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=== Shiori Shiomiya ===
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Kana Hanazawa]] (JP), [[HillaryHilary Haag]] (EN)}}
A very shy girl who loves to read books, and the secretary of the school's Book Committee. She spends most of her time practically living in the school library, where she has developed an emotional attachment to the books. Her arc focuses around her difficulty in speaking to others.

Revision as of 14:19, 10 March 2021

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

The main contributors of this page are very considerate in the use of virtual masking tape, however some spoilers cannot be avoided.

Continue reading at your own risk.


Keima Katsuragi

Voiced by: Hiro Shimono (JP), Chris Patton (EN)

A 17-year-old master of video games known all over the internet as "The Capturing God" for his incredible skill at Dating Sim games. He vehemently claims to have no interest in reality (or 3-D girls), instead preferring the company of his video game characters. While a legend in the gaming world, in real life he's an anti-social Otaku whom most students avoid. Despite his lack of real world social skills, he demonstrates immense confidence and remarkable intelligence, and is in fact at the top of his class in every subject (except PE).

His life is changed completely one day when he unwittingly accepts a contract from hell that pairs him up with Elsea to capture evil spirits that are possessing girls in the real world. Using his vast knowledge and experience gained from playing hundreds of dating sims, Keima must win the hearts of young women in spite of his disinterest in reality.

At the start of the series, he's isolated, rude, thoughtless and inclined towards abusiveness. However, as time goes on, he goes through some remarkably steady development and shows a surprising amount of concern for the girls he captures.

  • A God Am I: There's a reason why Elsie refers to him as "Kami-sama".
  • Accidental Pervert: On a few occasions. Often subverted though, as he occasionally plans these moments.
  • Alliterative Name
  • Anti-Hero: Type II.
  • Ascended Fanboy: He is the epicenter of the Gal Game industry, to the point he and his site were responsible for the industry's reinvigoration while it was in shambles. Also he was asked to direct a game of his desire, but he refused in the end.
  • Asexual: Matters of romance and emotions aside, Keima has no sex drive whatsoever.
  • Attractive Bent Gender: Behold, the God of Being Captured!
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: Thanks to his gaming experience, he's able to deduce many key aspects of his targets and instantly become an expert at any board game.
  • The "B" Grade: Once has a minor breakdown because he gets a 99 on one of his tests. Not entirely for the usual reason in this case; he also has a deal with his teachers that he can play games in class as long as he gets perfect scores.
  • Badass Boast: Keima is quite fond of these, from "I can already see the ending" to "I will end this capture in X days". They are not always true, however.
  • Batman Gambit: The setup Keima uses to out Fiore as an agent of Vintage. Bonus points for coming up with it almost immediately after meeting her.
  • Berserk Button: Anything that questions his status as the Capturing God.
  • Big Brother Instinct: To Elsie, even though they're not blood-related. He'd deny it himself if asked, though.
  • Bishie Sparkle: He can turn them on at will.
  • Bishonen: While he's usually a nerd, when pursuing a target and downplaying his interest in games, the fact that he's actually quite handsome comes to light. In the first novel, Yoshino Ikumi is surprised to see that he really is as handsome as her sister described.
  • Brilliant but Lazy: Subverted. Keima puts exactly as little effort as needed in anything that does not interest him… only said effort is just as much as needed to excel at such tasks. Particularly during capture operations, Keima sometimes withstands days and weeks of tedious menial labour just for the sake of setting up the needed scenario.
  • Brown Eyes
  • Bunny Ears Lawyer: Most of the teachers just ignore his playing while in class as he gets the best grades anyway.
  • Butt Monkey: Everyone loves to beat on him, especially the girls, often for no other reason than because he's there.
  • The Casanova: Subverted. He's doing this to help the girls, keep his head, and end the contract.
  • Catch Phrase: "I can already see the ending!"
    • And (usually to Elsie) "Let me teach you something nice", with Art Shift to follow.
    • In the first chapter: 'Don't screw with me!'
    • Appended to any statement about the way the world works: "...In video games."
  • Celibate Hero: Or at least, celibate in Real Life. Keima does not even raise an eyebrow seeing Haqua while she's taking off her panties. This is getting quite complex as the story develops, because he's at least becoming more involved with 'the real' and thus starting at least to react a little more to the feelings of others, including wistfulness that his capture targets don't remember him.
  • Character Development: In general, he's gone from a Jerkass to a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Indeed, one way of looking at it is that he's becoming exactly what the ideal hero of the dating sim is supposed to be like: Kind deep down, brave, determined and self sacrificing. Several of the arcs also have more specific development such as:
    • Kanon's arc appears to have him skip the easy option of just being the person Kanon relies on and instead both making her grow up and allowing her to keep being an idol, which she genuinely enjoys.
    • Chihiro's arc has him realize he couldn't just ignore the real world and pretend he's not part of it. Nor can he ignore the people in it and dismiss them as though he actually understands them. When the plot comes back to Chihiro, he also agrees with Ayumi that he is 'the worst' for how poorly he handled the situation, once again because he falsely believed he understood her.
    • Jun's arc is the first time where he's willing to admit he actually cares about the personal problems of the capture targets. As he mentions in surprise to Nikaido, when he sees Jun upset for some reason he actually cares.
    • Tsukiyo's arc has him abandoning his earlier behaviour of not wanting to put himself in danger.
    • He shows significant development in Akari's arc, wherein he realizes living in an imperfect world isn't all that bad.
    • Keima goes all out to save Kanon after she was stabbed. After meeting with Minami he also directly indicates both being greatly concerned for the girl's wellbeing while also slightly depressed that he has been forgotten.

Haqua: It's like you were rejected twice in a row after your conquests... Feeling sad?
Keima: It's good that she's forgotten... This way... She won't get involved in all this.

    • It's not clear what exactly his feeling but Keima is nonetheless affected by the reaction of the girls who've forgotten his conquest.
    • Finally, in general, Keima has gotten more into devoting time and energy to his conquests. In the beginning, he was often very reluctant to capture girls and would also be quite flustered whenever they showed affection to him. But as time goes on, he's more precise whenever a runaway spirit shows up, devoting time and energy into it while holding his composure even during the kissing.
    • And later, it got to the point where he was crying for Chihiro, because he had to reject her confession in order to capture the last goddess. We can say that he certainly has a long way behind him, to change from someone who doesn't care to acknowledge other people into someone who would shed tears because he had to hurt another person.
  • The Chessmaster: He's basically what Lelouch or Light would have been if they were into scoring chicks, real or virtual.
  • Chick Magnet: In the Dating Sim world, there is no-one mightier than our Capturing God... and it seems this has translated over to real life. Even when he's not trying to capture the girl like with Chihiro and Nanaka, he still gets them!
  • Consummate Liar: He's very good at pretending to be something else. Usually during a capture he has a completely different personality.
  • Crazy Prepared: Keima's P.E. teacher tries confiscating his PFP before swimming. Keima then brings out another one. The teacher takes that one too. What does Keima do? He takes out 6 more all at once. Even as a kid, he had 8 portable game consoles and 100 spare batteries. They even came in useful.
  • The Cuckoolander Was Right: Mock his dating sim based strategies all you like, they work.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: "Capturing God Mode"/"The God of Conquest Mode". Played for laughs, though, as you might expect.
  • Deal with the Devil: Starts off the series, though really In Name Only: Keima didn't know he was dealing with devils and they didn't really get what they wanted either, but the contract is still as binding and lethal towards violators as the very worst examples of the trope.
  • Determinator: More so in later chapters.

There is always a chance of success! And if there isn't any... I'll just have to make one.

