Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's/Characters

Everything About Fiction You Never Wanted to Know.

This is a list of characters and associated tropes from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's, the second sequel to the original Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and manga series. Characters are referred to by their names in the original Japanese version with alternative spellings/meanings with the Dub equivalent in brackets next to them.

As with on the main page, please be careful when using Fanon-related tropes to edit this page.

WARNING! There are unmarked Spoilers ahead. Beware.

Multiple Character Tropes

Here are some common tropes associated with various characters:

Team 5D's

The main protagonists, consisting of the Signers and their closest allies. Their teamname comes from the 5 Dragon's Birthmarks which helped bring them together.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:
  • Badass Abnormal
  • Blessed with Suck: Signers.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Jack, Yusei, and Crow.
  • Brought Down to Normal: Aki briefly in season 3 with her psychic powers, all of the Signers at the end of the series when they lose their Signer marks (although Aki and Ruka should still retain their separate powers.)
  • Made of Iron: Yusei, Jack and Crow are quite resilient.
    • Averted with Aki; she spends several episodes unconscious after crashing her D-Wheel.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: The Dragon's Birthmark responds to other sources of mystical energy, including but not limited to other Birthmarks, Dark Signers, Rune Eyes, and more.
  • Power Trio: Yusei, Jack, Crow.
    • During the Dark Signer arc Yusei, Jack, and Aki seemed to be shaping up as the three primary duelists of the show, until Crow is elevated to main character status. In Season 3, Aki, Rua, and Ruka form a secondary Power Trio.
  • Three Plus Two: Yusei, Jack and Crow are the three, Aki, Rua and Ruka are the 'two'.
    • Played straighter in the Dark Signer arc before Crow showed up, with Yusei, Jack, and Aki as the three, and Rua and Ruka as the two.

Yusei Fudo

The main character of 5D's and one of the Signers, bearing the Crimson Dragon's Tail ( this is replaced with the Dragon Head at the end of Season 2). He is much more calm and serious than the previous Yu-Gi-Oh! protagonists before him, but he is just as protective of his friends and his cards. This and his considerable skills, earn him a great deal of respect and admiration from his friends.

At first, he lives a slum named Satellite, although he escapes, looking to retrieve his rarest card from his old friend Jack, in Neo Domino City. He spends a brief stint in jail for his trouble, attaining a Criminal Marker, although he is later released. He participates in, and later wins, the Fortune Cup tournament held by Rex Godwin for the purpose of gathering the Signers.

Once all the Signers are gathered, he returns to Satellite to hold a battle with the Dark Signers. He eventually defeats three of the Dark Signers, helping to unite Neo Domino City and Satellite in the process.

In the W.R.G.P. arc, he works as a mechanic, living in Neo Domino City with his friends. He participates in the W.R.G.P. with his friends as Team 5D's. At the same time he works to attain a state of Clear Mind so that he can perform Accel Synchro to defeat the Three Emperors of Yliaster. After winning the tournament he goes up onto the Ark Cradle to prevent the destruction of his hometown for the second time.

At the end of the series, Yusei remains in Neo Domino City, becoming a scientist like his father, and making sure the bad future Yliaster spoke of never comes to pass.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Jack Atlas

Yusei's rival and a Signer with the Wings of the Crimson Dragon. Two years before the series began, he stole Yusei's 1st D-Wheel and Stardust Dragon card, and relocated to Neo Domino City, becoming the 'King of Riding Duels'. Initially very arrogant and self-centered, caring little for others. However, after losing to Yusei in the Fortune Cup and meeting a special friend, he begins to realize where he went wrong and decides to take a different road than the one he took before.

Being a Signer, Jack helps defeat the Dark Signers, including his special friend-turned-lover Carly, and former mentor Rex Godwin.

In the W.R.G.P. arc, Jack lives in Neo Domino City with Yusei and Crow, with a spectacular inability to hold a job. He participates in the W.R.G.P. under Team 5D's as well, gaining a new power, Burning Soul, at the same time. After winning the tournmaent, he also goes onto Ark Cradle to fight Yliaster.

At the end of the series, Jack attempts to defeat his rival Yusei, but fails. He leaves Neo Domino City, traveling around the world to become a true Dueling King.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • A Friend in Need: Carly
  • Always Someone Better: By the end of the series, he's acknowledged as the strongest Signer... except for Yusei.
  • Anti-Hero: Type III.
  • The Atoner
  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: He definitely isn't stupid, but his deck focuses on offense and packs several anti-defense strategies. He also has a tendency to accuse defensive players of being cowards.
    • Given that his deck is built around being nearly relentless in assault, it would probably be classified as the best defense is a good offense. The logic in it is that you can't really do anything to him if you have no cards to put up defense against his gigantic demons of terror. Then he steamrolls you in style while maintaining his flashy deck.
      • Also since he is a showman, he really is not going to impress anyone by using the turtling strategy.
  • Badass Biker
  • Badass Longcoat
  • Berserk Button: An easy way to annoy him is to refer to him as 'former king' or something similar. Oh, and eating his cup ramen.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Gets to do this when several kids' souls are about to be absorbed for Uru's summoning and Yusei has his hands tied.
  • Character Development: Becomes significantly less haughty and selfish during the course of the series.
  • Color Coded for Your Convenience: He wears white and blue. It was a subversion during the first season when he was the main antagonist, but played straight in subsequent seasons.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: He doesn't have many skills outside dueling and fighting, and his Deck doesn't have many strategies other than offensive ones.
  • Deal with the Devil: As of episode 112 with the Crimson Devil's servant, with the Crimson Devil being the most powerful Earthbound God. However, when he awakens his 'Burning Soul' in the next episode, he steals its power instead to make his new ace card.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: With Yusei, though in his case it was more like "Defeat Means Reconciliation".
  • Determinator
  • Et Tu, Brute?: Betrayed his True Companions to get out of Satellite.
  • Evil Laugh: In Episode 76 after knocking out the leader of some D-Wheel thieves, before beating up the entire gang singlehandedly.
  • Expy: Of the original series' Seto Kaiba, as most YGO franchise rivals tend to be. However, Jack is a lot more over-the-top, and is rather more open about his friendship with the other protagonists.
  • Final Boss: Of the Fortune Cup arc. And also of the anime itself, depending on how you see it.
  • Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: He uses this on Yusei in Episode 43.
  • Harem Hero: With Carly, Mina and Stephanie.
  • Heartbroken Badass: When he finds out something bad has happened to Carly and he wasn't there to protect her from it, and then when they have to face each other as enemies.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • Hot-Blooded
  • Incendiary Exponent: When he invokes 'Burning Soul' for the first time in Episode 113, his hand catches fire.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: This Jerkass who treats other people like dirt cries Manly Tears after he hears Yeager's story of only eating ramen because he was so dirt poor. He even offered him boxes and boxes of it.
  • The Lancer
  • Land Down Under: Has an Australian accent in the English dub.
  • Latex Space Suit
  • Large Ham: After all, the king's duel must be entertainment for all! In addition, there's only one king, and IT'S HIM!
  • Lonely at the Top: Revealed by episode 25, which is titled "The Lonely King: Jack Atlas"
  • Lotus Eater Machine: Fall victim to one in Episode 58 but snaps out it due to Carly's glasses.
  • Made of Iron: Taken several D-Wheel spills that should have broken his neck in two by name. Two of those instances do land him in the hospital, though.
  • Mirror Match: When he faces an impostor who has a replica of his Deck (Red Daemon's Dragon included).
  • Monowheel Mayhem: His D-Wheel, the Wheel of Fortune (Phoenix Whirlwind in the dub).
  • No Indoor Voice: Maybe speaking very, very loudly is a requirement to be a king?
  • Purple Eyes
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: When he uses his 'Burning Soul' powers and robs the strongest Earthbound God of its power, melding it with Red Daemons' Dragon to create Scar-Red Nova Dragon.
  • Red Herring Twist: The preview for episode 58 made it seem like Jack was going to become a Dark Signer, but it was actually a case of Carly's Lotus Eater Machine.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The red to Yusei's blue.
    • He's also the Blue Oni to Crow's Red Oni.
  • The Rival
  • Scannable Man: Averted, as he's the only member of Team Satisfaction not to have a Criminal Mark.
  • Screw Destiny: Lampshaded by his card, Change Destiny.
  • Serious Business: Besides the obvious dueling, don't get between Jack and his cup ramen.
  • Technician Versus Performer: Appears to be the performer, but he rarely deviates from tried-and-true methods and he lacks Yusei's creativity, making Jack the technician.
  • Ted Lewis: Dub voice.
  • Together in Death: Attempted. When is forced to defeat a possessed Carly during their Dark Duel where the loser perishes, he intended to use "Shockwave" to end the Duel in a tie so she wouldn't go down alone. However she realized this and quickly triggers "Earthbound Release" to ensure only she dies.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Taking only two episodes to turn the devil into his new ace card counts.
  • Trademark Favourite Food: Blue-Eyes Mountain coffee and cup ramen.
  • Tragic Keepsake: After she dies (and unknown to him, becomes a Dark Signer), he carries around Carly's glasses (until she is revived).
  • Unwanted Harem: Has Carly, Mina and Meido Stephanie chasing after him like lovesick puppies.
  • Unexplained Accent: Dub only.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Crow.

