These are the characters from the classic manga/anime series Saint Seiya.

The Character Sheet for Saint Seiya Episode G can be found here.

Characters from Saint Seiya: The Lost Canvas are located here.

Characters from the sequel, Saint Seiya: Next Dimension are located here.

Characters from the other sequel, Saint Seiya Omega are located here.

Characters who only appear in the movies are located here.

Before proceeding it should be noted is that most of Antagonists are Anti-Villains or Hero Antagonists.

Bronze Saints

Pegasus Seiya

Voiced by: Tohru Furuya (1986-2004, 2012-present JP), Masakazu Morita (2005-2011 JP), Illich Guardiola (EN), Eric Legrand (FR), Jesus Barrero and Irwin Daayan (Latin American Spanish), Carlos Lladó (Spain), Ivo De Palma (ITA), Jefferson Utanes (Tagalog), Hermes Baroli (BR), Rogério Jacques (PT)


Dragon Shiryu

Voiced by: Hirotaka Suzuoki (1986-2004 JP), Takahiro Sakurai (2005 JP), Jay Hickman (EN), Marc François (FR), Enrique Hernández (Spain), Ricardo Mendoza and Christian Strempler (Latin American Spanish), Marco Balzarotti (ITA), Elcio Sodré (BR), Ely Martin (Tagalog), Nuno Távora (PT)


Cygnus Hyoga

Voiced by: Koichi Hashimoto (1986-2004 JP), Hiroaki Miura (2005 JP), Jason Douglas (EN), Marc François (FR), Oscar Redondo (Spain), Rene Garcia and Luis Daniel Ramirez (Latin American Spanish), Mark Aspiras (Tagalog), Francisco Brêtas (BR), António Semedo (PT)

  • An Ice Person
  • Animal Motifs: Swans
  • Blond Guys Are Evil: Averted, he's a good guy. Though he was more of a jerk at first - his defreezing was very fast, tho.
  • Blue Eye(s): Determining if he's wearing his bandage or not.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Half Japanese, half Russian.
  • Eye Scream: Willingly lets Isaac hit his right eye as atonement.
  • Calling Your Attacks: In the anime, Hyoga says his attacks in English, but in Russian in the manga.
    • Diamond Dust: His main attack. He sends bursts of cosmos into the air to cool it (possibly to draw air moisture) before unleashing a focus burst of cosmos that will freeze his opponents.
    • Ice Ring (Koĺtso): Hyoga creates an ice ring that surrounds and paralyzes the opponent.
    • Aurora Thunder Attack: Anime only, he fires multiple Diamond Dusts at his opponent (Anime variation of manga's Kholodnyj Smerčh.)
    • Aurora Execution: The strongest form of Diamond Dust where the cosmos itself reaches absolute zero and is capable of freezing and killing the Gold Saint, Aquarius Camus.
    • Freezing Coffin: An ability that will freeze an opponent in an unbreakable block of ice for a hundred years unless the cosmos of the oppenent or someone from the outside can match it.
    • Freezing Fists: Anime only. A technique where Hyoga would either slide or leap toward his opponent and touch their legs to freeze them in place.This move uses a lot of cosmos and leaves Hyoga open for an attack.
      • Not to mention, Hyoga is Genre Savvy enough to know how Freezing Fists only seems to work on very specific enemies: Mighty Glaciers or Stone Walls, due to lack of mobility and speed. The Crystal Saint, however, is fast and flexible enough to not have his handicap, using his legs to apply this to Hyoga himself.
  • Dub Name Change: In Italy he's known as "Crystal".
  • Forgotten Fallen Friend: Averted, he's the only bronzie who misses his parents... albeit, that's because he's the only who knew a parent, they're all orphans.
  • Frozen Flower
    • Cry Cute and When He Smiles: He almost never cries or smiles, but when either happens... boy, it's a sight to behold.
  • Human Popsicle
  • Genre Savvy
  • I Did What I Had to Do: He gets on the receiving end of it when Camus does it.
  • I Owe You My Life: Shun used his cosmos to warm up his body in the House of Libra. Hyoga says this pretty much word by word.
  • It's All My Fault: Blames himself for Isaac's Eye Scream incident.
  • Limited Wardrobe: Hyoga really loves his blue shirt, jeans and brown leggings.
  • Meaningful Name: In Japanese it means 'glacier'.
  • Mommy Issues: He still misses his dead mom, very much. He can't exactly be blamed: not only Natasha was a Hot Mom, but she actually sacrificed her life for him when he was a child.
  • The Smart Guy: Shiryu's rival in regards to quick thinking.
  • Obfuscating Disability: His eyepatch. Issac purposely missed and just caused some skin near it to bleed.
    • Awesome but Impractical: It may look cool, but not only does he lose part of his side vision but depth perception as well. It is not worth wearing considering he has it for symbolic reasons.
  • Surfer Dude: In the DiC dub, and it's hilarious.