  • Every Man Has His Price: Played for laughs, then forgotten by the next page, in the Yui recapture arc. Bifauxnen Yui is treating him like a weak girl, telling how she will protect him from bullying, carry him at their wedding, make him wear a dress... He is furious. But in a brilliant display of Genre Savviness she points out that if he married her, he wouldn't have to do any work, and could play video games all the time. All he can say to that is "... really?"
  • Fan Nickname: Partly an In-Series Nickname; a lot of the fandom like to call Keima simply God.
  • Flash Step: He does this to Ayumi in FLAG 163.
  • Forgets to Eat: Once he played 2 weeks' worth of backlog games for 20 hours straight yet did not eat. In the end he hallucinated and sang, then got woken up by Elsie who then lampshaded the importance of eating. It happens again later, helping spark off the Chihiro capture after she badmouthed him.
  • Freaky Friday Flip to Gender Bender: in the epic 9-chapter Yui arc! Even funnier is when he went over to the "dark side of gaming" and started to play Otome Games.
  • Friendless Background
  • Genre Savvy: He applies Fridge Logic from video games, and it works. Usually. However, he also has moments of Genre blindness, such as failing to properly interpret Haqua and Diana's tsundere behavior, and there's a subtle running subplot that the capture targets are never quite as simple and direct as he thinks.
  • Guile Hero: He's useless in physical confrontations, but thanks to his skill in strategy and seduction, pulls most of the weight in the series.
  • Hates Being Touched
  • Heroic RROD: Caused by exhaustion from trying to get 6 captures in 1 1/2 weeks. Fortunately, Apollo cured his exhaustion and cold.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Minami's friends noted that Keima is famous in high school as "the weirdest weirdo"
    • He has to battle a different type of publicity issue when Kanon, a famous idol, confessed to him in the middle of the class
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Since when did Yoshii become so smart?
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Pushes Chihiro away after her confession to him because she isn't a goddess host and thus being close to him would put her in danger and get in the way of him finding Mercury. Regardless of the fact that she would want to be close to him.
  • I Gave My Word: A subtle example. Although Keima wants to blow off helping Chihiro's band study, he did promise that if Chihiro or Ayumi ever needed him he would be there for them. He grumbles about how he shouldn't have said that since they weren't going to remember anyway or so he thinks but he did promise.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: It's remarkable just how well video games translate to reality for him. This is because video games are somewhat based on reality.
  • In-Series Nickname: He has two; "God of Walkthroughs," or simply "God" in the gaming world, while his Real Life classmates call him otaMegane, or in short, otamega.
  • Insane Troll Logic: Unfortunately, insane trolls appear to run his universe, so he's usually at least pretty close to being right.
  • Instant Expert: He defeats Haqua at a game she brought from Hell that he has never seen before. Haqua also claims to have not lost in the last 100 years. She doesn't stand a chance against God.
  • It's All About Me
  • Jerkass -> Jerk with a Heart of Gold
  • Large Ham: When talking to anyone who's not a capture target, usually Elsie. Especially if it's about games. Which is about 99.9% of the time.
  • Logical Weakness: Three of them.
    • First, ordinary girls like Chihiro or Asami with no clearly defined traits confuse him.
    • Second, the energetic Cloudcuckoolander type like Tooru since they operate outside logic and all of his technique is based on said logic.
    • Third, aggressive girls like post capture Yui. He plays games where he chases after girls. If a girl chases after him, he's as inexperienced as the next person and gets extremely flustered, something Haqua eventually picks up on.
  • Loners Are Freaks: Eventually averted. He's just self-centered and mostly grows out of that. His treatment of Elsie is, at worst, Annoying Younger Sibling level.
  • Love Triangle: There are two revolving around him at different points. In the first novel, he seems to do it as a sort of Self-Imposed Challenge, though the two girls in question rarely get in the others way until Tooru sees him kiss Asami. Later and in the proper manga, there's a love triangle of Chihiro -> Keima <- Ayumi that becomes a huge snarled mess.
  • Ludicrous Precision: Born on June 6 at 11:29 and 35 seconds and can memorize real-life events on minute intervals. He justifies this by the amount of memorization needed to complete video games on multiple arcs, so he has to have precision at maximum. Which makes perfect sense given the amount of time he has played his video games.
  • Made of Iron: With all the physical abuse he goes through when exorcising, Keima is obviously like this, crappy performance in P.E. notwithstanding.
  • Manipulative/Magnificent Bastard: He very narrowly avoids both by being The Chew Toy/The Woobie.
    • Lampshaded by Haqua:

"At any rate, your plan sure is clever! The Goddesses want to quickly release their hosts. And in order to do that, they need the Power of Love. But with the current state of affairs, only you can realize their dreams. There's no time to find new love. In the end, the Goddesses have no choice but to accept you. Even if you are the worst of all men. Not even the Weiss can compare to you. You definitely are the worst sort of Big Bad Guy!!"

  • Meaningful Name: His first name Keima is derived from the term "gamer". It is the Word of God. Written on the author's blog entry for FLAG76.
    • His first name is also a homonym for Knight, a minor point for the Nanaka arc, referring to the "keima" shogi piece whose chess equivalent is the "knight".
  • Megane
  • Mistaken for Gay: Well, that's what happens when a Bifauxnen in a boy's uniform confesses to you in public.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: The girls who like Keima for who he is have an element of this, though they also admire his strong will and disregard of the authority of others.
  • Nerves of Steel: When his life is threatened, he never loses his nerve.
  • No Social Skills: His vast experience of dating sims lets him play the suitor, but when it comes to befriending someone, he's at a loss.
  • Nosebleed: We never see him show enough interest in girls to have a real one, but he can do it on command.
  • Not a Morning Person: Either from playing not enough or too many games.
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: Keima barely seems to notice all the fanservice around him, and when he does, he's usually annoyed by it. Best summed up by Keima's words after walking into Haqua taking a bath the night before.

Keima: Don't worry about it. I was deep in thought at the time, so I have no memory of your naked body.

