Most Triumphant Example (Sugar Wiki)/G to I

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This is simply what you think is the (not some of the, the) best example of any trope (an objective trope, not subjective, since this already is subjective). The "Crowning Example" if you will.

There could be several reasons you think an example is the best.

  • You thinks it's the best in terms of illustrating the trope.
  • You think it's the most well done.
  • It's your favorite play in that trope.
  • You just really like the source material.

Oh, and each troper gets one example per trope, no more. Also, don't go "no, this is," or phrases like that. This is about our own personal favorites.

Please list tropes alphabetically.


~The Evil Oboist

 Angels sang out in immaculate chorus

As down from the heavens descended Chuck Norris

Who delivered a kick which could shatter bones

Into the crotch of Indiana Jones...

It helps that this is set to the most epic Crowning Music of Awesome EVER. ~ Me2

More lyrics:


Man Without A Body


  Batman (yes, the Batman): Pigs... from a gun!

  1. The skit in question is about 35 seconds in. There's a few other skits in the vid as well outlying Emil's rather obvious crush on the man.
  2. Impact