Aki Izayoi (Akiza Izinski)

A Signer bearing the Dragon's Foreclaw and incredible psychic powers, which enable her to manifest her cards in reality. In the past, her uncontrolled powers caused people to fear and reject her, leading to her becoming isolated from the rest of humanity. She initially hated her "wretched mark", believing it to be the cause of her powers and her suffering. When Yusei first met her, she was extremely unstable and violent, having developed a destructive split-personality, and was being manipulated by Divine, who intended to abuse her power. However, through Yusei's efforts, she gradually begins to open her heart to others again, reconciles with her parents who regretted rejecting her, and learns to control her psychic powers.

In the W.R.G.P. arc, Aki re-enrolls in the local Duel Academia, quickly rising to become the best student in her year. She uses her Psychic powers several times over to save herself and others from harm. She learns how to ride a D-Wheel, becoming part of Team 5D's pit crew and also serving as a benchwarmer, or substitute, for the team. Staying true to this role, Aki briefly substitutes for Crow when the latter crashes and is injury-stricken. She crashes herself on her D-Wheel and temporarily goes into a coma courtesy of Team Catastrophe. She gets better, although she appears to have lost her Psychic powers. She later comes to peace with this, saying she no longer needs them, although her powers re-manifest to save herself, Crow, and Sherry from harm, and discovers she can use them to heal.At the end of the series, Aki leaves Japan to study and become a doctor, in Germany.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Action Girl: Begins as one of the franchise's biggest. And then... (see Chickification)
  • Actor Allusion: Whether done intentionally or not, Aki is a possible case of this for her Seiyuu, Ayumi Kinoshita. Look her up on The Other Wiki and one of her few other roles is Jasmine of Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger, who also has psychic powers.
  • All Girls Want Bad Boys
  • Ax Crazy: While in her Black Rose Witch persona.
  • Broken Bird: She starts off in the series as lonely and angry for the world shunning him off it only took a while for Yusei to get her back
  • Biker Babe: As of Episode 75. She also gets a really nifty red and black bike suit that hugs her curves tightly.
  • Bad Powers, Good People: Post Heel Face Turn.
  • Brought Down to Normal: She lost her powers while being attacked by Hidden Knight - Hook. The exact reason why has yet to be explained.
    • Subverted, she gets them back.
  • Celebrity Voice Actor: In the Japanese version, she was voiced by model/actress Ayumi Kinoshita.
  • Character Development: She makes peace with her two primary sources of suffering in her life and mellows out, although there is much debate about how well this was handled, including....
  • Chickification: Watch Episode 22 and 72 in succession. You might be surprised to learn that the Axe Crazy Dark Magical Girl who leaves her opponent in a smoldering crater over some personal insults of the former, and the Smitten Teenage Girl Tsundere who spends the entire episode fawning over Yusei and thinking about how awesome Riding Duels are of the latter, are actually the same person.
    • Most of Aki's Chickification, however, isn't in her personality (the first arc always implied Aki was really a misunderstood sweetie rather than the monster everybody treated her as) but rather in her underutilization in the show's second half, and just when Episode 75 made a pretty promising direction of Aki becoming a Riding Duelist herself.
  • The Chick: In Season 3, natch.
  • Cool Big Sis: Rua refers to her as 'Big Sis Aki' (Aki-nee-chan).
  • Dark Action Girl: As the Black Rose Witch.
  • Dark Magical Girl: When she first appeared.
  • Defeat Means Friendship: It took two defeats and some of Yusei's Battle Therapy.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Gradually, after meeting Yusei in the Fortune Cup.
  • Demoted to Extra: Aki was initially the third-billed character of the series behind Yusei and Jack, appearing in such a role in the opening, ending, and being almost as important in the plot of the first season. Come Season 2 however Crow was the third hero, and Aki spent much of her time pre-occupied by school and/or convenient plot injuries. As a result her character arc for the season is only glossed over, and once Team Unicorn is defeated she's pretty much forgotten entirely.
  • Drama-Preserving Handicap
  • Expy: Puh-lease, its so easy you should not need to read this.
  • Fingerless Gloves
  • A Friend in Need: Yusei considers her one of these when he first helps her.
  • Hot Witch: Post Heel Face Turn, which really comes to show in how she styles herself for Riding Duels. You don't wear a strategically-unzipped biking suit for nothing.
  • Heel Face Turn
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: She eventually comes to accept and control her powers, using them for good though. She appears to actually lose her powers, but later gets them back, and is revealed to be able to heal.
  • Kill It with Fire: Black Rose Dragon. It's attack is named "Black Rose Flare."
  • Latex Space Suit: Her riding outfit is rather form-fitting, as is pretty much mandatory for female characters. The nice thing about it? She names it (yes, the bike suit) the Bloody Kiss according to the Tag Force games. Aki is definitely still a witch.
  • Letting Her Hair Down: Her Power Limiter is also her hairband, so when she goes all out in the first season, her bangs fall over to partially cover her face.
  • Ms. Fanservice: Has a few moments, but particularly when she dons her Riding Duel bike suit. In fact, Aki wears no bra while in the suit and keeps it partially zipped up to leave a Cleavage Window.
  • Of Corsets Sexy
  • Parental Abandonment: After her powers awakened, Aki's parents couldn't accept her anymore. It takes a while, but they eventually make up.
  • Power Incontinence: Like many Psychic duelists, she wasn't able to turn her manifestation power off, until her 2nd Duel with Yusei when her father was in danger.
  • Power Limiter: Aki's hairband supposedly acts as a restraint for her powers. It's not known whether it is a Magic Feather or not.
  • Psychic Powers: Can manifest her cards in reality.
  • The Smart Guy
  • Smitten Teenage Girl
  • Something About a Rose: Roses are a major part of both her and her deck's motif.
  • Split Personality: She developed one of these when she couldn't handle the guilt of hurting people anymore.
  • Tentacle Rope: A power of her 'Rose Tentacles' monster card. Use gratuitously during her first duel with Yusei.
  • White Mask of Doom: She wore one of these as the Black Rose Witch. It was broken after her first duel with Yusei.
  • Whip It Good: Another part of her deck. A particular example is Black Rose Dragon when equipped with Thorn of Hatred/Thorn of Malice.
  • You Go, Girl!: Season 3
    • Episode 75 in particular, where she is discriminated against for being an aspiring female D-Wheeler.