  • Not Himself: Yui in Keima's body creeps people out - she's too nice, which makes them suspicious or simply uneasy.
  • Oblivious to Love: Even with Elsie, Haqua, and Diana constantly "bothering" him, he doesn't seem to notice they are head over heels in love with him. Not to mention the arc heroines who are hopelessly smitten by him. For those he does know about, he still ignores them, making it difficult to tell where this starts and stops.
  • Playing Cyrano: Played with when he tried to help Chihiro get together with the guy she liked at the time instead of trying to capture her himself. Unfortunately for Keima, she became interested in him instead.
  • Proud to Be a Geek: And how!
  • Reality Ensues: As Keima notes (and takes advantage of) unlike in games, when an idol confesses to you in real life good things do not happen. Instead, your peers now hate you.
  • Real Men Hate Sugar: Keima has stated many times that he hates sweets, but if necessary for a capture will still eat them, as shown in Sumire's capture.
  • Red Baron: Known to the game community as "Otoshi-gami"/"The Capturing God"/"The God of Conquest." May or may not be related to "Gotta Catch Em All!"
  • Resigned to the Call: Keima had to be blackmailed into helping Hell, and even then Elsie has to constantly nag him to keep working.
  • Sarcastic Confession: During the capture of Amami Tooru he confesses to having a deal with the demon Elsie where he kisses girls to save them from being eaten by demons. In context, this is something along the lines of him doing live action roleplay.
  • Second Year Protagonist
  • Selective Obliviousness: Invokes this trope often. More particularly when Chihiro confesses to Keima and he pretends not to hear it. Of course it helps that Ayumi was there.
  • Serious Business: Dating Sims.
  • Shrouded in Myth: Chapter 51 shows just how muddled his reputation is.
  • Speed Echoes: One of the applications of his Dangerous Forbidden Technique is to move his arms so fast it looks like many.
  • Spit Take: When Elsie informs him that Yoshino Asami may already like him, he spits out his tea.
  • The Spock: After Kanon is stabbed, the girls around him chastise him for not feeling anything, and approaching it like it's one of his games. However, it was shown that he knows just how serious it is, and that he's so determined to put things right, he's entirely focused on solving the problem and finding another goddess to help her before she dies.
  • Spoiled Brat
  • Squishy Wizard: He's at the top of his class, is the God of Conquest, but his body is rather frail because he forgets to get himself in shape due to his obsession with video games. During arcs that require him to be more physically active, he is frequently shown getting exhausted.
  • Stealth Insult: Possibly not intentional, but... Haqua expresses anger that he walked in on her naked. He responds by saying not to worry, because he was too deep in thought at the time to remember her naked body.
  • The Stoic: And proud of it.
    • Not So Stoic: Keima blushes noticeably when Kanon confesses that she's in love with him. He also loses some of his composure when Kanon/Apollo gets stabbed, though he quickly regains it and points out the best thing he can do is act calm and composed.
      • And on a lighter note, Haqua points out that the capturing god's weakness is aggressive girls like Yui. Haqua simply grabbing his hand makes him freak out a little bit.
  • Supreme Chef: Not exactly a chef, but according to the later chapters, he can make coffee that's to die for. Justified because he lives in a coffee shop.
  • Terrible Artist
  • Teen Genius: Can predict test questions, remember events in his life to minute intervals, and multitask with ease, as shown when he plays multiple games at once.
  • Tsundere
  • Unwanted Harem: Has Haqua, Diana, Tenri, Elsea and the recently discovered Goddess hosts after him. It's really unwanted because all he wants to do is play his games.
  • What Beautiful Eyes!: His eyes occasionally attract a good deal of attention. Amami Tooru finds them absolutely beautiful while others like Nagase Jun find them striking and powerful.
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: As the God of Being Captured.
  • Xanatos Speed Chess: A key tactic of Keima's, especially during the Goddess Capture arc where he pulls stunts like using the bad publicity from Kanon's confession to his advantage and using it in his plans or getting an overconfident Fiore to spill the beans about Vintage and let Vulcan know about the situation moments after assessing the situation with Haqua and Nora at her mercy.
  • Yaoi Fangirl: He 'slips' after he is affected by the female body he occupies. In his 'will,' he even calls himself a Fujoshi, or rotten girl.

Elsea de Lute Irma

Voiced by: Kanae Ito (JP), Luci Christian (EN)

Also known as Elsie, Elsea is a low-level demon assigned as Keima's partner. Having served as a minor cleaning demon for most of her life, she's very inexperienced and lacking in confidence. She has a childish personality, is fantastic at cleaning but bad at cooking, and has an attention span of about 3 minutes. She masquerades as Keima's little sister, but occasionally shows signs of having a crush on him. She literally idolizes Keima, often referring to him as "Kami-sama." She later becomes the left-handed bassist for Chihiro's band, the 2-B Pencils.

Over the course of the series, she has more or less graduated to being his real little sister. Apart from this, throughout the series she normally acts as a sort of plot device by using her robe. In the goddess recapture arc, she is put on a bus for large stretches at a time so that the world doesn't realize that Kanon is missing.

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: In all but blood.
  • Attention Deficit Ooh... RED FIRE TRUCK!!
  • Bad Liar
  • Becoming the Mask: In the role of Keima's sister. At first she called him Kami-sama ("God"), then Kami-nii-sama ("God-brother"), and now it's just Nii-sama ("Brother"). She also calls his mother "mother".
  • Big Brother Worship
  • Butt Monkey
  • Compulsory School Age: She transfers into Keima's class, despite claiming to be his little sister.
    • His half-sister, though, so it's still logically possible.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Elsea may not be a bad cook by the underworld's standards, but humans aren't used to eating so many tentacles and other questionable "foods".
  • Conveniently Unverifiable Cover Story: Poses as the illegitimate daughter of Keima's father, Keiichi Katsuragi.
  • Cuddle Bug
  • Cute Demon Girl
  • Detached Sleeves: Her normal outfit.
  • The Ditz: And cursed with enough self-awareness to realise it.
  • Dude, Where's My Respect?: She currently has caught the most Runaway Spirits, yet her colleagues refuse to believe that a ditz like her could be so successful. Then again, Keima did do most of the work.
  • Emergency Impersonation: Keima gets her to impersonate Kanon after the latter is stabbed. That said, it doesn't fool Vintage as they leave her alone and kidnap the real Kanon.
  • Epic Fail: She managed to set her notes on fire when studying for a test.
    • She's blown up a few buildings too from having her broom turned up too high while cleaning.
  • Finger-Suck Healing: Inverted; in dissent to the "in all but blood" statement above, she deliberately bites Keima's finger in a very early chapter to satisfy one of his requirements for 'being a younger sister' (that is to say, she needed his blood). Put simply, Keima wasn't amused.
  • Flying Broomstick: She doesn't really need it to fly, but it does serve as her Magic Wand of sorts.
  • The Glomp
  • Hair Decorations: Though this applies to all the New Devil spirit catchers. Doubles as a spirit sensor.
  • Hero Worshipper: She looks up to Keima, Haqua, and her big sister. She knows they're not perfect, but admires them all the same.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: Kanae Ito, who's also Little Red Riding Hood and the first Catian on Earth.
  • Lethal Chef: While she's usually just using weird ingredients, there was that time she blew up a kitchen while trying to make a cake. Though that was mostly the mandrake's fault: The cake looked good until then.
  • Literal-Minded
  • Younger Sibling Fetishization: Invoked and subverted. Keima gives an epic speech about why she doesn't qualify and thus he won't accept her as his sister at all, but in the end he does. The subversion comes in when there is little romantic tension between the two and she simply acts like a normal, real little sister would. Naturally, the relationship is not without its Ship Tease, of course. Right after the Hinoki arc, Keima and Elsie are forced to go on a date by their friends. Keima refuses to treat it like a capture op (or date), and thus kills the most romantic moment, further depressing and angering Elsie who obviously wanted him to treat her like his date. She only recovers because he takes her to the firehouse to see the trucks after warning her "it's not my fault if you'll misunderstand".
  • Magnetic Girlfriend: In a subtle sense. The development of Keima's "harem" did start because he met her but he actually had to work and take the initiative to get the attention of most of the girls.
  • Manic Pixie Dream Girl: Justified. Her job is to make Keima do a PG rated seduction, meaning he has to open up to others.
  • Meaningful Name: "Elsie" has multiple meanings, mostly dealing with God, such as: "My God is a vow"; "God is my oath"; "God's promise"; "Oath of God"; "God is satisfaction"; "Consecrated to God"; etc.
  • Mundane Object Amazement: Fire Engines.
  • New Meat: Due to the sudden demand for Spirit Capturers, Elsea was newly assigned to her position without having undergone the usual rigorous training process.
  • Otaku: Fangirls fire trucks (to the point where she reads magazines about them) and Kanon (to the point that she's memorised Kanon's songs and choreography).
  • Put on a Bus: For a protagonist, she has been away for quite a good chunk of the story. For the record, she left after chapter 117. Who knows when she will claim back her role as Keima's buddy?
  • Rapunzel Hair
  • Really Three Hundred Years Old: And still acts like she's 12.
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: Tends to happen whenever Keima gets serious about a capture. During the goddess search arc she's shooed away from even trying because she's replacing Kanon.
  • Sidekick Ex Machina: Her role in Keima's strategies is essentially acting as a magic dispenser: "Elsie, could you do X with your robe?" "Yes, Kami-nii-sama!"
  • The Southpaw
  • Unreliable Expositor: Quite a bit of what she tells Keima in the first chapter is... well, wrong at worst and only partially correct at best. There is a reason Keima directs most Hell-related questions to Haqua, even pointing out that he can't fully trust what Elsea tells him.
  • The Watson: Unfortunately for her, Keima isn't the best at explaining.
  • Zettai Ryouiki

Capture Targets

Capture Targets

Females whom Keima has to get the "Runaway Spirit" out of.

