Grand Unifying Guesses/The Actor Rule: Difference between revisions

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** Given that [[Star Trek: The Original Series|Sulu]] is his father, this isn't too surprising...
* Steve the Pirate from ''Dodgeball'' is a distant ancestor of Wash and is himself a descendant of Wat from ''A Knight's Tale''.
* Agent Casey from Chuck is a distant ancestor of [[Firefly (TV series)|Jayne]].
** Of course Agent Casey is the son of [[Full Metal Jacket|Animal Mother]].
** [[Angel|Hamilton]] is his clone made by the Senior Partners.
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** Therefore Morgan Freeman is Aya Hirano, Wendee Lee, and Patrica Ja Lee (and by extension the [[Power Rangers|Pink Space Ranger]].)
*** And as the latter four are females, it stands to reason that he is also a shapeshifter. Which means he is also [[Heroes (TV series)|Sylar, and by extension, Nathan Petrelli]]. [[Insane Troll Logic|Thus Haruhi can learn to fly.]] Similarly, he is also that girl from ''[[Lucky Star]]'' (sorry, can’t recall her name), the one with the same voice actor as Haruhi. She too is capable of flight. …And, as a result of his shapeshifting power, he is also every other shapeshifter, including [[Cardcaptor Sakura|Clow Reed and Sakura Kinomoto (due to both the Little card and her Sakura card version of the Flight card, which can both be considered forms of shapeshifting)]].
* Some time after the events of ''[[Quantum Leap]]'', Sam Beckett leaped into the body of Captain Archer of the starship [[Star Trek: Enterprise|Enterprise]]. This would initially appear to be ruled out by the fact that Sam can only leap within his own lifetime, but consider that the ending of ''[[Quantum Leap]]'' stated that Sam ''never'' stopped leaping. The series also followed a form of [[San Dimas Time]] with the other person inhabiting Sam's body in his time. Putting this together means that Sam must survive to the 22nd century and beyond, putting the events of ''[[Star Trek: Enterprise|Star Trek Enterprise]]'' within his lifetime.
** Alternatively, he leapt through a "[[Hand Wave|DNA link]]" as he did with an ancestor in the Civil War. Caprtain Archer must have been a descendant.
* [[Firefly (TV series)|River Tam]] is actually [[The Sarah Connor Chronicles|a Terminator]]. Which really explains ''a lot.''
* The video game version of [[Pirates of the Caribbean|Will Turner]] is actually one of many secret identities of the video game version of [[Superman]], who is also a [[Hellsing|vampire]] that may or may not be Dracula. He was originally Karasu of ''Noein'', where he gained the ability to travel through dimensions, and was bitten by another dimension's Dracula while using the alias [[Castlevania|"Hector"]]. This also explains the true identity and motives of [[Naruto|Itachi Uchiha]], making him an all-powerful [[Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot|dimension-traveling vampire superhero ninja pirate]]. The inevitable result is for him to become [[Makai Kingdom|the most badass freakin' Overlord in the cosmos]].
* Nikola Tesla and Pontius Pilate are ''the same person'', both Earthly incarnations of Jareth the Goblin King, who also once ''fell'' to Earth, and a few years later, came back to tell us of a starman waiting in the sky. Then he had a bit of a singing career.
* Put it this way: the Narrator from ''[[Fight Club (film)|Fight Club]]''{{'}}s mental personality disorders [[Comicmook/Incredible Hulk|didn't end with the death of Tyler Durden...]]
** And, as we can see in the movie ''Primal Fear'', it even '''began''' three years '''before''' the events of Fight Club!
* Prior to the movie ''First Contact'', [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Captain Picard]] somehow wound up back in Earth's past where he became a sea captain under the alias of [[Moby Dick|Captain Ahab]]. Starfleet didn't track him down until years after he ended up there and beamed him out in the nick of time before he was eaten by The Whale. They then had to bring him back to the 24th century, shave off the hair (or what little) of it he'd grown, regrow his leg via some sort of surgery and somehow managed to restore his sanity. This would explain how he was able to recite the lines of Moby Dick in the aforementioned movie. At some other point in his life Captain Picard travelled back in time to become [[X-Men (film)|Professor Xavier]].
** This would mean that Captain Picard is a [[Doctor Who|Time Lord]].
*** Well, he'd have to be, to wind up plotting Emperor Tiberius's overthrow (which he failed miserably at, no less).
* Bret Hart is an immortal, as [[Lonesome Dove The Series|he was apparently running around in the old west]], and yet was a wrestler in the modern day. His career ended, not due to Post-Concussion Syndrome from a sloppy kick by Bill Goldberg, but in order to maintain the [[Masquerade]].
* Charlie from ''[[Numb3rs]]'' will invent time travel and strand himself in the future, where he will rename himself [[Firefly (TV series)|Mr. Universe]].
* As noted below, because Johnny Depp ([[Pirates of the Caribbean|"Captain Jack" Sparrow]]) and [[John Barrowman]] ([[Doctor Who|"Captain Jack" Harkness]]) are the same person, they also share all of their roles.
** Actually, Jack began life as [[Edward Scissorhands|Edward]]. Having graduated to high school (and gaining some hands along the way), he joined a [[21 Jump Street|teenage police force]]. Discovering his natural talent for leadership, he went on to become a [[Pirates of the Caribbean|Captain]], but then decided that the piratey life wasn't for him, and so switched to business - [[Charlie and the Chocolate Factory|the chocolate business]].
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** She didn't die. She was recruited by Davy Jones.
* [[Frasier]] eventually travelled to the future and became a starship captain. Unfortunately, he repeatedly crashed it into the [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Enterprise-D]].
** You'd think he'd have better reflexes, [[X-Men: The Last Stand|all things considered.]] On the other hand, given his record commanding military vehicles under the alias of Thomas Dodge, I guess it's not terribly surprising.
* [[Lois and Clark|Lois Lane]] eventually moved to [[Desperate Housewives|Wisteria Lane]]. At some point, H.G. Wells took her to the 24th century where she had a stint as a transporter operator on the [[Star Trek: The Next Generation|Enterprise-D]].
** I'm confused. In what movie or show does H.G. Wells enter into this?
* [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer|Marcie Ross]] was by far the most popular person in her assassination class. She received so much attention that it actually turned her visible again. Since she had already lagged behind in certain areas, mostly dealing with killing, the government simply retrained her as an FBI agent. She was released back into society under the name [[Heroes (TV series)|Audrey Hanson]].
* Sometime in the near future, [[The Sarah Connor Chronicles|the Connors]] move to Odessa, Texas. As part of their cover, John takes the name "[[Heroes (TV series)|Zach]]". His encounter with the Haitian kinda messed up his chances of becoming the leader of humanity, but by that point it was too late for Skynet - Micah could shut down Skynet without even thinking about it.