Andromeda Shun

Voiced by: Ryo Horikawa (1986-2004 JP), Yûta Kazuya(2005 JP), Chris Patton (EN), Serge Bourrier (FR), Jesús López (Spain), Jose Gilberto Vilchis and Alan Prieto (Latin American Spanish), Andrea De Nisco (ITA), Ulisses Bezerra (BR), Isabel Wolmar (episodes 1-73) and Marco Felgueiras (74-114)(PT)

  • Adaptation Dye Job: A brunette in the manga, green-haired in the anime.
  • A Friend in Need: He warmed up Hyoga in the infamous House of Libra scene. He also gave up his Silver Star Necklace from his mother to pay Charon and allow him and Seiya to cross the river.
  • Always Accurate Attack: Thunder Wave, as Shun stated, will always find its target and damages something.
  • Awesome Yet Practical: The Nebula Chains.
  • Badass Adorable: Cutest Bronze Saint ever.
  • Barrier Sir
  • Beware the Nice Ones: "You angered me, Saint. THAT WAS YOUR BIGGEST MISTAKE!" *bloodily kills Dark Andromeda*
  • Beauty Equals Goodness: Extremely cute... er, good looking. One of the good guys.
  • Calling Your Attacks: Shun uses English for his attacks.
    • Nebula Chain: His main attack. Most of the time he just swings his fist and it will strike and wrap around his opponent.
    • Rolling Defense: This has two forms. He either spreads his chain with the circle end out in a spiral below his feet. Anything that approaches it will be immediately attacked. The other version is where his circle end goes around him in a large cylinder allowing him to use his triangle end to attack from the top.
    • Andromeda Thunder Wave: A seek and destroy version of his Nebula Chain. This move is capable of transending dimensions to find its target.
    • Nebula Stream: A technique that doesn't require his chains and the first of his unlimited cosmos attacks(attacks that the longer they are used the more they grow in strength rather than deminish over time). He causes his cosmos to swirl around and paralyze his enemy.
    • Nebula Storm: Shun's most powerful attack. A deadly version of Nebula Stream where his cosmos swirls and combines into a destructive storm.
    • Spider Net: Shun creates a literal spider net to catch things.
    • Spiral Duct: Another capture move that wraps around his opponent (a more elaborate form of Nebula Chain).
    • Casting Net: The chains weave themselves into a net and capture the opponent.
    • Boomerang Shot: The triangle end aims at the opponent, curves around and strikes from behind.
    • Wild Trap: The chains weave into a trap on the ground and then surround and clamp the opponent.
    • Great Capture: Just like Nebula Chain but wraps around large opponents.
  • Chained to a Rock: As per his representative myth, how he earned his cloth.
  • The Chick: Strictly speaking, not him but his cloth is only one that's named after a human female. Also he's kinda effeminate and wears pink armor.
  • Chick Magnet: This Cute Shotaro Boy, in his introduction, had so many screaming fangirls that Jabu couldn't help lampshading the trope all over.
  • Curtains Match the Window: In the anime.
  • Dangerous Forbidden Technique: Nebula Storm, which Shun only executes after his personal Godzilla Threshold is crossed.
  • Dude in Distress: Though he's not completely incapable of fighting, Ikki routinely bails him out of tough battles. Note this becomes routine only in the Anime.
  • Don't Say Such Stupid Things: From Kanon after Shun admitted he was tired of fighting and gave up.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: With Pandora when he is possessed by Hades.
  • Innocent Blue Eyes: Manga only
  • Intimate Healing: With Hyoga, in the anime.
  • I Want to Be a Real Man: What Shun tells Seiya before his fight with Aphrodite.
  • Limited Wardrobe: It figures that effeminate guy of the group adverts this. Shun's the only one in both the anime and manga to feature a greater variety of shirts, hooded shirts, pants his evil robes while possessed. Although he does enjoy his green shirt and white suspenders.
  • Martyr Without a Cause: Yeah... he'll offer enemies who are Anti Villains his life if it brings them closer to a Heel Face Turn, but it rarely works. Usually leads to Distressed Dude above.
    • Let's not forget how he literally defrosted Hyoga the Human Popsicle... and almost kicked it.
  • Meaningful Name: Means 'an instant' as in how quickly he can change from offense to defense.
  • Mind Control Eyes: When possessed by Hades.
  • More Expendable Than You: Despite his peaceful nature he knocked out Shiryu to allow Ikki to kill him and leave everyone else alone.
  • Not Drawn to Scale: Shun got a whole lot bigger once he's possessed by Hades. Could be blamed on how crappy the animation studio was.
  • Reluctant Warrior: And HOW!
  • Shower Scene: And lord, did the fangirls Squee.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Ikki.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Has many of the personality traits. Such as a peaceful nature hiding his strength or one of his techniques that involves setting a trap andn sprining when attacked.
  • She's a Man In Japan: In the French dub, they thought Shun was a woman and used a female to dub his voice for the first episode.
  • Thanatos Gambit: Shun accepted Hades' soul so he can be killed with Hades by Athena's saints. Too bad for him, his brother Ikki can't bring himself to do it.
  • This Is Unforgivable! / You Monster!: To Lyumnades Kassa, for playing with people's feelings and loved ones.

