Animorphs/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* {{spoiler|[[Fallen Hero]]}}
* [[Fighting From the Inside]]: In ''The Capture'' Jake becomes a Controller. He never stops fighting the Yeerk in his head.
* [[First -Name Basis]]: For fifty-two books. His full name is finally revealed in ''The Answer'' as Jake Berenson.
* [[Fly Crazy]]: This is his cover morph in ''The Capture''. {{spoiler|In ''The Warning'' he almost dies after being swatted as one.}}
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: His flight morph, a peregrine falcon. It's not a [[Big Badass Bird of Prey]], but it's by far the fastest bird any of them have. It's his cover morph in ''The Conspiracy''.
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* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]
* [[Informed Judaism]]: Jake is identified at one point as Jewish, but it never figures into the overall story.
* [[ItsIt's All My Fault]]: As the team's leader, Jake blames himself often.
* [[The Leader]]: Type II meets Type IV
* [[Lovable Jock]]
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* [[Living With the Villain]]
* [[The Magnificent]]: Jake the Yeerk-Killer.
* {{spoiler|[[My God, What Have I Done?]]}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Not at first, but as the series goes on Jake slowly evolves into one.
* [[Military Brat]]: Neither of Jake's parents are military, but his great-grandfather fought in [[World War II]] and he has a relative who fought in the [[The American Civil War|Civil War]].
* [[My Greatest Failure]]: He feels this way about the David incident {{spoiler|and [[Suicide Mission|sending Rachel to die]].}}
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]: Jake makes some pretty epic screw-ups in ''The Threat''.
* [[Panthera Awesome]]: Siberian tiger, his favorite morph. He also has a jaguar as his cover morph in ''The Forgotten''.
* [[Reunion Kiss]]: After twenty-six books, Jake's first kiss with Cassie ends up being this.
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* [[Rodents of Unusual Size]]: Jake, along with the rest of the team, morphs a beaver in ''The Resistance''. It's his cover morph for that book.
* [[Scaled Up]]: His final book, ''The Answer'', sees him morphing an anaconda on the cover. {{spoiler|He uses it to convince the Taxxons to turn on their Yeerk overlord and go nothlit.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Shell -Shocked Veteran]]}}
* [[Standardized Leader]]: He actually doesn't enjoy it too much, though, and he does have depth.
* {{spoiler|[[Survivor Guilt]]}}
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* [[Evil Me Scares Me]]
* [[The Fashionista]]
* [[First -Name Basis]]: Throughout the series. Her last name might be Berenson, but that's never confirmed.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: In ''The Weakness'' her and the rest of the team morph cheetahs. It's her cover morph for that book.
* [[Futureshadowing]]: {{spoiler|In ''The Familiar'' Rachel is crippled, horribly scarred, and unable to morph. It's implied Jake is responsible.}}
* [[Giant Squid]]: The whole team morphs one, but Rachel gets it as her cover morph in ''The Exposed''.
* [[Grievous Harm With a Body]]: She's been known to use her ''own severed limbs'' as weapons in battle if need be.
* [[In HarmsHarm's Way]]
* [[Helpless Good Side]]: Nice Rachel from ''The Separation''.
* [[Hero With an F In Good]]
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* [[Jumped At the Call]]: It's often said that she is the only one in the group that actually enjoys fighting the Yeerks. However, in rare moments even Rachel has expressed her desire to be a just [[I Just Want to Be Normal|a regular girl]] rather than [[Blood Knight|the warrior]] her friends see her as.
* [[The Lancer]]: The challenger part of Rachel. At times she's almost closer to the [[Evil Counterpart]] of this trope. For much of the series, and especially near the end, she's effectively [[The Dragon]] to Jake, while Marco and Tobias fullfill the more traditional Lancer roles.
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: She suffers from this in the first Megamorphs book.
* [[Life or Limb Decision]]: Forced to make one in ''The Solution''. {{spoiler|She chews through her own tail to escape being locked in the cage with David.}}
* [[Lovable Alpha Bitch]]
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* [[Starfish Character]]: In ''The Separation''.
* [[Stranger in A Familiar Land]]: In her last book, Rachel notes that she feels like a stranger in her own school.
* [[Super -Powered Evil Side]]: It's her cover morph in ''The Return''.