Rua and Ruka (Leo and Luna)

Two twins hailing from the Tops, an especially luxurious area of Neo Domino City. They met Yusei after he recovered his D-Wheel from Security, giving him shelter and since then, they have supported him in every way they can. Since their parents were usually at work, they were usually alone together, educated via the Internet and spending most of their time indoors.

Rua is the lively and blundering older twin. He is generally overconfident (though this changes slightly after an incident at the Arcadia Movement) and is prone to crying when he loses. Ruka is more calm and collected of the two. She is a Signer, bearing the Rear Claw Birthmark. She has had the ability to speak to spirits since an incident at the age of 3, where she fell into a coma and her mind lived in the Spirit Realm for a month. This power peaks when she duels but it also tires her out.

Ruka has a tendency to point out the flaws in her brother's plans, which gets on his nerves, but despite this they both deeply care for one another - Rua was always by her side while she was comatose, and gave himself the task of protecting her, even going so far as to face a Dark Signer so she didn't have to get hurt. It's through this Dark Signer that Ruka finally receives her Signer dragon, Ancient Fairy Dragon.

In the W.R.G.P. arc, Rua and Ruka are more social, spending more time outdoors and attending the local Duel Academia. Both twins learn to ride the D-Boards, dueling boards equivalent to the D-Wheel being a dueling motorcycle. The twins become part of Team 5D's pit crew, mostly staying by the sidelines. They later go up upon the Ark Cradle, dueling Aporia with Jack. Despite his best efforts, every action Rua takes is thrown back up in his face, hurting Ruka and Jack, as Aporia attempts to visit upon him his own despair. Rua is briefly killed by Aporia, but manages to be revived with the help of Ancient Fairy Dragon and the Crimson Dragon, giving him a new birthmark bonded to the Rear claw, the "Heart" of the Crimson Dragon. Rua also receives a Signer Dragon, "Life Stream Dragon", which is the true form of Rua's Power Tool Dragon.

At the end of the series, Rua and Ruka leave Neo Domino City to live with their parents. Eight years later, Rua is working his way up to be Riding Duel Champion, and Ruka attends a university in London.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Crow Hogan

A friend of Yusei and Jack, who takes care of a group of children and steals in order to provide for them. Orphaned when his parents were killed during the Zero Reverse, he wandered Satellite alone for a long time, never receiving any care or a formal education. However that all changed after discovering some cards in a dump - from those he gained knowledge and skills as well as friends. Reckless and daring, he will rise to any challenge. He is a formidable duelist and rides a Custom D-Wheel, Blackbird, with various modifications (including wings inspired by the legend of the Daedalus Bridge, and an anti-theft shocker). During the climax of the Dark Signer Arc, he inherits Yusei's Dragon Tail, becoming a new Signer whilst Yusei gains the Dragon Head.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Bruno / Antinomy/ Johnny

An amnesiac young man whom Mikage and Ushio have Yusei, Jack, and Crow look after. Despite this handicap, he possesses exceptional mechanical skills. Interestingly, he shares many characteristics with Dark Glass, such as hair and eye color, voice, and left-handedness. They are one and the same.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Satellite Residents

Rally Dawson

A young boy who idolizes Yusei.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bar Code Tattoo: The first one shown.
  • Expy: Of Mokuba.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: During Yusei's first battle with Rudger, when things begin to go pear-shaped for the Dark Signer, he switches places with Rally. Rather than let Yusei be killed, he takes out Uru and his LP to ensure Yusei can continue.
  • Not Quite Dead
  • She's a Man In Japan: The Latin American dub switched his gender.

Saiga (Blister)

A friend of Jin Himuro and a "Jack of all Trades", who helped Yusei reclaim his Deck and D-Wheel from Security after he was freed from the Detention Center. He was once a Tag Riding Champion, but an accident led to his partner Yuji being severely injured. His only memento of his friend is their burnt "Machiner's Sniper" card, which Saiga initially believed was sent to him out of spite. However, Yusei convinces him otherwise. He later sneaks into Satellite to check up on Yusei's friends. After Neo Domino and Satellite are connected, he stays in the Satellite area rather than heading back to his old home.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


Yusei's foster mother who runs an orphanage in Satellite and is regarded as a parental figure by abandoned children in Satellite. She took care of Yusei after he was injured during his first duel with Kiryu, and later encouraged him to go to help Aki (he was reluctant to do so as it probably meant fighting a friend again and the duel with Kiryu had left him with fear and doubt, but Martha knew that this was necessary to open his heart up again). She also played a major role in Ushio's Heel Face Turn.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the characters goes here.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:

Neo-Domino Residents

Jin Himuro (Bolt Tanner)

A respected inmate at the Detention Center, who was a former Pro Duelist. However after being crushed by Jack, he spiraled into drink and depression, getting involved in underground duelling and eventually ending up at the Detention Center. Little more than a bully at first, he became one of Yusei's allies after Yusei defeated him using Yanagi's seemingly 'worthless' Deck, getting him fired up for the first time in ages.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Yanagi Tenzen (Tenzen Yanagi)

An eccentric and enthusiastic old man who befriends Yusei on the way to the Detention Center after seeing the Crimson Dragon's appearance. Having traveled extensively, he has some knowledge concerning ancient treasures and the legend of the People of the Stars.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Hideo/Setsuko Izayoi (Mr. and Mrs. Izinski)

The parents of Aki Izayoi. After an incident when she was young triggered her psychic power, they didn't know how to accept her anymore, eventually leading to her running away from home. After Aki was left in a coma after the attack on the Arcadia Movement, they visited her in hospital, blaming themselves for what had happened. With Yusei's help, they were able to reconcile with their daughter.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Dr. Fudo

Yusei's father and the lead developer of Old Momentum. Rex and Rudger Godwin were his assistants. He had wanted to stop the project after realising the risks involved, but ended up being replaced by Rudger. He managed to reclaim 3 of the cards needed to seal Old Momentum's Safety Controllers and entrusted them to Rex Godwin. He was killed in the Zero Reverse shortly afterwards, but was able to ensure his son's survival beforehand.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A shy cafe waitress who has a crush on Jack, and is another rival for Carly and Mikage.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the characters goes here.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:
  • Apron Matron: Zora (Yusei, Jack and Crow's landlady in the third arc).
  • Combat Commentator: The Master of Ceremonies.
  • Double Entendre: Dick Pitt. Probably the reason his name got changed in the dub.
  • Gratuitous English: The Master of Ceremonies with his catchphrase; "EVERYBODY LISTEN!!!".
  • The Remnant: Mukuro Enjo.
  • Smarter Than They Look: Mukuro Enjo, in both anime and manga, finds ways to exploit format which haven't yet been repeated by others, with his Speed Accel Deck in the anime exploiting the Speed World Field card and Speed Counters, while in the manga he runs a Stall Attack Deck, having figured out that he can exploit the first-to-finish-wins rule by simply attacking, as even if no damage is done his Feel will slow down his opponent.
  • What Could Have Been: In-universe. Apparently, in Z-One's original timeline, Enjo was not only a good friend of Aki and Yusei, but the three of them won the Pegasus J. Crawford Cup Trinidad Riding Duel Grand Prix.
  • Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe: Jill De Lancebeaux in the dub.

