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A list of characters and character-related tropes from Katsura Hoshino's dark supernatural manga/anime series D.Gray-man.


Allen Walker

The 15-year-old protagonist of the series, Allen is a young man who was born with a deformed red left arm with a cross embedded in the hand. His biological parents abandoned him because of this, and Allen was taken in and raised by a man named Mana Walker. When Mana died, Allen was overcome with grief and the Millennium Earl appeared before him with the offer to bring Mana back from the dead. Allen accepted the offer and Mana's soul was trapped in the metal body of an akuma. Mana cursed Allen and tried to kill him to wear his skin, but it turns out that Allen's deformed arm is an Innocence, which then activated and destroyed Mana's akuma body. Allen was later taken under the wing of General Cross, who trained him how to be an "Exorcist" (a person who can use an Innocence to fight and destroy akuma). When the story begins, Allen is on his way to find the Black Order and join the organization.

Allen's Innocence is a "parasite-type", one of the rarest Innocences. Due to Mana's curse, Allen's left eye is branded with a pentacle. However, with this eye Allen is the only one who can see who is an akuma in a human skin, as well as being able to see the tortured soul trapped within. He is a cheerful, kind young man who loves everyone, and has made it his mission to release akuma-captured souls from their pain and suffering.

Allen's Innocence is called the Crowned Clown. In early chapters, it starts as a massive claw; during the Ark Arc, it upgrades to body armor and several new abilities. After achieving General-level synchronization, its final form is revealed: a massive sword that only harms the evil within someone.

Voiced by Sanae Kobayashi (JP), Todd Haberkorn (EN)

  • Art Evolution: His appearance has changed a lot over the course of the series, particularly in his evolution from cute little boy to Bishonen. Behold.
  • Badass: Anyone who can shout the name Crowned Clown with very little Narm counts.
  • Badass Adorable
  • Bandage Bishonen: His very effeminate figure in these scanty bandages have caused Stupid Sexy Flanders moments everywhere.
  • Bare Your Midriff: He's shown wearing sleeveless shirt like this during his stay at Asia branch.
  • Berserk Button: Mentioning General Cross' debt is a bad idea, as is calling him 'Beansprout'. The second mostly applies to Kanda, though.
  • BFG: At the end of the Ghost of Martel storyline.
  • BFS: Towards the end of the Ark storyline, thanks to having an over 100% synchronization rate with his Innocence. Which strikingly looks exactly like the Millenium Earl's.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Because he's a protagonist of shounen series. But damn if these moments are not epic.
  • Big Eater: To a truly absurd degree. Justified, though—Parasite Type Innocence uses a lot of calories.
  • Bishie Sparkle: He can actually exude bishie sparkles at will to manipulate people and get what he wants, most notably with Komurin (which is even more amazing, considering that it's a male robot).
  • Bishonen: He can actually be prettier than a lot of girls in the series.
  • Break the Cutie: A severe case in his Backstory. After this, all that happened to him since doesn't seem strong enough to break him for good.
  • Broken Hero
  • Butt Monkey: Poor kid REALLY can't catch a break.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: In the "Kuro no Bansankai" Special Drama CD, Allen shows his behavior when he gets drunk. He becomes very vicious and destructive, and causes massive property damage that he can't even remember doing.
  • Celibate Hero: In an omake "interview" with him, he claims to be this, saying that he has no time for such things.
  • The Charmer: If the aforementioned Bishie Sparkle incident is anything to go by, he could be if he wasn't so gosh-darned nice.
  • Chick Magnet: Little Miss Badass Road is smitten with Allen, which is awkward when you consider she's a Noah who once stabbed him in the eye For the Evulz. Rohfa also adores him. For is implied to have a bit of a crush on him. And then there's Lenalee...
    • Even the Guys Want Him: ...and Komurin III, Tyki Mikk, maybe Lavi, as well as Jeryy.
    • And it seems as though Tewaku may have developed a crush on him, if that little blush in Chapter 189 means anything...
  • Circus Brat: Emphasis on the "brat" part, at least prior to his adoption. But then, his life at the circus before Mana was unpleasant.
  • Creepy Cool Crosses: His Innocence and his Facial Markings.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: In the anime, he is voiced by Sanae Kobayashi.
    • Only in Japanese. In English, he's voiced by Todd Haberkorn, who, horrifyingly enough, voiced The Earl from episodes 27 to 39.
  • Cute Shotaro Boy: Despite being older than most, the response of many female readers used to be: "Awwwwww.... so cuuuuute... I'm taking him home with me!!!!"
    • Mr. Fanservice: Now, the sentiment has changed to: "I want him to take me home with him!"
  • Cursed with Awesome: Literally. Mana's pentacle curse makes Allen the only Exorcist who can see akuma through their human disguises.
  • Defector From Decadence: as of chapter 205, Allen has taken the ark and left the order due to disgust with the higher ups and their methods, (and doubts about their intentions). He's essentually gone renegade to find a better way to defeat the Earl.
  • Detect Evil
  • Determinator
  • Enemy Within: The 14th Noah.
  • Evil Eye: His left eye lets him see the souls of Akuma.
  • Eye Scream: Besides the way he acquired the curse and accompanying scars on his eye, there's also the time when Road was... having fun... and stabbed him in the eye with a candle.
  • Facial Markings.
  • Good-Looking Privates: Let's face it: Allen looks gorgeous in uniform. His third, newer uniform fits well, since it's the most military-like.
  • Good Scars, Evil Scars: He has a scar through his left eye, which is part of the curse that allows him to see Akuma. And as of recently, he received a bunch of huge, deep scars across his entire chest from impaling himself with his own Akuma-purifying sword, which he thought shouldn't hurt him... except for the unfortunate fact that he's actually a Noah.
  • The Hero
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: Slowly going this way due to the Fourteenth. It's recently culminated in Kanda accidentally turning him full-Noah, and even though he just saved everyone again, the Black Order promptly throws him in prison.
    • And being busted out by Road and Tyki hasn't helped any.
  • Heroic BSOD: Twice. First after Suman Dark's demise, later after Lavi and Chaoji seemingly fell to their death.
  • Hilariously Abusive Childhood: His childhood under General Cross is played as this.
  • Hyperactive Metabolism: Directly Lampshaded and justified both in interviews with the mangaka and in-series. Apparently, Allen has no problems eating and digesting the gigantic towers of food he eats, since just simply activating his innocence burns a huge amount of calories.
  • Ideal Hero: When he's not cheating at poker, anyway.
  • Locked Into Strangeness: The cause of his white hair.'
  • Love You and Everybody: Fitting, given the fact he's The Messiah
  • Magic Pants: It doesn't matter if he turns his arm into a massive claw, a cannon, or a BFS; his sleeve is always intact. Lampshaded in a Fourth Wall Mail Slot interview; when someone asked what happened to it, he replied:

"I have no idea. I'm just glad it doesn't rip."

Lenalee Lee

The 16-year-old sister of Black Order Supervisor Komui Lee, Lenalee is a powerful Exorcist. After her parents were killed by an akuma, she was found to be compatible with an Innocence at a young age, pretty much abducted by the Order and forced to synchronize with it. After nearly killing herself during several attempts to escape the Order, Lenalee is persuaded to stay when Komui joins to be near her. She is very kind, and fights not for the cause of the 'holy war' that the Black Order is fighting against the Millennium Earl, but for the safety of her family and friends.

Lenalee's Innocence is the Dark Boots. An equipment-type, they allow her to run faster than normal, jump great heights, and make her heels deadly weapons. They have recently upgraded to a previously unseen type of Innocence that forms the user's blood into equipment; this has been termed crystal-type by the Science Department.

Voiced by Shizuka Ito (JP), Luci Christian (EN)


A mysterious young man set to become the next Bookman, a historian who records the secret wars that shape the world. Originally sent to the Black Order solely to document the war between Exorcists and akuma, Lavi finds himself becoming more and more attached to his fellow Exorcists.

Lavi's Innocence is Tettsui, or Iron Hammer. It is capable of extending and expanding to massive sizes; Lavi uses the head as a platform to travel on. Lavi can also harness elemental powers through Tettsui with various 'seals'. Unlike other Exorcists in the main cast, Lavi has yet to defeat Akuma that's above level 2. He isn't very strong fighter likely because of his need to keep distance from his Innocence, but it's been shown that he's quite competent fighter barehanded. Apparently he also knows how to use a knife.

Voiced by Kenichi Suzumura (JP),
Jason Liebrecht: Episodes 13-26 and Episode 40 onward & Chris Patton: Episodes 27 to 39 (EN)

  • Adorkable
  • Ahoge: During his early appearances in manga he sported one like this, but after a while it wasn't drawn again.
  • Art Evolution: Compare this to the picture above. Slight difference, no? To be fair, Hoshino most likely just got accustomed to drawing him, but still.
  • Badass: Hey, he kicks a lot of ass with his hammer.
  • Becoming the Mask: Originally, Lavi was not intended to feel attached to the Black Order. During the Ark Arc, Lavi must defeat his original Bookman personality, who refers to humans as 'splashes of ink' to break free of an illusion cast by Road.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Lavi's hammer uses elemental seals, which he has to activate with a short incantation.
  • Chivalrous Pervert
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Between the Black Order and his duties as a Bookman.
  • Demoted to Extra: After Destruction of Black Order his appearances have grow less and less frequent. And then he kind of disappears from sight altogether for two story arcs.
  • Dude in Distress: Variation, as he's not completely helpless when put in such situation (the fight with Road). But now, as of chapter 202, he's being held hostage by Noah, injected with some sort of parasite that will kill him if Bookman doesn't cooperate with them. Lavi has also been in a few near-death situations during fights with Akuma so his fellow exorcists have often saved his life. Most notable is one time when he got shot on the neck and Krory sucked the Akuma poison out of him.
  • Dull Eyes of Unhappiness: When he loses his mind as result of Road's Mind Rape during the Ark arc.
  • Drop the Hammer
  • Elemental Powers: He uses seals to control several elements, such as fire and lightning.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Lavi's right eye is covered by a standard black eyepatch. The reason has yet to be unrevealed, although in the second Reverse novel, he tells Colette it isn't there because of an injury when she asks him about it. According to Lavi's narration, it's subject that he really doesn't wish to talk, let alone think about.
  • Green Eyes
  • Keet
  • Jade-Colored Glasses: Lavi was excited with the idea that he would know and see things no one else did when he had just become Bookman's apprentice. After ten years of watching meaningless wars and bloodshed between people his opinion of humans lowered to considerable level. But as the series goes on, he starts to regain that hope on humanity as he sees how people are fighting for their True Companions around him. Doesn't stop him from disapproving news about declared wars though.
  • Lolicon / Likes Older Women: In the Komui's Discussion Room Vol. 7 omake he says he mostly goes for women between 10 and 40, and in the Black Dinner Party drama CD, while drunk he reveals that it's his 'strike range'. In both the omake and the drama CD, he says that his favourite type of woman is widows.
  • Mr. Fanservice
  • The Nicknamer: He calls Bookman "Panda", Krory "Krorykins" ("Kro-chan"), Link "Two-spot"(Or pimple-face, depending on translation), asks Allen if he can call him "Beansprout", and names a converted Akuma "Chomesuke".
  • No Name Given: Lavi's original name - or even a surname for his current name, if one even exists - has yet to be told.
  • No Sense of Personal Space
  • Obfuscating Stupidity: What he says to Bookman after they arrive to Black Order implies that at least part of his actions are just acting.

"Let's be frivolous and friendly like always."