  • Locked Out of the Loop: During the Goddess Capture arc, Keima keeps everyone out of the loop instead of directly explaining to the goddess candidates that they're in danger. The logic is that if he tells them that, then they'll be on his side, but they'll be too weak to fight off Vintage. Thus, he needs to keep them in the dark and get them to love him more and thus regain more of their power. He manages to keep it up pretty well until Chihiro apparently overhears him speaking to Haqua after Vintage's assault begins, though considering he specifically brought her along it may have been intentional.
  • Loving a Shadow: It becomes clear over time that the girls aren't exactly falling in love with Keima. They're falling in love with whatever persona he projects for them to love. It's quite rare for Keima to not act at all during a capture and is only really done for two captures, one of which was a breather arc. It's shown to be actually somewhat disturbing during the goddess capture arc when Haqua watches him suddenly change personalities after a tense romantic scene he planned with Diana in chapter 139. That said, he has become somewhat less of an ass, since he actually cares about what happens to other people now.
    • Averted with Chihiro, who was in love with him even before the conquest, and the other girls in love with him regardless of the capture target antics such as Tenri, Diana, Haqua, Asami from the light novels, Nanaka and, apparently, Airi. However, he doesn't seem to really understand this himself in the case of Chihiro, Asami or Tenri, who all admire his drive and nonconformity.
  • Motif/Tarot Motifs: The first 14 girls (including Tenri), are shown here as the suit of hearts + the joker.
    • A bit of Fridge Brilliance with Tenri as the joker (also known as the wild card in some card games). She did not have a Runaway Spirit possessing her in the first place but instead Diana had a restrained weakened Weiss with her when she entered Tenri. She is also not one of Keima's official registered captures, Tenri was registered as Nora's target. Tenri could be place chronologically as: the 1st girl Keima met; the 1st girl who is a goddess host; the 10th girl Keima kissed since he became a Buddy in the Runaway Spirit Squad.
      • More Fridge Brilliance: Yui as the king.
      • Another with Ayumi being the ace. Being the last Goddess host Keima needs, you could say she is "the ace in the hole".
  • Theme Naming: A lot of the females have surnames or family names from train stations.
  • Wistful Amnesia: To a greater or less extent depending on Keima's level of involvement during a capture. To the point where those like Minami or Sumire don't seem to recognize him at all.

Ayumi Takahara

Voiced by: Ayana Taketatsu (JP), Kaytha Coker (EN)

An athletic girl in Keima's homeroom and a member of the school's track-and-field club. Even after her Runaway Spirit was captured and she lost her memories of Keima, she still kept lingering feelings for him, which confused her immensely. She still shows up from time to time as a friend to Keima and Elsea, and plays guitar in Chihiro's band. She turns out to be the host of the sixth goddess, Mercury.

  • Armor-Piercing Slap: Gives one to Keima after Chihiro reveals his conquest plot.
  • Book Dumb: She claims to have once been a good student, but now she spends so much time on athletics that she's neglected her studies.
  • Call Back: On Ayumi re-conquest arc, Ayumi kissed Keima the same way that Keima kissed Ayumi on his first conquest.
  • Crash Into Hello: Ayumi Missile firing!
  • First Girl Wins: It hasn't actually happened (or at least, not yet), but Katsuragi does invoke this while giving her a marriage proposal, calling her the First and Final Heroine.
  • First Kiss: With Keima.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: Keima tries inducing one while testing to see if she has a goddess.
  • Furo Scene
  • Genki Girl
  • Hair Decorations
  • In-Series Nickname: "Mai High's missile"
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Steps down for Chihiro so that she can have a chance at Keima instead. She does a good enough job at feigning disinterest that Keima comes to the conclusion that she has no goddess, which kind of comes back to bite him when it turns out Ayumi had Mercury all along.
  • Matchmaker Crush: Helps Keima pursue Chihiro when he asked to. She also wished him luck in making it happen.
  • Meaningful Name: Ayumi=Walking, beauty
  • Obfuscating Disability: She pretends to hurt her leg because she knew the upperclassmen were jealous that she'd be the school representative at the next track meet. Keima sees right through this.
  • Produce Pelting: To Keima with the gift basket's contents he gave to her near the end of her capture.
  • Talk To The Kick: When Keima tries to use his usual line to her after he harshly dumped Chihiro in front of her, this is her response.
  • Tomboy
  • Too Fast to Stop: She keeps on crashing into pillars and walls when running through the hallways. She tried to wear indoor shoes with spikes but was scolded for making holes in the hallways. Her friend Izumi Ishikiri suggests that she not run.
  • Tsundere
  • Wet Sari Scene: She sweated a lot while being under the blanket with Keima when he was trying to hide her from Chihiro.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She witnessed Keima's overly harsh rejection of Chihiro and instantly confronted him and called him the worst. While he actually did have good intentions, he agrees with her and ends up extremely depressed. Ayumi also ends up depressed.

Mio Aoyama

Voiced by: Aoi Yuki (JP), Hilary Haag (EN)

A haughty girl whose father was the head of a major company. Unbeknownst to her classmates, her father had actually passed away recently, and Mio is actually poor now, but she's too proud to admit it. She makes a brief appearance during Yui's capture.

Kanon Nakagawa

"I am a star. The mirror that reflects the era. But where is the mirror that reflects myself?"

Voiced by: Nao Tōyama (JP), Brittney Karbowski (EN)

Keima's classmate and a popular idol singer. She is a very dependent girl who desperately wants people to acknowledge her, so naturally she becomes immensely interested in Keima when she discovers he has no idea who she is. The Runaway Spirit that possessed her turned her invisible whenever she felt neglected. She is the host of the goddess Apollo.

  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Gives one to Keima. But you don't get points for guessing this.
  • Attention Whore: Before the situation with Keima, Kanon always felt the need to garner everyone's attention and approval; when Keima didn't acknowledge her existence or Idol Singer status, she literally disappeared.
  • Blatant Lies: From both the manga and anime: "A perfectly safe stun gun was used for this scene." Moments later, she knocks down a tree with them.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Keima looks back and remembers her trying to contact him during tests. However, there's actually an even earlier hint that she still has her memories: The omake chapters tend to contain hints about future events in between the humor and in this case she was noted as getting nervous at the word kiss and seeing the director's wig, which is katsura in Japanese. Puns...
  • Coy Girlish Flirt Pose: Does this for Keima just before her live preformance at the end of her arc. Because of where Keima was sitting and what Kanon was wearing at the time, he got quite a view.
  • Curtains Match the Window: Pink hair and eyes, setting her apart from most of the other girls in the series.
  • Dual-Wielding: Dual wielding stun guns.
  • Hair Antennae
  • Hair Decorations: Her iconic yellow ribbon.
  • Idol Singer
  • Invisibility
  • Meganekko: Only when at school.
  • Parental Abandonment: Her parents actually have an agreement for her to live by herself for her career.
  • Powers Via Possession: Invisibility.
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Shrinking Violet
  • Star-Making Role: For her voice actress, newcomer Nao Touyama.
  • Stun Guns Akimbo: Her weapon of choice when Keima ignores her.
  • Yandere: Played for laughs: Her second e-mail to Keima is nothing but "yoroshiku" (Please take care of me) repeated for multiple pages and she uses stun guns on anyone who doesn't recognize her. When this fails to convert Keima, she ramps up her efforts by giving him private concerts and threatening punishment if he doesn't show up.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Oddly enough, she's actually pretty much the only human character in the series with blatantly unnatural hair.

Shiori Shiomiya

Voiced by: Kana Hanazawa (JP), Hilary Haag (EN)

A very shy girl who loves to read books, and the secretary of the school's Book Committee. She spends most of her time practically living in the school library, where she has developed an emotional attachment to the books. Her arc focuses around her difficulty in speaking to others.