** Mean Rachel from ''The Separation'' also qualifies.
* [[Superpower Meltdown]]: In ''The Reaction''. Her {{spoiler|crocodile allergy starts causing her to morph any time she's under emotional pressure}}.
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* [[Double Consciousness]]
* [[Fan Nickname]]: Emohawk
* [[First -Name Basis]]: [[Lampshaded]] in ''The Pretender''. His last name might be Fangor, but that's never confirmed.
* [[Flowers for Algernon Syndrome]]: {{spoiler|Subverted in that he kept his new ability, but still chose to remain a hawk most of the time.}}
* [[Friendless Background]]
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* {{spoiler|[[Genocide Dilemma]]: In the climax of Megamorphs #02.}}
* [[Go for The Eye]]: Seeing as how he fights most battles in his hawk form, this is one of his favored tactics.
* [[Hair -Raising Hare]]: Tobias morphs a rabbit in ''The Pretender'' to experience what it feels like to be prey.
* [[Half -Human Hybrid]]: {{spoiler|In more ways than one.}}
* [[Herald]]: In two senses. He's the one who pushes Jake into accepting what they saw was real, and he's also the Ellimist's favored Animorph.
* [[Heroic Safe Mode]]: He resorts to this in ''The Illusion'' to keep from going insane from being tortured.
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* [[Jumped At the Call]]: Even more so than Rachel. He was the first of the Animorphs to try morphing, and pretty much dragooned Jake into admitting it was real.
* {{spoiler|[[Karma Houdini]]: He never really faces any consequences or guilt as a result of his decision to genocide the Mercora, and the whole sordid affair is forgotten about for the rest of the series.}}
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|He is Elfangor's son.}}
* [[The Messiah]]: The free Hork-Bajir see him as one.
* [[My Future Self and Me]]: Exploited by the Ellimist to {{spoiler|allow Tobias to acquire his human self as a morph}}.
* [[Non -Human Sidekick]]: Sort of. He ended up playing this role in the games straight, though.
* [[Non Sequitur Thud]]: In ''The Discovery'' Tobias accidentally knocks himself silly against David's window and starts rambling about ''Clue''.
* [[Number Two]]: Jake appoints him leader of the Marco/Tobias/Ax sub-team, which ended up carrying the end of the war.
* [[Out -of -Character Moment]]: Infamously done in ''Megamorphs #02'', to the point of most fans treating that book as [[Fanon Discontinuity]].
* {{spoiler|[[Not Quite Back to Normal]]}}
* [[Parental Abandonment]]
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* [[The Chosen One]]: The Ellimist flat-out tells him as such in ''The Change''. {{spoiler|Strangely, it never really seems to go anywhere.}}
* [[Unable to Cry]]: And it ends up ''saving his life''. Definitely a case of [[Blessed With Suck]].
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?|Why Did It Have To Be Water?]]: He hates water missions. It's a bird thing.
* [[Yank the DogsDog's Chain]]: {{spoiler|In ''The Pretender'', the woman who was going to be Tobias's new family turns out to be Visser Three in a morph.}}
== Cassie ==
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** [[The Conscience]]
* [[Farmers Daughter]]: Maybe. It's not clear if either of her parents were farmers before becoming vets, or if they still are, but she lives on a farm.
* [[First -Name Basis]]
* [[Forgot I Could Fly]]: Infamously done with her alternate counterpart in ''The Familiar''.
* [[Friend to All Living Things]]: Including, in at least one case, a Yeerk.
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* [[Morality Pet]]: She becomes this to {{spoiler|Aftran}}.
* [[Nutty Squirrel]]: Cassie's the first Animorph to acquire a squirrel, as seen in ''The Message''. Eventually the rest of the team follow in ''The Proposal''.
* [[The Owl -Knowing One]]: Her last cover morph, seen in ''The Ultimate'', is a great horned owl. Ironically, she acquires this morph pretty early in the series.
* [[Pretty Butterflies]]: Brutally subverted in ''The Departure''. It's her cover morph for that book.
* [[Puppeteer Parasite]]: In ''The Sickness'' Cassie becomes the only Animorph to ever morph a Yeerk.