  • Photographic Memory
  • Playing with Fire: The elemental seal he uses the most often is a huge snake made of fire.
  • Redheaded Hero
  • The Smart Guy
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Is it Lavi, Ravi, Rabi, or Labi? Oh dear...
    • Word of God is that it's Lavi.
    • His 48th alias/Bookman personality/whatever it is gets this treatment as well. The name he's called most often among fans is "Deak", but as the name was used only once and katakana read "Dikku", fans have made billion different versions of it. Japanese fandom doesn't have this problem, they just call him Dick.
  • Stepford Smiler: This was the kind of guy he was before joining the Order and becoming friends with Allen and fellow exorcists. Acting friendly helps a lot with gathering information, no matter what you might think of them in reality after all.
    • This is also lampshaded in Reverse novel 2 where it's mentioned that when he first came to Order one Finder (Doug) refused to talk with Lavi because he saw through his smiles and eyes- that it was all so fake and that they only reflected people's own around him. As Reverse novel 2 is set before actual series' events, he gets better over the time.
  • Talking to Himself: He has the same English voice actor as the Millennium Earl.
    • According to The Other Wiki, he was voiced by Chris Patton in episodes 27 and 28, and went back to his original actor in episode 40. Some fans wonder what was with all that?
  • What Could Have Been: Lavi was originally intended to be main character for the series called "BOOK-MAN", a project which never reached beyond the planning stages. Still, the author wanted to use him and Bookman so they made it into D.Gray-man as side characters instead.

Yu Kanda

A cold and aloof swordsman from Japan. Kanda is an extremely efficient Exorcist who prefers to work alone, though he is nominally under General Tiedoll's command. He has a tattoo of a strange rune on his left pectoral that sucks his life force to heal him if he is injured. As of Chapter 186, Kanda is revealed to be one of the experimental Second Exorcists, an apparently failed super Exorcist program. In a past life he was an exorcist who was killed in battle by an Akuma, since Exorcists are scarce they transplanted his brain into an artificial body, having no clear memories of the person he once was, but tortured by flashes of a romance he once had

Kanda's Innocence is Mugen, a black-bladed katana that allows him to use several 'Illusions' in combat. These range from an eight-sided slash similar to the Kuzu Ryu Sen to a second blade made of Innocence energy. Now it upgraded to the crystal-type as well

Voiced by Takahiro Sakurai (JP), Travis Willingham (EN)

"Hey. If you ever use my first name again, I'll kill you."

Arystar Krory

A vampire-like exorcist from Romania. After he gained his Innocence, he instinctively attacked and drained the blood of Akuma, causing the villagers to believe he was a vampire. The only person who accepted him was a girl named Eliade, who later turned out to be an Akuma. When he found out what she really was, she tried to kill him. He ended up killing her as she said she only wanted to love him, despite her Akuma nature. The reason he joined the Black Order is so that Eliade's death would have a purpose.

Krory's Innocence is his teeth. When activated, he can drink the blood of Akuma, which has no negative effects on him since a parasitic-type Innocence can break down the blood virus. Akuma blood allows him to heal quickly, and boosts his speed and strength. During the Ark arc, he gains the ability to remove the blood from his body and turn it into a living, virtually invulnerable replica of himself.

Voiced by Mitsuo Iwata (JP), Eric Vale (EN)

"I live only for the pleasure of theil kl!"

  • Bloody Murder
  • Horrible Judge of Character: He is way too trusting.
  • Interrupted Suicide: After destroying Eliade, Krory feels that he has no reason or right to continue living anymore. So he provokes his carnivorous flowers and soon he, Allen and Lavi are all in mouth of one. It's Allen who snaps him out of it, telling Krory that if he becomes Exorcist everything would've been for greater good and her death would have a purpose.
  • Misunderstood Loner with a Heart of Gold: He had tried making friends with the villagers in the past, only to have them shout at him, threating to stab a stake through his heart. Then his Innocence activated and his reputation got worse. Before meeting Eliade the only company he had were his grandfather's man eating flowers.
  • Naive Newcomer: He was secluded for so long that he knows very little about the outside world.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Subverted, as he's not really a vampire.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette
  • Put on a Bus: After his fight against Jasdevi, he's so exhausted that he spends almost all the subsequent arc in bed, unconscious. He made very few appearances since his awakening.
  • Skunk Stripe
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Bizarrely, considering that he's named after a real person.
  • Split Personality: When he activates his Innocence, he goes from shy and gentle to cocky and aggressive.
  • Suck Out the Poison: He can suck out Akuma poison from others if he drinks the victims's blood.
  • Tuckerization: He is named after Aleister Crowley.
  • What Have I Become?: At first, he had no idea that the people he was attacking were Akuma, and he believed himself to be a monster.

Miranda Lotto

A shy, clumsy and insecure German woman who was the subject of ridicule in her hometown due to her inability to hold down a job. She has been fired from over 100 jobs, and often feels useless because of this. When her clock caused the same day to repeat over and over in her town after she connected with Innocence inside it, Allen and Lenalee helped her to revert the time flow to normal. She joined the Black Order soon afterwards, determined to be a useful exorcist.

Miranda's Innocence is the Time Record, which she can use to heal people and repair broken objects by reversing time. However, when she deactivates her power, the damage returns. Her Innocence also allows her to create a barrier of frozen time, negating attacks.

Voiced by Megumi Toyoguchi (JP), Colleen Clinkenbeard (EN)


Lavi's mentor. He is a short old man whose Facial Markings made him look like a panda according to Lavi. His anti-akuma weapon is a set of needles called Heaven's Compass.

Voiced by Takeshi Aono (JP), R. Bruce Elliott (EN)

Daisya Barry

A cheerful 18 year old exorcist from Bodrum. His anti-akuma weapon is the Charity bell. He was one of the first exorcists to be killed by Tyki.