* [[The Lord of the Rings|Elrond]] eventually dies, and his soul is reincarnated as a revolutionary in [[V for Vendetta|dystopian England]]. When the [[Transformers]] come to Earth, after the Norsefire party falls, Megatron bases his voice on the fighter as a scare tactic. Later, after Megatron is defeated and the Autobots leave, some rogue Decepticons establish [[The Matrix]], and make the man of the voice of their leader into an enforcement program. Whew.
* That would make large chunks of Schindler's List into [[Rule of Cool|a fight between Qui-Gon Jinn and Voldemort. Admit it, you thought that sounded AWESOME''awesome'' before your conscience kicked in...And if they made the lightsaber and Voldemort's spells show up in color (green) while still keeping the rest black-and-white, not even Jiminy Cricket would be able to keep from thinking it was epic.]] (i'm so going to hell...)
* After drowning in a sea of blood, Pedro is reincarnated as Ganondorf and loses his compassion in the form of Donkey Kong. Incredibly NO!
* ''The Ruby In The Smoke'' was actually an adventure with [[Doctor Who|The Eleventh Doctor and Rose Tyler]].
* Cassie (''A Chorus Line'') eventually leaves theatre, dyes her hair blonde, and teaches drama at [[High School Musical|Albuquerque's East High]].
* After faffing about being an odd-job man for long enough, [[Mary Poppins|Bert]] decided to settle down with someone, had two kids and invented a [[Chitty Chitty Bang Bang|flying car]]. After all that he trained for a medical degree and ended up becoming a physician in an [[Diagnosis: Murder|American Hospital]].
* [[The Sound of Music|Maria Von Trapp]] is [[Mary Poppins]]. She was also the [[The Princess Diaries|Queen of Genovia]] and [[Shrek|Far Far Away]] and eventually ended up looking after a [[Eloise Atat Thethe Plaza|hyperactive six year old.]]
* Every character played by [[Robin Williams]] is actually [[Aladdin (Disney film)|Genie]].
* Jethro from [[Doctor Who]] episode ''Midnight'' is [[Merlin (TV series)|Merlin]].
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* Dylan Moran is an interesting case. He started out as a thief called Rufus. Then, presumably with the money he has stolen, he started a little [[Black Books|book shop]], which became run down and unpopular due to its owner's rampant alcoholism. Later, when the book shop finally went bankrupt, Rufus!Bernard changed his name and cleaned up his act, only to die in a fatal [[Shaun of the Dead|zombie-related accident]].
* [[Doctor Who|Yvonne Hartman]] survived her ecperience of being turned into a Cyberman (Cyberwoman?) and eventually became [[M.I. High|The Grand Mistress]].
* [[Transformers|Spike Witwicky]] is an amnesiac [[Indiana Jones|Henry Jones III]]. His mother, Marion, is an epic ho who has two other sons, each by different fathers: [[Tron|Sam Flynn]], conceived by [[Starman (film)|an alien whom she met after the disappearance of Kevin Flynn]], and Eragon, fathered by [[Discworld|the Patrician]] during a period of time that he spent in Alagaesia. Sam Flynn was born in Alagaesia and raised by his stepfather, Morzan, under the name Murtagh, before returning to Earth to try and find his real father. As for the Patrician, he remained in Alagaesia until he [[Dungeons and& Dragons|tried to destroy the world using dragons]], at which point he was eaten by a dragon. The intense magical powers and digestive juices turned him into [[The Time Machine|the Uber-Morlock]] and threw him millions of years into the future.
* Which means that [[Phineas and Ferb|Ferb Fletcher]], [[Doctor Who|Tim Latimer]], [[Adolf Hitler]] and [[The Beatles|Paul McCartney]] are ''all the same guy.'' That's ''creepy.''
* But doesn't that make spineless Government lap dog [[Torchwood|Frobisher]] the same man as [[Magnificent Bastard]] [[The Thick of It|Malcolm]] [[In the Loop|Tucker]]?
** You should have seen Professor [[Mac Leish]]MacLeish in ''[[Peep Show]]''. That [[Magnificent Bastard|intimidating-yet-charismatic]] lecturer was a proto-Tucker if ever there was one.
* [[The Big Lebowski|Walter Sobchak]] is really just Dan Conner. When he goes to California to visit his mother, he takes up bowling with The Dude instead. Eventually though, his crazy lifestyle and pulling guns on people over game (even if they are league games) catch up with him and he has to return to Lanford. When the police start to figure it out, he pretends to have had an affair with his mother's nurse, because nobody would lie to their wife about having an affair. The perfect alibi!
* [[Back to The Future|Marty McFly]] is [[Generation Xerox|his own son]]. And daughter. The former is explainable by his access to time travel; the latter, not so much.
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* [[Clarissa Explains It All|Clarissa]] was a recurring dream of [[Sabrina the Teenage Witch (TV series)|Sabrina's]], in order to help her cope with the previously unknown experience of being a witch. She later broke up with Harvey and [[Melissa and Joey|used magic to change her identity]].
* [[Step by Step|Rich Halke]] is just an alias [[Full House|Nelson Burkhard]] uses when he's in Wisconsin. In [[Boy Meets World|Philadelphia]], he calls himself [[Jason Marsden]].
== Every actor has also voiced the same character ==
* ...which has truly frightening implications for [[Mel Blanc]] and [[Megumi Hayashibara]].
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* Fritz the Cat is The Easter Bunny. And Pogo Possum too (actually Pogo is both Fritz the Cat '''and''' Rocky the Flying Squirrel).
* This has rather <s>disturbing</s> '''AWESOME''' implications for fans of [[Digimon]].
** For starters, [[Digimon Adventure|little T.K]] is also a [[Suzumiya Haruhi|reality warper]], an [[Lucky Star|Otakin of said reality warper]] and simultaneously a [[Bleach|werecat-ninja and a tomboyish schoolgirl]] but when he [[Digimon Adventure 02|grows up]], he becomes a [[Slasher Smile|smiling]] [[Ax Crazy|psychopathic]] [[Bleach|Shinigami traitor]] and a [[Naruto|chain-smoking, trench-knife wielding mentor.]] to [[Digimon Adventure|Sora]] who is his bratty blonde pupil with a crush on [[Gurren Lagann|Simon]] and [[Code Geass|Suzaku]] ''and'' at the same time existing as a [[Bleach|cute widdle Arrancar]]. Then, [[Digimon Adventure|Sora]] teamed up with [[Kingdom Hearts|Axel]] [[Naruto|(who was her teacher at the ninja academy)]] and [[Code Geass|Jerimiah Gottwald]][[Hellsing|(who had been reincarnated from a slain Alucard)]] to work under a disguised [[Gurren Lagann|Lord Genome]] [[Bleach|(who at the time was Chad in disguise)]] at [[Digimon Savers|DATS]] to fight [[Digimon Frontier|Takuya Kanabara]][[Digimon Savers|(who in a past life was Henry Wong)]] and the Bio-Tamers [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny|(I'll give you a minute to let that sink in...)]]. So, Jeremiah later experienced a temporal shift (which some believe to be the work of [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Mikuru Asahina]] masquerading as a DATS [[Bridge Bunny]]) and was reincarnated as a [[Suzumiya Haruhi|snarky high school student]] who eventually had to kiss T.K. to stop the world from ending. '''That's RIGHT: [[Code Geass|Jeremiah Gottwald]] kissed [[Digimon Adventure|T.K.]]!!!''' [[Oh Crap|Oh...]] [[Go Mad Fromfrom the Revelation|oh God...]] [[My God, What Have I Done?|WHAT HAVE I DONE?!?!]]