* [[Real Women Don't Wear Dresses]]
* [[Reluctant Warrior]]
* {{spoiler|[[Ripple Effect Proof Memory]]: In the fourth Megamorphs book, Cassie is explicitly stated to be a temporal anomaly who has this ability by default. She remembers the original timeline within the [[ItsIt's a Wonderful Plot]] alternate universe.}}
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Her parents are both vets, so she knows a lot about animals.
* [[Sapient Cetaceans]]: She morphs one, a humpback whale, in ''Megamorphs #01''. It sees fairly regular use in later books.
* [[Sapient Steed]]: Her first morph is a horse. In ''The Unknown'', she becomes a literal sapient steed for a jockey thinking he's riding a famous racehorse.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: In ''The Departure''.
* [[Sharing a Body]]: With Aldrea in ''The Prophecy''.
* [[Smelly Skunk]]: Obtains this morph in ''The Secret''. Visser Three finds out not to mess with one the hard way.
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* [[Drives Like Crazy]]: A [[Running Gag]].
{{quote| '''Jake:''' Do you hate trash cans? Is that it? Do you just '''''HATE TRASH CANS?''''' }}
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Llamas]]: Invoked by him in ''The Reaction''.
* [[Everything Is Better With Monkeys]]: Or, as Marco would probably specify, gorillas.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Worse With Bees]]: It's his cover morph and hinted at in ''The Other''. {{spoiler|Surprisingly enough, it's averted.}}
* [[EverythingsEverything's Even Worse With Sharks]]: Marco feels this way, but it's justified - one almost bit him in half in ''The Message''. Ironically, he ends up with a hammerhead shark as his cover morph in ''The Escape''.
* [[First -Name Basis]]
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: Marco is sarcastic, condescending, and a borderline [[Smug Snake]] at times. He's also firmly one of the good guys.
* [[Genre Savvy]]
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* [[Killer Gorilla]]: His main battle morph.
* [[The Lancer]]: Jake's other go-to guy and best friend, for his strategic abilities. He's probably the closest to being a traditional Lancer: [[The Hero]]'s best friend, has a contrasting personality, second-guesses all orders (albeit for good reason),etc, etc. Also plays this role consistently, automatically assuming the role of [[Commander Contrarian]] and second-in-command to whoever's giving orders, whether it's Jake, Rachel, or even Tobias.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|His mother is alive, the host of Visser One.}}
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]: Of the aggravating variety, as opposed to Cassie's more empathic one. She predicts emotional reactions; Marco screws with you to get the one he wants.
* [[Meta Guy]]
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* [[Scaled Up]]: A rare heroic example. In ''The Discovery'' he morphs David's pet cobra Spawn. It's even [[Lampshaded]] by Rachel.
{{quote| '''Rachel:''' Kinda the perfect morph for Marco, when you thought about it.}}
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: In ''The Predator''. He changes his mind after {{spoiler|learning his mother is still alive as Visser One's host.}}
* [[Shapeshifter Identity Crisis]]: In ''The Proposal''.
* [[Shape Shifter Mashup]] : ''The Proposal'' again.
* [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids]]: Often tells Cassie this.
* [[Spiders Are Scary]]: In ''The Android'', Marco has to morph a wolf spider. He really, really doesn't want to.
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Strategy. "Sees the line" from point A to point B.
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* [[Delicious Distraction]]
* [[Does Not Understand Sarcasm]]: He gets better about it as the series progresses.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Cows]]: Decidedly not the case in ''The Experiment''. Not only is it Ax's worst-written book, but in the context of the narrative he and Tobias morph cows to infiltrate a slaughterhouse.
* [[Exact Time to Failure]]: Has an amazing ability to keep time in his head. He acts as a timer during missions to make sure the group [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock|doesn't spend more than two hours in morph]].
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: Ax has been known to eat everything from nachos to paper cups to cigarette butts.
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* [[Sixth Ranger]]
* [[The Smart Guy]]: Knows about alien things. You know, being an alien and all.
* [[Some Call Me... Tim|Some Call Me Ax]]: Or occasionally, Phillip.