Voiced by Hiroshi Yanaka (JP), Justin Cook (EN)

Noise Marie

Noise Marie is a blind exorcist who has excellent hearing. His anti-akuma weapon is a bunch of strings which he can use to ensnare akuma. He also lost 2 of his fingers to a level 4 akuma's bullet.

Voiced by Kiyoyuki Yanada (JP), Ray Gestaut (EN)

Tropes associated with Noise

Chaozii Han

One of the surviving members of Anita's crew. While inside Noah's Ark, he manages to synchronize to one of the Innocence and ends up joining the Exorcist.

Voiced by Mamoru Miyano (JP)

Tropes associated with Chaozii Han

Alma Karma

Yu Kanda's childhood friend and thus another product of experimental Second Exorcist program that Black Order had. In Kanda's flashbacks, he's shown as cheerful, a bit silly, optimistic boy who talks a lot (too much in Kanda's opinion) and who's big fan of mayonnaise. They didn't really get along at first, but after some Bloody Hilarious moments they became friends. Apparently enduring everything became little easier for them after that...up to certain point.

There's not much that can be said about Alma without spoiling some really major things, since he's very important character regarding Kanda. He doesn't appear in the anime.

Exorcist Generals

Cross Marian

Allen's Trickster Mentor, one of the five Generals, and an incredible Badass. He has a rather sociopathic habit of racking up enormous amounts of debt and weaseling out of paying it, usually by foisting it off on Allen instead. He also doesn't especially like the rules the rest of the Order wants him to follow, and stays far away from headquarters as much as possible just because he's contrary. However, he's not a complete Jerkass; he does care for Allen (albeit in what is often a really twisted way) and he's made himself an incredible pain to the Earl in the course of Walking the Earth, such that he had Jasdevi sent after him. He left them a $10,000 debt to pay.

His Innocence is a gun called Judgment, and he kicks ridiculous amounts of ass with it. He also controls an undead woman with parasite-type Innocence called Grave of Maria, and has a so-far-unexplained ability to turn Akuma good.

Voiced by Hiroki Tochi (JP), Christopher Sabat (EN)

  • The Alcoholic" It's outright stated he's Drowning His Sorrows with his character quote in the fanbook being "Sake is the best medicine"
  • Badass
  • Badass Longcoat: And he really likes it. When a level 4 Akuma pretty much destroys the HQ and kills lots of people, he attacks and, with the help of Allen and Lenalee, kills it. He says he didn't care about all the dead people; but it messed up his clothes.
  • Badass Long Hair Just look at him. And an omake scan at the end of one of the volumes, shows Cross naked—no genitals shown, and his legs are hairy as well.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: He flirts with lots of girls, but does care for those he scores with. He was very unhappy to learn what happened to Anita, to start. Allen says he lives off lovers in different places. He also has keepsakes from some of his lovers-pictures and accessories, as stated in Jump SQ. So seems he does form bonds with them if they allow him to stick around a bit, and give him things which he hangs on to. Nothing seems to hint that he mistreats women in any way, contrary to The Casanova. His character info stating he likes good women in general. Also, it states his dislikes are "dirty bastards." So, possible lying to, and dumping women carelessly may fall there.
  • Curtains Match the Window
  • Cuteness Proximity: Lenalee invokes this in him.
"She's too cute, I can't refuse"
  • The Dandy: Shortly after dropping Allen upon their reunion, Cross discards the last of his disguise, and starts to smooth his hair, to get it how he wants it. He then yells at Allen and Lavi for being filthy, stating he doesn't want filthy things near him, unless it's a woman. He also claims he was killing an akuma because it ruined his clothes. The seriousness of that comment is up for debate.
    • It's questionable if some of this is an act, or if he can get over his dandiness if need be. When he hides out in Edo, he's staying on a farm it seems. He's sitting on a porch, surrounded by chickens. He also stays with Mother, and old acquaintance. her living quarters are big, but the place looks old and worn. Not exactly fancy. But Cross is perfectly at home, and has his own room there, and will drink wine straight from the bottles.
  • Ethical Slut: Sleeps around, but is still a gentleman. Anita, one of his lovers seemed to love him. She also tells us her mother loved him. Cross also believes Anita to be a good woman, regardless of her status as a prostitute. One of his hobbies includes visiting red-light districts. His character profile states he likes "good" women, which he states Anita is. So, he's, apparently, not a someone who dehumanize prostitutes, and just likes a nice woman in general, regardless of past/other lovers.
    • Klaud is shown as kind and compassionate, but she's not very friendly with Cross. Regardless, Cross states she's always a nice woman, even if she's not nice to him.
  • Fatal Flaw: Cute girls apparently. He stays at the Order he hates, because Lenalee asked him to. While there, he got into quite a bit of trouble. He was to be investigated and kept under watch, while being given a management job. All this trouble because Lenalee asked him to stay, who he says was too cute to refuse.
  • Flanderization: The anime did this with Cross' treatment of Allen. The anime has Cross asking Allen to bring him a lion, selling him into slave labor, and at one point, pinning him to a wall to take his money. The scene reminiscent of a pimp, including Allen asking Cross how long he's going to be forced to make money for him. Also, the latent scene happened while Cross was living in a palace with a Maharajah's widow. Thus, he wasn't in dire need of money at that point. Manga-wise, Allen said he gambled if they really needed money. None of the aforementioned scenes happened, or were hinted.
    • There's also, the scene where guards drag Allen away from Cross in HQ, and Cross waves him off, while smirking and humming. In the manga, the latter things with Cross didn't happen. All Cross does is watch, thinking it was quick.
  • The Gunslinger: He uses a ridiculously powerful revolver by the name of Judgment.
  • Heroic Comedic Sociopath: His Establishing Character Moment outside of flashbacks is dropping a heavily injured Allen from a height of at least 5 meters.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: He seems to want to protect humanity, and General Yeager praises his will to destroy Akuma. However, he has made some sacrifices in the journey. Later in the manga, it's shown he apparently regards it as Dirty Business During events of chapter 167, when facing up to Allen's fate, he outright asks himself "Do you always have to sacrifice something to protect something else?" Seems to show Cross has done that alot, and he does not find any enjoyment in it. It's just that the sacrifices he makes are for a greater purpose.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He has shown he has his Jerkass moments. But, he's not a complete jerkass. The manga has shown many hints and instances to illustrate that Cross isn't heartless, and while many people aren't fond of him, there's many people-mostly his lovers, and Mother-an old acquaintance, who think very highly of him. He's shown protectiveness, empathy, sadness, concern, hesitation. Although, most of these things are shown when it comes to Allen and women. He could very well be a victim of Jerkass Facade. But we haven't seen enough of his character yet.
  • Mask Power: His opera mask can transform his face and voice into a skull, at the least. He can confuse them with it, despite Skulls having a mind connection to one another.
  • Meaningful Name: His name seems to be a reference to The Marian Cross. Also, he seems to be most affiliated with crosses than any other character. His name. He created Tim, who has a cross on him. He wears a cross necklace, and his mask has a cross on it.
  • Megane:
  • Mooching Master: His 15-year old apprentice pays his debts, and made money for both of them when they lived together.
  • Necromancer for now. But could be Necromantic, given Grave of Maria. Many fans theorize Maria was a lover of Cross' when she was alive, but Hoshino hasn't revealed the history behind her as of yet.
  • Older Than They Look: Cross has been allied with Neah for over 35 years, though he looks no older than 50 currently. Klaud and Winters are thirty-five and forty respectively, so Cross has been in the war since they were toddlers and infants. In an extra, Komui's Talk Corner #3, the characters debate Cross' age. Johnny says he looks to be in his late twenties, but that he has to be at least forty. Tyki says he's making himself look scarily young. Wisely then asks Allen-who says his master hasn't aged a year since he met him. He then says it's scary, after calling Cross a monster. Hoshino herself, keeps his age hidden in the character info.
  • Pet The Dog: Some moments with Allen, and comments made by him. Also, Anita's praise, and attitude toward him, and telling us that her mother felt the same. His protecting Lenalee on the ark, then agreeing to stay at HQ because she wanted him to. For now, Allen and girls seem to show Cross' softer side.
  • Polyamory: See Chivalrous Pervert
  • Promotion to Parent: When Cross found Allen, he spent quite a lot of time with Mother to raise Allen himself when he says he doesn't know how to care for a child, which leads him into learning how to cook and do laundry.
  • Revolvers Are Just Better:
  • Smoking Is Cool:
  • Trickster Mentor: He really does love Allen. Hoshino even says Cross cares for him like his own child. But, Cross roughs him up alot, because he likes Allen's dark side, as Hoshino stated, which is closer to real Allen, as opposed to the repressed boy be became after Mana's death.