* Optimus Prime and Megatron from ''[[Transformers Armada]]'' later become Optimus Primal and Megatron from ''[[Beast Wars]]''.
** Megatron then goes on to become [[Mind Screw|Optimus Prime from]] ''[[Transformers Animated]]''.
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** Not before traveling back in time to [[American Dad|be in charge of the CIA]].
* After curing his people, [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|Odo]] somehow found his way into [[The Cat Returns|a world of cats]] and decided to blend in with everyone. Given he's a shapeshifter, this wasn't too difficult.
* [[Dark Knight Trilogy|Bruce Wayne]] at some point has [[Dark Knight Trilogy|Fox]] build a device which warps the fabric of space and time, creating a portal between Wales and [[Film/HowlsHowl's Moving Castle (anime)|Ingary]], and becomes [[Film/HowlsHowl's Moving Castle (anime)|The wizard Jenkins]].
* Thusly, ''[[Code Geass]] R2'' will end with Suzaku Kururugi [[Final Fantasy IV|undergoing a class change into a Paladin]] and acquiring a [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|drill-powered]] [[Naruto|Mangekyou]] [[Ben 10|Omnitrix]] (which draws upon the power of [[.hack|Skeith]]) while wearing [[Afro Samurai|a teddy bear mask]], and Lelouch stopping him after inheriting [[Bleach|Zangetsu]] and [[Devil May Cry|the Red Queen]], which needed to be reforged with the [[Power Rangers|Zeo Crystal]], and [[Trigun|Vash's]] Angel Arm, which he will activate via [[Suzumiya Haruhi|ESP]] and [[Eureka Seven|a Compac Drive]]. His swordsmanship will be a mixture of [[Tales of Phantasia|Alvein-style]] and [[Tales of the Abyss|Sigmund-style]], and he will display the ability to use [[Naruto|Jonin level]] and [[Final Fantasy IV|Eblan-style ninjutsu]]. Also, whatever the hell Rossiu can do. Needless to say, he's led a busy life.
** In Japanese, that means that Lelouch <s>will break up</s> has [[Clannad (visual novel)||broken up * cough* delinquent* cough*]] [[Student Council President]]* cough* the [[Fan Nickname|Euphinator]] with [[Fire Emblem|the Sword]] [[Super Smash Bros.|of Seals]] and Suzaku using his [[To Heart 2|invariably large harem]].
* And let us not forget: [[Garfield]] '''''is''''' [[Ghostbusters|Peter Venkman]]!
** Doubly fun - [[The Real Ghostbusters|Peter Venkman]] '''''is''''' [[Garfield and Friends|Garfield]]!
* [[MaiMy-HiME|Nagi]] is secretly [[The Slayers|Xelloss]]. But this is, in fact, [[Lovable Traitor|completely obvious]].
** In addition, [[MaiMy-HiME|Yuuichi]] is a [[Non-Action Guy|de-militarized version]] of [[Full Metal Panic!|Sousuke Sagara]]. Think about it...both hang around with [[Tsundere]] [[She Is Not My Girlfriend|Not-Girlfriends]], have trouble truly understanding women in general, and get caught in the middle of sticky situations very often.
* If this is true, then that means [[Gintama|Sakata Gintoki]] was also a Time Lord before regenerating into [[Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu/WMG|Kyon]]'s present form. His copies of ''Shonen Jump'' predicted the future.
** Along the way, he stopped by Prohibition-era America to do a little mechanic work/gang business/being melodramatically homocidal in the form of [[Baccano!|Graham Spector]].
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* Haruhi is Kyon. There is a totally logical explanation that both spoils {{spoiler|Vandread}} and makes the theory less amusing: {{spoiler|BC is voiced in the dub by both Wendee Lee and Crispin Freeman}}.
** Extending that theory to its logical conclusion, [[Final Fantasy VI|Setzer]] is [[Final Fantasy VIII|Squall]]. (by the aforementioned link in the spoiler text combined with [[Digimon Adventure|T.K.]] being voiced by Wendee Lee [[Digimon Adventure 02|and then]] by Doug Erholtz. (Taking this one step further, this means that the reason that [[Code Geass|Jeremiah Gottwald]] didn't die is because [[Angel|he's really]]''[[Angel]]''.)
* On that note, the tendency for Disney to hire celebrity voices for their movies and then go with conventional voice actors for the spinoff direct-to-video sequels/TV series/video games leads to some interesting implications. For starters, [[The Simpsons (animation)|Homer Simpson]] is also [[Mork and Mindy|Mork]] (by way of [[Aladdin (Disney film)|the Genie]]). The large number of celebrity voices in the first [[Kingdom Hearts]] makes even ''weirder'' implications... like that [[Final Fantasy VII|Sephiroth]] was once in a boy band with [[The Fairly Odd ParentsOddParents|Chip Skylark]]. Um, [[Flat What|what.]]
* After Vegeta's first death and reincarnation in ''[[Dragon Ball]] Z'', a part of his soul was lost and remained in the afterlife as [[Death Note|Ryuk]].
** Another fraction of his soul was reincarnated as [[One Piece|Roronoa Zoro]], the "Prince of all Swordsmen". This explains the sword prowess of his son, Trunks. It's [[Lamarck Was Right|hereditary]]
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**** ...and Scooter got hold of Fozzie's Hyde formula too, which explains Sweetums.
** Likewise, Rowlf the Dog is Kermit the Frog in a fur suit, while Doctor Teeth is Kermit with a fake nose and beard.
* All right, we all knew someone was gonna say this...that means [[Toy Story (franchise)||Hamm]], [[A Bug's Life|P.T. Flea]], [[Monsters, Inc.|the Abominable Snowman]], [[Finding Nemo|that impression-happy school of fish]], [[The Incredibles|the Underminer]], [[Cars|Mack]], [[Ratatouille|the waiter at Gusteau's]], and [[WALL-E|John]] are ''all the same guy''. The same applies to [[Toy Story (franchise)||Rex]] and <s>Mr. Incredible</s> [[The Incredibles|Bob Parr's (former) boss]].