* [[Spock Speak]]
* [[Token Non -Human]]
* [[Trademark Favorite Food]]: Cinnabons
* [[Two of Your Earth Minutes]]: Very much a deliberate [[Running Gag]] on his part, practically serving as his [[Catch Phrase]]:
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* {{spoiler|[[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Despite bluffing the Animorphs with the threat of it, David never attempts to go over to the Yeerks, and by all accounts hates them as much as the Anis do.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Fate Worse Than Death]]: Trapped in rat morph for the rest of his life.}}
* [[First -Name Basis]]
* [[Flaw Exploitation]]: He rivals Marco in how good he is at this. {{spoiler|When he turns on the Animorphs, he exploits Ax's ignorance of alarm clocks and Rachel's preconceptions about him to split them up and attack Rachel. He get a taste of his own medicine when the Animorphs subsequently exploit his ego and need to psychologically dominate Rachel to bring him down.}}
* [[Grail in The Garbage]]: He was about to sell the morphing cube online before the Animorphs caught wind of it. Worse, he was about to unwittingly sell it to ''[[Big Bad|Visser Three]]''.
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* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Military Brat]]: His father was an NSA agent and he had to move around frequently throughout his life.
* {{spoiler|[[Mistreatment Induced Betrayal]]: One gets the feeling that if the Animorphs had just sent David to live with the Chee instead of making him sleep in Cassie's barn that things might have worked out. Leaving him out of the biggest mission they've ever done up to this point and not, you know, ''[[What the Hell, Hero?|threatening to kill him]]'' also would have helped.}}
* [[New Transfer Student]]
* [[Nobody Calls Me Chicken|Nobody Calls Me Coward]]: One of his main character flaws. He does stupid things to show off and look good, and totally loses his cool when Rachel calls him a coward.
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* [[Recurring Character]]: {{spoiler|He was built up to the [[Villain of the Week]] for his trilogy and later returned for one last hurrah near the end of the series}}.
* [[Rule of Pool]]: His house has a pool and Marco is envious of his good fortune. The pool comes into play again a book later, when Ax tricks a trio of Hork-Bajir into throwing themselves into it.
* [[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: When he sees Jake morph a dragonfly in ''The Threat'' he says this, though he doesn't go anywhere.
* [[Scaled Up]]: He morphs a rattlesnake in ''The Solution''.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Supernatural Powers]]: David's unique among the Animorphs in that he sees nothing wrong with using his powers for selfish ends. [[Ironic Echo|Ironically]], he gets this idea from them in the first place.
* {{spoiler|[[Shapeshifter Mode Lock]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Sixth Ranger Traitor]]}}
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* [[Unnamed Parent|Unnamed Parents]]
* [[Verbal Tic]]: David has a tendency to say the name of the person he's talking to [[Department of Redundancy Department|several times]] in a single conversation, usually when he's trying to be threatening. In one occasion in ''The Solution'', he says Rachel's name six times in one page.
* {{spoiler|[[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: A rare ''literal'' example.}}
* {{spoiler|[[With Great Power Comes Great Insanity]]: He goes from a relatively normal kid to an unflinching killer after gaining the morphing power.}}
* [[Xanatos Speed Chess]]: {{spoiler|David plays a pretty mean game of it until he starts carrying the [[Villain Ball]], unless it's an [[Indy Ploy]] - we never know for sure if he's had it all planned out or just making it up as he goes along.}}
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* [[Cute Bruiser]]: Collete
* [[Disability Superpower]]: They master morphing a lot faster than the kids originally did. Cassie theorizes this is because, while their bodies are weaker, their minds are stronger.
* [[First -Name Basis]]: All of them.
* [[Fragile Speedster]]: James, like Jake, has a peregrine falcon flight morph.
* [[Handicapped Badass]]
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* [[Authority Equals Asskicking]]: One of the reasons he's still in power.
* [[Ax Crazy]]
* [[Bad Boss]]: He could well be the [[Trope Namer]]. Not only does he sarcastically mock his subordinates, but he kills them for little-to-no reason. Didn't kill the Animorphs? Decapitated. Made a mistake? Decapitated. Interrupted the Visser? Decapitated. Closed a door too slowly? De-fucking-capitated. You can't win with this guy, to the point where Yeerks pass over promotions because it means having to work with Visser Three, and therefore probably being decapi-[[Killed Mid -Sentence|SLASH- *thud*]]. [[Lampshaded]]: Jake points out that Visser Three's tendencies to kill his subordinates make them hate and fear him, making him (and them) less effective. He also says that that gives the Animorphs an advantage over him.