Froi Tiedoll

A middle-aged exorcist general who cares deeply for his disciples. He is an artist and has the anti-akuma weapon Maker of Heaven (or, depending on the translation, Maker of Eden).

Voiced by Takaya Hashi (JP), Jerry Russell (EN)

Klaud Nine

The only female exorcist general. She was formerly an animal trainer before becoming an exorcist. Her anti-akuma weapon is that cute little monkey that rides around on her shoulder.

Voiced by Masako Katsuki (JP)

Winters Socalo

A former executioner who is now an exorcist general. His anti-akuma weapon is called Madness.

Voiced by Norio Wakamoto (JP)

Kevin Yeegar

One of the generals who was killed by Noah in their search of Heart. He was a school teacher before he became a general.

Voiced by Kiyoshi Kawakubo (JP), Bill Jenkins (EN)

Tropes associated with Kevin

Other Black Order Members

Komui Lee

The supervisor of the Black Order. After his younger sister Lenalee was forced to become an exorcist, he joined the Order to be with her. Although lazy and disorganized, he does what he can to help the exorcists, such as repairing damaged anti-Akuma weapons.

Voiced by Katsuyuki Konishi (JP), J Michael Tatum (EN)

Reever Wenham

The long suffering section chief of the science devision. He likes soda and dislikes cigarettes and alcohol. Since he works for Komui, his entire division is incredibly overworked.

Voiced by Ryotaro Okiayu (JP), Chuck Huber (EN)

Johnny Gil

A short, crybaby scientist at the Black Order. Often seen working with Tup Dop.

Voiced by Tomohiro Tsuboi (JP), Christopher Bevins (EN)

  • Ascended Extra: finnally starts to have some plot relevance after more than a hundred chapters when he leaves to order to look for Allen.
  • Lame Excuse: He gives one to explain why he's resigning from the Order
  • Mauve Shirt
  • My Greatest Failure: Has been moving in this direction regarding Tup's Skull-ification and death and his begging Allen for help during the attack.
  • Nerd Glasses
  • Non-Action Guy
  • Say My Name: Spends a good deal of the Alma Karma Arc screaming Allen's name dramatically.
  • The Scrappy: for his complete irrelevance despite constantly appearing (tough hopefully that may be on its way to change) and for being generally a crybaby.
  • Took a Level in Badass: From the pinnacle of uselessness to competently trying to knock out Crow members and now allieng with Kanda to look for Aleen

Tup Dop

Another Science Division member. He works with Johnny.

Voiced by Kan Tanaka (JP), Christopher R. Sabat (EN)

Tropes associated with Tup

Bak Chang

The Director of Asia branch. Also one of the few higher positioned Black Order members who actually get along with Allen, as Bak has shown great deal of concern for his wellbeing. He's compassionate -if a bit egoistical- man who helps Allen recover his Innocence after Tyki destroys it. Despite his (relatively) harmless habit of stalking Lenalee, Bak seems to be friends with Komui. It might have something to do with that they both care about exorcists and think that they're more than just tools for Black Order to use.