She later turns out to be the host of Minerva, the fifth Jupiter Sister. Oddly, this is the only instance where the goddess appears apart from her host or not reflected off a mirror, though her appearance is still based on Shiori's.

Kusonoki Kasuga

Voiced by: Ami Koshimizu (JP)

The captain of the school's girls' karate club, who has repressed her feminine side in order to take up her father's dojo. She claims to hate weak things, but deep down she has a soft spot for them, which she tries her best to hide. As her personality continues to polarize, the Runaway Spirit possessing her causes her feminine side to manifest itself as a separate person and challenge her for control of her body. She appears again during her elder sister's, Hinoki's, capture.

Chihiro Kosaka

Voiced by: Kana Asumi (JP), Serena Varghese (EN)

Another student in Keima's homeroom and close friend of Ayumi. She's completely average in almost every way imaginable, a fact that she's woefully aware of. Wanting excitement in her life, she has a habit of confessing to popular guys in her school, although she sets her sights too high and is always rejected. She later goes on to start her own band, the 2-B Pencils, for which she does guitar and vocals. While she was one of the six main goddess candidates, she turned out not to have one. Instead, she played a major role in the formation and resolution of the final capture of Mercury.

  • Genki Girl: What she wants to be. Too bad Keima sees right through her.
  • Hair Decorations: Wears a clip on the leftside.
  • I Just Want to Be Special
  • Red Herring: During the goddess search arc, she acted like she felt something towards Keima. And she did, because she was in love with him for quite some time; she doesn't remember anything from her conquest.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: Performed during her capture.
  • Single Girl Seeks Most Popular Guy: Seems to be like this for her arc.
  • Tsundere
  • Umbrella of Togetherness: It's raining a lot during her arc, so she gets to do this with Keima.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: First, she makes a confession to Katsuragi at a bad moment while he is working on Ayumi, causing him to follow a Red Herring and put his work with Ayumi at risk, ultimately resulting in a love triangle that Keima has no idea how to fix. After making a little progress in resolving it, Chihiro offers to help Keima. After, it seems as though Chihiro has once again screwed things up, but it turns out she actually managed to resolve the love triangle that had Keima at wits end.
  • Woman Scorned: Subverted when the reader is led to believe that Chihiro has revealed the entire goddess capture to Ayumi out of either spite or misplaced concern. However, it's actually a ruse by her to get Ayumi to stop worrying about how Chihiro feels and focus exclusively on Keima.

Jun Nagase

Voiced by: Aki Toyosaki (JP)

A university student training to become a teacher, who comes to Keima's school to teach for two weeks. She's very passionate about everything she does, and is also a big fan of pro wrestler Jumbo Tsuruma. Believing Keima to be a troubled student, she spends much effort trying to reach out to him.

  • Hot-Blooded
  • Hot for Student: Keima tries desperately to try capturing her in any other way other than this before being stuck with it because the teacher routes in dating sims are always harder. Obviously, he fails. Really, he's lucky that she was just a student teacher and therefore viewed him as a project instead of labeling him out of bounds as a student.
  • Meaningful Name: Jun could mean "pure".
  • Naive Newcomer
  • Sempai-Kohai: With Nikaido.
  • Sensei-chan: What she tries to be.
  • Stepford Smiler
  • Verbal Tic: Noted instory by Nikaido. She extends her Os. She's unaware of doing it herself.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist
  • You Were Trying Too Hard: She thinks she is trying too hard to push her passion onto others, which causes people to reject her. It's subverted and inverted at the end of the arc, in which Keima explains to her that she surrenders too quickly.

Tsukiyo Kujou

The only member of the school astronomy club, who spends her time watching the moon with her doll Luna. She cares only for "beautiful" things, and considers things like emotion to be ugly. Like Keima, she holds disdain towards reality, and prefers to live in her own fantasy world (on the moon). Based on her feelings, her Runaway Spirit shrinks her to the size of a doll. Later, Tsukiyo is revealed to be the host of Vulcan, the third Jupiter Sister.

Minami Ikoma

A middle schooler and member of the school swim team, although only as the third substitute. She is indecisive about her life, and contemplates quitting the swim team until she meets Keima, whom she erroneously believes to be an older member of the swim team. Her story arc is told primarily through her own point of view rather than Keima's, depicting her growth in confidence as she idolizes Keima as her sempai.

Keima: "Being a sempai is like a love potion you get for free!"

  • Wistful Amnesia: Averted, unlike the other girls. She doesn't remember Keima at all.

Rieko Hinaga

A ghostly girl manifested by a Runaway Spirit. Rieko herself is an elderly woman, but the spirit appears as a manifestation of her longing for past memories.

  • Cute Ghost Girl
  • Identical Grandchild: Reiko's granddaughter Airi looks like her when she was her age.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: She is barely taller than her granddaughter.
  • Red Herring: The 'ghost' that is seen early on looks like Airi and she has some social issues, so the natural assumption is that she's the capture target. However, Keima realizes quickly enough that Airi has no problems with her lifestyle and therefore no gap.
  • Talking the Monster to Death: Rather than capture the Runaway Spirit by filling the gap in Rieko's heart (a return to her youth), Keima has Elsie explain to the Spirit that Rieko is far too old to bear children, the mechanism by which it would have been reincarnated. Realizing that Failure Is the Only Option, the Spirit surrenders.

Sumire Uemoto

The daughter of a ramen restaurant owner who's eager to take up the family business, but her father disapproves of her desire. Wishing to prove herself to her father, she gets Keima to assist her in creating the perfect ramen recipe.

  • Big Eater: How she seems at first, but she's really researching different kinds of ramen.
  • But Not Too Foreign: She dresses Chinese because her mother did, implying she had a Chinese mother.
  • Chinese Girl: She's not Chinese, but she dresses like one when she works in her family's ramen shop.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: Care for some melon, orange and cherries in your ramen?
  • Floral Theme Naming: Sumire= Violet.
  • I Just Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Both she and her father are like this towards each other: she wants to help her father's ramen business to succeed, and he wants her to abandon the ramen shop to pursue a better life.
  • Missing Mom: A lot happened and she ran away.
  • Qipao: Always wears one when working.
  • Unnamed Parent: Both of her parents.
  • "Well Done, Daughter" Girl: All she wants is for her father to acknowledge her as a ramen chef. He's only denying her because he believes she could have a better life than that.

Nanaka Haibara

A shogi enthusiast who once lost to her classmate Tenri (possessed by Diana). She took the loss very hard, and has devoted herself to beating her in a rematch.

Yui Goido

A rich heiress living a suffocating life under pressure from her parents to be the perfect daughter. Her desire to escape her life is finally granted when her Runaway Spirit lets her switch bodies with another person. She later joins as the drummer of Chihiro's band, the 2-B Pencils. Later, Yui is revealed to be the host of Mars, the fourth Jupiter Sister.