* [[Big Bad]]: Played with in that, while he is the primary antagonist of the series and is quite high up in the Yeerk hierarchy, there are still two Vissers and the Council of Thirteen above him. {{spoiler|However, he is ultimately promoted to Visser One. And in one [[Bad Future]], he works his way up to [[President Evil|Emperor]].}}
* [[Big Damn Villains]]: In ''The Mutation''.
* [[Bigger Is Better]]: A philosophy he subscribes to wholeheartedly. Subverted in ''The Arrival'', when he finally realizes bigger is not always better and morphs a small creature to avoid being assassinated.
* [[Blob Monster]]: One of his morphs in ''The Return''. Rachel aptly describes it as 'Killer Jell-O'.
* [[Bond One -Liner]]: He gets a few good ones.
* [[Breath Weapon]]: His most powerful and only recurring morph, the eight-everythinged creature seen in ''The Invasion'' and ''The Resistance'', breathes [[Playing With Fire|fireballs]] from each of its eight heads.
* [[The Brute]]: He only knows one tactic -- Hit the enemy with everything you've got until it's dead.
* [[The Caligula]]
* [[Card -Carrying Villain]]: He got this way when handled by the ghostwriters. See ''The Extreme'' and ''The Illusion'' for good examples.
* [[Combat Tentacles]]: More than a few of his morphs feature them, most notably the Lerdethak from ''The Forgotten'' and the unnamed monster he morphs in ''The Ultimate''.
* {{spoiler|[[Cruel Mercy]]}}: {{spoiler|After he's finally beaten, he's robbed of his prized Andalite body and forced to live out the rest of his natural life in his natural Yeerk state, blind and helpless. For Visser Three, who was in love with the sense of sight, this is very fitting}}.
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* [[Enemy Mine]]: Teams up with the Animorphs to escape The Nartec in ''The Mutation''.
** Don't forget when he (however briefly) teams up with the Animorphs against the Aliens With Big Egos. I am, of course, [[Captain Obvious|referring to the Helmacrons]].
* [[Dragon -in -Chief]]: Sort of; he is subserviant to the Council of Thirteen, but is much more "hands-on" and thus threatening. He's also in charge of the invasion of Earth, so he is the main enemy.
* [[Evil Gloating]]: He's a master of this. Read ''The Threat'' for the most triumphant example.
* [[Evil Overlord]]
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* [[The Leader]]: Type III.
* [[Muck Monster]]: He's got two known morphs like this, one seen in ''The Weakness'' and the other in ''The Hidden''.
* [[Multi -Armed and Dangerous]]: The unnamed creature he morphs in ''The Threat''. All we know about it is that it is 'dark and large and has more arms than it should'.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: Among Andalites, he is known as 'The Abomination'.
* [[No One Could Survive That]]: The actual Yeerk Esplin 9466 has made a shtick out of surviving against impossible odds. See ''The Andalite Chronicles'', ''The Hork-Bajir Chronicles'', and ''The Alien''. {{spoiler|He also survives the war, which is no mean feat when you consider how many people want him dead.}}
* [[Off With His Head]]: His preferred method of execution.
* [[One -Winged Angel]]: He has a menagerie of monstrous morphs he's acquired from across the galaxy.
* [[Plant Aliens]]: His [[When Trees Attack|Lerdethak morph]] from ''The Forgotten''.
* [[Prehensile Hair]]: In ''The Suspicion'' he morphs a [[Medusa]]-like creature with scythe-tentacles for hair.
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* [[Fighting From the Inside]]: He and his wife in ''The Visitor''. It's notable as the greatest act of resistance an infested human in the series ever puts up.
* [[Hostage Situation]]: Twice the Animorphs make him victim of it, in ''The Conspiracy'' and ''The Answer''.
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: In ''The Andalite Chronicles'' Elfangor meets him on Earth and he remembers nothing of their encounters in space. This is revealed to be the Ellimist's doing.
* [[Last -Name Basis]]
* [[Middle Management Mook]]
* [[Mook Lieutenant]]
* [[No One Could Survive That]]: Midway through ''The Andalite Chronicles'' he falls into a frigging ''black hole''. He shows up in the third arc none the worse for wear.
* [[Out -of -Character Moment]]: The entirety of his role in ''The Andalite Chronicles''. It's so extreme that fans have suggested the Chapman seen there is actually [[NamesName's the Same|a different guy with the same name]].