Phoenix Ikki

Voiced by: Hideyuki Hori (1986-2004 JP), Katsuyuki Konishi(2005 JP), Mike Mac Rae (EN), Henry Djanik (FR), Tasio Alonso (Spain), Marcos Patiño and Rafael Pacheco (Latin American Spanish), Tony Fuochi (ITA), Leonardo Camilo (BR), António Semedo (PT)


Other Bronze Saints


Unicorn Jabu

Yuuichi Meguro (1986-1989 JP), Hideo Ishikawa (2005 JP), Vic Mignogna (EN),Marc François and Serge Bourrier (FR), José Núñez and Luis Manuel Martín Díaz (Spain), Javier Rivero and Daniel Abundis(Latin America), Marcelo Campos (BR)


Hydra Ichi

Voiced By: Masato Hirano and Masaya Onosaka(JP), John Swasey (EN), Cesar Arias and Saul Alvar(Latin American Spanish), António Semedo (PT) and Carlos Silveira (BR)


Wolf Nachi

Voiced By: Hideyuki Tanaka and Issei Kojima(JP), Fabián Mejía, Fernando Manzano, and Roberto Mendiola (Latin America), Júlio Martín (PT)


Lionet Ban


Bear Geki


Chameleon June

Voiced By: Hiromi Tsuru (JP)

Silver Saints


Eagle/Aquila Marin

Voiced By: Yuriko Yamamoto (JP), Monica Manjarrez (Latin America)


Ophiuchus Shaina

Voiced By: Mami Koyama (JP)


Seiya: "Whoa, Shaina. I thought you were the devil in disguise, but you you don't look like it. You're a beauty, indeed."



Lyra Orpheus

Voiced By: Hiroshi Kamiya (JP)


Lizard Misty

Voiced By: Yuu Mizushima (JP)


Whale Moses

Voiced By: Koji Totani (JP)


Hound Asterion

Voiced By: Kazuo Hayashi (JP), Gerardo Reyero (Latin America)

  • Animal Motifs: Dogs/Hounds.
  • Doppelganger Attack: His Million Ghost Attack.
  • Psychic Powers: Can read minds. More specifically, Telepathy. In her only anime victory, Marin has to completely clear her mind to kill him.
  • Put on a Bus: Manga Only, until his Bus Crash in the Hades Saga: there is a tombstone with his name on it. We can only assume his meeting with the Pope did not go well.
  • Blue Oni: Blue to Moses.


Centaurus Babel

  • Badass: In the Anime, he was giving the five main protagonist quite some troubles until the Steel Saints step in. Up until then, Hyoga, the only one wearing his cloth at the moment (besides Seiya, who was still recovering from a previous battle),was barely holding him off.
  • Go Out with a Smile and Peaceful in Death: When he found out that Saori was the true Athena, he aknowledged her and got to hold her hand.
  • Out of the Inferno: His entrance in the anime.
  • Playing with Fire
  • Shoulders of Doom: How does he manage to walk through a doorway with them?
  • Religious Name: After the Tower of Babel from the Bible.


