Magnum Opus

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Charlotte: Plaything? I should say not. It is my egg sac, my magnum opus.
Wilbur: I don't know what a magnum opus is.
Charlotte: That's Latin. It means "great work." This egg sac is my great work—the finest thing I have ever made.

Welcome to the top of the mountain, and to the pearly gates beyond which only the best are permitted. This trope represents the pinnacle to which anyone who produces a work of art dreams of reaching. The term "Magnum Opus" is bestowed on any work generally accepted to be a masterpiece, as well as the greatest work of its creator, forever cementing them as someone of exceptional talent.

Any given writer, artist, musician, etc. may produce many works in their lifetime, and many of these works may be great; but the greatest, and most important, well known, and influential of these works is their Magnum Opus. For the purposes of this trope page, it is probably best to consult The Other Wiki's definition of "Masterpiece": "a creation that has been given much critical praise, especially one that is considered the greatest work of a person's career or to a work of outstanding creativity, skill or workmanship." This trope is meant to recognize both the work and its creator, so any work of enough quality and critical acclaim is welcome. If you've ever heard a work referred to as a "classic" or especially a "masterpiece," chances are it belongs here.

Note that for some particularly talented creators, which work is their true masterpiece can be open to personal interpretation. There may be heavy debate regarding multiple works as to which is their true Magnum Opus. However, for many creators there is usually a general consensus among critics and fans as to which work represents the pinnacle of their career—the big slam dunk. Others, unfortunately, find themselves facing the painful situational Irony of Magnum Opus Dissonance. With that in mind, be free to specify whenever there may be a discrepancy as to which work truly qualifies for this trope, or even if the creator doesn't think that the work generally accepted as their Magnum Opus is really their best. Also note that for some creators, there is little controversy, because they've only ever created or are only known for one particular work, which happens to be a masterpiece. Others manage to have a successful career, but the Magnum Opus is their first work.

Before commenting on works that are already cited on this page as a creator's Magnum Opus that you don't agree with, please remember that the main page should be kept as objective as possible, with a minimal number of Justifying Edits. If there is a work cited here that you don't agree with or a work you feel has been neglected, please mention it first on the Discussion Page.

Finally, please note that although there may be some overlap, this is not to be confused with One-Hit Wonder, which is when a creator is only known for one work, and that page mostly has music examples. This isn't One-Book Author, either. Most of these also aren't Tough Acts To Follow, which is when any other work of a creator's is compared disfavorably to their opus; but again, they can be. The best way to decide whether or not a work is a Magnum Opus is by asking the question: "Is this work generally defined as a masterpiece, and as the greatest achievement of its creator's career?"

Also note that there may or may not be overlap with the creator's Breakthrough Hit. While a few creators' breakthroughs are often cited to be their greatest work, most creators will create their breakthrough first, then eventually go on to produce their Magnum Opus.

Not to be confused with a certain penguin, or the song by the German techno/Gregorian/trance group E Nomine (which isn't theirs).

Examples of Magnum Opus include:

Anime and Manga


  • Raphael's "School of Athens" an ode to all the masters of the Western world at the time.
  • Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa (or maybe his Last Supper).
  • Michelangelo's David (or maybe the Sistine Chapel painting).
  • Pablo Picasso is one of the most important artists of the 20th century; his masterwork is an enormous (roughly 25 feet long and 10 feet high) oil painting known as Guernica.
  • Marcel Duchamp might be the most important artist of the 20th century after Picasso; his magnum opus was a piece simply known as "Fountain," a porcelain urinal he put on a pedestal in a gallery and signed with a marker as "R. Mutt". The piece was concept heavy, meant to challenge the value of art and the importance of the gallery system. The big idea behind the piece being, "If something is in an art gallery, does that make it art?"
  • Vincent Van Gogh never made an impact during his life, but his Starry Night remains one of the most influential and recognizable paintings in the world.
  • Seurat died unfortunately young, but he (the inventor of pointillism) shook up the art world with his stylistically inventive and politically controversial Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grand Jatte.
  • A little more contemporary, Matthew Barney's Cremaster Cycle series of films.
  • Also more contemporary, prepare for some Squick in reading about Vito Acconci's performance masterpiece Seedbed.
  • Masaccio's frescoes for the Barancacci Chapel, his greatest works and considered by some the principal classroom of the Florentine School.
  • David's Death of Marat
  • Rembrandt's The Night Watch (or the Conspiracy of Claudius Civilis depending on who you talk to).
  • The Temple Expiatori de la Sagrada Familia of Barcelona is often considered the masterpiece of the renowned Spanish architect Antoni Gaudi. The intricacy and scale of the cathedral was so immense that not only was it incomplete at the time of Gaudi's death (despite being started some forty years before he died, and devoting the last fifteen years of his life to it entirely), but remains incomplete to this day. By the time it is expected to be finished, it will have been built over the course of about 140 years.
  • Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory.

Comic Books

Fan Works

  • The Tamers Forever Series (especially "Silent Sorrow") for Daneel Rush.
  • Considering how many works have come from this group, the Magnum Opus for Eyrie Productions, Unlimited is arguably its most well-known (and one of the oldest of Internet-based) fanfics, Undocumented Features. It's the defining work of fiction for most of the Eyrie crew, most notably head writer Ben "Gryphon" Hutchins.
  • Greg Fisk's fanfic series All Things Probable should probably count as his greatest work.


  • Probably Chanel's Perfume No.5. Or her little black dresses.
  • Christian Dior's 1947 New Look Collection. Most notable is this one.
  • Madeline Vionnet's concept of the bias-cut.
  • Princess Diana Spencer's wedding dress designed by the couple Elizabeth and David Emmanuel.
  • MGM designer Helen Rose's wedding dresses for Elizabeth Taylor in 1950 and Grace Kelly in 1956.

Film - Live Action

Oh, it's beautiful. Tony, this is your Ninth Symphony. Oh, what a masterpiece.


Live Action TV

  • Babylon 5 for J. Michael Straczynski.
  • Joss Whedon - a case could be made for Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, or Firefly.
  • Fraggle Rock for Jim Henson.
  • Veronica Mars for Rob Thomas.
  • All in The Family (the first 8 seasons before he left anyway) for Norman Lear.
  • It might be argued that in terms of TV stories, Lost would count for J.J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse. For now, anyway.
  • From an acting perspective, although he was already a big deal from Cheers, Frasier would likely be the front runner for Kelsey Grammer.
  • Another acting one, Everybody Loves Raymond for most, if not all of the cast, as well as producer Phil Rosenthal.
  • |M*A*S*H for Alan Alda (and the rest of the cast, for that matter). Bonus points for Alda being a director, lead actor, and writer.
  • Though hardly unsuccessful with his other works, with three Oscars including Best Adapted Screenplay for The Social Network, it's likely that Aaron Sorkin will be most fondly remembered for his four seasons' work on The West Wing.
  • The Sopranos for David Chase. Like The Wire, it is considered the champion modern example of television.
  • The Wire for David Simon.
    • Screw David Simon. This is the magnum opus of cop shows! Some call it a champion modern example of television, period.
      • Some have even stated that watching the show makes it nearly impossible to watch any other cop shows because The Wire blows them all away so badly.
  • They say that every Doctor Who Show Runner has an episode that encapsulates everything about their era in general, an episiode that couldn't have ever been made under anyone else. In rough order, based on fan opinion:
    • Barry Letts/Terrance Dicks - The Daemons
    • Phillip Hinchcliffe/ Robert Holmes - The Talons Of Weng-Chiang
    • Graham Williams/ Douglas Adams - City Of Death (May have been Shada if it had ever gotten properly made). With just Graham Williams alone the entire Key To Time season could be said to be this.
    • John Nathan Turner/ Christopher Bidmead - Logopolis
      • John Nathan Turner/ Eric Saward - Revelation Of The Daleks (Though in the words of Mike Morris The Two Doctors was arguably more encapsulating of what the Saward Era actually was, Revelation is more what it wanted to be)
      • John Nathan Turner/ Andrew Cartmel - The Curse Of Fenric
    • Russell T. Davies - The End Of Time
    • Steven Moffat - As a producer, it may be to early to really judge. As a writer though, probably "Blink" tied with "The Empty Child"/"The Doctor Dances".
    • Actually, speaking of just Doctor Who writers by themselves:
  • The re-imagined Battlestar Galactica for Ronald D. Moore.
  • I Love Lucy for Lucille Ball. Seeing as how it practically invented the Sitcom and to this day you can't make one without borrowing from Lucy, it can be seen as a Magnum Opus for the genre itself, a feat made all the more impressive by the fact that it made Ball the most powerful woman in the TV industry at a time when women weren't given much slack.
  • 24 for Kiefer Sutherland is what he is always going to be best known for acting-wise, in addition to encouraging debate regarding "extreme interrogation methods" employed by the Bush administration and other political issues.


  • A classic example is probably Beethoven's Ninth, which stands out despite Beethoven having written numerous well-known compositions.
    • His Seventh Symphony is often seen as his most complete, especially among musicians.
    • Some would also give this distinction to his Grosse Fuge for string quartet, which combined sonata, fugue, and variation forms, and somehow still sounds contemporary even today.
  • J. S. Bach's Well-Tempered Clavier. The status of The Art of the Fugue is a bit more rocky due to Author Existence Failure.
    • Musical historians debate that reality; it has been suggested that Der Kunst der Fuge was deliberately left unfinished at precisely the point where it trails off. In any event, Bach produced numerous masterworks, such that a case could be made for many as Magnum Opus - the "Dorian" Toccata and Fugue for organ, the six Brandenburg Concerti, The Musical Offering... the mighty Mass in B Minor has been refered to as the greatest musical work ever. With over 1200 catalogued compositions to choose from, no less than twenty jump immediately to mind when the term "Magnum Opus" is considered in connection with Johann Sebastian Bach; the man himself could be considered music's Magnum Opus.
  • Any modern band will have fans heavily debate over which song or album was their true masterpiece, but above all the noise, certain works tend to stand out. While albums are most commonly referred to in this way, every so often an individual song makes its way to this level, so much that it becomes synonymous with the band itself, is considered the grand statement of that band's career:
    • Led Zeppelin had "Stairway to Heaven".
      • They themselves view "Kashmir" as their magnum opus, however.
    • The Eagles had "Hotel California".
    • Queen had "Bohemian Rhapsody".
    • Public Enemy had "Fight The Power".
    • Guns N' Roses had "Sweet Child O' Mine".
      • Some might argue "Welcome to the Jungle", while others would argue "November Rain".
    • Just as it's hard to pin down a single album as The Beatles' masterpiece, it's also hard to pin down a single song. Contenders include "A Hard Day's Night", "Let it Be", "Hey Jude", and especially "A Day in the Life".
  • While everybody seems to have a favorite The Beatles album and a decent argument as to why, it's pretty widely agreed that Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band is their most important album, and kind of changed the face of music.
    • It can be argued (especially among musicians) that Rubber Soul, Revolver, The White Album and Abbey Road were equally important and influential. It's even been said that when Sgt. Pepper isn't picked as the best album of all time, Revolver goes instead.
  • The Beastie Boys sophomore effort Paul's Boutique was so ahead of it's time (and quite a drastic departure from their previous album) that a majority of "fans", who they had reluctantly gained thanks to their former tongue-in-cheek frat boy image being taken seriously, were completely polarized. It's only now been recognized as a masterpiece in recent years.
  • Nirvana had Nevermind, which brought out alternative rock and remains to this day the most well known and well received Grunge album.
  • Bauhaus produced four great albums in their short career, but their debut single "Bela Lugosi's Dead" is still considered their masterpiece. The fact that it almost single-handedly invented Goth has added to the legend.
    • Interestingly, the song was written as a tongue-in-cheek parody aimed at the post-punk proto-Goth scenesters who frequented Bauhaus shows; and was not particularly well-liked by the band for most of their existence.
  • People were floored by Joy Division's 1979 debut Unknown Pleasures, but their second (and final) album Closer is considered by most to be their masterwork.
  • The Cure's 1989 album Disintegration bridges the gap between their Goth work and their pop work, and it's large number of classic songs has made it their magnum opus.
  • Bjork's Vespertine. Debut & Homogenic are also considered her magnum opus.
  • Of the various albums and spin-offs from The Wu Tang Clan, their debut The 36 Chambers is still considered their definitive collaborative album; of side projects, GZA's Liquid Swords or Raekwon's Only Built 4 Cuban Linx... are typically cited as the masterpieces.
  • Iggy Pop's two most acclaimed and important albums as a solo artist are The Idiot and Lust For Life, both of which were made in the same year and in collaboration with David Bowie.
  • The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails is still the most oft-cited magnum opus of Trent Reznor, though, all of NIN's other albums have their fans, particularly The Fragile. Except probably With Teeth, which remains something of a bastard child, though some will admit that it's a good album to introduce people to the band with.
  • Britpop band Pulp have their magnum opus in 1995's Different Class, while their contemporaries Blur have 1994's Parklife.
  • Metallica's Master of Puppets, although ...And Justice for All and Ride the Lightning have plenty of fans as well. Master of Puppets is generally considered by critics to be the greatest heavy metal album ever recorded, or at least very close to it.
    • Lars Ulrich has said that he considers .....And Justice For All to be their best work.
  • Slayer's Reign in Blood.
    • Seasons in the Abyss has it's fans as well.
  • Megadeth's Peace Sells...But Who's Buying?, ironically released the same year as Master of Puppets and Reign In Blood. Rust In Peace, though, is often held up at the same level as Peace Sells..., mostly ending up a matter of personal preference.
  • Avant Garde metal band Arcturus' album La Masquerade Infernale is considered by many fans to be one of the best examples of avant garde metal.
  • Michael Jackson's Thriller, though some will contest Off the Wall.
  • ACDC's Back In Black. After their original singer Bon Scott died they were first thinking about quitting. Then they instead hired Brian Johnson (who Scott was a huge fan of) and recorded a new album in only a few months. It produced some of their most famous songs, like "Hells Bells", "You Shook Me All Night Long" and the title track. It is the best selling rock album of all-time and second overall behind Thriller.
  • Pink Floyd's The Dark Side of the Moon, although some would contest The Wall (which, regardless, is undoubtedly the magnum opus of Floyd's Roger Waters).
    • Either those or The Piper At The Gates of Dawn (with Syd Barrett at the helm) or Wish You Were Here.
  • My Bloody Valentine's Loveless.
  • With Prince, it's Purple Rain, Sign o' the Times and 1999.
    • I would say that Emancipation also definitely qualifies. Prince himself certainly thought so. It was his wedding album and also his first after being freed from his contract with warner brothers. It's three albums of smooth r and b jams and funky hip hop. The marriage ended. but the music lives on.
  • XTC has Skylarking.
  • The Stone Roses have The Stone Roses
  • Motorhead have Ace of Spades.
  • Tori Amos' Little Earthquakes.
  • Soundgarden's Superunknown, a bridge between their heavy metal and experimental leanings.
  • Kate Bush's Hounds of Love.
  • Radiohead's OK Computer. Though there's a bit of a Broken Base over whether it's actually either The Bends or Kid A that counts as their magnum opus.
  • Bruce Springsteen's big breakout, Born to Run.
  • Nas' debut album, Illmatic.
  • Liz Phair's Exile in Guyville.
  • Pet Sounds is considered this for The Beach Boys.
  • Mozart's is usually cited as his 41st (final) symphony, his Requiem Mass, or The Magic Flute.
  • Depeche Mode's Violator is generally considered their finest album by the media, the band, their associates, and a sizable chunk of their fanbase, as well as being their most successful album with their highest-charting and best-known singles. It's not uncommon for their live setlist to be at least 25% Violator songs.
  • The Smiths' The Queen Is Dead
  • While they made many good albums Pearl Jam knew that their first album Ten is theirs. But for a good reason.
  • With London Calling The Clash moved beyond Three Chords and the Truth, instead seeking influence from everything from 50's rock n' roll to reggae.
    • Their next album Sandinista! actually tops London Calling and is more of their underground Magnum Opus than anything. They explore dub and electronica and even had the first white rap song, predating Blondies "Rapture" by a few months.
  • Iron Maiden's is debatably The Number of the Beast, although Powerslave is a close second, and the most common alternative. As far as songs go, the popular vote is typically on "Fear of the Dark", "Hallowed Be Thy Name", or "Rime of the Ancient Mariner".
  • Opeth's Blackwater Park is considered by both the band and the fanbase as their magnum opus.
  • Rush's album Moving Pictures is generally considered theirs.
  • The Smashing Pumpkins third album, Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness, is generally considered by critics and fans to be their greatest work. That, or Siamese Dream.
  • Public Enemy's second album, It Takes A Nation Of Millions To Hold Us Back is generally cited to be their best and most influential album, but others give this label to their third album, Fear Of A Black Planet.
  • All of Gustav Mahler's works are masterpieces, but which is really his Magnum Opus is widely debated, and often comes down to personal preference. However, the strongest arguments can be made for his 8th symphony (owing to the fact that is takes some 600 performers to do justice), his final song cycle Das Lied von der Erde, or his 9th Symphony.
  • Benjamin Britten's War Requiem.
  • Meat Loaf has either Bat Out Of Hell, or Paradise By The Dashboard Light depending on your taste in music. The fanbase is generally split in opinion.
  • Black Sabbath's is generally considered to be Paranoid or Heaven and Hell. Ozzy Osbourne says that Sabbath Bloody Sabbath was the band's pinnacle.
  • For the Barenaked Ladies, it's probably "Stunt", at least during the time that Steve Page was with the band. "Gordon" and "Barenaked Ladies Are Me" both have minority support, though.
  • Tchaikovsky's fans will usually say it's the 1812 Overture, or the Nutcracker ballet. Critics will also often submit Swan Lake, or his 4th or 6th symphonies.
  • Paul Simon's Graceland, which singlehandedly revitalized his career.
  • The Who has several cantidates, Tommy - the first Rock Opera to be a mainstream hit, Live At Leeds- a live album considered to be one of if not the best live rock albums ever (and the newer version have most of Tommy in there), Who's Next, the source of 3 of their biggest hits and codifying the use of synthesizers in mainstream music, and Quadrophenia, a fan favourite.
    • Pete Townshend has called Quadrophenia his Magnum Opus.
  • Bob Dylan has several candidates just on the virtue of having taken on so many different variations of his style in his career but usually Highway 61 Revisited, Blood on The Tracks and Time Out of Mind are considered the main contenders with the latter two having brought on a creative resurgences after brief career slumps.
  • Kitchens of Distinction have one of the most acclaimed albums of 1992, The Death Of Cool and is probably one of the most underrated albums of the 1990s.
  • Catherine Wheel have Ferment on their belt, though some may say Chrome is better.
  • Cocteau Twins Heaven Or Las Vegas and Treasure.
  • Dwight Yoakam released two of the most critically acclaimed albums of the late 80s and early 90s, Buenas Notches From A Lonely Room and This Time. Both albums are extremely influential even outside their genre.
  • Slint's Spiderland started a whole movement known as Post Rock.
    • Arguably, they share this distinction with Talk Talk, whose final two albums (The Spirit Of Eden and Laughing Stock) collectively qualify as that band's Magnum Opus.
  • Talking Heads' Remain In Light, one of the great albums of the Post Punk period and perhaps the band's greatest achievement.
  • Eminem's is The Marshall Mathers LP, or alternatively, The Eminem Show.
  • Sufjan Stevens's is probably Illinoise. It was the album that made him a superstar of the indie scene, was (according to Metacritic) tied for the position of most-critically-praised album of 2005, and is still widely considered one of the best of that decade.
  • Red House Painters have about 3 albums considered to be their masterwork. For most critics and fans the first Self-Titled Album (retitled Rollercoaster to help distinguish between this and the sister self-titled, Bridge) and Ocean Beach. However, 1997's Songs For A Blue Guitar has also been considered the band's best work, but a lot of critical opinion on it tends to split between incredibly brilliant to So Okay It's Average.
    • YMMV, the only reason why Songs For A Blue Guitar got such seemingly lukewarm reviews is because it isn't a true Red House Painters album. It was intended to be a Mark Kozelek solo album but was slapped with the RHP moniker in hopes it would sell more. All fans and critics tend to agree, however, that the album is Kozelek's best solo album, surpassing everything he previously did with RHP and anything he would later do with Sun Kil Moon.
  • Five Iron Frenzy wrote a song, "So Far, So Bad", humorously claiming that the greatest song they ever wrote was going to remain unpublished because the record labels and radio stations didn't like it. "We were gonna have our glorious exit, / an admonition and an encore. / We were gonna make a point to the whole world / but no one wants to hear it anymore."
    • In at least one live show, Reese Roper jokingly claimed that "Pootermobile" was their magnum opus. For the record, this is "Pootermobile".
  • Many fans and critics agree that Ray of Light was Madonna's best work to date.
    • YMMV, Like A Prayer also has been hailed as one of her masterpieces. Both albums are equally critically acclaimed.
  • Led Zeppelin's untitled fourth album (often called Led Zeppelin IV) is considered their most accomplished.
  • For the The Rolling Stones, it's Exile on Main Street.
  • Husker Du released two equally strong candidates in a row, Zen Arcade and New Day Rising. Both are brimming with excellent tunes and respectively set the precedents for post-hardcore and alternative rock.
  • For Beck, it's either Odelay or Sea Change.
  • Daydream Nation for Sonic Youth.
  • 13 Songs for Fugazi (or, to narrow it down to a single track, "Waiting Room").
  • Paradise Don't Come Cheap for New Kingdom
  • The National is a rather complex case. While most argue that Boxer is their reigning masterpiece, many other people will also support High Violet and Alligator.
  • For a long time Mayhem's first "proper" album, De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, was considered their best (not just of the band, but of Black Metal as a genre), but following the release of their fourth album Ordo Ad Chao, disputes began to develop.
  • Burzum's third album, Hvis lyset tar oss, is frequently considered their best and the defining template for the ambient black metal sub-genre.
  • Converge's fifth album, Jane Doe, is considered this, although their most recent album Axe to Fall has been called this as well.
  • The Dillinger Escape Plan's debut album, Calculating Infinity, is considered this, much to the band's own chagrin.
  • Dixie Chicks have two of the strongest received country albums of the late 1990s: Wide Open Spaces and Fly. Their strongest received album altogether, though, is 2002's Home, often cited as the best of the decade and sometimes even one of the best country albums of all time.
  • Trout Mask Replica for most fans of Captain Beefheart.
  • Aqualung and/or Thick As A Brick for Jethro Tull.
  • Kanye West's is the critically acclaimed My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, which got perfect or near perfect reviews from pratically everyone upon its release (with its Metacritic score being a rare high of 94) and it ended up either very high on or topping most decade/year best of lists.
    • And All of the Lights (Interlude)/ All of the Lights, from the above album, is widely considered to be one of the greatest songs he's ever done.
  • U2's is either their 'American' sounding The Joshua Tree or the 'European' sounding Achtung Baby
  • Faith No More has Angel Dust, widely considered a landmark of alternative rock with its weird genre mixtures. (though others go for predecessor The Real Thing, which has their Signature Song "Epic").
  • The All That Remains album, The Fall of Ideals, is generally considered their best.


  • Hakeem Olajuwon's 1993-1994 season, winning the MVP, Finals MVP and Defensive Player of the Year awards.
  • Tim Duncan's 2002-2003 season, especially the finals series against the New Jersey Nets.
  • Shaquille O'Neal's 1999-2000 season, in which he captured the MVP, All-star Game MVP and Finals MVP.
  • Georges St. Pierre's TKO victory against Matt Hughes.
    • How can you mention Matt Hughes without citing his victory over Frank Trigg at UFC 52? Matt survived an accidental low blow, a pummeling, a near submission, then got up, PICKED UP TRIGG AND RAN ACROSS THE OCTAGON WITH HIM, threw him down, returned the pummeling, and got a submission of his own. If that's not his Magnum Opus and Crowning Moment of Awesome, I don't know what is.
  • Chuck Liddell's first victory over Randy Couture.
  • The Los Angeles Lakers 1971-1972 season, winning 33 in a row and grabbing the title.
  • Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls in the 1995-1996 season, becoming the first team in NBA history to win 70 regular season games (they won 72 and only lost 10) and cruising to Jordan's 4th title.


Theme Parks

  • For Universal Studios park fans, to date nothing has been able to top Kongfrontation in terms of originality, production value and realism. Especially when it first opened.
  • For the Disney Theme Parks, the original Pirates of the Caribbean ride is considered Imagineering's finest achievement in ride design

Video Games


Game Soundtracks

Web Original

Western Animation

  1. For the record, Samurai Jack is usually considered this anyway