Samurai Warriors/Characters

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This is the list of characters in Samurai Warriors. It should be noted that the same character can change in quite a few ways depending on whether you are playing the first, second or third games in the series.

Of course, considering this is Samurai Warriors, don't expect historical accuracy either.

Introduced in Samurai Warriors 1 / 1 Xtreme Legends

Sanada Yukimura

Voiced by - Takeshi Kusao in Japanese / David Berón in SW1, Julien Elia in SW2, and Johnny Yong Bosch in SW3 in English


"Born into the noble Sanada family who have served the Takeda clan for generations, Yukimura is a serious-minded and upstanding young warrior. Keenly aware of his duties as a samurai, he will follow his own path no matter what difficulties face him and live as he believes is right. Beneath the surface there lies a formidable fighting spirit."
- SW3 official bio

The poster boy of the series, Yukimura is regarded as one of the most powerful warriors of the Sengoku era and is admired by many, including the enemy at times. He serves Takeda Shingen to begin with and trusts in his Lord without question; later on the Takeda support the Toyotomi and so he indirectly serves Hideyoshi for a time. Sides with the Western Army.

During the second game he forges a strong bond with both Mitsunari and Kanetsugu, which is the focus of his story mode. In the third game this is downplayed with a focus on his interactions with his siser-in-law, Ina.

He fights with a cross-spear and his element is fire.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Maeda Keiji

The nephew of Maeda Toshiie, Keiji seems to treat the chaotic world around him like a great big game.

He wields a Sasumata pike and his element is Thunder.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Oda Nobunaga

The "Demon Lord of Japan", conforming closer to Evil Overlord stereotypes in the first game, but sequels have given him the Draco in Leather Pants treatment. Somewhat reversed by SW4, where returns to his SW1 roots somewhat.

He has his own page, but at a quick glance: he was a strategic genius with a hell of a mean streak and an awesome mustache, more often than not credited with bringing proper modern firearms tactics to Japan, and of course...being the First of the Three Unifiers (followed in turn by Hideyoshi and Ieyasu).

Nobunaga wields a glowing longsword. His element was Dark (in SW1), which changed to Wind in later installments.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Anti-Villain - Surprisingly, more in the first game than in the second game, despite also being even more Obviously Evil in that one as well. In the second game, Nobunaga was just another power-hungry warlord; somewhat less ruthless, but also less justifiable. In the first game he had a philosophy that seemed to go beyond just desiring the entire country for himself, making him something of a Well-Intentioned Extremist. The PSP version of the first game brought this out in particular; indeed, at the end of the story path wherein he succeeds in conquering the entire land, he actually vanishes because he believes the country doesn't need another king, instructing his retainers to divide power between themselves. This angle was entirely dropped in the second game, even if he was more humanised (particularly in the end of his own storyline after killing Mitsuhide).
    • If you really look at it, this wasn't dropped so much as less emphasized. By the time of SW 2 he starts to see himself more as a necessary step in Japan's future but acknowledges the potential for failure if fate does in fact have other plans - he's never outright evil per se; only appearing so if you were against him and like any historian can tell you, automatically get demonized for it (no pun intended). Also note that the second game of the series highlights more the conflicts surrounding and up to the Battle of Sekigahara as opposed to the point where he was at his prime - towards the end of the period of the Kanto Trio (Ujiyasu, Shingen, and Kenshin).
    • He is even relegated to being the hero...sort the events of the Warriors Orochi crossover for the Samurai faction. Being a massive rallying point for all the forces at various points in the games (including reciprocating a plea for assistance from the character who he is an expy of - Cao Cao).
  • Barehanded Blade Block - Weapon deadlocks? Nobunaga doesn't need a weapon for that!
  • Battle Aura - Dark purple in color. One of his moves lets him use it as a damage-reducing shield.
  • Casting a Shadow
  • Catch Phrase - "Is that so?"
    • "What is your desire?"
    • "It's just that simple."
  • Cool Sword - His emits a purple aura, sounds suspiciously like a light saber, and curiously resembles a pre-samurai era Japanese sword.
  • Expy - Very similar to Cao Cao, to the point of requiring a lampshading in the crossover.
    • In the first game he was also jokingly referred to as Darth Vader by the fandom because of his dark powers, black armor and glowing sword.
  • Foe Yay - With Mitsuhide, especially in SW2. In his dream stage in that game he basically changes his approach to war and does everything 'how Mitsuhide would have wanted it.'
  • Ho Yay - With Ranmaru. Lines like this only add fuel to the fire. This is inspired by their historical connection.
  • Ki Attacks - His charge 1 allows him to toss a purple orb of darkness at his foes and his charge 4 has him creating the same shockwave from his waist.
  • Kill It with Fire - Has a penchant for this, especially against the Ikko army at Nagashima.
    • During the Incident at Honnouji battle in SW3, he ensures the temple is set on fire. While he's still in it!
  • Large Ham
  • Obviously Evil - Toyed with. His original design in SW 1 evokes this image - but each appearance afterwards makes him less evil and more devil's advocate for lack of better words.
  • Power Floats - Samurai Warriors 2. Activate his stance, then make him move while maintaining. Watch as he effortlessly floats several inches off the ground while surrounded in a menacing purple aura.
  • Perpetual Molt - He sheds pitch black feathers all over the place. This always occurs at the end of his true musou, and sometimes when he is speaking.
  • Pet the Dog - One of his mini-events in Empires is him being surprisingly nice towards Nene when she complains to him about Hideyoshi's philandering ways. (This is, incidentally, based on an actual letter he wrote to Nene in real life.)
  • Sobriquet - The "Demon King".

Akechi Mitsuhide

"Kind-hearted, sincere and resourceful, Mitsuhide fought for the Saito clan before recognising Nobunaga's gift for leadership and becoming his vassal. While he has long fought to further his master's ambitions, doubt has recently crept into his mind regarding Nobunaga's increasingly cruel methods. Though torn, he makes his way to Honno-ji to instigate a revolt."
- SW3 official bio

Retainer of Oda Nobunaga... at least at first. Mitsuhide's characterisation contains particularly obvious changes depending on which version of the game you play (these changes are most notable when comparing SW2 to SW3), though he is usually noted as being kind and gentle at heart with the eventual goal of creating peace for the 'innocents' of Japan.

Mitsuhide was portrayed as having a very strong bond with Mori Ranmaru in the first game, acting as his mentor and best friend. The impact of Mitsuhide's betrayal of Nobunaga on their bond was a focal point of both of their story modes. This was basically entirely scrapped in SW2 in favour of focusing Mitsuhide's story entirely on his interactions with his Lord, Nobunaga. The latest game in the series introduces Motochika as Mitsuhide's closest friend, and their bond plays an active part in explaining Mitsuhide's motives. The consistent point throughout all of his stories is the betrayal of Nobunaga, something that inevitably impacts the whole of Japan.

His role in the first two Warriors Orochi games, however, is relatively minor. In the first he simply follows Nobunaga from start to finish, and in the second appears in one of the Shu stages, becoming available as a character in the Shu army afterwards. The third has him killed in a fire accidentally caused by gunfire from Wu troops at the battle of Honnoji, prompting No and Sun Ce to go back in time to prevent his death.

