Queen's Blade/Characters
Some or all of these characters need descriptions. A list of tropes is not a description. Please provide at least a few words telling how these characters differ from other characters with the same tropelists. |
This is the characters page for the series Queen's Blade.
Main Characters
The Wandering Warrior |
Middle daughter of the Vance family and heiress to the Count's throne. She runs away from home to follow her mother's footsteps as a warrior and travel the world to become a stronger warrior by entering the Queen's Blade Tournament. Leina is the main protagonist of the Queen's Blade anime as well as the mascot character of the Queen's Blade franchise.
- Action Girl
- Badass Adorable - Has an endearingly innocent childishness when it comes to the harsh realities of the real world.
- Badass Princess
- Braids of Action
- Bring My Brown Pants - During her second encounter with Melona.
- Butt Monkey - Mild case in Season 1, where she was on the receiving end of a large part of the combat-induced Fan Service.
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Gundam Exia
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Expy - Character design-wise, of Haruka Suzushiro, and also shares some elements from Vega, both of which were designed by Hirokazu Hisayuki. Also, clothing-wise, she looks a bit like Lucia from the obscure NES/Famicom game The Wing of Madoola.
- Also, she shares some personality quirks with Rock Howard: both are emotional blondes, lost their mothers at a young age (and their names are very similar), live between people of the same sex and had jerks for fathers. Subverted in that while Rock has no known brothers and his father was a criminal kingpin, Leina still has her sisters and her father is, at least, a decent guy.
- And, in Rebellion, her new armor and look seems to been taken out from Elliot Chandler.
- Gameplay-wise, from the gamebooks, from Amulf of Peth, of the original Lost Worlds' books
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Important Haircut - She gives herself one in the first episode.
- Meaningful Name - "Reina", her alternate name (should "L" be replaced with "R", which does exist in the Japanese language), means "queen" in Spanish -- she won the Queen's Blade tournament, but decided on forfeiting the title to Claudette.
- Famous-Named Foreigner - Her last name is possibly based in the American fantasy and sci-fi writer, Jack Vance.
- Mega Manning - In the final episode, Leina is revealed to have adapted techniques from Claudette, Tomoe, and possibly others.
- Missing Mom: Her mother, Maria, died when she participated in a Queen's Blade tournament when Leina was a child (or by an illness in Hide and Seek manga). Her death really traumatized her hard even to her adult age to the extreme Leina uses her mother's name in QB Rebellion as an alias
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero - Relinquishes her championship in favor of Claudette... bad idea to say the least. This was also the reason Elina almost got executed in the 1st OAV and Rebellion.
- No Dead Body Poops - During her first encounter with Melona, while in the process of being strangled.
- Ramming Always Works - She loves to use this tactic in the anime, with different results. Oddly enough, she doesn't rams her opponents in QB Spiral Chaos.
- Rebellious Princess
- The Runaway
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses moves based on Kenshiro's "Hokuto Hyaku Retsu Ken" (Wild Attack), Cless's "Majin Ken" (Meteo Swing), and Saber's "Excalibur" (Dragon Tail)—the latter also counts as an Actor Allusion, with Ayako Kawasumi having voiced both Leina and Saber.
- In the 1st OVA, "Dragon Tail" looks like a cross between Shiryu's Rozan Shoryu Ha and Rock and Geese Howard's Raging Storm.
- In the Japanese online game Arc Sign, for some reason the Dragon Tail looks like Seiya's Pegasus Ryusei Ken except using her sword rather than her fists.
- Spoiled Sweet
- The Unfavorite - To an extent.
- Took a Level in Badass - After some training with Echidna.
- In Rebellion, she dropped her Breast Plate, wore a mask, and goes by her mother's name. Despite sleeping sixteen hours, she still kicks everyone's ass.
- Walking the Earth
The Lightning General |
Oldest daughter of the Vance family and a favorite in the Queen's Blade Tournament. However, as an illegitimate daughter, she is barred from the throne, instead being assigned as Leina's bodyguard, even as she struggles to earn her father's approval.
- Amazonian Beauty: Tends to be this sometimes depending on the artist.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Lady
- Bare Your Midriff
- Bruiser with a Soft Center - In the books, she is said to be fond of cute things (like Nowa, Ymir, and even Elina). This side of her is completely unexplored in the anime adaptation.
- Calling Your Attacks - She's the only Western character who yell her attacks in Japanese for unexplained reasons.
- Chainmail Bikini
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Gundam Astraea F.
- Demonic Possession - Turns out in Rebellion that she was being controlled by the Swamp Witch.
- Determinator
- Evil Redhead - As of Rebellion
- The Fettered
- God Save Us From the Queen - In Rebellion, due to possession by the Swamp Witch.
- Grumpy Bear/Perpetual Frowner
- Heroic Bastard - Part of the reason why she's The Unfavorite.
- Bastard Bastard - as of Rebellion.
- Heroic Build
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Ineffectual Loner
- Lady of War/Four-Star Badass
- Meaningful Name - It's very possible she's named after the Roman Emperor Claudius[1] since both Claudette and Claudius were the Unfavorites (Claudette for being a bastard daughter and Claudius for being apparently sick) and both becoming the rulers of their countries by sheer luck.
- Missing Mom - Her biological mother is never mentioned on-story and her stepmother's death also affected her, but not in the same degree as her stepsisters. Maybe it had something to do with the fact she never addressed Maria as a mother, but with a honorific title instead.
- The Ojou
- Redheaded Hero
- The Unfavorite
- Shock and Awe
- Shorttank - While still quite obviously feminine, she is very much an adult tomboy.
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos she uses moves based on Tetsuya's "Thunder Break" (Raimei Shinkan) and her version of Leina's "Meteo Swing" (itself based on Cless's "Majin Ken", but using electricity instead of ki attacks).
The Angel of Glory |
An angel who, in her own words, is sent from Heaven to supervise and participate in the Queen's Blade Tournament in order to bring order to the world. Reality, however, begs to differ—she's a mischief-maker expelled by the head archangel into joining the Tournament as a "trial", one made even more difficult by an additional stipulation—she must never spill the "Holy Milk" in a bottle strapped on her hip.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Other angels don't like her mainly because of the fact that one wing is smaller than the other...and of course her attitude.
- Badass Adorable
- Chew Toy: Nothing goes right for her.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Cute Bruiser
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Nu Gundam.
- Dojikko
- Expy - of Nagi Jinno (aka Jibril Zero), as well as some element from Rika Manabe, from the h-game Makai Tenshi Jibril, which was also designed by Kuchuu Yousai.
- Curiously, she got a possible expy based on her in the form of Zessica Wong.
- Evil Costume Switch - During the 5th OVA, when she became a Fallen Angel, her wings and clothes turned black.
- Fallen Angel - During most of the 5th OVA.
- Harem Seeker
- Heads I Win, Tails You Lose: She was pretty much in a lose-lose situation concerning getting information on the Swamp Witch. If she failed to get info, she would be banished to hell. If she got the info, she was still going to be severely punished given the archangel knew that Nanael wouldn't be able to the mission given her without screwing up.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Let's Get Dangerous - Holy crap (no pun intended)... in the course of a few minutes, she goes from a completely useless annoyance to a competent fighter in her own right.
- Our Angels Are Different - She's like Pit in even skimpier clothing.
- Plucky Comic Relief
- Power Limiter: Nanael might as well be the strongest character in the series...if it weren't for the fact the head archangel cut her power down by giving her the holy milk to carry and given her clumsiness, her power is brought down considerably.
- Secret Test of Character - Nanael gets one in the fifth OAV when she is given A Taste of Power as a fallen angel.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Seven is Nana-el
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses moves based on Shinji and Asuka's "Unison Kick" (Falling Star Kick), V2's "Wings of Light" and Turn A's "Moonlight Butterfly" (Holy Dive), and Gilliam Jager's "Slash Ripper" (Celestial Saber).
- In the anime, "Falling Star Kick" looks a lot like a Giga Drill Breaker. In the 5th OVA, both Nanael and Hachiel shoot many missile-like beams on each other.
- In one episode, she refers to herself as being melancholic, and in the final episode of the second season, she imitates Ranka and Shana.
- Took a Level in Jerkass - While she's normally condescending towards humans, especialy human women, in the Spiral Chaos games she's acts outright racist towards everyone, even with males like Jean, who loves to address him as a monkey.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
The Warrior Priestess |
A member of an ancient order of Mikos from the island-nation of Hinomoto who participates in the Queen's Blade tournament to save her homeland and its (very young) ruler, the Mikado, from its own corrupt Imperial Court. She's also the sole survivor of her order, most of which were massacred by a group of Kouma Ninjas employed by the Court.
- Badass Adorable - Picture of the sweet and polite Girl Next Door outside battles.
