Jea Monastery, eventually rising to a leadership position. In the time since, each has grown accustomed to running his own "empire"—Kisu the literal Empire of the Dragon, and Togo the most respected and holy academic institution in the land. There is no ill will between them, despite the petty efforts of some underlings to drive wedges between the half-brothers. Still, for the safety of each, their blood relationship is not widely publicized.

Togo went on to become an accomplished Ritualist and was key to several Canthan military victories before he was named the new Master of Shing Jea Monastery upon the death of Master Botah. To the casual observer, Togo would appear to have been shunned by the palace, possessing no power. A closer look reveals that he is the emperor's "behind-the-scenes" man; Kisu rarely makes a move of any importance without consulting his half-brother first.

  • A Day in the Limelight: In one mission of the Bonus Mission Pack, you play as Togo during a negotiation to bring an end to the Tengu wars. You must help him save the Tengu diplomats from a betrayal by the Canthan War Minister.
  • Badass Grandpa
  • Bald of Awesome
  • Cain and Abel: Completely Averted. Togo is Kisu's most trusted advisor and is completely loyal to his brother. He even gives his life to save Kisu from Shiro.
  • Cool Old Guy
  • Heroic Bastard: Though he is older than his half-brother Kisu, Togo was not eligible for the throne because his mother was only a concubine while Kisu's mother was Emperor Kintah's actual wife.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Throws himself in the path of Shrio's blades to safe Emperor Kisu. Unfortunately, since Togo also has Royal Blood, the ritual Shiro was trying to cast succeeds. At least he saved his brother, so it's not a completely Senseless Sacrifice.
    • Though it might be less of a Senseless Sacrifice than one might think, since as he was only half-royal, it's very possible that Shiro was actually weaker after killing Togo than he would have been if he killed Kisu.
  • Old Master
  • Reasonable Authority Figure
  • Spirit Advisor: Can be found in Tahnnakai Temple after his death, replacing Kaolai as the enshrined ritualist hero.
  • The Obi-Wan

Emperor Kisu


The Canthan Empire has seen dark times before, but I fear Shiro brings a darkness no light can penetrate.


Emperor Kisu grew up admiring his elder half-brother Togo in Kaineng City. Both were sons of the last emperor, Kintah, but Kisu was the legitimate son of Kintah and his wife, while Togo—though 15 years Kisu’s senior—was born to the emperor’s favored concubine Yuki. The two were always close, but when Kisu left to take on the duties of empire, Togo followed a different path. Kisu became the sovereign ruler of several hundred thousand souls on the southern continent, while Togo studied the ways of magic and ritual. The emperor is respected and beloved by the Canthan people, even though few have ever actually seen him in person outside of the urban areas of Kaineng City.

When not holding court, Emperor Kisu often dwells in his own palatial, private section of the city, Raisu Palace, which is forbidden to all but the emperor and those he chooses to allow inside. And every year during the Harvest Festival, he travels (with a well-armed entourage) to the temple where Shiro Tagachi slew Kisu’s ancestor 200 years earlier, in defiance of fear or fate.

Count Petrov zu Heltzer


"We Kurzicks are a devout people, living strictly by the tenets of the gods. It is our spiritual leaders, the Redemptors, who commune with the gods through portents and signs, and pass down to us the will of the gods. This is why we enjoy the favor of the gods over all others. We are proud of what we have accomplished, but unlike our enemies, the Luxons, we do not allow our pride to blind us to the will of the gods. I do hope you have not thrown your lot in with those barbarians."


Count Petrov zu Heltzer is the current leader of Kurzick Great House of House zu Heltzer. His daughter is Danika.