He wields a katana; one of the few player characters to do so, in fact. His element of preference has been thunder consistently throughout the series.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Bishonen
  • Bittersweet Ending - KOEI like giving him these.
  • Blow You Away - Not only Razor Wind, but one of his attacks releases a typhoon around him.
  • Diagonal Cut - His sword style heavily relies on Iaido.
  • Foe Yay - With Oda Nobunaga, most blatantly in SW2.
  • Historical Hero Upgrade - He's gotten a lot of glorification for his killing of Nobunaga these days, but fact is that he betrayed his lord and was a rather self-important man who looked down on other officers that were younger than him(Ranmaru and Hideyoshi, and to a degree even Nobunaga). The game makes him a pleasant, very sympathetic, if naive young man.
  • Horrible Judge of Character - At least to begin with. Seriously, Mitsuhide? You believed Oda Nobunaga, called the Demon King for his ruthlessness, would create a land of compassion and peace?
  • Ho Yay - His relationship with Ranmaru in SW1 could only be more explicit if Samurai Warriors were a hentai game.
    • In SW3, he has this with Motochika instead. The subtext is so heavy it might as well just be text.
  • Katanas Are Just Better - Oddly enough, he is one of the few playable characters to actually use one.
  • Iaijutsu Practitioner - Especially from SW2 onward.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy - His waist-length hair is probably his most notable physical feature. Other characters make reference to it at times, including Saika Magoichi!
  • My God, What Have I Done? - After the invasion of the Saika Village in SW2 and when he successfully kills Nobunaga in his own story.
  • Older Than They Look - Would you believe he was about a decade older than Nobunaga?
  • Perpetual Molt - Sheds white feathers all over the place. Always happens after he completes a True Musou attack, and sometimes happens after he makes a dramatic statement.
  • Samurai - Even more so in the second and third games.
  • Take My Hand - Happens to Mitsuhide in Motochika's SW3 ending, and is used by Motochika to prove a point and make a show of support to his friend.
  • Vic Mignogna - SW3
    • It's interesting to note that the Akechi Mitsuhide in Sengoku Basara is also voiced by Vic.

Ishikawa Goemon

A chubby, good-natured thief who's always after the next big score.

Wields a club and a cannon strapped to his back. His element is Thunder.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Goemon: "You're quite the thief too! You stole this whole land!"

Goemon: " Hanzo? Hattori? The Iga ninja!? OH NOO!!!"

  • Take Over Japan - After defeating Hideyoshi, he "steals" the land.
  • The Rival - Has varying degrees of rivalry with Nene and Hanzo in different games.

Uesugi Kenshin

Takeda Shingen's major rival, always seen drinking sake, even on the battlefield.

Uses a special "seven-bladed" sword and his element is ice.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • The Alcoholic - To the point where he declares the power of Bishamonten (and his clockwork liver) allow him to imbibe as much as he wants.
  • An Ice Person
  • Beau Billingslea - In SW 1
  • BFS - His high level swords are quite large.
  • Blood Knight
  • Cool Sword - With seven blades!
  • Foe Yay - With Shingen. To the point that, when he's killed by Nobunaga, he attacks the Demon King in order to avenge the Takeda Lord.
  • Genius Bruiser - A strategic mastermind who also manages to be a brutally effective warrior.
  • Guardian Entity - Can summon a huge, translucent avatar of Bishamonten that mimics his movements.
  • Magic Knight - He can summons phoenixes, wolves, shikigami and spirits out of his blade, at least in the first game.
  • Mighty Glacier - Generally speaking, he's not one of the fastest characters on foot.
  • Pet the Dog - Offscreen, when he sent salt to the people of Kai. Also, when he praises Kunoichi's skills in their final battle.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Befits his serious persona.
  • Sobriquet - He has two nicknames/titles, namely the "War God" and the "Dragon of Echigo".
  • Verbal Tic - Shingen who? The Uesugi lord thinks only his nemesis can entertain him!
  • Warrior Poet
  • Worthy Opponent - Considers Nemesis Shingen to be this.


The younger sister of Oda Nobunaga. Portrayed as a Genki Girl in the first game, but has since become a Yamato Nadeshiko in the sequels.

Her weapon is a kendama (changed to bladed rings in 3) and her element is Thunder (in 1 and 2) and later Fire in 3.

Tropes displayed by the character include


The rumored founder of the kabuki theater who can always be seen trying to raise funds for her temple. Playful and flirtatious, she piles her charms on everyone she meets, male or female.

Fights with a parasol and has the Fire element.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • All Amazons Want Hercules - Sort of in SW1. She can end up with about 11 characters out of fifteen, but she seems to be seriously attracted to Keiji (basically the strongest character).
  • Badass - She jumps across FLYING CANNON BALLS in her SW3:XL Story!!
  • Brainless Beauty - Averted, as sometimes she puts on an act, although she tends to go around the different battlefields, usually in the middle of a battle, searching for shrine maidens and dancers.
  • Captain Ersatz - Okuni's appearance, constant skiving for shrine donations, habits of getting involved in fights and problems that may or may not be hers, and multitude of pairings bring to mind a different Shrine Maiden
  • Cloudcuckoolander - Really now, Okuni, you could get yourself killed walking in the middle of battles like that.
  • Deadpan Snarker - Shows traces of this in the second game.
  • Dance Battler - Her fighting style revolves around Kabuki.
  • Demoted to Extra - While she returns in Samurai Warriors 3, she does not have a story mode and rarely appears in the plot of other story modes.
    • No longer the case with the (so far Japan only) SW3 expansion.
  • The Grim Reaper - Hinted to be this in her Samurai Warriors 3: XL story.
  • Improbable Weapon User - She uses a parasol to fight.
  • Karen Strassman - In WO and SW3.
  • Killer Rabbit - No, seriously, you wouldn't expect her to fight Keiji toe-to-toe and win!
  • Les Yay - Her various endings in SW1 have her going home with different warriors as escorts, and one of these warriors is Nohime!!
    • She flirts with plenty of ladies in SW2 and Warriors Orochi as well.
  • One Woman Army - During her story mode you have the chance of ending the Great Battle of Kawanakajima by taking down both armies at once. In WO 3, she carves her way through the Wei army just to find Zhong Hui.
  • Miko - Most evident in SW1.
  • Parasol of Pain - It can cause whirlwinds.
  • Parasol of Prettiness
  • Really Gets Around - It's easier to list the people she isn't hooking up with.
  • She's Got Legs - Especially evident in her SW1 alternate outfit.
  • Walking the Earth - Or Japan, at any rate.

Saika Magoichi

A mercenary of the Saika clan who, at first, fights wherever the money takes him, but develops a very personal grudge against Oda Nobunaga when the latter wipes out his hometown in retaliation for the Saika supporting causes against the Oda clan.

Uses a Tanegashima musket and the Fire element.

Tropes displayed by the character include


A female ninja for the Sanada clan, she's the chipper, lighthearted counterpart to Yukimura's Serious Business. A non-historical character who may be loosely based on the Sanada ninjas.

Her weapon of choice is a pair of daggers and her personal element is ice.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Badass Adorable
  • Composite Character: She's basically the historical roles of the Sanada Ten Braves distilled into a single character.
  • Damsel in Distress:When she is in trouble in SW3, she will lampshade it by saying "Hey,there's a damsel in distress over here!!"
  • Does Not Like Shoes: She's barefoot in both of her alternate outfits.
  • Dual-Wielding - Blades somewhere between swords and knives in size.
  • Foe Yay - Against Ina in the SW1 expansion pack.
  • Fragile Speedster - At high levels she can run as fast as Matsukaze, but she's no match for stronger warriors.
  • Subverted in Warriors Orochi, {{[[[Lightning Bruiser]] where she packs a massive punch}} and can't be knocked out of attacks.
  • Game Breaker - Her special in Warriors Orochi gives her a massive attack buff and makes her impossible to damage.
  • Highly-Visible Ninja
  • Knife Nut
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In the first game, when her musou attack ends she'll say this :" I too love this game."
  • Les Yay - With Ina in SW1, then Kaihime in SW3.
  • Let's Get Dangerous - In her last scenarios, including the defense of Ueda Castle and the Siege of Osaka.
  • Meaningful Name - Kunoichi is the feminine equivalent to ninja.
  • Nice Hat - It looks like a comfy pillow, doesn't it?
  • Ship Tease - Kunoichi is very flirty with Yukimura, but he never returns her affections in any capacity.
    • It's outright stated she's in love with him in SW.
  • Spin Attack - She has a few, with her musou being nothing but these.
  • Stripperiffic - Her outfit in SW3 is. As well as her Pokemon X Nobunaga's Ambiton.
  • The Rival - With Hanzo in SW1. See also Red Oni, Blue Oni.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds - She and Kaihime constantly jab, tease, call each other names, and try to one-up each other... and that's just when they're on the same side. However, they do genuinely look out for each other. Kunoichi even asks after Kai when she defeats Ujiyasu in one battle... but still calls her "Lady Lumberjack".