* [[Papa Wolf]]: "If you harm my daughter I will fight you. I will fight you forever."
* [[Puppeteer Parasite]]: Iniss
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* [[Friend or Foe]]
* {{spoiler|[[I'm a Humanitarian]]}}
* [[Last -Name Basis]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]: 'Fenestre' is the Latin word for 'window'.
* [[Non -Idle Rich]]: He secretly runs a website that gathers humans who suspect the truth about the Yeerk invasion.
* [[Nouveau Riche]]: Joe Bob Fenestre was a lowly programmer working in the bowels of a telephone company before building Web Access America.
* [[Puppeteer Parasite]]
* [[Rags to Riches]]: Fenestre's backstory, which his company plays up for the public.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: He's able to circumvent a death sentence from the Yeerk Empire using his vast fortune.
* [[Self -Made Man]]: Subverted - Fenestre allied with his Yeerk to transcend poverty and become what he is today.
* {{spoiler|[[Serial Killer]]}}
* [[Technology Marches On]]: His company, Web Access America, is a thinly-veiled take on America Online.
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* [[Dead Little Sister|Dead Little Brother]]: Her pool-brother, Estril-Seven-Three-One. He's killed by Cassie at the beginning of ''The Departure''.
* [[Even Mooks Have Loved Ones]]
* [[First -Name Basis]]: Karen's last name is never revealed.
* [[Minion With an F In Evil]]
* [[Mook Face Turn]]
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* [[Shapeshifter Mode Lock]]
* [[Super Persistent Predator]]: Throughout ''The Departure'' she is stalked by a leopard.
* [["The Reason You Suck" Speech]]: She gives Cassie a few in ''The Departure''.
== John Berryman Jr. (Visser Four) ==
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* [[Early Bird Cameo]]: He's first mentioned (though not seen) in ''The Decision''.
* [[Evil Gloating]]: When Rachel's shot to pieces in front of him in the Battle of Trafalgar. It doesn't stick.
* [[GodwinsGodwin's Law of Time Travel]]
* [[HitlersHitler's Time Travel Exemption Act]]
* [[Kill It With Fire]]: After the Yeerk crawls out of his crippled host, Marco grabs him and throws him into the wreckage of a burning tank, saying his only choices are to starve or burn.
* [[Powder Trail]]: He uses this to blow a hole in ''HMS Victory''.
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* [[Villain of the Week]]
* [[Villainous Friendship]]: The Andalite traitor in ''The Decision'' says Visser Four and Visser Three are 'such good friends'. If that's true, Esplin's influence wasn't enough to keep him from being demoted after losing Leera.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: When the Animorphs erase Berryman from history, Visser Four is spared - all that changes in ''his'' history is that Berryman never becomes his host and he never gets the Time Matrix. Despite this, he never appears again.
== Taylor (Sub-Visser Fifty-one) ==
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* [[Axe Crazy]]: Makes [[Complete Monster|Visser Three]], [[Eldritch Abomination|Crayak]], and a whole host of alien monsters look stable by comparison.
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]: [[Axe Crazy|Are]] [[Torture Technician|they]] [[Sociopathic Soldier|ever]]!
* [[Cold -Blooded Torture]]: Tortures Tobias.
* [[Dark Action Girl]]: Taylor would rather [[Manipulative Bastard|manipulate]] than fight; she's nowhere near the [[Badass]] that [[Blood Knight|Rachel]] can become, and maybe not even at [[The Heart|Cassie's]] [[Action Girl|level]]. But the girl can still take and dish our far more damage than you would expect her to be able to, and seems to be one of the few Yeerks who didn't get her training at the [[Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy]]. In Book 43 {{spoiler|she's able to take out the entire team (minus Cassie and Tobias) when she catches them by surprise, and fights a Taxxon-morphed Tobias on a fairly even basis}}. Not bad for a ([[Badass Abnormal|relatively]]) normal girl.
* [[Deal With the Devil]]: Taylor the Girl made one with the Yeerks in order to be pretty again. It involved selling out herself and her mom. Taylor the Yeerk makes another one with {{spoiler|Visser Three following her demotion from sub-visser, becoming part of his plot against the Animorphs and the Peace Faction in return for promotion}}. And the Animorphs make one with her in order to try and assassinate Visser Three.
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** Also somewhat to Rachel, since both are blonde, immaculate-looking valley girl types capable of violence and associated with Tobias.