Crow Jamian


Perseus Algol

Voiced By: Akira Kamiya (JP)

  • Back from the Dead: Anime only.
  • Badass: Takes out over half of the five main Bronze Saints on his own. Petrifies both Seiya and Shun and the only way he could be defeated was for Shiryu to gouge out his own eyes.
    • In the anime, add the Steel Saints. They started okay against him, but he still managed to beat them until Shiryu blinds himself and gains the upper hand.
  • Badass Long Hair
  • Luckily, My Shield Will Protect Me
  • No Ontological Inertia
  • Nothing Up My Sleeve: His Medusa Shield on his back.
  • Stellar Name: After the bright star from the Perseus Constellation. Algol is also named the Demon Star.
  • Taken for Granite: His power.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He petrifies and then smashes three kids who tried to run away from the Sanctuary, after having promised he would let them go. Aioria calls him out on it, but Perseus doesn't care.
    • Not to mention, the Saints he petrifies and the one who defeats and kills him are between 13 and 15 years old. If we count the Steel Saints too, then the age limit is even lower.


Spartan (Anime Only)


Auriga Capella

Voiced By: Katsuji Mori (JP)


Kerberos Dante


Tarantula Arachne (Anime Only)

Voiced By: Ken Yamaguchi (JP)


Heracles Algethi, Musca Dio and Canis Major Sirius


Sagitta Ptolemy

Anime Version
Manga Version

Cepheus Albiore (Anime Only)

Cepheus Daidalos (Manga Only)

Voiced By: Keiichi Noda (JP)


Peacock Shiva and Lotus Agora (Anime Only)

Who is he? (No seriously, we'd like to know.)

Altar Ares

Gold Saints


Aries Shion


Aries Mu

Voiced By: Kaneto Shiozawa and Takumi Yamazaki (JP)


Taurus Aldebaran

Click here to find out who it is.

Gemini Kanon


Gemini Saga


Cancer Deathmask


Leo Aioria/Aiolia

Voiced By: Hideyuki Tanaka (JP)


Virgo Shaka

Voiced By: Yuji Mitsuya (JP)

