Warhammer 40,000/Tropes/A to H: Difference between revisions

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* [[Air Jousting]]: Eldar Shining Spears: space elf knights on flying bikes with laser lances.
* [[AKA 47]]: Some vehicles were quite clearly based on certain real-life vehicles:
** The Imperial Guard's Bombard siege mortars (particularly the old Epic versions) were based on Nazi Germany's [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl-Gerat |Karl-Gerät]] super heavy mortars (one of the few cases where the real vehicle is ''more'' excessive than its 40K counterpart). Their Chimera was based on the old [pre-Desert Storm] Bradley and on the Soviet BMP 1 and 2, including having Lasguns as firing port weapons. And the Leman Russ bears an uncanny resemblance to a turreted version of the British Mark I tank from WWI, though it has a laundry list of other influences including the Panther, Tiger and T-72. Forgeworld's Hydra Chimera variant looks to be based on the [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ontos |Ontos]], and the Cyclops demolition vehicle is a barely-altered [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Goliath_tracked_mine:Goliath tracked mine|Goliath Tracked Mine]]. The ''Epic Armageddon'' Imperial Ragnarok Tank is a Soviet KV-2 heavy tank(which was a very crappy tank).
** The Basilisk with armored crew compartment is based on the configuration of gun carriers used by the Germans during [[WW 2]], such as the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/Marder_III:Marder III|Marder III]], [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hummel_Hummel %28artillery%29 |Hummel]], [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grille_Grille %28artillery%29 |Grille]] and [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wespe |Wespe]]. The Basilisk gun itself is basically a long-barreled [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/203_mm_howitzer_M1931_203 mm howitzer M1931 %28B-4%29 |Soviet B4 Model 1931 howitzer]]. Forgeworld's cruciform base variant is based on the infamous [http[wikipedia://en8.wikipedia.org/wiki/8.8_cm_FlaK_18 cm FlaK 18/36/37/41 |8.8cm FlaK]].
** The Thudd Gun was a copy of the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/QF_2_pounder_naval_gun:QF 2 pounder naval gun|QF 2 pounder naval gun]] or "Pom-Pom" gun on a wheeled carriage.
** The Space Marine Rhino is a clone of the M113 APC; the original all-plastic Predator has a T-55 turret stuck on top. The Vindicator is based on the [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Sturmtiger |Sturmtiger]].
** The new-look Landraider bears an almost perfect similarity to the early tanks of the First World War. The older version had huge lozenge treads with a tiny box hull suspended between them, and was apparently based on a snow crawler of some kind.
** [http://www.tamiya.com/english/products/35230_dragonwagon/dragonwagon.htm This thing] with a couple of Leman Russ on the back seems an oddly common "40K Vehicle" entry at Golden Daemon events. ''White Dwarf'' once praised such an entry "even including tiny chains" which are actually a stock part of the kit in question.
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* [[Ancient Tomb]]: Many varieties of these within the setting, including an ''entire race'' revolving around their use. Most of these places [[Captain Obvious|are fatal to wander into]].
* [[Ancestral Weapon]]: Almost everyone's equipment seems to be ancient to some degree, most notably Eldar and Marine war gear and Necron ''everything''. Somewhat [[Justified Trope|justified]] by the fact that a lot of the more advanced wargear has to consist of ancient hand-me-downs, because humanity has largely ''forgotten how the technology works and considers it magical''. More progress would be made in regaining that lost knowledge, but the Adeptus Mechanicus, the priesthood of technology, guards all their secrets zealously and takes a dim view of innovations that aren't based on pre-existing technologies.
* '''[[And I Must Scream]]''': A four-word description of the entire 40k universe. And then there are several [http://en.[wikipedia.org/wiki/:Googolplex |googolplex]] nadirs that really stand out.
* [[And Man Grew Proud]]: Human history up until and through the war with the Iron Men that destroyed the first great era of human civilization lingers as myth and cultural superstitions.
* [[Animesque]]: The Tau and the Eldar, albeit in two diametrically-opposed fashions, the Tau having grabbed the [[Power Armour]], but they act like Mecha, and the Eldar being firmly espoused to [[Crystal Spires and Togas]].
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** It's stated that the Tau are like this to their mercenaries, and are definitely Bad Bosses to aliens who join their alliance, though more in the style of ''1984''. We have yet to see much evidence though.
* [[Bad Vibrations]]: Justified - if you don't feel the tremors of an approaching Titan, you deserve what you get. Somehow, Titans are still able to sneak up on people despite this in ''Titanicus''.
** The Tyranid [http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Mawloc Mawlocs] do this as well. Just before they pop out of the ground and EAT YOU, in best [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/[Tremors |Tremors]] [http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/SandWorm[Sand Worm|style]].
* [[Bald of Awesome]]: The stereotypical look for Space Marines, except for the Space Wolves and the Blood Angels.
* [[Bald of Evil]]: In ''[[Dawn of War]]'' at least, the Heretics, Cultist Squads, and Chaos Lords are shown with shaven heads.
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== C ==
* [[Call a Rabbit A Smeerp]]: And occasionally [[Call a Smeerp A Rabbit]].
* [[Canis Latinicus]]: Conventional rendering of High Gothic; e.g., Adeptus Astartes, Adeptus Mechanicus. "Imperium," however, [http[wikipedia://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperium |is an actual Roman word]], according to [[That Other Wiki]].
* [[Can't Argue With Elves]]: ...but you can shoot them in the face. Foul Xenos.
* [[Captain Ersatz]]: Soylent viridians are [[Soylent Green]], "Sly" Marbo is John [[Rambo]], the Black Templars possess [[Monty Python and The Holy Grail|a holy hand grenade of Antioch]], and the Necrons are effectively an entire army of [[Terminator|Terminators]], among others.