Duel Academy

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Public Security Maintenance Bureau

Rex Godwin (Rex Goodwin)

I am no more than a man who dreams of the evolution of Neo Domino City and peace for the world. However, I would not hesitate to sacrifice one side...to capitalize on another for existential necessities.

See Dark Signers

A description of the character goes here.

Jeager (Lazar)

Godwin's right-hand man and the bureau's Head of Special Investigations in the first two arcs. Effeminate, slightly sadistic, and egotistical. His arrogance quickly gives way to cowardice when his life is in danger. He leaves his post after being left to die by Placido and goes into hiding with his family. However Yusei's group find him in order to find out what he knows about Yliaster. After the Three Emperors leave their post in the Bureau to compete in the WRGP finals, Jeager becomes the Bureau's director.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mikage Sagiri (Mina Simington)

Godwin's meek secretary who watches over Jack. She does her best to be useful, but often unintentionally sparks her superiors' wrath. She has feelings towards Jack, and is jealous of Carly for the attention she receives. In Season 3, she is Head of Special Investigations.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Tetsu Ushio (Trudge)

A member of Security who operated within Satellite. After losing to Yusei in the first episode, he developed a grudge against him and vowed to crush him. He fought Yusei two more times, once when Yusei escaped Satellite via the pipeline between the cities (which gave him a scar on his cheek) and when Yusei attempted to reclaim his D-Wheel from a Security Warehouse - losing both times.

Later, he flew the Signers, Mikage and Rua to Satellite on Godwin's orders. While at Martha's place, he began to respect Satellite residents more after learning how one of the children, Takuya, admired Security for trying to save his father and wanted to become one someday (despite the fact that Satellite residents couldn't join Security). After Yusei's initial duel with Rudger, he became one of Yusei's allies and has accompanied his group during the fight against the Dark Signers. He has worked with Mikage on several occasions and has developed a crush on her, though he is aware of her feelings for Jack.

By Season 3, he is working as Mikage's partner and has been promoted to the position of Assistant Chief of Special Investigations.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Takasu (Armstrong)

A terrible prison Warden in the Alcatraz-esque prison facility. He was ordered to find out more about Yuusei's mark, resorting to various torture methods involving electrocution. Considering how he treats those who end up in his prison from Satellite, it's not too much of a stretch to imagine him as being pretty much the worst villain in the entire show for someone without powers. He's sick, twisted, and has a complete lack of care for his inmates, often cheating and scheming to get what he wants, having stripped the decks from all of the inmates. He challenges Yuusei to a Duel despite knowing he's confiscated Yuusei's deck, but Yuusei constructs a new one of cards saved by each inmate who offers him one. With a mixed matched deck, Yuusei challenges and defeats the cheating warden, sending currents of electricity through his body that nearly knock him down for good. He is later removed by Godwin.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the characters goes here.

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:

Arcadia Movement

Divine (Sayer)

The leader of the Arcadia Movement. His organization offers refuge for psychic duelists rejected by society, but conducts experiments on people with psychic potential at the same time. One of his goals is to raise an army to wage war on the world to take revenge on all the people who reject and revile the psychic duelists and made him what he is. He was the first person who ever accepted Aki and gave her a home, even if only because of her strong psychic powers.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Dark Signers

The antagonists for the second arc of 5D's. Just as the Crimson Dragon chose the Signers, the Jibakushin chose the Dark Signers. Dark Signers are people who have been revived by the Jibakushin upon their death, usually because they have died harboring revenge towards one of the Signers, hungered for power or in one case, displayed a great will to live. According to Rex Godwin, this transformation is irreversible as they are already dead (he's wrong).

Tropes exhibited by these characters include:

Rudger Godwin (Roman Goodwin)

By the time I even realized, my fate was in the hands of the Gods. I chose the darkness in my own heart. This world will soon be reborn! That is my answer!

The leader of the Dark Signers, bearing the Spider's Birthmark. The older brother of Rex Godwin, and like him, the former assistant of Dr. Fudo, whom he replaced as lead developer on the Old Momentum Project just before the Zero Reverse occurred.

It is later revealed that he was the original bearer of the Dragon's Head (rather than his brother as many fans suspected) who was driven mad by the Jibakushin after looking into Momentum's light. While he still had a small bit of sanity left, he severed his arm and gave it to Rex, telling him to gather the Signers to stop him. He then let Old Momentum run out of control, dying in the resulting explosion and being reborn as a Dark Signer.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Demak (Devack)

The Dark Signer with the Monkey's Birthmark. Nothing was revealed about his past, but he was supposed to bear hatred towards the Signers for unknown reasons. He was responsible for the corruption of the Spirit World through his servant Zeman and held control over the seal on Ruka's dragon. He was the first Dark Signer to fall, through the combined efforts of Rua and Ruka.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Kyosuke Kiryu (Kalin Kessler)

The Dark Signer chosen to bear the Giant's Birthmark, Kiryu was once the leader of Team Satisfaction, a group consisting of himself, Yusei, Jack and Crow. Together they managed to defeat every other Duel Gang around and 'conquer' Satellite. However he wasn't satisfied with this and kept looking for more enemies to defeat, becoming more sadistic and eventually causing his teammates to desert him.

This culminated in him provoking Security, severely injuring an officer before being arrested. A misunderstanding led Kiryu to believe that Yusei betrayed him, when he was actually trying to take the fall for Kiryu. Kiryu later died in prison and became a Dark Signer to take revenge.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Kiryu: I told you, I'm a God of Death. Gods of Death don't die.

Carly Nagisa (Carly Carmine)

When I cheer on someone doing their best, I think I can do a little better myself. That alone makes me happy.

An unsuccessful, clumsy and nervous reporter, who becomes tangled up in the events of the series after noticing the Dragon's Birthmark during Yusei and Jack's duel at the end of the Fortune Cup. In the process, she learns many secrets, but something usually prevents her from writing a story. She uses a Fortune-Telling Deck to read her own fortune and decide on her actions.

She meets Jack Atlas when he is attacked by a possessed Ushio and after helping Jack fend him off, safeguards him from the media at her home. During his stay with her, she learns about his past and how foolish he has been, and gives him some advice that helps him to find his way. As events become more dangerous, he leaves her behind for her own safety, but having developed feelings for him, she follows his trail - with disastrous consequences.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Misty Lola (Misty Tredwell)

(to Aki) Nothing will make him come back now. But, I want you to apologize at the very least... by going to where he is and doing so!

The Dark Signer with the Lizard Birthmark. She was a top model, and like Carly, practiced fortune-telling (though she read people by facial appearance rather than through cards). She became a Dark Signer after her brother was killed. Misty fell into depression following his death, leading to her losing focus and crashing her car in the ocean. While in hospital, she was spared by Ccarayhua and instructed to kill Aki - the one believed to be responsible.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Dead Little Brother: Her younger brother, Toby, was a psychic duelist who admired Aki. About a year before the series began, he was found dead and barely recognizable in the Daimon Area, supposedly crushed by falling debris from one of Aki's duels ( in actuality, he had been taken for experimentation by Divine and suffered a heart attack while being electrocuted).
  • Foreshadowing: She sees the 'shadow of death' about Carly, predicting her death in the near-future. And sure enough, 8 episodes later...
  • Gorgeous Gorgon: She uses a gorgon deck.
  • Hall of Mirrors: Made her last stand in one, and has a field spell called Mirror Labyrinth.
  • Junko Minagawa: Her seiyuu.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She's a pro fashion model, so of course she knows to look sexy.
  • Taken for Granite: What her gorgon monsters like to do to her opponent's monsters.