* [[Princess Tutu|Fakir]] accidentally wrote a story that caused Duck to become a normal teenaged girl, losing her memories in the process. This girl was named [[Full Metal Panic!|Kaname Chidori]]. Fakir wrote himself into the story as Sousuke Sagara so he could watch over Duck/Kaname. Someone—perhaps another [[Reality Warper|Story Spinner]] began messing with the story from there, causing Duck/Kaname and Fakir/Sousuke to be transplanted into several other stories, each time causing Fakir/Sousuke to steadily lose his memories but know that he somehow has to stay near Duck/Kaname somehow—these stories include ''[[Prétear]]'', ''Super Gals!'' and ''Nerima Daikon Brothers''.
* All of Spike Spencer's characters are clearly the same guy after varying levels of childhood emotional abuse. The [[Martian Successor Nadesico|best-adjusted ones]] were lucky enough to be orphaned, and it goes [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|downhill]] [[Full Metal Panic!|from]] [[Excel Saga (anime)|there]]. [[Bleach|And he can't fight back, either]]. At times, he will [[Code Geass|insist that he controls his fate]], but the end result won't change.
** By the same token, all of Brett Weaver's characters are reincarnations of the same man, whose only goal in his serial existence is to live past twenty. He's getting closer...
* The ancient king [[Fate/stay night|Gilgamesh]] eventually attained eternal life and youth, becoming known to history as many different great heroes, such as [[Lunar|Kyle the Bandit King]], [[Skies of Arcadia|Vyse the Blue Rogue]], and, er, [[Pokémon|Tracey]], among numerous others. Finally, after his adventures as [[Vision of Escaflowne|Van Fanel]], he gained an appreciation for good old Earth living and [[Humongous Mecha]]. His next identity was an [[Ordinary High School Student]] who [[Neon Genesis Evangelion|almost died trying to become a mecha pilot]]. After that debacle, he trained hard and became [[Full Metal Panic!|a mecha pilot who nearly died trying to become a high school student]] instead. He survived to early retirement and decided to let himself age a little and become the proprietor of an [[Lucky Star|anime shop]]. After inadvertantly pissing off Konata/Haruhi/Morgan Freeman/God and being hurled forward to the 22nd century, where he decided to become [[Martian Successor Nadesico|a mecha pilot again]]. Unfortunately, he'd gotten rusty, and was shot in the second episode. After "dying", his immortality eventually kicked in, and he tried to redeem himself in a [[Mobile Suit Victory Gundam|few]] [[Gundam Seed|other]] space conflicts, though he didn't truly manage it until he wound up in [[G Gundam|Neo-Japan]].
* This means that [[Beast Wars|Dinobot, Rattrap, Waspinator, Silverbolt]], [[Transformers Armada|Jetfire]], [[Inuyasha|Koga]], [[The Other Darrin|half of]] [[Dragon Ball|Piccollo]], [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|Van Hohenheim]], [[Ranma ½|Principal Kuno]], [[X-Men: Evolution|Wolverine]], [[Gundam Wing|Duo Maxwell]], and [[Talking to Himself|a whole crapload of other guys]] are all '''''[[Jesus]]'''''.
** That does explain [[Bionicle|Onua's]] [[Deus Ex Machina]] tendencies...
** And Duo has a hell of a lot of religious overtones...
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*** Then Link must be Little Kuriboh, but that's a GUG all on its own.
* The ''real'' reason [[Fruits Basket|Tohru Honda]] is so [[Pollyanna|perky]]? It's to hide her second life as [[Gunslinger Girl|an Italian child assassin]].
* When [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|Edward Elric]] grows up, he will eventually regain the use of his natural arms, but remain with the a member of [[Full Metal Panic!|Mithril]]. His [[Handsome Lech|"skill" with the ladies]] will serve him well, should he decide to [[Ouran High School Host Club|go back to high school, instead]]. He will then die, shave his head, and become a [[Bleach|Shinigami]].
** I thought [[Rocks Fall, Everyone Dies|Father Wins, Everyone Dies]] Ed goes to become a [[An Ice Person|different]] [[Bleach|Shinigami]] (Or maybe a [[Naruto|female ninja]] in purgatory) while Father goes around taking over worlds. Somewhere along the way, he takes over/destroys our wold, and discovers the whole early theory that Ed was Pride. He went "That makes sense, but he should be Greed" and tried to make him destroy the [[Final Fantasy IX|next world]] on the list, only for Ed's hero genes to kick in.
* Wait just a damn minute! That means [[Powerpuff Girls|Professor Utonium and Him]] are the same person! ''Cree-py.''
* This means that means that [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Azula]] is also ''[[Talking to Himself|Katara and Sokka's mother as well as Roku's wife]]'', Hakoda is Bumi and [[Scarface|alternate universe Tony Montana]], June is Kyoshi, [[Metroid|Samus Aran]], and [[Tales of Symphonia|Sheena]], and Iroh is '''''[[Samurai Jack|AKU!]]'''''
** And [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles|Master Splinter]], which makes a scary amount of sense.
* This obviously means that [[Shakugan no Shana|Shana]] is [[ZeroThe noFamiliar Tsukaimaof Zero|Louise]] is [[Hayate the Combat Butler|Nagi Sanzenin]] is [[Yes! Pretty Cure 5|Dark Lemonade]] is...hold on, this could take a while...
* Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the most deranged villainess in the history of all anime: [[Rozen Maiden|Suigin]][[Mai-Otome|tomoe]]! Mwahahahaha!
* This probably explains why she was so quick to [[Jumped At the Call|jump at the call]]: [[MaiMy-HiME|Midori Sugiura]] ''is'' [[Lyrical Nanoha|Nanoha Takamachi]]!
** And [[MaiMy-HiME|Mai Tokiha]] is really [[La Pucelle|Prier]]! Well, at least the figures [[Tsundere|and personality]] match, anyway. If not Prier, then she could probably teach [[Ichigo Mashimaro|Nobue Ito]] a thing or two on being a [[Cool Big Sis]].
* Dr. Drakken's mind was uploaded to escape ''[[Kim Possible]]'', and used as the basis for the [[Futurama|Bender]] robots. A millenium of storage saw the record decay, losing all his memory and much of his personality.
** A cloning experiment gone wrong created a [[Adventure Time|stretchy dog]], which Drakken put into deep freeze. After however long, the memory and personality changed, much like what happened to the Benders.
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* Parts of [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Simon's]] soul were placed into the [[Empathic Weapon|intelligent devices]] of [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|ancient Velka]]. (Graf Eisen's [[Limit Break]] is a ''[[This Is a Drill|giant drill!]]'')
* In his younger days, [[Metal Gear|Ocelot]] was a cosplayer/mailman named John Harnet, a.k.a. [[No More Heroes|Destroyman]].