Voiced by Shinichiro Miki (JP)


A 18 year old trainee in the Asian branch, who is always hanging out with Li Kei and Shifu. Was severely lovestruck when meeting Allen and hasn't got better since then.

Voiced by Maaya Sakamoto (JP)


The temperamental guardian of Asia branch. Saved Allen's life by bringing him to their hideout when she found him on the brink of death after his encounter with Tyki. Since she is actually a spirit, For can maintain physical form for only some period of time. So when she gets tired, her body becomes transparent as well.

Voiced by Mina Tominaga (JP)

Lenny Epstein

Head of the North-American branch. Her family, along with that of Bak directed the Second Exorcist project. Herself was put in charge of the Third Exorcist project, decided to make up both for the ridiculously small number of exorcists and the rare, random appearances of Accomodates.

Malcom C. Lvellie

Inspector General for the Vatican and member of a family that served the Black Order since its foundation. That included offering members of their own family as guinea pigs for forbidden experiences. Very astride on the rules, he will do absolutely anything to win the war against the Earl and imposes harsh restrictions on Allen out of suspicion regarding the latter's links to the Fourteenth.

Voiced by Ryusuke Oobayashi (JP)

  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: His personnality is harsh enough, but with his moustache, it's hard not to think about… someone else.
  • Guinea Pig Family: One of the reasons his family is so influential within the Order. Not that he is particularly happy about it.
  • Large and In Charge: Although he too is obeying orders from above, he still has a high position. He is also stated to be 195 cm tall and nearly 100 kg. That makes for quite a formidable figure.
  • Mood Whiplash: Hello, Lenalee, we haven't seen each other since I traumatized you. You are so terrified you can't even talk… but anyway, I made delicious pastries, who wants some!
  • Not So Different: Lvellie seems to hate the Innocence and/or the Order, what makes him uncannily similar to Lenalee.
  • Rage Against the Heavens
  • Spell My Name with an "S": Lvellie? Levellier? Luberier? Who knows?
  • Supreme Chef: His pastries are famously delicious and he even wrote a book on the topic. Allen would probably be fond of these if they weren't made by the guy who put him under surveillance and suspected him of heresy.
  • Take a Third Option: He states that his main motivation is that the Humanity wins the war on itself and gets free of both God and the Earl. He seems kinda creepy when he says it, so it could be all lies or psychotic delusions.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: A possible interpretation of his character.
  • Wham! Line: "Ignore Walker. He requires help. He... "the 14th". / Cross Marian made a secret pact with me and told me everything."
  • Wild Card: Wants to use Allen for his own goals (specifically, the 14th awakening so he can help him. This requires him to actually physically protect Allen.

Howard Link

Inspector for the Vatican and Malcolm Lvellie's right hand man. Introduced in Chapter 135, he is charged with keeping an eye on Allen Walker at all times.

Third Exorcist Program

  • Action Girl: Kiredori and Tewaku
  • Ain't Too Proud to Beg: Goushi. When the Alma cells started to take over his body, he begged for Lenalee to save him. It turns out to be Mercy Kill in her part.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Tokusa looses both arms to Tyki in a confrontation.
  • Anti-Hero: Each of them is considearbly more ruthless that most of the already seen Exorcists.
  • Badass: All of them. Or supposed to be. Some of them fall short on the hype however. Madarao, however, is extremely so.
  • Badass Long Robe: Part of their uniform. The rest consists of a Sarashi and a Nice Hat.
  • The Big Guy: Goushi
  • Blood Knight: Tokusa seems to revel in his abilities in a way the others don’t.
  • Body Horror: When Alma's cells start taking control over their bodies, they deform quite grotesquely and extremely painfully.
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: Tokusa’s attack on Allen while under the control of the effect of Alma’s cells.
  • Cannibalism Superpower: They have the ability to transforms their left arm, causing the flesh to part away and reveal a core of Dark Matter within their forearm and a hole in their palm, through which they can create a vortex that resembles a black hole. This can be used to absorb an Akuma directly, or to spread a dark, shadowy quagmire across the ground which will swallow up any Akuma in the vicinity.
  • Creepy Child: Kiredori. It’s not intentional and definitely not of her own volition.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Tokusa
  • Emotionless Girl: Kiredori. Tewaku as well at times.
  • Eyes Always Shut: Not always, but Tokusa is pretty close.
  • Face Heel Turn: It really depends on how much it was voluntary, but Tewaku, Tokusa and Madarao seem to have joined forces with the Noah. The three aid Tyki and Road in freeing Allen from prison.
  • Facial Markings: Their eye makeup and the dots on their foreheads.
  • Hellish Pupils: Kiredori
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Tokusa had shades of it.
  • The Stoic and The Quiet One: Goushi and Madarao.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: Tewaku has shades of it
  • Super Soldiers
  • Mercy Kill: Goushi by Lenalee, Kiredori by Socalo (believe it or not).
  • Number Two: Either Tokusa or Tewaku.
  • The Woobie: All of them, in hindsight. Goushi, Kiredori, Tewaku and Madarao are more of the Stoic Woobie, Tokusa is arguably a Jerkass Woobie.
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Green in Tokusa’s case, and blue in Madarao's.

The Noah

The Earl of Millennium

The Big Bad of the series, the Earl of Millennium (mostly known as the Millennium Earl to Western fans) doesn't look very dangerous due to his cartoonish appearance and cheerful attitude. However, looks are deceiving and this guy is responsible for the death of millions because of his Akuma.

He usually appears before a person grieving the loss of a loved one and politely offers to bring back the deceased back to life. If the offer is accepted, however, the Earl imprisons the soul in a ominous-looking black metal skeleton. The captured soul will then usually berate and curse the person who agreed to the deal...until the Earl completely takes control of the new Akuma and orders him/her to kill the other and wear their skin as a human disguise. Only Allen's cursed eye is able to see who's really an Akuma in a skin.