Takeda Shingen

Known as the Tiger of Kai, Shingen leads the Takeda clan and is Kenshin's rival.

His weapon is a Gunbai (war fan) and his element was Fire (in 1) and Wind (in 2).

Tropes displayed by the character include

Boulders, when dropped from a height, have a tendency to hurt.

Date Masamune

An ambitious late-comer in the Sengoku era, Masamune is determined to make his own way in the world and maybe even take over Japan while he's at it.

Historically he was the rather brash yet far-seeing ruler of Oushu and one of the most powerful warlords in Japan up until Hideyoshi called him in during his final raid on the Hojo. Known for pushing international relations, his singular eye (having lost the other one to disease), a distinct sense of style (that helmet was REAL), a larger than life attitude, being a jackass/hardass/and all kinds of ass (with good intentions... MOST of the time), and of course - being an all around legitimate historical badass. As one can see, a good deal of this carries over. As noted, he served his own intentions until willingly submitting to Hideyoshi, after which he would then go on to loyally serve Ieyasu (and even read to the guy on his death bed!) through the final unification of Japan.

Used to fight with dual Bokken in the first game, but were changed to a saber and a pair of pistols. His element is Ice.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Animal Motifs - Other characters certainly associate certain animals with him; specifically, he is referred to a 'snake' and a 'dog' at different points.
  • Bishonen
  • Bratty Half-Pint - Especially in the first game, where his character model is tiny compared to the others.
  • Cool Horse - Is often on horseback in most battles and has skills which augment this - although not as perfectly tuned to it as some, Masamune performs quite impressively on a good mount.
  • Dual-Wielding - Wooden swords at first, and then guns later on.
  • Eyepatch of Power
  • Expy - Just put the letter "N" in his name, and his Pistol/Sword weapon set makes more sense...
  • Foe Yay - With Kanetsugu, especially in SW2:Empires. It continues in SW3.
  • Guns Akimbo - Starting from SW2 along with a sword for basic attacks. In the first game he was Dual-Wielding wooden swords.
  • Hot-Blooded - EXTREMELY. To the point that his Japanese voice actor is the King of Braves himself, Nobuyuki Hiyama.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons - His charge and musou attacks in SW1 releases dragon shaped Ki Attacks.
    • His nickname is 'the one-eyed dragon.'
  • Irony - He can literally "Put his gunz on!"
  • Jerkass - It's very hard to sympathize with him, even when you're playing as him.
  • Katanas Are Just Better - Averted, he starts with a katana and later changes it for a western saber.
    • For those who didn't quite get why or how; the weapon is a nice symbolic nod to Date's extensive international diplomacy efforts. It was through him (and others) that Japan's long established connection with Spain (and to a lesser degree, Portugal) was cemented. As such, he now wields a Spanish saber and a flintlock pistol.
  • Killer Rabbit - In the first game.
  • The Musketeer
  • The Napoleon - He gets a bit taller each time, but is still awfully short compared to everyone else.
  • Nice Hat - His helmet has a giant crescent moon on it.
    • Basically the same one his historical self wore.
  • Poisonous Friend - To Yoshimoto Imagawa in his story mode in SW3: XL. It backfires against him, however....
  • Ship Tease - With Kai in SW3: Empires.
  • Skip Stellrecht - SW1
  • Smug Snake - His characterization if you're not on his side, especially so in the crossover series.
  • Sobriquet - The "One-eyed Dragon of Oushu" (Oushu no Dokuganryuu)
  • Start of Darkness - The fact that he had to assassinate his own father in order to take over Oushu may have played a role in his character development.
  • Sword and Gun - Cutlass and two pistols in 2 and 3.
  • Take a Third Option - His philosophy in any battle is to not support either side but to just kill everybody and let fate sort things out.
  • Verbal Tic - Imbecile!

The wife of Oda Nobunaga, who doesn't seem to be able to decide whether or not she wants to kill him or kill for him in the first game, and in subsequent games goes straight into a Mr. and Mrs. Smith style relationship with him.

Wields hidden claws and her element is Dark (shifted to Demon from 2 onward).

Tropes displayed by the character include

Hattori Hanzo

The Ninja of Tokugawa. Obsessed with the words 'Death', 'Shadow' and 'Darkness'. Hanzo serves as the loyal guardian of the Tokugawa clan and both the rival of Yukimura and Kunoichi during the first Samurai Warriors title. In the second game, he gains a more intense rival in form of Fuuma Kotarou.

Wields a Kusarigama and his element is Dark/Demon.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Battle Butler
  • Beam Spam - Get to his level 3 Musou attack in Samurai Warriors 2 onward, and watch the darkness-wave spam.
  • Casting a Shadow - Almost literally, since his musou attack release a blade of darkness.
    • Dark Is Not Evil - If you're Ieyasu, Ina or Tadakatsu. Or basically on his side. Or Nene in SW3.
  • The Comically Serious - He is one of if not the most dead-serious character in the series, but he gets into a lot of hilarious exchanges simply because it's amusing to play his complete lack of humor for humor.

Nene: Go tell your master to stop being so greedy! There's plenty of Japan to go around! Why can't he learn to share?
Hanzo: Crazy woman.

Mori Ranmaru

Nobunaga's faithful retainer, a little guy who runs around with a very big sword.

His element is Ice.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Awesome but Impractical - One of his special moves in 2 consists of a quick slash imbued with the "Demon" element. Sounds great, but it's difficult to use in combat and the Demon element damage depends on the target's life points.
  • Battle Butler
  • BFS - That thing's taller than he is!
  • Bishonen
  • Cross-Dressing Voices
  • Dropped a Bridget On Him - To Magoichi in the second game.
  • Demoted to Extra - From SW2 onward, he is one of the few characters without a story mode.
    • He finally comes back from the long absence in the SW3 XL.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady - And completely oblivious to it.
  • Fragile Speedster
    • Played with - while he runs quite fast, and hits hard, he swings his BFS very slowly.
  • Ho Yay - So much so with both Nobunaga and Mitsuhide that it's barely subtext.
    • Historical Ranmaru was in a shudo relationship with Nobunaga, so the presence of subtext with Nobunaga is not surprising.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong - He's totally devoted to Lord Nobunaga, no matter what happens.
  • Nintendo Hard - Unlocking his upper path finale in the first game is awfully difficult, thanks to an egregious case of Guide Dang It.
  • One-Man Army - When defending Honnoji's South Gate in his story mode. If done correctly, even Mitsuhide is impressed.
  • Razor Wind - One of his specialties.
  • Suddenly Sexuality - In his SW3:XL story mode, Ranmaru seems to develop feelings for Gracia. Samurai Warriors: Chronicles also makes Ranmaru praise the female PC in a... strangely romantic way.
  • Sword Drag - His Charge 3 combo has this.
  • Sword Beam - The last strike of his Charge 3 combo.
  • Tara Platt - WO and SW3.
  • Tony Oliver - SW1. Yes, that nasally voice you're hearing in the 1st game was the guy who eventually did the super manly Bang Shishigami. Let that sink into your mind for a bit.
  • Uke
  • What the Hell, Hero? - In SW1 Yukimura outright tells him that his faithfulness and devotion are wasted with somenone like Nobunaga.
  • Wooden Katanas Are Even Better - His fifth weapon in SW2 is a large shinai (bamboo sword).
  • You Killed My Father/Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Against the Azai-Asakura alliance and, specifically, Nagamasa.