** However, seeking the means to control and refine his godlike strength, Destroyman went off to train with [[Hercules (Disney1997 film)||a satyr named Phil]]. Unfortunately, he was too headstrong, using his powers selfishly. [[Tear Jerker|Disaster struck]], leaving him without his Uncle Ben. Learning that "with great power, comes great responsibility", Ocelot left the Patriots, hung up his Destroyman costume, and became [[The Spectacular Spider-Man]]. Even so, he felt his training was lacking. Thus, he traveled to Japan, eventually joining [[Ninja Gaiden|the legendary Hayabusa Clan]]. With the help of a [[Stripperiffic|sexy]] CIA member (who was really a [[Devil May Cry|demon-hunting]], [[Blood Plus+|centuries-old vampire]] [[Final Fantasy XII|princess]] [[Wolverine and the X-Men|with telepathic powers and a love of skimpy clothing]] [[Samurai Champloo|looking for a "samurai who smelled of sunflowers"]] masquerading as [[No More Heroes|the half-sister of the assassin who killed him in the first place]]), [[Curb Stomp Battle|he kicks demon ass]] and saves the world for the umpteenth time. Along the way, he manages to defeat a lighting fiend, the very same guy who ''[[No One Could Survive That|vertically bisected him]]''. Since [[No More Heroes|Travis Touchdown]] doubles as [[Kingdom Hearts|a time-controlling Nobody]], only time will time if Ocelot was able to enact his revenge.
* [[Teen Titans (animation)|Slade]] is [[Hellboy (comics)|Hellboy]] and [[Avatar: The Last Airbender|Firelord Sozin]]. Meaning he is related to [[The Joker]] and Darth Vader.
** Hell, let's finish the whole damn Fire Nation royal family line: Besides those guys, Sozin (just Sozin) is also [[Lupin III|Goemon]], [[Fist of the North Star|Kenshiro]], and [[Lucky Star|Meito Anizawa]]. His son is [[Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends|Kingpin]] and [[Transformers Generation 1|Inferno]].
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**** Except [[Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice|this time]], she has the power to [[One-Man Army|kill him all by herself]].
** [[Bleach|Ulquiorra Schiffer]] (hilariously enough) by this rule, also is: [[Ax Crazy|Micheal Trinity]] from Gundam00, [[A God Am I|Kami-sama]] from Saiyuki, and [[Stepford Smiler|Fai]] from [[Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle]]. Not to mention he's the Japanese [[Hannibal Rising|Hannibal Lecter]], [[Terminator|John Connor]], and [[The Lord of the Rings|Frodo Baggins]]. Dead laughing yet?
** Grimmjow is Archer, [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|Greed]], and [[Trinity Blood|Cain Nightroad]]. Seems like he really likes regenerating.
* Shiori Misaka's sister [[Kanon|Kaori]] is also [[Naruto|Sasuke's]] [[Fate/stay night|Servant Saber]], and Hiroyuki Fujita's [[To Heart|girlfriend]].
** Off of the ''[[To Heart]]'' idea, [[To Heart|Multi]] is [[Toradora!|Minori Kushieda]]. Both looooove to [[Hostile Show Takeover|bathe in the spotlight]].
*** And is in a [[Kanon|coma]].
*** Why didn't [[To Heart|Akari]] ever [[Fate/stay night|Excalibur]] the shit out of Hiroyuki when he was being mean to her?
* So that means that [[SHUFFLE!|Kaede Fuyou]] did a turnaround from being a psychotic [[:Category:Yandere|Yandere]] to becoming [[Moe Moe]] [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Mikuru]] towards the same guy? Also, Mikuru can pilot a [[Code Geass|Knightmare]] and is a [[Little Miss Badass]]. Mordred also has a move similar to Kaede's [[Weapon of Choice|boxcutter]] slash. And she's even a [[Sayonara, Zetsubou-sensei|girl with a tail fetish]] who [[Hidamari Sketch|loves art]].
** Said same guy is [[Unlucky Everydude|Rin Tsuchimi]] and [[Deadpan Snarker|Kyon]]. But wait, he's also [[Honey and Clover|Mr. I-Love-my-boss Mayama]]. And is [[Kanon|Kyonichi/Kyuuichi]]. And is a random [[Lucky Star|clerk in an anime shop]]. Working with [[Fate/stay night|Gilgamesh]]. Or was it [[Kanon|Kitagawa]]? Or [[Full Metal Panic!|Sousuke]]?
*** Consider [[Genki Girl|Lisianthus]] and [[Cheerful Child|Kyon's Sister]]. Think [[Brother-Sister Incest|about]] that for a second.
* [[Emotionless Girl]] [[Kanon|Mai Kawasumi]] is [[Token Mini-MoeLoli]] [[Clannad (visual novel)||Mei Sunohara]], . As well as that girl that [[Death Note|Light]] [[Ouran High School Host Club|was supposed to marry]].
** When Yuuichi stopped Mai from stabbing herself with her sword, she tried another tactic, this time using [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|a knife and a wall]] [[AIR|in front of her sister. Instead of blood spurting from her forehead, she fades away in a]] [[But Now I Must Go]] moment.
* [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] [[Clannad (visual novel)||Nagisa]] was, for a short while a [[The Ditz|ditz]] [[Expy]] of Tsukasa Hiiragi in a [[Lucky Star|Drama CD]], as well as the [[Kannagi|best friend of a certain]] [[Yaoi Fangirl]] [[Kannagi|who was Art Club president]].
** Let's not even get started on that [[Ax Crazy]] [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|Hatchet Girl]].
*** [[Relationship Voice Actor|Taking things further]], we have, from a very [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|''lovely'' village]], two creepy [[Moe Moe]] (Rika) children (Rena), each having their own (Nipah~) [[Verbal Tic]] (Kana, kana?), and then we realize how [[Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS|Nanoha snapped on Teana]], and then we've got [[Clannad (visual novel)||Mei and Nagisa having girl talk about Tomoya]].
* So how come noone's mentioned the fact that Mario, Luigi, Wario and Waluigi are all the same person yet?
** Because everyone else knows they’re just different regenerations of the same [[Time Lord/WMG|Time Lord]]. Seeing how Mario & Luigi like to help people, quite likely the Doctor.
* Jeremie and Aelita of ''[[Code Lyoko]]'' are apparently the same individual. Um, ew? Also Taelia.
* Nagisa and the rest of the Drama Club in ''[[Clannad (visual novel)|Clannad]]'' have no idea that Kotomi is a [[Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu|closet otaku]].
** It's also surprising to note that Kotomi didn't have [[Girls Bravo|an allergic reaction]] when Kyou hugged her.
** She also had a [[Nogizaka Haruka no Himitsu|maid who served at her large mansion]], whose resume involves [[Fate/stay night|participating in the Fifth Heaven's Feel and infuriating her Servant to such a point that he took Berserker over her]] just because she insisted [[Hayate the Combat Butler|that life was a huge Boke And Tsukkomi Routine]]. She ends up [[Saki (manga)|playing mahjong]] afterwards.