- Handicapped Badass/Blind Weaponmaster -- In Rebellion, she gets cursed and is blind. Still one of the strongest fighters in the series.
- Beware the Nice Ones
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Musha Gundam.
- Fundoshi
- Hime Cut
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Katanas Are Just Better
- Lady of War
- Last of Her Kind
- Hachimaki
- Miko
- Meaningful Name - Named after Tomoe Gozen, a female samurai famous for her bravery and strength during the Genpei War in the Heian period in Japan, who also become a miko after that.
- Named Weapons - Kuchinawa
- Nice Girl
- Ramming Always Works - She doesn't ram her opponents like Leina, except when she was forced to kill Shizuka and when she tries to defeat Leina in the tournament. Curiously enough, unlike Leina in QB Spiral Chaos, many of her attacks involves ramming her enemies hard with her katana.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses moves based from Angelg's "Phantom Phoenix" (Tamatsuki), "Daitarn Saber" (Senren Musha Giri) and both Impulse Gundam's ramming attacks and Nu Gundam's fin funnels (Kachou Hougetsu).
- Wutai: Her homeland, Hinomoto, whose name is even an Alternate Character Reading for Japan.
- Yamato Nadeshiko
The Assassin of Many Faces |
One of the three servants of the Swamp Witch and her strongest minion. She is a shapeshifter with considerable skill in information-gathering as well as assassination. It is assumed that she was ordered to bring havoc into the Queen's Blade Tournament.
- Absolute Cleavage - Dialed up to 11—her top opens wide before her breasts and doesn't swing closed until right before her navel. And those parts are all transparent.
- Badass Abnormal
- Bare Your Midriff
- Berserk Button - Don't call her a monster.
- Blob Monster - A particularly busty, curvy, girly type.
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Gundam Throne Drei, since her pilot, Nena Trinity, shares the same voice actress with Melona.
- Godiva Hair - Combined with Prehensile Hair, meaning she's often groping herself.
- Hellish Pupils - Her pupils are shaped like plus signs.
- Improbable Weapon User/Breast Blaster - She squeezes her breasts to shoot out acid milk... and more often then not, it's explosive acid milk.
- It gets worse, when you consider the fact that Slimes dissolve anything they touch... so she is essentially shooting herself.
- Meaningful Name: "Melon" is another term for a breast.
- Nigh Invulnerable
- Talking to Herself - She shares the same voice actress with Rana. This plays an important role in the 3rd OVA, when she shapeshifts into Rana while torturing Airi.
- The Nudifier - The very nature of her acidic breast milk.
- Prehensile Hair
- Psychopathic Manchild
- Red Right Hand - No matter who she changes into, Melona retains her Hellish Pupils.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses moves based from the "Rider Kick" and the "Gespenst Kick" (Dragon Kick).
- Stripperiffic
- Vapor Wear - Ignoring the fact that she's effectively topless (creating hands out of her hair to grope her in lieu of a top),the Buddy Body ending makes it quite blatantly clear that she's not wearing underwear—especially given that the entire back side of her clothing is translucent... With the exception of what amounts to a slightly color-shifted arrow pointing to her bottom. Oh, and said back side? It's so small it's literally not covering said entire bottom. She is covered from the front, however, because there are some things that not even Queen's Blade could get away with.
- Voluntary Shapeshifting
The Ancient Queen |
One of the three servants of the Swamp Witch. While resurrected into doing her bidding, she is more concerned with restoring her ancient kingdom of Amara. She was betrayed by her adviser/mentor/lover Anarista millennia ago, and was beaten and raped by her kingdom's slaves under her palace after being thrown into the slave quarters by Anarista.
- Bare Your Midriff - To an absurd degree. She wears what amounts to a apron crossed with a mantle that hangs over (but doesn't actually cling to) her breasts. In the DVD version of Buddy Body, it's shown that her breasts bounce freely out from under her top every time takes a step.
- Charm Person - Uses this on Leina in the anime, though she broke free by the end of the episode.
- As well as half a city in season 2.
- Combat Stilettos
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Neo Egypt's Pharaoh Gundam.
- Expy - Of Cleopatra, except lesbian. Also, she's based from Kharis the Royal Mummy from Tunnels and Trolls: both use scepters, have curse attacks that poison enemies, and have similar headbutts, knee attacks and shrieks.
- Happiness in Slavery - Averted with her in the 4th OVA, but played straight with her masochistic servants. This is even lampshaded by Melona in the end of the episode.
- Meaningful Name - Also considered as a Punny Name, her name is a sort of portmanteau between the English word "menace" and the name of the Egyptian pharaoh Menes.
- Phlebotinum Rebel - Against the Swamp Witch, in the books' Backstory. In the anime, she remains as one of her henchwomen.
- Played straight when she decides to rebuild Amara in the 4th OVA, despite Melona and Airi's efforts to force her to return.
- Shout-Out - She uses some melee moves and poses based on Souther's "Nanto Hou'ou-ken" fighting style, as well as his Egyptian motifs (although more pronounced on Menace). This may also count as Casting Gag -- her voice actress is a fan of Fist of the North Star, specifically of Souther.
- More obvious in the Spiral Chaos games when she use her own version of Souther's Houshou Jyujihou except she use Setra for landing.
- Stripperiffic - Impressively so. While the entire cast counts, Menace's outfit is effectively a bikini bottom and shoulder coverings.
- Underboobs - As shown in the Buddy Body videos, her top doesn't actually cling to her, and is stiff metal—her breasts bounce freely under it whenever she moves.
The Infernal Temptress |
A wraith summoned by the Swamp Witch to kill her enemies in the Queen's Blade Tournament. Airi is totally devoted to her mistress, and can suck away the life energy of her enemies simply by touching them.
- Badass Abnormal
- Badass Adorable
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's obviously depicted as the Gundam Deathscythe
- Evil Tastes Good - Apparently fear is a good sauce.
- Girlish Pigtails
- Kiss of Death
- Life Energy - One of her powers is to steal it from people via mouth to mouth contact. The groping isn't strictly necessary, but knowing what kind of series this is...
- Love Redeems
- Meido: Her sworn duty towards The Swampt witch is her defining character trait.
- My Master, Right or Wrong: Played for Drama. Even though it pains greatly to leave Rana, who allowed her for the first time ever to experience the warmth and love of a family, her sense of honor and duty will not permit her to abandon The Swamp Witch. Though she has since fought under the tyran'ts banner and slain countless innocents including Annolette's mother in the "Queen's Blade Rebellion" Prequel Manga, her lingering memories and love of Rana nevertheless allows her to somehow hold onto a measure of her newly-gained humanity.
- Noble Demon - Of the trio of the Swamp-Witches' henchwomen, she is the first to show some decency. She was bested in combat by Cattleya because of her refusal to strike down her son Rana, and only won on a very cruel technicality set by the Empress. She later (albeit initially reluctant) takes Rana in and looks after him like a big sister. Unfortunately...
- Redemption Equals Death - She quite literally starves to death in her fight against Nanael, having being unable to feed on people's souls due to her unwillingness to make Rana sad. The very nature of her dietary habits prevents her from being a good person, and it killed her trying to be one.
- Well, almost. She manages to hang on inside her scythe, and is able to regenerate when she's thrown at an assassin.
- Punny Name - Her "Battle Name" can be read as "Meido he Izanaumono" -- "Temptress from Hades". The pun is, of course, reinforced by her outfit...
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses moves based on the Gundam Deathscythe. Her Finishing Move -- "Life Energy Absorption"—looks a lot like the "Jeeg Breaker".
- Also, in Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos during the route split between Leina and Tomoe in stage 25, if you choose Tomoe's route, Airi will help the cast to cross the Styx river in the underworld. Curiosly, she plays the same role as some busty, scythe-wielding shinigami whose main job is helping dead souls to cross the Buddhist version of that river. Even Nanael lampshades that fact by calling her as the Shinigami Girl.
- Sinister Scythe
- Undying Loyalty - Despite being a fundamentally decent and honorable person herself, it is that same sense of honor and sworn-duty towards the Swamp Witch causes Airi to remain in servitude to the tyrant. The clash between her own personal sense of morality and her duty to her master is a constant inner conflict central to her character.
- Walking Wasteland - Part of her power set.
- Zettai Ryouiki - A possible Grade S.
The Guardian of the Forest |
A human/elf hybrid who, despite earning an important position in the elves' Forest Council, is distrusted by elves and humans alike, and the former in particular is more than happy to shoo her into the Queen's Blade Tournament. Her only friends are Alleyne, the only elf who had the courage to take her in, and her pet monkey Lou.
- Badass Adorable
- Bare Your Midriff
- Cheerful Child
- The Cutie - She's among the first four fighters in the series, and the first to cater to "cute" tastes rather than "sexy" tastes most characters are associated with.