  • Blue Blood: Kurzick society places a high value on familial connections. House zu Heltzer is the de facto ruling faction of the Kurzicks.
  • Cultured Warrior: The Kurzicks' hat, essentially.
  • Enemy Mine: Eventually allies the Kurzicks with the hated Luxons to fight Shiro.
  • Gratuitous German / As Long as It Sounds Foreign: The Kurzicks' language and aspects of their culture are have a Germanic influence.
  • Impractically Fancy Outfit
  • Moral Myopia: Refuses to work with the horrible, barbarous Luxons to counter the growing threat of Shiro. At least, until the situation becomes more dire. Also refuses to allow a group of Dredge (mole-people) to attempt to live peacefully in Kurzick territory. Kurzick attitudes towards the perhaps-formerly human Wardens are also less than courteous.

Elder Rhea


"Hear me, Luxons. The imperial dragon of the north has sent its champions in search of the Spear of Archemorus. They shall have it only if they are worthy."


Elder Rhea resides in Cavalon, the capital of the Luxon Armada. She is the elder of the Turtle Clan, along with Captain Juno as the clan leader, and Argo as the champion.

  • Cool Old Lady
  • Enemy Mine: Eventually allies the Luxons with the hated Kurzicks to fight Shiro.
  • Gratuitous Greek / As Long as It Sounds Foreign: Aspects of the Luxons' culture has a Greek influence to it.
  • Lady of Adventure: When she was younger.
  • Moral Myopia: Like all Luxons, refuses to ally with the pompous, preening Kurzicks to counter the growing threat of Shiro. At least until the situation becomes more dire. The Luxons also have a rather harsh stance on children born with handicaps, if Aeson's tale is considered.
  • Pirate: The Luxons were a seafaring people that have a long and proud tradition of piracy. The fact that their sea was turned to solid Jade just means that they've had to be a little more creative in their techniques.
  • Proud Warrior Race Guy: The Luxons' hat.

Spearmarshal Kormir


"In the darkness of combat, with the demons of war surrounding you, remember our creed... 'A Sunspear never fights alone.'"


As the spearmarshal of the Sunspears, Kormir is legendary, and her place as the head of the Order is assured. Despite her personal victories, she is deeply concerned with training new recruits. Kormir has trained more Sunspears than any historian can recall. She’s experienced, educated, fearless, and highly skilled. A calm, capable, and inspiring soldier, she does more than maintain the foundation of the Order—she strives to become the embodiment of a great Paragon. She’s proud of her achievements, and each victory moves her one step closer to securing her legacy. Many believe the organization would fail without her. This sentiment is not lost on Kormir. Each time she receives such extraordinary praise, she’s compelled to work even harder training the next generation of Elonian heroes.

Mirza Veldrunner


"We Centaurs are proud and foolish. We were too busy fighting each other to realize we'd been targeted for slavery until it was too late. Our numbers are few now, but our hearts are strong. We gather around the Ancestor Tree and prepare to strike back at Varesh. We will free our brethren!"


Mirza Veldrunner is the leader of the centaur Veldrunner pride. He seeks to purge his lands of the corrupt influence of Nightfall.

  • Divided We Fall: The main reason the centaurs were so easily defeated in the first place. Mirza's learned his lesson and is more than willing to work with the Sunspears to overthrow Varesh.
  • Moral Myopia: One of the quests he gives has him rather flippantly asking you to kill Gray Giants, which he himself says are becoming an endangered species, for their tusks. He even chuckles at the prospect of the gold he'll get from making various things out of their tusks.
  • Our Centaurs Are Different
  • Stand Your Ground: A couple quests he gives you after you've rescued the centaurs (including him) from the Kodonur Crossroads mission. The first is against Kournan soldiers. After a short quest chain, you'll fight an even larger group of Margonites.

Kehanni Nutu


"You would prefer to fight monsters? You'll find Vabbi to be a more civilized land, but no less dangerous."


Kehanni Nutu is a priestess of Lyssa, the twin goddess of beauty and illusion. She possesses the ability to see into the future, and introduces the players to Vabbi, as well as the Festival of Lyss.