Toyotomi Hideyoshi

Called "monkey" by Oda Nobunaga, and born as a peasant who changed his names many, many, many times (he also shows up as "Hashiba Hideyoshi" in the earlier games), Hideyoshi is an ambitious man who wants to unite Japan so that everyone can be happy. In due course, he gets even closer than his former master; Nobunaga - being the second of the Three Unifiers and sets down a lot of the groundwork that Ieyasu would later expand upon and build a better foundation.

Fights with a Sansetsukon and his element is Thunder.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Animal Motifs - The monkey. This gets lampshaded in the crossover when he meets Sun Wukong.
    • Except for Goemon in SW1

Goemon: " It's THE RODENT!!!"

Imagawa Yoshimoto

The leading daimyo whose surprise defeat by Oda Nobunaga effectively kicked off the Beginning of the End of the Sengoku era, characterized in the second game as a happy-go-lucky guy who just wants to play Kemari (Japanese hackey-sack, effectively) with everybody.

He fight his way with a sword and said kemari ball and has the Demon element.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass - Extremely well hidden.
  • Demoted to Extra - He has no story mode in SW3, though not many are complaining.
  • Determinator - Say what you like, but if he want to play Kemari with someone, he's easly capable of turning the tides of whole battles. And they still won't play with him after he helped them!
  • I Know Madden Kombat - Almost all of the things he does with his kemari ball, from juggling to dribbling to bicycle kicking, are soccer techniques rather than anything resembling actual kemari.
  • Improbable Weapon User - Ok, the katana is understandable, but a Kemari-ball!?
  • Joke Character - He's easily the worst playable officer in the series with difficult to use attacks that deal mediocre or even poor damage. Unfortunately, there's no humor to be had without playing splitscreen to show up a buddy.
  • Katanas Are Just Better - Like Masamune, his first and second swords are clearly katanas, but from the third onward he relies on a saber.
  • Kicked Upstairs - In his story mode in the latest game, Masamune encourage him to spread his Kemari-Mania to the world... so Yoshimoto departs via ship, leaving Japan to the other warlords.
  • Made of Explodium - His kemari balls, apparently.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity - To Kanetsugu in SW2XL and the Wei forces in the crossover.
  • Pet the Dog - A small moment in his Dream Stage, where, after defeating Nobunaga, he sincerely compliments all his men for their bravery in battle. His retainers are surprised...
    • Also in the end of his Story mode in SW3XL he encourages Masamune to complete his dreams.
  • Psychopathic Manchild - Although is quite well intentioned.
  • Serious Business - For him, Kemari is more important than, say, conquering and unifying the land...
  • Upper Class Twit - Has a tendency to dismiss people as his lessers in the course of SW1, and embarrasses his officers with his kemari obsession while demonstrating little to no tactical acumen or bravery.

Honda Tadakatsu

The strongest warrior to ever exist in the Sengoku era, never being wounded in over 100 battles. Tadakatsu is a man searching for the mightiest so he can test his own might to him. He is also very loyal to his liege Ieyasu, making him somewhat like a morally straight Lu Bu.

Wields his famous Tonbo-giri Spear and has the Fire element.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Absurdly Sharp Spear - His spear can cut down dragonflies just by standing still.
  • Akio Ohtsuka - In a gruff, battle-hardened veteran warrior befitting of a Badass.
  • Ascended Extra - In the original SW1, Tadakatsu was but a generic officer, who did get a special mission to defend Ieyasu in Mikatagahara, then in SW1XL, he becomes the equivalent of Lu Bu. At least Hideyoshi and Yoshimoto already had unique designs since day one.
  • Badass
  • Battle Butler
  • Big Damn Heroes - To his daughter in her final stage in SW1XL.
  • Blade on a Stick - It's Huge as well!!
  • Blood Knight
  • Blow You Away - He can summon gusts of wind not by magic, but simply by swinging his huge spear at the enemy!
  • The Dragon - To Ieyasu for the "Anti-Tokugawa" characters. Also a little of Visual Pun due to his armor's design. He also can be seen as The Brute.
  • Ground Pound - One of his many tricks.
  • Implacable Man - In some scenarios, he will decide to charge at the enemy camp. During this period, he's stronger than usual and should be avoided rather than fought.
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons - His whole armor gives him a dragon-like look.
    • Look at it in other ways, and the armor comes off with a distinctly Oni like look...
  • Kirk Thornton - SW:XL
  • The Lancer - To Ieyasu. He can also be seen as The Big Guy.
  • Mighty Glacier - Sadly, he's one of the slowest characters.
  • NiceHelmet - Dragon-shaped and decorated with antlers. His historical counterpart had a similar helm.
  • One-Man Army
  • Papa Wolf - Not really shown in subsequent series, but in his debut, should you endanger or kill his daughter Ina, then get ready to be cleaved by his Tonbo-giri while he activates Super Mode.
  • Razor Wind - And he can cause this by thrusting his spear...
  • Shock and Awe - His True Musou attack causes lightning to shower down on the enemies.
  • Theme Music Power-Up - Gets his theme played any time you fight against him.


Tadakatsu's daughter who is also Yukimura's sister-in-law (due to her marriage with Sanada Nobuyuki, Yukimura's brother). Ina is the series' first Lady of War, graceful in battle and strives to live up her father's reputation as the mightiest general ever.

Wields a bladed bow that can slash/clobber the enemy when she's not shooting things. Her element is Ice.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Action Girl
  • The Archer
  • Daddy's Girl - More prevalent in the second series
  • Double Weapon - Her bow is, basically, a dual-bladed sword.
  • Elemental Powers - One of her moves in SW2 allows her to power up the elemental charge of her attacks.
  • Foe Yay - Against Kunoichi in SW1XL; one ending even sees Kunoichi helping Ina raise her child.
  • Heroic BSOD - The alternate path in the first game had her suffer this because she gave in to her battle lust and made the Tokugawa fail to completely avoid Mitsuhide in Iga.
  • Lady of War
  • Les Yay - In second game with Ginchiyo, with Sun Shang Xiang and Xing Cai in the crossover.
  • Ship Tease - Despite her marriage to his brother, she has this with Yukimura at times. Also with Sakon in the SW2 opening. The third installment of Warriors Orochi takes this to higher level with her maxed bond with the flirtatious Guo Jia.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works - Inverted, most of her standard attacks involve whacking the enemy with her bow in melee. Justified as it's visibly quite sturdy for a bow and has blades built into it.
  • True Beauty Is on the Inside
  • Wendee Lee - SW:XL.

Introduced in Samurai Warriors 2/ 2Xtreme Legends

Tokugawa Ieyasu

The Third of the Three Unifiers of Japan, closing out what Nobunaga started and Hideyoshi expanded. Ieyasu is a very patient man who values a slow and steady, one step at the time approach as a solution to most problems. As he wasn't playable in the first game, Ieyasu was at first quite the fat Smug Snake. Thanks to Xtreme Legends, he shows some competency here and there, and by the time the second game comes out, he is a very capable general and ruler indeed.

