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== Anime & Manga Characters ==
The characters who appear in the manga are below.
== Ciel Phantomhive ==

== Phantomhive Manor ==
=== Ciel Phantomhive ===
"''I am indeed arrogant - however, I'm not so arrogant as to boast irresponsibly that I can save anyone.''"
{{quote| Voiced by [[Maaya Sakamoto]] (JP) and [[Brina Palencia]] (ENG)}}

A description of the character goes here.
"''I'm arrogant, but not so much that I'd irresponsibly save someone just to brag about it.''"
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}

* [[Angst Coma]]: For a while.
* [[Adorably Precocious Child]]: Usually very solemn and composed, he is very committed to his jobs (running the Phantomhive family business, and {{spoiler|fighting supernatural evil}}). Slightly different from the norm in that most people take him quite seriously, at least the ones who know him well.
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: He even is one of the so-called [[The Beautiful People|Aristocrats of Evil]].
* [[Always Save the Girl]]: As of the most recent chapter, he's definitely this toward Elizabeth. He threw himself in front of a [[Everything's Worse with Bears|bear]] for her chapters ago, but {{spoiler|most recently he's taken to doing whatever he has to do to make sure she's safe from a ship load of [[Everything's Deader with Zombies|zombies]]. Her mother, who's normally overprotective, calmed down upon finding out that her daughter was with Ciel because she knew he'd protect her.}} That's a pretty high level of trust there!
* [[Astral Checkerboard Decor]]: Ciel's mental world has a checkerboard floor in unrelated scenes in the anime and the manga, which by then had diverged into entirely different plots. In the manga there are even chess pieces, of which Ciel himself seems to be one.
** Subverted something ''fierce'' in chapter 57, as it turns out Elizabeth was {{spoiler|more [[Little Miss Badass|badass]] than him [[Deliberately Distressed Damsel|all along]] and ends up saving ''[[Distressed Dude|him]]''.}}
* [[Bad Dreams]]: Occasionally. The dreams were much, much worse in the past. Initially he would wake up screaming every night.
** Pulled it again in chapter 58, {{spoiler|even though Lizzie saved him. He doesn't want her trapped on a sinking ship rife with zombies and shinigami, even if Sebastian and him are staying on board, so he has Sebastian knock her out and give her over to her brother.}}
* [[Bad Guys Play Pool]]: He has a pool room in his manor. In an early chapter he gets to show off his pool skills.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type IV or type V]] in the anime, [[Villain Protagonist]] in the manga.
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]
* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: Subverted, as although he holds the highest rank in the Phantomhive Household (not to mention the fact that he works as the Queen's freaking watchdog), he's also a bit of a pansy, and likely the most physically incapable in the [[World of Badass|entire series]].
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass Adorable]]
** [[Badass and Child Duo]]: In spite of Ciel's badassery, he's still the [[Non-Action Guy]], which permits him to work this trope with Sebastian.
** [[Badass Boast]]: Ciel is ''very'' proud of being Earl Phantomhive, and would very much like you to know that.
** [[Badass Longcoat]]/[[Badass Cape]]: ''Both''.
** [[Heartbroken Badass]]
* [[Bad Guys Play Pool]]
* [[Barehanded Blade Block]]: Against Alois.
* [[Beautiful Dreamer]]: Subverted in that ''everyone'' seems to like watching him sleep, so it can be taken in a non-romantic way as well.
* [[Beautiful Dreamer]]: Subverted in that ''everyone'' seems to like watching him sleep, so it can be taken in a non-romantic way as well.
* [[Because Destiny Says So]]: In the manga, Ciel's goal is to torture and kill the people who killed his parents, though once this goal is complete, it is almost certain and an inescapable fate that Sebastian will eat his soul. In the anime, {{spoiler|this is averted, as Ciel becomes a demon and Sebastian is unable to take his soul}}.
* [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil]]
* [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil]]
* [[Birthday Hater]]: {{spoiler|His tenth birthday was the day his house burned down with both parents inside. And he was kidnapped, and taken off to be a slave to a cult. Really great birthday!}}
* [[Blue Eyes]]: Well, [[Mismatched Eyes|one of them]], anyway...
* [[A Boy and His X]]: A boy and his demon butler.
* [[A Boy and His X]]: A boy and his demon butler.
* [[Byronic Hero]]: A very young example.
* [[Break the Cutie]]
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Proved it during the murder mystery arc where he {{spoiler|planned out and orchestrated the entire event. To sum it up he basically allows the murder mystery to play out all while knowing who the true killer was, keeping everyone else from finding out, placing the blame on someone else in order to complete the mission given to him from the queen, all while not only keeping suspicion off of himself, but also making himself seem like a victim.}}
* [[Broken Ace]]
* [[Combat Pragmatist]]: He has admitted once that he will do anything to win and has resorted to some very dirty tricks in friendly competitions. In a serious fight that he was not able to avoid we see him take out a hidden revolver and simply shoot things dead.
* [[Byronic Hero]]: A very young example, but he still fits this trope to a T.
* [[Conveniently an Orphan]]: Of the [[Villain Protagonist]] variety. That's not to say he doesn't grieve for his loss.
* [[The Chessmaster]]: Proved it during the murder mystery arc where he {{spoiler|planned out and orchestrated the entire event. To sum it up he basically allows the murder mystery to play out all while knowing who the true killer was, keeping everyone else from finding out, placing the blame on someone else in order to complete the mission given to him from the queen, all while not only keeping suspicion off of himself, but also making himself seem like a victim. Then very end where he only tells one character based off of [[Sherlock Holmes (novel)|Sir Arthur Conan Doyle]] of his scheme because he wanted to motivate him to continue to write mystery novels.}}
** Also, {{spoiler|with a few [[I Lied|well chosen words]] towards Snake, Ciel turned a former enemy into another one of his devoted servants.}}
* [[Cannot Tell a Joke]]: It takes him ''all night'' to make Undertaker even utter a simple "...hah."
* {{spoiler|[[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Performed on him by the cultists seen in his [[Dark and Troubled Past|backstory]]}}.
* [[The Comically Serious]]
* [[The Comically Serious]]
* [[Corrupt the Cutie]]: Pretty much what [[Being Tortured Makes You Evil|the cult]] [[Break the Cutie|did to him]]. It becomes apparent throughout the series that Sebastian may be slowly making it worse (see [[Rules of the Internet|rule number 43]].
* [[Creepy Child]]
* [[Cross-Dressing Voices]]: In both sub and dub.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: Moreso in the anime than the manga.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: {{spoiler|His parents were killed, his house was burnt down, he was kidnapped, sold, and used as a sacrifice for a cult. Then he met Sebastian and sold his soul to him.}}
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: {{spoiler|His parents were killed, his house was burnt down, he was kidnapped, sold, and used as a sacrifice for a cult. Then he met Sebastian and sold his soul to him.}}
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: With Sebastian.
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: With Sebastian.
* [[Determinator]]: One of his defining traits is his willpower and willingness to push through, whatever it takes.
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: Anime-only, for the most part. In the manga he's portrayed mainly as [[The Comically Serious]].
* [[Dirty Business]]: How he sees his job working for [[Queen Victoria|the Queen]].
* [[Deceased Parents Are the Best]]
* [[Dude in Distress]]: He is not that effective in combat despite actually being a good shot. He constantly has to be saved by Sebastian as their deal dictates, and sometimes by other people too.
* [[Defrosting Ice Queen|Defrosting Iceking]]: He has become significantly nicer towards people, at times even swallowing his pride to make Lizzy happy or showing concern for Snake and even Sebastian.
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]: The difference from how he was as a young child is easily visible from the eyes. As the manga progresses his eyes gradually get brighter though.
* [[Distressed Dude]]: For all of his vocal badassery Ciel is actually not that skilled in combat. He constantly has to be saved by Sebastian as their deal dictates. However, it is not only Sebastian. As it turns out he is this for his {{spoiler|[[Childhood Marriage Promise|fiancée]] [[Badass Adorable|Elizabeth]]}} too.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Ciel deeply cares for Elizabeth and his (deceased) parents and aunt.
* [[The Dog Bites Back]]: After Ciel's {{spoiler|parents were killed, his house was burnt down, he was kidnapped, and he was tortured}}, he decided that he would seek out the person/people who killed his parents and deliver to them the same pain that he went through. Along the way he also decided that he doesn't mind killing people who get in the way of his plans.
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]: Much to his displeasure.
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]: Joker even had to ask if he was a boy to make sure.
* [[Evil Eye]]: The pentagram in his right eye allows Ciel to command Sebastian.
* [[Escapist Character]]: An incredibly rich [[Teen Genius]] that nearly everyone loves and respects who has an almighty [[Bishonen]] [[Battle Butler]] that can grant his every wish and can be ''extremely'' [[Does This Remind You of Anything?|close]] to [[Ho Yay|him]] at times? Not to mention his [[Dark and Troubled Past]] (which he was 'rescued from' by the aforementioned butler), [[Even the Guys Want Him]], he works for the ''queen'', and he owns one of the largest toy companies in Britain.
* [[Evil Virtues]]: Ciel excels at the majority of them.
* [[Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas|Even Bad Boys Love Their Mamas]]: Even now, Ciel [[Tear Jerker|loves the deceased Rachel and Vincent]].
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Because walking around with a pentagram visible to anyone who looks you in the eyes is [[Red Right Hand|kind of a bad idea.]]
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: Ciel deeply cares for Elizabeth and his (deceased) parents and aunt. At one point in the anime, he even stops Sebastian from hunting down Grell because he "doesn't want Lizzie to witness anymore bloodshed."
* [[Fish Out of Water]]: Ciel didn't do so well when he had to go undercover as a commoner. It turned out that he didn't even know how to dress himself without help...
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]
* [[Grade School CEO]]: He started his business empire at the age of ten.
* [[Evil Brit]]: This takes place ''in'' Britain after all.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: He appears to not enjoy physical contact, though he tolerates Sebastian and does not complain when the demon picks him up or holds him. If he is stressed, he will slap someone touching him away, proclaiming, "Don't touch me so easily!" This is a negative influence of the trauma he underwent during his time in captivity.
* [[Evil Eye]]
* [[He's Back]]
* [[Expy]]: Of [[Artemis Fowl]] from Eon Colfer's book series of the same name.
* [[Hollywood Atheist]]: He lost his faith in God when he was ten and all his prayers to God went unanswered. [[Devil but No God|Then the demon came...]]
* [[Eyepatch of Power]]: Because walking around with a demon's seal available to anyone who looks you in the eyes is [[Red Right Hand|kind of gauche.]]
* [[I Control My Minions Through...]]: Loyalty. Acceptance and kindness are how Ciel gained the loyalty of his non-demon servants. Trust and respect then grew with time from that foundation.
* [[Fish Out of Water]]: The circus arc shows that Ciel doesn't take well to unfamiliar territories, i.e., actually having to work.
** With Sebastian it's complicated. He is clever enough that he could have wriggled free of his binding contract long ago if he had really wanted to.
* [[A Glass of Chianti]]: Occasionally.
* [[Improbable Age]]: Ciel is the leader of a popular toys and candy company and works for the Queen doing black ops.
* [[Hates Being Touched]]: He appears to not enjoy physical contact, though he tolerates Sebastian and does not complain when the demon picks him up or holds him. If he is stressed, he will slap someone touching him away, proclaiming, "Don't touch me so easily!" This is a negative influence of the trauma he underwent during his time as a slave.
* [[Hollywood Atheist]]
* [[Ill Girl|Ill Boy]]: He suffers from asthma, for one.
* [[Improbable Age]]: Ciel is the leader of a popular toys and candy company, is working for the queen as a black ops/assassin, owns a mansion, and is rich from the money he inherited when his parents died. He is also only 13 years old, and this whole situation likely started around ''three years ago''.
** He's also highly skilled at pool to the point that he can beat a bunch of adults, despite being ''so short'' he actually has to ''sit on the pool table to make a shot''.
** He's also highly skilled at pool to the point that he can beat a bunch of adults, despite being ''so short'' he actually has to ''sit on the pool table to make a shot''.
* [[Kid with the Leash]]: Ciel's relationship towards Sebastian. While largely true to the trope, it lacks the usual element of contrast in that with few exceptions, Ciel is just as amoral and ruthless as his servant.
* [[Informed Ability]]: The first few volumes have characters like Sebastian and Madame Red waxing poetic about Ciel's [[The Chessmaster|chessmaster skills]] before he does anything even ''remotely'' close to chessmaster status.
* [[Kuudere]]: You can see on some occasions the softer and warmer inner core he hides from the world.
* [[Innocent Prodigy]]: Sebastian outright says in the murder mystery arc that Ciel is still a child despite being the head of the Phantomhive manor.
* {{spoiler|[[Laughing Mad]]: After all the crap he pulled during the circus arc, he ventures off to the workhouse they were told about only to find out that it's in ruins. Ciel finds this darkly amusing.}}
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: "The Queen's watchdog/guard dog," one of the "evil noblemen."
* [[Magnetic Hero|Magnetic Villain Protagonist]]: He seems to be rather good at gathering loyal followers in the manga. In the anime Sebastian is more responsible for the new hires.
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: In a ''very'' literal sense towards Sebastian.
* [[Jade-Colored Glasses]]
* [[Magnificent Bastard]]
* [[Kubrick Stare]]
* {{spoiler|[[Laughing Mad]]: After all the crap he pulled during the circus arc, he ventures off to the workhouse they were told about only to find out that it's in ruins. Ciel finds this darkly amusing.}}
* [[Little Miss Snarker|Little Mister Snarker]]: Again, mostly in the anime, as the manga portrays more as [[The Comically Serious]].
* [[Little Professor Dialog]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Mark of the Beast]]
* [[Mark of the Beast]]: In his right eye.
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: The eye that isn't blue is purple and has Sebastian's seal on it. By the rules of demon contracts, the more visible the spot you put the mark, the more power you get - and what's more visible than your eye?
* [[Mismatched Eyes]]: The eye that isn't blue is purple and has a pentagram on it. By the rules of demon contracts, the more visible the spot you put the mark, the more power you get - and what's more visible than your eye?
* [[Mister Big]]: He wears high heels to make his lack of height less obvious, though even with that he's still very short.
* [[Nice Hat]]: Ciel has many a fancy hat, particularly his top hat.
* [[Nice to the Waiter]]: While Ciel's house staff often cause a lot of trouble, he always treats them kindly (or as kind as Ciel can be). Lampshaded several times by the staff themselves.
* [[Non-Action Guy]]/[[Non-Action Snarker]]: A rare inversion, as he's the main character and he's far from being a [[Butt Monkey]]; he's simply physically weak. Ciel generally sits in the sidelines and watches Sebastian doing the fighting.
* [[Non-Idle Rich]]
* [[Non-Idle Rich]]
* [[Not So Stoic]]: When he breaks down, he ''breaks down''.
* [[Not So Stoic]]: When he breaks down, he ''breaks down''.
* [[Odd Couple]]: With Sebastian.
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: Moreso in the anime than in the manga. Especially in the second season, where you can count on one hand the number of times he smiles, even if it's just a smirk.
* [[Please Don't Leave Me]]: His {{spoiler|breakdown over Sebastian's "death" in the murder mystery arc}} can be considered this, although later on this is {{spoiler|subverted, as they were just acting}}.
* [[Power At a Price]]: He sells his soul in return for help from Sebastian in succeeding in all of his goals, including killing his parents' murderer[s]. After that last goal is finished, Sebastian will be able to take Ciel's soul.
* [[Power At a Price]]: He sells his soul in return for help from Sebastian in succeeding in all of his goals, including killing his parents' murderer[s]. After that last goal is finished, Sebastian will be able to take Ciel's soul.
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]: He likes to smirk evilly when he is being particularly devious in the later parts of the manga.
* [[Pride]]: Ciel seems ''very'' proud of his status.
* [[Rags to Riches]]: An interesting aversion in that he went ''from'' riches to (being tortured in) rags, then back again.
* {{spoiler|[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Anime-only. When he gets turned into a demon, his eyes can glow an eerie fuschia.}}
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Blue Oni to Alois's Red Oni.
** To a lesser extent, the Blue to ''Sebastian's'' red as well. Mostly only in the anime though.
* [[Royal Brat]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: The reason that he can usually get away with killing anyone he wants without any consequences.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: The reason that he can usually get away with killing anyone he wants without any consequences.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers]]: Subverted in that Ciel knows that victory without effort is meaningless and doesn't use Sebastian as an automatic win button. However, Ciel does use Sebastian as a powerful pawn and is not afraid to use his powers to their full extent as long as it's all under Ciel's orders.
* [[Security Blanket]]: There is a specific pillow that he cannot sleep without. {{spoiler|Subverted, as it is later revealed that it was just an excuse to hide the blood on Sebastian's chest.}}
* [[Sharp-Dressed Man]]: He wears expensive, tailored clothes.
* [[Slouch of Villainy]]: He slouches when he's about to do something particularly nasty, and unless he is standing up, almost always gives orders to Sebastian exclusively in this pose. Also, he does it in almost all the official art.
* [[Smart People Know Latin]]
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Sebastian certainly thinks so.
* [[Smart People Play Chess]]
* [[Smart People Play Chess]]
* [[The Snark Knight]]
* [[Stoic Woobie]]
* [[The Stoic]]: Though he can get very angry, his default personality in the manga seems to be pretty stoic.
* [[Supernatural Is Purple]]: His [[Eyepatch of Power]] hides his cursed, [[Mismatched Eyes|mismatched]] eye that holds the symbol of his contract with Sebastian. It's purple, and glows with an eerie neon when he gives Sebastian an order.
* [[Supernatural Is Purple]]: His [[Eyepatch of Power]] hides his cursed, [[Mismatched Eyes|mismatched]] eye that holds the symbol of his contract with Sebastian. It's purple, and glows with an eerie neon when he gives Sebastian an order.
* [[Teen Genius]]: Although he's not a clichéd teen and appears to add up more with the [[Child Prodigy]] trope, he is just past the age range.
* [[Sympathetic Murderer]]: As if you didn't want to give him a big ol' hug when he {{spoiler|Ordered Sebastian to kill [[Complete Monster|Baron Kelvin]] and set a bunch of kids on fire}}.
* [[There Are No Therapists]]: Unfortunately for Ciel, psychotherapy is not among the anachronisms in the series.
* [[Teen Genius]]: Although he's not a clichéd teen and appears to add up more with the [[Child Prodigy]] trope, he is in fact 13 and qualifies as a teenager.
* [[Trigger]]: Ciel suffers from PTSD because of his [[Dark and Troubled Past]].
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: When partnered with Sebastian.
* [[Troubled but Cute]]
* [[Troubling Unchildlike Behavior]]
* [[Troubling Unchildlike Behavior]]
* [[Unable to Cry]]: He could cry when he was younger, but now he apparently can't. {{spoiler|The closest he has come to since then was when his eyes got watery in chapter 34}}.
* [[Unable to Cry]]: He could cry when he was younger, but now he apparently can't. {{spoiler|The closest he has come to since then was when his eyes got watery in chapter 34. Later on mustard gas makes him produce actual tears.}}
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Type 2 is one way to interpret his relationship with Sebastian.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Type 2 is one way to interpret his relationship with Sebastian.
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: In the manga, it's become apparent that Ciel is either afraid of his [[Dark and Troubled Past]], knives/sharp objects (since he always seems to react particularly stronger emotionally if they are involved), or both.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]
* [[Wicked Cultured]]
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]
* [[Wise Beyond Their Years]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]

== Sebastian Michaelis ==
=== Sebastian Michaelis ===
{{quote| Voiced by [[Daisuke Ono]] (JP) and [[J Michael Tatum]] (ENG)}}

"''Even though I dislike being kicked by others, I do enjoy the feeling of kicking others.''"
"''Even though I dislike being kicked by others, I do enjoy the feeling of kicking others.''"