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as a GM Light Armor and Lou as a Grungust despise not being a mobile suit.
- Expy - Personality-wise, of Heart Aino (both even share the same voice actress) with some quirks and looks from both Estelle Bright (but with even less clothing) and Leaf from the Chronicles of the Heroic Knight TV series.
- Fantastic Racism - Despite her high standing, poor Nowa is still ultimately a glorified scapegoat amongst her elven peers, hated and blamed for every mishap due to her half-human lineage.
- Friend to All Living Things
- Genki Girl
- Girlish Pigtails
- Half-Human Hybrid
- Innocent Fanservice Girl - Does not ever wear underwear, and totally doesn't seem to mind.
- Kawaiiko
- Moe Couplet - With her teacher/mother figure Alleyne.
- Nice Girl
- Non-Human Sidekick - Lou
- Our Elves Are Better - Well, a half-elf anyway.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses moves based on those of Kusuha Mizuha's RyuKoOh. Also counts as an Actor Allusion, with both Nowa and Kusuha sharing the same voice actress.
- And during one of Drama CDs, when she's training with Alleyne along with Nanael, she shouts:
Nowa, LET'S DO IT! |
- Simple Staff
- Third Person Person
- The Unfavorite - On account of her half-elf, half-human lineage.
- Vapor Wear - And she's the only character whose lack of underwear is noticed.
The Combat Instructor |
One of the oldest members of a tribe of forest elves, at well over 1,000 years old. Curt, hard-headed and strict upon both herself and others, she has a habit of lecturing to others, even in casual conversations. Other elves call her "master", for out of fear/respect or both. She also surprises her fellow elves by admitting a despised halfling, Nowa, under her tutelage.
- Actor Allusion - Well, It's not the first time her voice actress voiced a girl who use kicks as one of her many attacks.
- Badass Adorable - Moreso in the 2nd OVA, where she stars to show a kind, sweet and cheerful side.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Berserk Button - Mess with Nowa I dare you.
- Cool Big Sis - To Nowa.
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Nero Trainer from the novel Gundam Sentinel
- Doomed Hometown - The Elf Village she was living was destroyed by the Swamp Witch's army between the original series and Rebellion, and she was cursed without being able to leave the forest.
- Drill Sergeant Nasty - Part of her personality and exaggerated for laughs in the Drama CDs.
- Hot Mom - She also acts as an adoptive-mom version to her.
- Kick Chick - Besides her staff, she uses kicks in many of her attacks.
- Kuudere
- Lady of War
- Mama Bear - The only person who can move the heart of this stoic warrior is her apprentice/daughter figure Nowa; hurt her and laugh about it (like Nyx did) and she will make you regret it for the rest of your life.
- Moe Couplet - With Nowa, who actually manages to bring out her very well hidden cute side.
- Older Than They Look - She's a thousand years old; she barely looks like in her late teens.
- Our Elves Are Better
- Parental Substitute - For Nowa.
- Perpetual Frowner
- Rapunzel Hair
- Shout-Out - In one of the Drama CDs, when she's training both Nowa and Nanael, most of her personality in that drama seems to be taken out from Sergeant Hartman, minus the profanity and played for laughs
- Simple Staff
- The Stoic/Not So Stoic - Normally the former, and often the latter when it concerns Nowa.
- When She Smiles - Only Nowa can make her break into a smile. D'aww...
The Imperial Commander |
Youngest (and most loyal) daughter of Count Vance. She is a prominent Queen's Blade Tournament fighter who entered the fray in hopes of finding (and bringing back) Leina under their father's orders. She's also a walking pile of contradictions—one one hand she's a smiling princess, a noble guard, and a kind younger sister; on the other hand, a vicious fighter, a deadly assassin, and a cruel sadist.
- Animal Motifs: Wears grey tiger themed attire, including a tiara and clawed gauntlet. In the Hide & Seek manga, she's often referred to as "that tiger woman" or said to be like a cat.
- Bad Boss - Basically what drove poor Nyx into her insanity... from childhood.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Cat Smile - Whenever she's pawing at Leina.
- Clingy Jealous Girl - Towards Leina in the anime, and towards Claudette in Hide & Seek.
- Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Gundam Astraea.
- Everything's Better with Princesses
- Expy - Just like Leina, she's also a expy, character design-wise, of Haruka Suzushiro, except, unlike Leina, she resembles Haruka even more in the personality department.
- She also took some quirks from Jagi: Both are blondes, have a unhealthy obsession with their older brothers (Leina in QB and Kenshiro in FOTNS[2]), being terrible bosses, and mostly being jerkasses with almost everybody else. Heck, Elina even dresses with black clothes, just like Jagi, in QB Rebellion, not to mention both having mind-controlling skills.
- Also, She seems to took some queues from Billy Kane: Both being loyal to their elders, both using staffs (Althrough Elina use a spear instead) and both being cocky and arrogant fellows too.
- It's All About Me
- Jerkass - Except towards her beloved Leina or Claudette.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - At least in the Hide & Seek manga.
- Karma Houdini - Despite all that she has done like make Nyx's childhood a living hell and criticizing the bodyguards who died watching her back as "useless", nothing truly bad ever happens to Elina until the first OAV.
- Lack of Empathy
- Missing Mom - Just like Leina, Maria's death really strucks her hard on her, and it's implied in the 1st OVA that her death could really affected her mental health.
- Sister-Sister Incest - She really likes her sister Leina.
- Rich Bitch - Except towards either of her sisters, especially Leina.
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses a move based on Axl Low's "Hellraiser".
- Significant Anagram - Her name is an anagram of "Leina".
- Spoiled Brat.
- Tsundere - Type A, as in hardcore Jerkass to anyone who isn't named "Leina".
- Why Did It Have To Be Wolves?
Voiced by: Hitomi Nabatame |
A former member of the Kouma Ninjas who defected and befriended Tomoe, whom she accompanies on her quest to win the Queen's Blade Tournament.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Ascended Extra - She has no game book, but has played a prominent role in both the anime and the PSP games.
- Badass Ninja
- Boisterous Bruiser
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Gerbera Tetra.
- Defector From Decadence - Abandoned her clan to become Tomoe's follower, inspired by her ideals.
- Dropped A Bridge on Her: There was literally no point to her death other than to make the already overpowered Tomoe even more powerful.
- Not exactly: Tomoe was going to lose against Elina because she rarely fights to the death and barely defeated her, and Shizuka already know that next opponent (later revealed as Leina) was not going not going be so kind with her (besides the fact they need to win the tournament for their country in first place) Also, it's implied it was an elaborated Gambit Roulette not only to help Tomoe to defeat Leina, but also to defeat Delmore for good in the final episode of both the second season and the OVA series.
- Killed Off for Real: To the point that she was the only dead character not affected by the mass resurrection at the end, for no reason whatsoever.
- Sacrificial Lion
- Stuffed Into the Fridge
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
The Fang Assassin |
Current leader of the Assassins of the Fang, the Queen's secret police. Irma adopts an emotionless attitude due to her early training alongside Echidina. Her mission is to eliminate certain fighters from the Queen's Blade Tournament.
- Badass - Or at least that's the point to her having trained as an assassin and the image she gives off.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Combat Stilettos
- Crazy Cat Lady - She is all over the "cat attraction" thing, though she is likely sane, just very bitter and aloof.
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Gundam Mk.II (with the Titans' color scheme).
- Emotionless Girl
- Expy: Of Sui-Feng.
- As in: looks like her, has the exact same backstory, being that both were raised as assassins, fell hard for their mentors, were betrayed/abandoned by them, and succeeded them as head of their respective organizations; which both happen to be Covert Ops.
- They also share the same ice cold demeanor, yet each has a soft spot for cats. If the similarities aren't deliberate, it's one hell of a coincidence.
- Fragile Speedster
- Moe Couplet - Can do this by being in close proximity with Echidna, and they play this trope totally straight in a flashback.
- Ninja Maid
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she use some moves based from that of Quatre's Gundam Sandrock and Angelg's "Mirage Sword" (Bloody Rose).
- White-Haired Pretty Girl - Physically, rather than personality-wise.
- Woman Scorned: Her present attitude in regard to Echidna.
The Veteran Soldier |
An elf from the forests of the deep south (although from a different tribe than Nowa and Alleyne) and a former leader of the Assassins of the Fang with at least 500 years of experience. Despite being a strong contender for the Queen's Blade Tournament, she has no interest in winning, instead spending her days as a wandering mercenary.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Badass - So much so Leina begs her for training, which pays off handily.
- Bare Your Midriff
- Combat Stilettos
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as a GM Quell.
- Expy: Is to Yoruichi as Irma is to Soi Fon. Similar looks, mannerisms, and relations.
- Feather Boa Constrictor: Or rather panties Boa Constrictor
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold
- Meaningful Name - Named after Medusa's mother from the Greek Mythology, hence her snake motif.