Voiced by Junpei Takiguchi (JP),
Jason Liebrecht Episodes 1-26 and Episode 40 onward & Todd Haberkorn Episodes 27-39 (EN)

Tyki Mikk

One of the first Noah we meet, who is perpetually surrounded by a cloud of butterflies. The author admitted to creating him just because she wanted another really handsome guy to draw, and it shows. He is the Noah of Pleasure and originally lived as a homeless worker with his normal human friends while sometimes going back home to the Earl to do jobs (mainly killing people) because he thought it was fun. At the end of the Ark Arc, he was temporarily controlled by his Noah, which resulted in some new scars and long hair. Despite it being said that his Noah has 'awakened', the only significant change to his personality seems to be being very very cheerful around the hero.

Voiced by Toshiyuki Morikawa (JP), Brad Hawkins (EN)

Road Kamelot

The first Noah ever encountered by Allen, she has the appearance of a small girl with spiky black hair. However, she is called the oldest Noah by other members of the family, implying that she was the first to awaken as one. Road is the Noah of Dreams, allowing her to travel between dimensions and control the Ark. She was shown to have survived her whole body exploding into sand/dust in the Arc, and cannot be harmed by physical attacks unless they are inflicted from inside of her dreamworld.

Voiced by Ai Shimizu (JP), Cherami Leigh (EN)

  • Affably Evil: She seems like a sweet girl around the Noah, who has a thing for lolipops and once asked Tyki to help her with her homework... she also caused an Akuma to self-destruct just to piss off Allen.
  • Ax Crazy
  • Badass
  • Character Development: Interestingly, while she remains a Noah and averts Villain Decay, she seems to behave a little less sinister each time Allen meets her. She's gone from stabbing him in the eye the first time they met, to kissing him the second time, and now she's saved his life twice in the last few days because of her feelings for him. Her attraction to and concern for Allen appears to be the cause of her decreasingly antagonistic behavior, so it's likely she'd still be pretty scary if she was dealing with anyone but Allen.
  • Creepy Child
  • Creepy Doll: In chapters 187 and 188, Road is seen in the form of one of these.
  • Daddy's Little Villain: Her relationship with the Millennium Earl is a perfect example of this trope.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Dating Catwoman: What she'd certainly like to have with Allen.
  • Deliberately Cute Child: She can fake being a cute little girl quite easily. Her human adoptive mother appears to be completely oblivious to Road's darker side. Then again, she's married to Sherril...
  • Elegant Gothic Lolita
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: She cares really deeply for her family. Also Allen, but then again, he is family.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: She really didn't like the whole deal with Kanda's memories.
  • Fan Service Pack: Compare Road's initial appearance to how she looks now. Slight difference, no?
    • Rumour is that because Road's initial design led to so many questions from readers about whether she was male or female, Hoshino decided to make it more obvious.
  • Finger-Lickin' Evil: Technically, she was licking one of her candles, but the effect was there.
  • Foe Yay: She kissed Allen and claims to love him.
    • Though this could be more to do with the 14th than Allen. It's never explained why she was the only one he didn't kill.
    • That's probably was simply because he couldn't. We still don't even know how she can be killed after all.
  • For the Evulz: Why she's willing to create a door that would allowing the exorcists trapped inside of the arc to escape, but the only way they can get to it is if they battle the Noah who are also inside of it. Really the only reason the others do it too. And she decided that messing with Allen would be more fun than others, that's why she chose him.
  • Genki Girl: Albeit a rather creepy one.
  • Little Miss Badass
  • Mind Rape: What she does to Lavi while he is in her dreamworld.
    • And also to Marshall Yeegar earlier in the series, also in her dreamworld. Heck, her dreamworld specialises in this.
  • No Sense of Personal Space: She's all over Allen whenever she can possibly manage it.
  • Older Than They Look
  • Perky Goth
  • Shotacon: It has recently been revealed that she has in fact looked twelve for the past thirty-five years, and she has a rather creepy affection for fifteen-year-old Allen Walker...
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Comments on how sweet Allen is for crying over a lost soul, and is later shown to be openly smitten with him. Of course, you can't really blame her.
  • Slasher Smile: All members of the Noah family have sported one of these at some time or another, Road just does it more frequently.
  • Villainous Crush: Interestingly, this seems to be a source of Character Development for her, since her crush on Allen makes her act nicer to him and help him out when he gets in a jam more than once.
  • Villainous Rescue: No, seriously. When Allen was being consumed by Kanda's memories during his Journey to the Center of the Mind in chapter 192, Road stepped in and saved him for no apparent reason beyond affection.
    • She also teamed up with Tyki to save Allen from being possessed by a sentient innocence...and even wound up Taking the Bullet (a rather painful-looking punch, in this case) for him!
  • Yandere / Cute and Psycho
  • You Gotta Have Blue Hair: Though it's like this only in anime.

Jasdevi (Jasdero and Devit)

Jasdero (left), Devit (right)

The Noah(s) of the Bonds, these twins have chased Cross Marian worldwide, getting more and more debt along the way. They're out to pass the debts on to Allen Walker. The twins' Noah ability is materialization, and shooting several different elements by mental will. If the two sing a song and shoot each other, they turn into their original form, Jasdevi. Krory fights them on the Ark.

Voiced by
Jasdero: Showtaro Morikubo (JP), Joel McDonald (EN)
Devit: Mitsuki Saiga (JP), Z. Charles Bolton (EN)

Skinn Bolic

Skinn Bolic is the Noah of wrath. He can turn into a giant golem who shoots lightning. He likes sweet things. He also gets killed by Kanda during the Ark Arc.

Voiced by Kenta Miyake (JP), Sonny Strait (EN)

Lulu Bell

Lulu Bell is the Noah of Form (Noah of Lust is now known to be a mistranslation [dead link] of the correct term) who led an attack on the Black Order H.Q. which caused the death of several people incuding Tup Dop. Lulu Bell can transform into anything she wants to.