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[First -Name Basis]]: Taylor's last name is never revealed.
* [[Foe Yay]]: Largely averted. It is ''possible'' to read her obsession with capturing and breaking Tobias (and some of the [[We Can Rule Together|lines she says to him]]) as rather [[Foe Yay]]-y, but it requires you to ignore her personality. She's described as so cold, nasty, and downright insane that most of it comes off exactly the way it's supposed to: as the behaviour of an insecure, sadistic bullying bitch who doesn't like letting her victims get away. [[Yandere]] she ain't.
* [[Hollywood Cyborg]]: She was healed by advanced alien technology.
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* [[Villain of the Week]]: [[Recurring Character|Twice]].
* [[We Can Rule Together]]: Offers Tobias this deal in ''The Test''. He turns her down.
* [[Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?]]: Tobias almost [[Heroic BSOD|shuts down]] when he runs into her again in ''The Test''.
== The Inspector ==
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* [[I Am Dying Please Take My Macguffin]]
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: With Loren.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]: {{spoiler|Tobias}} is actually his son.
* [[Nice Job Breaking It, Hero]]
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]: The Yeerks come to know him as 'Beast Elfangor'.
* [[No Mouth]]
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: A rarity among the Andalites.
* [[Extreme Omnivore]]: Taxxons can eat and digest pretty much anything.
* [[Fire -Forged Friends]]: With Elfangor.
* [[First -Name Basis]]: Arbron is the only Andalite character whose full name is never revealed.
* [[Foil]]: To Elfangor; he'll crack jokes and is pretty easy-going, in contrast to Elfangor's more serious nature.
* [[Going Native]]: Although he retains his sense of morality.
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* [[Heel Face Turn]]: When {{spoiler|the Andalites threaten to destroy Earth in order to contain the Yeerks, and Ax is told he is too low-ranking to challenge the officer's decision, the recently freed Alloran takes up the challenge for him. The Andalite officers promptly reconsider, thus sparing earth.}} Not bad for an ex-[[General Ripper]].
* [[I Call It Vera]]: He calls his beautifully-designed personal ship the ''Jahar,'' [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|after his wife]].
* [[I Cannot Self -Terminate]]: See [[Death Seeker]] above.
* [[Motive Rant]]: He gives Elfangor one in ''The Andalite Chronicles''.
* [[No Mouth]]
* [[One -Man Army]]: He still has [[One -Winged Angel|all of the morphs]] he acquired while infested by Visser Three. You want to throw down with him? Be our guest.
* [[Our Centaurs Are Different]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: With Arbron and Loren at various points.
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* [[Synthetic Plague]]: In ''The Hork-Bajir Chronicles'' this is his secret weapon.
* [[Telepathic Spacemen]]
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]
== Aldrea-Iskillion-Falan ==
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* [[Animorphism]]
* [[Anti Villain|Anti-Villain]]
* [[Badass Bookworm]]
* [[Beware My Stinger Tail]]
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* [[Synthetic Plague]]: He plans to wipe out the Yeerks using one. [[Not So Different|Sound familiar]]?
* [[Telepathic Spacemen]]
* [[Well -Intentioned Extremist]]
* [[Utopia Justifies the Means]]
* [[Villain of the Week]]: And an extremely successful one. In the [[One Shot Character|one book he appears in]] he nicely upstages [[Big Bad|Visser Three]] as the biggest threat to the cast.
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* [[Cosmic Entity]]
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]
* {{spoiler|[[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"]]: His real name is "Toomin;" "Ellimist" was basically his screen name when he was a Ketran gamer.}}
* [[A Form You Are Comfortable With]]
* [[I Am Legion]]: Throughout most of his appearances he refers to himself in the plural, making it unclear if he is a singular entity or part of a collective, or even a race of creatures like him. {{spoiler|It is eventually revealed he is a singular individual who absorbed millions of minds in a freak incident, explaining his predilection for referring to himself in the plural}}
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* [[Loophole Abuse]]: He's forbidden to interfere directly except when he makes a deal with Crayak, but gets around it by sneakily arranging for them to realize things on their own that they wouldn't have without him. This is actually the defining trait of him in his first appearance, where he shows the Animorphs a vision of a [[Bad Future]], and a background event clues them in to the location of the Yeerk Kandrona in the present.