He uses a spear which doubles as a cannon for a weapon. His element is Fire.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Ishida Mitsunari

Toyotomi clan retainer and strategist, Mitsunari becomes Ieyasu's biggest rival after Hideyoshi dies. He would lead the pro-Toyotomi in the Battle at Sekigahara...and if you've been keeping up, know how that turns out...

Is armed with a general's tessen (iron folding fan) and his element is Ice.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Sima Yi: Imbeciles!

Masamune Date: Imbeciles!

Mitsunari Ishida: I'm not saying it.

  • Historical Hero Upgrade - He's seen in a far better light than his rival Ieyasu.
    • This comes for a new attitude in Japan overall regarding his place in history, as many are beginning to look into him with different insights and changing prior conceptions.
  • Ho Yay - With Kanetsugu, Yukimura, Sakon and Kiyomasa, most notably. Muneshige seems to get him rather flustured (through some light teasing) at one point as well.
  • Insufferable Genius
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Paper Fan of Doom - Which can also slice, dice and release explosive dust.
    • Technically speaking, unlike prior strategists wielding feather fans, Mitsunari at the very least wields a legitimate general's weapon - it's specifically a tessen. Tessen are heavy folding fans, usually either covered in metal or made entirely of metal and dressed up with a cloth/paper covering. Makes for an excellent close range cutting tool or club.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Goes well with his usually cynical personality.
  • Power Trio - With Yukimura and Kanetsugu in SW2/SW4.
    • In SW3, with Kiyomasa and Masanori.
  • Stuff Blowing Up - He can use powder and mines with his war fan.

Azai Nagamasa

Head of the Azai clan, Nagamasa is a man who fights for love and hono. He is conflicted between his love for Oichi and his loyalty to the Asakura.

His element is Thunder and his weapon is a lance.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Shima Sakon

A strategist who has an uncanny resemblance to Elvis Presley. He fought alongside Shingen and now he serves Ishida Mitsunari.

Wields a very large broadsword and uses the Wind element.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Sakon:" Brains and brawns... I've got it all!"

  • Good Scars, Evil Scars
  • Ho Yay - With his Lord, Mitsunari. They are the most popular ship amongst the Japanese-speaking fandom, judging by the fact that there are a good deal more entries for them than any other pairing on the main fandom webring.
    • In Chronicles he refers to Mitsunari as being pretty (or, in the Japanese version, beautiful).
    • SW4 pours this on liberally, to the point Mitsunari loses it when Sakon dies.
  • Jack of All Stats - Well-balanced with no particular strengths or glaring weaknesses.
    • Arguable that he has no particular strengths. His arrow special, especially when upgraded into a bullet special, is alone powerful enough that much of the fandom regards him as one of the best characters, gameplay wise.
  • Ship Tease - With Ina in the second game, though it's not nearly as blatant as it gets in the opening cinematic.
  • Shockwave Stomp - Quickly followed by a Razor Wind slash.
  • Sobriquet - Also known as the "Ronin of Yamato."
  • Sword Plant - Which he follows up by summoning a column of fire colored energy that blast the enemies with Fire, Ice, Lightning.
  • Sword Beam - At the end of his Charge 4 combo.

Shimazu Yoshihiro

The old leader of the Shimazu clan, known as "Devil" Shimazu. He's a rival of Ginchiyo and the Tachibana Clan.

Armed with a large mallet and the Wind element.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Tachibana Ginchiyo

The last of the Tachibana clan (as she is quick to remind everyone), intense rivals with Yoshihiro Shimazu and a no-nonsense woman who doesn't pull any punches.

Her sword is lightning-shaped and reflects her element (Thunder).

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Badass
  • Hot Chick with a Sword - Arguably the only one in SW2.
    • It should be noted that, in this particular Warriors series, she was the -first- , furthermore; in terms of both this AND Dynasty Warriors, she was the first non-God, non-custom, playable female character who could genuinely hit on level with the men {until Kaihime}. One could argue Yue Ying using a Blade on a Stick in her original two appearances to exceptional effect - but compared to the males she was still relatively underpowered. Ginchiyo, although not quite Tadakatsu by any means, is far and away one of the strongest women this game series has produced. Finally, to complement this, she gets weapons that only make her more lethal (as opposed to earlier treatment where the ladies tended to get weapons that didn't exactly boost power and were even burdened with heavy weight properties).
    • Lady of War - More exact words couldn't be found to describe her.
  • Breast Plate - Averted; her armor is quite practical.
  • Cindy Robinson - WO and SW3.
  • Cool Sword - To repeat? It looks like a bolt of lightning...
  • Foe Yay - Between herself and Yoshihiro.
  • Large Ham - Tends to be over dramatic, a fact both Yoshishiro and Xing Cai lampshade in Warriors Orochi.
  • Les Yay - With Ina. Has it with Xing Cai in Warriors Orochi as well.
  • Last Of Her Kind - Of the Tachibana clan.
    • Thrown out of the window in the sequel, where her husband Muneshige is present.
  • Power Floats - Her musou attack levitates her into the air.
  • The Only One Allowed to Defeat You - She explains this to Motochika about Yoshihiro.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni - Red to Yoshihiro's Blue
    • and Red to her husband Muneshige in 3.
  • Say My Name - "Not just any woman! A Tachibana!"
  • Shock and Awe - Like her husband, this is also a nod to a historical nickname, which in this case applied to her father Lightning God Dosetsu.
  • Shout-Out - Her armor in the latest SW games and Warriors Orochi 3 looks right out of '"Saint Seiya.
  • Tomboy - Mitsunari jokes that she's stronger and manlier than him...
  • Tsundere - Watch her interactions with her husband, it couldn't be any more blunt.
  • Yellow Lightning, Blue Lightning - Yellow.

Naoe Kanetsugu

The honor-obsessed retainer of the Uesugi clan who strikes up a very unlikely friendship with Mitsunari and Yukimura.

Wields a special sword and Ofuda scrolls as weapons, and has the Fire element.

Tropes displayed by the character include


Toyotomi Hideyoshi's wife, replacing Kunoichi as the ninja in the second game. Since she can't bear any child to Hideyoshi, she "adopted" the Toyotomi clan and acts as a mom to them all.

Her weapons are dual short swords similar to Kunoichi's daggers, and she too has the Ice element.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Fuuma Kotarou

A ninja of the Hojo clan, a sadist who scares even his own retainers. He doesn't seem to care about anything except spreading more chaos through the land.