Bommer (Greiger)

Bommer initially appeared as a participant in the Fortune Cup - an honorable duelist, proud yet stoic, who was perfectly willing to admonish the crowd at the Stadium when they started to speak ill of Yusei due to his marker. He comes from a destitute village, and like Crow, learned everything he knows from Duel Monsters Cards.

He was in a deal with Godwin to expose the Signers in the tournament in return for financial aid for his village. However before his duel with Yusei, Bommer learned that his village had been destroyed, apparently by one of Godwin's experiments to summon the Crimson Dragon. This led to him attacking Godwin after he was defeated, only to be stopped by Yusei. Afterwards, he was arrested by Security. During the attack on the Arcadia Movement, he was freed from custody by Demak who invited him to join the Dark Signers to get revenge on Yliaster for his village's destruction. Later, when Demak was defeated, Rudger hung Bommer over Old Momentum in order to make him a replacement Dark Signer, giving him the Killer Whale Birthmark and a second chance at revenge.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Bommer: This man is undoubtedly a duelist, selected under the same conditions as we were. If one has cards, marker or no marker, they are the same as everyone else, and the people standing here should be ashamed of nothing. It is all of you, looking at him through your trivial rose-colored glasses, who are nothing short of vicious.

Rex Godwin/Goodwin

Friends, bonds, legends, love - What good have they done? Have they managed to even put a dent in destiny!? Destiny merely scoffs at us, unchanged! However, I shall proceed upon the remaining path... I shall create a new world!!

The director of Neo Domino's Public Security Maintenance Bureau and the leader of Yliaster. He is responsible for transforming Neo Domino into it's current, hierarchical state, and for isolating Satellite (to act as the battleground for the war between the Signers and the Dark Signers, and as a decoy to protect Neo Domino). Cold, calm and calculating, he is perfectly willing to sacrifice innocent lives to achieve his goals and preserve his utopia.

It is later revealed that he was a former developer in M.I.D.S. and an assistant to Yusei's father along with his older brother, Rudger. Shortly before the Zero Reverse, he was entrusted with 3 of the cards necessary to operate Old Momentum's safety switches, his brother's severed arm bearing the Dragon's Head, and the mission to bring together the Signers to defeat Rudger. He is also the Legendary D-Wheeler from the legend of the Daedalus Bridge, having flown from Satellite to Neo Domino, losing his left arm in the process.

Acting on his promise to his brother, he gathered the Signers and sent them to defeat his brother, while thinking of a way to break the 5000 year cycle. He eventually came to the conclusion that only a God's power could change fate, and decided to acquire the powers of both the Crimson Dragon and the King of the Underworld to become the Ultimate God and create an 'ideal' world.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Yusei: Isn't that what we call a bond?

  • Kick the Dog: He's the Legendary Man from Daedalus Bridge, and quite relishes in pointing out how he failed, with the result of absolutely hammering Crow, who held the Legendary Man as an idol.
  • Large Ham: After his ascension to godhood, his previously affable personality is replaced by a much more grandiose and bombastic one.
  • Maddie Blaustein: First voice of Rex in the dub, replaced by Pete Zarustica when she passed away in her sleep from natural causes (not that you'd be able to tell the difference anyway).
  • Mr. Exposition: Initially.
  • Robotic Reveal: His prosthetic was revealed when he caught a spike that broke off Bommer's D-Wheel and it shredded his glove.
  • Together in Death: After he is defeated by Yusei, he walks into the afterlife with his brother.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means: Both in his plan to create an 'ideal' world and in his isolation of Satellite to act as a battleground.
  • Villainous Breakdown: After Yusei's will causes him to lose the Full Dragon's Birthmark.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Rather than risk an uncertain future in which the world is threatened with destruction every 5000 years, he decided to destroy the world and recreate one without the cycle of conflict between Signers and Dark Signers.
  • White Gloves: Hides his prosthetic with these.
  • Yin-Yang Bomb: Becomes a Signer and a Dark Signer at the same time.


Sherry Le Blanc

A new D-Wheeler introduced during the third arc who challenges Yusei, intending to recruit him for her team. She reveals that Yliaster is involved in the Grand Prix, and her motivation for entering it is to get revenge on Yliaster for killing her parents.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Mizoguchi (Elsworth)

Sherry's butler, who has protected and raised her from childhood ever since her parents were killed by Yliaster. He will follow her at all costs.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

"Dark Glass" ("Vizor") / Antinomy / Johnny

A mysterious rider who challenges Yusei when he is worrying about the incident concerning Ghost, telling him to "surpass his limit." He helps Yusei overcome his fears, and shows him an alternative way of fighting called Accel Synchro. He is the only D-Wheeler so far to be left-handed. Revealed to be Bruno as of Episode 107 (as many had suspected).

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A mysterious duelist who has been infecting and destroying D-Wheels. It is actually a prototype 'Riding Roid' which was developed by Security to assist in tackling D-Wheel related crimes, but was purloined by Placido, who wanted to give his new cards a test drive, and programmed to hunt down any D-Wheelers holding Synchro monsters. Placido later uses Yusei's engine program to upgrade an army of Riding Roids similar to Ghost, which he later unleashes upon the D-Wheelers at the WRGP in attempt to complete the Circuit sooner.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Team Unicorn (Andore, Breo and Jean)

A strong Riding Team that were Team 5D's first opponents in the WRGP.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Jean: The more you try to defend against Breo, the more you'll be dragged into Hell with nowhere to escape.

Team Catastrophe (Nicholas, Hans and Hermann)

Team 5D's second opponents in the Preliminaries. They acquired a 'dark card' from Placido which they use to make their opponents crash.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Team Ragnarok: Dragan, Brave (Broder) and Harald (Halldor)

Team 5D's newest rivals as of Episode 118, these 3 duelists were shown to be very important, and immune to Yliaster's changes to history due to having a new set of God Cards, the Tripolar gods, all 3 based on Norse mythology. They are notable for being the very first Divine Type Monsters since the 3 Egyptian god cards from the very first series, as well as the first Divine type of Synchro monsters.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Back from the Dead: Doubles as Death Is Cheap. This is the main effect of the three gods, which give a bonus when coming back. Brave, being the cunning duelist he is, exploits the hell out of Thor's in his duels with Jack and Crow.
  • Background Boss: Odin, who is so absurdly huge he has to stay on the background.
  • The Berserker: When not dueling, Harald is perfectly calm and collected. During an actual duel... Not so much.
  • British Accents: Harald, dub only.
  • Dub Name Change: Brave to Broder, and Harald to Halldor in the English dub. Oddly enough, Dragan keeps his name from the Japanese version.
  • The Fatalist
  • Freudian Trio: Brave/Broder is the Id, Dragan is the Ego, and Harald/Halldor is the Superego.
  • Hero Antagonist: They want to stop Team New World (The Three Emperors of Yliaster), but are unwilling to work together with the Signers, because of Yusei's father being the one who created Momentum (which led to Zero Reverse).
  • Large and In Charge: The most powerful of the Polar Gods, Odin, wielded by Harald, is probably the largest monster to date, towering over the city and easily dwarfing the other two.
    • To put it in perspective, the entire duel, Odin is in the background, and he's STILL bigger than the other two.
  • Masaya Onosaka: Harald's seiyuu.
  • Norse Mythology: Most of their cards are based on this.
  • Not So Different: Brave cares for a group of children and is a trickster duelist, just like Crow.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: The Polar God cards they hold protect them from temporal distortions.
  • Shout-Out: One is obvious, the 3 polar gods being based on Norse Mythology, with Thor, Loki, and Odin. Another is that when Dragan summons Thor, he gains a green mark in his eye similar to another certain eye power.
    • Which the other two members share, having a different type of rune in each eye to represent their respective polar god.
  • Talking to Himself: In the dub version, Harald and Jack are voiced by the same person, Ted Lewis, and spend pretty much the entire Ragnarok exposition episode like this.
  • Throwing the Fight: During Jack's reign as King, Dragan participated in a fixed match against him in order to get financial aid for his injured father. He isn't happy about it (and neither is Jack when he finds out).
  • The Trickster: Brave is considered one, as well as his Polar God, Loki, who is the Trickster God of Norse Mythology.
  • Unexplained Accent: Harald with his British accent, dub only. Since he's supposed to be Norwegian.