* [[Manipulative Bastard]]
* [[Million -to -One Chance]]: {{spoiler|His evolution from Ketran gamer to demigod is due to a series of freak accidents, each more improbable than the last.}}
* [[Mysterious Backer]]: He tries to help the heroes, but he is either too roundabout in his methods to really gain their trust or too caught up in his game with Crayak to help at all.
** {{spoiler|The last ''Megamorphs'' heavily implies that the team basically exists because he arranged things from behind the scene, including the [[Contrived Coincidence|Contrived Coincidences]] of getting members who were already unknowingly connected to the conflict in some way.}}
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* [[Deal With the Devil]]: {{spoiler|Implied, but not confirmed. See [[Last of His Kind]] below.}}
* [[The Dragon]]: To Crayak.
* [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Dinosaurs]]: Decidedly averted. He's basically an evil space dinosaur.
* [[Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor]]
* [[From a Single Cell]]: He can regenerate, possibly from any wound. {{spoiler|Rachel rips his head off in ''The Return'' to no effect.}}
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* [[Deadpan Snarker]]: "I gotta stop hanging around with you people. You people are just plain strange."
* [[Deceptively Human Robots]]: He appears human as long as he can project his hologram.
* [[Do -Anything Robot]]: To some degree in ''The Attack''.
* [[Drop in Character]]
* [[Foreign Language Tirade]]: In ''The Answer''. See [[What the Hell, Hero?]] below.
* [[The Gump]]: Franklin Roosevelt got the name for the "New Deal" from Erek during a game of poker. Erek was Louis Pasteur's lab assistant and gave him the idea to try killing bacteria with heat.
* [[Heavyworlder]]: The Pemalite home world's gravity was four times stronger than Earth's, accounting for Erek's obscene strength.
* [[Historical in In-Joke]]: Five thousand years of possibilities!
* [[Hologram]]: His human form is one, and he can project basically whatever he wants - boulders, dump trucks, and so on.
* [[Holographic Disguise]]
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* [[Moral Dissonance]]: He's forbidden to harm living creatures but keeps a Yeerk captive in his head, bound by wires and effectively as helpless as a Yeerk host would be.
* [[Morality Chip]]
* [[My God, What Have I Done?]]
* [[Non -Action Guy]]: From the end of ''The Android'' on up.
* [[Nigh Invulnerability]]: He and the other Chee can tank Dracon beam shots, though he admits a full power blast, sustained for long enough, would destroy him.
* [[Older Than They Look]]
* [[One -Man Army]]: ''Very'' briefly.
* [[Person of Mass Destruction]]: If he and the Chee had joined the war in earnest, the Yeerks would have been defeated in a week.
* [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|Really Five Thousand Years Old]]: At ''least''.
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* [[Robot Names]]: In ''The Android'' we learn all Chee have their own names, such as Chee-Ionos. Curiously, we never learn Erek's.
* [[Robotic Reveal]]
* [[Self -Destruct Mechanism]]: Built into all Chee. We never see it in action, but they're threatened with it in ''The Exposed''.
* [[Sixth Ranger]]: During ''The Attack''.
* [[Super Speed]]
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* [[Time Abyss]]
* [[Tuckerization]]
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: "This is so low. This is so far beneath you, Jake ...I was offering my opinion on your morals and your ethics and your sense of decency. I chose an ancient Mesopotamian dialect well-known for its variety of curse words."
== Loren ==
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* [[Disability Superpower]]: In ''The Diversion'' she is able to master morphing very quickly. The Auxiliary Animorphs later exhibit this same knack, and the Animorphs speculate it may be because they are physically disabled, forcing their minds to become stronger.
* [[Foot Focus]]: In ''The Andalite Chronicles''. Justified, since the Andalites are a hoofed species and have never seen bare feet before.
* [[First -Name Basis]]
* [[Laser -Guided Amnesia]]: Averted, but not completely.
* [[Little Miss Badass]]
* {{spoiler|[[Mama Bear]]: In ''The Diversion''.}}
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* [[Plucky Girl]]: She's more or less Rachel lite.
* [[Throwing Off the Disability]]: She's blind and crippled in ''The Diversion'', but is healed by morphing.
* [[What Happened to The Mouse?]]: She's curiously absent from the last book.
== Toby Hamee ==