  • Anti-Hero: Type IV
  • Adaptation Distillation: Due to an erased scene of his first meeting with Ikki and other adjustments to fit this change, Shaka became a big arrogant jerk in The Sanctuary Arc. The anime scriptwriters seem to have a grudge against Shaka or something, such as creating an episode where Shaka send his disciples to kill Ikki, not to mention cheating in that fight by helping his disciples when it's already a 2 against 1 fight. Thus this anime only event didn't help Shaka's image the slightest. This caused some fans who only watch anime wonder why Shaka seems to behave differently in Hades arc, as this arc followed Shaka's characterization from the manga closer.
  • Adaptation Dye Job: Adverted. Shaka is indeed the only blond Gold saints who is saved from hair dye, and due to his Eyes Always Shut this troper just realized recently that Shaka have green eyes in manga, therefore Shaka still got an eye dye. His eyes were blue in the original TV series.
  • Awesomeness By Analysis: He takes out each of the Bronze Saints and then goes on to explain how his attack would kill them if he chose to go any further with it.
  • Badass Long Hair
  • Disability Superpower: Inverted, he pretends to be blind so he can concentrate on limiting his power.
    • He never pretend to be one actually, since it seems everyone who knows him know he is not blind.
  • Dissonant Serenity: AND HOW. He's calm, soft-spoken, and utterly ruthless when fighting.
  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Just don't tell him that.
    • It's mostly the Badass Long Hair and how having his Eyes Always Shut make his lashes look longer than they really are. so yeah, he looks kinda feminine, but not to Aphrodite levels.
    • He is the Virgo Saint for crying out loud, and his temple called Temple of Maiden.
    • Some of his fans nickname him barbie in their fanfics, and believe me if you can read spanish or portuguese fanfics you will find quite a lot that mention he looks like Barbie.
  • Enlightenment Superpowers:
  • Eyes Always Shut: And sweet merciful Athena, DON'T MAKE HIM OPEN THEM.
  • Facial Markings: A tilaka on his forehead.
  • Guile Hero: Isn't above manipulating his friends, fellow Saints and disciples as much as he manipulates his rivals.
  • Evil Counterpart : To Shun. Both have "female" clothes and both are reincarnations of gods
  • Honor Before Reason: Shaka at the first glance is nothing like Shun, especially if you only watch the anime. But he somehow can fit in this category because ha CAN do it smartly and deal with the after effect.Other characters in the manga say of Shaka, “although he is like a God, he still has a weakness. He is too compassionate.”and if any Saint Seiya's fans out there hear the latter part they would think it refer to Shun.
    • He might be not as merciful as Shun but of all gold saints he is the only one who ever bother to refuse a fight and never got bored of keep giving his enemies or opponents a chance to leave first. In manga he refusef Ikki's challenge in Death Queen Island, knocked the light out of him after warned him to not let the evil around him take control of his soul,and will kill Ikki only if he come before Shaka as enemy. When Shaka confronted Aiolia in Pope's chamber, he told Aiolia to the the HELL out (which actually was a good advice, but Aiolia was so pumped up that he didn't listen). Shaka openly ignored the Bronze saints who invade his temple, and attacked after Seiya attacked him first. He also gave Ikki a chance to give up the fight unharmed, though he didn't ask it nicely. In Hades arc Shaka fully intended to kill all Specters that left when they entered his temple, but strangely later he told them to leave and killed them after they tried to attack him.
  • Living on Borrowed Time: For a few minutes, after receiving the Athena's exclamation. He manages to send a message to Athena and then search for a nice dying place under the trees.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy
  • Master of Illusion
  • Meaningful Name: The historical Buddha was called “Sakyamuni”, meaning “sage of the Sakya clan”. The Japanese transliteration of “Sakya” is “Shaka”.
  • Meditation Powerup: The Trope Image
  • Mind Rape: So good at it that he is only one who can mind rape Ikki.
  • Overranked Soldier: Gold Saint at seven years old.
  • Physical God: Because he is...
  • Reincarnation: Of Buddha. Yes, THAT Buddha. Yeah, Ikki was all Oh Crap when he was told about it.
    • Actually that would be only in the dub since Shaka is not Buddha but a Buddha (when a person becomes enlightened, his consciousness escapes the cycle of reincarnation) which may explain why in Hades he's talking to Siddhartha Gautama as a kid.
  • Suicide by Cop: To trigger his...
  • Thanatos Gambit: In the Hades arc.
  • Tranquil Fury: In the few times he gets pissed.
  • Undeath Always Ends: What he does to any specter that crosses his path and IT IS AWESOME!
  • What Is Evil?: His "many justices exist" speech has undertones of this.

Old Dohko/ Dohko in his youth and during the Hades Saga.

Libra Dohko


Scorpio Milo


Sagittarius Aiolos

Voiced By: Yusaku Yara (JP)


Capricorn Shura

Voiced by: Koji Totani(1986-2004 JP), Takeshi Kusao(2005 JP)


Aquarius Camus

Voiced By: Rokuro Naya (1986-2004 JP), Nobutoshi Canna (2005 JP)


Pisces Aphrodite

Voiced By: Keiichi Nanba

Other/Unknown Rank Saints




Crystal Saint (Anime Only)

Voiced By: Michihiro Ikemizu (JP)



Voiced By: Banjo Ginga (JP)


The Black Saints

Black Pegasus: Shigeru Nakahara (JP)

Black Dragon: Ken Yamaguchi (JP)

Black Cygnus: Rene Garcia (Latin America)


Geist (Anime Only)

Voiced By: Chiyoko Kawashima (JP)

Dolphin, Sea Serpent and Jellyfish

Ghost Saints (TV Series) Dolphin, Sea Serpent and Jellyfish (Anime Only)

Voiced By: Hideyuki Tanaka (JP Dolphin)


Steel Saints - Tucana Sho, Vulpecula Daichi and Delphinus Ushio (Anime Only)

Tucana Sho: Shigeru Nakahara (JP)


Docrates (Anime Only)


Saint of Fire (Anime Only)

Voiced By: Ken Yamaguchi (JP)


Leda and Spica (Anime Only)

Spica: Masami Kikuchi (JP)


Phaeton (Anime Only)