Team Taiyou (Taro, Yoshizo, and Jinbe)

Another new team and Team 5Ds' third opponent. They only have one D-wheel that Yusei fixes and they have classic cards from the first Generation of Duel Monsters Yusei seems to recognize as being similar to Yugi's deck.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


The Three Emperors of Yliaster

A mysterious trio from Yliaster who succeed Godwin as Head of the Bureau, and the main antagonists of the third arc. Not much is known about them, but they apparently intend to use power of the duelists competing in the WRGP to complete a "circuit" with which they can discover the 'location of god' and attain an even greater power. Their main goal, however, is to change the future by destroying Neo Domino City.

During Team 5D's confrontation with them in the W.R.G.P, it was revealed that they are, in fact, the same being divided into three, each of them representing a period of despair in the life of the man called Aporia.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Bad Triumvirate
    • Later deposed in favor of a single Big Bad, their true form Aporia.
  • Big, Thin, Short Trio
  • But for Me It Was Tuesday: They have "erased" a lot of people throughout the years, so many they don't recall specific people, such as Sherry's parents.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Each of them represent the three different times Aporia crossed it.
    • Lucciano represents the time when he lost his parents.
    • Placido represents the time when he lost the one he loved.
    • Jose represents the time when he was the only person left alive (actually one of the last four people alive), slowly driven mad by the loneliness.
  • Dub Name Change: One of 4Kids most embarrasing ones yet. They are called Primo (Placido), Lester (Lucciano) and Jakob (Jose).
    • Plus not to mention that the English version disrupts the Theme Naming the Japanese version employed.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: Played straight with Jose and subverted with Luciano's shrill, nightmarish wail of a voice.
  • Eyepatch of Power: Sorta. Luciano and Placido have metal plates with the Infinity symbol on them covering one of their eyes. Placido's covers his right eye while Luciano's covers his left eye.
  • Fan Nickname: The Tenors, see Theme Naming.
  • Fusion Dance: Jose and Placido can merge with their D-Wheels.
    • Also, how Aporia was created.
  • Gratuitous Spanish: "Diablo", the name of the Riding Roid army headed by Placido, is Spanish for 'Devil'. Also, Jose is about as stereotypically Spanish a name as it gets.
  • Gratuitous Italian: Placido's upgraded form is called Placido Ripresa with Ripresa being Italian for recovery.
  • Knight Templar
  • Master of Disguise: Both Luciano and Placido do this to trick Rua and Ruka.
  • A Million Is a Statistic
  • Numerological Motif: Infinity.
  • Power Crystal: They each have one of these on their forehead.
  • Robotic Reveal: Turns out Placido is an android with the compatibility to merge with his D-Wheel. Luciano and Jose are later revealed to be the same.
  • Technopath: Placido, to a certain extent. Justified in that he's an android.
  • Theme Naming: The three of them are named after the Three Tenors: Jose Carreras, Placido Domingo and Luciano Pavarotti (now deceased).
  • Time Travel: They have access to this allowing them to rewrite history to a certain extent, such as erasing Momentum Express and Luciano's time at Duel Academy, and inserting themselves into the W.R.G.P.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: They fiercely believe in this, and Placido even compares the humans' struggle to survive to the dance of worker bees. They don't dance because they want to, but because it is their role written by fate itself. And just to punch in some extra symbolism, the bee's dance describes the Infinity symbol. Jose also revealed that is their task to make sure history stays on a predetermined course, and as such they have a bone to pick with Yusei, because the discovery of Momentum by his father jacked up everything.
  • You Have Failed Me...: They erase Clark from history after his attempt to dispose of Yusei.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: They leave Jeager and Team Catastrophe to die without blinking an eye once they stop being useful.

Placido (Primo)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Arch Enemy: Placido feels Yusei is his, for defeating the first Ghost. Yusei doesn't even know he exists until Placido confronts him directly.
  • Berserk Button: He gets a bit annoyed when his fellow Emperors suggest that he might not be able to defeat Yusei.
  • Cool Sword: It also doubles as his duel disk. He also plugs it into his D-Wheel in order to fuse with it.
  • Half the Man He Used To Be: He certainly came off worse for wear after his duel with Yusei. Fortunately for him, since he is an android, he gets better.
  • Revenge Before Reason: Placido is so obsessed with killing Yusei that Jose and Luciano are worried that he will screw up their plans.
  • White-Haired Pretty Boy

Luciano (Lester)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Jose (Jakob)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Bald of Evil
  • Badass Grandpa: Episode 110 cements him as this when he easily defeats Sherry in a fight and just in case anyone doubted his dueling prowess, in episodes 132 and 133 he Curb Stomps Jack and takes out Crow without much trouble at all.
  • Large and In Charge: Jose is the largest and most senior member of the group, and has referred to himself as the leader of the Three Emperors. In parallel to that, his Machine Emperor Grannel also easily towers over both Wisel and Skiel.
  • Mind Over Matter: Used to retrieve Placido's remains and to stop a meteor (the tablet containing his Machine Emperor) midfall.
  • Really Long Beard of Evil
  • Unusual Eyebrows: That piece of hair sticking out from under Jose's hood? That's his eyebrow.
  • Super Strength: Displayed when he and Luciano are attacked by Sherry and Mizoguchi.
  • Shout-Out: Combined with the above, Jose is one to The Six Million Dollar Man of all things, having a similar style of Super Speed along with his strength to said character.
  • Takayuki Sugo: His seiyuu.


I am Aporia, guardian of despair.

The true combined form of the Emperors (who are based on three different stages in his life), revealed in the WRGP final. Aporia is one of the few survivors in the destroyed future.

As a child, he lost his parents during the Machine Emperors' invasion, and later fought in the war against them where he lost his lover as well. After civilization was destroyed by Momentum going out of control, he wandered the world in despair, desperately looking for any other survivors.

Eventually he found Z-One, Bruno/Antinomy and Paradox, and together they searched for a way to undo the destruction. However, Bruno/Antinomy and Paradox died of old age, and Aporia soon followed. Before dying, he spoke to Z-One of the three despairs he had felt and entrusted the task of putting the future right to him.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Anti-Villain: hoo boy, where to begin? His goal to erase Neo Domino City will kill everyone. But the sheer hell he went through in the war between the Machine Emperors and Humans and the despair he has felt through it all can't help but give him immense sympathy points. Surprisingly, none of these qualities appeared in the emperors of Yliaster.
  • Back from the Dead Let's see. Z-One intially revived him as an android. Then, he is reconstructed and returns good as new after losing to Yusei and exploding. Then, he loses to Jack, Rua, and Ruka, and appears to die then. But, he returns again to challenge Z-One, although after losing to Z-One he dies for real.
    • This is not even counting Placido, one of his three embodiments, returning good-as-new after being torn in half by Shooting Star Dragon.
  • Beyond the Impossible: As far as the ridicolousness of his design and D-Wheel goes. Just look at him!
  • Climax Boss
  • Despair Event Horizon: Crossed it thrice. That sure will do some good to your sanity.
  • Disc One Final Boss: Appeared to be the Big Bad, but he is later revealed to be this when the Ark Cradle descends.
  • Final Boss: Of the 4Kids dub of 5D's, due to that dub skipping the last seventeen episodes.
  • Fusion Dance: He is the result.
  • Heel Face Turn: Makes one in episode 146, and promptly challenges the Big Bad Z-One, his own friend, to a duel for the sake of Team 5D's.
  • Irony: In his Duel with Z-One, the last card he draws, the one directly responsible for making him lose is Machine Emperor Grannel Infinity.
    • Also, just this line from the dub. The trick is that the 'ending' of the dub is actually seventeen episodes before the actual conclusion of 5D's

Aporia: I can assure you that the ending is worth the wait.