Uses some weird, clawed gauntlets that allow him to stretch his arms and his element is, not surprisingly, Demon.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Animal Motifs - Wolves.
  • Ax Crazy
  • Bodyguard Betrayal - Kotarou's dream stage in SW2 basically has him stomping the Hojo because he's bored. The Hojo are understandably frightened by this revelation.
  • Call Back - The ninja spell he uses to lock the gates of Odawara castle in SW2 is the same Hanzo used in SW1.
  • Casting a Shadow - Unlike Hanzo, he can cast his "waves of darkness" even during his normal and charged attack.
  • The Comically Serious
  • Deadpan Snarker
  • Demoted to Extra - Unfortunately, Kotarou doesn't get a story mode in SW3.
    • The so far Japan-only expansion, SW3:XL, has now remedied this by giving him one.
  • Evil Redhead
  • For the Evulz
  • Kamehame Hadouken: His charge 3 combo ends in a minor one.
  • Large Ham - He even quotes the Macbeth before dealing with Hideyoshi.
  • Obviously Evil - Subtle as a boulder to the face.
  • Playing Against Type - Wait a minute... Nobuyuki Hiyama?
  • Playing with Fire - He can summon and toss four blazing orbs of flame.
  • Power Fist - He wears gauntlets in battle.
  • Quad Damage - His final weapon is enchanted with the Demon Element.
  • Rubber Man - His gauntlets make his arm stretch and bend in ways and lengths they shouldn't. This is also why his weapon isn't available for custom characters—it's really hard to render such deformations for every model.
  • The Man Behind the Man - He does this to Ieyasu, of all people, in the course of his SW2 story mode.
  • Token Evil Teammate - Among the Hojo, thankfully in SW3 Ujiyasu keeps an eye on him.
    • He's more just mostly doing his job, with the evil slightly downplayed in SW4.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni - To Hattori Hanzo, even in their color schemes. Even his final weapon is an oni mask-shaped gauntlet.
  • The Rival - To Hanzo.
  • Verbal Tic - If Kotaro is ever flanderized, he'll speak in nothing but synonyms for chaos.
  • Wild Card: Even though he usually aligns with Orochi in Warriors Orochi, he sometimes just does his own thing for the sake of chaos sowing, even to his own side.

Miyamoto Musashi

The Greatest Swordsman in Japan, Musashi sets out to prove that the sword can protect rather than kill.

So far only playable in SW 2 - he was specifically brought in to be the premiere swordsman of the game, as such the one and only Sword Saint of Japan gets an appropriate appearance as a nigh-invincible warrior. This version is a somewhat dialed back take on his pre-Kojiro unrefined battle-seeking youth.

Fights with two swords in a Daisho combo and his element is Demon.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Arrogant Swordsman - "Only one can be the greatest! Guess who?"
    • "I am invincible!"
  • Badass
  • Badass Longcoat - With the Kanji for "The Strongest In the Land" (Tenka Musou) on its back.
  • BFS - His swords are quite larger that usual, and his last weapon is actually a huge oar.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome - He does not appear in Samurai Warriors 3.
  • Dual-Wielding - Heck, he invented that style!
  • Early-Bird Cameo - He was supposed to appear in the first game as a playable character. Instead he can be selected as a "Kengou" type bodyguard. You can also find and equip the scrolls of his historical counterpart's 'Book of Five Rings' to turn your elemental attacks into a living Game Breaker.
  • Foe Yay - With Kojiro, most notable in SW2:XL.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold - Despite being cocky and arrogant, he's a nice, good-natured man.
  • Katanas Are Just Better
  • One-Man Army - Easily one of the most powerful characters of all the games, along with Keiji and Tadakatsu.
    • If you look at it in the form of categories, the dev team specifically made sure that Musashi -is by default- the most broken sword wielder in the game, bar none.
  • Sam Riegel - WO
  • Walking the Earth

Maeda Toshiie

Retainer of the Oda clan and good friends with Hideyoshi, considers Shibata Katsuie to be his mentor. He's also the Poster boy for Samurai Warriors 2 Xtreme Legends.

Uses a sword and two spears to fight and his element is Fire.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Toshiie:" KATSUIIIE!!!!"

  • Shock and Awe - Has many thunder-related charged attacks.
  • X Marks the Hero - The Spears across his back forms an "X", and he's basically the poster boy of SW2:XL

Chōsokabe Motochika

"The daimyo in control of Shikoku. Motochika's quiet exterior conceals a passionate spirit. Always determined to follow his own path, he has the strength of character to stand up to the upheaval of his age. Motochika has allied himself with his friend, Akechi Mitsuhide, who is determined to achieve his own dream in these troubled times."
- SW3 official bio

Lord and hero of Tosa, as well as the daimyo of Shikoku. Motochika is a rebellious spirit known for never giving up; he 'resists until the very end.' In addition, he remarks often that he nevers wants to be forgotten by history, but at the same time is very big on moving forward.

In SW2: XL, he supports the Toyotomi and then the Western Army. Much of his story is focused on events concerning his son Nobuchika and Yoshihiro, and learning to deal with loss. He is shown to have a great liking for Ieyasu despite the man always being the enemy, and is profoundly affected by the events of Sekigahara.

In the third game, however, his story is very different. Set earlier in the era, it is focused almost entirely on Motochika's friendship with and support of Akechi Mitsuhide, and he often states that he acts at the soft-hearted Mitsuhide's 'strength.'

Motochika is a master musician who plays the shamisen... and also uses it as a weapon. This is achieved by utilising it as a club or playing certain notes on it to summon energy or water. His most powerful weapons tend to be aligned with the thunder element.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Animal Motifs - He's known as 'the Bat,' a nickname courtesy of Nobunaga.
  • Bishonen: In the earlier games and in Warriors Orochi. He gets buffed up and somewhat more manly by SW4.
  • Dark Is Not Evil - Despite being nicknamed "the Bat" and being quite gloomy, he's not a bad guy at all.
    • He is far less gloomy in SW3 and SW4.
  • Facial Markings - He has a tattoo on the right side of his face.
  • A Friend in Need - This is basically his whole SW3 story mode, the friend in need being Mitsuhide.
  • Ho Yay - He has plenty of this with Mitsuhide in SW3. The XL expansion and Empires game have him refer to Mitsuhide as his 'soulmate' several times!
  • Holding Hands - Connected to the example in Take My Hand, Motochika's own words are: "I will not let go of this hand".
  • Improbable Weapon User - The shamisen. When using it as a club.
  • Instrument of Murder - The shamisen. When sending out blue sound waves.
  • Making a Splash - His Ultimate Musou summons jets of water from the ground, and one of his charge attacks allows him to toss huge orbs of water at his foes.
  • Peek-a-Bangs
  • Talking to Himself - Has special conversation with Sima Shi in Musou Orochi 2.
  • The Power of Rock - Guess what?
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge - After his son Nobuchika performs a Heroic Sacrifice in Kyushu during SW2. However, he decides to spare Yoshihiro's life.
  • Stuff Blowing Up - He can release purple sound bubbles that he detonates with the shamisen.
  • Take My Hand - In Motochika's SW3 ending he uses this to make a point of his support to Mitsuhide. Motochika fakes falling off a balcony, and Mitsuhide actually falls off trying to catch him. At this point Motochika grabs Mitsuhide by the hand, makes his point, and pulls Mitsuhide back up.
  • Verbal Tic - Appears to be obsessed with being remembered. He also utilises metaphors related to water and music quite frequently.
    • "So be it."
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy - Well, partly.


Daughter of Akechi Mitsuhide. A young girl who ran away from home to learn more about the world. First featured in Samurai Warriors 2: Xtreme Legends, she returns for Samurai Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends.

Gracia uses her fists enhaced by bracelets for a weapon, but her magic is her strong suit. Has the Wind element.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Shibata Katsuie

A veteran retainer of the Oda clan, Katsuie wonders if an old-fashioned curmudgeon like him is even relevant anymore in the new era.

He wields two axes and his element is Thunder.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Katsuie: "You pathetic gutter trash; You couldn't outfight my corpse!"

Sasaki Kojiro

A skillful yet creepy swordsman who goes around killing people For the Evulz and is obsessed with giving Musashi a beautiful end.

Kojiro possesses a very long katana and can summon huge blades from the nether. Like Musashi he has the Demon element.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Introduced in Samurai Warriors 3/ 3Xtreme Legends

Katou Kiyomasa

One of Hideyoshi's retainers and a member of the Seven Spears of Shizugatake. He shows up in SW3.

Kiyomasa wields a scythe-like spear and his element is Wind.

Tropes displayed by the character include


Daughter of Narita, she serves under Houjou Ujiyasu.

She fights with a whipsword and the Thunder element.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • A-Cup Angst - While objectively unwarranted, she seems to worry about lacking in bustline along with other areas of femininity, as seen in her story mode's opening cutscene. When told she "still has some growing up to do", she immediately looks down and puts her hands on her chest.
    • Although it can also be that Ujiyasu was mentioning about her growth as a warrior, and Kai mistook him as a Dirty Old Man and embarrassed with her already big breasts.
  • Animal Motif - Bears. Kunoichi frequently refers to her as one,, and in SW3: Empires, it turns out she has raised and rides a bear!
  • Ascended Extra - From a bodyguard in SW2 to a playable character in SW3.
  • Berserk Button - Despite her issues with being unfeminine, you do NOT want to be the one to suggest a woman has not place on the battlefield.
  • Bodyguard Crush - ADORES her lord, Hojo Ujiyasu. But then again, considering who he's an expy of, you really can't blame her!
  • Distracted by the Sexy - In Muneshige's story mode, she's so distracted the first time she sees him in battle she very nearly obeys his polite request to leave the battlefield.
  • Fetish Fuel - Her normal attack sequence has her strutting forward, swinging her hips and handling her Whip Sword like a bullwhip.
  • Fiery Redhead - If auburn counts.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword
  • Impossibly Low Neckline
  • In-Series Nickname - Kunoichi mockingly calls her "Lady Lumberjack".
  • Instant Awesome, Just Add Dragons - Her swords are named after dragons, and her unique weapon is named Orochi.
  • Les Yay - With Kunoichi. And Sun Shang Xiang in Musou Orochi 2, but then again, judging their view about woman warriors, it's no surprised they get along.
  • Making a Splash - Can summon water geysers against her foes.
  • Ship Tease - With Yukimura.
    • The latest Empires game has this with Masamune.
  • Tara Platt - In SW3.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds - She and Kunoichi constantly jab, tease, call each other names, and try to one-up each other... and that's just when they're on the same side. However, they do genuinely look out for each other.
  • Whip Sword
  • Zettai Ryouiki

Kuroda Kanbei

A strategist for the Oda Clan and later Toyotomi, Kanbei is ruthless and dispassionate. Just about everybody hates him for it. He is dead set upon eliminating all "sparks of opposition" to the land's unification.

His main weapon is sorcery via Crystal Ball and he is a user of the Fire element.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Casting a Shadow - And HOW.
  • Death Seeker - He wants to see every single threat to Nobunaga/Hideyoshi/Ieyasu's rule eliminated.
  • Evil Sorcerer
  • Gideon Emery - In SW3.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity - Not that he deserves it or anything...
    • In a way, one can consider this a logical extreme for the attitude created for Zhuge Liang in DW6 - specifically once he's under the Toyotomi banner.
  • Ho Yay - With Hanbei. He's however totally unfazed by his demise and consider him another obstacle.
    • Debatable that he is unfazed by it. Both his symbolic ending, and the following lines: "It is unfair for a dying man to leave his legacy in the hands of the living. Isn't that right, Hanbei?" / "You had great respect for Lord Hideyoshi, so I have given him the opportunity to prove himself worthy of your faith. I only hope that he can bring peace, Hanbei." suggest otherwise. He merely presents a facade of being unfazed, which fits with his belief that there's no place for emotion in war.
    • In Hanbei's final event in Samurai Warriors Chronicles, Kanbei acts unfazed while Hanbei is dying, but when he turns away he's stated to be wearing Hanbei's clan emblem on his back (more specifically, a new one Hanbei created for himself in a previous event, which Kanbei then derided as being stupid). There's also an event of Kanbei's where Hanbei climbs onto his shoulders and, quote, straddles him. And Kanbei lets him get away with it! SWC is like the holy grail of Hanbei/Kanbei Ho Yay.
  • Improbable Weapon User - He controls one or more will o' wisps, using an orb. He can also a summon giant, demonic fist.
  • Jerkass - He's seriously unlikeable.
  • Knight Templar
  • Obviously Evil - Like his original master, this is toyed with. Although he certainly looks the part for sure.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech - Kanbei throws these around like they're candy. They tend to backfire.
  • Verbal Tic - Sparks, fire, conflagration: he'll say these words at least three times in a level.

Hojo Ujiyasu

"The third head of the Sagami (Hojo) clan, Ujiyasu is also known as 'the Lion of Sagami.' He gives the initial impression of being a reckless rogue daimyo, but his rough manner belies a compassionate soul. He has genuine humanity and the ability to see things from the point of view of both civilians and his troops. In battle, he is a master of cunning but at the same time can be completely direct."
- SW3 official bio

The experienced leader of the Hojo clan, Ujiyasu is a man who has lived through many battles and has overcome unfavourable odds through planning, craftiness and just plain fighting dirty. He cares very much about all of the people who live on his land, be they soldier or civilian, and will go out of his way to ensure their safety (even during battle, which surprises many of his enemies). This has earned him their sworn loyalty and devotion.

Unlike most other daimyo, however, he has very little ambition and never once looks to expand beyond Sagami. Most of the battles he participates in involve defending or ensuring the stability of his region. Ujiyasu's most notable retainers, Kai and Kotaro, assist him in this task.

Considered part of the 'Kanto trio,' along with Shingen and Kenshin.

His main weapon is a Shikomizue (cane sword) but he's not above using bombs and mines... or indeed taking out the enemy with a well-placed headbutt! His element of preference is ice.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • A Father to His Men - Shows compassion for his troops and officers in his cutscenes and voiceovers. Implied to be the reason for their fanatical devotion to him.
  • Animal Motifs - Associated with lions.
  • Badass Longcoat - Half for style, half for hiding his grenades in.
  • Combat Pragmatist - You wouldn't expect a samurai lord to go into battle with a cane as his weapon... until you find him throwing grenades, headbutting, launching flying dropkicks, elbow-dropping downed enemies, hiding a sword and shotgun in his cane, and still using said cane to beat people senseless.
  • Cool Old Guy - And how! He's even overtaken Shimazu Yoshihiro in that regard.
  • Expy - Stubble? Check. Headband? Check. Raspy voice? Check. Blade? Check. Gun? Check. Explosives? Check. Smokes? Check. Close combat prowess? Check. Looks good without a shirt on? Check. Badassery? Check. Commands his own army? Check. Manliness so unbearable it hurts? Check. Ladies and gentlemen, Big Boss is in the house.
    • This has earned him the nickname of Hojo Snake amongst some of the fandom.
  • Improbable Weapon User - He wields a cane which also works as a sword and a gun.
  • Smoking Is Cool - Ujiyasu is rarely seen without his clay pipe.
  • Sword Cane - His primary weapon. Also has a shotgun in it, somehow.
  • Unflinching Walk - His ultimate musou attack has him tossing a bomb up into the air behind him, causing him to be backlit by an outsized explosion while he swaggers towards the camera.

Tachibana Muneshige

Ginchiyo's husband and leader of the Tachibana clan. Noted by many other characters as being intelligent and handsome, he is also something of a charmer. The game frequently cites him as being the 'greatest warrior of the Western Army,' in opposition to Honda Tadakatsu, 'greatest warrior of the Eastern Army.'

Rides into battle with a claymore and a rondache (a.k.a. a broadsword and a buckler) and his element is Wind.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Anachronism Stew - Dear God, even worse than Nagamasa!
  • Battle Couple - With Ginchiyo.
  • Blow You Away - As Ginchiyo is associated with lightning, he's associated with wind. Specifically, he refers to himself as both 'the west wind' and 'the God of Winds.'
    • This is a nod to the historical Muneshige's biological father, Shōun Takahashi, who was called the "Wind God".
  • Bishonen
  • Cool Sword - Wields an European broadsword.
  • Chick Magnet - The ladies are all over him, as seen in Kai's ending.
  • Enemy Mine - Yoshihiro killed his father, but both of their story modes end with them fighting together.
  • Even the Guys Want Him - Muneshige gets a lot of admiration and compliments from both the men and the ladies, and makes both Kiyomasa and Mitsunari get all flustered during several exchanges.
  • Ground Pound - Using his shield.
  • Ho Yay - Despite being married, Muneshige seems very fond of Kiyomasa. Many of the things he says to him could be considered very flirty indeed. He also teases Mitsunari quite a bit.
  • Knight in Shining Armor
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
  • The Charmer - The guy is pretty much charm on legs.
  • The Rival - Against Tadakatsu.
  • Walking the Earth - At the end of his story mode, he leaves his wife Ginchiyo in charge of the clan and leaves to explore the land.
  • You Killed My Father - Yoshihiro Shimazu.

Fukushima Masanori

One of the Seven Spears of Shizugatake and a friend of Kiyomasa. He started as a spear wielding unique NPC and later became a player character, armed with a club.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Takenaka Hanbei

Former tactician for the Saito clan who joins the Oda (and later the Toyotomi) after meeting Hideyoshi. He's generally a cheerful and upbeat, if rather lazy, man, in contrast to his closest friend Kanbei. Along with Kanbei and also Motonari, he is described as one of the 'three geniuses' by the fandom.

His weapon can only be described as a bladed sundial that also functions as a one-man Steampunk helicopter. He has the Ice element.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Aya Gozen

Kenshin's elder sister, a shrine maiden who helps her brother in battle. He values her greatly, often bowing at her feet and following any orders she gives. Referred to as a strong woman with noble values, yet is also said to lack 'human kindness' at one point.

Her Weapon of Choice is a bladed staff.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Abusive Parents - Sort of: in order to be sure that her son Kagekatsu is fit for carrying on Kenshin's will, she supports his rival Kagetora and openly opposes him until he finally proves himself worthy.
  • Armor-Piercing Slap - Weaponized.
  • Animal Motifs - Birds.
  • Ascended Extra - Aya was upgraded from a generic bodyguard in SW2 to a unique non-playable character in SW3. She finally became a playable character in SW3:XL.
  • Blade on a Stick - In SW3 she wielded a naginata and then switched to a Staff in SW3:XL.
  • Fluffy Tamer - When you can call Kenshin "cute" and suffer no punishment, you qualify.
  • Hot Mom - She has a son.
  • Hidden Depths - Apparently.
  • Knight Templar - She thinks that all obstacles to honour and good should be vanquished.
  • Lady of War
  • Team Mom - To Kenshin and Kanetsugu.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko - Before becoming playable she even wielded a Naginata.

Mouri Motonari

The lazy but clever leader of the Mouri clan, who chose to fake his own death so that he could retire and be a historian instead of leading his clan—the rise of Nobunaga brings him back into the fray, however. Often referred to as one of the 'three geniuses' by the fandom, along with Hanbei and Kanbei.

His weapon is a sort of crossbow attached to his arm, loaded with three arrows. He has the Ice Element.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Anachronism Stew - Historical Motonari was not alive during Nobunaga's age. Here, his storyline is FOCUSED on the battle against Nobunaga!
  • Automatic Crossbows - He's got one mounted on his wrist, and he occasionally throws arrows or thrusts his loaded bow into people as an attack. His musou has arrows being fired at prodigious rates.
  • Badass Bookworm - Despite his lazy attitude, he turns into a fearsome commander when on the battlefield.
  • Brilliant but Lazy - He'd rather sit around and research history than lead battles. His opening cutscene shows him napping while Nobunaga's forces approach.
  • Faking the Dead - Apparently, that's the reason he's still alive during Nobunaga's age.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall - In the course of his story mode, Motonari makes character assessments of pretty much everyone he comes across that end up referencing the real history the game draws from... and the fates of those involved.
  • Talking to Himself - Has special conversation with Jia Xu.
  • The Nicknamer
  • The Power of Friendship - He often uses the "Three Arrows" comparison to incite his allies to join him (though the first time he tried it on the Tachibana, Ginchiyo broke the three arrows without much effort.)
  • Ship Tease - With Okuni in her SW3:XL story mode.
  • Younger Than They Look - Historically, he's already senile by the time of Nobunaga, and is even older than Shingen, but he's portrayed a middle-aged man.

Notable NPC

Honganji Kennyo

Leader of the Ikko army opposing Nobunaga, appears as a unique NPC like Ieyasu and Hideyoshi in SW1, but unlike them he doesn't become a playable character in the sequels.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Kobayakawa Hideaki

Hideyoshi's nephew who infamously betrayed the Western Army at Sekigahara. Is portrayed as a naive, weak willed officer throught the game and can even change sides more than once.

Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Chronic Backstabbing Disorder - He can betray both sides at the Battle of Sekigahara, depending on how the battle goes.
  • Dirty Coward - When the Tokugawa troops shoot at his position he quickly betrays the Western Army in support of Ieyasu's Eastern Army.
  • Momma's Boy - He's shown to be really attached to Nene during her Dream Stage and refuses to side with anyone besides her. Not that we can blame him for that.
  • Non-Action Guy - During the scenarios of the Eastern Army, he waits in his fortress the whole time.
  • You Look Familiar - He looks like a generic "young" officer.

Shimazu Yoshihisa

Yoshihiro's brother and one of the leaders of the Shimazu clan.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Hojo Ujimasa

The elder leader of the Hojo clan, not as competent as Ujiyasu himself. Relies on Kotaro Fuuma and on the various traps of Odawara Castle

Tropes displayed by the character include

Asakura Yoshikage

The Daimyo of the Asakura clan and ally of Nagamasa. When he's attacked by Oda Nobunaga he joins forces with Nagamasa in order to stop the Demon King

Tropes displayed by the character include

The Mino Triumvirate

A trio of samurai (Ujiie Bokuzen, Ando Morinari and Inaba Ittestu) who first served the Saito clan, and then Oda. They're sometimes met in Gaiden stages as bosses of a kind.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Hosokawa Tadaoki

A samurai of the Eastern Army and husband of Gracia. Despite his cold and harsh behaviour he genuinely loves his wife, but can't express his feelings very well.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Introduced in Samurai Warriors 4 / Samurai Warriors 4-II

Sanada Nobuyuki

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes displayed by the character include

Ōtani Yoshitsugu

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Matsunaga Hisahide

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Tropes displayed by the character include

Lady Hayakawa

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Kobayakawa Takakage

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Katakura Kojūrō

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Shimazu Toyohisa

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Tropes displayed by the character include
  • Dance Battler: Her moves are very discoish, with some of her officially art even further reflecting this.
  • Doom Magnet: Practically every man she gets close to dies.
  • Femme Fatale: Though she's more about charming men into doing her bidding than using her looks to get men into lowering their guard so she can kill them like Nō.
  • Funny Afro: A poofy pink one at that.
  • Improbable Weapon User: She basically smacking guys around with a robe sash.
  • Sexy Mentor: In a literal sense to Gracia, who basically wants to be like Koshōshō as she grows up. Koshōshō initially tries to persuade Gracia against this line of thought (lest Mitsuhide Akechi have a heart attack) but eventually accepts Gracia as her student.

Uesugi Kagekatsu

A description of the character goes here.

Ii Naomasa

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes displayed by the character include