- Our Elves Are Better
- Psycho Lesbian for Hire - Subverted. She's actually quite sane, but has adopted this persona as part of her mercenary nature.
The Weaponsmith |
A manager of a weapon smithy and a former adventurer together with her husband Owen, with whom she had a son, Rana. She joins the Queen's Blade Tournament in order to find Owen, who has gone missing.
- Amazonian Beauty/BBW - She's got a bit of a belly, gigantically soft breasts, and a huge butt (that the camera highlights often) but she's also extremely muscular where it counts: her legs and arms.
- Badass Action Mom - Has a reputation for it, although she's very modest about it.
- Badass and Child Duo - Except unlike most tropes it's her biological son.
- BFS - They don't call it the "Giant-Killer" for nothing.
- Boobs of Steel - As far as physical strength, goes she far outclasses all of the other combatants, so it's no surprise that she also far outsizes most of the other combatants in terms of bustsize
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the League Militaire's Zoloat.
- Earn Your Happy Ending - She eventually gets her family back.
- Expy/Distaff Counterpart - Possibly of Guts, except Cattleya DOESN'T suffer Guts's same fate.
- Gag Boobs - She has gigantic breasts just shy of being twice as big as her head, and has experienced every trope typical of a Gag Boobs character. The anime took these tropes to an extreme, as she not only smothers Rana with them, but can also use them as pillows. Judging from her fight with Ymir, they also seem to be as light as pillow, as they constantly bounce in front of her face, though they toned it down considerably in later episodes. In spite of this, the size difference between her and other characters is ignored, the Gainaxing has no effect on her combat, and Rana doesn't seem to mind being smothered as long as his mom is there.
- Gainaxing - Her introductory episode has this by the boatload, although this is toned down in later episode
- Gentle Giant - Rather tall and muscular, but also warm-hearted and reluctant to engage in violence.
- Meganekko
- Hadaka Apron - Her outfit is based on this.
- Hot Mom
- Marshmallow Hell - Subverted in that there's no perversion factor with Rana; he just likes being close to his mom.
- Mighty Glacier
- Muscles Are Meaningless - Averted: she's the most muscular of the female cast, and by far the strongest.
- Reluctant Warrior
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she has moves based on the EVA-02's attack against Zeruel (Javelin Attack) and from the Daizengar.
- Stout Strength
The Steel Princess |
Daughter of the Dwarf King and manager of his steel mills for the past fifty years. She entered the Queen's Blade Tournament to prove the superiority of dwarven weapons.
- An Axe to Grind
- Badass Adorable
- Badass Princess
- Berserk Button - The Rebellion's OVAs and the QB Rebellion Zero manga states that Ymir's greatest Berserk Button is being called flat-chested.
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Neo Zeon's Dreissen.
- Cute Bruiser
- Expy - Possibly of Luna Child, and the female Archers from Disgaea.
- Evil Costume Switch: When she becomes Claudette's alchemist in Rebellion, she ditches her pink dress and white underwear in favor of a complete black dominatrix-like dress. Subverted in that she's not 'evil' out of free choice but rather honor-bound to serve Claudette.
- Honor Before Reason: Law dictates that a dwarf attains a debt of obedience towards anyone who can break their weapon. Claudette breaks Ymir's axe during the tournament. Cue Rebellion, where she is Claudette's loyal alchemist.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Also arguably qualifies.
- Legal Jailbait
- Little Miss Badass
- Meaningful Name - Named after (and pretty much a Distaff Counterpart of) the ancestor of Frost Giants from Norse Mythology.
- Moral Event Horizon - Ilustrated Stories only: The novel implies Ymir basically raped Mirim when she tries to improve her Ultra-Vibrating Armor putting a dildo-like device in her nether parts. For obvious reasons, the anime adaptation avoids this and she use the Magical stones in Mirim's armor breastplate and crotch zones instead.
- Older Alter Ego - well, kinda. In Rebellion she gains the abilities to transform into an older looking version of herself.
- Older Than They Look
- Our Dwarves Are All the Same - Played with.
- Princess Curls
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos, she uses a move based on Gundam Spiegel's "Sturm und Drang" and God Gundam's "God Slash Typhoon" (Crazy Attack).
- Sudden Sequel Heel Syndrome - Althrough is later revealed later (in the Illustrated Stories, at least) she's Melona impersonating her, and the real Ymir is imprisoned somewhere.
- Token Loli
- Why Did It Have to Be Snakes? - She gets over the fear of snakes in Rebellion
The Chivalrous Thief |
A bandit with a heart of gold, who steals from the corrupt rich and works as a mercenary to amass money to help provide food and shelter for war orphans. Her presence in the Queen's Blade Tournament revolves around this desire of hers.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Amazonian Beauty
- Badass
- Barbarian Hero
- Bare Your Midriff
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Carry a Big Stick
- Clothing Damage - Averted in her battle book.
- Dark-Skinned Redhead
- Just Like Robin Hood
- Heroic Build
- Hot Amazon
- Redheaded Hero
- Shout-Out - In QG Spiral Chaos she uses a move based on both Kenshiro's Hokuto Hyaku Retsu Ken and Folka Albark's Kouha Kishin Ken.
- Statuesque Stunner - Stands 5 ft 10in.
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Somehow inverted: Aldra's influence turns her from Chivalrous Thief to Knight Templar, along with giving her a competency upgrade.
The Twilight Queen |
Defending champion from the past two editions of the Queen's Blade Tournament. As the daughter of a priestess and the Lord of the Underworld, she is a cursed half-demon with the power to petrify with her gaze as well as "flesh-rending secret blades". While already around her twenties, she barely grew an inch taller due to a pact she made with the demon Delmore years ago, gaining immense power in order for her to find her lost sister.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Bare Your Midriff
- Berserk Button - Don't make a big deal about her half-demon lineage. It won't end well.
- Big Bad - Subverted. She's actually being manipulated by the fallen angel, Delmore.
- Combat Stilettos
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Reborns Gundam.
- Defeat Means Friendship - In the OVA she is shown wearing a nun's habit, and partially travelling with Tomoe. The website reflects this.
- Eyepatch of Power
- Fan Service Pack - In Rebellion
- Fantastic Racism - She was previously subjected to this.
- Half-Human Hybrid - Half-demon in this case.
- Happily Married - In Rebellion, except it's heavily implied that her husband is the player/viewer itself.
- Hot Chick with a Sword
- Improbable Weapon User - Her main weapon is a sword, sure, but y'know that... rather questionable looking object between her legs? Yep, that's a weapon too.
- Legal Jailbait: Due to Delmor's possession, her aging has stopped, so by this time she should be in her twenties despite looking like a preteen.
- The Other Darrin - Possibly due to retooling her, Ayana Taketatsu voices Aldra in Rebellion, rather than Miyu Takeuchi.
- Rapunzel Hair
- Retool - From all the returning characters of the latter series in Rebellion, she's the one with the most drastic changes, both in character design, personality and even her voice.
- She's All Grown Up - As of Rebellion, she has reverted to an appearance befitting her age.
- Taken for Granite - Sort of... it's yellow crystals instead of stone, but the idea is the same.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
The Maiden of Flames |
A peasant girl born to a laborer in the service of Count Vance. When Nyx stumbled upon Funikura, a sentient staff, she was granted immeasurable magical powers. She entered the Queen's Blade Tournament to prove her worth against everyone who looked down on her, especially Elina.
- Combat Stilettos
- Crossover - In the Mobile Suit Blade doujinshi and strip, she's depicted as the Infinite Justice Gundam, since her voice actress voiced both Nyx and Lacus Clyne, one of the protagonists.
- Expy—She's very similar, character-design wise, to Jessica Rabbit. Her living staff Funikura is this to both Shuma-Gorath and Eddie.
- Fiery Redhead/Evil Redhead - Due to Funikura's influence.
- "It's Not Rape If You Enjoyed It" - Ventures into this at times. At least, she's very devoted to Funikura, and considers him the best thing that has ever happened to her. As a result, she lets her staff (which is a somewhat sentient being) use her sexually in exchange for magical power.
- Meaningful Name - Named after the Greek goddess of the night.
- Playing with Fire
- Peek-a-Bangs
- Rape Is Love - Despite the fact her ever encounter with Funikura was almost certainly this, the power boost he gave her more or less made her fall for him/it.
- Rape as Drama - By contrast, the reasons she hates Elina was because the latter beat and molested her during her younger years, which is implied in the anime, and basically confirmed in the manga.
- Shout-Out - In QB Spiral Chaos she use a move based from that of the Machinary Children.
- She's Got Legs
- Zettai Ryouiki - Not an exact example, but she's got stockings, garters, and a dress with very hiigh slits on either side.
The Saint of the Gates |
A priestess from a church in Gainos, the continent's capital city. Known as a devout, holy woman to her followers, and despite her minimal fighting ability, she is capable of using white magic for healing and attacking enemies through provocative "Holy Poses". She is also greatly devoted to Nanael, whom she views as a great messenger from Heaven.
- Combat Stilettos
- Gag Boobs - Comes close to Cattleya's in size, much to Nanael's chagrin.
- Fighting with Chucks: A Nun with Nunchaku.
- Meganekko
- Naughty Nuns
- Nun-Too-Holy
- Rapunzel Hair
- Sensual Spandex
- Spell My Name with an "S": The books' fandom will mostly call her Merfa.
- Vapor Wear
Queen's Blade Rebellion Characters
The Princess Knight of the Rebellion |
Leader of the "Rebellion Army" and a knight with a strong sense of justice, driven out of concern for her homeland, currently being devastated by war, joining her younger sisters-in-law in the process. Like Leina, she is a noble's daughter—in her case, the Margrave Kreuz, though for some reason was raised as a boy. Despite her clumsiness, she has a certain level of charisma that inspires undying loyalty to her.
- Combat Stilettos
- Cool Horse - Ambrosius, a horse from the underworld, with whom she fights her enemies.
- Expy - She looks like an older Leina, except she doesn't relinquish her nobility and use her position to lead a rebellion against Claudette.
- Also she shares some traits with Song Jiang from Water Margin. In fact, most of Rebellion's story seems inspired by the book, except that while Song was an outlaw until his death, Annelotte is a noblewoman-turned-outlaw out of necessity.
- Hot Chick with a Sword - And a spear for a good measure.
- Insistent Terminology - Hates to be addressed as "Big Brother" (Onii-chan) by Huit and prefers to be addressed as "Big Sister" (Onee-sama).
- One of the Boys
- Punny Name - Her name is a pun with the demon Astaroth, the Crowned Prince of Hell, a very fitting name, since her real mother is the ruler of the Netherworld.
- Ironic Name - Her last name, Kreuz, means "Cross" in German. And she's half-demon like her sister Aldra.
- Shout-Out - In QB Rebellion's animated adaptation, during episode 10, when using her Super-Powered Evil Side, she creates a cross-shaped energy burst similar to the ones that appears in Neon Genesis Evangelion used by the Angels and EVAs alike.
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Like Aldra, she's half-demon, and during a duel with Elina in the Illustrated Stories, her evil side suddenly goes on a rampage and kills everyone on sight, forcing Elina to retreat barely alive. Only Huit's Cooldown Hug stopped her. The same scene happens in the anime series, but happens when Annelotte fights against Mirim when trying to destroy her armor's Magic Stones, and Huit is unable to stop her instead.
- Training from Hell - From Alleyne in the first QB Rebellion OVA.
The Alchemist-Strategist |
Daughter of the "Great Alchemist" Cyan, a good friend of Cattleya, and a younger sister-in-law of Annelotte, whom she calls "big brother" (much to the latter's annoyance). Spoiled she may be, due to Annelotte's influence, but she is also rather gentle and a competent tactician within the "Rebellion Army" who can fight with the automaton Vingt.
- The Chessmaster
- Child Prodigy
- Expy - Personality-wise, she's a combination between Shion Uzuki (Child Prodigy), Shotaro Kaneda/Jimmy Sparks (The Kid with the Remote Control) and Zhuge Liang (The Chessmaster).
- Faux Action Girl - Sort of, since she's not a fighter, and relies on Vingt for attacking
- Insistent Terminology - She loves to address Annelotte as "Big Brother" (Onii-chan) much for Annelotte's chagrin.
- Intrepid Reporter - Her role in QB Rebellion's animated adaptation.
- The Kid with the Remote Control - She controls Vingt with a alchemy-based remote control.
- Meaningful Name - "Huit" means "eight" in French.
- Our Elves Are Different - She's a Little Elf, hence her height.
The Alchemic Iron Woman |
An elven automaton reputedly built by Huit's mother, who also serves as Huit's playmate, bodyguard and companion. She is a wind-up automaton, but with a fairly long lifespan once wound up. She always acts under the orders written in the "remote control" unit Huit carries, written in an arcane runic script.
- Arm Cannon - More like an Arm Rifle.
- Expy - If Huit is the Queen's Blade version of Shion, Vingt is her own version of KOS-MOS, but with some traits from both Mazinger Z and Gigantor/Tetsujin 28
- I Call It Vera - Vignt is technically Huit's weapon, since she's unable to fight to her own.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha
- Magitek - She's powered via alchemy using Huit's remote control
- Meaningful Name - "Vingt" means "twenty" in French.
- Robot Girl - Technically she's an Automaton, but she's the closest thing to a Mecha in the Queen's Blade universe.
- Rocket Punch - She's able to throw her arms against her enemies, a la Mazinger Z.
- The Voiceless - She can only be heard yelling and growling. In the anime adaptation she's able to speak... in robotic monotone.
Captain Liliana
The Great Pirate |
A notorious, elusive pirate who once haunted the continent's coastal waters, Liliana is said to have died at the hands of the monster Kraken, only to be resurrected by the Swamp Witch to be one of her henchwomen. Liliana, however, would have none of it, instead continuing to live according to "Pirate Ethics" set up by her revered grandmother, the Pirate Queen Artemis. Unlike other pirates, she shows a sense of honor and manners befitting a noblewoman, as well as respect to the elderly.
- Back from the Dead
- Bare Your Midriff
- Casting Gag: With the pink hair, cutlass and refined manners, she is quite reminscent of a certain student council president.
- Dangerously-Short Skirt: So dangerous, she cam Back from the Dead and still struts around in that skirt!
- Expy - Based off of "The Pirate" character in Lost Worlds. Character design-wise, of Rui from Dream C Club, both having been designed by Haruyuki Morisawa.
- More broadly, her character concept is loosely-based on the Flying Dutchman, including skeletons-as-crew.
- Noble Demon: Less so in the anime adaptation, which has her attacking a city that can't defend itself without Annelotte.
- Sky Pirates
The Inquisitor |
A description of the character goes here.
- Burn the Thieves! - It's what happens with the thieves who attacked her after she use one of her most powerful Holy Poses to kneeling them into submission.
- Church Militant
- Heel Face Turn - After being defeated by Annelotte in the final episode of the second Story Arc of the QB Rebellion's illustrated stories and after watching how evil her former leader was, she decides to side with Annelotte instead.
- Knight Templar: While genuinely kind and compassionate to her flock, Siggy pretty much has "burn the heretic!" as her default reaction to anyone she perceives to be an enemy of her faith.
- Nun-Too-Holy - Even more than Melpha!
- Shout-Out: Siggy was a pen name used by Oda Non in the past.
- The Inquisition - Part of her job, and just like the real, historical one, Siggy burns the thieves that attacked her and Ymir in the stake when they tried to steal to an old man in the QB Rebellion's second OVA
- Underwear of Power
- What the Hell, Hero? - Ymir calls her out after she burns the thieves in the stake after she defeats them for insulting God.
The Moon Dancer |
A description of the character goes here.
- Ambiguously Brown - Played with it in the animated series: She can switch from having a lighter skin color to darker one whhen she's excited or when she's fighting.
- Beware the Silly Ones - - Don't be fooled by her looks: She can switch from being a slutty princess to a really damn scary warrior in just a second.
- Combat Tentacles - She use those tentacles from her bracelets and her back as weapons...
- Tentacle Rope - ...and also as ropes, too.
- Expy - of both Meena and Maya.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl
- Fan Service Pack
- Stripperiffic - She even tops Menace as the most stripperific character of this series.
- Underboobs
The Ultra-Vibrating Valkyrie |
A description of the character goes here.
- Berserk Button - Ilustrated Stories only: Despise being an awfuly shy and frail girl, there's a single thing that can really piss her off: Never try to force her to destroy her own town and kill her own family. Ymir learns this the hard way.
- The Cutie
- Spank the Cutie - Siggy tries to exorcise her when Mirim asked her help to take out her armor and Siggy spanks her.
- Expy - Of both Lenneth Valkyrie (in her armor) and Platina (her civilian outfit)
- Heck, there's even an small Homage from that game in Rebellion's anime in episode 6 when Mirim is picking some flowers in a flowery field for Ymir and it's similar to a scene in Valkyrie Profile in the beginning of the game when Lenneth is standing still in a flowery field.
- Meaningful Name - Her name is a mispelling of Mimir, one of the Æsir of the Norse Mythology.
- The Woobie - Ymir treats her like dirt and she's very klutzy, not too mention she has to wear that uncomfortable armor...
Supporting Characters
Voiced by: Fumihiko Tachiki |
The Living Scepter of Menace.
- Meaningful Name - And also Punny Name, his name is a combination between the Spanish word "cetro" (Scepter) and the name of the tragedy Sethona, written by the Scottish orientalist Alexander Dow and based in Menes, whose name Menace is based of.
- Non-Human Sidekick
- Dirty Old Man - Has the personality of one, at least.
Voiced by: Rie Kugimiya |
Cattleya and Owen's only son, who tags along with his mother.
- Character Development: Starts showing signs of growth after his time with Airi, becoming more reliable and focused.
- Cute Shotaro Boy
- The Load - Rana literally hangs off of Cattleya during battles, often in inconvenient positions.
- Moe Couplet - With his mother Cattleya, as well as Airi.
- Momma's Boy
- Morality Pet - for Airi.
- Tagalong Kid
- Who Names Their Kid "Frog"? - While "Rana" could sound exotic for Japanese ears, his name is the Spanish word for frog.
Cattleya's missing husband and Rana's father.
- The Blacksmith
- Disappeared Dad
- Dude in Distress: Aldra had him in her clutches for who knows how long.
- Expy - Of his own son Rana, and also of Conan the Barbarian, possibly.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen - We don't see his face (only his body), and he finally appears in the final episode of the second season, but played straight in the 3rd OVA, when we only can see him behind his back.
- Hot Dad
- Informed Ability: For the man said be a Dragon Slayer, he sure didn't show off such abilities, or how Aldra defeated him in the first place, did he put a fight or was easily overthrown? We will never know.
- Retired Badass: The story says so... but we don't get see how badass he was, only that he retired to become a blacksmith.
- Satellite Character: Given how little characterization Owen has, if any at all; it merely serves to stabilish Cattleya as a Hot Mom/Action Mom and give her a reason to compete on the Queen's Blade, she had to consumate with a man for Rana to exist after all.
- Walking Shirtless Scene
Count Vance
Voiced by: Atsushi Ono |
Claudette, Leina and Elina's father and a powerful nobleman.
- Expy - Possibly (in the anime version), of Tesshin Kasumi, Kenshiro Kasumi's father.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold - He can be cruel to Claudette, but he still worries about her in his own way.
- Karma Houdini - He's pretty lucky that Claudette, despise hating nobility, and disliking the way he treats her, still loves him, even if she had the chance of kill him or let him die at Risty's hands if she wanted it, especially when he arrested her for not being able to bring Leina back. Instead, she tries to getting Leina back home once again, after getting rid of the guards that arrested her.
- He Who Must Not Be Seen - Played with: we don't see his face in the first episodes, but appears entirely in the rest of the series (and later playing an important role), but still played straight in the original gamebooks, the videogames (he appears as a shadow, but his silhouette is identical to his form in the anime) and the manga (albeit with a different character design).
Elina's servant boy from the Hide & Seek manga.
- Cute Shotaro Boy - Such that many females—even Elina—risk life and limb to save him.
- I Owe You My Life - He's thankful for Claudette for saving him and thus continue to serve her and sisters despite how bad Elina treats him.
- I'm Taking Him Home With Me! - How some of the females react to him.
- Naive Newcomer
- Undying Loyalty - To Elina.
The Brave Angel |
Nanael's best friend and Morality Pet.
- Action Girl - Subverted: she's the only female with no combat experience. At least until the 5th OVA.
- Canon Foreigner - She's an anime-exclusive character.
- Expy - She looks like an angelic version of Momo Velia Deviluke. What makes it funnier is that Momo has a twin sister named Nana.
- In-Series Nickname - "Hachi" ("eight" in Japanese)
- Keigo - She's very polite towards everyone, even with Nanael, who is her junior.
- Morality Pet - For Nanael.
- Satellite Character
- Sempai-Kohai - Inverted: Despise being Nanael's senior, she address her (in the Japanese version) as Nanael-san but she dropped this for a moment, when Nanael become a Fallen Angel in the 5th OVA.
The Holy Warrior |
Leina & Elina's biological mother (as well as Claudette's stepmother) who died years before the events of the series takes place.
- Expy - Besides looking a lot like Leina, background-wise she shares many quirks with Marie Heinlein, Geese Howard's wife and Rock Howard's mother from Garou: Mark of the Wolves, since both were blondes, their respectives sons loved her and their respective deaths affected their sons even as grown-up. Depending of the continuity, she died fighting (anime) or died of an illness (manga), just like Marie Heinlein died in Garou.
- She Who Must Not Be Seen - Even more than her husband in the Hide and Seek manga, since we don't see her face there, only her body, but averted later in the anime in the second season.
- Hot Mom: Takes one to have daughters as hot as Leina and Elina.
- Meaningful Name - OK, her name is Maria and her battle name is The Holy Warrior. Where I heard about that name before?
- Not to mention one of the many translations of Leina's battle name is The Exiled Virgin.
- Multiple Choice Past - In the anime and the gamebooks, she died while fighting in a Queen's Blade tournament, but in the Hide and Seek manga she died due of illness instead.
- Posthumous Character: Her death affected the whole Vance family really hard, to the grade her daughters are still dealing about the topic as grown-ups.
- Death by Origin Story: But her death becomes the motivation for Leina to become a warrior at the beginning of the series
- Strong Family Resemblance - She's basically Leina as an adult and with long hair.
The Souvenir Store Owner |
- Author Avatar - He's a collective avatar for Hobby Japan (the creators of the Queen's Blade franchise) as a whole.
- Canon Foreigner - Played with it: He only appears physically in Menace's sidestory, in the Spiral Chaos games as the store owner who sell stuff to the players (until Cattleya and Ymir replaces him later on game) and as the faceless blogger in the Hobby Japan's Queen's Blade homepage, but he doesn't appear in the anime series or in the manga adaptations.
- Quickly Demoted Man - We don't see him ever again after Cattleya and Ymir demoted him.
Belphe & Dogor
Voiced by: Mitsuo Iwata (Belphe) and Masahito Yabe (Dogor) |
A pair of plushies that Aldra had in her house in Rebellion, and they're possesed by a pair of two evil spirits summoned by Aldra after Ymir forces her to work for her in exchange of her husband.
- Creepy Plushies
- Dirty Old Man - Both of them, maybe even more than Setra!
- Everything's Worse with Bears - Belphe
- Meaningful Name - Both characters are named after Belphegor, one of the seven princes of Hell in Demonology and related with lust, hence why both of them are so perverted.
- More Teeth Than the Osmond Family
- Shout-Out - During the QB Rebellion TV series in episode 9, during the battle against Annelotte and Izumi, Belphe does something similar to M.Bison's Psycho Crusher, this could be a hilarious Casting Gag, if you know that Belphe's VA voiced Sean Matsuda!
Characters from Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos and Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos
NOTE: Only tropes used in the gamebooks and the videogames should be mentioned when we're talking about the non-original characters. For more detailed tropes about them, check in the respective links about the series they belong.
Apprentice Warrior |
A mysterious girl and protagonist of Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos.
- A-Cup Angst
- The Cutie - Well, that's her name. No, really.
- Expy - of Komugi Nakahara, also designed by Akio Watanabe. Her design includes includes some visual cues from Nia Tepellin.
- MacGuffin Girl
- The Ojou
- Original Generation
- Pettanko - And not very proud of being one.
- Shout-Out - She uses moves based from "Goldion Hammer" (Magical Hammer) Arado Balanga's "Stag Beetle Crusher" (Sword Break) and Justice Gundam's Fatum-00 flight pack ramming attack (Ground Impact).
- Super-Powered Evil Side - Her real name is Michel, older sister of Ranchel and Suchiel, the Twin Dragon Goddesses, and she's able to take over Cute's body at will, not to mention able to control or tame powerful beast like dragons with ease. Subverted later, while she's not so kind as Cute is, she's still one of the heroines until the end.
- Talking to Herself - Literally with Michel
- Wingding Eyes - Her pupils are shaped like stars.
The Servant |
Cute's assistant.
- Butt Monkey
- Chivalrous Pervert
- Cowardly Lion
- Expy - If Cute is based on Komugi, Jean is based in her love interest, Kyosuke Date.
- Imagine Spot - All the damn time.
- Lethal Joke Character - He's a coward with very low stats, but he's the only person who can capture Cute Monster Girls (e.g. harpies, arachnids, dinosaur girls, etc.) and recruit them; developed well, he can even rip female armor off like a TRUCK, indicating the kind of personality he has.
- The One Guy - He's the only playable male character on both games.
- Original Generation
- Shout-Out - His entire Super Mode scene is a giant Shout-Out towards the Super Saiyans from Dragonball Z
- One of his quotes when he's in Super Mode is My new transformation IS NOT FOR SHOW! This is more more hilarious if you know that his voice actor worked in two series of the Gundam franchise as Tieria Arde and Zeheart Gallete.
- Super Mode - In Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos, after Ranshel, Sushel and Mishel/Cute combine into a giant superdragon to fight off the dimensional monster Weiss and then leave, unable to return to normal, Jean is in a blue funk for a stage or two. After Original Generation baddie Humina mocks him, he tells her to get stuffed, his hair suddenly turns gold, and his battle quotes go from him being timid, cautious and apologetic to angry and aggressive. Possibly subverted in that he doesn't actually become any better at fighting, just more confident and less frightened.
- Unwanted Harem - Gets one in Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos. One screenshot features him getting to kiss Jubei Yagyu.
Maron Macaron
The Magical Patisserie |
Main protagonist of Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos.
- Actor Allusion - Some of her attacks and cut-ins allude to her voice actress's other roles, including Gravion and Higurashi no Naku Koro ni.
- Chef of Iron
- Combined Energy Attack: A very literal one during her Combination Attack with Cute.
- Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: In a continued reference to her voice actress's most famous role as Rena Ryuguu, some of her attacks show her with Rena's trademark Cute and Psycho empty eyes.
- Expressive Accessory: Her hat mimics her face expressions sometimes.
- Original Generation
- Shout-Out - Her hat looks like a Pooka, and her final attack (Starlight Shower) is a combination between Gilgamesh's Gates of Babylon and Nanoha's Starlight Breaker.
- Rocket Punch - Except that it looks more like the Sol Gravity Pressure Crusher Punch.
- Verbal Tic - Desu-no~
- Wolverine Claws - One of her attacks even looks like the Wolverine's "Berserker Barrage".
Aruta Catus
The Meowderful Patisserie |
Maron's chief rival.
- Chef of Iron
- Original Generation
- Evil Counterpart - Of Maron.
- Expy - Azu-nyan, why did you become evil?
- Girlish Pigtails
- Meaningful Name - Her last name "Catus" means "Cat" in Latin.
- The Rival - Towards Maron
- Shout-Out - In QG Spiral Chaos' Stage 11: Come on, Monsters!, COME HERE!
- Whip It Good
The Gate Opener |
- Voiced by: Kana Ueda
- Artist: Niθ
A Nitroplus original character, set to appear in Queen's Gate: Spiral Chaos.
- Adventurer Archaeologist: She's practically the Indiana Jones of the Queen's Blade universe.
- All There in the Manual: The Gate Opener sidestory reveals she's from our world (implied to be British) and she is trying to find her missing mother, and she was send to the QB universe after a mission against a powerful villain, possibly related with Nyx's Funikura, since he have a living staff that looks like Funikura.
- Casting Gag: Her voice actress is a big fan of Western First-Person Shooters like Halo; Alice uses handguns, unlike almost everyone else, not to mention she uses vampiric clothing, just like another vampire girl from a very-well known fighting game.
- Does This Remind You of Anything?: Her suit is filled with a special protective liquid which has a yellowish-transparent color. If the suit ever breaks in some way, the liquid leaks...
- Expy: From the gamebooks, of The Gunslinger (Except he use a single revolver and a whip). Character design-wise, of Al-Azif.
- Guns Akimbo
- Guns Are Worthless: Averted: she's the only Original Generation (of the sorts) character who can use firearms (counting out Rebellion's Vingt and Noel Vermillion.)
- Little Miss Badass
- Meaningful Name: Maybe this is pretty obvious. And name of the first stage of QG Spiral Chaos when she appears for first time is named Stranger in Wonderland to boot.
- Heck, even her mother is named Lewis!
- Missing Mom: Her mother, Lewis.
- Older Alter Ego: She's able to change her size to a beautiful adult woman when she needs extra power.
- Original Generation: Sort of. She originally belongs to Nitroplus.
- Shout-Out: One of her specials has her imitate Gundam Dynames', sniping pose, except she uses the Revolver Bazooka from Dynames' predecessor unit, the Gundam Sadalsuud.
- Whip It Good: She can use her tail as a whip.
Wonder Momo (AKA Momo Kanda)
The Warrior of Love |
A description of the character goes here.
- Actor Allusion - Her voice actress did a single named Wonder Momo-i based on that game.
- Guest Fighter - More as a Replacement Guest Fighter since probably the only reason she appears in this game is for replacing Kasumi and the fact she doesn't have a gamebook yet.
- Henshin Heroine
- Punny Name - Momo shares her name with the last name of her voice actress (except for the letter I)
- The Other Darrin - Haruko Momoi replaces Ayako Kawasumi (now playing as Leina), who voiced her in Namco X Capcom.
Emilie "Lili" Rochefort
A description of the character goes here.
- Covert Pervert: Like Jean, she enjoys the sight of the other girls in ecchi-tastic situations. In one skit she and Jean even shared a forearm clasp at the sight of Nanael and Katja drenched with the spilled holy milk from Nanael's bottle.
- But it doesn't prevent her to kick his ass when Jean tries to do something pervert towards the girls.
- Face Palm of Doom
- Finger-Poke of Doom
- Good Old Fisticuffs
- Kick Chick
- The Other Darrin - Rina Sato replaces Joy Jacobson in QG Spiral Chaos, making her Lili's first Japanese voice actress.
- Panty Shot - Notable in that she's the only one who's trying to cover 'em to no avail.
- Took a Level in Badass - Surely in Tekken she really can't do all those crazy juggles that goes to space.
Mai Shiranui
The Crimson Ninja |
A description of the character goes here.
- Ninja
- Paper Fan of Doom
- Playing with Fire
- Shout-Out - Her alternative waitress outfit is taken out from Yuka Takeuchi.
- Stripperiffic
Mina Majikina
The Holy Archer |
A description of the character goes here.
- The Archer
- The Other Darrin -- Rie Tanaka is Mina's third voice actress.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Cham Cham
Protector of the Jungle |
A description of the character goes here.
Repayer of Kindness |
A description of the character goes here.
- Antiquated Linguistics - Since she hails from Ancient Japan, she doesn't use katakana for loanwords like maid (normally rendered as メイド), she used hiragana for those words instead (in her case, maid is rendered as めいど)
- Grand Theft Me: During a Combination Attack with Airi, the demon maid swaps bodies with her.
- Ninja Maid
- Stripperiffic
The Child of Fate |
A description of the character goes here.
- Apologetic Attacker
- Good Wings, Evil Wings: Has both of them and they're alive.
- Naughty Tentacles: Courtesy of Necro
- Sailor Fuku: Her alternate outfit.
Noel Vermillion
Successor of the Azure |
A description of the character goes here.
- Early-Bird Cameo - She appeared in the Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos game before her gamebook was published.
- Gun Slinger
- Special Guest - Like Momo, Noel gets in here as the replacement for Kasumi.
Isabella "Ivy" Valentine
Twisted Blade of Solitude |
A description of the character goes here.
- Bare Your Midriff
- The Baroness
- Be My Valentine
- Combat Stilettos
- The Other Darrin: Yumi Touma is back after not voicing Ivy in SC Legends and SC 4.
- Whip It Good
Ink Nijihara/Pastel Ink and A-kun
The Magical Girl |
A description of the character goes here.
- Hero of Another Story - She's one of the few characters in Queen's Gate who is the main character of their own series and not a sidekick or partner of someone else.
- Gratuitous English - Used in many of her attacks, sometimes literally.
- Lolicon - A-kun, for Ink, and also Ymir's annoyance.
- Shout-Out - Her Gratuitous English attack (Let's Study!) seems to be taken out from the Unlimited Blade Works and her Final Attack (Magical Climax) looks a lot like the Shine Spark.
Witch of the Netherworld |
An antagonist introduced in QB Spiral Chaos, Dora is a sorceress in the employ of the two Dragon Priestess. When she and Lamica are unable to defeat Cute and the others, she enlisted the help of Menace.
- Back from the Dead - In Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos, if she was really dead in first place
- Expy - She's basically a nastier Nahga. Also shares some visual elements from Xine Espio.
- Original Generation
- Shout-Out - She's possibly the character with most Shout Outs in the game: Many of her attacks are taken from Mobile Fighter G Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and also Darkstalkers.
The Blood-Sucking Princess |
A vampire and Dora's accomplice.
- Back from the Dead - In Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos, if she was really dead in first place
- Cluster F-Bomb - For a princess, she's very foul-mouthed.
- Even Evil Has Standards - Let's say she's doesn't want her "Soma" being sucked from her from Katja in QG Spiral Chaos.
- Expy - She looks like a combination between Etna and Remilia Scarlet.
- Little Miss Badass
- Meaningful Name / Significant Anagram : She shares a similar name with a vampire named Lamirca from Vampire Hunter D, whose name is an anagram from "Carmilla", also the name of a vampire from an story of the same name written by J. Sheridan Le Fanu.
- Our Vampires Are Different - Judging with her appearances during all the game, she doesn't fit with the classical vampire stereotype. (She can be able to fight during sunlight, in first place.)