Aporia: Young boy, this is despair. (Shot of Rua in tears). Turn end.

  • Red Eyes, Take Warning
  • Redemption Equals Death
  • Rule of Three: Everywhere. Three embodiments, three despairs three Machine Emperors, three Machine Imperial Soldiers. And Grannel screws him over three times, first by killing his parents, second by killing 'the one he loved', and the third time when he draws it at the end of his Duel with Z-one, costing him the game and his life.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Has one when he finally realizes Yusei is about to defeat him. Has a bigger one after Rua becomes a Signer, and things go downhill very quickly for him.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He intends To destroy an entire city and its millions of habitants, yes, but in doing so he will avoid The End of the World as We Know It.
  • Wham! Line: "The three of us are one. My name is Aporia."
  • The Worf Effect: Let's face it, his entire Duel with Z-One consists of him being curbstomped by his boss's cards just to hype Z-one up for the Duel with Yusei. To be fair, on a level it is Justified, Aporia's Deck is Anti-Synchro most of all and Z-One doesn't use Synchros.


A mysterious mechanical being that dwells within a cyberspace area that has connections with Bruno and the Yliaster Trio (and possibly Yusei). It was first seen when Yusei, Sherry and Bruno were brought to it's world by the power of the 'Z-One' card. It later provided Yusei with a card with which to complete an Accel Synchro after he achieved the state of mind necessary to use it.

It is later revealed that Zone is the last known survivor of the destroyed future. Along with Bruno, Aporia and Paradox, he had tried to find a way to undoing the destruction, but his allies eventually died of old age. When Aporia was on his deathbed, Zone promised him that he would do everything he could to change the future.
Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • A God Am I: The Three Emperors and Antinomy have referred to him as a 'God of Destiny', and he says this to Yusei at the start of their battle.

ZONE: Yusei Fudo, though you may have come this far with the intention to cut open the future with your own power... everything has merely traveled along the rails that I have laid out. To you, I am the equivalent of a God. [...] In order to change the future, Zero Reverse was caused and your lives were changed dramatically. You were orphaned, living in Satellite, and then rose up to the challenges in the WRGP. However, that victory was only a means to call out the Ark Cradle. [...] Do you understand? The meaning of me being your God? And if a God decides to take a path of destruction, then no one shall defy it.

  • A Form You Are Comfortable With: Appears to Sherry alone as her father.
  • Big Bad : Arguably, not just to 5D's, but due to the robot clone of Paradox he created that affected the time stream in the 10th anniversary movie, he is probably this for the entire franchise.
  • Costume Copycat
  • Cyborg
  • Dead Person Impersonation: He underwent surgery to become Yusei all but literally long after he died. He even crammed data into a metal plate that he had attached to his head.
  • Despair Event Horizon: He may not have run over the line three times, but his crossing was no less painful. Having tried to make himself Yusei, he was given a Hope Spot when it seemed he had discovered a way for people to get to safety without being slaughtered by the Machine Emperors. That all came crashing down when they went berserk and killed crowds of people quickly; people fell calling out for "Yusei" to help them and Zone could do nothing. When he realised that even with Yusei's form, he was as helpless as anyone else, he gave up on that plan and decided to work on a Plan B.
  • Dramatic Unmask
  • Fan Nickname: Robo-Shrimp.
  • Fauxshadow: Despite the many hints, some more subtle than others, he is not Yusei from a Bad Future, rather just a normal man who assumed Yusei's appearance.
  • Giant Hands of Doom
  • God Is Evil
  • Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!:For somebody who's at least eighty years old and may be a centenarian he's aged very gracefully.
  • Grandpa God
  • Heroic Sacrifice: While Yusei's heading to the Momentum core of the Ark Cradle, Zone, having just been beaten, grabs his D-Wheel and tosses it away, contributing to Yusei's getting out Just in Time and Zone smashing himself into the core.
  • Hideo Ishikawa: His seiyuu.
  • Just A Copy: His view on the androids he made using the memories of his deceased friends.
  • Lack of Empathy: Has lost all hope in humanity and decides to exterminate Neo Domino City rather than to trust the people solve the problem by themselves.
  • Last of His Kind: Following the deaths of his friends, he is the last human alive.
  • Man Behind the Man: Directly behind Aporia and Paradox, and through Yliaster is behind the Godwin Brothers and the first Zero Reverse that split the city apart. Thus, pretty much every major disaster and villain can be traced back to him.
  • Man in the Machine: His monsters also fit this trope, seeing as how those are angels inside the armor.
  • Plot Twist: One of the most infamous in the entire franchise. After being hyped as a dark Yusei from the Bad Future, it instead turned out he was a random scientist who altered himself to look like Yusei. The fans were... not impressed.
  • Shout-Out: Possibly to the Truth. It claims to be 'the one who knows the truth' and offers to tell Sherry the truth in exchange for her accepting her fate being changed.
  • Superpower Lottery: His deck. Trap cards that can be activated directly from the hand. Any deck would get a big boost with just one of them, imagine a dozen or more!
    • He has a card that is both indestructible and does a guaranteed 4000 points of damage at the end of the Battle Phase. And that's not even his ace monster.
  • Tarot Motifs: The four Hand-Traps he has used are based on the first four Major Arcana.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist
  • What Do You Mean Its Not Symbolic: His ten Temporal Machine Gods are based on the ten aspects of the Tree of Life used in Kabbalah.
  • White Void Room: It resides in one of these.
  • Your Days Are Numbered: He knows he doesn't have very long left to live.

Spirits and Monsters

Crimson Dragon

The embodiment of the Red Star worshiped by the People of the Stars 5000 years ago. After sealing the Jibakushin within the Nazca Lines, it's power was divided into 5 separate pieces and infused into the 5 individuals known as Signers as a Dragon's Birthmark. The 5 Dragons who protect the Signers are it's servants.