Line 245 ⟶ 246:
** Despite the frequency of Hinagiku berating her older sister Yukiji, it's surprising to note that they barely interact with each other as their alternate selves [[To Heart 2|Tamaki and Yuma]] respectively.
* After a storied romantic past, in which she emerged as the [[Victorious Childhood Friend]] after [[SHUFFLE!|the arrival of two more rivals in the form of]] [[Ojou|princesses]], [[SHUFFLE!|Asa Shigure]] [[Fate/stay night|settled down in a magical town with the adopted son of his friend]] as his [[Harem Nanny]] and taught at the local private school he went to. Upon becoming dissatisfied at how he handled his [[Harem]], she left for another town, and decided to vent her anger and frustration by [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|spreading a disease causing the townsfolk to become more and more]] [[Ax Crazy]] [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|and eventually leading to them murdering each other in cold blood]].
* [[Ranma ½|Kasumi Tendou]], after giving up on Ranma, decided to earn some extra income by working in the Research and Development department of the [[Code Geass|Britannian army]] as a lab assistant. She eventually left, fearing for her safety, and decided to move to a small town with [[Cherry Blossoms]], where she met a [[Hot-Blooded]] young man and eventually had a daughter with him. [[Clannad (visual novel)||After their daughter nearly died, she decided to be a stay-at-home mother, and persuaded her husband to open a bakery]].
* After graduating at Hakuou Academy at the age of thirteen, the [[Student Council President]] Maria moved to another high school to repeat her education, because she literally skipped her way to graduation. However, because of a certain [[Jerkass]], she failed her university entrance examinations, [[Azumanga Daioh|despite having a ten year old prodigy for a friend]]. She could no longer come to terms with the educational system, so she elected to work in one of [[Shakugan no Shana|Shana's]] [[Hayate the Combat Butler|mansions as a maid]].
* Chiyo's Dad, after abandoning both his [[Azumanga Daioh|ten-year old genius daughter]] and his [[Magnificent Bastard]] [[Chessmaster]] [[Code Geass|of a son]], decided to take up street fighting, until he could fire [[Street Fighter|rainbow colored beams from his hands while wearing a red captain's uniform]]. He eventually gained enough power, [[Code Geass|stole his brother's Code]], and [[Ascend to a Higher Plane of Existence|Ascended to a Higher Plane of Existence]] by becoming the [[Hayate the Combat Butler|Voice in the Heavens]].
* The last thing [[Clannad (visual novel)||Tomoya Okazaki and Sanae Furukawa]] had in mind was that they'd meet as the new incarnations of [[Fullmetal Alchemist (anime)|Greed and Lust]].
** Alternatively, Tomoya received way too many bad ends, and later his reincarnation was to become [[Macross Frontier|a mecha pilot who fights aliens and having affairs with two Idol Singers]], but this becomes a bizarro universe where he's being killed by [[Kikuko Inoue|an incarnation of]] [[Guilty Gear|a guitar-wielding witch bitch]], who cursed him on his death, reliving all his bad ends as Tomoya and and in frustration, he swore off humanity and [[Blaz BlueBlazBlue|became a ghost that terrorizes them while praising the truth of despair.]] That didn't work out, he's eventually beaten by humans and banished without his memory to another world where [[Mobile Suit Gundam 00|he became another mecha pilot, while still remembering some of his hammy tendencies back in the past as the ghost]]. He ended up doing a [[Heroic Sacrifice]] that impressed the universe so they gave him a reincarnation for a normal life... [[Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai!|with an uber-cute little sister]].
* [[wikipedia:Stuart Little (film)|Fredrick Little]] was never the same after his hip injury. His addiction to painkillers and gradual loss of social graces led his wife to divorce him. Alone and depressed, he [[House MD|changed his name and moved to Princeton, where he took up a position as a doctor]]. However, his vulnerability continued to plague him, and as his mental state degraded, he eventually tried to cure himself by [[Monsters vs. Aliens|splicing himself with a cockroach]]. This was effective, but he was dissatisfied by the overall result, and eventually made a bargain with a minor god that restored his humanity and rendered him effectively immortal. Unfortunately, the bargain rid him of his remaining brilliance and thrust him [ backward in time by several centuries]. He's still working his way into the present, scraping his brains back together as he goes. Only time will tell what happens next.
* I’m not sure, but from what I’ve read, this means that [[Lucky Star|Kagami Hiiragi]] is [[Fate/stay night|Rin Tohsaka]], right?
** Actually, Kagami is [[Blood Plus+|Saya Otonashi]], [[FLCL|Haruko Haruhara]], [[Eureka Seven|Anemone]], [[Suzumiya Haruhi|Tsuruya]], [[Hellsing|Rip van Winkle]], [[Scrapped Princess|Pacifica Casull]], [[Tales of Symphonia|Raine Sage]], and [[Final Fantasy XII|Ashe]]. Rin is [[Higurashi no Naku Koro ni|Rena Ryugu]], [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Darry]], [[Rozen Maiden|Shinku]], and [[Blaz BlueBlazBlue|Rachel Alucard]].
* [[Lucky Star|Yutaka]] is both [[Teen Titans (animation)|Starfire]] and pre-timeskip [[Gurren Lagann|Nia]]. Thus she is also a [[Time Lord/WMG|Time Lord]].
** And after a nuclear war, mutated into [[Adventure Time|Princess Bubblegum]].
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*** More proof LK being a Time Lord: Since LK is also [[Masako X]] and Vegeta3986, he is also [[Naruto|Itachi]], which makes him [[Crispin Freeman]], which makes him Kyon, therefore he is a Time Lord.
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[[Category:Grand Unifying Guesses{{ROOTPAGENAME}}]]

Latest revision as of 23:35, 29 February 2024

Any given actor only plays one character. Every different role they play is actually that one character, through some convoluted means.

Name changes happen to protect the innocent, and memory wipes are generally done by Haruhi Suzumiya or the Ministry of Magic. Alternate universes may also be involved. Characters that are obviously the same age as another have drunk from the Holy Grail. For example:

  • Sam Tyler is the Master. So is the Emperor Claudius.
  • Claude from Heroes is The Ninth Doctor, having used the Chameleon Arch to become one of the "heroes". Logically, this means that Hiro sent Sam Tyler back in time.
  • Hiro must be some sort of future Time Agent, as he's worked undercover as a urologist in Sacred Heart Hospital and a bathroom attendant in the Amazonian mansion of a certain Triad ping-pong master.
    • Given that Sulu is his father, this isn't too surprising...
  • Steve the Pirate from Dodgeball is a distant ancestor of Wash and is himself a descendant of Wat from A Knight's Tale.
  • Agent Casey from Chuck is a distant ancestor of Jayne.
  • Jane from Coupling is Claire from Jekyll.