- Original Generation
- Punny Name - Her battle name is a pun of the Japanese word for "Vampire" (吸血鬼 Kyuuketsuki/Blood-sucking Demon) since Blood-sucking Princess (吸血姫) is homophonous with that word.
- Shout-Out - Her final attack is a Shout Out from Neon Genesis Evangelion, when the EVA-01 goes berserk and starts eating it's enemy, except she sucks her enemy's blood instead. The fact she wears purple clothing reinforces the fact.
Bunny Idol Luna
The Natural Bunny Idol |
An antagonist introduced in QG Spiral Chaos A description of the character goes here.
- Actor Allusion - Looks and sounds like a certain famous virtual green-haired idol singer.
- Expy - Of Hatsune Miku in her Sakura Miku persona.
- Evil Knockoff - Again, from Miku.
- Genki Girl
- Killer Rabbit
- Idol Singer
- Macross Missile Massacre - With carrots, and even rabbits.
- Meaningful Name - Her name is an allusion of the Japanese legend of the rabbit who pounds rice cakes (or mochi) in the moon.
- Original Generation
- Shout-Out - One of her attacks looks like the Gundam X's Satellite Cannon.
The Gravity Gunner |
Another antagonist introduced in QG Spiral Chaos A description of the character goes here.
- Actor Allusion - Those two tentacle-like appendages on her back could be an allusion to her voice actress's breakout role as a certain Cute Monster Girl.
- Kansai Regional Accent - Along with Tenko, she's one of the few characters who speaks with that accent.
- Original Generation
- Shout-Out - One of her attacks, Gravity Ball, looks like a combination between Pierre Vieira's Fire Goal and Tsubasa Ohzora's Drive Shoot. Another of her attacks, Penetration, looks like the iconic Last Shooting scene.[4]
The Grim Reaper of the Battlefield |
Yet another antagonist introduced in QG Spiral Chaos A description of the character goes here.
- Fan Nickname - The Scopedog Girl
- Original Generation
- Shout-Out - She's a walking shout-out from many Mecha series, since she uses attacks and moves from a Scopedog, Knightmare Frames, Kyosuke Nanbu's Alteisen and even her MAP Weapon is taken out from Gundam Virtue's GN Bazooka.
Monster Girls
The Monster Girls are a group of cute female monsters that Jean can capture during both Spiral Chaos games. They're especially useful during the beginning of both games, since you will begin short of playable characters at first, and you will need all the help you can find along the way in those games.
Harpy |
A description of the character goes here.
- Actor Allusion - It's not the first time that Ayumi Fujimura voiced both a winged girl or a girl who use flying kicks as her main attack.
- She's Got Legs - In fact, one of her battle quotes duting the game says: Do you like my legs?
- Winged Humanoid
Twin Horned Demon |
A description of the character goes here.
- Bokukko
- Ramming Always Works
- Shout-Out - One of her attacks looks like the Musashi Tomoe's Daizetsuzan Oroshi.
Wasp Spider |
A description of the character goes here.
- Elegant Gothic Lolita - The Japanese version: She's basically a cute girl with a purple yukata and a spider motif
- Meaningful Name - Named after Arachne, from the Greek Mythology, despise her Japanese motifs.
- Shrinking Violet - Both literally (due of the color of her yukata and her size) and figuratively, since she's awfuly shy towards everyone.
Nine-tailed Fox |
A description of the character goes here.
- Canis Major - When she's transforms into the mythological Nine-tailed Fox in her final attack.
- Kansai Regional Accent - She is, along with Aine, one of the two characters from the Queen's Blade universe who use that accent.
- Kitsune
- Expy - Possibly from both Ran Yakumo and the other more nastier Nine-tailed fox everyone knows...
- Meaningful Name - Tenko mean Celestial Fox in Japanese.
- Shout-Out - Just like Humina, her attacks are taken mostly from Naruto: Not only her energy ball attack looks like Naruto's Rasengan, but in her final attack she transforms in not only the mythological monster she's based of, she looks a lot like the Naruto's version of that monster.
Fairy |
A description of the character goes here.
- Expy - She looks a bit like Yukina Shiratori, not surprisingly, since both characters were designed by the same charater designer.
- Hair Decorations
- Lightning Bruiser - Don't be fooled by her size and cuteness: She's one of the most powerful monster girls you can capture during the game, due of having both great defensive and offensive stats.
- Shout-Out - One of her attacks seems to be taken out from the Gundam Double X's G-Bit drone attack.
Lovlila |
A description of the character goes here.
- Genki Girl
- Shout-Out - One of her attacks (Mana Stream) seems to be taken from the Nirvash's diving attack, another one who looks like the Ippo Makinouchi's Dempsey Roll and one who seems taken from the Bugs drones.
Audrey |
A description of the character goes here.
- Shout-Out - One of her attacks looks like being taken out from Andromeda Shun's Nebula Chain.
Ramshel and Sushel
The Priestesses of Chaos |
A description of the character goes here.
- Back from the Dead - After you though you killed them for good in Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos, they return again in the sequel, but this time as your allies, and you have to help them.
- Big Bad - In Queen's Blade Spiral Chaos, but they return in the sequel as your allies.
- Creepy Twins
- Fusion Dance - When trying to defeat Weiss, they invoke this trope, along with her sister Cute/Mishel, and transforming into a giant dragon.
- Sibling Yin-Yang - Ramshel use fire and Sushel use ice-based attacks.
The Conqueror of Darkness |
A description of the character goes here.
- Big Bad - of Queen's Gate Spiral Chaos.
- Captain Ersatz - The Mecha that Weiss is piloting is basically a Dimensional Beast except being mechanical rather than organic.
- Instant Awesome, Just Add Mecha - She's basically a girl piloting a giant robot, and you have you fight against her on foot.
- Ironic Name - Also overlaps with Meaningful Name, since her name means "white" in German, but her robot is painted black.
The Fallen Angel |
A mysterious demon possessing Aldra.
- Big Bad - He is the final enemy Leina and the other girls must face after she defeats Aldra in the final match of the Queen's Blade Tournament, where he reveals his true form.
- Eldritch Abomination - At least in the anime. In the game books, he looks more like a stereotypical humanoid demon.
- Not Quite Dead/Back for the Dead - In the last OVA... only for Tomoe to finish him off for good this time.
- The Man Behind the Man - He is controlling Aldra, since he doesn't have a body of his own, at least in the anime series.
- Unwitting Pawn - But it turns out that the Swamp Witch is controlling him for her ends during the whole second season.
An enigmatic and powerful witch, as well as master of Melona, Menace and Airi. She's revealed the Swamp Witch is a wicked entity who controls Welveria, the princess of the netherworld, who is also Aldra and Annelotte's mother.
- Big Bad - She's behind all the events in both seasons and the OVAs. Made all the more notable by manipulating Delmore, the demon behind Aldra, as well as manipulating Claudette and blinding Tomoe in Rebellion.
- Bigger Bad: And she's also the biggest threat (excluding the Spiral Chaos games) of all the Queen's Blade universe.
- Evil Plan - She was controlling Aldra, Delmore and (in Rebellion) Claudette, and her real plans includes turning the Continent into a livingless wasteland, not to mention destroying the Queen's Blade tournament, since it's the only thing that keeps the world's status quo in check.
- Expy - Background-wise, both Welveria and the Swamp Witch are expies of both Leyla and Karla The Gray Witch respectively from Record of Lodoss War.
- Also, background-wise, Welveria is a Expy of Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader being the main villain and also the mother of two of the heroines, in this case Aldra and Annelotte.
- Grand Theft Me - The real Swamp Witch doesn't have a body of her own and she needs a real body to use her full powers. For that, she use the body of Aldra and Annelotte's mother, Welveria, since she's the princess of the Netherworld.
- Evil Matriarch
- Omnicidal Maniac
- The Voiceless - She never speaks onscreen, but her minions are the only ones who can understand her in some way or another.
- She Who Must Not Be Seen - Inverted: we see her (ghostly) face, but it's not her real form and she's possibly human or at least humanoid.
- Her Rebellion's gamebook reveals she is humanoid.
- The Unexpected - You didn't expect her to be a playable character in Rebellion and not a simple NPC with a backstory behind her just like Delmore, didn't you?
- Back to Queen's Blade
- ↑ who was born in Gaul, aka the modern France, hence Claudette's name, possibly.
- ↑ Except Elina wants to sleep with Leina and Jagi to kill Kenshiro instead
- ↑ The gamebooks describe her as hailing from the The King of Fighters series.
- ↑ The one during the final battle of the last episode of that series when Amuro shoots his Beam Rifle in a already trashed Gundam against Char in his Zeong's head when the rest of the body of that Mobile Armor was destroyed.