A description of the character goes here.
* [[Affably Evil]]: Although less so in the anime.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Kindhearted Cat Lover|Affably Evil Cat Lover]]
* [[Always Save the Girl|Always Save The Kid]]
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type V in the anime, [[Villain Protagonist]] in the manga.
* [[Antiquated Linguistics]]: More obvious in the original Japanese than the English versions.
* [[Antiquated Linguistics]]: More obvious in the original Japanese than the English versions.
* [[Showy Invincible Hero|Showy Invincible Villain Protagonist]]: At least at first. A little later on opponents who actually pose a threat enter the story, but the trivial show-off fights still happen.
* [[Badass]]
** [[Badass and Child Duo]]: With Ciel
** [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
** [[Badass Longcoat]]
** [[Submissive Badass]]
* [[Battle Butler]]: He's the trope image!
* [[Battle Butler]]: He's the trope image!
* [[Bishounen]] : Oh yes.
* [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]]: Has a little bit of this with [[Ms. Fanservice|Beast]], though it's mostly one-sided on her part.
* [[Bullet Time]]: Shows best when animated in Book of Circus and Book of Murder. With manga panels timing is always a little vague, but there is a scene where Sebastian over multiple panels dodges bullets that are drawn with lines of disturbed air behind them, suggesting that this trope is indeed in effect.
* [[Bishonen]] : Oh yes.
* [[Casting a Shadow]]: He can produce smoky tendrils of shadow that can coalesce into black liquid and into solid tentacles of darkness that he can control.
* [[Born Winner]]: It doesn't appear that he's actually done anything other than ''being a demon'' to become so awesome.
* [[Catch and Return]]: He can do that with multiple bullets fired simultaneously at point-blank range all around him.
* [[Catch Phrase]]: In the dub, "I am one ''Hell'' of a butler."
* [[Catch Phrase]]: In the dub, "I am one ''Hell'' of a butler."
** Also, some variation of, "If I didn't/wasn't (insert task here), then what kind of butler would I be?"
** Also, some variation of, "If I didn't/wasn't (insert task here), then what kind of butler would I be?"
** "A butler who couldn't (insert highly improbable situation here) isn't worth his salt."
** "A butler who couldn't (insert highly improbable situation here) isn't worth his salt."
* [[The Charmer]]: The sex god trope listed above why he fits this trope also
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: Occasionally.
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: Occasionally.
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: Manlied up by Sebastian. It's not often you see a grown man murdering people in [ these].
* {{spoiler|[[Coitus Ensues]]: Happens in both the anime and the manga, though in the former it was so out of the blue that it left most fans [[Flat What|baffled]].}}
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: Get him close to his beloved cats, and he'll even ignore Ciel.
* [[Cold-Blooded Torture]]: Sometimes performed on his/Ciel's enemies.
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
* [[Cuteness Proximity]]: Get him close to his beloved cats, and he even ignore Ciel.
* [[Dark Is Evil]]
* [[Dark Is Evil]]
* [[Deaf Composer]]: He is unable to experience food the way humans do. He tastes chocolate as disgusting but knows that humans love it. His excellent cooking is solely because of intellectual effort.
* [[Demi Human]]: In his human-like form, he still has [[Cute Little Fangs]] (at least in the manga), and his eyes are red or at least some rare shade of auburn.
** The fangs aren't always apparent though. They usually only show up when he's being creepy. It's possible that he can "summon" them.
* [[Dissonant Serenity]]
* [[Dissonant Serenity]]
* [[The Dragon]]: To [[The Chessmaster|Ciel]].
* [[The Dragon]]: To [[The Chessmaster|Ciel]].
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]: His demon form has sharp teeth and small fangs.
* [[Even the Guys Want Him]]:
* [[Evil Brit]]: If he can be considered British; even if he's not technically, he's good at pretending.
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
* {{spoiler|1=[[Fate Worse Than Death]]/[[Ironic Hell]]: He looked pretty darn unhappy with the fact that he'd have to serve Ciel for the rest of eternity in the anime.}}
* [[Femme Fatalons]]: In his demon form.
* [[Femme Fatalons]]: In his demon form.
* [[Fork Fencing]]: He carries cutlery wherever he goes. He's pretty damn effective with them too. Killed an entire room of men with a handful of thrown dinner knives.
* [[Game Face]]: He shows his true form very occasionally to his and Ciel's enemies, though the actual readers have still never seen the whole thing up to this point.
* [[Game Face]]: He shows his true form very occasionally to his and Ciel's enemies, though the actual readers have still never seen the whole thing up to this point.
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
* [[Gentleman Snarker]]: Especially apparent with his first interaction with [[Ms. Fanservice|Beast]], which almost borders themes of [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]].
* [[Gentleman Snarker]]: Especially apparent with his first interaction with [[Ms. Fanservice|Beast]], which almost borders themes of [[Belligerent Sexual Tension]].
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: When he is letting his demonic side closer to the surface.
* [[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: When he is letting his demonic side closer to the surface.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: "Yes, my lord."
* [[Gratuitous English]]: "Yes, my lord."
* [[Hellish Pupils]]: Occasionally.
* [[Hellish Pupils]]: When he lets his demonic side closer to the surface.
* [[Hot Teacher]]: In his "tutor mode". Also while infiltrating a school.
* [[Immune to Bullets]]
* [[Immune to Bullets]]: Either he sidesteps them, catches them from the air, or recovers from them almost immediately.
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: "Sebas-''chan''" by Grell ("Bassy" in the dub, "Little Sebas" in the English manga). William never uses his name and usually simply calls him "demon" or something along the lines of "vile creature."
* [[In-Series Nickname]]: "Sebas-''chan''" by Grell ("Bassy" in the dub, "Little Sebas" in the English manga). William never uses his name and usually simply calls him "demon" or something along the lines of "vile creature."
* [[The Jeeves]]
* [[Irony]]: Loves cats and dislikes dogs. {{spoiler|Named after Ciel's dog.}}
* [[Kick Them While They Are Down]]: He literally and happily does that more than once.
** Though his discontent for dogs has only been stated in the anime.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: [[wikipedia:Sebastien Michaelis|Sebastien Michaelis]].
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: [[wikipedia:Sebastien Michaelis|Sebastien Michaelis]].
** {{spoiler|Turns out that Ciel was naming him after his dog.}}
** {{spoiler|Turns out that Ciel was naming him after his dog.}}
* [[Offhand Backhand]]: Gave us a pretty epic one to a zombie while soaking wet on a sinking ship...[ no, seriously.]{{Dead link}}
* [[Non-Human Sidekick]]
* [[The Perfectionist]]: One of his flaws is going for perfection even when it would be wiser to draw less attention.
* [[Odd Couple]]: With Ciel.
* [[Playing with Fire]]: He has the power to control and enhance fire. He can turn a small candle flame into a massive conflagration.
* [[Offhand Backhand]]: Gave us a pretty epic one to a zombie while soaking wet on a sinking ship...[ no, seriously.]
* [[Psychic Radar]]: He can detect nearby souls if he concentrates.
* [[The Omniscient]]: At least early on.
* [[Purely Aesthetic Glasses]]: He always puts on glasses when he enters tutor mode.
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Among the servants of Phantomhive, Sebastian is the only one that can actually get things done.
* [[Raven Hair, Ivory Skin]]: He embodies the male version of this trope. Multiple characters have commented on his beauty.
* [[The Proud Elite]]: Suave but aloof, this demon turned butler is quite intelligent and there is very little he cannot do. Being a demon, he truly does care nothing for humans beyond their use as tools and food.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The red to Ciel's blue, especially in the anime.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: His fingernails are black even when he suppresses his other visible demon traits.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: His fingernails are black even when he suppresses his other visible demon traits.
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]]
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers]]
* [[Servile Snarker]]
* [[Servile Snarker]]
* [[Sexy Priest]]: As a disguise.
* [[Sex God]]: Because he's a demon disguised in the form his master ordered him to (a polite butler), Sebastian interrogates a cult member......''very'' convincingly.
* [[A Sinister Clue]]: He is left-handed.
{{quote| '''Woman:''' I can see the Gates of Heaven! <br />
* [[Skewed Priorities]]: An early example happens when Sebastian discovers that Ciel has been kidnapped and Sebastian is most concerned about what will happen to his meat pie now when there is no one to eat it. Because it was an exceptionally good meat pie.
'''Sebastian:''' (unamused) Oh I ''highly'' doubt that. }}
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Occasionally when the situation warrants it.
* [[Sexy Discretion Shot]]: At the end of the first anime when he leans into Ciel {{spoiler|to devour his soul. It looks as though soul-devouring requires some mouth action, but the scene just fades before he gets too close}}.
* [[Smart People Know Latin]]: He even teaches Latin.
** Also, his {{spoiler|sex scenes with Beast in the manga and Matilda in the anime}}.
* [[A Sinister Clue]]
* [[Super Reflexes]]
* [[Slasher Smile]]: Occasionally.
* [[Super Senses]]: Apparently all of them.
* [[Super Speed]]: To the point where it's unknown whether he is able to teleport or if he's ''just that fast''.
* [[Snark to Snark Combat]]/[[Volleying Insults]]: With Claude in the second season of the anime. Their interactions usually include backhanded "compliments" and snarking about the other's butler aesthetics.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: He fits this trope to a T.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]: He fits this trope to a T.
* [[The Coats Are Off]]: He removes his tailcoat in his fight with Grell, and that's when things ''really'' get down.
* [[The Coats Are Off]]: He removes his tailcoat in his fight with Grell, and that's when things ''really'' get down.
* [[Unable to Cry]]: You wouldn't expect a demon to cry. The only thing that has shown itself able to bring tears to his eyes is {{spoiler|mustard gas exposure.}} He was highly surprised.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: When partnered with Ciel.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: In the final episode of Season 2, he kills Claude and escapes being bound to Alois for all of eternity only to be bound to a demonic Ciel for all of eternity.}}
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[Villain Protagonist]]
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Type 2 is one way to interpret his relationship with Ciel.
* [[Vitriolic Best Buds]]: Type 2 is one way to interpret his relationship with Ciel.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]

== Mey-rin ==
=== Mey-rin ===
''A tiny mouse can run anywhere, but they are always in my sight.''"
{{quote| Voiced by [[Emiri Katou]] (JP) and [[Monica Rial]] (ENG)}}

"''A tiny mouse can run anywhere, but they are always in my sight.''"

Ciel's maid at the Phantomhive Manor. She is very bad at being a maid and has a habit of breaking dishes, in part because of her extreme far-sightedness {{spoiler|that makes her an excellent sniper, which is her real job at the manor.}} She has a long-standing crush on Sebastian.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* {{spoiler|[[Action Girl]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Action Girl]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Adorable]]}}
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: She is farsighted, and she treasures her glasses as the first item she got from Ciel as his maid. {{spoiler|However, when [[The Glasses Come Off|she removes them...]]}}
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: She is farsighted, and she treasures her glasses as the first item she got from Ciel as his maid. {{spoiler|However, when [[The Glasses Come Off|she removes them...]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cold Sniper]]}}: As backstory.
* {{spoiler|[[Cold Sniper]]: Of all of Ciel's non-demon servants, she appears to be the one for whom killing comes the easiest.}}
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Dojikko]]: Ciel, please get Maylene some new glasses.
* [[Dojikko]]: She got new glasses later on in the manga. It is uncertain how much that helped.
* [[Meido]]
* [[Meido]]
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[Meganekko]]
* {{spoiler|[[Ninja Maid]]: She's a [[Cold Sniper]] who can leap from roof to roof and go [[Guns Akimbo]] with two rifles.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Ninja Maid]]: She's a [[Cold Sniper]] who can leap from roof to roof and go [[Guns Akimbo]] with two rifles.}}
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Also spelled Mei Lin/Mei Rin/Maylene/etc. Yen Press' official transliteration is Mey-rin.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Also spelled Mei Lin/Mei Rin/Maylene/etc. Yen Press' official transliteration is Mey-rin.
* [[Three Amigos]]: With Finny and Bard.
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]: She has a crush on Sebastian, but doesn't mind him being all over Ciel and gets huge nosebleeds at the sight.
* [[Yaoi Fangirl]]: She has a crush on Sebastian, but doesn't mind him being all over Ciel and gets huge nosebleeds at the sight.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: {{spoiler|In Sniper Mode.}}
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: {{spoiler|In Sniper Mode.}}

== Baldroy "Baldo" ==
=== Baldroy "Baldo" ===
{{quote| Voiced by [[Hiroki Tochi]] (JP) and Ian Sinclair (ENG)}}

"''Cooking is an art! And art means explosions!''"
"''Cooking is an art! And art means explosions!''"

Ciel's American chef at the Phantomhive Manor. He is an ex-soldier who is deeply, thoroughly terrible at cooking and has a habit of blowing up the kitchen. {{spoiler|His real job at the manor is protecting it from intruders.}}
* [[Blue Eyes]]
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Chef of Iron]]: His food isn't good mostly because he's blowing people up with it.
* [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]]: As his cooking skills have gradually improved, he has shown himself able to produce something with a slight, very slight resemblance to food. For the cricket game he made a very clumsy-looking pie with a fried egg, a curl of whipped cream with a cherry on top, an unprocessed fish, several sticks of what look like ''pocky'', and some unrecognizable items. (Soy sauce? Some sort of meat? ''A sea anemone?'')
* [[Cordon Bleugh Chef]]: His food might taste good if he tried cooking it the right way instead of using flamethrowers.
* {{spoiler|[[Gatling Good]]: Keeps it in the kitchen, of course.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Gatling Good]]: Keeps it in the kitchen, of course.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Engineer]]: A combat type.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Engineer]]: A combat type.}}
* [[Lethal Chef]]: He is truly terrible at cooking. In the later parts of the manga he has learned to chop vegetables and heat pre-made food. This is a massive improvement to how he used to be.
* {{spoiler|[[More Dakka]]: With his heavy machine gun.}}
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Oven Logic]]: He has tried to use a flamethrower for cooking, apprarently more than once. Even worse, he once tried to cook with an assault rifle. The results weren't good.
* [[Perma-Stubble]]
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Baldo/Bard.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Baldo/Bard.
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]: The kitchen. Repeatedly. {{spoiler|He has also blown up things on purpose, once involving finely-sifted flour and a match and at another time ''explosive easter eggs.'' He has also used grenades made from soup cans.}}
* [[Stuff Blowing Up]]
* [[Three Amigos]]: With Finnian and Maylene.

== Finnian "Finny" ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Yuuki Kaji]] (JP) and [[Jason Liebrecht]] (ENG)}}

=== Finnian "Finny" ===
"''It requires strength? Since that's the case, I might be able to do it! I wanna do it! Please allow me to do it!''"
"''It requires strength? Since that's the case, I might be able to do it! I wanna do it! Please allow me to do it!''"

Ciel's gardener at the Phantomhive Manor. He is a kind, cheerful, and somewhat oblivious young man who is very bad at gardening. He has a tendency to accidentally break things, such as trees, with his extreme strength and has somehow destroyed the entire garden more than once. {{spoiler|He becomes cold and focused when it's about his real job, defending the manor.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Adorable]]}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Cutie]]: In the flashbacks where he's being tortured.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]}}
* [[Cute Bruiser]]
* [[Cute Bruiser]]
* [[Does Not Know His Own Strength]]: {{spoiler|He totally [[Cute Bruiser|does]].}}
* [[Does Not Know His Own Strength]]: He keeps breaking things by accident.
* {{spoiler|[[Glowing Eyes of Doom]]: Happens when he accesses his hidden reserves.}}
* [[Dude Looks Like a Lady]]
* [[Hair Decorations|Every Boy Is Cuter With Hair Decs]]
* [[Hair Decorations]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]: A male example.
* [[Hair of Gold]]: A male example.
* [[Meaningful Rename]]: {{spoiler|He was originally called Number 12. His current name was given to him by Ciel, after a hero from the [[Irish Mythology]].}}
* [[Keet]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* {{spoiler|[[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]}}: Briefly, in episode 21.
* {{spoiler|[[Playing with Syringes]]: In his backstory.}}
* [[Super Strength]]: One of his defining traits.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Some call him "Phinnian" as well...
* {{spoiler|[[Super Speed]]: He is capable of running very quickly. His eyes glow while he does that.}}
* [[Three Amigos]]: With Bard and Maylene.
* {{spoiler|[[They Would Cut You Up]]: His [[Super Strength]] comes from surviving human experiments.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Tranquil Fury]]: His normal cheerful demeanor vanishes when he enters murder mode.}}
* [[Unskilled but Strong]]

== Tanaka ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Shunji Fujimura]] (JP) and R. Bruce Elliot (ENG)}}

=== Tanaka ===
"''Ho ho ho.''"
"''Ho ho ho.''"

The elderly house steward at the Phantomhive Manor. He spends his days sitting and drinking tea.
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Grandpa]]: With a touch of [[Dissonant Serenity]].}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Cool Old Guy]]: The only reason Sebastian tolerates him. That and he doesn't get in the way.
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Grandpa]]: With a touch of [[Dissonant Serenity]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Battle Aura]]}}
* [[Battle Butler]]: He was this to Vincent, Ciel's father. {{spoiler|Tanaka also gets to show his skills as Ciel's butler when Sebastian is temporarily out of the picture.}}
* [[Cartoonish Companions|Cartoonish Companion]]: For the rest of the cast being drawn as a chibi is an exception. For Tanaka it's the rule.
* {{spoiler|[[Hammerspace]]: Seriously, where did that katana come from?}}
* {{spoiler|[[Katanas Are Just Better]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Implausible Fencing Powers]]: He cuts a rifle bullet in half just like that.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Let's Get Dangerous]]}}
* [[Miniature Senior Citizens]]: He is scarcely more than knee-high in his chibi form.
* {{spoiler|[[Old Master]]}}
* [[Old Retainer]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Super-Deformed]]: Whenever he is being comic relief or background decoration, which is most of the time.

== Elizabeth "Lizzy" Midford ==
== Ciel's Relatives ==
=== Elizabeth "Lizzy" Midford ===
{{quote| Voiced by [[Yukari Tamura]] (JP) and [[Cherami Leigh]] (ENG)}}

"''He finally returned to the mansion, but he wasn’t able to laugh anymore. I love Ciel. I love Ciel’s smile. Why is it as though we always seem to end up going in circles? How can I bring back his smile?''"
"''He finally returned to the mansion, but he wasn’t able to laugh anymore. I love Ciel. I love Ciel’s smile. Why is it as though we always seem to end up going in circles? How can I bring back his smile?''"

Ciel's cousin and fianceé, with whom he has been engaged from childhood. She is obsessed with cute things and can get very overbearing. It turns out that she does her best to lift Ciel's spirits with the antics he experiences as annoying. {{spoiler|She is a genius fencer. Her mother forced her into it because the wife of the Queen's Watchdog should be able to protect her husband and herself.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Action Girlfriend]]:}} Never saw that coming, huh?
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: In one of the beginning chapters he says that he was ''forced'' to marry her and does not really want to. He does seem care for her, though.
** [[Perfectly Arranged Marriage]]: Well, not perfectly, but he ''does'' seem to have warmed up to the idea some more.
* [[Arranged Marriage]]: In one of the beginning chapters he says that he was ''forced'' to marry her and does not really want to. He does care for her, though.
*** Lizzie herself also seems quite happy about this.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Before the current arc, she had only appeared in about 5 chapters.
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Adorable]]}} / {{spoiler|[[Cute Bruiser]]}} / {{spoiler|[[Badass Damsel]]}}: We were all shocked.
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Family]]: Including her, too.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Beware the Nice Ones]]}}: {{spoiler|Take our word for it.}}
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Her older brother Edward seems to have this going for her.
* [[Cat Smile]]
* [[Cat Smile]]
* [[Double Standard Abuse (Female on Male)]]: Hit her brother Edward in the head, hard? Nobody cares, not even Edward. {{spoiler|Nearly crush Ciel's skull with a jump kick because of a horrible misunderstanding? Sebastian steps in at the last moment, so all is fine.}}
* [[Distressed Damsel]]
** {{spoiler|[[Deliberately Distressed Damsel]]: In the manga, she's actually a [[Little Miss Badass]]. She thought Ciel wouldn't like her enough if she was too "brash and uncute", so she didn't use her swordmanship skills until there was no choice.}}
** Could also be a [[Deconstructed Trope|deconstruction]] of the {{spoiler|[[Deliberately Distressed Damsel]]}} trope. {{spoiler|Unlike most girls that fit this trope, it's all for the sake of her beloved, and not because she simply likes being rescued. It also shows that Lizzie actually had to sacrifice a few things in order to maintain Ciel's pride, and it harmed her self-esteem ''badly''.}}
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita|Elegant Sweet Lolita]]: Unsurprising, given the time period.
* [[Fridge Brilliance]]: Granted Elizabeth's mother Frances knows that Ciel will protect [[Damsel in Distress|Elizabeth]] at all costs, but she is also aware that Ciel is [[Distressed Dude|not all that skilled in combat]]. Just why was she so sure of her daughter's survival? {{spoiler|Because her [[Deliberately Distressed Damsel|daughter]] is just as [[Little Miss Badass|skilled]] in [[Dual-Wielding|swordsmanship]] as the rest of her [[Badass Family|family]] and thereby is perfectly capable of handling herself.}}
** Also, the fact that {{spoiler|Lizzie hid her [[Lady of War]] side due to fearing he'd see her as [[No Guy Wants an Amazon|"uncute" or "brash"]] }}? Makes more sense when you recall this ''is'' [[Victorian Britain]], thus {{spoiler|a female who didn't behave like a [[Proper Lady]] would be more often than not ostrasized by others, if not thrown into an asylum. While it's unlikely that the Midfords would let her be locked away, she would still be looked down something fierce by others.}}
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Genki Girl]]
* [[Girlish Pigtails]]
** [[Mega Twintails]]: That hairstyle can't possibly be achieved in real life without lots of curlers and hair gel. As Lizzie's hair seems to be [ naturally straight], looks like it's not possible without curlers for her, as well.
* [[The Glomp]]: She never hesitates at a chance to glomp Ciel.
* [[The Glomp]]: She never hesitates at a chance to glomp Ciel.
* [[Green Eyes]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Kawaiiko]]
* {{spoiler|[[Hidden Depths]]: Elizabeth is actually quite the accomplished swordswoman.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Hot Chick with a Sword]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Dual-Wielding]]: ''Two'' swords, actually.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Kicking Ass in All Her Finery]]: When fighting zombies.}}
* [[Kissing Cousins]]: She and Ciel are cousins. Not that this was unusual for this time period.
* [[Kissing Cousins]]: She and Ciel are cousins. Not that this was unusual for this time period.
* {{spoiler|[[Lady of War]]}} / {{spoiler|[[Little Miss Badass]]}} {{spoiler|So badass that when Grell was about to make an entrance, sweet Lizzie pointed a sword at her and glared at the Shinigami.}}
* [[Locked Out of the Loop]]: With most things regarding Ciel. Like what happened during the month he was kidnapped or even the fact that he has asthma. Ciel probably keeps these things from her in order to not worry her but now she's starting to get suspicious.
* [[Love Martyr]]: For Ciel. Most of the stunts she pulls are only for Ciel's happiness.
* {{spoiler|[[Master Swordsman]]}}
* [[Morality Chain]]: Her entire reason for existence seems to be keeping Ciel from falling into the abyss.
* [[Morality Chain]]: Her entire reason for existence seems to be keeping Ciel from falling into the abyss.
* [[Panty Shot]]: A few times. She wears Victorian great-great-granny pants.
** {{spoiler|It's lampshaded in chapter 58 she even states that her goal was to be a wife Ciel could protect. Then she changes this so she could protect Ciel.}}
* [[Princess Curls]]: In [[Mega Twintails]], which must take some considerable effort with the curling iron, as it turns out that her hair is straight naturally.
* [[Naive Everygirl]]: {{spoiler|You wish she was this.}}
* [[The Reveal]]:
* {{spoiler|[[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]}}: {{spoiler|The reason she wasn't fighting was because when they were little, young Ciel was afraid of Lizzy's mother and her harsh personality, and was glad he was marrying Lizzy. This made Lizzy feel that if she were to show her sword-fighting side, Ciel wouldn't like her.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: She's not so harmless after all.}}
**{{spoiler|[[Badass Damsel]]: We were all shocked.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Badass Family]]: Including her, too.}}
* [[Overly Long Name]]: Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford is her full name in the anime. Not that that was unusual for that time period either.
** {{spoiler|[[Child Prodigy]]: At fencing.}}
* [[Plucky Girl]]
** {{spoiler|[[Hot Chick with a Sword]]}}
* [[Regal Ringlets]]: Though the manga seems to indicate these aren't natural and are the way she chooses to style her hair.
*** {{spoiler|[[Dual-Wielding]]: ''Two'' swords, actually.}}
* [[Shallow Love Interest]]: {{spoiler|Subverted ''hard''. She's quite the accomplished [[Action Girl]]; she just doesn't want to show that side often in front of Ciel, [[No Guy Wants an Amazon|fearing he may dislike her should she do so]].}}
** {{spoiler|[[Little Miss Badass]]}} {{spoiler|So badass that when Grell was about to make an entrance, sweet Lizzie pointed a sword at her and glared at the Shinigami.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Silk Hiding Steel]]: More like ''[[The Cutie|Sugar]]'' Hiding [[Badass Adorable|Steel]].}}
** {{spoiler|[[Let's Get Dangerous]]}}
* [[Skewed Priorities]]: Lizzie, honey, the cake is not that important, {{spoiler|especially when your fiancé has a gun out and there are zombies running about.}} ''Really.''
**{{spoiler|[[Master Swordsman]]}}
** Neither is the [[Kawaiiko|cute dress or the cute demeanour]] as a whole. Ciel briefly chastises her for this, which shortly leads into [[Character Development]] and {{spoiler|[[Took a Level In Badass]] for [[Deliberately Distressed Damsel|Elizabeth]].}}
** {{spoiler|[[No Guy Wants an Amazon]]: The reason she wasn't fighting was because when they were little, young Ciel was afraid of Lizzy's mother and her harsh personality, and was glad he was marrying Lizzy. This made Lizzy feel that if she were to show her sword-fighting side, Ciel wouldn't like her.}}
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: She's used to getting what she wants but, for the most part, isn't a bad person for it.
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: She's used to getting what she wants but, for the most part, isn't a bad person for it.
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: She keeps most of her fears and worries regarding Ciel to herself.
** She does seem to be getting better at it, though. {{spoiler|Even more now that she decided to not hide her [[Little Miss Badass]] side anymore.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]: As seen from chapter 66, she keeps most of her fears and worries regarding Ciel to herself.}}
* [[Unfazed Everyman]]: One of the few genuinely normal people that [[Weirdness Magnet|Ciel]] knows.
* {{spoiler|[[Violently Protective Girlfriend]]}}: In the manga.

=== Angelina "Madam Red" Durless ===
<br /><br /><br />
== Angelina "Madame Red" Durless ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Romi Park]] (JP) and Lydia Mackay (ENG)}}

"''I used to hate my red hair that was just like my father's. I used to hate red.''"
"''I used to hate my red hair that was just like my father's. I used to hate red.''"

Ciel's aunt, with whom he is very close. She is a vibrant and vivacious woman who is the life of the party and at the same time a practising doctor in a time when women doctors were rare. {{spoiler|She was one half of Jack the Ripper. She was killed by Grell, her partner in crime.}}
* [[All Women Are Lustful]]: At any rate, she certainly enjoys male attention.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]: She does some monstrous things, but it's pretty hard not to have sympathy for her.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Cutie]]: She was quite cute growing up...but then things got bad...really bad. See [[It Got Worse]] below.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]: She does some monstrous things, but it's pretty hard not to have sympathy for her.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Broken Bird]]}}
* [[But Your Wings Are Beautiful]]: Initially hated her signature red hair.
* [[Cannot Tell a Joke]]
* [[Christmas Cake]]
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Bob Haircut]]
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Redhead]]: More like ''very broken'' redhead, though.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Redhead]]: More like ''very broken'' redhead, though.}}
* [[The Fashionista]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry]]: Envied her older sister for being lucky enough to attract the eye of Earl Phantomhive.}}
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: She envied her sister Rachel's blond hair and conventional beauty. Then Rachel snagged from Angelina certain Vincent Phantomhive.
* [[I Am Not Pretty]]: When she was a child she believed that her red hair was ugly. Vincent convinced her otherwise.
* {{spoiler|[[Green-Eyed Monster]]: Envied the pregnant prostitutes who came to her clinic for abortions...[[Insane Troll Logic|so she]] [[Kill'Em All|killed them.]]}}
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: That's what she tried to convince herself to believe.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Ooh boy.
* [[Important Haircut]]: Cutting her long bangs marked the beginning of her self-esteem.
* [[Hospital Hottie]]
** Later on she cut her hair short all around when {{spoiler|she started killing people.}}
* [[I Am Not Pretty]]: She did believe her red hair was ugly.
* [[Important Haircut|Important]] [[Bob Haircut]]: She used to have longer hair before {{spoiler|she started killing people.}}
* {{spoiler|[[It Got Worse]]: Wow. The love of her life marries her older sister, though Red still manages to marry [[Second Love|a good and loving]] [[Nice Guy]] anyway. Then, after getting her medical license, her husband and unborn child are killed and she has to have a hysterectomy. She then loses ''both'' her sister and the love of her life in a fire. After all of this, she gives abortions to prostitutes. [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|Jealous of the pregnancies they can't keep or don't want,]] she begins killing them, [[In Love with Your Carnage|which is where Grell steps in.]] However, when faced with more or less getting away with her murders so long as Grell keeps Sebastian busy and she murders Ciel, poor Red can't bring herself to kill her nephew "who was like a son to her"... and is promptly chainsawed by Grell.}}
** {{spoiler|Which also involves a minor, but surprising, case of hopefully is what [[Did Not Do the Research]]. Abortions at the time were illegal in England, in large part because the procedure itself was highly unsafe for the ''mother''--to the point where one textbook flat-out advises doctors to consider the procedure attempted murder of ''her''. If she didn't want to perform them...}}
* {{spoiler|[[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: She tried to convinced herself that she was happy as long as Vincent and Rachel were happy. Her husband might qualify too as he didn't mind her having feelings for someone else.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Jack the Ripper]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Jack the Ripper]]}}
* [[Lady in Red]]: [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|Duh.]]
* [[Lady in Red]]
* [[Like a Son to Me]]: Ciel. {{spoiler|This saves Ciel's life, actually. And costs her her own life.}}
* [[Like a Son to Me]]: Ciel. {{spoiler|This saves Ciel's life, actually. And costs her her own life.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mad Doctor]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Obfuscating Stupidity]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Precocious Crush]]: On Lord Phantomhive, who would go on to marry her sister.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Precocious Crush]]: On Lord Phantomhive, who would go on to marry her sister.}}
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]: Subverted in that she's pretty harmless and truly loves her nephew. {{spoiler|[[Double Subversion]] when you find out whoe she really is}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Serial Killer]]}}
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: When she was younger.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: When she was younger.
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Stepford Smiler]]}}

== Grell Sutcliff ==
=== Frances Midford ===
"''Moreover! Both you and your master are sporting long bangs, though you're both male! How unseemly!''"
{{quote| Voiced by [[Jun Fukuyama]] (JP) and Daniel Fredrick (ENG)}}

The Marchioness of Midford: Ciel's paternal aunt and mother to Elizabeth and Edward. She is a formidable character of whom even Sebastian is afraid. She excels at manly pursuits such as hunting and fencing while at the same time holding to strong ideals about the importance of proper behavior. She is the unquestioned matriarch of the Midford family.
"''Even if I'm like this, I'm still the butler of death!''"
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Hot Amazon]]: She attracted her husband by beating him in a duel.
* [[Hot Chick with a Sword]]: Though she would not tolerate anyone calling her that.
* [[Hot Mom]]
* [[Iron Lady]]: As one of the British knights. She is also a marchioness.
* [[Kicking Ass in All Her Finery]]: As shown in the profile picture.
* [[Lady of War]]
* [[Proper Lady]]: Despite her intimidating personality.
* [[Royal Rapier]]
* [[Master Swordsman|Master Swordswoman]]: She is a brilliant fencer.

=== Edward Midford ===
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: All the guys she seems to like. She even says that Ronald, who follows the rules and listens to his superiors, is not her type.
* [[Ambiguous Gender]]: There's still discussion among fans on whether or not she's a transsexual or just flamboyant gay, though this now counts as [[Fanon Discontinuity]] as [[Word of God]] has confirmed her to be a transsexual. Because both Grell herself and [[Word of God|the creator]] use "she" and "her" when referring to the character, female pronouns will be used here.
''"I'm always of a mind to be harsh to him because we're related, but, having seen him succeed to the role of earl and family head with such grace at such a young age, I respect him as a man."''
** For any doubts, check [ "Grell's] [ Confessional"]. Made by Yana Toboso herself. {{spoiler|She's a pre-op.}}
* [[Badass Long Hair]] / [[Badass Longcoat]]: {{spoiler|The long coat in question being the coat she took from Madam Red as she died.}}
* [[Best Her to Bed Her]]: Possibly. The men she falls the hardest for are the men who have beaten her in a fight.
** Arguably, this is why she fell for William T. Spears in the first place!
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: Apparently it's a shinigami trait.
* [[Camp Gay]]: Subverted; she is a transwoman. Still comes off as camp gay to those who don't know about the whole transsexual thing, though.
** Even if you [[Fanon Discontinuity|ignore]] that Grell is transsexual, it's heavily implied that she was [[Depraved Bisexual|romantically involved]] with [[Bi the Way|Madam Red]]..
* [[Chainsaw Good]]: Yes, in Victorian Era England.
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: This seems to be a popular trope for the characters of this series, but now Grell can especially fit it, seeing as how she's portraying the Cheshire Cat in the Alice In Wonderland-inspired OVA.
* [[Combat Sadomasochist]]
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: Wears women's boots, [[Transsexual|unsurprisingly.]]
* [[Cross-Dressing Voices]]: Subverted for obvious reasons.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: She considers herself one, anyway.
** [[Hot Chick with a Sword]]: This, too.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: She actually ''did'' fall in love with Madam Red, so she could be considered bisexual.
** She could be pansexual. It seems she just likes cruel people.
* [[Drag Queen]]: Semi-subverted. She behaves and dresses like one all the time - not just as an act.
* [[Evil Is Stylish]]
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
* [[Friendly Enemy]]: When it comes to Sebastian, at least. Although apparently she thinks it's more complicated than that.
* [[Green Eyes]] / [[Eyes of Gold]]: Somehow both ''at the same time''. Seems to be a {{spoiler|shinigami trait}}.
* [[In Love with Your Carnage]]: This was likely the reason she fell in love with Madame Red and Sebastian in the first place.
* [[Interplay of Sex and Violence]]: With Sebastian, and William in the Shinigami OVA.
* {{spoiler|[[Jack the Ripper]]: She's at least one half of "Jack The Ripper", being Madam Red's accomplice in murdering the prostitutes.}}
* [[Jerkass Dissonance]]: Most fans seem to completely ignore her ruthless and sadistic streak and tend to portray her as something ''completely'' different.
* [[Long Hair Is Feminine]]
* [[Love At First Punch]]: Sebastian. (And Will too, for this one. It seems she likes them both for the cold shoulders they give her. And the bruises.)
* [[Mad Love]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/Partially [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: She shares a surname with {{spoiler|the original [[Jack the Ripoff]].}}
* [[Psycho for Hire]]
* [[Put on a Bus]]: In the manga. {{spoiler|[[The Bus Came Back|She reappears about 50 chapters later on the ''Campania''.]]}}
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
* [[Shinigami]]
* [[Sissy Villain]]: Only in the anime, in the manga, she's rather vicious, especially if you harm her face.
* [[Slasher Smile]]
* [[Transsexual]]: Part of what attracted her to Madame Red was {{spoiler|that she was taking out her frustrations at being barren - since Grell has a man's body, she can't give birth either, so they had a common cause.}}
* [[Trans Equals Gay]]: Played straight; back when she identified as a man she had feelings for Madame Red, but after identifying as a women she became attracted to men (especially Sebastian) and adopted many mannerisms that would otherwise be considered [[Camp Gay]]. Of course, it isn't portrayed very offensively.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: The chainsaw she uses as her Death Scythe... even though it got taken away in the anime and replaced with scissors. As a result, she was mostly reduced to [[Plucky Comic Relief|comic relief]] since. She got it back in season 2, though.

A serious young man who is unusually attached to his sister, Elizabeth. Any small offense against her makes his violent and temperamental side come to the surface.
== Undertaker ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass]]
{{quote| Voiced by [[Junichi Suwabe]] (JP) and [[John Swasey]] (ENG)}}
* [[Battle Aura]]: In the cricket game. Strangely enough, {{spoiler|learning to throw Cheslock's special cricket pitch somehow brings the battle aura along. And it's not like battle auras are standard in this universe...}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: Any and all offenses against his sister.
* [[Hair of Gold]]
* [[Knight Templar Big Brother]]: Just look at how violently he reacted when he thought Ciel might have a slightest interest in marrying someone who wasn't Elizabeth.
* [[My Sister Is Off-Limits]]: He doesn't like the idea of Ciel marrying Elizabeth and makes that clear. Later on Edward seems to have become a little more accepting of the facts though and willing to admit that Ciel really might be a good husband for her. After all, it just isn't possible that Edward [[Incest Subtext|could have her for himself.]]

=== Vincent Phantomhive ===
"''Because you hold great power, you gradually fail to understand the importance of things that cannot be recovered. You will realize once it's too late.''"
''"No one, not even God, can tell what will happen to any of us."''

Ciel's deceased father and predecessor as the Queen's Watchdog. The circumstances behind his murder are perhaps the most significant mystery in the story.
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Long Robe]]: Full of grave markers that may as well be spears}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* {{spoiler|[[Badass Preacher]]: Well, if said priest was also a J-Rocker. He's wearing the collar in any case}}.
* [[Beauty Mark]]: There is one near the corner of his left eye.
** {{spoiler|[[Sinister Minister]], then too.}}
* [[Bishounen]]
* [[Blinding Bangs]]: Though in the anime, Grell does brush them aside to find [[What Beautiful Eyes!]] he has.
* [[Death by Origin Story]]: He and his wife Rachel were murdered by forces unknown.
** {{spoiler|In the manga, though, Grelle noticing his eyes causes her to realize immediately he's a rogue shinigami; apparently they all have the same kind of eyes, but he's not wearing any glasses!}}
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: He became popular the first time a flashback showed his face properly, and his popularity has only grown since. He reached fifth on an official character poll despite his small role.
* {{spoiler|[[Beautiful All Along]]}}: {{spoiler|In chapter 59 of the manga he finally sweps his hair back and reveals himself as one hell of a [[Bishonen]]. Cue the fangirls squee, of course}}.
* [[Even Evil Has Loved Ones]]: He apparently genuinely loved his family.
* {{spoiler|[[Bishonen]]}}: See above. [[Cast Full of Pretty Boys|Were you really surprised]]?
* [[Genius Book Club]]: In a flashback showing him at the age of 17/18, he is shown reading Aristotle's Metaphysics. He doesn't seem to find it difficult reading.
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]
* [[The Creepy Undertaker]]
* [[Hot Shoujo Dad]]
* [[Lethal Chef]]: His pot-au-feu looked fine and was made with a known-good recipe but somehow managed to taste beyond horrible and induce uncontrollable crying with slight exposure. He was as mystified as anyone.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Shows with Diedrich.
* [[For the Evulz]]: Morbid laughs are the only reason he does anything; in most settings, this would be classified as [[It Amused Me]], but given the [[Black and Black Morality]] of the setting {{spoiler|and the fact The Undertaker is responsible for the zombie outbreak going on just because he thought it'd be funny to see what happened if he helped an idiot scientist reanimate corpses}}, the Undertaker's amusement can be seen in a rather negative light.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* {{spoiler|[[Green Eyes]] / [[Eyes of Gold]]}}
* [[Word of God]]: His resemblance to Sebastian is intentional and for an in-story reason.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: It's as if his skull's had to have been stitched back together... and maybe it ''has.''
* [[Knowledge Broker]]
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Maybe not necessarily when he's dressed the way he usually does, but definitely when he's {{spoiler|in shinigami form}}. So much so that when Grell saw what his face really looked like, she was completely enamored by his looks.
* [[Name's the Same]]: Three words "[[The Undertaker|REST IN PEACE]]"
* {{spoiler|[[Necromancer]]: In the manga with his [[Night of the Living Mooks]].}}
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: Quite a few different examples, including cooing over how nice a corpse looks with its cuts and [[Too Kinky to Torture|allowing Grell to bury him in epsom salts and smiling about the sensation of moisture leaving his body.]] Justified in that {{spoiler|he's a Shinigami in the anime, and later in the manga, as well}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Nigh Invulnerable]]}}: {{spoiler|He got attacked by Grell's chainsaw Death Scythe but he blocked it.}}.
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: He tends to get a little too close for Ciel's comfort.
* {{spoiler|[[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: A ton of recently murdered (read: [[Night of the Living Mooks|eaten]]) ship passengers should drive the point home.}}
** {{spoiler|And he took on Grelle, Ronald, and ''Sebastian'' at the same time and ''won effortlessly''}}.
* [[Perky Goth]]
* {{spoiler|[[Shinigami]]: In the anime, and later, the manga}}.
** {{spoiler|Interestingly, in the former, he's a retired and highly respected ex-shinigami, while in the latter, he's just been revealed to be a renegade shinigami; apparently the fact he alone of the Shinigami we've seen so far doesn't wear glasses is a ''very bad sign''}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Sinister Scythe]]: So far, the only Shinigami to use a ''real'' scythe. Decorated with bones, [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]] and all}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Up to Eleven|He uses said Death Scythe to cut the ''Campania'' in two]]}}.
* [[Take Our Word for It]]: We never find out what Sebastian did to make Undertaker laugh.
* [[Too Kinky to Torture]]: Again, only in the anime.
* {{spoiler|[[Took a Level In Jerkass]]}}: {{spoiler|In the manga (chapter 60 onwards), he reveals himself to be much nastier than the slightly creepy [[Perky Goth]] everyone was used to, to the point in chapter 61 he ''stabs Sebastian in the gut with his scythe.'' His plan, which he explains in chapter 60, isn't a nice thing either}}.
* [[Undertaker]]: [[Captain Obvious|Uh]]… [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|yeah]].
* [[What Beautiful Eyes!]]: {{spoiler|Finally reveals them in chapter 59}}.
* {{spoiler|[[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]}}
* [[Yandere]]: Possibly for Ciel {{spoiler|if his willingness to kill Sebastian for Ciel}} is any indication.

== Lau ==
== British Government ==
=== [[Queen Victoria]] ===
{{quote| Voiced by [[Koji Yusa|Kôji Yusa]] (JP) and [[Jerry Jewell]] (ENG)}}
'"ALLLBEERTT!! I wish you were here today too!!!"''

The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Ciel's employer. She misses her deceased husband Prince Albert very much.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: She enjoys calling Ciel "boy", much to his embarrassment.
* [[Cool Old Lady]]: At least at first. In her first appearance she even wears highly anachronistic [[Cool Shades]].
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: She has the occasional fit of tears that can be only alleviated by a servant (John Brown) with a Prince Albert puppet.
* {{spoiler|[[Realpolitik]]: In the manga she turns out to be a lot more ruthless than her grandmotherly appearance would indicate.}}
* [[Widow Woman]]

=== John Brown ===
"''I am done talking... but it seems the queen has something to say.''"