  • John McClane survives the plague that destroys the world and is sent back to the past to prevent it.
  • Once all vampires on Earth are wiped out, Buffy the Vampire Slayer becomes Daphne from Scooby-Doo to clean up the remnants. None of the other members of the Scooby gang know this, though all the Scoobies do.
  • The wacky adventures of George Michael from Arrested Development did not end with Superbad, as he got Juno pregnant in later life.
  • Every role played by Morgan Freeman is God. A logical extension of this is that Morgan Freeman is the voice actor for Haruhi Suzumiya.
  • Some time after the events of Quantum Leap, Sam Beckett leaped into the body of Captain Archer of the starship Enterprise. This would initially appear to be ruled out by the fact that Sam can only leap within his own lifetime, but consider that the ending of Quantum Leap stated that Sam never stopped leaping. The series also followed a form of San Dimas Time with the other person inhabiting Sam's body in his time. Putting this together means that Sam must survive to the 22nd century and beyond, putting the events of Star Trek: Enterprise within his lifetime.
    • Alternatively, he leapt through a "DNA link" as he did with an ancestor in the Civil War. Caprtain Archer must have been a descendant.
  • River Tam is actually a Terminator. Which really explains a lot.
  • The video game version of Will Turner is actually one of many secret identities of the video game version of Superman, who is also a vampire that may or may not be Dracula. He was originally Karasu of Noein, where he gained the ability to travel through dimensions, and was bitten by another dimension's Dracula while using the alias "Hector". This also explains the true identity and motives of Itachi Uchiha, making him an all-powerful dimension-traveling vampire superhero ninja pirate. The inevitable result is for him to become the most badass freakin' Overlord in the cosmos.
  • Nikola Tesla and Pontius Pilate are the same person, both Earthly incarnations of Jareth the Goblin King, who also once fell to Earth, and a few years later, came back to tell us of a starman waiting in the sky. Then he had a bit of a singing career.
  • Put it this way: the Narrator from Fight Club‍'‍s mental personality disorders didn't end with the death of Tyler Durden...
    • And, as we can see in the movie Primal Fear, it even began three years before the events of Fight Club!
  • Prior to the movie First Contact, Captain Picard somehow wound up back in Earth's past where he became a sea captain under the alias of Captain Ahab. Starfleet didn't track him down until years after he ended up there and beamed him out in the nick of time before he was eaten by The Whale. They then had to bring him back to the 24th century, shave off the hair (or what little) of it he'd grown, regrow his leg via some sort of surgery and somehow managed to restore his sanity. This would explain how he was able to recite the lines of Moby Dick in the aforementioned movie. At some other point in his life Captain Picard travelled back in time to become Professor Xavier.
    • This would mean that Captain Picard is a Time Lord.
      • Well, he'd have to be, to wind up plotting Emperor Tiberius's overthrow (which he failed miserably at, no less).
  • Bret Hart is an immortal, as he was apparently running around in the old west, and yet was a wrestler in the modern day. His career ended, not due to Post-Concussion Syndrome from a sloppy kick by Bill Goldberg, but in order to maintain the Masquerade.
  • Charlie from Numb3rs will invent time travel and strand himself in the future, where he will rename himself Mr. Universe.
  • As noted below, because Johnny Depp ("Captain Jack" Sparrow) and John Barrowman ("Captain Jack" Harkness) are the same person, they also share all of their roles.
    • Actually, Jack began life as Edward. Having graduated to high school (and gaining some hands along the way), he joined a teenage police force. Discovering his natural talent for leadership, he went on to become a Captain, but then decided that the piratey life wasn't for him, and so switched to business - the chocolate business.
      • And, of course, Jack's predecessor at the chocolate factory was Lex Luthor. All the candies and devices with weird, magical effects are actually prototypes for weapons to be used against Superman.
        • Gene Hackman and Gene Wilder are different people! Why not say Morpheous started out quoting the bible to punks and then decided to walk the earth, which is how he became a Spiritual Kung Fu mother fucker.
  • See here for some of the more... interesting implications.
  • An interesting non-sci-fi case is of one Delia Fisher. After graduating high school, she attended North Central Polytech and started going by her middle name, Lizzi. After being president of that college's Zeta Beta Zeta sorority, she was hired by the National organization to be a clean-up consultant, getting delinquent chapters, like a certain scandal-plagued chapter in Ohio, back on the right track. She then becomes a computer tech for the FBI and is dispatched to Port Charles, New York to bring down the local mob, while imitating the Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness of the local mob hacker lackey. Oh, and in her spare time, she's an assistant for a crazy-haired guy in a green lab coat.
  • An exception to this rule is Henry "Mud" Jones III, who instead has a heckuva case of Identical Grandson going on- he has two daughters. One marries "Sparkplug" Witwicky, and the other marries Stanley Yelnats, and both have children identical to their father.
  • During her stay on Earth, Guinan was at one point a nun in an abbey under the name of Sister Mary Clarence. She also somehow managed to become a judge and ended up trying Rocky and Bullwinkle.
    • And then wound up hosting a morning talk show with several other women...
  • The Doctor has had two run-ins with Sun Hill Police once in his Seventh incarnation and later in his Tenth incarnation. The Tenth Doctor is also Casanova, Edward Eddington and Barty Crouch Jr.
  • Uhura is Micah's grandmother.
    • Don't you just love time travel?
  • And Number One is Nurse Chapel's sister and Lwaxana Troi's aunt. And used her voice for the Federation computers. And is the mother of Robin Lefler. (Actually true in the Expanded Universe.)
  • The Phantom's disfigurement is a scar from a wound received in the Battle of Thermopylae. See also: Purgatory.
  • The Green Cross Code Man later turned to evil and became Darth Vader.
  • Laura Roslin is actually a gifted-children's piano teacher from the 20th century, who later married the president.
  • Captain Jack and Elizabeth Swann found the Fountain of Youth. Unfortunately, Elizabeth accidentally drank a little too much of its water and regressed to babyhood, so Jack arranged for her to be adopted by one Mr. Bennet.
  • Christian Bale is actually Batman. In a dystopian future, he is forced to lead a human rebellion against Skynet after they kill Robin. He must let the world think that Bruce Wayne and Batman are both dead. This eventually drives him completely around the bend. This is in fact the second rebellion he has led in a dystopian future.
  • This means all of Catherine Tate's characters on her show and Donna Noble are the same person. (However, given Lauren dies in the Christmas special of the former show, this might not work.)
    • She didn't die. She was recruited by Davy Jones.
  • Frasier eventually travelled to the future and became a starship captain. Unfortunately, he repeatedly crashed it into the Enterprise-D.
    • You'd think he'd have better reflexes, all things considered. On the other hand, given his record commanding military vehicles under the alias of Thomas Dodge, I guess it's not terribly surprising.
  • Lois Lane eventually moved to Wisteria Lane. At some point, H.G. Wells took her to the 24th century where she had a stint as a transporter operator on the Enterprise-D.
    • I'm confused. In what movie or show does H.G. Wells enter into this?
  • Marcie Ross was by far the most popular person in her assassination class. She received so much attention that it actually turned her visible again. Since she had already lagged behind in certain areas, mostly dealing with killing, the government simply retrained her as an FBI agent. She was released back into society under the name Audrey Hanson.
  • Sometime in the near future, the Connors move to Odessa, Texas. As part of their cover, John takes the name "Zach". His encounter with the Haitian kinda messed up his chances of becoming the leader of humanity, but by that point it was too late for Skynet - Micah could shut down Skynet without even thinking about it.
  • Elrond eventually dies, and his soul is reincarnated as a revolutionary in dystopian England. When the Transformers come to Earth, after the Norsefire party falls, Megatron bases his voice on the fighter as a scare tactic. Later, after Megatron is defeated and the Autobots leave, some rogue Decepticons establish The Matrix, and make the man of the voice of their leader into an enforcement program. Whew.
  • That would make large chunks of Schindler's List into a fight between Qui-Gon Jinn and Voldemort. Admit it, you thought that sounded awesome before your conscience kicked in...And if they made the lightsaber and Voldemort's spells show up in color (green) while still keeping the rest black-and-white, not even Jiminy Cricket would be able to keep from thinking it was epic. (i'm so going to hell...)
  • After drowning in a sea of blood, Pedro is reincarnated as Ganondorf and loses his compassion in the form of Donkey Kong. Incredibly NO!
  • The Ruby In The Smoke was actually an adventure with The Eleventh Doctor and Rose Tyler.
  • Cassie (A Chorus Line) eventually leaves theatre, dyes her hair blonde, and teaches drama at Albuquerque's East High.
  • After faffing about being an odd-job man for long enough, Bert decided to settle down with someone, had two kids and invented a flying car. After all that he trained for a medical degree and ended up becoming a physician in an American Hospital.
  • Maria Von Trapp is Mary Poppins. She was also the Queen of Genovia and Far Far Away and eventually ended up looking after a hyperactive six year old.
  • Every character played by Robin Williams is actually Genie.
  • Jethro from Doctor Who episode Midnight is Merlin.
  • Wait, so Jim Lovell is Forrest Gump and Charlie Wilson?
  • But this would mean that Dr. Ellie Arroway got attacked in a park and killed a whole bunch of people...
  • The Mad Hatter is Willy Wonka. He may also be Edward Scissorhands and Captain Jack Sparrow.
  • Dylan Moran is an interesting case. He started out as a thief called Rufus. Then, presumably with the money he has stolen, he started a little book shop, which became run down and unpopular due to its owner's rampant alcoholism. Later, when the book shop finally went bankrupt, Rufus!Bernard changed his name and cleaned up his act, only to die in a fatal zombie-related accident.
  • Yvonne Hartman survived her ecperience of being turned into a Cyberman (Cyberwoman?) and eventually became The Grand Mistress.
  • Spike Witwicky is an amnesiac Henry Jones III. His mother, Marion, is an epic ho who has two other sons, each by different fathers: Sam Flynn, conceived by an alien whom she met after the disappearance of Kevin Flynn, and Eragon, fathered by the Patrician during a period of time that he spent in Alagaesia. Sam Flynn was born in Alagaesia and raised by his stepfather, Morzan, under the name Murtagh, before returning to Earth to try and find his real father. As for the Patrician, he remained in Alagaesia until he tried to destroy the world using dragons, at which point he was eaten by a dragon. The intense magical powers and digestive juices turned him into the Uber-Morlock and threw him millions of years into the future.
  • Which means that Ferb Fletcher, Tim Latimer, Adolf Hitler and Paul McCartney are all the same guy. That's creepy.
  • But doesn't that make spineless Government lap dog Frobisher the same man as Magnificent Bastard Malcolm Tucker?
  • Walter Sobchak is really just Dan Conner. When he goes to California to visit his mother, he takes up bowling with The Dude instead. Eventually though, his crazy lifestyle and pulling guns on people over game (even if they are league games) catch up with him and he has to return to Lanford. When the police start to figure it out, he pretends to have had an affair with his mother's nurse, because nobody would lie to their wife about having an affair. The perfect alibi!
  • Marty McFly is his own son. And daughter. The former is explainable by his access to time travel; the latter, not so much.
  • Face and Murdock somehow got a time machine and travelled to 2 different points in the future, and changed their names. Maybe Murdock/Barclay had something to do with the cylons?
  • Clarissa was a recurring dream of Sabrina's, in order to help her cope with the previously unknown experience of being a witch. She later broke up with Harvey and used magic to change her identity.
  • Rich Halke is just an alias Nelson Burkhard uses when he's in Wisconsin. In Philadelphia, he calls himself Jason Marsden.

Every actor has also voiced the same character

Everybody in the Universe is Little Kuriboh

  • He is Dan Green, therefore he's also the rest of his roles and future roles to come. He is also every 4Kids voice actor and their roles (through being the voice of 4Kids itself in Crapsule Monsters). And if we extend it so that every character is his voice actor, many Japanese voice actors are also Little Kuriboh.
    • Since he is Joey Wheeler (and Wayne Grayson), he is also Toshiyuki Morikawa, making him Dante, Sephiroth, Griffith, and even Spider-Man!
    • He is Kaiba, therefore he is Brock, therefore he is Black Shadow, therefore he is Norio Wakamoto!
      • And after his Naruto Parody, he is also MasakoX and Vegeta3986, meaning he is also Bang Zoom! Entertainment, therefore all their characters and their VA's.
      • Also LK has been Naruto twice.
    • LK is Rica Matsumoto since he is Bakura, making him Hironobu Kageyama if you remember Rica and Hiro are alternate gender equivalents.
    • He is also the Narrator for Team Four Star's DBZ abridged, making him Kyle Hebert, which (besides making him Kamina) makes him Wario (through There Will Be Brawl), which makes him Charles Martinet, which makes him Mario!
    • It also makes him [[Bleach Aizen] and Gohan.
    • Eventually, you will get to Little Kuriboh being Haruhi Suzumiya (by way of LK -> 4Kids -> Rachel Lillis -> Jessie -> Megumi Hayashibara -> Faye Valentine -> Wendee Lee -> O-Haruhi-Sama!), making him God, a Time Lord, Shinji Ikari, and therefore EVERYONE IN THE UNIVERSE!
      • Back to the Megumi Hayashibara thing, LK is also Rei, who is Lilith, and therefore LK is truly in charge of Instrumentality!
      • More proof LK being a Time Lord: Since LK is also Masako X and Vegeta3986, he is also Itachi, which makes him Crispin Freeman, which makes him Kyon, therefore he is a Time Lord.

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