Voiced by Arisa Ogasawara (JP), Monica Rial (EN)

Sherril Kamelot

Sherril is the Noah of Greed, and is Road's adopted father. He works as a government minister, and is very flamboyant. His ability is telekinesis.


Wisely is the last of the original Apostles of Noah to awaken. He's believed to be the Noah of Wisdom, and his ability as a Noah is his 'demon eye' which affects the brain.

  • Cloudcuckoolander: He's still a big threat, but he seems a little more "out there" than many of the Noah.
  • Evil Eye: He calls himself Wisely of the Demon Eye for a reason!
  • Exposition Beam: He uses one of these on Kanda and Allen in chapter 189.
  • Extra Eyes: There are three extra eyes in his forehead.
  • Mr. Exposition: Due to being the only Noah aside from the Earl who hasn't lost their memories, he fills in quite a bit about the original Noah.
  • Power Dyes Your Hair: One chapter starts with him awakening as Noah- the page is colored and his hair is brown. It turns white the second his Extra Eyes show up.
  • Telepathy: However, he has been unable to read one person, whose mind was too closed off even for him.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy: A much straighter example than Allen.
  • Your Head Asplode: He can crush people's brains at will.


One of the Noah that woke off-screen. Attacked Lavi and Bookman, and took them as hostages. Also injured Chaozii.

The 14th (Nea Walker)

A man who's shrouded in mystery. The 14th Noah. The only facts known about him so far are that he backstabbed his own family 35 years ago, killed almost all of them, failed with his biggest goal and was forced to flee from the Millennium Earl with his brother for years. Timcanpy was originally his golem and it's mentioned that he had given it to Cross with a request to take care of his brother, because he would someday return. The future host happened to be Allen, of all people. While it's unclear when exactly were the 14th's memories implanted to him, Allen just was unfortunate enough to be nearby when he died.[1] He's now gradually taking over his host's body and mind.

Presumably he's taking into account the general info and handful of appearances he's had. That, and the fact that the Earl is still sore for his killing attempt, as 14th was his favourite among the Noahs.

  • Ax Crazy
  • Big Bad Ensemble: He's out for blood against the Earl and he doesn't care about Apocryphos, but he's easily Allen's most personal antagonist.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Makes his first appearance during 59th chapter in Allen's ominous dream making rather creepy first impression. It can be passed off as nothing, as Allen doesn't seem think about the dream afterwards.
  • Dissonant Serenity
  • Doppelganger: When he appears in Allen's mind, he looks almost exactly like Tyki Mikk. This was discussed in chapter 187, when Wisely saw Tyki and was surprised that he looked exactly like "that man".
  • Enemy Within: He's one of these to Allen.
  • Evil Laugh: When he laughs, even the ground rumbles. As seen in chapter 198.
  • Evil Uncle
  • The Faceless: Until recently.
    • Interestingly, he managed to do this twice; we have a brief, vague glimpse of his face when the Earl dreamed of him promising to always stay by his side and looking to be in his teens, and then we get a good look at him in his Noah form, pictured above, later...
  • Living Memory
  • Mysterious Past
  • Person of Mass Destruction: He killed almost all of the Noahs 35 years ago, which is definitely no mean feat, and wants to kill and replace the Millennium Earl
  • Slasher Smile
  • Spell My Name with a "The": For a long time, he's known simply as the 14th. His true name is revealed to be Nea Walker
  • Split Personality Takeover: He pulls one of these in chapter 189, but then his host resists and regains control.
    • Tries this again in chapter 214 and succeeds.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: As the last page of Chapter 213 has recently shown.


Mana Walker

Allen's father figure who died when he was around ten or so. After he called Mana back as Akuma, his father cursed him, granting Allen the power to see Akuma's tormented souls. Then Allen's Innocence activated for the first time and he destroyed Mana, which in turn led Allen to become Exorcist.

Before his death Mana worked as travelling entertainer. Despite Allen thinking about him every now and then during the series, very little is actually known about him.

  • Death by Origin Story
  • Fumihiko Tachiki: Voiced by him in the anime. One of the few examples of a good father role by that actor...possibly.
  • Monster From Beyond the Veil: When Allen brought him back as an Akuma.
  • Mysterious Parent: Is turning out to be way more important to the plot than we were led to believe at first.
  • Nice Hat
  • Sad Clown
  • Sanity Slippage: According to Cross, after Mana's brother was killed by Millennium Earl he kind of lost it. Which is kind of understatement after author gets into detail about Allen's backstory in Reverse Novel 3. Turns out that Allen didn't actually have a name in the beginning. He takes up that after Mana calls him Allen, mistaking him as his dead dog.
  • The Faceless: His face is never shown in full without make-up in the manga. However, Reverse novel 3 reveals that he looks exactly like the Earl's human form.
    • Actually, we get a single panel silhouette of him (as a boy) in normal clothes in the manga with his brother. He looks exactly like a younger version of the Earl's human form.


Voiced by Maya Okamoto (JP), Brina Palencia (EN)


The first Level Three Akuma to appear in the series. The first he does as an impressive fighter, is defeating and nearly killing Bookman and Lavi easily, then enters a long battle with Lenalee costing her long hair and loses. He was formerly a Japanese artist.

Voiced by Ryusei Nakao (JP)


Voiced by Kaori Nazuka (JP)


A kind-looking, cheerful priest on the Black Order HQ.

In reality a strange-looking creature called "Apocryphos", a living Innocence whose role is to protect the Heart at all costs. He is powerful enough to scare a Noah. Seems to be the "Third Side of the War", Marian had previously referred to. Confirmed to be the real culprit behind Cross's murder, but his motives and his relation with him have yet to be explained. Currently chasing Allen to perform something that most definitely is bad news.

Back to D.Gray-man
  1. Which is canonically established in chapter 206 to be well before Allen's conception