  • Everyone Went to School Together: She went to school with Talhkora. (There's a special version of her normal introduction dialogue if Talhkora is in your party when you go to see her.)
  • Non-Idle Rich: She, like most of Vabbi was generally content to go about her days in luxury, but when someone from the Order of Whispers has a talk with her and she discovers the evils of Varesh, she can no longer sit idly by.
  • Sacrificial Lamb
  • Seers: She has the ability to see into the future.
  • Socialite As a temple priestess, she often is present at all sorts of functions throughout Vabbi. This makes her Genre Savvy enough about protocols to give you some good advice for approaching the Princes.
  • Spoiled Sweet
  • You Are Too Late: Neither the party or General Morghan's contingent arrives in time to save Kehanni from the Margonite's massacre at the Temple of Lyss.

Prince Ahmtur The Mighty


"If people wish to know me better, they must know the values instilled in me. I was raised in the desert, away from the eyes of civilization. The strength of action and persistence of family are two I hold dear."


The prince of the Citadel of Dzagon is in a frustrating situation. Prince Ahmtur is a man of action, an aggressive, take-charge leader...who has been forced into a defensive position. He became prince by securing trade routes from raiding inhuman tribes, cleverly planning raids and attacks. Defending those routes is another matter entirely. His troops must hold back raiders while the rest of the merchant princes benefit from his work. So far, he’s managed to hold the raiders at bay, but he longs to see direct action again. He’d rather go on the offensive than limit his life to garrison and patrol duty. He’s going a little stir crazy, but as long as the inhuman tribes are a credible threat, he cannot walk away.

Prince Mehtu The Wise


"My library is a wonder of the world, young one. Ancient scrolls, text from Tyria, ancient Orr, Istan and Kourna, and all the strange places throughout the world can be found within its walls. I even have stone tablets that were found on an island far off the coast... an island that mysteriously disappeared thereafter. Ha! I see I have your attention. Yes, my library is magnificent. I encourage you to come and see for yourself."


The prince of the Great Library at Chokhin has attained his position by applying his keen mind to careful research. Extremely logical, Mehtu is meticulous with details, but he often misses the "human element" when making his plans. Some see him as cold and calculating, but he isn't without humanity. Mehtu is wise enough to understand happiness, for example, and his love for his daughter means more to him than anything else in the world. He's a proud father, although sometimes he doesn't fully understand his emotional and irrational child. Unfortunately, he is also learning to understand fear. The deeper he delves into the mysteries of Vabbi, the more disturbing his revelations become. Perhaps the answers to his dilemmas lie in a comforting, unemotional routine of meticulous research.

Prince Bokka The Magnificent


"Makuun is the highlight of Vabbi, is it not? Those wealthy enough to pay for the privilege may spend their whole lives here enjoying theater, food, and all the pleasures of life without a care in the world."


The prince of the Pleasure City of Makuun has priorities, and his success depends on keeping them straight. As a wealthy businessman with abundant resources, Prince Bokka wants to experience the finer things in life. He just happens to define "the finest" as "the most expensive." Exotic cuisine has expanded his waistline, even though buying it never seems to fully deplete his treasury. He has spared no expense cultivating his tastes in art, particularly when he sponsors some of the finest, most expensive theatrical productions in Elona.

Some jealous rivals consider his tastes to be garish, describing his artistic sensibilities as pretentious and overblown, but he knows art almost as well as he knows money — and he knows a lot about money. He is pragmatic in acquiring wealth, doing whatever he must to accumulate more of it for great displays of culture and taste. Sometimes his pragmatism manifests in a need to take the path of least resistance — he hires other people to handle difficult tasks, dirty work, and heavy lifting — but that's easy to justify. After all, true art does not exist without suffering and sacrifice.

Palawa Joko


"It took the armies of the Ossa clan to defeat me before. You think your motley band are their equal?"