  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Her mother is an overbearing Education Mama Ojou who doesn't let her daughter do anything she doesn't approve of.
  • Bifauxnen: Becomes one after her Freaky Friday Flip and subsequent capture which leads to a few friends like Ayumi teasing her about it during gym. She also gets quite a few new male and female admirers. Whenever Keima gets to thinking she's really boyish, however, she displays some feminine traits such as blushing at his bishonen moments, taking Keima for sweets or getting scared at a horror house.
  • Bokukko: During the capture, Yui gets some odd looks because her pronoun usage naturally differs from Keima's, though not quite a true example due to the circumstances. Graduates to a full bokukko post capture and even starts wearing the boy's uniform.
  • Covert Pervert: She wants Keima to wear a dress while dating her, which she excuses as to not be Mistaken for Gay. She's very happy when he finally goes through with it.
  • Crash Into Hello
  • Even the Girls Want Her: Post-capture Yui seems to be a lot more popular than she was pre capture. Including quite a few middle school girls, apparently.
  • Freaky Friday Flip/Gender Bender: Switched her body with Keima's. Watching her go to the toilet is amusing.
  • Hidden Buxom: Her clothing deemphasizes it, but she's actually rather well-endowed.
  • Improbable Weapon User: She one-shot a hulking bodyguard with a drumming stick.
  • Knight in Shining Armor: Yui and Mars play this to Keima's Damsel in Distress in the horror house.
  • Kimono: Worn a flower-patterned one on her body during her arc. She switches over to suits post-capture, except wearing a yukata when sleeping.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: Just like everyone else. However, she was slightly different in that she had a goddess who hadn't woken up yet. Keima decided to test her by simultaneously building love points and mimicking events from Yui's capture. It worked.
  • Meet Cute: First more or less subverted when Keima was just annoyed and it didn't mean anything to either. If she hadn't had a runaway spirit nothing would have come of it. But she did, so it was then invoked by Keima setting another up.
  • Mistaken for Gay: She passionately confessed to Keima in public, and most people think she's a guy. Do the math. It doesn't help she was acting the Seme and Keima was the Uke.
    • She later intends to correct this trope by trying to get Keima to dress as a girl.
  • Nice Girl: Keima has issues with how proactive she is, but she's really one of the nicest girls in the cast and one of the few who never abuses him.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: Around Keima.
  • Ojou
  • Player Versus Player: Keima has particular difficulty dealing with Yui on his own terms, because her Tomboy nature has her acting like the protagonist of a dating-sim as well. Whenever he makes progress with her, it's by accepting the role reversal and letting her capture him.
  • Powers Via Possession
  • Rapunzel Hair: Before her capture. Post-capture, she had an Important Haircut to a Tomboyish Ponytail.
  • Royal Rapier: Yui uses a prop one during her date with Keima, but Mars wields it expertly against the "evil agent of Vintage".
  • Running Gag: Being mistaken for a guy. Even Mars does it!
  • Single-Target Sexuality: Post-capture Yui fell back in love with Keima, and wants only him by any means neccesary. She even seems willing to accept him pursuing other girls and let his fake relationship with Kanon slide as long as she can have him too.
  • Somebody Else's Problem: Yui has no idea what Mars is talking about when the goddess wakes up and would much rather focus on her date with Keima.
  • Spoiled Sweet: She never acts snobby, and uses the family's wealth to buy equipment for the girls' band.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Post-capture Yui relentlessly tails Keima as he tries to recapture the other girls, becoming a major obstacle for finding the goddesses. Keima thinks she's acting like the protagonist of a dating sim, and that's his job. Multiplayer eroges...
  • Tomboyish Ponytail
  • Wholesome Crossdresser: Post-capture.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: She's been raised to be one, but is clearly feeling a little stifled.

Hinoki Kasuga

The elder sister of Kusunoki Kasuga. An eccentric fashion designer, actress, and artist who always carries around a megaphone. Came back to Maijima City after 5 years.

  • Attack of the 50-Foot Whatever
  • Boobs of Steel: Just like her younger sister and just as proficient in martial arts.
  • Cool Big Sis: In Flag 96, Keima discovered that the real reason for her gap is to maintain the Cool Big Sis image for Kusunoki Kasuga.
  • The Gadfly: Enjoys teasing Kusonoki as shown in her after chapters.
  • Glasses Pull
  • Heir to the Dojo: Or rather, she used to be.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Her dream is to be "bigger" than a dojo leader, and see the top spoiler.
  • Large Ham: Dethrones Nora as the hammiest girl. And the largest.
  • Loud of War: Easy with the megaphone, miss.
  • May–December Romance: This is the basis of her arc, though of course not the cause of her gap. She's the 'adult' heroine and the story presents this as a big wall between her and Keima. This might seem odd considering that A. the age gap is only three years and B. Jun is actually older than she is yet no mention of this was made in her arc.
  • The Runaway: She ran away when Kusunoki graduated from middle school, and now lives independently in the USA (backed up by her Omake).
  • Sexy Coat Flashing
  • Shipper on Deck: Her omake is basically her teasing Kusonoki about Keima and trying to hook her up with him. At least part of it is probably trolling though.
  • Smooch of Victory/Forceful Kiss: Before heading off to America after the spirit was removed, she doesn't just kiss, she pretty much makes out with Keima before driving off, much to the horror of everyone, including Keima himself. She would have gone even further if Kusunoki hadn't megaton-punched Keima mid-smooch, to Keima's own relief, being like he is.

Akari Kurakawa

See the New Devils section.

New Devils

New Devils

The current residents of New Hell ever since the Old Devils were sealed away 300 years before the start of the series. There are two known factions, The Runaway Spirit Squad and Vintage.

  • Aura Vision: Demons and humans associated with one are able to see the dark aura generated by the Weiss.
  • Black Magic: The magic of Hell has been referred to as this. It is relatively neutral in its normal state, but it can be empowered by evil and negative feelings.
  • Magitek: Though a handful of New Devils have been seen casting spells independently, most of New Hell's magic seems to be of this nature.
  • One-Gender Race: There are no male New Devils.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Especially if you compare them to the Old Devils, The Weiss.
  • Shinigami: They are not known to actually escort the dead, but they are the guardians of the afterlife and the Scythe of Testament is one of the highest honors a demon can receive.
  • Thou Shall Not Kill: According to Lune, New Devils are forbidden from killing humans. Though there are some that are rumored to do so anyway.
  • Wingdinglish: Their Hellian writing system; it is somewhat readable.

Runaway Spirit Squad

An organization in New Hell tasked to capture Runaway Spirits, the Old Devils known as Weiss.

  • Dark Is Not Evil
  • Detect Evil: The functionality of their runaway spirit sensors.
  • Flight: Members of the squad are able to fly thanks to their celestial robes. Haqua has also demonstrated the ability to fly independently using a spell.
  • Green Lantern Ring: Celestial robes are part of the Squad's uniform. They possess a wide range of utilities depending on the user's skill, including flight, restraints, and the ability to create various items.
  • Hunter Of Their Own Kind: Technically they are Devils hunting the previous generation of Devils.
  • People Jars: What the squad uses to imprison runaway spirits. They can also contain people and shrink to a convenient size.

Haqua du Lot Herminium

Voiced by: Saori Hayami (JP), Kira Vincent-Davis (EN)

A friend and former classmate of Elsea's, who graduated top of their class. Having always excelled at everything she did, Haqua was quickly promoted to the position of District Chief of Area 32 in charge of capturing Runaway Spirits, but since her promotion she has had a terrible record. With the help of Elsea and Keima, Haqua wins back her confidence and in turn begins developing feelings towards Keima. Her human partner is Yukie.

Haqua takes Elsie's place as Keima's partner during the goddesses search arc. After reporting to her boss, Dokuro Skull, about Vintage, she was captured by its members. Wanting control over her position, they trumped up charges of treason, stripped her of her rank, and began torturing her for information when they realized she was hiding something. She escaped with the help of her boss and made her way back to the human world as a fugitive. Upon the return of her confiscated scythe, Haqua vowed to become the protector of New Hell.

Nora Floriann Leoria

A powerful senior demon who does not get along very well with Elsea and Haqua. Rather than letting her human partner do most of the work, like Elsea and Keima, she prefers to take matters into her own hands, sometimes with lethal means. Her results are impressive, though she often makes mistakes due to her impulsive nature. Her second appearance has her promoted to District Chief of Area 30-2, in essence becoming Elsea's boss. Her human partner is Ryou.