Mermaid Thetis


Voiced By: Hiromi Tsuru (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Affably Evil: Very polite and soft-spoken, until she fights.
  • But Now I Must Go: Anime-only, when she changed back to her mermaid form and leaves.
  • Cry Cute: "Milord Poseidon... now you're back to being Young Julian Solo..."
  • Dark Chick Action Girl: While she does have the fighting abilities, she's more of a messenger than a frontline fighter.
  • Happily Ever After: In the end of the Poseidon Arc in the manga, Thetis changed back into a fish. Jullian/Poseidon comes back and finds her dead fish body and holds it gently in his hands. In the anime, it was happier where Thetis changes into a mermaid and you can see her leaping in and out of the water with the good guys staring at the sunset.
  • Designated Girl Fight: Though she does give Shaina quite a run for her money.
  • Lady of War
  • Meaningful Name: Thetis is a goddess of the sea and leader of the Nereids (sea nymphs) in Greek Mythology. As well as the mother of Achilles.
  • Our Mermaids Are Different
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Dies in the manga, lives in the anime.
  • Mythical Name: After one of the Twelve Titans from Greek mythology. The mother of the rivers, springs, streams, fountains and clouds.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: When off-duty

Sea Horse Baian


Voiced By: Show Hayami (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Scylla Io


Voiced By: Issei Futamata (JP), Gerardo Reyero (Latin America)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Chrysaor Krishna


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Lyumnades Kassa


Voiced By: Keaton Yamada (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Kraken Isaac


Voiced By: Ryusei Nakao (JP) A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Siren Sorrento


Voiced by: Yoku Shioya (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Sea Dragon Kanon


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Voiced By: Maaya Sakamoto (JP)


Heavenly Fierce Star, Wyvern Rhadamanthys

Voiced By: Takehito Koyasu (JP)


Heavenly Noble Star, Griffon Minos

Voiced By: Koichi Tochika (JP)


Heavenly Valiance Star, Garuda Aiacos

Voiced By: Shinichiro Miki (JP), Gerardo Reyero (Latin America)


Earthly Strange Star, Frog Zelos

Voiced By: Bin Shimada (JP)


Earthly Submission Star, Worm Raimi

Voiced By: Kazuya Nakai (JP)


Dullahan Cube(Earthly Secret Star), Elf Mills(Earthly Lowly Star), and Gorgon Ochs (Earthly Running Star)


Heavenly Heroic Star, Balrog Rune


Heavenly Beast Star, Sphinx Pharaoh

Voiced By: Junichi Suwabe (JP)


Heavenly Wailing Star, Harpy Valentine

Voiced By: Eiji Takemoto (JP)


Earthly Magic Star, Papillon Myu


Heavenly Expansion Star, Acheron Charon


Heavenly Horned Star, Golem Rock


Heavenly Vanquished Star, Troll Ivan


Heavenly Hideous Star, Deadly Beetle Stand


Heavenly Crime Star, Lycaon Phlegyas


Heavenly Victorious Star, Basilisk Sylphid


Heavenly Imprisoning Star, Minotauros Gordon


Heavenly Demonic star, Alraune Queen


Saori Kido - Athena


Voiced By: Keiko Han (1986-2004) (JP), Fumiko Orikasa (2005-2011) (JP), Shoko Nakagawa (2012-persent) (JP), Allison Sumrall (EN), Virginie Ledieu (FR), Maria Fernanda Morales (Latin America)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:



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Voiced By: Issei Futamata (JP)

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Asgard Saga Characters (Anime Only)

Polaris Hilda


Voiced by: Mitsuko Horie (JP)

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Voiced by: Maria Kawamura (JP)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Alpha Dubhe Siegfried


Voiced by: Akira Kamiya (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Merak Beta Hagen


Voiced by: Bin Shimada (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Phecda Gamma Thor


Voiced By: Yusaku Yara (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Megrez Delta Alberich


Voiced By: Shigeru Nakahara (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Alioth Epsilon Phenrir


Voiced by: Toshihiko Seki (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mizar Zeta Cyd


Voiced By: Yuu Mizushima (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Alcor Zeta Bud


Voiced By: Yuu Mizushima (JP)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Benethosh Eta Mime


Voiced By: Yuji Mitsuya (JP)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:




Voiced By: Banjo Ginga (JP)

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Gigars (Anime Only)


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Voiced by: Naoko Watanabe (JP)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mitsumasa Kido


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A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Esmeralda: What, Ikki? You thought I was your little brother again?
Ikki: Ah yeah, sorry about that. You guys look alike so much, except for your hair and eye color...




Voiced By: Rossy Aguirre (Latin America)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Ohko (Anime Only)


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Little Helen (Anime Only)


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Voiced by: Akiko Tsuboi (JP) and Dorothée Jemma (FR)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:



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Tropes exhibited by this character include: