Les Légendaires/Characters
Characters from Les Légendaires include:
The Legendaries
A Group of heroes from various places that used to be the Official Heroes of Alysia, as they were fighting Darkhell. However, after they accidentally caused the Jovenia Incident, they became despised by Alysia's population. They are now attending to repair their mistake by trying to find a way to free Alysia from the Jovenia Effect, while assuming their heroes role again.
Trope applying to the group as a whole :
- Badass Crew
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: they usually appear as goofy and incompetent on the first approach, but as soon as it's necessary, they will kick ass for sure.
- Five-Man Band
- Heroes With Bad Publicity: for most of the story. They eventually get over it after defeating Anathos.
- Nakama
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: literally, when they broke the Stone of Jovenia and caused the Jovenia Incident.
- Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: a knight, a Magical Girl Rebellious Princess, a former slave Beast Man, a Big Eater Barbarian Hero and an Elf with Elemental Powers. Justified in that they weren't initially assembled by the people of Alysia to fight Darkhell; Jadina and Danael merely decided to create their own group of heroes and started recruiting anyone they would befriend on the way.
- Two Girls to a Team: initially played straight, but subverted after the Anathos Cycle; the current incarnation of the Legendaries actually has three girls for two guy.

The leader of the Legendaries, and the founding member with Jadina. A knight from the Kingdom of Larbosa and a former member of the elite knight squad known as the Silver Falcons, he met Jadina during an escort mission. Sharing a common desire for justice above politic and compromise, they eventually left together and founded the Legendaries. Danael symbolizes the value of Nobleness.
- Accidental Pervert: twice in Book 1 of Origines, first when he actually fall in front of Jadina while she's taking a bath, and second when he saves Saryn against Dragonites and accidentally touch her butt. While Saryn is aware of the fact he didn't do that on purpose, Jadina isn't so forgiving...
- Anti-Hero: surprisingly enough Type III; see Good Is Not Soft above.
- Back from the Dead: he is resurrected by a mysterious adult woman at the end of the Anathos Cycle. Though he no longer is part of the Legendaries after that.
- Bishonen: even as an adult.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Haughty: in book 2, when he learns the control he thought he had on the situation was just an illusion.
- The Cape (trope)
- Cool Sword: not only can Danael's sword cut through almost anything, it also possess the ability to be attracted to its owner whenever he wishes so.
- Fallen Hero: though to be fair, it wasn't his choice.
- Guile Hero: has shade of this. Being the leader, he usually plan the strategy before any plan and is quite good at it. According to his brother Ikael, he takes pride in his ability to control events.
- Hair of Gold
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- The Hero
- The Leader
- The Paladin
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: the Blue to Gryf's Red.
- Ironically, flashbacks from Book 6 reveal he used to be the Red Oni to his older brother Ikael.
- Good Is Not Soft: deconstructed, to the point it's sometimes borderline Good Is Not Nice; even though Danael means well and usually has very good reason to do what he does, he is will occasionally be willing to Shoot the Dog for the greater good, such as ordering Shimy's death so Anathos can't have her body. He even once threatened Halan to stab him with a Darkhellion stinger under the effect of anger.
- In the Hood: shortly in book 1.
- Rescue Romance: part of the reason he and Jadina fell in love.
- Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right: his main reason for leaving the Silver Falcons and founding the Legendaries; he was disgusted that his group had just become pawns following politics rather than justice.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: with Jadina, though it tends to be unclear if they have confessed to each other or not.
- They Do, but with a disastrous backfire.
- Why Did It Have To Be Water?: Danael doesn't know how to swim, causing him to be afraid of water.
Gryfenfer "Gryf" AKA Prince Anoth-Cha

A former Monslave Jaguarian who joined the Legendaries and became Danael's best friend. Gryf symbolizes the value of Bravery. He is later revealed to be Prince Anoth-Cha, prince of Jaguarys and brother of King Kel-Cha.
- Amber Eyes: his eyes are full-yellow. Seems to be a common characteristic among Jaguarians.
- Anti-Hero: Type II.
- Beast Man: obviously.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: with both Shimy and Shun-Day.
- The Berserker: like most Jaguarians, whenever he is close to another Jaguarian or a Jaguarian vestige, and lacking a Katseye, Gryf will loose his self-control and turn into an uncontrollable raging beast. Solved after the Anathos Cycle.
- Book Dumb: tends to be seen as this by others, though he's not really that stupid.
- Chivalrous Pervert: tends to vary between this and Accidental Pervert.
- Cute Little Fangs
- Deadpan Snarker
- Hellish Pupils: a rare heroic example.
- Identity Amnesia: Book 7 reveals he has no memory of his life before the Monslave fight. He's eventually revealed to have been Anoth-Cha, the prince of Jaguarys.
- Honor Before Reason: gave the Memoria serum to Elysio despite being perfectly aware it might cause Darkhell's return (and it did), because he gave his word to Elysio he would help him recover his memory.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Gryf usually acts rude, is clumsy dealing with his relationships with girls and is not entirely uninterested by getting payed for his service, but in the end, he means well.
- The Lancer
- Little Bit Beastly: he basically looks like a human with fur, fangs, claws, Hellish Pupils and a tail.
- Mr. Vice Guy: as shown in Book 5, Gryf has few scruples asking to be paid for his services; he also seems to be quite a pervert occasionally.
- One-Winged Angel: his Deathgryf form
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: the Red to Danael's Blue. Flashbacks reveal he was even more of a Red Oni to his brother Kel-Cha's Blue.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: justified due to him being a beast-man. He eventually wears half of a shirt after the Anathos Cycle.

The current Princess of the Kingdom of Orchidia. Jadina symbolizes the value of Intelligence. She was the one who found the Legendaries with Danael.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Back from the Dead: she got reincarnated by the Gamera Tree after her death in the Jade Mines.
- Badass:
- Badass Abnormal: after her death during her visit in the Gamera Mines, she was reincarnated by the Gamera Tree as a human/plant hybrid with incredibly powerful magic abilities, superhuman physical abilities and a Healing Factor.
- Badass Damsel
- Badass Princess: doesn't appear as one on the first look, but she kicks ass a lot when in action.
- Badass in Distress: when Abyss had injected her with Antimag, leaving her powerless, and was about to have her executed. Yet she still saved her comrades.
- Beware the Nice Ones: she is probably the nicest person on the team, yet you better not make her angry. Just ask to Ceyderom...
- The Cape (trope): her quotidian look after the Anathos Cycle.
- The Chick
- Damsel in Distress: according to Danael, she used to be that before she joined the Legendaries. Her current form, on the other hand, adverts the Trope: she actually saves the others much more often than she gets saved by them.
- Fallen Princess: she already was in discord with her parents when she decided to refuse her Arranged Marriage with Halan and join Danael to found the Legendaries. This goes even worst after the Jovenia Incident: her parents disown her, banish her from her kingdom and she is forced to live like a peasant in an old house until Danael and Gryf come to recruit her again. She didn't take the change well...
- Guile Hero: displays traits of this during the Anathos Cycle. She came up with a plan that was able to outgambit Anathos, of all people.
- Healing Factor: she gains a ridiculously powerful one after her reincarnation: she could regenerate her broken arm within seconds, survive a magic conflagration and even getting her throat ripped apart by Tenebris yet surviving.
- Half-Human Hybrid: after her resurrection.
- Humanoid Abomination: hinted several times after her resurrection; Shimy, after seeing Jadina's aura, mentioned twice she was nothing human anymore.
- Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: the way she died when going in the Gamera Mine. She came back thanks to the Gamera Tree.
- The Leader: shortly assumed the role in Book 5 after an argument with Danael. Becomes permanently it after Danael got possessed by Anathos.
- Magical Girl
- Rescue Romance: the origin of her relationship with Danael.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: she was shown to be willing to actually do thing even before she joined the Legendaries.
- Shipper on Deck: surprisingly, she was this to Danael and Saryn. Until Saryn got killed.
- Staff Chick: her personality and Weapon of Choice fit the trope, but her fighting style is closer to a Black Magician Girl.
- Spoiled Sweet: despite being as shallow as a princess can be (and that's a lot), she is the nicest person on the team.
- Super Mode: she gains one after her reincarnation.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Jadina's girly girl to Shimy's tomboy.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: with Shimy.
Razzia AKA Korbo the Red Shadow
A Barbarian Hero from the Country of Rymar. Razzia symbolizes the value of strength. Though he was originally a physical athlete and a colossus, the Jovenia effect turned him back to his children form, which is a fat kid, though he retains his natural strength. He actually used to be Korbo the Red Shadow, Darkhell's lieutenant.

- Adorkable: his child form.
- Ascended Fanboy: deconstructed; he became a hero, but not he kind he wanted to be, and he had to loose all his family, friends and whole village for it to happen.
- The Atoner: his whole reason for joining the Legendaries was to make up for his crime as Korbo.
- Barbarian Hero: his adult form.
- Battle Couple: with Tenebris.
- Beware the Silly Ones: he might look like a fat little kid with apparent limited intelligence, but he is extremely powerful, and you'd be surprised to see what he did in the past...
- Big Freaking Sword: the Leviathan Saber, though he eventually loses it to Dark-Razzia.
- The Big Guy: he is strong enough to dig a whole underground with his bare hands. And he apparently retains his force even in child form.
- Big Eater: to the point it's still the first thing he think about when the world is about to be wiped out of reality.
- Boisterous Bruiser: occasionally.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: he got so strong just by training. And he is strong enough to dig a tunnel with his bare hands.
- Dead Little Sister: a lot of what made him who he is is related to the death of his little sister Sheyla.
- The Dragon: used to be this to Darkhell. Or more accurately shared the role with Tenebris.
- From Nobody to Nightmare: he went from a fat cheerful little kid to Darkhell's Dragon and one of the most infamous murderer of Alysia.
- Gentle Giant: he is no longer a giant, but he sure is pretty much a nice guy.
- Genius Bruiser: an archaeology expert with a Barbarian Hero's physic and strength.
- Idiot Hero: subverted; he appears as this due to his tendencies to understand some things slowly, but he is actually extremely smart, and possess a large knowledge about monsters and archaeology.
- Late to the Punchline: not exactly with jokes, but he has moments where he tends to understand or recognize people a little too slow, resulting in him being mistake for an idiot.
- Made of Iron: in Book 6, an adult Darkhell shoots him with a deadly spell. He is barely injured, but still has enough strength to rise again.
- One-Man Army: literally; he actually slaughter a whole army of elite soldiers of his own as an adult.
- Real Men Wear Pink: it's revealed in Book 4 he is really good at sewing, and even keeps a necessary on him. He'd rather have no one know however.
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: had one after Darkhell destroyed his village and made it look like the 1000 Wolves Army was the responsible. This caused Razzia to go From Nobody to Nightmare and eventually slaughter the 1000 Wolves of his own.
- Shirtless Scene: his adult self gets a lot of this in flashback. Granted, that was to be expected from a Barbarian Hero.
Tropes Related to Amy
- A Man Turned Back Into A Boy And His Shapeshifting Demoniac Arm
- And I Must Scream: the reason she hates Skroa: he trapped her in his palace and used her as lab rat for his experiments, very much the same way Darkhell kept him later.
- Dark Is Not Evil: remains to be confirmed since her motivations are unclear, but so far, for a demon, she seems rather nice.
- Deadpan Snarker: she has no scruple criticizing Razzia's attitude and mistakes.
- Deal with the Devil: Razzia made one with her; she provided him with a new arm and new powers in exchange for his promise he'd kill Skroa and Shun-Day
- Eldritch Abomination
- Faceless Eye: the closest thing she has to a face in her arm form is a big yellow eye on Razzia's forearm. Her humanoid form, on the other hand, has a face.
- Sealed Evil in a Can or Sealed Good in a Can: a recent spoiler reveals Razzia found her in the ruins of Skroa's palace, imprisoned by Skroa the same way Darkhell trapped him.
- Shapeshifter Weapon: as Razzia's arm, Amy can shapeshift into various weapon and equipment. Those include shield, hammer, chirurgical tools and even a whole protection able to cover all Legendaries at once.
- Shout-Out: her full name, Amydala, is an obvious reference to Padme Amidala
- The Symbiote
The current Elementary Elf, Shimy symbolises purity. Though she was supposed to serve as the Guardian of the Elven World, Shimy eventually choosed to join the Legendaries and leave on Alysia.

- Action Girl
- Amber Eyes: at least until Anathos burns them.
- Apocalypse Maiden: subverted; she was intended to be this by serving as Anathos' reincarnation, but the Legendaries succeeded in preventing it... only for Anathos to possess Danael instead.
- Aura Vision: she uses this to balance her blindness after Anathos burnt her eyes.
- Broken Bird: after the Anathos Cycle, big time.
- The Chosen One: deconstructed; she was forced into becoming the Elementary Elf when she only wanted to be a veterinary doctor, and she was so unaccepting of the role that she neglect her duties and joined the Legendaries. This backfires in Book 3, when Elves suffer a mysterious plague and Shimy feels guilty for not being there when needed. And if that wasn't enough, the Anathos Cycle reveals she was also the chosen one... to be the reincarnation of Anathos. Needless to say, she doesn't take it well...
- Deadpan Snarker: her most significant role on the first books, especially toward Jadina and Gryf.
- Designated Victim: even though all Legendaries get a lot of bad treatment, Shimy gets a surprisingly among of this compared to most characters. Word of God admit she was the author's favourite character (with Razzia), and that he liked making his favourite characters suffer.
- Elemental Powers: her Elementary Elf status grants her the ability to manipulate and merge with the four elements. She only masters Earth and Water at the beginning, but later learn to use Air and Fire as well.
- Eye Scream: Anathos inflicts her this in the Anathos Cycle. With a friggin' flaming sword, no less.
- Kuudere: in the pre-Anathos Cycle Books. After that, she tends to go more in Tsundere territory.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: a violent deconstruction; Her "defrosting" is mostly due to her Heroic BSOD combined with a violent Break the Cutie and Break the Haughty.
- Handicapped Badass: her eyes are burnt by Anathos.
- Ms. Fanservice: not that much initially, but after the Anathos Cycle, Sobral took the habits to take advantage on the fact her tomboyish clothings were replaced by a short skirt to put an almost ridiculous amount of Panty Shots with her. She now seems to get at least one each arc.
- Pointy Ears: she is an elf; what were you expecting ?
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: the tomboy to Jadina's girly girl.
- Tsundere: her relationship with Gryf mostly comes up between this and Like an Old Married Couple.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: with Jadina.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting: she can use her Elementary fusion ability to disguise herself as someone else in a very convincing way. Even Anathos initially fell for it.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: she became this after Anathos attempted to possess her.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
A Young Ninja apprentice who joins the Legendaries as a temporary member during Book 7 and 8 in order to achieve her formation by helping them to save the world from Dawn's and Dusk's warning. She is eventually revealed to be a creature made by Skroa to serve as his mole in the group in order to find the Horn of Sygma. However, she eventually becomes the mask, and helps the Legendaries defeat Skroa. Danael alows her to get away with Skroa as a thank.
- Becoming the Mask
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Ninja: Though it turns out to just be a cover.
- Katanas Are Just Better: she fight with a katana.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: mercilessly threatened a Jaguarian-racist human mayor with her katana. No one can really blame her for that.
- The Mole
- Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot: technically, she is an artificially created Galina with ninja skills and who can assume a human form. And later a Jaguarian form.
- One-Winged Angel: her real form is a Winged Humanoid with green feather all over her body and bird claws
- Red Right Hand: her right arm used to belong to Skroa, and as such has feathers and bird-like claw, even when she is in human or Jaguarian form. She uses a long sleeve to hide it.
- Sixth Ranger
- Sixth Ranger Traitor: though she becomes the Mask.
- Tsundere: her relationship with Gryf is that way.
- "Well Done Daughter" Gal: she truly sees Skroa as her father and helped him so he would be proud of her. Too bad he barely sees her as more than a servant and hates being referred as a father.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair

Darkhell's daughter and former lieutenant. During her father's reign, she assisted him in leading his army. She actually used to work together with her lover Korbo, who was Razzia under a different identity before he turned good. During the Anathos Cycle, she is freed from Prison Barek by Darkhell, but ends up turning against him in order to defend Razzia. Eventually, she joins the Legendaries as a full-time member.
- The Atoner: she does feel sorry for her crimes as Darkhell's lieutenant and attempts to correct it.
- Battle Couple: with Korbo/Razzia.
- Berserk Button: don't say anything bad about Korbo, try to hurt him or do anything bad related to him when she can hear you.
- Blade Below the Shoulder: her trademark weapon.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: when Abyss infested her. Though according to him, it might have been More Than Mind Control.
- The Cape (trope)
- Clingy Jealous Girl: just check her reaction when Toopie hugs Razzia. Or when Razzia is peeking at Jadina.
- Genre Savvy: she is pretty much aware of Raptor's Starscream's status in Origines, and tries to warn her father about it.
- Daddy's Little Villain
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Is Not Evil: though she used to be.
- The Dragon: she used to share the role with Korbo when she was working for her father.
- The Dreaded: not in the proportions of her father, but still got shades of this initially. Danael refers to her past self as one of the Legendaries' worst nightmare, and Toopie appeared to be scared the crap out of herself when she recognized her at Larbos.
- Even Bad Girls Love Their Papas: even after her Heel Face Turn, Tenebris displays honest love for her father, even asking Razzia to avenge him before the final fight with Anathos. Notably, this is one of the very few cases where her father loved her back for real too.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Even as her father's dragon, she refused to kill an innocent child after eliminating her parents.
- If You Kill Him You Will Be Just Like Him: Jadina attempted this on her when she attempted to kill Abyss. She didn't listen, but was still prevented from doing so by the Gamera Tree.
- I'm Your Biggest Fan: quote this citation word for word when first meeting Korbo in a flashback.
- In the Hood: she used this to try going unnoticed at Larbos during the festival. Needless to say, Toopie saw right through it.
- Love Redeems: her whole reason for joining the group was initially because of her feelings for Razzia. She even dared to refuse being Anathos's second-in-command because of it... needless to say, she does love her man.
- Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter
- Sixth Ranger
- Spikes of Villainy: her adult self used to wear some.
The Fabulous
Another group of heroes that replaced the Legendaries as the Official heroes of Alysia. Unlike the Legendaries, the Fabulous are extremely popular among Alysia's people. They initially display arrogant behavior toward the Legendaries, despising them the same way than everyone for the Jovenia Incident, but after the two teams are forced to team up, they end up growing mutual respect.
Trope applying to the whole Group :
- Badass Crew
- Badass Normal: in contrast with the Legendaries, they are all humans and none of them possess any powers or weapon with magic properties (unless you count Toopie's Gadgeteer Genius as a power). Yet they pretty much kick ass when fighting: Shaki and Michi-Gan are the only known non-Legendarie characters to even succeed in hitting Darkhell in the face. Toopie put it even fairer by actually durably injuring both Darkhell and Elysio in their Badass Abnormal states.
- Knight, Knave, and Squire: Michi-Gan, Shaki and Toopie respectively.
- Nakama
- The Rival: to the Legendaries, initially.
- Eyes Always Shut
- The Cape (trope)
- The Leader
- Katanas Are Just Better: his Weapon of Choice is a katana.
- Only Sane Man: arguably; he is the only one in his team who is not driven by a desire of revenge, and is seen attempting to retain Shaki and Toopie when they attempt to fulfill theirs.
- Team Dad: literally, seeing as he is Toopie's foster father.
Shaki AKA Little Cat Drinking His Milk Bowl
- Ambiguously Brown
- The Cape (trope)
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Little Cat Drinking His Milk Bowl". Inverted in that it's his real name, and he uses his Shaki alias to hide it.
- Last of His Kind: he is the last of the Comashawas, an Indian-like shamanistic tribe.
- Proud Warrior Race Guy
- The Stoic: compared to his teammates, Shaki doesn't talk much and is quite calm...
- Not So Stoic: at least until he has Darkhell in front of him.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Toopie Maker
- Badass Adorable
- Child Prodigy: and unlike most of the characters, she is a REAL child, not just an adult turned back to childhood.
- Gadgeteer Genius
- Girl Genius
- Fiery Redhead: and a child one.
- Happily Adopted: she seems pretty happy with Michi-Gan as her foster father.
- In the Blood: apparently, she inherited her affinity with technology from her parents.
- Meganekko
- Science Hero: she makes for her nonexistent fighting skills by using her knowledge in technology to conceive various machines that allow her to fight on the same field than her teammates.
- She's All Grown Up: in the Anathos Cycle. Tenebris was mad when she jumped in Razzia's arms.
- You Killed My Parents: her parents were killed by Korbo and Tenebris as she was just a baby.
Silver Falcons
The Silver Falcons are a squad of elite knight formed by the Kingdom of Larbosa and in charge with the most important missions. Danael started out as part of this team, but ended up quitting it. Unlike the Legendarie's Fabulous' Ragtag Bunch of Misfits, the Silver Falcons are actual elite soldiers, and as such are much more disciplined, but also dependant from the law.
Tropes applying to all Silver Falcons :
- Badass Creed: "Justice and Truth for All". Subverted in that it tends to not be respected (at least from Danael's point of view), since the Silver Falcons tend to merely follow their kind's orders without taking this oath in account.
- The Squad
Danael's older brother and the Captain of the Silver Falcon.
- Badass Long Hair
- Big Brother: to Danael.
- Four-Star Badass: he is the captain of the Silver Falcons.
- The Leader: to the Silver Falcons.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: the reason for Danael quitting; he was more concerned with following the King's order than doing the right thing.
- Redheaded Hero
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: used to be the Blue to Danael's Red before Danael left the team.
- The Stoic: in Origines
Ikael's second-in-command in Origines
- Badass Beard
- Badass Grandpa
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Dirty Old Man: hinted on occasion, though it doesn't go beyond noticing when he finds a girl hot.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Raptor used his magic blade to disintegrate him, leaving only his skull.
- Four-Star Badass
- Eyepatch of Doom
- Killed Off for Real
- Papa Wolf: to Saryn. And she doesn't like it.
- Sacrificial Lion
Aghar's daughter and Danael's childhood friend, as well as the only female among the Silver Falcons.
- Action Girl: big time.
- Cannot Spit It Out: she has feelings for Danael, but clearly can't say it. Ironical considering she has no problem kissing him against his will to "help" him annoy Jadina.
- Disposable Woman
- Fate Worse Than Death: she got stung by a Darkhellion.
- Fiery Redhead
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge: after Raptor killed her father.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Tomboy
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: subverted; Danael didn't start a relationship with Jadina until she died, and Jadina was actually a Shipper on Deck toward her and Danael. Had she survived, she might have end up with him instead.
Gods and similar entities
Dawn and Dusk
The twin Gods of Creation and Destruction. They were apparently the ones among the twelve gods who were the most involved in the creation of Alysia, though like the others they left once their job done. They come back during Book 7 and 8, curious to see how Alysia has evolved since their departure. Discovering the Jovenia incident, they are shocked by what they call an "aberration", and give the Legendaries a delay to turn back Alysia to normal before they erase it from existence. Eventually, however, it's revealed they were merely testing them to see if Alysians have grown mature enough, and leave the planet unharmed.
- Anti-Villain: even though they play a villain-like role in their appearance, they meant well in the end.
- Apocalypse How: threatened to cast a Class 6 on Alysia if the Jovenia incident wasn't solved.
- Badass Boast: Dusk delivers one while scaring away angry Alysians:
Dusk: "Go home, Mortals, or face the Wrath of the Gods Dawn and Dusk, creators of your decadent world!" |
- Glowing Eyes of Doom: combined with Red Eyes, Take Warning
- Half-Identical Twins
- Jerkass Gods: subverted; it eventually turns out they were acting like jerkass to test the Legendaries. After Gryf proved the Alysians have grown mature enough, they leave without harming anyone.
- No Mouth: their avatars possess no visible mouth.
- Not So Omniscient After All: played for laughs; Dusk can see the future, yet he is unable to remember the way to the Gods' home. Dawn apparently thinks it's because he is a man.
- Orange and Blue Morality: the only explanation possible for Dusk believing Alysia being about to be destroyed by one of the Legendaries is "fun".
- The Cape (trope): Dawn wears one.
- Trickster Mentor: to an extent.
The last God to leave Alysia. Few thing are known about him beside the fact he took compassion in the Jaguarians when they were about to be extinct, and provided them with the Horn of Sygma, an artifact that granted them wishes as long as each new wish cancels the previous. The Jaguarians used the Horn to wish for a way to escape humans and were as such able to survive despite persecution.
The Guardian
An artificial being created by the gods as one of the three creatures (the others being the Krea-Kaos and the Bearer) left behind. His role was to keep the magic stones used to create Alysia, doing so by forcing anyone who wanted them to go through his palace full of lethal traps. He was the one who gave the Stone of Jovenia to Darkhell as part of a deal, thus indirectly causing the Jovenia Incident. In Book 2, he allows the Legendaries to go through his palace in order to get the Stone of Crescia. Only Danael reaches him in time, but as the Guardian is about to give him the Stone, it's taken by Skroa. He offers Danael to choose another stone instead, but since the knight refuses, he decides to reward him anyway by reviving his teammates. He later shows up again during the Anathos Cycle, recruiting Elysio and Darkhell in an attempt to kill the Legendaries so Anathos won't be able to come back by reincarnating in one of them. When Anathos finally comes back, he provides Darkhell and Elysio with more power so they can fight toe to toe with the God, but they fail, and he is killed soon afterward.
- Anti-Villain: arguably Type III during the Anathos Cycle: while his methods were debatable, his attempt to stop Anathos is a respectable motive.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Gentleman Snarker
- It Amused Me: a lot of what he does in the first two books are made for his mere amusement.
- Jerkass God: gave the Stone of Jovenia to the Evilest sorcerer in all Alysia of his own will, as part of a deal to turn the country of Klafooty into a place where Everything Is Trying to Kill You; put fake maps written by the Ancients everywhere so more people would come to die at his tests trying to take stones from him for his own amusement; Attempted to kill all the Legendaries to prevent Anathos from coming back because he couldn't figure out which one was gonna be Anathos' reincarnation.
- Killed Off for Real
- Magitek: his palace can looks strangely like an alien ship, can go to space and possess healing machines.
- No Mouth
- Winged Humanoid
The Krea-Kaos
- Artifact of Doom: played with; it can be used to destroy worlds, but only in order to create new ones though Equivalent Exchange.
- Eldritch Abomination: though he doesn't appear to be a sentient being.
- Equivalent Exchange: the way it works.
- Powered Armor
The Bearer
- Demonic Possession: Anathos controlled her through this, though unlike his reincarnation, he had limited control over her.
- Eldritch Abomination
- Fatal Flaw: her armor can be used for attack purpose and deviate attacks, but does not protect her against attack from behind.
- The Jailer: she was a living can used to trap Anathos' essence. Unfortunately, he ended up corrupting her.
The Gamera Tree
- But Now I Must Go
- Green Thumb
- Eldritch Abomination: though a very nice one.
- Healing Hands: she resurrected Jadina by reincarnating her and cured her mother from Lerdamer
- Plant People
Other Characters
A mysterious kid met by the Legendaries during their first trip to find the Stone of Crescia. An amnesiac young man who was raised by villagers, he has no memory beyond the Jovenia Incident and is trying to find the stone too in order to discover who he is. He possesses vast magic powers, but is unable to control them. He is eventually revealed to be an amnesiac Darkhell, who survived the Jovenia incident but lost his memory and control over his magic powers. After creatures called Zar-Iko provide him with a Memoria Serum, he gets his memory back, but reject it, causing his Darkhell and Elysio personas to split up into two different beings. Now possessing Darkhell's knowledge and memory without his evil intentions, Elysio attempts to redeem himself by helping defeating his evil self.
- Amnesiac Hero: and has he know, he would have rather stayed that way.
- Anti-Villain: When he was working for the Guardian.
- The Atoner
- Badass Abnormal: after the Guardian gave him a new more powerful body.
- Badass Long Hair: Well, He used to be Darkhell, after all.
- Blue Eyes
- Fusion Dance: with Darkhell against Anathos.
- Good Counterpart: becomes this to Darkhell after the Darkhell personas escaped from his body
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: he has a scar on the right cheek similar to Darkhell's.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: the new body provided by the Guardian to him possess black angel wings.
- I Hate Past Me: and how. Elysio hates what he used to be and do as Darkhell, to the point he was initially refusing to admit the fact he could have been him.
- Killed Off for Real
- Large Ham: in his first appearance. He loses it after being separated from Darkhell.
- Literal Split Personality: the result of his Enemy Without.
- Redemption Demotion: first played straight then adverted big time; in his first appearance, he was amnesiac and had no more control over his magic powers, making him helpless to the point Danael had to save him from a troll. Later however, after consuming the Memoria Serum, he got back all of Darkhell's memory and powers, as well as a telepathic link to his Darkhell persona, making him a key element in his counterpart's defeat. Even more so in the Anathos Cycle.
- Redemption Equals Death: believes his crime as Darkhell can only be truly solved that way.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: the Blue to Darkhell's Red.
- Science Hero: after recovering Darkhell's memory.
- Slasher Smile: a very frightening one in Book 1. It turns out to just be a dream from Gryf fortunately.
Captain Shamira
The hot-tempered, fiery, proud captain of the Elven Fleet and Shimy's mother. She was the one who fought all her life so her daughter could become the next Elementary Elf. Though she succeeded, Shimy was mad no one asked her her opinion, and eventually neglected her duties as the protector of the Elven World to become part of the Legendaries and move to Alysia. Shamira was unaccepting of her daughter's choice for years, which cause a major conflict between them. They eventually reconcile in book 4.
- Action Mom
- Badass Long Hair
- Everyone Loves Blondes: Gryf sure does. And apparently, so does Halan. Michi-Gan, on the other hand...
- Fiery Redhead: she looks like a redhead but is referred as blonde. As for the fiery part... well let's say she takes that Up to Eleven.
- Four-Star Badass: she is the leader of the Elven Fleet.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Hot Mom: justified twice: first, she's an Elf. Second, everyone looks young on Alysia and the Elven World because of the Jovenia effect anyway.
- Lady of War: part of what makes her charm.
- Large Ham: at least ninety percent of what she says is said with emphasis.
- Mama Bear: just check her reaction when learning she learns the Legendaries (including Shimy) have been promoted as criminals. Not to mention she personally led the Elven army against Anathos after he scarred her daughter.
Prince Halan later King Halan
The prince of Sabledoray, a kingdom allied with Jadina's country of Orchidia. As kids, Jadina and him were friends and betrothed by their parents. Though Halan was genuinely in love with her and happy with it, Jadina was infuriated that her parents attempted to marry her without asking her her opinion, and eventually left with Danael to form the Legendaries. Halan shows up in Book 5, where he informs the Legendaries something is going on at Casthell and insist on coming with them, causing tensions between him and Danael. It's later revealed he betrayed them and made a deal with Ceyderom in order to alter time so Jadina never met Danael, thus making his marriage with her happen. When the attempt spectacularly backfires with Ceyderom betraying him, past Darkhell killing all the Legendaries but Jadina and Jadina now hating him, Halan eventually feels remorse and commits a Heroic Sacrifice in order to save her. He is then resurrected off-screen when Jadina resets time so the whole time travel never happened. By the Anathos Cycle, he is shown to have become King of Sabledoray. He also moved on with Jadina and started a relationship with Captain Shamira.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Arranged Marriage: was intended to be this with Jadina. He was pleased, but Jadina decided otherwise.
- Heroic Sacrifice: perform this to save Jadina, but...
- Back from the Dead: was resurrected by Jadina's time reset.
- Hopeless Suitor: to Jadina. Fortunately, he was eventually smart enough to get over it and find another girl.
- Kick the Dog: in Origines, he deliberately unleashes his monstrous carnivorous pet on Danael just because he was rude to him. And he does it again at the end of the book on his own guards because he is pissed off.
- Jerkass: hinted by Danael in Book 5. Origines confirms this big time. He fortunately gets better during the Anathos Cycle.
- Love Makes You Evil: he joined force with Ceyderom in order to change history so Jadina would love him instead of Danael...
- Love Redeems: ...but eventually redeemed himself by saving Jadina's life from past Darkhell.
- The Rival: to Danael, for Jadina's affection.
- Romantic False Lead
- Royal Brat: in his first appearance and Origines.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: evolved into this during the Anathos Cycle.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: his relationship with Jadina seems to have been quite correct when they were kids.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
A female Maraka who served as Halan's bodyguard in Origines
- Ambiguously Brown
- Bodyguard Babe
- Bodyguard Crush: a one-sided one; she was in love with Halan, but he clearly had eyes only for Jadina.
- Killed Off for Real
- Love Makes You Dumb: you would think a hightly trained assassin and bodyguard like her would think twice before making a deal with a treacherous Lizard-man working for an infamous and equally treacherous Sorcerous Overlord for something as shallow as dealing with a love rival. Or at least, that she would take measure to ensure her security when having a meeting with said Lizard-man alone, at night, far from the Kingdom. Well, apparently, {{[[[Too Dumb to Live]] she didn't}}. Raptor even lampshades this trope before killing her.
- Love Makes You Evil
- Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Raptor kills her immediately after she gave him the map to find Jadina.
- Yandere: she was willing to help Raptor to get Jadina so she could marry Halan instead of her.
General Rasga
The ruler of the Pirahni, a fish-like humanoid specie living on the Elven World and considered as the Elves' hereditary enemies. Wishing for his people to live in a better place than the rude and desolated island they are restricted to by the Elves, Rasga made a deal with a mysterious Sorcerer named Skalp-Hell, who asked for his help to find a mysterious magical artifact on the Island in exchange for the promise to create a new virgin world where he and his people would be able to live peacefully. Eventually, Skalp-Hell is revealed to be Darkhell, while the artifact turns out to be the Krea-Kaos, an armor left by the Gods who has the powers to manipulate the Mystic Stones as well as destroying a world to create a new one. Darkhell unsurprisingly ends up betraying the Pirahni, causing Rasga and his force to side with the Elves and the Legendaries against him. After the end of the conflict, Pirahni and Elves end their conflict and choose to share the Elven World. He is later seen during the Anathos Cycle, siding with the Elves and the Humans against Anathos.
- Anti-Villain: Type IV; his reasons for siding with Skalp-Hell are perfectly justified, and the only reason he is a villain is because he sides against the protagonists. He didn't even started the new war between Elves and Pirahni: the Elves did after a magic plague accidentally freed by the Pirahni in their search was mistaken by them for an attack.
- Fish People: like all the Pirahni.
- Four-Star Badass: he is the leader of the Pirahni and a very effective fighter, able to defeat Shaki and fight toe to toe with Captain Sharmira.
- Genre Blind: even though he is apparently aware of his alliance with Skalp-Hell's being close to a Deal with the Devil, he appears actually surprised when he betrays him. Seriously, you make a deal with an Evil Sorcerer with a creepy mask, fondness for Evil Laughter and who has no problem using your soldiers as pawns, yet you didn't expect him to betray you?
- Heel Face Turn
- No Mouth: the Pirahni don't have any visible mouth.
King Kel-Cha
The current King of Jaguarys, and Gryf/Anoth's younger twin brother, who was nominated king after his brother went missing. He is introduced at the end of Book 7 and plays a major role in Book 8, where he allows the Legendaries to stay temporary at Jaguarys. He almost clashes with them when discovering they need to take the Horn of Sygma, but the two are eventually forced to team up against Skroa.
- Beast Man
- Berserk Button: don't kill his people of companion. Nor attempt to harm his brother. Or he will ensure your death as well as he can.
- Enemy Mine: with the Legendaries when Skroa attacked Jaguarys. Fortunately enough, this allowed them to find an agreement eventually.
- Idiot Ball: didn't realize that by preventing the Legendaries from using the Horn of Sygma to stop Alysia's destruction, he was dooming Alysia and as such his own kind anyway. He fortunately notices this at the end and admit he was wrong.
- Not So Stoic: played for laugh at the beginning of Book 7, when he's visiting his father's tomb in a very stoic state to announce Anoth is back. Right after that, a servant announces him Anoth escaped again, causing him to switch from "zen attitude" to "angry attitude".
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: he used to be the Blue to Anoth's Red when they were kids.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: and to a really respectable level. He personally takes part in the fight to protect his city when Skroa attacks Jaguarys, and was willing to die in order to ensure its survival.
- Warrior Prince: apparently a respectable warrior of his own right.
- The Wise Prince: despite being supposedly younger than Anoth, he clearly was the wisest of the two even as they were kids.
Queen Adeyrid
Jadina's mother, and the magician queen of Orchidia. A responsible monarch but distant mother, she took few time to take care of her daughter as a child, instead focusing on her duties as a queen. When Jadina left her own duties as a princess to become a Legendary, Adeyrid was unaccepting of this, to the point she had her banished after the Jovenia Incident. She suffers a lethal illness, the Lerdamer.
- Ambiguously Brown: like most inhabitants of Orchidia.
- Arranged Marriage: had to do this, and accepted it as part of her duties. She attempted to do it to Jadina, with much less successful results.
- Darkskinned Blonde
- Hot Mom: justified for the same reason than Captain Shamira.
- Tenebris, I Am Your Mother: turns out Tenebris was her elder daughter, which she got thanks to a formula created by Darkhell and Vangelis so she could have a child despite being sterile. Darkhell however betrayed her and took Tenebris as his own.
- Star-Crossed Lovers: she was in love with Vangelis. Due to their respective position, this love never was consumed.
- Parental Neglect: the only times she bothered taking care of her daughter as a child was to organize her Arranged Marriage. In her defense, she did so because she felt like her duties had to go first. After being cured from the Lerdamer, she appeared willing to repare this mistake, though Jadina declined.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something: though it's not really shown, she is mentioned to be rather active in her role as a queen.
Major Antagonists

The Arch Enemy of the Legendaries. A powerful Sorcerous Overlord that used to reign on the land of Shiar from his fortress of Casthell. Few times before his Final Battle with the Legendaries, he attempted to use the Jovenia stone to get his youth back, but the process was interrupted by the Legendaries, and ended up causing the Jovenia Incident. Darkhell was seemingly killed in the process, but was eventually revealed to have survived, though he lost his memory and became a child like everyone else. Later, when Elysio, his amnesic self, attempted to regain his memory by consuming a serum, the conflicting personas ended up splitting into two different individuals, thus allowing Darkhell to come back.
- A Father To His Minions: a rare villainous example; since Darkhell created his minions with his own magic, those of them who display actual intelligence (including Abyss and the Zar-Iko) consider him as their father, and are deeply loyal to him. It's never specified clearly if he does care about them or if they are mere tools to him, but he at least does care for his Dark Action Girl daughter Tenebris.
- A God I Am: when he got his hands on the Krea-Kaos:
Rasga: "By the Gods ?!" |
- Granted, it was unclear if by "god", he was referring to himself or the Krea-Kaos.
- Arch Enemy: to the Legendaries
- Badass: on several levels:
- Badass Grandpa: as his adult self.
- Badass Long Hair: and how.
- Badass Long Robe: his favourite way to dress.
- Badass Normal: when compared to Skroa, Anathos and Abyss, Darkhell is a mere human sorcerer. A mere human sorcerer who was the terror of all Alysia for years, defeated and imprisoned his demonic rival, almost destroyed the Elven World and created a whole army by his own experiments. Um, yeah, Not So Harmless when you say it that way...
- Badass Abnormal: in the Anathos Cycle, when the Guardian gave him a new more powerful body.
- Baddie Flattery: has moments of this, especially toward Elysio.
- Berserk Button: he has two of them; hitting him the face, and hurting Tenebris. Both usually makes him much more dangerous than he already is.
- Big Bad: in Origines, the first books of the main story, and all the backstory between and before Origines.
- Bigger Bad: during the Time Travel arc in books 5 and 6.
- Did You Just Punch Out Cthulhu?: his rival was a demonic sorcerer. Not only did he win when they faced each others, but he also imprisoned him, tortured him and de-powered him.
- The Dreaded: he has been considered as the evilest being in all Alysia for years, and kept the place until Anathos shew up. At several point, him showing up, or the main mention of his name, is enough to get everyone serious at best, or scare the crap out of them at worst.
- Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: his skin is extremely pale in both form. According to Word of God, it's because of a spell he used on himself to prolong his lifespan.
- Emperor Scientist: has shades of this; most of his army was engineered by him through a genetic-like magic he calls Maginetic.
- Enemy Without: the way he is resurrected after Elysio drank the Memoria Serum. Combines it with Literal Split Personality
- Enfant Terrible: in his child form.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: despite being a homicidal maniac vicious sorcerer with insane ambitions, Darkhell cares a lot about Tenebris. He actually cares about her more than his revenge on the Legendaries, which is extremely rare with that kind of villain.
- Eviler Than Thou: with Skroa, in the backstory.
- Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: averted. Unless you press his Berserk Button, he tends to very taunting and have a strong sense of irony.
- Evil Laugh: all the time.
- Evil Old Folks: his adult form.
- Evil Sorcerer
- Evil Versus Oblivion: against Anathos. Though he did it initially to get his revenge on the Legendaries and then to protect Tenebris; he couldn't care less about Alysia.
- Freudian Excuse: Shrug of God suggests he might have had a hard childhood as a possible explanation for him being evil.
- Fusion Dance: with Elysio during the fight against Anathos.
- Genre Savvy: when he finds out Jadina and Elysio have been infiltrating his mind, he immediately orders the Pirahni to prepare for an attack, deducing the Legendaries will come despite the apparent impossibility to attack the island:
O, they will find a way, General Rasga. They always do. |
- Good Scars, Evil Scars: he has a distinctive scar on the right cheek, courtesy of Shaki.
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: the new body the Guardian gave him possess demon wings, in contrast with Elysio's black angel wings.
- Heel Face Turn: kinda. You can't really say he turns good, but at least he ends up helping a good cause.
- Heroic Sacrifice: believe it or not.
- I Have Many Names: Skalp-Hell
- Joker Immunity: he got seemingly killed twice, yet always came back. Eventually subverted in Book 10, where he is Killed Off for Real.
- Large Ham: usually averted; he tends to talks rather quietly most of the time. Get him angry however, and...
- Malevolent Masked Man: apparently, Darkhell has a fondness for creepy monster-like masks. He wore one as his adult self and wears one again when posing as Skalp-Hell.
- Manipulative Bastard: just check the trick he used to destroy Razzia's native village and make the 1000 Wolves army take the blame...
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Omnicidal Maniac: when using the Krea-Kaos. He actually attempted and almost succeeded in destroying two worlds.
- One-Man Army: right at the beginning of Book 9, he attacks Prison Barek, breaks through its defenses, slaughters all the guards and frees his daughter Tenebris. All of this alone. And it takes him less than two pages and a half to do so.
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: his eyes where actually yellow in his first children appearance, but he gets red eyes after being provided a new body by the Guardian.
- Really 700 Years Old: according to Word of God, he was already more than 100 years old when he helped Adeyrid in conceiving Tenebris. This is explained by a spell he used on himself in order to live longer.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: the Red to Elysio's Blue.
- Slasher Smile: a frequent expression of his.
- Smug Snake
- Sorcerous Overlord: used to be this before the Legendaries defeated him.
- Token Evil Teammate: as pointed out by Elysio and confirmed by himself, Darkhell had no concern for Alysia's fate, and joined the Guardian because it allowed him to get "a new body, more power and a revenge as a bonus". His point of view does slightly change after Tenebris switches sides however...
- World Domination: his original goal.
- You Have Failed Me...: double-subvert it in Book 1 of Origines with one of his lieutenants who failed to bring him Jadina:
Darkhell: "I sometimes happen give a second chance..." |
Skroa the Cunning AKA Vertigo
A sorcerer from a now extinct demon specie called the Galinas, who once attempted to take over the world at the same time than Darkhell. The two fought, and Darkhell was victorious, but chose to keep Skroa as a cobaye rather than killing him. Eventually, few time after Darkhell tested the Jovenia stone on him, turning him back to a regular bird form, Skroa was accidentally freed from his prison by the Legendaries. Now powerless, he posed as Elysio's pet bird Vertigo, hoping him to find a way to restore him to normal. He eventually succeeded by shallowing the Stone of Crescia.

- Abusive Parent: he doesn't even want to be considered as a father; to him, Shun-Day is nothing more than a servant. Seriously, you gotta wonder how she can still love him despite his attitude.
- A God I Am: his goal in Book 7 and 8: by seizing the Horn of Sygma, he was attempting to use it in order to become powerful enough to face Dawn and Dusk, thus preventing them from wiping out Alysia. Of course, he was also intending to become the ruler of Alysia in the process...
- And I Must Scream: what Darkhell did to him after defeating him; instead of just kill him, he chose to keep him as a prisoner and lab rat he used for various of his experiments and delightfully tortured. Skroa describes it to Danael as "Tortures beyond your imagination".
- Baddie Flattery: complimented Jadina about her improvement in magic since their first battle when they clashed for the second time.
- Big Badass Bird of Prey: he looks basically like a green garuda-like creatures in adult form.
- Brought Down to Normal: the effect the Jovenia incident has on him: it turns him back into a regular bird with no magic power (though he retains his intelligence and abilitie to speak).
- The Chessmaster: when compared to Darkhell, Skroa seems to lack fighting skills and bravery, but he makes up by his cunning and abilities to use the others as pawns. He was able to manipulate the Legendaries twice into reaching his goals for him.
- Dirty Coward: whereas Darkhell will usually go mad when hit, Skroa retreated in his first appearance as soon as he got injured by Jadina. Even though Jadina was dying and Danael no longer had the strenght or will to fight. Danael even lampshaded the trope by calling him so.
- Eviler Than Thou: with Darkhell.
- Faux Affably Evil: often likes to express himself this way.
- Handicapped Badass: even after he cut his own arm off to create Shun-Day, he's still able to kill a whole team of armed Monslave dealers without any problems, and proved to still be a match to the combined forces of the Legendaries and the Jaguarians.
- Improvised Golems: he used a spell like this in Book 7 as a way to quickly form an army. Basically, his feather can animate Rocks they are in contact with, creating golems.
- In the Hood: in book 7 and 8.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: his murder of the Monslave Dealers when they interfered with his plans by attacking the Legendaries. Considering those guys were planning to capture and enslave Gryf in order to sell him for Gladiator-like fight, it's hard to feel sorry for them.
- Large Ham: "At last, after years prisoner of this pathetic body, I'm myself again! Alysia ! Beware the return of SKROA !"
- Last of His Kind: he is the last of a demon specie named the Galina.
- One-Man Army: slaughtered a whole group of heavily armed crooks of his own and attacked the whole city of Jaguarys alone. All of this after losing an arm.
- Our Demons Are Different: the Galinas were a specie of bird-like demons.
- The Rival: used to be this to Darkhell.
- Smug Snake
- Winged Humanoid: his adult form looks much like a Garuda.
Captain Ceyderom
The main Antagonist of Book 5 and 6, Captain Ceyderom is a famous pirate who used to be married to a woman named Sigyga. However, when the Jovenia Incident caused them to turn back to childhood, Sigyga left him for his second-in-command, who she had found too old so far. Infuriated, Ceyderom killed them both, but then regretted his actions for years, before deciding to blame the Legendaries for this. Visiting Casthell in order to find a way to solve his misery, he found the Temporhell, an experimental time travel machine created by Darkhell, and attempted to use it in order to erase the Legendaries from existence, sus preventing the whole Jovenia Incident from happening.

- And I Must Scream: kinda parodied. Jadina sent him thousands years in the future in order to ensure he would no longer cause any harm and destroyed the Temporhell, thus preventing him from coming back. The result: he ended up trapped in a time where Apes has become the dominant specie, and ends up exposed in a zoo. To him, it was probably an awful (not to mention humiliating) fate, but it's prevented to the reader as comical.
- Big Bad Wannabe: arguably; when first introduced, he appears to be the current Big Bad of the arc; when his plan comes in action, however, he is quickly overshadowed by his "allie" past-Darkhell, who becomes the closest thing to a Big Bad for the remain of the arc. Wheareas past-Darkhell is able to kill most of the Legendaries, and is only defeated through a Heroic Sacrifice, Ceyderom past most of the arc waiting for him to do the job, and eventually attempts to kill Jadina through backstabbing... only to activate her Berserk Button, be easily put into submission and forced into helping her reparing his mess.
- Combat Pragmatism: rather than killing the Legendaries himself, he just waited for past Darkhell to kill most of them before trying to finish the job by killing Jadina. Turns out to be a mistake, however, since Jadina was Not So Harmless.
- Cyborg: he has a robotic arm, a robotic eye and a robotic jaw.
- The Dreaded: he is said to be this, but in practice, he doesn't do much.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: despite being known as a vicious pirate to Alysia's inhabitants, he mentions his love for his wife Sigyga was only match by blood lust.
- Filler Villain: if not, could as well be; he is the only major villain so far to last only one arc, and is never mentioned again after his defeat.
- Love Makes You Evil: the whole motive behind his actions ? resurrecting his wife.
- Never My Fault: double-subverted; he initially blamed himself for his wife's death, then decided after a few years it was the Legendaries' fault.
- Ninja Pirate Robot Zombie: he's a cyborg pirate captain in a fantasy universe who attempts to travel through time.
- Pirate: explicitly stated to be one.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
- Yandere: he killed his wife when she left him for his second-in-command.
Anathos was one of the Gods who used the Mystical Stones to create the original Alysia. However, he ended up being corrupted by power, and used the stones to create a weapon that allowed him to destroy the recently created world. The weapon eventually became unstable and exploded in his hands, destroying his body but leaving his essence intact. The other Gods then created a new Alysia and trapped him inside a living prison, the Bearer. Eventually, however, Anathos took over the Bearer, and used it to form a plan for his return to the living.
Warning, spoiler : media:Anathos copie 2633.jpg
- Badass
- Badass Boast: delivers ones when he is about to attempt his reincarnation:
"Your travel ends there, humans! For I am the end of everything, I am Destiny !" |
- Badass Abnormal: if you start from Danael.
- Baddie Flattery: especially during his fight with Darkhell and Elysio.
- Big Freaking Sword: actually a modified, demonized version of Danael's sword.
- Bigger Bad: of the series as a whole.
- Blondes Are Evil: after he took possession of Danael.
- Breath Weapon: his "Devil's Breath".
- Calling Your Attacks: only during his fight with Darkhell and Elysio. He never does it afterwards.
- Combat Pragmatism: Anathos has few concern with honor and will usually rather use the most practical way to reach his goals.
- Dangerously Genre Savvy: had kept a plan B in mind since the beginning (meaning years before the Anathos Cycle's beginning) should his possession attempt on Shimy fail. Knew the Legendaries would be back and prepared to fight them by creating the Hellions. Knew Tenebris' capture was a trap and almost had his Vulturs taking care of the Legendaries rather than taking the risk to expose himself. Deduced the Legendaries attacking the Castlewar were a diversion as part of Jadina's plan.
- Death by Irony: he was so genre savvy he used the No Man of Woman Born trick to his advantage in order to accomplish his reincarnation. The Legendaries end up defeating him using the same Trope.
- Also, he was partially invincible during his appearances because of his Genre Savvyness. When a mysterious woman advises him to not send the Vulturs on the Legendaries and deal with them himself, he is Genre Savvy enough to follow the prophecy-like advice... except it was fake and cause his defeat. So in some way, you could say he lost because he was too Genre Savvy.
- Demonic Possession: attempted this on Shimy as a way to come back. Eventually succeeded with Danael.
- God of Evil: Anathos is basically Alysia's version of Satan. He even claimed to have created Hell.
- Hero-Killer: this guy took the leader protagonist's body as his own, easily defeated his teammates, left them horribly scarred or crippled for ever, and successfully killed Darkhell (who so far had been displaying Joker Immunity) and Elysio (who was the closest thing to a hero after the Legendaries themselves). Unless you kill the heroes themselves, you can hardly get more hero killer than that.
- Kick the Dog: practically everything he does in the Anathos Cycle is this.
- Kneel Before Zod: has a moment like this right after he successfully reincarnated in Danael and stabbed Jadina, causing her to fall on her knees:
Anathos: "Now everyone follow Jadina's example and bow before Anathos." |
- Knight of Cerebus: as soon as he shew up in the comic, the whole story became a lot much darker than it already was; he is actually so much of a Complete Monster that he makes Darkhell look sympathetic.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: it's subtle, but Anathos is a deformation of "Thanathos", the incarnation of Death in greek mythology.
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: his first fight with the Legendaries. It's probably the most violent fight in the whole serie.
- No Man of Woman Born: used this trope as a basis for his plan B. The Legendaries eventually uses a trick of the same kind to defeat him once and for all.
- Obviously Evil: he has a devil-like appearance that makes it pretty hard to mistake him for a good guy.
- Omnicidal Maniac: successfully destroyed the original Alysia. Almost succeeded in destroying the second one.
- Physical God: as soon as he gets a physical body. Before this, he was a discarnate spirit trapped in a living prison.
- Satan: red skin, horns, god who turned against his brothers, has created this universe's Hell... yeah, definitely.
- Sealed Evil in a Can: when he was trapped inside the Bearer.
- Spikes of Villainy
- Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty: the way he defeated Darkhell and Elysio.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: though his constitution makes it more creepy than sexy...
- Villainous Breakdown: and a pretty spectacular one it is.
- You Have Failed Me...: horribly double-subverted; when Dark-Jadina fails to defeats Jadina and begs him for forgiveness, he states he forgives her... then blows her head off.
The new big bad after the end of the Anathos Cycle. One of Darkhell's creations, Abyss was a Puppeteer Parasite contained in a bottle at Casthell, until it was freed by Orchidian scientist Kallisto Vangelis, who was looking for a way to cure Jadina's mother Adeyrid. The parasite promptly infested Vangelis, killing him and claiming his body as his own. Now gifted with both Vangelis' and Darkhell's knowledge, as well as large magic powers and hight intelligence, he schemed in Book 13 and 14 in order to achieve control of Orchidia with Tenebris (who he saw as his sister) by his side.
- Affably Evil: not so much with most of the Legendaries, but when he addresses Tenebris, he acts genuinely nice and sweet to her. Extremely disturbing when you consider he does so while forcing her to open her mouth with energy tentacle in order to forcefully introduce a Puppeteer Parasite in her mouth.
- Badass Bookworm: when posing as Vangelis
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: when posing as Vangelis in Book 13, he acts like the nicest guy ever (which, apparently, the real Vangelis was). Book 14 starts gradually eroding his Nice Guy attitude, until The Reveal.
- The Chessmaster
- Curb Stomp Battle: his first fight with the Legendaries.
- Even Evil Has Loved Ones: he does genuinely cares about Tenebris, though his love for her is very twisted. Also, he openly states at some point he loved Darkhell as a father, even though he was neglected by him.
- Evil Chancellor: as Adviser Vangelis.
- Expy: an intelligent, black goop-looking parasite that takes over his host's body ? And with Yandere tendencies ? Is it just me, or does this sound a lot like Venom ?
- To a minor extent, he seems to share some similarities with Darkhell too, displaying the same Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette look with red eyes and even getting a similar scar.
- Four Eyes, Zero Soul: as Vangelis.
- Game Face: while posing as Vangelis, Abyss had normal skin, dark blue eyes and glasses. When giving up the disguise to fight the Legendaries, his skin turn pale, he gets Red Eyes and gives a Psychotic Smirk.
- Humanoid Abomination
- Incest Subtext: he claims to see Tenebris as his sister, but the way he interacts with her sometimes sounds more like a Stalker with a Crush than a brother. He even scream he loved her at some point.
- Love Makes You Evil: according to Tenebris, the whole motive behind his action was because of his love for her.
- Mad Scientist
- Naughty Tentacles: he uses a similar trick to catch Tenebris. While the "tentacles" are actually made of energy, they still touch Tenebris in some suggestive places, and even forcefully open her mouth so Abyss can have her being infested again.
- One-Man Army: in his first battle with the Legendaries, he was able to defeat all of them with incredible ease (except for Jadina, who was helpless at that point), and even break Shimy's stone fist without even moving.
- Puppeteer Parasite
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: actually, his eyes are originally blue when he poses as Vangelis, then turn red after The Reveal. His eyes turning red is actually the first visual sign given to the reader that he isn't the real Vangelis.
- The End - or Is It?: even though he was seemingly crushed to death by the Gamera Tree, his hand is seen moving between the roots at the end of book 14, implying he will return. Word of God confirmed he would be the new Big Bad.
- The Man Behind the Man: he was behind both Kasino (who he manipulated) and Vangelis (whom he impersonated).
- Villainous Breakdown: when he discovers Tenebris has been freed from his control, Abyss gradually starts loosing his self-control and hurries Jadina's execution. He then becomes more and more violent, ending up trying to kill her himself. Even more disturbing considering how nice he was at the beginning of the story.
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: he considers himself as Darkhell's son and spiritual heir, and hopes to accomplish what the sorcerer never could.
- Yandere: and a pretty creepy one; he was ready to brainwash Tenebris in order to have her on his side.
The Hellions
A group of villains created by Anathos from the Legendaries' blood (though most of Alysia's population initially believed they were created by reanimating the Legendaries' dead bodies) who serve as his lieutenants during the Anathos Cycle. The Hellions appear as evil, perfected twins of the Legendaries. In contrast with their models, they are cruel, violent and only interested in following their master's orders. They also all possess upgraded versions of the Legendaries' abilities with removal of the weakness.
Tropes applying to all Hellions :
- Copy Cat Sue: possibly parodied; the Hellions are identical physically to the Legendaries safe for different colour schemes, their names are the same plus the suffixe "Dark" and they possesses upgraded versions of the Legendaries' powers.
- Five-Bad Band
- The Psycho Rangers
- Smug Snake: they just won't shut up about how they are better and superior to the Legendaries. This bit them hard in the ass when the Legendaries decide to take the fight seriously.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: safe for Dark Jadina, none of them was actually killed by their respective counterpart. Yet it's unknown what happened to them after Anathos was defeated and the Castlewar was destroyed.
Dark Jadina
- Dark Mistress: to Anathos, with a horrible conclusion.
- The Dragon: apparently, to Anathos.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: Anathos blew her head off.
- Lady of Black Magic
- Mind Rape: her favourite torture method. Poor Tenebris...
- Undying Loyalty: was ready to die in order to protect Anathos. Not that he was grateful to her for that.
- Villainous Breakdown: when Jadina goes Super Mode and single-handed defeats her
Dark Gryf
- Achilles' Heel: as pointed out by Gryf, his permanent Chakounia state, by preventing him from feeling exhausted, makes him unable to realize when he is no longer in state to fight.
- Axe Crazy: even though he is still in control while in Chakounia state, he still seems pretty much psychotic. Apparently, Anathos felt it was okay for him to keep some of his madness.
- The Berserker: Anathos upgraded his Chakounia state so he could keep it permanently while staying in control, allowing him to retains the additional strength, rage and immunity to feel exhaustion.
- Blood Knight
- Card-Carrying Villain: "My name is Dark Gryf and I'm veeeeeeeery evil ! Nyark Nyark!"
- Deadpan Snarker: even more than regular Gryf, which is saying a lot.
- Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: part of what caused his demise.
- Fangs Are Evil
- Hellish Pupils
- Lightning Bruiser: his Chakounia state allows him to attack with incredible speed, yet he has superhuman strength.
- Little Bit Beastly
- Oh Crap: when Gryf turn into Death-Gryf
- Psycho for Hire
- Red Eyes, Take Warning: as pointed out by himself, it's the sign he is in Chakounia state.
- Slasher Smile
- You Gotta Have Blue Fur/White-Haired Pretty Jarguarian
Dark Razzia
- Blood Knight
- The Brute: o yes.
- Big Freaking Sword: uses the Leviathan Saber after Razzia lost it to Anathos. It's eventually destroyed by Amy.
- Oh Crap: his reaction when first seeing Amy. It was epic.
- Would Hit a Girl: and Tenebris, of all people. Not that this prevented her from provoking him...
- Scary Black Man: his skin is black.
Dark Shimy
- Baddie Flattery: congratulated Shimy for not falling for her Tenebris trap before the beginning of their fight.
- Dark Action Girl
- The Dark Chick
- Explaining Your Power to the Enemy: unlike Dark Gryf, she did this in an attempt to break her opponent's confidence.
- Elemental Powers: though unlike Shimy, it seems she never learnt using Fire and Air.
- Hero-Killer: subverted; she apparently succeeds in killing Shimy at the end of Book 11, but Book 12 reveals Shimy let herself be stroke as part of her Batman Gambit, and turned into air just before being reached.
- Me's a Crowd: since using her Elemental power doesn't exhaust her, she can use it to produce seemingly infinite amount of earth-based clones of herself in order to attack.
Darkhell's Army
Raptor the Green Shadow
One of Darkhell's lieutenants and candidates to be his second-in-command after Korbo quit. He serves as the main villain of Book 1 in Origines.
- Blade on a Stick: his Weapon of Choice.
- Combat Pragmatism: when fighting Alghar, he merely burnt him with a magic blast from his blade rather than fight him in hand-to-hand combat.
- The Dragon: Darkhell offered to name him this as a reward for his services.
- The Starscream: he is secretly scheming to overthrow Darkhell using Jadina's eagle staff and become the ruler of Shiar with Tenebris as his sex slave. Darkhell is aware of it, but doesn't consider him as a treath, and takes advantage on the fact his ambition make him more determined.
- Hero-Killer: this guy killed Alghar and almost got Danael as well.
- I Have You Now, My Pretty: he was planning to do this with Tenebris once he would have overthrown Darkhell.
- Killed Off for Real: by Saryn.
- Meaningful Name: Raptor. And the guy looks like an anthropomorphic lizard...
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: his plans for Tenebris and his attitude toward Saryn when they fought give hints he might be quite misogynistic. Granted, this appear to be quite common in Alysia, but still...
The Black Shadow
The Darkhellions
Darkhell's favourite minions. Darkhellions are dragon-like creatures engineered through magic.
- Airborne Mooks
- The Faceless: those things have no visible eyes or mouth.
- Fate Worse Than Death: what will happen to you if you get reached by one of their stinger; you will be turned into a "Chaos Shade", a soulless creature doomed to serve Darkhell and who can only be killed through magic attacks and weapons.
Minor Villains
El Diablo
- Gratuitous Spanish: "Caramba!"
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Smug Snake
- Pride: his main Idiot Ball; he stole a potion that might have cure everyone on Alysia from the Jovenia Incident, including himself. He was perfectly aware of the potion's importance, but still stole it, arguing he had to steal such an important object in order to keep his reputation as a thief.
Count Kasino
Jadina's cousin, and the ruler of a retreated region of Orchidia. Kasino is known by everyone to be a ruthless dictator on his land.
- Aristocrats Are Evil
- Ambition Is Evil
- Bad Boss: the first time Baraka and Bakara fail to kill the Legendaries (thanks to Tenebris' interference), he blames their incompetence for it and threatens them with a sword. In a curious inversion of Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male), this is Played For Laugh.
- Big Bad Wannabe: appears to be the main villain in Book 13 until he gets killed through Abyss' manipulation.
- Deadpan Snarker: his first comment after years not seeing his cousin was to point out she was late and mock her ride's slowness.
- Devil in Plain Sight: considering how this guy looks, acts and rules in his region (which isn't even a secret to anyone), you gotta wonder how nobody suspected he would attempt to kill his cousins for the throne.
- Embarrassing Nickname: "Corkscrew". He hates being referred as this.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: gets Impaled with Extreme Prejudice by a mind-controlled Tenebris. His death scene actually fits as a Nightmare Fuel.
- Killed Off for Real
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Smug Snake: even toward his own cousin.
- The Wrongful Heir to the Throne: aspired to become this.
Baraka and Bakaras
Kasino's personal bodyguards and personal assassin.
- Ambiguously Brown
- Badass Normal: they have no powers, but Jadina stated Gryf was risking his life trying to attack them, hinting they are highly dangerous. Later, they are shown to be quite efficient while fighting the Legendaries.
- Family-Unfriendly Death: accidentally crushed to death by Shimy when she tries using her elemental magic inside the Gamera Mines, the ambient Jade causing it to overload.
- Informed Abilities: according to Jadina, they master many fighting techniques and are highly dangerous. While they are shown to be indeed good opponents, they are portrayed as rather incompetent fighters, and few of their skills are actually shown.
- Those Two Bad Girls
- The Voiceless: safe for a very short scene where one of them say something in Kasino's ear, you never hear them talking.
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