  • Anti-Hero: Seems to have good intentions despite her questionable methods.
  • Boobs of Steel
  • Darkskinned Blonde: White-haired variation.
  • Detached Sleeves: White ones since her initial appearance in FLAG 56 until she changes to black ones from FLAG 129 on.
  • Double Agent/Reverse Mole: She joins Vintage and mocks Haqua about it, only to let Keima out of pinch of dire situation regarding Vintage.
  • Horned Humanoid: Has one horn on the right side of her head.
  • I Was Just Passing Through: "It's not like I'm your ally now. I just can't stand Vintage doing as they please in my district!!"
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Although she claims to be playing both sides of the conflict with Vintage, she has been surprisingly very helpful to Keima and has not shown one sign of defecting to the other side even when Keima was in trouble.
  • Knight Templar
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: As bitchy and superior as she can be, she's also shown herself to be more thoughtful than she lets on, and has occasionally gone out of her way to help others despite her self-serving facade. And she indirectly saves Keima's life by sending Ryou to activate the goddess sensor's roll-call feature when she figures that Vintage will be looking into the disappearance of one of their agents.
  • Mind Probe: Her senior demon powers let her delve into people's hearts.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: If her target's been hurt by someone, she'll give them revenge... up to and including killing the one who hurt them.
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: Plays dumb while pretending to abandon Haqua and Kanon out of self-interest, but uses it as an opportunity to confirm whether or not Fiore is actually The Mole for Vintage.
  • Pet the Dog: Although her regard for human life is low, she's very hesitant to do anything that could lead to a fellow New Hell Devil dying. What Measure Is A Non Demon, perhaps? Twice now, when it is pointed out her actions may result in Elsie's death, she reconsiders her actions. Unless she's angry.
  • Really Three Hundred Years Old: Ten years older than Elsie and Haqua.
  • Wall of Weapons: Had a whole pile laid out on the ground when she wanted to kill Keima.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Goes and tells Sharia that she knows exactly how Sharia betrayed Haqua and the suffering Haqua is going to go through because of her. Nora being Nora, she rubs it in quite a bit.
  • White-Haired Pretty Girl
  • Who Wears Short Shorts?: Her outfit is basically low rise shorts over what appears to be a leotard.
  • Wild Card: She claims to be playing both sides at once due to being unsure for how things will work out. Either way she can count herself a winner. For example, Haqua gets herself locked up, so she joins Vintage, but then she sends Ryou to save Keima.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Grade A with her shorts.

Sharia Frey Amon

A friend of Haqua, she was the former District Chief of Area 30-2 and Elsie's former superior. She was reassigned to be the District Chief of Area 30-4.

Cresta and Camry

Nora's henchmen.

Dokuro Skull

Voiced by: Kujira (JP)

She is the Hell Counter measures branch Chief who sent Keima the contract email. She was a hero during the Almagemachina, the war that sealed the Old Devils 300 years before the start of the series.

  • Artificial Skeleton: Her real body was destroyed long ago and her current diminutive form is completely artificial. Which allows her to traverse the old parts of Hell untouched by the fumes and poisons.
  • Da Chief
  • Double Agent: She is obligated to work with Vintage, but helps Haqua escape and tells her neither good nor evil will win the coming war. They need strength.
  • Dem Bones
  • I Was Quite a Looker: Claims this, the flashback showed her as a skeleton with normal proportions. Depends on your taste.
  • Miniature Senior Citizens: Actually an artificial body.
  • Punch Clock Villain: Works for Vintage more for political reasons than any actual loyalty to them.
  • Wild Card: Appears to feel that something needs to be done to help New Hell, but doesn't entirely approve of what Vintage is doing. Thus, in the space of just a few short chapters she first strips Haqua of command and brands her a criminal, then lets her escape. If Haqua can find a better solution to the problems New Hell is facing, well, so much the better.

Yuri Nikaido

Voiced by: Atsuko Tanaka (JP), Elizabeth Bunch (EN)

Keima's homeroom teacher and the senpai of Jun Nagase. Not so secretly due to the page's sorting, she may or may not be a demon. And she is powerful enough that she can effortlessly catch massive escaped runaway spirits using equipment the rest of the devils have never even seen before. Currently, she's more or less just observing.

Akari Kurakawa (Rimyuel)

Member/Head of the Biology Club. Older than Keima, but smaller. Has a frail appearance. Wants to create a "Perfect Human" (using a robot). Secretly an undercover member of the Runaway Spirit Squad and the partner of Nikaido.

  • Artificial Human: Creating one is her goal.
  • Break the Badass: Did this to Keima.
  • Button Mashing: kissing Keima repeatedly made him think that she was treating a kiss like pressing a button.
    • 'Button' in this trope is plural. So if she actually tried Button Mashing on Keima it would ramp up the Fetish Fuel level of the chapter even more.
    • Perhaps this will lead Keima to the conclusion that he really likes the girls he "saved" in a way. Even with the fact that he does what he does partly because he doesn't want the demons that possess the girls to reincarnate.
  • The Cavalry: Shows up with an army of gun and spear wielding Runaway Spirit Squad loyalists to save Keima from Vintage's army.
  • Compressed Hair: That hat of hers holds more hair than you think.
  • Dating Sim: Keima compared her to a game/dating sim character.
  • Distaff Counterpart: Her disconnection from reality and dislike of real people is very similar to Keima's.
    • To further drive the point home, it seems as though she's helping Nikaido-sensei in some way. Yes, that Nikaido-sensei.
  • Emotionless Girl: Like Tsukiyo below, she has disdain for people ruled by emotion, which is why she works so hard at creating an Artificial Human.
  • Girlish Pigtails: How does she keep all that hair under her cap?
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Compared to Keima. She's THAT little. She's about four and a half feet tall.
  • Humans Are Flawed: This train of thought motivates her into wanting to create a "Perfect Human." In the end Keima convinces her that flawed humans are not a bad thing.
  • In Mysterious Ways: Instead of fighting against Vintage directly, she appears to be working with Nikaido to subtly manipulate events behind the scenes towards some desired outcome, creating a large number of contrived coincidences on Keima's behalf. For obvious reasons, Haqua has trouble understanding Keima when he says the planner would have to have been incompetent to allow a minor potential flaw.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name means "Light."
  • Peek-a-Bangs
  • The Pig Pen: Defining trait? Reeks of oil. Her after chapter is mostly focused on this rather than any actual work she does. Apparently, it wasn't just something she was doing to keep people away. Nope, she's entirely unaware that she reeks.
  • Red Herring: She never had a spirit in the first place. In fact she was bait for something. Either a goddess or the devils that want old hell back, we can assume.
  • Sinister Scythe: Near identical to Haqua's Scythe of Testament, though a lot more battle worn. Presumably awarded to her for being the top of her class.
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Is it "Rimyuel" or is it "Lumière," French for light?
  • What Is This Thing You Call Love?: Keima tries to invoke this early in the arc. It doesn't work. But it does. Sort of. Not in the way Keima was thinking anyway.


A faction of Devils who want to resurrect Old Hell.

Fiore Loderia Lavigneri

A traitorous New Devil who resents the changes to Devil society and wishes to bring back Old Hell. Works for an organization called Vintage. A former classmate of Elsea and Haqua's.


An executive of Vintage who oversees all agents in the area.


A member of Vintage.

Jupiter Sisters

The Jupiter Sisters

Centuries ago, the Jupiter Sisters, goddesses from Heaven, managed to seal away the Runaway Spirits by making a collective Heroic Sacrifice, trapping themselves alongside their prisoners. When the spirits finally managed to escape, the sisters were released as well. They ended up in the spirits' human hosts, resting dormant until they could regain their strength. Unlike the spirits, however, the goddesses draw strength from love and affection.

Collectively, they share the following tropes:

Tenri Ayukawa / Diana

Keima's childhood friend who has just recently moved back into town. She has a huge crush on Keima, but is too shy to come forth with her feelings. After a certain incident with Keima 10 years ago, she became possessed by Diana, one of the Jupiter Sisters. Diana is assertive and strong-willed, and is now able to temporarily take full control of Tenri's body at times. Together, the two of them become allies in Keima's quest to capture Runaway Spirits.