The undead lord of the Desolation, Palawa once controlled the valleys leading north out of Elona from his strategically positioned Bone Palace. Commanding hordes of undead followers raised from ancient tombs, he invaded Vabbi, intent on conquering it and using its riches to make him even more powerful. After he was defeated by the great Kournan hero, Turai Ossa, his body is said to have been imprisoned beneath a huge stone plinth. Many villainous individuals have attempted to commune with the spirit of the Scourge of Vabbi. As long as his history lives on, people will remember his name...and as the saying goes, history is still being written.

  • Evil Sorcerer
  • Fluffy Tamer: He knows how to tame Junundu Wurms that can carry you through the sulphurous wastes of The Desolation.
  • Heel Face Turn: He's the Big Bad from the days of Turai Ossa and a nigh-unkillable monstrosity. His greatest opponent's descendant is causing enough problems for him that he'll work with you in an Enemy Mine situation to save the world. And he doesn't even double-cross you. At least not during the events of Nightfall. By the time Guild Wars 2 rolls around, he's conquered all of Elona, using the same tactics that Turai used against him. It looks like Zhed was absolutely right about him. But, as the quest name says: A deal's a deal.
  • Jerkass
  • Our Liches Are Different
  • Sink or Swim Mentor: During the Gate of Desolation Mission, with regards to taming Junundu Wurms."Venture close to the wurm spoor and you will awaken Aijundu. But be sure you are prepared to challenge the queen of the wurms. Once you have awoken her, she will not rest until she is tamed... or you are kicking and screaming inside her gullet."
  • Surrounded by Idiots: "You miserable hunks of desiccated flesh! I leave you alone for a few hundred years and you let everything go to hell! Now that I'm back, things are going to be different."
  • The Necromancer

Olaf Olafson


An archetypical Norn, Olaf is a warrior, a sojourner, and a hunter who prays to the spirits of nature and has been given the gift of transformation by the Bear Spirit. Like most Norn, he values freedom and individuality, and continually seeks to challenge himself. For Olaf, there is no greater point in life than to hunt and master the creatures of the wilderness. Olaf has seen many winters and hunted many beasts. As the seventh Olaf in his family line, he bears the name with great pride—pride that is diminished by the fact that he has only a daughter of his own. He is the last Olaf Olafson, seventh of that name in a direct line, and unless his deeds are legend, the name may be forgotten forever.



"The inscribed power emanating from this room is...immense. We must mind our steps. Well, you should, as you will be walking in front of me. After you."


Gadd is a cantankerous, demanding old Asura, who prefers to hire "disposable humans" to help him in the lab with his experiments. Though he won’t admit it, this is partly due to necessity, as many of his own race won't work for him. Many unfortunate "accidents" have befallen Gadd's past assistants, and though one is likely to learn much in his employ, most Asura prefer to live a long life.

Gadd has recently employed a group of humans willing (or stupid enough) to assist him. They claim to be members of a rebel group fighting to restore peace and order to their homelands, which Gadd couldn't care less about. He gives them the "privilege" of testing his inventions, and if they survive, he'll let them purchase a few. Gadd is respected by other Asura but is given a wide berth even by his associates. You never can tell when he's going to wake up on the wrong side of the bed...and use you in his next experiment.



"HAH! I came down here to get AWAY from "All the Asura." Now scram."


Oola is a brilliant Asura who specializes in creating constructs—humanoid magical creations, of which golems are one. She is aware of her own abilities and, like many Asura, gets frustrated when others disturb her research. To that end Oola has squirreled herself away where she can work in peace. She has few assistants and welcomes no visitors, treating them all as inferiors and interlopers. Her security measures are said to be among the finest, and her fierce ability to keep her haven safe has gained the respect of many of her peers (and more than a few attempted infiltrations—all of which ended poorly).

Captain Langmar


"The fight isn't over, my friends. Not until Ascalon is reclaimed."


A career in the Ascalon military provided Captain Langmar a crash course in fighting the Charr and dealing with the loss of home, comrades, and loved ones. An expert at shutting down her emotions, Langmar never hesitates in making tough decisions or sacrifices if it means dealing a blow to the enemies of Ascalon—the Charr. King Adelbern recognized Langmar's stoicism and ability to lead in the face of death and despair. He gave her the command of the Ascalonian Vanguard and ordered her north, behind enemy lines, on a mission of desperation. If she is not found at the Eye of the North, it is only because she is out slaughtering Charr, fulfilling her mission no matter the cost.



"You name it, I've done it. I've been from here to the Jade Sea and back again. I've traveled the jungles of Maguuma and survived the sulfurous wastes of the Desolation. I know the Merchant Princes of Vabbi personally and Emperor Kisu of Cantha calls me friend. I've been a beggar, a scholar, a cook, a merchant, and a guard just to name a few. I am the eyes, the ears, and the shadow of Tyria."


Vael is a mysterious mercenary who seems to know a lot about your character and who randomly appears as an ally.

  • I Have Many Names
  • Master of Disguise
  • Sixth Ranger: Apparently has been helping your character, or at least pursuing similar goals all along.
  • The Munchausen: Some of the stories that pop up in his idle chatter are quite impressive. There's no really good reason to doubt the truth of them, given the kinds of things we see Vael do.

Miku Yuudachi


"Oh? Are my blades what have caught your interest?"


A Canthan assassin who helped Thackeray fight his way through the White Mantle. She's the surviving daughter of the Yuudachi family, making her Ashu's older sister and Reiko's niece.

  • Break the Cutie: First, her family is massacred by the Afflicted. She ends up in Kryta, only to have her friends there executed by the White Mantle. And when she finally gets back home, she's branded a murderer by her own aunt and brother, the latter of whom calls her a monster.
  • Dark and Troubled Past
  • Stepford Smiler

The Gods


Dwayna is the goddess of life and air. She is the patron goddess of Wind Prayers Dervishes, Air Elementalists, Healing Prayers Monks, and Leadership and Motivation Paragons. Dwayna was the first of the true gods to appear to the human race and present her blessings. She is greatly revered and celebrated during the Wintersday Festivities.


Balthazar is the god of war and fire. He is the patron god of Warriors, Fire Elementalists, Protection and Smiting Monks, and Command Paragons. He is associated with honor and valor, and with Griffons, wolves, and hounds. He is greatly revered and celebrated in the Zaishen Order in The Battle Isles region.


Grenth is the god of death and ice. He is the patron god of Assassins, Water Elementalists, Necromancers, and Ritualists. He is greatly revered and celebrated during the Wintersday Festivals. Grenth allows the existence of the undead and resurrection, where as Dhuum, his predecessor, did not.


Lyssa is the twin goddess of beauty and illusion. She is the patron goddess of assassins and mesmers. She is also associated with energy, chaos and the attributes of Energy Storage and Mysticism. She is greatly revered and celebrated in the Elonian region of Vabbi.


Melandru is the goddess of earth and nature. She is the patron goddess of Earth Prayers Dervishes, Earth Elementalists and Rangers. She is greatly revered and celebrated by the druids in the Maguuma Jungle, and is honored by the Zaishen Menagerie.



"Ahai, my friends. Life brings us many twists. My new station has not blinded me. My eyes have adjusted to the darkness between the stars. I sense celestial movement beyond comprehension.... Without you, none of this would be possible. You will forever be my chosen ones. If you have need of me, come to the Chantry of Secrets and kneel before my statue. I will always listen."


The Goddess of Truth, also known as Kormir, the former Spearmarshal of the Order of the Sunspears, is the Goddess of Truth and Knowledge.

To put an end to Nightfall, Kormir aided in the death of Abaddon in the Realm of Torment. However, Abaddon's death made his powers go rampant and threatened to destroy the area. To prevent this, Kormir jumped into the center of the power and absorbed it, becoming the new God of Knowledge in the process.

  • Ascended to A Higher Plane of Existence: Was once the human Kormir, who took the place of the deposed God of Secrets, Abaddon.
  • Blind Seer: Clearly meant to resemble traditional depictions of Justice.
  • The Soulsaver: Not necessarily part of her mandate, but a side-effect of her goal to reform the Realm of Torment into a more suitable realm.


Dagnar Stoneplate


"Your punishment for trespassing is death."


Dagnar Stonepate is the cousin of Jalis Ironhammer and the founder and original leader of the xenophobic Stone Summit. With the Stone Summit, he has begun a civil war in the Shiverpeak Mountains with the Deldrimor Dwarves, enslaved many other races including Dolyaks, Snow beasts, and humans, and aspires to rule all of Tyria

  • An Axe to Grind / An Ice Person: Whether he's on his Drake (which likely provides all of the ice abilities) or on foot. Oddly, you never fight him on foot, so you don't actually see him swing that axe. Other that to deal a fatal blow to Rurik.
  • Disc One Final Boss
  • It's Personal: You likely would have fought him to help out your Deldrimor allies, but the fact that he killed Rurik made it pretty much inevitable.
  • Negated Moment of Awesome: When you finally get to confront him and exact revenge for Rurik's death the results of the battle don't really have time to sink in because killing him and his cronies is only the first part of the mission, there is no time to mourn/celebrate/acknowledge anything before the Mursaat and their White Mantle minions, including Confessor Dorian show up and have you fight an even tougher, more epic battle. As a result, Rurik is a Forgotten Fallen Friend during this battle.
  • Our Dwarves Are All the Same: Pretty standard for the evil variant of Dwarves.
  • Tin Tyrant

The Lich


"Thanks to you, I command an army powerful enough to conquer all of Tyria. And now I intend to use it."


The Lich Lord (though known as the "Undead Lich" in-game, and known as "Lich" in one cinematic) is a powerful Undead lord who seeks the Scepter of Orr to gain the control of the Titan army and take over Tyria. He manipulates the players during the Prophecies campaign by transforming to his original form, Vizier Khilbron.

Shiro Tagachi


"I shall reserve for you a special torture, one for the weak and the honorless."


No one but Shiro Tagachi knows what made this sacred imperial bodyguard—the emperor's most trusted servant—turn on his master on the Day of the Jade Wind. Did Shiro plan to sever the unbroken imperial bloodline and crown himself emperor? Was it revenge he sought, for some perceived wrong the emperor had done to Shiro or the Tagachi family? Could Shiro have been seeking some form of power that historians can no longer comprehend?

Whatever his motive, Shiro's act has been literally carved in stone. On the last day of the Harvest Festival, the emperor's favored bodyguard arrived at the Harvest Temple and was waiting when the emperor reached the pinnacle of the temple's tower. Shiro cut down the emperor of Cantha where he knelt on the holy floor, staining it forever with the monarch's blood. Shiro himself was slain only moments later, but his revenge on those who killed him was the most significant event in Canthan history since Kaineng founded the empire. In Shiro's final moments, he drew on all of his ill-gotten power to drain the emperor's very soul away. Seething with magic but mortally wounded, the treacherous bodyguard screamed, and his voice washed over an area hundreds of miles across. Shiro's death wail became the Jade Wind, a cataclysmic wave of energy that turned trees, animals, people, and open water into stone and crystal.

In the wake of Shiro's fall, the empire carried on. But Shiro's legacy on the continent is undeniable and permanent. Today, many signs point to Shiro's return after two centuries in the border realms of the afterlife. A spectral force driven by rage, a thirst for power, and a special kind of madness, he corrupts everything in his wake. The Canthan people know nothing of this, and suspect that the hideous results of "the Affliction" are some kind of monstrous plague. But even those who know that Shiro stalks the shadows have no idea of the power seething within him— or what he might do with it.

  • Badass
  • Big Bad: Of the Factions campaign
  • Driven to Villainy: He was corrupted by a servant of Abaddon disguised as a fortune teller.
  • Evil Sorcerer: Though he is primarily a melee fighter (Assassin, to be specific), he does wield several powerful magical abilities and is referred to in many sources as a sorcerer.
  • Fallen Hero: He was the Emperor's bodyguard 200 years ago.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars
  • Hate Plague: Shiro's main weapon during the Factions campaign. He also couples it with a Type Two-B Your Soul Is Mine to bind the souls of the dead into his Afflicted and Shiro'ken.
  • Locking MacGyver in the Store Cupboard: Villainous example. Let's make the powerful and patient Omnicidal Maniac collect the souls of the dead which will mean that he will have plenty of time to wander around the world. Supervise him? No, I don't think that'll be necessary.
  • Eucatastrophe: He completes his plan to return to life only to lose because he's no longer an immortal Grim Reaper.
  • Shinigami / Psychopomp: His punishment for his crimes in life was to escort the souls of the dead to the Underworld as an Envoy.
  • Swords Akimbo
  • Taken For Jade: He's transformed into a Jade statue by the other Envoys upon his defeat. It's not an And I Must Scream situation though, as you encounter his soul again in the Realm of Torment.
  • Unwitting Pawn: The Fortune Teller that drove him to madness and evil was an agent of Abaddon. Shiro's Jade Wind, as well as the destruction of Orr were both part of Abaddon's greater design to weaken his prison in the Realm of Torment.

Warmarshal Varesh Ossa


"Running will not save you, fools. Abaddon is strong! Nightfall is coming!"


Centuries ago, Turai Ossa saved the nation of Elona by defeating the undead lord Palawa Joko. In gratitude, the populace praised him as the warmarshal of Kourna... and the nation accepted him as their king. Since that time, all of Kourna’s warmarshals have been direct descendants of Turai. Varesh Ossa is the latest inheritor of that legacy—and like her ancestor, she has a vision for the future of the nation.

Varesh Ossa is a brilliant commander, a loyal Kournan who instills loyalty and dedication in her troops. Like her ancestor Turai, she has also shown an interest in more spiritual concerns. Elonians see much of Turai’s greatness in Varesh. By using political acumen, her charismatic presence, and the influence of her family legacy, Varesh has rallied the Kournan army, inspiring them as Turai Ossa did long ago. Some loyal Elonians hope that she can unify the nation again, restoring it to the greatness of its past. Others fervently hope that she does not share his madness. History will see how well Varesh succeeds on her own spiritual quest.

General Kahyet


"You cannot stop it! You will all perish! Nightfall comes!"


In recent years, Varesh has spent more time with Kahyet than her other generals. For decades, General Kahyet has served faithfully as the Dervish mentor of Varesh. At seventy years old, she has endless stories of the history of early Elona. Although she is still an effective commander, her health is failing. Many Kournans take comfort in knowing that Kahyet’s insights and wisdom might live on in their warmarshal.

Kahyet has served as a teacher and guardian to Varesh Ossa for years, assisting her in her studies of the principles of Ascension, Dervish philosophy, the Elonian gods, the history of Turai Ossa, and more esoteric lore. When she learned that Varesh was following the same spiritual path as her ancestor, Kahyet guided her on the path, inspiring her with secrets that only a few truly understand. Kahyet’s time may be running out, but she knows that an era of greatness is at hand.

General Bayel


"You are the last of your breed, traitors! I will bathe in the blood of you and your comrades!"


General Bayel rose through the ranks of Kourna’s army through dedication, hard work, and ruthless use of force. As an Ascalonian, he worked twice as hard to prove himself as many Kournan recruits, demonstrating his resolve and discipline again and again. If he knows the outcome of a battle comes down to his life or someone else’s, he sees nothing wrong with making sure it’s the other soldier who loses. His zeal extends to battles against countless opponents. When the Centaurs became rebellious, he volunteered to lead the “pacification campaign” against them. When the corsairs showed a blatant disregard for Elonian law, he took pleasure in leading raids against them, taking revenge on behalf of his adopted nation. Overwhelming force has solved many of his greatest problems.

As a result, Bayel is admired in the courts of Warmarshal Varesh, feared by those who serve him, and hated by those who oppose him. His enemies claim that he cares little for “collateral damage,” that he considers the deaths of civilians a small price to pay for the security of the state. As a ruthlessly efficient war machine, General Bayel will stop at nothing to destroy his enemies once he sets his sights on an objective. Victory demands nothing less than complete dedication.

The Hunger


"I answer to my lord Abaddon. I answer to Warmarshal Varesh. I do not answer to you. Are we clear?"


The Hunger is a servant of Abaddon and refuses to take orders from anyone but Abaddon and Varesh Ossa.


Abaddon, God of Secrets and Water, was once known as one of the six Gods of Tyria. He was the god who is said to have distributed the gift of magic; however, he gave it out too freely and wars between the races soon began. Because of the wars the other five gods limited the use of magic through the creation of the bloodstones, but Abaddon disagreed. Angered, Abaddon used his Margonite army to start a war against the other five gods and attacked the place known as Gates of Heaven. Although he was able to overpower two gods on his own, he was defeated at the place now known as the Mouth of Torment and was imprisoned in the Realm of Torment, chained and weakened. It was because of this war that the gods left Tyria.

  • Bigger Bad: To both The Lich and Shiro. It turns out he was responsible for their falls.
  • Easter Egg: Type /dance while standing near him. He'll dance with you for a few seconds before wiping the whole party and saying "You got served!"
  • Evil Plan: Directed the actions of the villains of all three campaigns in order to weaken his prison in the Realm of Torment.]]
  • Fallen Angel: Fallen god, actually.
  • Giant Hands of Doom
  • Someone Has to Do It: When a god is killed, a new one must take its place. Kormir ascends to godhood by absorbing all of the released knowledge and power upon Abaddon's defeat.
  • The Corrupter
  • These Are Things Man Was Not Meant to Know: It's his role to know these things.

The Great Destroyer

The Tome of Rubicon tells of a titanic struggle between the Great Dwarf and the Great Destroyer, hinting at an apocalyptic time when this battle will once again be rejoined. The Dwarves believe that time is nigh. Hordes of creatures with hearts of flame and skin as black and as hard as obsidian have welled up from the Depths, pulling the Dwarves into a vicious war that threatens their very existence. While the face of the Great Destroyer has never been gazed upon by any mortal creature, the Dwarves do not doubt that these swarms of Destroyers are merely the spawn of the Great Destroyer, which will soon rise.





Dhuum is the cruel and unjust god who once ruled the Underworld as the god of death. During his reign, his tower and throne were situated in the region now known as the Chaos Planes. Dhuum tolerated neither resurrections nor the existence of the undead, and he hunted down all those who cheated death, having promised "death undeniable." Eventually, Grenth overthrew Dhuum and took the mantle as the new god of death. Grenth, however, could not slay Dhuum, and so imprisoned him instead within the Hall of Judgment, behind enchanted doors and layers of divine magic.

Though asleep, Dhuum's dark power increases every time a creature in the Underworld dies, strengthening him so he may eventually free himself.

He does, however, serve a vital role-namely, as Arena Net's Ban Hammer.


"Menzies the Mad", also known as the Lord of Destruction, is the evil half-brother of Balthazar. Though never seen, he commands the Shadow Army and other shadow related creatures such as the Darknesses. He seeks to usurp Balthazar in order to gain Balthazar's powers and take control of the Fissure of Woe.

Reiko Murakami


"My vision is of a perfect Cantha, and if you stand in defiance of us and what we fight for, then you label yourself an enemy of Cantha."


Head of the Ministry of Purity, and Ashu's aunt. While the people see her as a herald of peace and courage, she's actually little more than a power-hungry tyrant who intends to make Cantha 'perfect' by any means necessary.

  1. Rangers move with a noticeable hop when wielding a hammer, hence the name