A sixth birthmark later appears, the Crimson Dragon's "heart", and is given to Rua, with a 6th Signer Dragon, Life Stream Dragon, to accompany it. At the very end of the series, once Neo Domino City is permanently at peace, the Crimson Dragon takes back the six birthmarks and disappears, its duties having been fulfilled.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • All Your Powers Combined: When a Signer is fighting with great determination, the Dragon's Birthmarks can unite onto their back, forming the Full Dragon's Birthmark and allowing them to draw Savior Dragon. Godwin later turns this on them when he gets the Dragon Head.
    • Again with Shooting Quasar Dragon. It's summoned using the all the Synchro Monsters except Stardust Dragon as Synchro Material (although it is an evolution of Stardust Dragon anyway), its card artwork features tuning rings the same colors as all the Signer Dragons, and as noted here, it has effects somewhat reminiscent of all the Signer Dragons.
  • Because Destiny Says So: The Signers having to come together and face the Dark Signers and Earthbound Gods, every 5000 years.
  • Big Good: Indeed.
  • Chekhov's Gun: Life Stream Dragon, appearing to Rua as the final Signer Dragon over two years after it initially cameoed in the second ED, Cross Game, and again in Ruka's vision in episde 30.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Doubles with Chekhov's Gun above. At first, Rua's Life Stream Dragon being a Synchro Tuner monster, and having the effect to manipulate the levels of other monsters on the field (in the anime) seems fairly random and a waste. However, after Rua lends it to Yusei for the final battle with Z-One, Yusei tunes it to all the other Signer Dragons (minus Stardust Dragon) to Synchro Summon Shooting Quasar Dragon.
  • Deus Ex Machina: Savior Dragon and the Synchro Monsters it summons, Savior Star Dragon and Savior Daemons' Dragon. Aside from the two Synchro monsters being incredibly powerful (although the real life card game Nerfs them to a degree), Savior Dragon only appears after the Crimson Dragon adds it on top a Signer (in this case Yusei and Jack's) decks. This means that Yusei and Jack are battling using a card not even in their decks.
    • Awesome but Impractical: The Savior Dragons revert back to their original forms at the end of the turn, making them unfavorable in the actual card game.
  • Elemental Powers: The Signer Dragons and their attributes.
  • Everything's Better with Sparkles: The Savior Dragons, again.
  • Evil Counterpart: The manga versions of Ancient Fairy and Power Tool look to be these.
  • Foreshadowing: The Crimson Dragon showed the Signers a vision of Satellite being engulfed by the flames of the Spider Geoglyph.
  • God: Perhaps the most powerful god in the Franchise so far. Its level of power is shown to be even stronger than the other gods from the rest of the entire Yu-Gi-Oh! franchise, especially in the 10th anniversary movie, where The Crimson Dragon is the main being that allows Yusei to travel back to Judai and Yugi's time periods.
  • Jesus Taboo: Because of this, the 'Savior' in the Savior Dragons is replaced with 'Majestic' in the TCG and in the English dub, and Savior Daemons' Dragon being renamed Majestic Red Dragon. Also a lesser example, "Red Daemons' Dragon" being re-named "Red Dragon Archfiend."
  • One of These Is Not Like the Others: Life Stream Dragon as a card is unique in several regards among the Signer Dragons. It's the only Signer Dragon to have a specific summoning condition (requiring another Synchro Monster, Power Tool Dragon), and it's the only Signer Dragon that is a Synchro Tuner monster.
  • Our Dragons Are Different
  • The Magic Goes Away: The birthmarks, at the very end of the series. The Crimson Dragon itself also leaves, its duties having been fulfilled.

Earthbound Gods (Jibakushin/Earthbound Immortals)

Embodiments of evil sealed within the Nazca Lines by the Crimson Dragon and it's servants. They were unleashed from the Underworld 17 years ago, after the Zero Reverse incident blew a hole between this world and theirs. They are the driving force behind the Dark Signers, and are as follows; Uru (Spider), Cusillu (Monkey), Ccapac Apu (Giant), Aslla Piscu (Hummingbird), Ccarayhua (Lizard), Chacu Challua (Killer Whale) and lastly Wiraqocha Rasca (Condor). Much like the 5 Dragons serve the Crimson Dragon, they serve the King of the Underworld (Meikai No Oh). There is another 'lost' Earthbound God, Scar-Red Nova, which was personally sealed by the Crimson Dragon 5000 years before the others, and was too violent for the Dark Signers to use. It's power was sealed by Jack to create Scar-Red Nova Dragon.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Kikoutei (Machine Emperors)

A series of monsters used by the Three Emperors of Yliaster. They are Machine Emperor Wisel, owned by Placido, Machine Emperor Skiel, owned by Lucciano, and Machine Emperor Grannel, owned by Jose. Arriving on Earth one at a time via stone tablets, they have the ability to absorb Synchro monsters - and since most people in the series use them, this is a bit of a problem for anyone facing them. There is a fourth Machine Emperor, Aporia's, called Machine Emperor Infinity Cubic.

During the WRGP final, it is shown that an army of Machine Emperors attacked humanity at the height of it's development, before Momentum went out of control and destroyed the world.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Combining Mecha: Each one is made up of 5 separate components with effects that support one another, and can be replaced or upgraded to make the Kikoutei more powerful.
  • E=MC Hammer: The fourth Emperor is called Infinity Cubic, literally "∞�". It doesn't take a genius to see the problem with that.
  • Everything's Better with Sparkles: Wisel has a pair of boosters on it's upper legs that emit a trail of sparkles.
  • Humongous Mecha: While Machine Emperors Wisel and Skiel aren't that humongous, Jose's Emperor, Grannel, certainly is.
    • And then there's the gigantic monstruosity that is Infinity Cubic.
  • Killer Robot
  • Momentum's Vengeance: They were created by Momentum to eliminate the cause of the system's instability, which was due to the human race becoming greedy, apathetic and conceited with progress.
  • Man of Kryptonite: Designed to kill Synchro Monsters.
  • Numerological Motif: They all have an infinity sign on their chest.
  • Odd Name Out: Infinity Cubic. And Asterisk.
  • Plot-Based Obfuscation: All of them appear in the opening credits, but until they have actually appeared in the show, they are mostly hidden by shadow.
  • Shout-Out: The tablets that they arrive in are similar to the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Not to mention the Ka Tablets from the original show.


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

10th Anniversary Movie


If I let history be, the world will be destroyed. I've come here to change that hopeless future

The main antagonist of the 10th Anniversary Movie who comes from a destroyed future. Believing Duel Monsters to be the cause, he traveled back in time to kill Pegasus before he could create the game, requiring the main protagonists of the three series to team up to stop him.

It is later shown that he was part of a group of survivors including himself, Aporia, Antinomy and Zone, who sought to change the future. However, he, Aporia and Antinomy eventually succumbed to old age and died, leaving only Zone left.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Manga Only

Sect Injuin

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Brainwashed and Crazy: From the Card of Darkness the Skeleton Knight gave him.
  • Meaningful Name: His Card of Darkness, Demon King Dragon Beelze, is named after Beelzebub, who is also known as the 'Lord of Flies'. Sect uses Insect-Type monsters
    • Also, since family names are placed before given names in Japan, Sect's name is Injuin Sect.
  • The Rival: Yusei has declared him this, although Jack kinda lives more up to the role.

The Skeleton Knight

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • Big Bad: Apparently.
  • Deal with the Devil: Duelists can call upon him to obtain powerful cards, but those Cards of Darkness corrupt them into his service.
  • Evil Counterpart: His ace monster, Underworld Dragon Dragonecro, specializes in creating these of any monster it battles.
  • Hellish Horse: Skeleton Knight rides a skeletal one in place of a D-Wheel.
  • My Horse Is a Motorbike: Inverted as he uses a horse instead of a D-Wheel
  • Won't Work On Me: A somewhat unusual example with Underworld Dragon Dragonecro, which cannot destroy monsters in battle.
  • Urban Legend

Video Game Only


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Transer (Transcender)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Player (World Championship 2009)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Player (World Championship 2010)

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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

Player (World Championship 2011)

A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:
  • The Ace: of Team Future Speed.
  • Eleventh-Hour Ranger: Temporarily joins Team 5D's near the end of the game
  • Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Before the final three duels, he/she gets three special cards: Ally of Justice Decisive Armor, Trident Dragion and Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier. They'll promptly be ignored as by this point you'll have an archetype focused deck or an Exodia based one that none will fit into.
  • Parental Abandonment: Later revealed that they both perished alongside Toru's parents on a D-Wheel accident.


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Tropes exhibited by this character include:


A description of the character goes here.

Tropes exhibited by this character include:


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Tropes exhibited by this character include:

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