She is the third oldest of the Jupiter Sisters.


A somewhat ditzy goddess who refers to herself as a muse, she is also the healer of the sisters. Thus becomes problematic when she and her host, Kanon, are stabbed by a Vintage agent name Fiore.

She is the second oldest of the Jupiter Sisters.

  • Chekhov's Gun: Keima looks back and remembers Kanon trying to contact him during tests. However, there's actually an even earlier hint that she still has her memories: The omake chapters of her host.
  • The Ditz: Apollo cheerfully owns up to being an idiot.
  • Facial Markings
  • Hair Antennae
  • The Medic: Apollo's an expert in the healing arts, according to Diana and Vulcan. Which is a bit of a problem when she's the one in a coma.
  • Moving the Goalposts: Possibly justified depending on how you look at it. She was stabbed by Fiore and cursed. They judge the curse will take about a week to kill her unless they can remove the knife (apparently just having a dagger in your intestines for a week is okay) and get to work. When they finally do, it turns out that she's still not going to wake up because she changed the form of her body to make the curse take longer to affect her. So she's still in a coma and Keima has to go look for Mercury now as well because she knows lots of weird spells and might be able to remove it. Eventually subverted in that Apollo is aware of what's going on, but is choosing not to wake up so she can continue to stave off a disaster she sees coming in the future. This means that finding Mercury is actually unnecessary to helping her.
  • Idiot Ball: To be fair, Apollo admits freely that she's not very bright. She's a muse, and planning is not one of their strong suits. So, partially justified.
  • Rose-Haired Girl
  • Shoot the Medic First: Unintentional but problematic.


The first goddess uncovered by Keima, Vulcan is nearly blind, deaf and immobile. However, she possesses the ability to bring objects to life and control them, more than making up for this. She was discovered by Keima when she blew her cover by trying to attack him using Tsukiyo's doll Luna.

She is the eldest Jupiter Sister.


The next goddess found after Vulcan, Mars appears to the most physically powerful, as befits her name. Mars seems serious and businesslike to the point where she seems completely inexperienced when it comes to love and romance. However, she agrees to help her host Yui capture the target of her affections in return for Yui's assistance in finding her sisters.

She is the second youngest of the Jupiter Sisters.


The fifth goddess, she is unique in that during the recapture arc she is in fact seen separate from her host. Her personality appears quite similar to her host Shiori's, as does her appearance, though Minerva looks far younger.

She is the third youngest of the Jupiter Sisters.


The final goddess and the one Keima has of course been trying to find the whole time, Mercury is considered to be something of an oddball. While the other sisters all have a particular strength, Mercury appears to have more interest in learning weird spells. Keima discovers that she is inside Ayumi at the worst possible time, making it particularly difficult to capture her due to Ayumi being greatly upset with him.

She is the youngest Jupiter Sister.


The Katusragi Family

Mari Katsuragi

Voiced by: Ryoka Yuzuki (JP), Shelley Callene-Black (EN)

Keima's mother, an ordinary Japanese housewife... who used to run with biker gangs. She runs a little cafe from the Katsuragi home, "Cafe Grandpa". She loves Keima, but worries about his future. She adores Elsie, whom she thinks is her husband's illegitimate daughter, and treats her like her own.

Keiichi Katsuragi

Keima's father, a man who is almost never home due to travel for work.

Denma Katsuragi

Keima's grandfather and Keiichi's father. He once lived in Maijima City but gave his house to Keima's family when their house was destroyed in an earthquake 10 years prior to the story. He and his wife now live in Yamaguchi Village.

School Characters

Miyako Terada

Voiced by: Nozomi Chikamura (JP)

A classmate of Keima who is a member of the track-and-field club with Ayumi then later in Chihiro's band, the 2-B Pencils.


Keima's classmate who appears from time to time.

Ichiro Kodama-sensei

Voiced by: Ryusei Nakao (JP), Chris Ayres (EN)

A teacher in Majima who teaches English and is the homeroom teacher of class 3-D.


Head of the library committee.

The Mai-High Delinquents

A group of delinquent students.

Other Buddies

Yukie Marui

Haqua's partner, a middle-aged Gokult saleslady. Not the fastest of workers, especially now she's getting on, but not to be underestimated either.

  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: She's basically this for Haqua, even though they're not actually related and Haqua is easily 200 years older than the human. Particularly her habit of pushing Gokult merchandise on any likely takers.
  • Boring Yet Practical: Her spirit-capturing method.
  • Fun T-Shirt: Wears one that says, "NO PUNK NO LIFE".
  • Gradual Grinder: A rare positive example.
  • Hidden Depths
  • The Load: Subverted. She's not useless, she works slowly, steadily and patiently on her targets. Haqua, being rather less patient and feeling the need to prove herself, initially dismisses her, with unfortunate results.
  • Shipper on Deck: Although not outright stated, she seems to try to manipulate Haqua and Keima getting together. Such as telling Keima that Haqua must be in a good mood because of him and how she supposedly talks about how good-looking he is. She also insists on him taking a bath and then tells Haqua that he already went home when she herself wants to take one. Keima is able to see through it though, unlike Haqua.

Ryou Asama

Ryou is Nora's partner, and apart from standing around being pretty doesn't seem to actually be good at anything. Due to his incompetence, Nora tends to end up doing most of the work, leading to unpredictable results.

  • Big Damn Heroes: Surprisingly enough, he is the one to save Keima when Lune is looking for Fiore's signal and Keima is out with a cold.
  • Bishonen
  • Brainless Beauty
  • Bumbling Sidekick: According to Nora. He himself says that it ends quicker when he helps, though it seems that it's more because Nora already took care to include his incompetence in whatever instruction she has for him.
  • Butt Monkey: According to the author's notes he's matched only by Elsie.
  • Handsome Lech: Only working for Hell because he likes Nora's boobs.
  • Running Gag: Ryou is terrible at kanji and can't even write his own name. He always writes Bald on accident.
  • Something About a Rose: The majority of his appearances has him holding a rose. The rose also holds his notes.

Supporting Characters


Voiced by: Miki Ito (JP)

Kanon's manager.

Novel Only Characters

There are two novels for The World God Only Knows, however, neither are referenced directly in the manga or anime continuity, though Asami does appear in group shots of the class.

Volume 1: The World God Only Knows ― God and the Devil and an Angel

Tooru Amami

Amami Tooru is a girl that rescues Keima from a building while wearing an angel cosplay. Her behavior is rather irrational so far as Keima is concerned, making it difficult to get a real grasp on her personality.

Asami Yoshino

A quiet, ordinary girl from Keima's class, she interacts little with others.

  • Different As Night and Day: Her sister is the polar opposite of her and a cheerful extrovert.
  • The Generic Girl: Keima’s first impression of her is similar to the one he has of Chihiro: moderately attractive, doesn’t stand out much and overall rather plain. Then when he sees her ten minutes later, she’s much more energetic and cute, completely shattering the first impression.
  • Ill Girl: Her classmates seem to think she gets sick a lot. But it’s really just that she’s really bad at dealing with others and gets too stressed out.
  • Shrinking Violet: At school, her behavior and attitude are rather muted due to difficulty in interacting with large groups of people.
  • Twin Switch: Asami’s sister Ikumi grows curious about this Katsuragi guy that her older twin sister keeps talking about, so she pretends to be Asami.

Volume 2: The World God Only Knows 2 ― Prayer and Curse and Miracle

Shino Akuragawa

A miko from from Toyoboshi Shrine on Mt. Uryu.

Aoba Fuse

A girl who has no interests.

  • The Ace: Being this actually caused her gap due to not having anything to challenge her.
  • Gamer Chick: What Keima made her to be in order to give her a challenge.
  • Hair Decorations
  • Red Baron: Post capture she is known to the game community as "Maihime."
  • The Stoic

  1. Mars showing off Yui's breast