The servant closest to the Queen. His most distinguishing trait is how he always covers his eyes with anachronistic aviator mirror shades.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Cool Shades]]: He always wear anachronistic mirror shades.
* [[Co-Dragons]]: With the other servants of the queen.
* [[Man in White]]
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: Or rather, ''is'' somebody famous. Though the real John Brown died in 1883, some years before the present of the story...
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[Sunglasses at Night]]: Lack of ambient light does not prevent him from wearing sunglasses. Nor does it seem to hinder him any.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Though he would probably be prettier if his eyes were visible.
* [[Whip It Good]]: He carries a whip when he goes out.

=== Double Charles ===
Charles Grey and Charles Phipps are Queen Victoria's butlers. Together the white-haired duo is known as Double Charles.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]: Grey's sword can cut through metal as if it was butter, and there is every reason to think Phipps's sword is equally sharp.
* [[All Work vs. All Play]]: While Phipps is all about his work Grey is all about the play.
* [[Battle Butler]]
* [[Co-Dragons]]
* [[Implausible Fencing Powers]]
* [[Man in White]]
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]
* [[One Steve Limit]]: Averted by the pair.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Grey is red and Phipps is blue.
* [[Super Window Jump]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Sword.
==== Charles Grey ====
"''Wow! Double guns are so cool! But, I win at close combat.''"

One of the Queen's butlers. He has a cheerful and outgoing nature. {{spoiler|He is a bully and a sadist who seems to have something personal against Ciel. Grey murdered Georg von Siemens on Queen Victoria's orders and showed no signs of regret or remorse.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Big Eater]]
* [[Licking the Blade]]: In the Manga there is a picture of this.
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: Though his hair is only long in one part.

==== Charles Phipps ====
"''All that matters is her majesty the queen's will.''"

One of the Queen's butlers. He is a quiet and thoughtful person. His hobby is apparently painting.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Beauty Mark]]
* [[The Stoic]]

=== Fred Abberline ===
''"It's '''Abberline.'''"''

An officer at the [[Scotland Yard]]. Unlike his distinctly heroic anime self and [[Plucky Comic Relief|bumbling comic relief cop]] musical self, in the manga he turns out to be a character with morals that are rather more flexible than his superior [[By-The-Book Cop|Lord Randall]]'s. This makes Abberline willing to cooperate even with someone like Ciel to solve cases and protect the people.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Clueless Detective]]: He fails to connect the conspicious open window with the fluttering curtain to the question of how Sebastian and Ciel could have gotten to the third floor archive room without having been noticed.
* [[Friend on the Force]]: He has expressed a desire to be this for Ciel.
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: It's Abberline, not Underline or Overline or something else. In the manga this happened once, taking all of one panel, but in the musicals people misremembering Abberline's name became a running joke. Then the running joke spilled back to the manga.
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: Or rather, ''is'' someone (marginally) famous.

== Foreigners ==
=== Lau ===
"''Even if you step toward a place from which you can't return, you choose not to reveal your screaming for help to other people, eh?''"
"''Even if you step toward a place from which you can't return, you choose not to reveal your screaming for help to other people, eh?''"

Ciel's underworld associate who keeps an opium den and runs the organized crime in London's East End. He wears traditional Chinese clothes made from expensive fabrics and is quite a shifty character.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]: Lau sports a variation of this. His closed eyes are not upturned in a foxlike manner; rather, they're more U-shaped, giving him an air of calm.
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Feigning Intelligence]]: Chances are he is faking profundity in order to fake stupidity in order to hide how smart he is, but just maybe he is overestimating his own cleverness...
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Almost always seen with Ran-Mao in his lap… and occasionally [[Ho Yay|hitting on Ciel]].
* [[Handsome Lech]]: Almost always seen with Ran-Mao in his lap… and occasionally [[Ho Yay|hitting on Ciel]].
* [[inscrutable Oriental]]: It is hard to know what he is thinking. One easily gets the impression that Lau says inscrutable things just to sound mysterious when he actually doesn't have a clue, but it is also very possible that he is trying to mislead everyone into underestimating him.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: Strongly hinted at.
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Opium Den]]: Lau's occupation.
* [[Opium Den]]: Lau's public occupation.
* [[Yellow Peril]]: He is basically a slacker version of [[Fu Manchu]].
* [[Pretty Freeloader]]: He's made numerous appearances despite Ciel only requesting his service a couple of times.
* [[Psychotic Smirk]]
* [[Stereotypes of Chinese People]]

== Ran-Mao ==
=== Ran-Mao ===
{{quote| Voiced by [[Sayuri Yahagi]] (JP) and [[Trina Nishimura]] (ENG)}}

"''Glad... you're safe.''"
"''Glad... you're safe.''"

Lau's bodyguard/enforcer/arm decoration/''sister(?!)'' who wears scandalously revealing clothes in the Chinese style and speaks as little as possible. In the anime she is said to be Lau's step sister.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Anime Chinese Girl]]
* [[Anime Chinese Girl]]
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]
* [[Beware the Quiet Ones]]
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: She has been seen to use two ornamental clubs.
* [[Braids of Action]]
* [[Emotionless Girl]]
* [[Cute Bruiser]]: She's primarily Lau's lap dog, but she's proven a fairly dangerous assassin.
* [[Cute Mute]]
* [[Dandere]]: For Lau.
* [[Dual-Wielding]]: She carries two ornamental clubs.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Horned Hairdo]]
* [[Incest Subtext]]: For supposed brother and sister, she and Lau are far, far too close physically. She even routinely sits on his lap.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]
* [[Little Miss Badass]]
* [[Marshmallow Hell]]: She does this once to Arthur. Lau claims that was because she is an affectionate child.
* [[Mini-Dress of Power]]
* [[Mini-Dress of Power]]
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Ran Mao, bearing cat ear-like [[Odango]], having large breasts behind a clingy dress, showing off a lot of leg, being extremely flexible, and generally being very touchy-feely.
* [[Odango]]: Shaped like [[Catgirl|cat ears.]] [[Rule of Cute|Yeahhh...]]
* [[Odango]]: Shaped like [[Catgirl|cat ears.]] [[Rule of Cute|Yeahhh...]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[She's Got Legs]]
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Lan Mao vs. Ran Mao.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Lan Mao vs. Ran Mao.
* [[Qipao]]: A mini-dress version.
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[The Quiet One]]
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]

== William T. Spears ==
=== Soma Asman Kadar ===
{{quote| Voiced by [[Noriaki Sugiyama]] (JP) and Barry Yandell (ENG)}}

"''If you interfere, I'll reap you.''"

* [[Adjusting Your Glasses]]: All the time, usually with the pointy end of his death scythe.
* [[Badass]]: The artbook implies he even has "strength equal to Sebastian."
** [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: Also fits the other Death Gods (with the exception of Grell).
* [[Bishonen]]: While he's more handsome than pretty now, he certainly fit this trope when he was younger.
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: There are some [[Weaksauce Weakness|amusing side effects]] when he loses his glasses.
* [[The Comically Serious]]
* [[Green Eyes]] / [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Improbable Weapon]]: A pruning pole.
* [[Jerkass]]: The manner in which he treats his fellow reapers leaves something to be desired.
** He also doesn't take too kindly to Ciel or Sebastian.
* [[Mean Boss]]: There is nothing redeemable about a boss who stomps on the faces of his lowerclassmen.
* [[Mysterious Middle Initial]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Among the Shinigami, though he is quite quirky...
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: The only time we ever see him laugh (or even smile, at that) is in the Ciel in Wonderland OVA. Theoretically, you'd think it to be a charming moment, [[Nightmare Fuel|but...]]
* [[Romanticized Abuse]]: For the most part, this is only in the anime. The more William beats Grell up the more the [[Fan Girl|fangirls]] [[Squee]].
** In the anime, Grell apparently fell in love with him because of it.
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]: Played for intimidation, mostly when Grell is involved.
* [[Serious Business]]
* [[Shinigami]]
* [[Stoic Spectacles]]
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]

== Ronald Knox ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[KENN]] (JP), Joel McDonald (ENG)}}

"''From the start, I've never been one to do overtime.''"

* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: Apparently, all the Shinigami are ''ridiculously'' near-sighted, for whatever reason.
* [[Bumbling Sidekick]]: Subverted; he's semi-competent but seems to depend on advice from Grell and William.
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]
* [[Green Eyes]] / [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Handsome Lech]]
* [[Idiot Hair]]
* [[Improbable Weapon]]: A lawn mower.
* [[Multicolored Hair]]
* [[Reckless Sidekick]]: He jumps headfirst into a fight between Sebastian and William... [[Leeroy Jenkins|and ends up almost hitting both of them.]]
* [[Share Phrase]]: Attempted in the anime, when he tries to use a variant on Grell's [[Catch Phrase]]. It doesn't work too well.
* [[Shinigami]]

== Soma Asman Kadar ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Shinnosuke Tachibana]] (JP) and [[Chris Ayres]] (ENG)}}

"''From now on, I want to try and learn all sorts of things. And someday, I'll become a great man who won't lose to anyone and show you!''"
"''From now on, I want to try and learn all sorts of things. And someday, I'll become a great man who won't lose to anyone and show you!''"

An Indian prince (27th from the throne!) who had never had to deal with the real world before coming to England. His behavior is extremely immature at first, but due to Ciel's example he decides to improve himself. He thinks he and Ciel are best friends, a sentiment not shared by Ciel who thinks Soma is annoying. Though, given Ciel's general lack of friends, maybe Soma really counts as Ciel's best friend.
* [[Bishonen]]
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Break the Cutie]]
* [[Bishounen]]
* [[Break the Haughty]]: As the result of a vicious [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]] given by {{spoiler|Sebastian}} and {{spoiler|having been abandoned by Agni}}.
* [[Easily Forgiven]]: He forgives being a victim to Ciel's dirty trick in a friendly competition in about three seconds.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: He and Agni care deeply about each other, they are always together.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: He and Agni care deeply about each other; they are always together.
* [[Ignorant of Their Own Ignorance]]: At least at first.
* [[Keet]]
* [[Idiot Hero]]: A non-protagonist version who functions as a mirror to Ciel the [[The Chessmaster|highly intelligent]] [[Villain Protagonist]].
* [[Spoiled Sweet]]: A bit self-centered, but a genuinely good guy.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]: His parents didn't see him much and pretty much let him run free.
* [[The White Prince]]
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: Apparently no one ever gave him any criticism when he was a child. He grew up with more than a little distorted idea of his own abilities.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]
* [[Terrible Artist]]: And entirely unaware of it. His sitar-playing isn't any better either.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: He loves curry.
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: He loves curry.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: When partnered with Agni.
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair|You Gotta Have Purple Hair]]

== Agni ==
=== Agni ===
{{quote| Voiced by [[Hiroki Yasumoto]] (JP) and [[Patrick Seitz]] (ENG)}}

"''It's for my master to be bright and healthy that I would risk my life. Isn't that what you would call a butler's aesthetics?!''"
"''It's for my master to be bright and healthy that I would risk my life. Isn't that what you would call a butler's aesthetics?!''"

Soma's devoted khansama (butler). He turns out to be Sebastian's equal in many things despite being a human. He views his master as practically divine and is extremely indulgent toward him. Agni considers Sebastian a friend and generally sees the best in people.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Battle Butler]]
* [[Battle Butler]]
* [[Bishonen]]
* [[Bishounen]]
* [[Charles Atlas Superpower]]
* [[Chef of Iron]]: Also, a [[Supreme Chef]].
* [[Chef of Iron]]: Also, a [[Supreme Chef]].
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]
* [[Dark-Skinned Blond]]
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: He and Soma care deeply about each other; they are always together.
* [[Happiness in Slavery]]
* [[Important Haircut]]: Marked the beginning of his relationship with Soma.
* [[Heterosexual Life Partners]]: He and Soma care deeply about each other, they are always together.
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: Towards Soma.
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: Towards Soma.
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Proper Lady]]: A male version.
* [[Super Mode]]: Samadhi.
* [[Tears of Blood]]
* [[Tears of Blood]]: When in a state of samadhi.
* [[Those Two Guys]]: When partnered with Soma.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Towards Soma.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]

=== Diedrich ===
''"I never imagined I'd still be cleaning up after his mistakes at this age."''

Ciel's agent in Germany and an officer in the German army. In his youth he lost a bet with Vincent Phantomhive where the loser had to adhere to one request from the winner. Vincent wanted from Diedrich a lifetime of service. He has been grumpy about that ever since.
== Fred Abberline ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
{{quote| Voiced by [[Hisayoshi Suganuma]] (JP) and [[Jonathan Brooks]] (ENG)}}
* [[Acrofatic]]
* [[Big Fancy House]]: A small castle, to be exact. He is also known to own a larger castle.
* [[Bishounen]]: In the flashbacks.
* [[Groin Attack]]
* [[Look Behind You!]]: A subtler variant: "Now! You stubble!" Baldroy was actually a good distance away and not attacking from behind.
* [[The Nicknamer]]
* [[Satiating Sandwich]]: He eats them constantly.
* [[Sour Supporter]]
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Sandwiches, what else?
* [[Trying to Catch Me Fighting Dirty]]: His sense of honor does not extend to his fighting style.

=== Sieglinde Sullivan ===
* [[Friend to All Children]]: He feels sorry for Ciel because he's a burdened child.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]}}: In the anime.
''"So then, let me hear all about the world I'll never come to know, the world that exists beyond the forest!"''
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}: See just above.
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: Or rather, ''is'' someone famous.
* [[Nice Guy]]

The Green Witch of the Cursed Forest. A lonely and naive girl who can barely walk with her crippled feet, but one with a lot of spirit. {{spoiler|She isn't really a witch. It was all a complicated and questionably sensible ruse by the German military to use her genius in chemistry to make her develop chemical weapons without distractions or moral compunctions.}}
== Paula ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Yui Itsuki]] (JP) and [[Jessica Cavanagh]] (ENG)}}

{{spoiler|She ends up going to England with Ciel.}}
* [[Canon Immigrant]]: Originally an anime-only character, she later makes multiple appearances in Lizzie's flashbacks in chapter 58 of the manga.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Jingle jingle!"
* [[Adorably Precocious Child]]
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: Paula has brown eyes and hair.
* [[Break the Cutie]]: A sad case. {{spoiler|Everyone around her had been lying to her all her life. Her entire life had been a lie.}} She was heartbroken.
* [[Meido]]: She works as Elizabeth's personal maid.
* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]: {{spoiler|Or so she thought.}}
* [[So Unfunny It's Funny]]: Her attempts at cheering Lizzie up in the anime are very awkward, but endearing.
* [[Child Mage]]: {{spoiler|Or so she thought.}}
* [[Child Prodigy]]: Already at the age of three she showed advanced talents.
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]
* [[Constantly Curious]]: She wants to learn about the outside world very much.
* [[Cry Cute]]
* [[Curtain Clothing]]: Sebastian makes her a new dress out of a bed cover. She thinks it looks great.
* [[Delusions of Eloquence]]: She has no idea how hard she is failing when she tries to sound like a mature and experienced woman.
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]
* [[Equivalent Exchange]]: {{spoiler|Her feet. Or so she thought.}}
* [[Fille Fatale]]: Her hilariously awkward attempts at seduction are [[Played for Laughs]]. [[Ignore the Fanservice|Ciel isn't attracted.]]
* {{spoiler|[[Gadgeteer Genius]]: A few weeks in England and she has already invented the field of robotics.}}
* [[Genius Cripple]]: She, in addition to being a genius, has crippled feet and can barely walk. Wolfram carries her around a lot. {{spoiler|The people around her crippled her feet intentionally.}}
* [[Gilded Cage]]: The cursed forest. {{spoiler|Supposedly guarded by werewolves, in truth by humans who want to control her.}}
* [[Horned Hairdo]]: Kept together with hair nets attached to a hat.
* {{spoiler|[[Important Haircut]]: Soon after her arrival in England, she cuts her hair short. It is the same haircut she had as a small child, which can be seen to symbolize her restarting her life from the point it went wrong.}}
* [[Innocent Prodigy]]: Despite her intelligence, she is still an eleven-year-old girl with a sheltered upbringing.
* {{spoiler|[[Mad Scientist's Beautiful Daughter]]: But in here the mad scientist is her mother.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Mad Scientist]]: Later on she develops to become a mad, or at least very eccentric, scientist in her own right.}}
* [[Mixed Metaphor]]: When she tries to sound all lofty and adult.
* [[Multiethnic Name]]: Sieglinde is very German while Sullivan is Irish.
* {{spoiler|[[Omnidisciplinary Scientist]]: Chemistry, medicine, and robotics are among her known fields of expertise. She learns extremely fast, so if she doesn't yet know a discipline, she can master it in short order.}}
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]: Her dress may not belong to any consistent style, but it sure has a lot of expensive detail.
* [[Suddenly Bilingual]]: So when ''did'' she learn English?
* [[Training from Hell]]: {{spoiler|When Sebastian has a week to teach her how to act like a lady.}}

=== Wolfram Geltzer ===
== [[Queen Vicky|Queen Victoria]] ==
{{quote| Voiced by Ayako Kawasumi (JP), (young) Alexis Tipton (ENG) and (old) Bridgett Dahl (ENG)}}

Sieglinde's butler. He is very protective of her.
''"ALLLBEERTT!! I wish you were here today too!!!"''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}

* [[Battle Butler]]: Far more "battle" than "butler", which isn't surprising considering that he {{spoiler|had been raised to be a soldier from childhood and had never known another kind of life.}}
* [[Affectionate Nickname]]: She enjoys calling Ciel "boy", much to his embarrassment.
* [[Cool Old Lady]]: In the manga.
* [[Dynamic Entry]]: In the manga, she arrived at {{spoiler|the curry cooking competition}} on horseback.
* [[Friend to All Children]]: She has a particular soft spot towards children, calling them "the future".
* [[Historical In-Joke]]: In the manga, Queen Victoria has the occasional fit of tears that can be only alleviated by a servant (John Brown) with a Prince Albert puppet.
* [[Widow Woman]]
* {{spoiler|[[Yandere]]}}: In the anime.

== Anime-Only Characters ==
== Angela Blanc/{{spoiler|Ash Landers}} ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Akiko Yajima]]/{{spoiler|[[Satoshi Hino]]}} (JP) and [[Colleen Clinkenbeard]]/{{spoiler|[[Chuck Huber]]}} (ENG)}}

* {{spoiler|[[All Women Are Lustful]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Angelic Beauty]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Battle Butler]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Cool Sword]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Angel]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Gender Bender]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Holier Than Thou]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Knight Templar]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Kill It with Fire]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Light Is Not Good]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Man Behind the Man]]}}
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Blanc is French for white. {{spoiler|Nice name for someone obsessed by purity.}}
* [[Meido]]
* {{spoiler|[[Moral Myopia]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Our Angels Are Different]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Perpetual Molt]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Feather Flechettes]]}}
* [[Purple Eyes]]
* {{spoiler|[[Retconjuration]]: Comes with being an angel.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Whip It Good]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
* {{spoiler|[[Winged Humanoid]]}}
* [[Woman in White]]: Occasionally.
* {{spoiler|[[Wounded Gazelle Gambit]]}}

== Pluto ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Takafumi Yamaguchi]] (JP) and Z. Charles Bolton (ENG)}}
* [[Big Friendly Dog]]: In a manner of speaking.
* {{spoiler|[[The Brute]]: Pluto is this To Ash/Angela. }}
* [[Dogs Are Dumb]]
* [[Hell Hound]]: Seems like the Hunter type.
* [[Innocent Fanservice Boy]]
* [[Naked on Arrival]]
* [[Playing with Fire]]: {{spoiler|Especially when commanded by Ash/Angela.}}
* [[They Have the Scent]]: Used to {{spoiler|track Lizzie when Drocell had her.}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]

== Alois Trancy ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Nana Mizuki]] (JP) and [[Luci Christian]] (ENG)}}

"''They should all die! All of them! Everything, completely annihilated!''"

* [[A Boy and His X]]: A boy and his demon butler.
* [[Agent Peacock]]: Dangerous and camp.
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: The only thing keeping it ambiguous is... nothing, actually. He rivals Grell himself in terms of overall flirtatious camp. Much [[Depraved Homosexual|creepier]], though.
** Not very ambiguous at all anymore, after the scenes in episode 5 of season 2 when {{spoiler|he licked Ciel's ear, then later on told him that he "wanted him"}}. Or how in episode 8 he practically confessed his love to Claude and tells Claude in episode 11 "I wanted your love."
** His overly-sexualized behavior could be a mirror to Ciel's own [[Hates Being Touched]] and, like Ciel, is a result of his abuse.
* [[Animal Motifs]]: Apparently the Trancy clan has been long associated with spiders, and Alois himself has had quite a few [[What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic]] scenes with spiders and webs.
** His contract mark even looks a bit like a spiderweb.
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]
* [[Ax Crazy]]: [[Eye Scream|Oh dear, was that your eye?]] That's what you get for... [[Disproportionate Retribution|looking at me?]]
** His behavior/actions in general are rather [[Ax Crazy]].
* [[Badass Adorable]]
* [[Bishonen]]: Being a year older than Ciel, he could qualify for either trope.
* {{spoiler|[[Bodyguard Betrayal]]: In episode 8, Claude betrays him.}}
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]
* [[Bodyguard Crush]]
* [[The Champion]]: For Sieglinde.
* [[Break the Cutie]]
* [[Conflicting Loyalty]]: Between Sieglinde and {{spoiler|the German army.}}
* [[Blond Guys Are Evil]]
** {{spoiler|He ends up choosing Sieglinde.}}
* [[Blue Eyes]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]
* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: By this point it is pretty obvious he is [[Ho Yay|in love with Claude]]. However, even right before {{spoiler|Claude kills him}}, he still never directly says that he loves him.
* [[Death Glare]]: Frequently. Most often aimed at Sebastian.
** {{spoiler|Averted in episode 11.}}
* [[Green-Eyed Monster]]: He quickly develops a jealously for Sebastian's vastly superior butler skills.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Hotblooded Sideburns]]
* [[Creepy Child]]: Much more so than Ciel.
* {{spoiler|[[Lima Syndrome]]: He was supposed to watch over Sieglinde and kill her if necessary.}}
* [[Cute and Psycho]]: And holy goddamned shit HOW!
* [[National Stereotypes]]: His cooking style takes German precision much too far. Sebastian is annoyed.
** Possibly [[Yandere]] for Claude - see [[Love Makes You Evil]].
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: {{spoiler|His whole village was killed, including the only person he cared about at the time (Luca, who supposedly was his brother, although it is unknown whether they were blood-related or not). He was then taken and used as a sex slave for the head of the Trancy manor. Then he met Claude.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Little Sister]]: Brother, actually, and the driving force behind Alois' autophobia.}}
* [[Deal with the Devil]]: With Claude. {{spoiler|It doesn't end well [[Dying Alone|for Alois]]}}.
** And again with {{spoiler|Hannah.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Decoy Protagonist]]}}
* [[Depraved Homosexual]]: {{spoiler|[[Rape and Switch]], possibly.}}
* [[Desperately Craves Affection]]
* [[Doomed Hometown]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dying Alone]]: Even more of a [[Tear Jerker]] due to the fact that it was Claude, the only person he seemed to care about, who killed him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Et Tu, Brute?]]: At the end of episode 8, Claude offs him before their contract was even complete. Then again, the fact that he didn't save him from getting stabbed by Ciel earlier could also fit this trope.}}
* [[Evil Brit]]: This takes place ''in'' Britain after all.
* [[Expy]]: Ladies and Gentlemen, [[Garden of Sinners|Lio Shirazumi's]] ''equally'' [[Ax Crazy|depraved]] '''[[In the Blood|14-year old son!]]''' I mean, think about it. These two [[Blond Guys Are Evil|look rather similar, blonde hair and all]], they [[Villainous Crossdresser|crossdress]], and have... disturbing fetishes... with Shiki Ryougi/Ciel Phantomhive to the point where they even start licking them and [[Not So Different|comparing themselves to them]]. And they threaten their [[Morality Pet]] loved ones (Mikiya Kokutou/Elizabeth Midford) and practically have horrid backstories that [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds|make you feel bad for them]] [[Moral Event Horizon|until...]]
** If you subtrackt the licking, Lio and Alois may both be expies of [[Monster|Johan Liebert]].
* [[Eye Scream]]: Performed on an undeserving maid. ''With his fingers.'' To [[Love Makes You Evil|impress Claude]], apparently.
* [[Foil]]: Of Ciel.
* {{spoiler|[[Forgiveness]]: It's implied that he was able to forgive Claude that the latter killed him, as Hannah mentioned that she, Claude, Alois and Luca can all be together in nirvana.}}
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: {{spoiler|His foster family died in front of him, from unknown supernatural means, including his adoptive brother and only friend. When he was delivered back to his father after a life of what could be equated to slavery, [[Abusive Parents|the man raped and beat him.]]}}
** {{spoiler|So it seems. However, in episode 8, his true backstory is revealed: he is really an orphan named Jim Macken. In his childhood, he and his younger brother Luca got by as thieves. After all the people in his village mysteriously died (including Luca), he was sent to the Trancy household to be a sex slave. This is where he formed a contract with Claude, and inherited the Trancy household fortune by using Claude to off old man Trancy and declaring himself heir.}}
* [[I Just Want to Be Loved]]: An [[Love Makes You Evil|evil]] variation. It gets so bad that eventually he doesn't care whether it's Claude, and {{spoiler|sells his soul to Hannah instead}} because {{spoiler|she}} was pretty much the ''first'' person since Luca to earnestly say "I love you".
* [[I Owe You My Life]]: Subverted. {{spoiler|He ''would'' owe Claude his life, in a very literal sense (as with Ciel towards Sebastian), except that Claude killed him in episode 8. However, [[Death Is Cheap|he came back to life]] in episode 10, but it is unclear if he still has a contract with Claude, and therefore it is also unclear if he still owes him his life.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Kill the Cutie]]}}
* [[Leitmotif]]: The Slightly Chipped Full Moon and its variations.
* [[Love Makes You Evil]]: [[Eye Scream|Poking out Hannah's eye]] [[Squick|impress]] [[Ho Yay|Claude]], apparently.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Naked on Arrival]]
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]
* [[Nouveau Riche]]: He flaunts his money and doesn't rally seem to care, as seen by the first episode when he tosses bills and bills of money down to his "uncle".
* [[Please Don't Leave Me]]: {{spoiler|Performed on Claude. Claude still killed him.}}
* [[Rags to Riches]]
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Red Oni to Claude's Blue Oni. Can also be considered the Red Oni to Ciel's Blue Oni.
* [[Royal Brat]]
* {{spoiler|[[Secret Identity]]: Jim Macken}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Sex Slave]]: Used to be one to the late Earl Trancy.}}
* [[Sissy Villain]]
* [[Stepford Smiler]]: Type C.
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: When partnered with Claude.
* {{spoiler|[[Together in Death]]: He, Luca, Claude, and Hannah. Somehow.}}
* [[Troubled but Cute]]
* [[Troubling Unchildlike Behavior]]
* [[Villainous Crossdresser]]: Did this at one point to taunt Ciel
* [[Villainous Fashion Sense]]
* [[Who Wears Short Shorts?]]: His "Booty Shorts" have pretty much reached memetic status by now.
* [[Yandere]]: [[Ho Yay|For Claude]] after [[Character Development]].
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: Grade A.

== Claude Faustus ==
== Reapers ==
A description of the character goes here.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
{{quote| Voiced by [[Takahiro Sakurai]] (JP) and Jason Douglas (ENG)}}
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]: A death scythe can cut through anything! {{spoiler|[[Like Cannot Cut Like|Except another death scythe]].}}
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: For some reason technology and culture in the shinigami world is somewhere around 70 years more advanced than in the human world.
* [[Badass in a Nice Suit]]: Apparently there is a dress code.
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: All the reapers are ''ridiculously'' near-sighted.
* [[Celestial Bureaucracy]]: Very much like a mid-20th Century human bureaucracy.
* [[Green Eyes]]: To be exact, eyes of a very specific shade of chartreuse, with double-ringed irises.
* [[Healing Factor]]
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: Used for the death scythes.
* [[Improbable Weapon]]: The death scythes. Likely back in the day they were all scythes, but nowadays any gardening tool seems to be scythe enough.
* [[In a Single Bound]]
* [[Perception Filter]]: Explains how the reapers can do their job without everyone noticing.
* [[Shinigami]]
* [[Specs of Awesome]]: All reapers wear glasses. {{spoiler|Only deserters don't.}}
* [[Villain Teleportation]]
=== William T. Spears ===
"''If you interfere, I'll reap you.''"

A shinigami with a cold, business-like manner. He is a department head and Grell and Ronald's boss. He doesn't like it when he has to do field work because of the chronic lack of staff. He seems to have no sense of humor whatsoever and takes his work very seriously.
"''Passion to calm, hesitation to resolve, love to gravestones. That is the Trancy butler.''"

His death scythe is a pruning pole.
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Cool Sword]]: The Demon Sword Laevatein, which he stores [[Body Horror|inside Hannah]].
* [[Adjusting Your Glasses]]: All the time, usually with the pointy end of his death scythe.
* {{spoiler|[[Decoy Protagonist]]}}
* [[The Comically Serious]]
* [[Demi Human]]: Like Sebastian, in his human form he has [[Cute Little Fangs]]. Also, his eyes are yellow/gold.
* [[Fantastic Racism]]: He really hates demons and makes his opinion known.
* [[Dragon with an Agenda]]: He doesn't care about fulfilling Alois's goals; he just wants [[Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious|Ciel's soul]].
* [[Evil Brit]]: If he can count as one.
* [[Improbable Weapon]]: A pruning pole.
* [[Jerkass]]: The manner in which he treats his fellow reapers leaves something to be desired.
* [[Eyes of Gold]]
* [[Mean Boss]]: There is nothing redeemable about a boss who stomps on the faces of his lowerclassmen.
** Though sometimes they glow [[Red Eyes, Take Warning|red]].
* [[Fangs Are Evil]]
* [[Mysterious Middle Initial]]
* [[Only Sane Man]]: Among the Shinigami, though he is quite quirky...
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]: The only time we ever see him laugh (or even smile, at that) is in the Ciel in Wonderland OVA. Theoretically, you'd think it to be a charming moment, [[Nightmare Fuel|but...]]
* [[The Glasses Come Off]]
* [[Romanticized Abuse]]: The more William beats Grell up the more the [[Fan Girl|fangirls]] [[Squee]]. Grell apparently fell in love with William because of the abuse.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: "Yes, [[Actor Allusion|your highness]]."
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]: Played for intimidation, mostly when Grell is involved.
* [[Hellish Pupils]]: Occasionally.
* [[Serious Business]]
* [[Jerkass|Jackass]] [[Battle Butler|Butler]]
** Taken [[Up to Eleven]] with his behavior towards Hannah in the Trancy OVA.
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Mind Rape]]: After he {{spoiler|killed Alois}}, Claude abducted Ciel, drugged him, practically drowned him, and overall completely screwed with his mental state to the point of semi-hypnotism to accomplish his goals.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Claude '''[[Faust|Faustus]]'''.
* {{spoiler|[[The Oathbreaker]]: Sorry, Alois.}}
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]]: He's got a real talent for crocheting, as episode 9 of the season 2 shows. Though that may be playing with the fact that he's a {{spoiler|[[Animal Motifs|spider]] demon}}.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The Blue Oni to Alois's Red Oni.
* [[Stoic Spectacles]]
* [[Stoic Spectacles]]
* [[Surrounded by Idiots]]
* [[The Un-Smile]]: He smiles at the beginning of episode 8, [[Squick|shocking and disgusting]] Alois.
* [[Tall, Dark and Handsome]]
* [[Those Two Bad Guys]]: When partnered with Alois.
* [[Tall, Dark and Snarky]]

== Hannah Annafellows ==
=== Grell Sutcliffe ===
"''Even if I'm like this, I'm still the butler of death!''"
{{quote| Voiced by [[Aya Hirano]] (JP) and [[Caitlin Glass]] (ENG)}}

We first meet him as Madam Red's shy, incompetent butler but he turns out to be simultaneously much darker and more flamboyant than he first seems. {{spoiler|He was one half of Jack the Ripper.}} He has huge crushes on Sebastian and William.
* [[Absolute Cleavage]]
* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Ambiguously Brown]]
* [[Bag of Holding]]/[[Hyperspace Arsenal]] : She ''IS'' one.
* [[Barehanded Blade Block]]: {{spoiler|Against a freaking ''chainsaw'', no less. [[Justified Trope|Justified]] by the fact that she's a demon.}}
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]: {{spoiler|one of the two reasons she becomes attached to Luka. Hannah notes that he was genuinely excited that she appeared to him to grant his wish and that, [[Your Soul Is Mine|upon his death]], he was the first soul to have ever expressed gratitude towards her for granting their wish.}} {{spoiler|[[Tears From a Stone|She was mournful in his death.]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Benevolent Boss]]}}: {{spoiler|It is revealed in "Crossroads Butler" that the triplets actually serve Hannah when we see them groom her and assist her burning down Luka's and Alois' village in a flashback. In "Spider's Intentions", she is shown treating them gently, placing flowers in their hair, with the triplets seeming quite fond of her preferring her over Claude.}}
* [[Body Horror]]: {{spoiler|In episode 10, she opens her mouth disgustingly wide to give Ciel a look at Alois' eye that she stole, which stares back at him from seemingly an abyss inside her.}}
* [[Butt Monkey]]
* [[Clothing Damage]]: A lot.
* [[Expy]]: Arguably, {{spoiler|of Angela. Both have white hair, look vulnerable at first, are actually stronger than they look and very manipulative and have crossed the limits of their own species (one is a [[Fallen Angel]] and the other is a demon with feelings).}}
* [[Eye Scream]]: The unfortunate(?) victim.
** Then she redirects it by {{spoiler|swallowing Alois's eye and keeping it in the back of her mouth so his soul can use it to take over Ciel's body.}}
* [[Fan Service]]: Although to some, with the amount of [[Gorn|eroguro]] that she becomes involved with, it could be [[Fan Disservice]].
* [[Girl with Psycho Weapon]]: Even worse than the giant gun she keeps [[Trouser Space|hidden somewhere]] is the [[Visual Innuendo|massive sword]] she keeps literally [[Nightmare Fuel|inside her]].
* [[Go-Go Enslavement]]
* [[Love Martyr]]: {{spoiler|It pays off in the end though.}}
* [[Mad Love]]: For Alois. No matter how much he hurts her, she wouldn't think of leaving him, since {{spoiler|she absorbed Luca's love for him.}}
* [[Ninja Maid]]
* [[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: While we were all busy feeling sorry for the poor girl with one eye, she went and [[Out-Gambitted]] everybody in the show by {{spoiler|having Alois' soul take over Ciel's body. Then she took both Ciel's and Alois's souls, forcing Sebastian and Claude into a duel over the former's, before making Ciel into a demon so that they both lose anyway.}}
* [[The Reveal]]: {{spoiler|Hannah was the one who made the contract that took Luca's soul, and she came to serve him alongside Claude because she and Luca both wanted to be near Alois.}}
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Depending on the subs, it's either "Anafeloz" or "Annafellows".
* {{spoiler|[[Tears From a Stone]]: Demons aren't exactly emotionless but you do not make one [[Cry Cute|cry easily.]]}}
* [[Trouser Space]]: Where she seems to store a... [[Squick|rather large machine gun]].
* [[What Is This Thing You Call Love?]]: {{spoiler|Hannah was a typical, uncaring demon until she was summoned by Luca. His naivety and selfless reason for selling his soul shook her immensely, to the point where she became Alois's servant just to be close to him for Luca's soul.}}
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
* [[You Gotta Have Blue Hair]]
* {{spoiler|[[Your Soul Is Mine]]: In the end, SHE ends up with Luca AND Alois' souls. [[Together in Death|They're pleased.]]}}
== Thompson, Timber, and Canturbury ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Kenichi Suzumura]] (JP) and Scott Freeman (ENG)}}

His death scythe is a chainsaw.
''"None of your business."''<br />''"My cowlick spins to the left."''<br />''"My cowlick spins to the right."''
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: All the guys he seems to like. Ronald apparently isn't cruel enough. It's possible to be too much of a bad boy for Grell though, as seen in the case of {{spoiler|Undertaker in the manga.}}
* [[Ambiguous Gender]]: There's still discussion among fans on whether or not he's transgender or just flamboyant gay. The [[Word of God]] is that he's gay.
* [[Badass Long Hair]] / [[Badass Longcoat]]: {{spoiler|The long coat in question being the coat he took from Madam Red as she died.}}
* [[Camp Gay]]: Though it's heavily implied that he was romantically involved with Madam Red...
* {{spoiler|[[Chainsaw Good]]: Yes, in Victorian Era England.}}
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]: This seems to be a popular trope for the characters of this series, but now Grell can especially fit it, seeing as how he's portraying the Cheshire Cat in the Alice In Wonderland-inspired OVA.
* {{spoiler|[[Combat Sadomasochist]]}}
* [[Combat Stilettos]]: He wears women's boots.
* [[Depraved Bisexual]]: He actually ''did'' fall in love with Madam Red, so he could be considered bisexual.
** He could be pansexual. It seems he just likes cruel people.
* [[Drag Queen]]
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Is Stylish]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Evil Redhead]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fangs Are Evil]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Friendly Enemy]]: When it comes to Sebastian in the anime. Although apparently Grell thinks it's more complicated than that.}}
* {{spoiler|[[In Love with Your Carnage]]: This was likely the reason he fell in love with Madam Red and Sebastian in the first place.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Interplay of Sex and Violence]]: With Sebastian, and William in the Shinigami OVA.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Jack the Ripper]]: He is one half of "Jack The Ripper", being Madam Red's accomplice in murdering the prostitutes.}}
* [[Jerkass Dissonance]]: Most fans seem to completely ignore his ruthless and sadistic streak and tend to portray him as something ''completely'' different.
* [[Long Hair Is Feminine]]
* [[Love At First Punch]]: Sebastian. (And Will too, for this one. It seems he likes them both for the cold shoulders they give him. And the bruises.)
* [[Mad Love]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/Partially [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: He shares a surname with {{spoiler|the original [[Jack the Ripoff]].}}
* [[Rapunzel Hair]]
** {{spoiler|[[Slasher Smile]]}}
* [[Transgender]]: The fandom debate is heated and endless.
* [[Trans Equals Gay]]: The source of much confusion and disagreement.
* {{spoiler|[[Weapon of Choice]]: The chainsaw he uses as his Death Scythe... even though it gets taken away in the anime and replaced with scissors. As a result, he is mostly reduced to [[Plucky Comic Relief|comic relief]] since. He gets it back in season 2, though.}}

=== Ronald Knox ===
* [[Buxom Is Better]]: In their opinions, anyway.
* [[Cute Mute|Cute Mutes]]
"''From the start, I've never been one to do overtime.''"
* [[He Who Must Not Be Heard]]: Until the OVA, when Alois demands that they speak up.
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Theme Naming]]: English writers, it seems.

The youngest and least experienced shinigami in the London Dispatch that we have seen. He is laid-back and likes to flirt with women.
== Luca Macken ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Marina Inoue]] (JP) and Lindsay Seidel (ENG)}}

His death scythe is a lawn mower.
"''{{spoiler|I made a contract with a demon}}!''"
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Chivalrous Pervert]]
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]
* [[Handsome Lech]]
* [[Idiot Hair]]
* [[Multicolored Hair]]
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: Ronald Knox was an author of murder mysteries.
* [[Reckless Sidekick]]: He jumps headfirst into a fight between Sebastian and William... [[Leeroy Jenkins|and ends up almost hitting both of them.]]
* [[Share Phrase]]: Attempted in the anime, when he tries to use a variant on Grell's [[Catch Phrase]]. It doesn't work too well.
* [[Shout Out]]: His use of the lawn mower is reminiscent of the movie ''[[Braindead]]''.

== Noah's Ark Circus ==
* {{spoiler|[[Ambiguous Innocence]]: Between [[Parental Abandonment|dead parents]] and [[I Did What I Had to Do|needing to steal to live]], Luca apparently never realized that, well... ''summoning demons to kill people is wrong''.}}
A description of the character goes here.
** {{spoiler|Also, in [[OVA|Spider's Intention]], there was a moment where Luka was showing Hannah the swing where he and his brother regularly swung from, and [[Big Brother Worship|telling her how amazing he is at it.]] While telling her, he sees two boys, presumably the two who harrassed him in the main season play on the swingset [[Ambiguous Innocence|prompting him to ask if they'll be annihilated along with the village later on]]}}.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Big Brother Worship]]: Adores his brother Jim.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: All the first tier circus members have this.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]: Or in his case, Little Brother Instinct. {{spoiler|He summons Hannah for the sake of Jim}}.
** {{spoiler|This also serves as the second reason Hannah becomes attached to Luka}}.
* [[Cheerful Child]]
* [[Children Are Innocent]]: One of the series' [[Crapsack World|few]] emotionally innocent children.
* [[Creepy Child]]: {{spoiler|Being rather pleased that your [[Deal with the Devil]] killed a village is weird.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Deal with the Devil]]: He was the one who summoned Hannah.}}
* [[Death by Falling Over]]: As far as Jim knows.
* {{spoiler|[[Go Out with a Smile]]: Hannah reminisces that he was the first person who had ever been genuinely '''HAPPY''' to see her.}}
* [[Keet]]
* [[Meaningful Echo]]: {{spoiler|"Yes, your highness."}}
* {{spoiler|[[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: He remains an innocent child until the end, but that causes [[Fridge Logic|one to wonder]] just how he contracted Hannah}}.

== Drocell Keinz ==
{{quote| Voiced by [[Anri Katsu]] (JP) and [[Sonny Strait]] (ENG)}}

"''Therefore, I reason for a superior present to be given to a very dear person, the most suitable thing would be your very self.''"

* [[Affably Evil]]
* [[Creepy Doll]]
* [[Evil Redhead]]
* [[Ironic Nursery Tune]]: He changes the lyrics in ''My Fair Lady'', more commonly known as ''London Bridge Is Falling Down'', to {{spoiler|whatever he plans to use in the creation of their doll. It also controls the dolls he's already made.}}
** {{spoiler|This is actually based on a longer version of the song, in which the bridge is rebuilt with the different materials he uses for dolls, but they all fail to stay up somehow}}
* {{spoiler|[[Perverse Puppet]]: He makes dolls based on real people and uses them to fight. He also happens to be one himself.}}
* [[Marionette Master]]
* [[Purple Eyes]]
* [[Razor Floss]]: [[Off with His Head|Deals]] with someone with this.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Drocell's devotion to his master is absolute, even {{spoiler|when Sebastian splits his head open and spills the straw filling his head. He still gets up to report on the intruders and his own failure before collapsing dead.}}
** Sebastian: "Perhapse I judged him too hastily. He may well be, one hell of a butler."


== Matilda Simmons ==

{{quote| Voiced by: Ao Takahashi (JP), Leah Clark (EN)}}

* {{spoiler|[[It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It]]}}
* [[Nun-Too-Holy]]: Though not exactly by choice.


== Manga-Only Characters ==
== Freckles/{{spoiler:Doll}} ==
"''There's a long life o' circus ahead o' you!''"

* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: When {{spoiler|she finds out that Ciel and Sebastian were the ones who killed the circus crew, she}} immediately tries to attack them.
* [[Berserker Tears]]: When {{spoiler|she tries to attack Ciel and Sebastian}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Bifauxnen]]: Freckles and Doll are the same person}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Cutie]]: When Ciel tells her that he killed the rest of the circus crew}}.
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: It hints that all of the circus members have this.
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]}}: Towards Ciel.
* [[Keet]]{{spoiler|: Actually, a [[Genki Girl]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Kill the Cutie]]: After she found out that Ciel and Sebastian had killed the rest of the circus crew, she tried to attack them}}. [[Tear Jerker|The attempt failed]].
* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Evil]]}}: Love for {{spoiler|her "father" and siblings causes her to follow his orders and kidnap children in order for their bones to be used for prosthetic limbs}}. Most of the other circus crew members do this as well.
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Stage Names]]: All the characters. Just not very imaginative names.
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]: {{spoiler|Covers the part of her face which is deformed, mainly her eye}}.
* {{spoiler|[[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Doll is incredibly elegant.}}
=== Joker ===
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: {{spoiler|Her reaction when she found out that it was Ciel and Sebastian who had killed the rest of the circus crew}}.
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]

== Joker ==
"''We decided to protect our most precious thing. For that, we will do anything.''"
"''We decided to protect our most precious thing. For that, we will do anything.''"

The ringmaster at Noah's Ark Circus. He has a prosthetic skeletal arm.
* {{spoiler|[[Above Good and Evil]]: He didn't care what he had to do, as long as he thought it would save the other children.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: Beast seems to feel differently about Joker than he does about her.
* [[All Love Is Unrequited]]: Beast seems to feel differently about Joker than he does about her.
* {{spoiler|[[An Arm and a Leg]]: Is implied in the manga.}}
{{quote| ''"If I still had my right arm, I'd let you on my back, but…"''}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: His arm. {{spoiler|[[Squick|Made of children's bones]]}}.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: His arm.
* [[Beneath the Mask]]: Has two of these- the goofball, and the stoic.
* [[Beneath the Mask]]: Has two of these- the goofball, and the stoic.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: With Beast(seemingly one-sided on her part), although they're [[Not Blood Siblings|not actually related]].
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
* [[Cute Little Fangs]]
* {{spoiler|[[Dirty Business]]: He really didn't like it when he had to take part in murdering children for entertainment.}}
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: It hints that all of the circus members have this.
* [[Distinctive Appearances|Distinctive Appearance]]
* [[Evil Redhead]]: Even though he wasn't really evil.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: Subverted, as he only acts outgoing to the general public.
* [[Flaw Exploitation]]: Applied by Baron Kelvin.
* [[Freaky Is Cool]]: The way the circus group sees each other versus the rest of the world.
* [[Friend to All Children]]: Seems to behave this way, for good reason.
* [[Guyliner]]
* [[Guyliner]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]
* [[Important Hair Accessory]]: He didn't have clips before.
* [[I Owe You My Life]]
* [[I Owe You My Life]]
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Evil]]}}
* [[More Than Meets the Eye]]
* [[Multicolored Hair]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Perma Shave]]: Doesn't seem to have stubble in the morning.
* [[Purple Eyes]]
* [[Purple Eyes]]
* [[Red Right Hand]]: His right hand is a skeletal-looking prosthetic.
* [[Real Joke Name]]: Quite literally.
* [[Red Right Hand]]: Although technically he wasn't evil.
* [[Son of a Whore]]: His mother was a prostitute.
* {{spoiler|[[Son of a Whore]]: His mother was a prostitute.}}
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: {{spoiler|Less towards the Baron than the other children.}}
* [[Stage Names]]
* [[The Chains of Commanding]]: Is responsible for what his troupe does, and doesn't do.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: Less towards the Baron than the other children.
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]

== Beast ==
=== Beast ===
"''Yes, we are all father's possessions.''"
"''Yes, we are all father's possessions.''"

The beast tamer at Noah's Ark Circus who performs with a tiger named Betty. She wears a black leather corset, a miniskirt, and fishnet stockings and wields a whip. She has a prosthetic leg. She is more sensitive on the inside than she seems and is in one-sided love with Joker. According to the anime, her real name is Mally.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* {{spoiler|[[Action Girl]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Action Girl]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Her leg. {{spoiler|[[Squick|Made of children's bones]]}}.
* [[Artificial Limbs]]: Her leg.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: With Joker, although they're [[Not Blood Siblings|not actually related]]. Also, Dagger has a crush on her.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: With Joker, although they're [[Not Blood Siblings|not actually related]]. Also, Dagger has a crush on her.
* [[Cool Big Sis]]
* [[Cool Big Sis]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: It hints that all of the circus members have this.
* [[Dangerously-Short Skirt]]: In Victorian England. It helps that she's a circus performer.
* {{spoiler|[[Love Makes You Evil]]}}
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Of the Circus arc.
* [[Ms. Fanservice]]: Of the Circus arc.
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]]
* [[Of Corsets Sexy]] She likes to wear black leather corsets.
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Princess Curls]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[She's Got Legs]]: One natural, one artificial, both on display.
* [[Whip It Good]]
* [[Tsundere]]
* [[Whip It Good]]: She carries a whip and is not afraid to use it.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]

== Dagger ==
=== Dagger ===
"''More important than the tent is sis's purity!''"
"''More important than the tent is sis's purity!''"

The knife thrower at Noah's Ark Circus. He has a prosthetic foot. He is in one-sided love with Beast.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: He has a crush on Beast. Although, they're most likely actually [[Not Blood Siblings]].
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: He has a crush on Beast. The first-tier circus members call each other brothers and sisters, but based on the characters' old looks from a flashback, before curler irons and hair dye, it is likely that Beast and Dagger really are biological siblings.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Touching his big sis seems to have this effect.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Touching his big sis seems to have this effect.
* {{spoiler|[[Chronic Hero Syndrome]]: Seems to have this ending.}}
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: It hints that all of the circus members have this.
* [[Flaw Exploitation]]: Seems to be applied by Baron Kelvin.
* [[Guyliner]]
* [[Guyliner]]
* {{spoiler|[[Heroic Sacrifice]]: For Beast's sake.}}
* [[Keet]]
* {{spoiler|[[Kill the Cutie]]: Semi-subverted considering he died due to a protagonist.}}
* [[Knife Nut]]
* [[Knife Nut]]
* [[Multicolored Hair]]: Thanks to bleach.
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Only One Name]]
* {{spoiler|[[Taking the Bullet]]: In this case the entire bullet capacity of a heavy machine gun, though most of that ended up sprayed harmlessly on the walls.. It is a miracle he survived long enough to have brief last words.}}
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Skilled but Naive]]
* [[Undying Loyalty]]

=== "Freckles"/{{spoiler|Doll}} ===
"''There's a long life o' circus ahead o' you!''"

A friendly and sociable circus member who gets to share a tent with Ciel. {{spoiler|She looks like a boy in her normal clothes, but with pretty clothes and makeup transforms into the elegant tightrope walker, Doll. She is one of the first-tier circus members and develops a crush on Ciel. The hair in front of her left eye hides an empty eye socket and a horrible burn scar.}}
== Snake ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* {{spoiler|[[Anti-Villain]]}}
* [[Berserk Button]]: When {{spoiler|she finds out that Ciel and Sebastian were the ones who killed the circus crew, she}} immediately tries to attack them.
* [[Berserker Tears]]: When {{spoiler|she tries to attack Ciel and Sebastian}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Bifauxnen]]: Freckles and Doll are the same person}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Cutie]]: When Ciel tells her that he killed the rest of the circus crew}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Dropped a Bridget On Him]]}}: Towards Ciel.
* {{spoiler|[[Kill the Cutie]]: After she found out that Ciel and Sebastian had killed the rest of the circus crew, she tried to attack them}}. [[Tear Jerker|The attempt failed]].
* [[Peek-a-Bangs]]: {{spoiler|Covers the part of her face which is deformed, mainly her eye}}.
* {{spoiler|[[She Cleans Up Nicely]]: Doll is incredibly elegant.}}
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: {{spoiler|Her reaction when she found out that it was Ciel and Sebastian who had killed the rest of the circus crew}}.
* [[Youthful Freckles]]

=== Snake ===
"''I'm sorry for my carelessness that could have sent you to the next world.''"
"''I'm sorry for my carelessness that could have sent you to the next world.''"

The snake charmer at Noah's Ark Circus. He has yellow snake eyes and a skin covered with small, white scales. He has numerous pet snakes and can communicate with them. He later joins Ciel's staff at Phantomhive Manor.
* [[Animal Theme Naming]]: His name is Snake... you know, [[Captain Obvious|since he's half snake]].
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Adorable]]
* [[Animal Theme Naming]]: His name is Snake... you know, because he looks like he's half snake.
* [[Animal Eyes]]: Yellow snake eyes with vertical pupils.
* [[The Beast Master]]: With snakes, of which he has quite a collection.
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]
* [[Because You Were Nice to Me]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: He had been displayed as a circus freak.
* [[Belated Backstory]]
* {{spoiler|[[Beneath the Mask]]: Begins to slip off the mask upon reappearance.}}
* [[Dandere]]
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]]: It hints that all of the circus members have this.
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]
* [[Dull Eyes of Unhappiness]]
* [[Eyes of Gold]]: With a hint of green.
* [[Expressive Hair]]
* [[Flaw Exploitation]]
* [[Friendless Background]]
* [[Frozen Face]]
* [[Green Eyes]]: With a hint of gold.
* [[Half-Human Hybrid]]
* [[Hellish Pupils]]
* [[Hellish Pupils]]
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]
* [[I Am a Monster]]
* [[I Am What I Am]]
* [[Idiot Hair]]
* [[Idiot Hair]]
* [[Kuudere]]
* [[I Just Want to Have Friends]]
* [[I Owe You My Life]]
* {{spoiler|[[Morality Pet]]: Seems to be becoming another one of these for Ciel.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Morality Pet]]: Seems to be becoming another one of these for Ciel.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Murder by Mistake]]: He was aiming at Ciel when he killed Patrick Phelps.}}
* [[Mysterious Past]]
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: Snake's snakes are named Emily, Bronte, Oscar, Wilde, Keats, Wordsworth, Webster, and so on.
* [[Never Got to Say Goodbye]]
* [[The Nose Knows]]: The explanation for his tracking ability.
* [[Not So Stoic]]
* [[Scarily Competent Tracker]]: He can track someone by smell through ''Victorian London''.
* [[Only One Name]]
* [[Super Senses]]: Smell and tremorsense, the snake specialties.
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
* [[Perpetual Frowner]]
* [[Put on a Bus]]: After the Circus arc, he was left behind none the wiser. He [[The Bus Came Back|returned near the end of the Murder Mystery arc]] {{spoiler|to look for his friends by questioning Ciel and Sebastian. He joins Ciel's staff in the meantime.}}
* [[Scarily Competent Tracker]]: When you consider just how much time seemingly passed since the circus arc.
* [[Survivor Guilt]]
* [[Sugar and Ice Personality]]
* [[The Beast Master]]
* [[Theme Naming]]: His snakes' names, all named after authors.
* [[Troubled Child]]
* [[Unable to Cry]]
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Every time he speaks, whether it's for one sentence or a longer exposition, he always adds on "...says (fill in name of one of his snakes)". It's unclear whether he really is just a mouthpiece for the snakes, or whether he's so self-effacing that he disguises his own opinions and observations in this way.
* [[Verbal Tic]]: Every time he speaks, whether it's for one sentence or a longer exposition, he always adds on "...says (fill in name of one of his snakes)". It's unclear whether he really is just a mouthpiece for the snakes, or whether he's so self-effacing that he disguises his own opinions and observations in this way.
* [[Weaksauce Weakness]]: {{spoiler|A snake-charming flute.}}
* [[Wall Glower]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]

== Baron Kelvin ==
=== Doctor ===
"''Special people can only be touched by other special people.''"
''"Isn't it the best recycling scheme you can think of?"''

The doctor at Noah's Ark Circus. He, himself in a wheelchair, makes the wonderful [[Artificial Limbs]] that many of the first-tier performers use.
* [[Bandaged Face]]
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Complete Monster]]: His lack of redeeming traits is quite remarkable.
* {{spoiler|[[Faux Affably Evil]]}}
* [[Gonk]]: Fully aware of this after his second meeting with the Phantomhive household.
* {{spoiler|[[Mad Doctor]]}}
* [[Lolicon]]: He likes little girls too.
* {{spoiler|[[Morally-Ambiguous Doctorate]]: It's unknown if he actually has a doctorate from anywhere though.}}
* [[Jerkass]]
* {{spoiler|[[Obfuscating Disability]]: He didn't really need that wheelchair. He just sat all the time.}}
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
* {{spoiler|[[Powered by a Forsaken Child]]: The secret behind the [[Artificial Limbs]] he makes.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Serial Killer]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Sociopath]]: A particularly sneaky version.}}
* [[Shotacon]]: {{spoiler|One-sided towards Ciel}}.
* {{spoiler|[[The Cake Is a Lie]]: His promise to the circus crew to gain their loyalty was a complete and utter lie.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Throwing Off the Disability]]: When we get the [[Reveal]] about him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Would Hurt a Child]]: And he does. Routinely.}}
* [[Unsexy Sadist]]
* {{spoiler|[[Yandere]]: For Ciel.}}

== Arthur ==
== Weston College ==
=== The P4 (Prefect Four) ===
A description of the character goes here.
"''It's just a pretentious bit of writing done outside of my own specialty.''"
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Absurdly Powerful Student Council]]
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: The prefects' names and eye colors match their house colors. It is unknown if this has an in-world explanation.
* [[Colourful Theme Naming]]: Bluewer, Redmond, Violet, Greenhill.
* {{spoiler|[[Sympathetic Murder Backstory]]: They killed Derrick Arden together.}}
* [[True Companions]]: Despite their very different personalities, the P4 are all great friends.
==== Lawrence Bluewer ====
''"Don't address me by first name... Doing so is against the rules."''

The Blue House prefect. He is bookish and serious and doesn't seem to have much imagination.
* [[Adorkable]]
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]: Or more like, ''is'' [[Young Future Famous People|somebody famous]].
* [[Geek Physiques]]: He is the skinny and physically weak type.
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Informed Ability]]: He does nothing that shows him to be particularly smart. When it should have been his chance to shine, he gets thoroughly outshone by Ciel's contributions instead.
* [[Young Future Famous People]]: It's heavily implied that he is Arthur Conan Doyle, but his last and middle names are never actually revealed.
* [[Massive-Numbered Siblings]]: He has seven sisters, three older and four younger.
* [[Nerd]]: Or at least he's constantly reading a little book.
* [[Smart People Wear Glasses]]

==== Edgar Redmond ====
<br />
''"If you don't feel like fitting into Blue House, come to Red House anytime. Someone of your status shall always be welcome."''

The Red House prefect. He is Viscount Druitt's nephew.
== Charles Grey ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: Also ambiguously [[Shotacon]], given how he likes Ciel and Joanne Harcourt so much.
"''Wow! Double guns are so cool! But, I win at close combat.''"
* [[Bishounen]]

* [[Chick Magnet]]: His looks and charisma are just that good, not that he seems particularly interested in girls.
* [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]]: A sword slicing a thick wooden door into pieces like that isn't normal.
* [[Dramatic Wind]]: He seems to be able to summon a wind carrying rose petals at dramatically appropriate moments, even indoors and without roses nearby.
* [[All Work vs. All Play]]: While Phipps is all about his work Grey is all about the play.
* [[Horrible Judge of Character]]: His choices in fags haven't been that great, assuming he didn't make his decisions on looks alone.
* {{spoiler|[[Beware the Nice Ones]]}}
* [[Big Eater]]
* [[Co-Dragons]]: With the other servants of the queen, at times.
* {{spoiler|[[Cute and Psycho]]}}
* [[Dynamic Entry]]
* [[Gray Eyes]]
* [[Keet]]
* [[Licking the Blade]]: In the Manga there is a picture of this.
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Man in White]]
* [[Red Eyes, Take Warning]]
* [[Something About a Rose]]: He always wears a rose on his lapel. The other members of the P4 also wear their house flowers.
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]
* {{spoiler|[[Psychopathic Manchild]]}}
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Red Oni to Phipps' Blue Oni.
* {{spoiler|[[Serial Killer]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sissy Villain]]}}
* [[Super Window Jump]]
* [[Terrible Trio]]: With Phipps and Brown.
* [[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]

== Charles Phipps ==
==== Gregory Violet ====
"''All that matters is her majesty the queen's will.''"
"''Let's hurry up and get inside. It's much too bright out.''"

The Purple House prefect and an anachronistic goth stereotype. He is talented in art and keeps other people at arm's length.
* [[All Work vs. All Play]]: While Grey plays he works.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Beauty Mark]]
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: His appearance doesn't remotely fit the [[Victorian Britain]] he is supposed to live in. This extends to his entire student house.
* [[Co-Dragons]]: With the other servants of the queen.
* [[Goth]]: The gloomy version.
* [[Man in White]]
* [[Guyliner]]: He wears a lot of black eyeliner.
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]
* [[Multicolored Hair]]: Black with white strands.
* [[Nice Guy]]: Or it seems like it, at least after he fixed Finnian's hat.
* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: Blue Oni to Grey's Red Oni.
* [[Terrible Trio]]: With Grey and Brown.

==== Herman Greenhill ====
<br />
"''There's no such thing as a ball I can't hit!''"

The Green House prefect. He is the local cricket hero who hits the ball every single time, no exceptions. In the school he carries a cricket bat everywhere, apparently as a fashion accessory.
== John Brown ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Badass Boast]]: He claims to be able to hit any ball, and the evidence is consistent with that. Indeed, his ability to hit the cricket ball is so consistent that Ciel builds a stretegy to exploit that.
"''I am done talking... but it seems the queen has something to say.''"
* [[Big Guy]]
* [[The Idealist]]: He always tends to see the best in people. He even stands alone to defend the team he is playing against, pointing out that {{spoiler|Ciel had needed to train very hard to pull off successfully those unsportsmanlike tactics.}}
* [[Important Haircut]]: {{spoiler|When he returns as a pop singer, he has cut his hair to a shorter, slightly tousled cut and found a less stiff side of himself. He also seems to have trimmed his eyebrows.}}

=== The Fags ===
* [[Co-Dragons]]: With the other servants of the queen.
==== Clayton ====
* [[Man in White]]
Bluewer's fag. He gives Ciel a negative first impression and a negative second impression. {{spoiler|Ciel ingratiates himself into becoming Clayton's fag to get closer to the P4.}}
* [[Named After Somebody Famous]]
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Nice Guy]]
* [[Beautiful All Along]]: The other characters remark how attractive he looks without his glasses and with his hair combed differently. Clayton however prefers his normal style.
* [[The Quiet One]]: Possible [[Dandere]] for [[Squick|the queen]].
* [[Terrible Trio]]: With Grey and Phipps.
* [[Blind Without'Em]]: He wears glasses for a reason.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Smart People Wear Glasses]]: Supposedly. The reputation of the Blue House says so.
* [[The Glasses Gotta Go]]: Temporarily for {{spoiler|the boy band's performance}} anyway.

==== Cheslock ====
<br />

Violet's fag. He has the most anachronistic style in the entire school, somehow looking and behaving like a hot-headed punk rocker nearly a century before punk was invented. He is a talented musician, but since electric guitars haven't been invented yet, his preferred instrument is the violin.
== Maurice Cole ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Battle Aura]]: In a cricket game. The aura apparently comes from the special bowl he invented.
* [[Delinquent Hair]]: A dyed mohawk in a Victorian public school goes ''just a little'' far.
* [[Guyliner]]
* [[Multicolored Hair]]: Black and white.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: There can be no other explanation for his physical appearance.

==== Maurice Cole ====
''"Tomorrow, 2 p.m., right!?"''

Redmond's fag and the most beautiful boy in the school. A treacherous and nasty person who manipulates others for his own gain.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: For Redmond.
* [[Bishie Sparkle]]
* [[Bishounen]]
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
* [[Face of an Angel, Mind of a Demon]]
* {{spoiler|[[Make-up Is Evil]]: Getting caught using it is enough to ruin your reputation.}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[School Idol]]: He is widely admired as the most beautiful boy in the school.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful]]
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]
* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]

==== Joanne Harcourt ====

A short, sensitive, and incredibly feminine boy who becomes {{spoiler|Redmond's replacement}} fag. He develops feelings for Sebastian.
== Sieglinde Sullivan ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[A Child Shall Lead Them]]
* [[Ambiguously Gay]]: For Sebastian.
* [[Child Mage]]
* [[Gender Blender Name]]: Joanne was a name used by men in the Victorian times.
* [[Comically Missing the Point]]
* [[Genius Book Club]]: He is shown to read Hegel.
* {{spoiler|[[Curtain Clothing]]: Sebastian makes her a new dress out of a bed cover. She thinks it looks great.}}
* [[Elegant Gothic Lolita]]

* {{spoiler|[[Equivalent Exchange]]: Her feet.}}
== Others ==
* [[Fille Fatale]]: Her hilariously awkward attempts at seduction are [[Played for Laughs]]. [[Ignore the Fanservice|Ciel isn't attracted.]]
=== Undertaker ===
* [[Mixed Metaphor]]: When she tries to sound all lofty and adult.
* [[Pimped-Out Dress]]: Her dress may not belong to any consistent style, but it sure has a lot of expensive detail.
"''Because you hold great power, you gradually fail to understand the importance of things that cannot be recovered. You will realize once it's too late.''"
* {{spoiler|[[Suddenly Bilingual]]: So when ''did'' she learn English?}}

An eccentric mortician who has a lot of information on matters related to recently dead people, which makes him useful to Ciel. In exchange for his help, Undertaker demands that he is made to laugh. He doesn't care about money. {{spoiler|He is a shinigami. In the anime he is kindly. In the manga, not so much. In the manga he has been researching reviving the dead and unleashes a zombie horde on unsuspecting civilians, which makes him Ciel's enemy.}}
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Blinding Bangs]]
* [[Cheshire Cat Grin]]
* [[The Creepy Undertaker]]: He really plays up the morbid factor, sleeping in coffins and so on.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: He came third in an official character poll, behind only Sebastian and Ciel.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: Everyone calls him "Undertaker".
* [[Green Eyes]]: Kept hidden for a long time.
* [[Good Scars, Evil Scars]]: It's as if his skull's had to have been stitched back together... and maybe it ''has.''
* [[I Love the Dead]]: It really gets to this territory. But maybe it's platonic? His fans hope so.
* [[Knowledge Broker]]
* [[Nice Hat]]
* [[Nightmare Fetishist]]: Quite a few different examples, including cooing over how nice a corpse looks with its cuts.
* [[No Sense of Personal Space]]: He tends to get a little too close for Ciel's comfort.
* [[Perky Goth]]
* [[The Reveal]]:
** {{spoiler|[[Badass Long Robe]]: Full of grave markers.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Beautiful All Along]]: When he finally sweeps his hair back he reveals himself as one hell of a [[Bishounen]]. Cue the fangirl squeeing, of course.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Bishounen]]: It is a [[Cast Full of Pretty Boys]] after all?}}
** {{spoiler|[[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]: It doesn't show with his normal style of dress, but when he opens his outer clothing, takes off his hat, and pushes his hair back a little, it's a different matter entirely.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Necromancer]]: In the manga with his [[Night of the Living Mooks]].}}
** {{spoiler|[[Not-So-Harmless Villain]]: A ton of recently murdered (read: [[Night of the Living Mooks|eaten]]) ship passengers should drive the point home.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Shinigami]]: A renegade one.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Sinister Scythe]]: So far, the only reaper to use a ''real'' scythe. Decorated with bones, [[Absurdly Sharp Blade]] and all}}.
*** {{spoiler|[[Up to Eleven|He uses said Death Scythe to cut the ''Campania'' in two]]}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Took a Level in Jerkass]]}}: {{spoiler|In the manga he reveals himself to be much nastier than the slightly creepy [[Perky Goth]] everyone was used to. He ''stabs Sebastian in the back with his scythe.'' His plan, which he explains in chapter 60, isn't a nice thing either}}.
** {{spoiler|[[Villain Teleportation]]: In the manga this makes him a particularly difficult enemy, even assuming you can deal with his fighting skills.}}
** {{spoiler|[[White-Haired Pretty Boy]]}}
** {{spoiler|[[Yandere]]: Possibly for Ciel if his willingness to kill Sebastian for Ciel is any indication.}}
* [[Take Our Word for It]]: We never find out what Sebastian did to make Undertaker laugh.
* [[Undertaker]]

=== Aleister Chambers (Viscount Druitt) ===
''"Your dance was as lovely as a robin taking wing, young lady."''

A rich and exceedingly handsome nobleman with a flamboyant personality. He is very popular with women. Through his connections he is well networked in serious crime. He doesn't appear to have any morals at all.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Aristocrats Are Evil]]: This viscount definitely is.
* [[Big Bad Wannabe]]: His plan to {{spoiler|conquer the world with zombies}} ends up embarrassingly nipped in the bud.
* [[Beware the Silly Ones]]: He may behave in a frivolous manner, but he is genuinely evil.
* [[Bishounen]]
* [[The Dandy]]: He is the dandiest dandy in a series in which a lot of people dress well.
* [[A Glass of Chianti]]: He likes to carry around a glass of wine as an accessory. He never seems to drink from it.
* [[Evil Gloating]]: He really got to indulge himself right before {{spoiler|it turned out that the zombies wouldn't obey him after all.}}
* [[Gratuitous French]]: Occasionally.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: He has an uncanny ability to survive situations he by no means should have and then appear at a society event as if nothing had happened. [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]] or [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]] may be involved.
* [[Kneel Before Zod]]: Though he (probably) had no idea who those people were, not even that boy who looked strangely familiar.
* [[Large Ham]]: He hams it up without shame. His only problem with the ridiculous Phoenix pose of the Aurora Society is that the pose isn't flamboyant enough. So he modifies it to fit his style better.
* [[Laughably Evil]]: He is so over-the-top and oblivious it gets funny. The more detailed of his overwrought metaphors in particular are a thing of wonder. On the other hand, some people find him one of the scariest characters in the series.
* [[Lolicon]]: As they say, he "likes women of all ages". He was quite taken by Ciel when he was disguised as a girl.
* [[Long-Haired Pretty Boy]]
* [[Purple Eyes]]
* [[Shotacon]]: He really appreciates Ciel and Joanne Harcourt's looks.
* [[Take Over the World]]: He made an [[Evil Plan]] to conquer the world {{spoiler|with a zombie army}} and declare himself the kaiser.

=== Baron Kelvin ===
"''Special people can only be touched by other special people.''"

{{spoiler|The owner of Noah's Ark Circus.}} He is quite special in not having a single distinguishable redeeming trait. Seriously.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: {{spoiler|For Ciel.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Captive Date]]: The original plan.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Grand Romantic Gesture]]: Some particularly creepy and ill-thought ones based on his general lack of taste and his romantic conception of Ciel as a [[Complete Monster]]. [[Sick and Wrong|Ciel is thoroughly disgusted]].}}
** {{spoiler|[[In Love with Your Carnage]]: He thoroughly misjudges Ciel's character. Just because there were no survivors, you can't conclude that a person is a sadistic and murderous psychopath.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Stalker with a Crush]]: Towards Ciel.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Yandere]]: For Ciel.}}
* [[An Offer You Can't Refuse]]: {{spoiler|"Work for me or all those workhouse children, your friends, die." Made particularly tragic because he demanded committing an endless series of crimes of a similar magnitude, just inflicted on strangers, [[The Cake Is a Lie|and he didn't even hold on to his own end of the deal.]]}}
* [[Bandaged Face]]: Has been that way for years. {{spoiler|Apparently he's too stupid to figure out that Doctor might not be intending to deliver what he promised.}}
* [[Complete Monster]]: His lack of redeeming traits is quite remarkable.
* [[Gonk]]: Fully aware of this after his second meeting with the Phantomhive household.
* [[I Just Want to Be Beautiful]]
* [[Lolicon]]: He likes little girls too.
* [[Jabba Table Manners]]: Just look at how he eats that lobster.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Psychopathic Manchild]]
* {{spoiler|[[Serial Killer]]}}
* [[Shotacon]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Cake Is a Lie]]: His promise to the circus crew to gain their loyalty was a complete and utter lie.}}
* [[Unsexy Sadist]]
* [[Villainous Glutton]]
* [[Would Hurt a Child]]

=== Nina Hopkins ===
''"I'm only interested in ladies and boys under the age of fifteen!"''

The tailor responsible for Ciel's extensive wardrobe. She is an open lesbian who has somehow avoided internalizing the Victorian views on morality.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Author Appeal]]: She provides an excuse to draw costumes more flamboyant than the staid true Victorian fashion.
* [[Battle Strip]]: She takes off her skirt to be more mobile at the Easter egg hunt. This ends up backfiring.
* [[Does Not Like Men]]
* [[Double Standard]]: She talks about how women's clothes should be non-restrictive and easy to move in, but for Ciel's clothing it's all about cutting a figure.
** Nina herself is widely admired as a strong, independent woman among the moralistic crowd that, if she was a man, would never tolerate how she drools after Ciel and molests the clearly uncomfortable Mey-rin.
* [[Shameless Fanservice Girl]] She doesn't go that far by modern standards, but when she takes off her wraparound skirt, revealing shorts underneath, she is going far beyond what is socially acceptable at the time. She first scandalizes Elizabeth, then Edward. And she is supposed to be a professional.
** She also lets a glimpse of her lacy underwear peek out from under her shirt.
* [[Shotacon]]: A self-admitted one!
* [[Thigh-High Boots]]: Under her skirt.
* [[Zettai Ryouiki]]: When she takes off her long skirt.

=== Arthur ===
"''It's just a pretentious bit of writing done outside of my own specialty.''"

He wrote a mystery novel, ''[[Sherlock Holmes|A Study in Scarlet]]'', that Ciel loved. Because of that, Arthur gained an invitation to Ciel's party held on one fateful night. He ended up having to play the role of an amateur detective.

He is [[Arthur Conan Doyle]]. The story all but spells it out, though surprisingly many people still manage to miss that.
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
* [[Adorkable]]
* {{spoiler|[[Detective Patsy]]: Invited to the party by Ciel to play that role.}}
* [[Mystery Writer Detective]]
* [[Nice Guy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: For Ciel.}}
* [[Wrong Genre Savvy]]: {{spoiler|His assumptions about what is possible are in line with normal, non-supernatural mystery novels.}}
* [[Young Future Famous People]]: Even though it is never actually said that he's [[Arthur Conan Doyle]], there is really no question about it. The anime version even mentions [[Sherlock Holmes (novel)|Sherlock Holmes]] by name for those who didn't get all the other references.

=== Bravat Sky ===

The mysterious lavender-haired fortune teller at the popular Sphere Music Hall. His readings to determine someone's personality and protecting star draw the crowds.
== Musical-Only Characters ==
{{tropelist|Tropes exhibited by this character include:}}
== Alan Humphries ==
* [[Guyliner]]: Red, as shown in the profile picture.
* [[Duet Bonding]]: On Unmei
* {{spoiler|[[Phony Psychic]]: His act is really meant to determine someone's ABO blood group.}}
* [[Incurable Cough of Death]]: Alan's Thorns of Death manifests like this.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: The choice between Bravat Sky vs. Blavat Sky depends on your tolerance for puns. Blavat Sky is an obvious reference to Madame Blavatsky. On the other hand, Bravat can be interpreted as the French word bravât, with the full name being interpretable as "one who would have defied Heaven".
* [[Just Friends]]: With Eric, natch.
* [[Mentor Ship]]: Eric tutored Alan through his exams.
* [[Your Days Are Numbered]]: The Thorns of Death.

== Eric Slingby ==
* [[Duet Bonding]]: On Unmei
* [[I Will Protect Her|I Will Protect Him]]
* [[Love Makes You Crazy]]
* [[You Are Worth Hell]]

[[Category:Black Butler]]

Latest revision as of 20:53, 21 June 2022

The characters who appear in the manga are below.

Phantomhive Manor

Ciel Phantomhive

"I am indeed arrogant - however, I'm not so arrogant as to boast irresponsibly that I can save anyone."

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Angst Coma: For a while.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: He even is one of the so-called Aristocrats of Evil.
  • Astral Checkerboard Decor: Ciel's mental world has a checkerboard floor in unrelated scenes in the anime and the manga, which by then had diverged into entirely different plots. In the manga there are even chess pieces, of which Ciel himself seems to be one.
  • Bad Dreams: Occasionally. The dreams were much, much worse in the past. Initially he would wake up screaming every night.
  • Bad Guys Play Pool: He has a pool room in his manor. In an early chapter he gets to show off his pool skills.
  • Beautiful Dreamer: Subverted in that everyone seems to like watching him sleep, so it can be taken in a non-romantic way as well.
  • Being Tortured Makes You Evil
  • A Boy and His X: A boy and his demon butler.
  • Byronic Hero: A very young example.
  • The Chessmaster: Proved it during the murder mystery arc where he planned out and orchestrated the entire event. To sum it up he basically allows the murder mystery to play out all while knowing who the true killer was, keeping everyone else from finding out, placing the blame on someone else in order to complete the mission given to him from the queen, all while not only keeping suspicion off of himself, but also making himself seem like a victim.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He has admitted once that he will do anything to win and has resorted to some very dirty tricks in friendly competitions. In a serious fight that he was not able to avoid we see him take out a hidden revolver and simply shoot things dead.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Of the Villain Protagonist variety. That's not to say he doesn't grieve for his loss.
  • The Comically Serious
  • Dark and Troubled Past: His parents were killed, his house was burnt down, he was kidnapped, sold, and used as a sacrifice for a cult. Then he met Sebastian and sold his soul to him.
  • Deal with the Devil: With Sebastian.
  • Determinator: One of his defining traits is his willpower and willingness to push through, whatever it takes.
  • Dirty Business: How he sees his job working for the Queen.
  • Dude in Distress: He is not that effective in combat despite actually being a good shot. He constantly has to be saved by Sebastian as their deal dictates, and sometimes by other people too.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: The difference from how he was as a young child is easily visible from the eyes. As the manga progresses his eyes gradually get brighter though.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Ciel deeply cares for Elizabeth and his (deceased) parents and aunt.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: Much to his displeasure.
  • Evil Eye: The pentagram in his right eye allows Ciel to command Sebastian.
  • Evil Virtues: Ciel excels at the majority of them.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Because walking around with a pentagram visible to anyone who looks you in the eyes is kind of a bad idea.
  • Fish Out of Water: Ciel didn't do so well when he had to go undercover as a commoner. It turned out that he didn't even know how to dress himself without help...
  • Grade School CEO: He started his business empire at the age of ten.
  • Hates Being Touched: He appears to not enjoy physical contact, though he tolerates Sebastian and does not complain when the demon picks him up or holds him. If he is stressed, he will slap someone touching him away, proclaiming, "Don't touch me so easily!" This is a negative influence of the trauma he underwent during his time in captivity.
  • He's Back
  • Hollywood Atheist: He lost his faith in God when he was ten and all his prayers to God went unanswered. Then the demon came...
  • I Control My Minions Through...: Loyalty. Acceptance and kindness are how Ciel gained the loyalty of his non-demon servants. Trust and respect then grew with time from that foundation.
    • With Sebastian it's complicated. He is clever enough that he could have wriggled free of his binding contract long ago if he had really wanted to.
  • Improbable Age: Ciel is the leader of a popular toys and candy company and works for the Queen doing black ops.
    • He's also highly skilled at pool to the point that he can beat a bunch of adults, despite being so short he actually has to sit on the pool table to make a shot.
  • Kid with the Leash: Ciel's relationship towards Sebastian. While largely true to the trope, it lacks the usual element of contrast in that with few exceptions, Ciel is just as amoral and ruthless as his servant.
  • Kuudere: You can see on some occasions the softer and warmer inner core he hides from the world.
  • Laughing Mad: After all the crap he pulled during the circus arc, he ventures off to the workhouse they were told about only to find out that it's in ruins. Ciel finds this darkly amusing.
  • Magnetic Villain Protagonist: He seems to be rather good at gathering loyal followers in the manga. In the anime Sebastian is more responsible for the new hires.
  • Magnificent Bastard
  • Man of Wealth and Taste
  • Mark of the Beast: In his right eye.
  • Mismatched Eyes: The eye that isn't blue is purple and has a pentagram on it. By the rules of demon contracts, the more visible the spot you put the mark, the more power you get - and what's more visible than your eye?
  • Mister Big: He wears high heels to make his lack of height less obvious, though even with that he's still very short.
  • Nice to the Waiter: While Ciel's house staff often cause a lot of trouble, he always treats them kindly (or as kind as Ciel can be). Lampshaded several times by the staff themselves.
  • Non-Idle Rich
  • Not So Stoic: When he breaks down, he breaks down.
  • Power At a Price: He sells his soul in return for help from Sebastian in succeeding in all of his goals, including killing his parents' murderer[s]. After that last goal is finished, Sebastian will be able to take Ciel's soul.
  • Psychotic Smirk: He likes to smirk evilly when he is being particularly devious in the later parts of the manga.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: The reason that he can usually get away with killing anyone he wants without any consequences.
  • Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers: Subverted in that Ciel knows that victory without effort is meaningless and doesn't use Sebastian as an automatic win button. However, Ciel does use Sebastian as a powerful pawn and is not afraid to use his powers to their full extent as long as it's all under Ciel's orders.
  • Sharp-Dressed Man: He wears expensive, tailored clothes.
  • Smart People Know Latin
  • Smart People Play Chess
  • Stoic Woobie
  • Supernatural Is Purple: His Eyepatch of Power hides his cursed, mismatched eye that holds the symbol of his contract with Sebastian. It's purple, and glows with an eerie neon when he gives Sebastian an order.
  • Teen Genius: Although he's not a clichéd teen and appears to add up more with the Child Prodigy trope, he is just past the age range.
  • There Are No Therapists: Unfortunately for Ciel, psychotherapy is not among the anachronisms in the series.
  • Trigger: Ciel suffers from PTSD because of his Dark and Troubled Past.
  • Troubling Unchildlike Behavior
  • Unable to Cry: He could cry when he was younger, but now he apparently can't. The closest he has come to since then was when his eyes got watery in chapter 34. Later on mustard gas makes him produce actual tears.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid
  • Villain Protagonist
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 is one way to interpret his relationship with Sebastian.
  • Wicked Cultured
  • Wise Beyond Their Years

Sebastian Michaelis

"Even though I dislike being kicked by others, I do enjoy the feeling of kicking others."

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Antiquated Linguistics: More obvious in the original Japanese than the English versions.
  • Showy Invincible Villain Protagonist: At least at first. A little later on opponents who actually pose a threat enter the story, but the trivial show-off fights still happen.
  • Battle Butler: He's the trope image!
  • Bishounen : Oh yes.
  • Bullet Time: Shows best when animated in Book of Circus and Book of Murder. With manga panels timing is always a little vague, but there is a scene where Sebastian over multiple panels dodges bullets that are drawn with lines of disturbed air behind them, suggesting that this trope is indeed in effect.
  • Casting a Shadow: He can produce smoky tendrils of shadow that can coalesce into black liquid and into solid tentacles of darkness that he can control.
  • Catch and Return: He can do that with multiple bullets fired simultaneously at point-blank range all around him.
  • Catch Phrase: In the dub, "I am one Hell of a butler."
    • Also, some variation of, "If I didn't/wasn't (insert task here), then what kind of butler would I be?"
    • "A butler who couldn't (insert highly improbable situation here) isn't worth his salt."
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: Occasionally.
  • Combat Stilettos: Manlied up by Sebastian. It's not often you see a grown man murdering people in these.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Get him close to his beloved cats, and he'll even ignore Ciel.
  • Dark Is Evil
  • Deaf Composer: He is unable to experience food the way humans do. He tastes chocolate as disgusting but knows that humans love it. His excellent cooking is solely because of intellectual effort.
  • Dissonant Serenity
  • The Dragon: To Ciel.
  • Fangs Are Evil: His demon form has sharp teeth and small fangs.
  • Femme Fatalons: In his demon form.
  • Fork Fencing: He carries cutlery wherever he goes. He's pretty damn effective with them too. Killed an entire room of men with a handful of thrown dinner knives.
  • Game Face: He shows his true form very occasionally to his and Ciel's enemies, though the actual readers have still never seen the whole thing up to this point.
  • Gentleman Snarker: Especially apparent with his first interaction with Beast, which almost borders themes of Belligerent Sexual Tension.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: When he is letting his demonic side closer to the surface.
  • Gratuitous English: "Yes, my lord."
  • Hellish Pupils: When he lets his demonic side closer to the surface.
  • Hot Teacher: In his "tutor mode". Also while infiltrating a school.
  • Immune to Bullets: Either he sidesteps them, catches them from the air, or recovers from them almost immediately.
  • In-Series Nickname: "Sebas-chan" by Grell ("Bassy" in the dub, "Little Sebas" in the English manga). William never uses his name and usually simply calls him "demon" or something along the lines of "vile creature."
  • The Jeeves
  • Kick Them While They Are Down: He literally and happily does that more than once.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Sebastien Michaelis.
    • Turns out that Ciel was naming him after his dog.
  • Offhand Backhand: Gave us a pretty epic one to a zombie while soaking wet on a sinking, seriously. [dead link]
  • The Perfectionist: One of his flaws is going for perfection even when it would be wiser to draw less attention.
  • Playing with Fire: He has the power to control and enhance fire. He can turn a small candle flame into a massive conflagration.
  • Psychic Radar: He can detect nearby souls if he concentrates.
  • Purely Aesthetic Glasses: He always puts on glasses when he enters tutor mode.
  • Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: He embodies the male version of this trope. Multiple characters have commented on his beauty.
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Red Right Hand: His fingernails are black even when he suppresses his other visible demon traits.
  • Sarcastic Devotee
  • Servile Snarker
  • Sexy Priest: As a disguise.
  • A Sinister Clue: He is left-handed.
  • Skewed Priorities: An early example happens when Sebastian discovers that Ciel has been kidnapped and Sebastian is most concerned about what will happen to his meat pie now when there is no one to eat it. Because it was an exceptionally good meat pie.
  • Slasher Smile: Occasionally when the situation warrants it.
  • Smart People Know Latin: He even teaches Latin.
  • Super Reflexes
  • Super Senses: Apparently all of them.
  • Super Speed: To the point where it's unknown whether he is able to teleport or if he's just that fast.
  • Tall, Dark and Handsome: He fits this trope to a T.
  • The Coats Are Off: He removes his tailcoat in his fight with Grell, and that's when things really get down.
  • Unable to Cry: You wouldn't expect a demon to cry. The only thing that has shown itself able to bring tears to his eyes is mustard gas exposure. He was highly surprised.
  • Villain Protagonist
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Type 2 is one way to interpret his relationship with Ciel.


A tiny mouse can run anywhere, but they are always in my sight."

Ciel's maid at the Phantomhive Manor. She is very bad at being a maid and has a habit of breaking dishes, in part because of her extreme far-sightedness that makes her an excellent sniper, which is her real job at the manor. She has a long-standing crush on Sebastian.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Baldroy "Baldo"

"Cooking is an art! And art means explosions!"

Ciel's American chef at the Phantomhive Manor. He is an ex-soldier who is deeply, thoroughly terrible at cooking and has a habit of blowing up the kitchen. His real job at the manor is protecting it from intruders.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: As his cooking skills have gradually improved, he has shown himself able to produce something with a slight, very slight resemblance to food. For the cricket game he made a very clumsy-looking pie with a fried egg, a curl of whipped cream with a cherry on top, an unprocessed fish, several sticks of what look like pocky, and some unrecognizable items. (Soy sauce? Some sort of meat? A sea anemone?)
  • Gatling Good: Keeps it in the kitchen, of course.
  • The Engineer: A combat type.
  • Lethal Chef: He is truly terrible at cooking. In the later parts of the manga he has learned to chop vegetables and heat pre-made food. This is a massive improvement to how he used to be.
  • More Dakka: With his heavy machine gun.
  • Only One Name
  • Oven Logic: He has tried to use a flamethrower for cooking, apprarently more than once. Even worse, he once tried to cook with an assault rifle. The results weren't good.
  • Perma-Stubble
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Baldo/Bard.
  • Stuff Blowing Up: The kitchen. Repeatedly. He has also blown up things on purpose, once involving finely-sifted flour and a match and at another time explosive easter eggs. He has also used grenades made from soup cans.

Finnian "Finny"

"It requires strength? Since that's the case, I might be able to do it! I wanna do it! Please allow me to do it!"

Ciel's gardener at the Phantomhive Manor. He is a kind, cheerful, and somewhat oblivious young man who is very bad at gardening. He has a tendency to accidentally break things, such as trees, with his extreme strength and has somehow destroyed the entire garden more than once. He becomes cold and focused when it's about his real job, defending the manor.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"Ho ho ho."

The elderly house steward at the Phantomhive Manor. He spends his days sitting and drinking tea.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Ciel's Relatives

Elizabeth "Lizzy" Midford

"He finally returned to the mansion, but he wasn’t able to laugh anymore. I love Ciel. I love Ciel’s smile. Why is it as though we always seem to end up going in circles? How can I bring back his smile?"

Ciel's cousin and fianceé, with whom he has been engaged from childhood. She is obsessed with cute things and can get very overbearing. It turns out that she does her best to lift Ciel's spirits with the antics he experiences as annoying. She is a genius fencer. Her mother forced her into it because the wife of the Queen's Watchdog should be able to protect her husband and herself.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Angelina "Madam Red" Durless

"I used to hate my red hair that was just like my father's. I used to hate red."

Ciel's aunt, with whom he is very close. She is a vibrant and vivacious woman who is the life of the party and at the same time a practising doctor in a time when women doctors were rare. She was one half of Jack the Ripper. She was killed by Grell, her partner in crime.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Frances Midford

"Moreover! Both you and your master are sporting long bangs, though you're both male! How unseemly!"

The Marchioness of Midford: Ciel's paternal aunt and mother to Elizabeth and Edward. She is a formidable character of whom even Sebastian is afraid. She excels at manly pursuits such as hunting and fencing while at the same time holding to strong ideals about the importance of proper behavior. She is the unquestioned matriarch of the Midford family.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Edward Midford

"I'm always of a mind to be harsh to him because we're related, but, having seen him succeed to the role of earl and family head with such grace at such a young age, I respect him as a man."

A serious young man who is unusually attached to his sister, Elizabeth. Any small offense against her makes his violent and temperamental side come to the surface.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass
  • Battle Aura: In the cricket game. Strangely enough, learning to throw Cheslock's special cricket pitch somehow brings the battle aura along. And it's not like battle auras are standard in this universe...
  • Berserk Button: Any and all offenses against his sister.
  • Hair of Gold
  • Knight Templar Big Brother: Just look at how violently he reacted when he thought Ciel might have a slightest interest in marrying someone who wasn't Elizabeth.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: He doesn't like the idea of Ciel marrying Elizabeth and makes that clear. Later on Edward seems to have become a little more accepting of the facts though and willing to admit that Ciel really might be a good husband for her. After all, it just isn't possible that Edward could have her for himself.

Vincent Phantomhive

"No one, not even God, can tell what will happen to any of us."

Ciel's deceased father and predecessor as the Queen's Watchdog. The circumstances behind his murder are perhaps the most significant mystery in the story.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Beauty Mark: There is one near the corner of his left eye.
  • Bishounen
  • Death by Origin Story: He and his wife Rachel were murdered by forces unknown.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: He became popular the first time a flashback showed his face properly, and his popularity has only grown since. He reached fifth on an official character poll despite his small role.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: He apparently genuinely loved his family.
  • Genius Book Club: In a flashback showing him at the age of 17/18, he is shown reading Aristotle's Metaphysics. He doesn't seem to find it difficult reading.
  • Hot Shoujo Dad
  • Lethal Chef: His pot-au-feu looked fine and was made with a known-good recipe but somehow managed to taste beyond horrible and induce uncontrollable crying with slight exposure. He was as mystified as anyone.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Shows with Diedrich.
  • Man of Wealth and Taste
  • Word of God: His resemblance to Sebastian is intentional and for an in-story reason.

British Government

Queen Victoria

'"ALLLBEERTT!! I wish you were here today too!!!"

The Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and Ciel's employer. She misses her deceased husband Prince Albert very much.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affectionate Nickname: She enjoys calling Ciel "boy", much to his embarrassment.
  • Cool Old Lady: At least at first. In her first appearance she even wears highly anachronistic Cool Shades.
  • Historical In-Joke: She has the occasional fit of tears that can be only alleviated by a servant (John Brown) with a Prince Albert puppet.
  • Realpolitik: In the manga she turns out to be a lot more ruthless than her grandmotherly appearance would indicate.
  • Widow Woman

John Brown

"I am done talking... but it seems the queen has something to say."

The servant closest to the Queen. His most distinguishing trait is how he always covers his eyes with anachronistic aviator mirror shades.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Double Charles

Charles Grey and Charles Phipps are Queen Victoria's butlers. Together the white-haired duo is known as Double Charles.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Charles Grey

"Wow! Double guns are so cool! But, I win at close combat."

One of the Queen's butlers. He has a cheerful and outgoing nature. He is a bully and a sadist who seems to have something personal against Ciel. Grey murdered Georg von Siemens on Queen Victoria's orders and showed no signs of regret or remorse.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Charles Phipps

"All that matters is her majesty the queen's will."

One of the Queen's butlers. He is a quiet and thoughtful person. His hobby is apparently painting.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Fred Abberline

"It's Abberline."

An officer at the Scotland Yard. Unlike his distinctly heroic anime self and bumbling comic relief cop musical self, in the manga he turns out to be a character with morals that are rather more flexible than his superior Lord Randall's. This makes Abberline willing to cooperate even with someone like Ciel to solve cases and protect the people.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Clueless Detective: He fails to connect the conspicious open window with the fluttering curtain to the question of how Sebastian and Ciel could have gotten to the third floor archive room without having been noticed.
  • Friend on the Force: He has expressed a desire to be this for Ciel.
  • My Name Is Not Durwood: It's Abberline, not Underline or Overline or something else. In the manga this happened once, taking all of one panel, but in the musicals people misremembering Abberline's name became a running joke. Then the running joke spilled back to the manga.
  • Named After Somebody Famous: Or rather, is someone (marginally) famous.



"Even if you step toward a place from which you can't return, you choose not to reveal your screaming for help to other people, eh?"

Ciel's underworld associate who keeps an opium den and runs the organized crime in London's East End. He wears traditional Chinese clothes made from expensive fabrics and is quite a shifty character.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Beware the Silly Ones
  • Eyes Always Shut: Lau sports a variation of this. His closed eyes are not upturned in a foxlike manner; rather, they're more U-shaped, giving him an air of calm.
  • Feigning Intelligence: Chances are he is faking profundity in order to fake stupidity in order to hide how smart he is, but just maybe he is overestimating his own cleverness...
  • Handsome Lech: Almost always seen with Ran-Mao in his lap… and occasionally hitting on Ciel.
  • inscrutable Oriental: It is hard to know what he is thinking. One easily gets the impression that Lau says inscrutable things just to sound mysterious when he actually doesn't have a clue, but it is also very possible that he is trying to mislead everyone into underestimating him.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Strongly hinted at.
  • Only One Name
  • Opium Den: Lau's public occupation.
  • Yellow Peril: He is basically a slacker version of Fu Manchu.


"Glad... you're safe."

Lau's bodyguard/enforcer/arm decoration/sister(?!) who wears scandalously revealing clothes in the Chinese style and speaks as little as possible. In the anime she is said to be Lau's step sister.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Soma Asman Kadar

"From now on, I want to try and learn all sorts of things. And someday, I'll become a great man who won't lose to anyone and show you!"

An Indian prince (27th from the throne!) who had never had to deal with the real world before coming to England. His behavior is extremely immature at first, but due to Ciel's example he decides to improve himself. He thinks he and Ciel are best friends, a sentiment not shared by Ciel who thinks Soma is annoying. Though, given Ciel's general lack of friends, maybe Soma really counts as Ciel's best friend.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"It's for my master to be bright and healthy that I would risk my life. Isn't that what you would call a butler's aesthetics?!"

Soma's devoted khansama (butler). He turns out to be Sebastian's equal in many things despite being a human. He views his master as practically divine and is extremely indulgent toward him. Agni considers Sebastian a friend and generally sees the best in people.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"I never imagined I'd still be cleaning up after his mistakes at this age."

Ciel's agent in Germany and an officer in the German army. In his youth he lost a bet with Vincent Phantomhive where the loser had to adhere to one request from the winner. Vincent wanted from Diedrich a lifetime of service. He has been grumpy about that ever since.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Sieglinde Sullivan

"So then, let me hear all about the world I'll never come to know, the world that exists beyond the forest!"

The Green Witch of the Cursed Forest. A lonely and naive girl who can barely walk with her crippled feet, but one with a lot of spirit. She isn't really a witch. It was all a complicated and questionably sensible ruse by the German military to use her genius in chemistry to make her develop chemical weapons without distractions or moral compunctions.

She ends up going to England with Ciel.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Wolfram Geltzer

Sieglinde's butler. He is very protective of her.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

William T. Spears

"If you interfere, I'll reap you."

A shinigami with a cold, business-like manner. He is a department head and Grell and Ronald's boss. He doesn't like it when he has to do field work because of the chronic lack of staff. He seems to have no sense of humor whatsoever and takes his work very seriously.

His death scythe is a pruning pole.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Grell Sutcliffe

"Even if I'm like this, I'm still the butler of death!"

We first meet him as Madam Red's shy, incompetent butler but he turns out to be simultaneously much darker and more flamboyant than he first seems. He was one half of Jack the Ripper. He has huge crushes on Sebastian and William.

His death scythe is a chainsaw.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Ronald Knox

"From the start, I've never been one to do overtime."

The youngest and least experienced shinigami in the London Dispatch that we have seen. He is laid-back and likes to flirt with women.

His death scythe is a lawn mower.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Noah's Ark Circus

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"We decided to protect our most precious thing. For that, we will do anything."

The ringmaster at Noah's Ark Circus. He has a prosthetic skeletal arm.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"Yes, we are all father's possessions."

The beast tamer at Noah's Ark Circus who performs with a tiger named Betty. She wears a black leather corset, a miniskirt, and fishnet stockings and wields a whip. She has a prosthetic leg. She is more sensitive on the inside than she seems and is in one-sided love with Joker. According to the anime, her real name is Mally.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"More important than the tent is sis's purity!"

The knife thrower at Noah's Ark Circus. He has a prosthetic foot. He is in one-sided love with Beast.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Brother-Sister Incest: He has a crush on Beast. The first-tier circus members call each other brothers and sisters, but based on the characters' old looks from a flashback, before curler irons and hair dye, it is likely that Beast and Dagger really are biological siblings.
  • Berserk Button: Touching his big sis seems to have this effect.
  • Guyliner
  • Heroic Sacrifice: For Beast's sake.
  • Knife Nut
  • Multicolored Hair: Thanks to bleach.
  • Only One Name
  • Taking the Bullet: In this case the entire bullet capacity of a heavy machine gun, though most of that ended up sprayed harmlessly on the walls.. It is a miracle he survived long enough to have brief last words.


"There's a long life o' circus ahead o' you!"

A friendly and sociable circus member who gets to share a tent with Ciel. She looks like a boy in her normal clothes, but with pretty clothes and makeup transforms into the elegant tightrope walker, Doll. She is one of the first-tier circus members and develops a crush on Ciel. The hair in front of her left eye hides an empty eye socket and a horrible burn scar.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"I'm sorry for my carelessness that could have sent you to the next world."

The snake charmer at Noah's Ark Circus. He has yellow snake eyes and a skin covered with small, white scales. He has numerous pet snakes and can communicate with them. He later joins Ciel's staff at Phantomhive Manor.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


"Isn't it the best recycling scheme you can think of?"

The doctor at Noah's Ark Circus. He, himself in a wheelchair, makes the wonderful Artificial Limbs that many of the first-tier performers use.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Weston College

The P4 (Prefect Four)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Lawrence Bluewer

"Don't address me by first name... Doing so is against the rules."

The Blue House prefect. He is bookish and serious and doesn't seem to have much imagination.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Edgar Redmond

"If you don't feel like fitting into Blue House, come to Red House anytime. Someone of your status shall always be welcome."

The Red House prefect. He is Viscount Druitt's nephew.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Gregory Violet

"Let's hurry up and get inside. It's much too bright out."

The Purple House prefect and an anachronistic goth stereotype. He is talented in art and keeps other people at arm's length.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Herman Greenhill

"There's no such thing as a ball I can't hit!"

The Green House prefect. He is the local cricket hero who hits the ball every single time, no exceptions. In the school he carries a cricket bat everywhere, apparently as a fashion accessory.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Badass Boast: He claims to be able to hit any ball, and the evidence is consistent with that. Indeed, his ability to hit the cricket ball is so consistent that Ciel builds a stretegy to exploit that.
  • Big Guy
  • The Idealist: He always tends to see the best in people. He even stands alone to defend the team he is playing against, pointing out that Ciel had needed to train very hard to pull off successfully those unsportsmanlike tactics.
  • Important Haircut: When he returns as a pop singer, he has cut his hair to a shorter, slightly tousled cut and found a less stiff side of himself. He also seems to have trimmed his eyebrows.

The Fags


Bluewer's fag. He gives Ciel a negative first impression and a negative second impression. Ciel ingratiates himself into becoming Clayton's fag to get closer to the P4.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Violet's fag. He has the most anachronistic style in the entire school, somehow looking and behaving like a hot-headed punk rocker nearly a century before punk was invented. He is a talented musician, but since electric guitars haven't been invented yet, his preferred instrument is the violin.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Maurice Cole

"Tomorrow, 2 p.m., right!?"

Redmond's fag and the most beautiful boy in the school. A treacherous and nasty person who manipulates others for his own gain.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Joanne Harcourt

A short, sensitive, and incredibly feminine boy who becomes Redmond's replacement fag. He develops feelings for Sebastian.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



"Because you hold great power, you gradually fail to understand the importance of things that cannot be recovered. You will realize once it's too late."

An eccentric mortician who has a lot of information on matters related to recently dead people, which makes him useful to Ciel. In exchange for his help, Undertaker demands that he is made to laugh. He doesn't care about money. He is a shinigami. In the anime he is kindly. In the manga, not so much. In the manga he has been researching reviving the dead and unleashes a zombie horde on unsuspecting civilians, which makes him Ciel's enemy.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Aleister Chambers (Viscount Druitt)

"Your dance was as lovely as a robin taking wing, young lady."

A rich and exceedingly handsome nobleman with a flamboyant personality. He is very popular with women. Through his connections he is well networked in serious crime. He doesn't appear to have any morals at all.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: This viscount definitely is.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: His plan to conquer the world with zombies ends up embarrassingly nipped in the bud.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He may behave in a frivolous manner, but he is genuinely evil.
  • Bishounen
  • The Dandy: He is the dandiest dandy in a series in which a lot of people dress well.
  • A Glass of Chianti: He likes to carry around a glass of wine as an accessory. He never seems to drink from it.
  • Evil Gloating: He really got to indulge himself right before it turned out that the zombies wouldn't obey him after all.
  • Gratuitous French: Occasionally.
  • Karma Houdini: He has an uncanny ability to survive situations he by no means should have and then appear at a society event as if nothing had happened. Screw the Rules, I Have Money or Screw the Rules, I Have Connections may be involved.
  • Kneel Before Zod: Though he (probably) had no idea who those people were, not even that boy who looked strangely familiar.
  • Large Ham: He hams it up without shame. His only problem with the ridiculous Phoenix pose of the Aurora Society is that the pose isn't flamboyant enough. So he modifies it to fit his style better.
  • Laughably Evil: He is so over-the-top and oblivious it gets funny. The more detailed of his overwrought metaphors in particular are a thing of wonder. On the other hand, some people find him one of the scariest characters in the series.
  • Lolicon: As they say, he "likes women of all ages". He was quite taken by Ciel when he was disguised as a girl.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Purple Eyes
  • Shotacon: He really appreciates Ciel and Joanne Harcourt's looks.
  • Take Over the World: He made an Evil Plan to conquer the world with a zombie army and declare himself the kaiser.

Baron Kelvin

"Special people can only be touched by other special people."

The owner of Noah's Ark Circus. He is quite special in not having a single distinguishable redeeming trait. Seriously.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Nina Hopkins

"I'm only interested in ladies and boys under the age of fifteen!"

The tailor responsible for Ciel's extensive wardrobe. She is an open lesbian who has somehow avoided internalizing the Victorian views on morality.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Author Appeal: She provides an excuse to draw costumes more flamboyant than the staid true Victorian fashion.
  • Battle Strip: She takes off her skirt to be more mobile at the Easter egg hunt. This ends up backfiring.
  • Does Not Like Men
  • Double Standard: She talks about how women's clothes should be non-restrictive and easy to move in, but for Ciel's clothing it's all about cutting a figure.
    • Nina herself is widely admired as a strong, independent woman among the moralistic crowd that, if she was a man, would never tolerate how she drools after Ciel and molests the clearly uncomfortable Mey-rin.
  • Shameless Fanservice Girl She doesn't go that far by modern standards, but when she takes off her wraparound skirt, revealing shorts underneath, she is going far beyond what is socially acceptable at the time. She first scandalizes Elizabeth, then Edward. And she is supposed to be a professional.
    • She also lets a glimpse of her lacy underwear peek out from under her shirt.
  • Shotacon: A self-admitted one!
  • Thigh-High Boots: Under her skirt.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: When she takes off her long skirt.


"It's just a pretentious bit of writing done outside of my own specialty."

He wrote a mystery novel, A Study in Scarlet, that Ciel loved. Because of that, Arthur gained an invitation to Ciel's party held on one fateful night. He ended up having to play the role of an amateur detective.

He is Arthur Conan Doyle. The story all but spells it out, though surprisingly many people still manage to miss that.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Bravat Sky

The mysterious lavender-haired fortune teller at the popular Sphere Music Hall. His readings to determine someone's personality and protecting star draw the crowds.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Guyliner: Red, as shown in the profile picture.
  • Phony Psychic: His act is really meant to determine someone's ABO blood group.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": The choice between Bravat Sky vs. Blavat Sky depends on your tolerance for puns. Blavat Sky is an obvious reference to Madame Blavatsky. On the other hand, Bravat can be interpreted as the French word bravât, with the full name being interpretable as "one who would have defied Heaven".